Berry compote. Frozen berry compote - the best recipes

If fresh berries are frozen, they will serve an excellent purpose in winter and will replenish vitamin deficiencies in the body. Besides, delicious compote, from which the aroma of summer emanates, almost everyone will like it!

Choose a saucepan with a volume of 3 liters or more. It must be non-aluminum, otherwise most of the vitamins we have so carefully preserved will simply perish. Fill the container with water. We proceed from the ratio of 2-2.5 liters of water per 500 grams of berries. Accordingly, the more berries you add, the richer the compote will be. We are waiting for it to boil. We get the berries. The optimal combination is 3-4 varieties, in which case the compote turns out to be quite multifaceted. The simplest and most successful combinations: cherry, raspberry, strawberry; cherry, black currant, raspberry; apricot, blackberry, raspberry and red currant. But you shouldn’t get attached to specific recipes; the main thing is to make a varied and sufficient supply of berries.

Pour sugar into boiling water. Its quantity, again, depends on personal preferences, but culinary specialists recommend from 1 to 2 glasses for the above-mentioned displacement.

Next we send the berries to boiling water. We will not defrost them in order to preserve the juiciness of the fruit.

When the contents of the pan boil again, reduce the gas and cook for 5 minutes. Longer heat treatment will destroy everything useful microelements. Turning off the heat, cover the compote with a lid and let it brew for half an hour.

Strain the cooled compote through a colander, pour into a tall carafe and serve.

To get refreshing, original compote, mint (100-150 grams) and cinnamon are added to it. This drink is pleasant both warm and chilled.

As you can see, compote from frozen berries is extremely simple to prepare, and its benefits are invaluable. This drink is appropriate both on weekdays and on festive table. It should be a regular guest in the human diet.

The ideal option is freshly picked berries, strawberries, raspberries, red and black. Apples and apricots, gooseberries and plums. Cherries, peaches and pears are less suitable. Of course, you won't need all the berries at once. Choose combinations of sweet and sour berries, then the drink will taste better. Apples can be combined with any berries in compote. They can be taken as the basis of a healthy vitamin drink.

Apart from vitamin D, which is not found in berries and fruits, all other vitamins are quickly destroyed to varying degrees during the cooking process. How to save them? Preservation process valuable substances begins with buying or picking berries. Go through them. Store in a dark and cool place. Wash the berries immediately before preparing the compote. If you need to cut apples, apricots or peaches, do it with a sharp stainless steel knife. Use only enameled, stainless steel or glass dishes. A board – preferably a wooden one.

And most importantly, boiling water tends to neutralize the effect of ascorbate oxidase, which in turn can destroy vitamin C. And if you let the drink brew until it cools completely, a significant part of the vitamins and mineral salts will transfer from the berries to the compote, saturating it with useful substances.

Proper preparation compote

Take a 3-5 liter saucepan. Fill it with as much water as possible, leaving only room for sugar and berries.
While the water is boiling, select the berries for compote and rinse them cold water, if necessary, remove the seeds. Large berries can be cut. It is good to pierce berries such as large black currants or gooseberries with a fork or toothpick. Then they will more fully “give” their vitamins and minerals to the compote.

If you decide to add cloves, cherry or raspberry branches, rinse and add to boiling water. It is better to add mint, lemon balm and zest to the compote after the berries.

Add sugar to boiling water, depending on the set of berries and your tastes - this is a serving of 3 to 10 tablespoons of sugar. If possible, sugar can be replaced. But it is added to the finished compote, cooled to a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Otherwise everything healthy honey will be lost.

Berries should be placed in boiling water quickly, in portions. Once you have added all the berries to the boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and set aside from the stove. It is not recommended to boil the berries to preserve their properties. Leave the compote to steep until completely cooled without opening the lid. Compote that has reached room temperature ready. It can be strained from the berries and cooled in the refrigerator.

Many remember it as a drink from their childhood. In kindergartens, children were given it for lunch with enviable regularity, although not everyone liked it. But homemade berry jelly- for real delicious drink, and it should appeal to both children and adults. Besides, jelly good for health. It has a good effect on the digestive system. It is recommended to drink it for gastritis and peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum.

You will need

    • Berries (fresh or frozen) - liter jar or less;
  • 1.5 l and 0.5 l of water for diluting starch;
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons starch.


Take berries. Any berries will do. Kissel can be cooked from strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and viburnum. Cranberry is considered the most beneficial jelly.

Wash the fresh berries and place them in a saucepan. If the berries are frozen, then also put them in the pan without defrosting. Fill with water and bring to a boil. You can put the berries directly into boiling water, then more vitamins will be preserved.

If foam forms after boiling (this depends on the type of berries), remove it and continue cooking the berries for 10 minutes.

Strain the resulting berry compote through a sieve, cheesecloth or colander. In order for the berries to release all their juice, you can crush them with an ordinary crush. Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan. The squeezed berries can be thrown away. But you can pour boiling water over them, leave for 2-3 hours and drink like a weakly saturated fruit drink (This is for very thrifty housewives!).

Bring the strained liquid in a saucepan to a boil. Add granulated sugar. Add starch to 0.5 liters of cold water and stir thoroughly. Slowly pour the starch into the boiling water berry drink, stirring continuously. Bring everything to a boil. Kissel is ready!

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When the jelly cools, it becomes covered with a starch film. It cools down quickly, but the jelly underneath remains hot for a long time, so be careful when giving jelly to children. Make sure it is completely cool first.

Helpful advice

There is no need to strain the berry compote. Then the starch needs to be poured directly into the compote with berries. In this case, you will get not a drink, but a dessert - jelly with live berries. In addition, the thickness of the jelly depends on the amount of starch. The more starch, the thicker the jelly. This way you can cook different drinks– from liquid, light jelly to thick dessert.
Upon request in berry jelly you can add a little mint.

In winter, when the body is already starving for fresh berries, an excellent solution can be one made from frozen fruits. Thanks to modern technology quick freezing berries stored from the summer retain maximum of their vitamins. To ensure that these vitamins are better preserved in the compote, cook it according to following rules.

You will need

  • - frozen berries are better different varieties– 0.5 kg;
  • - sugar – 0.5-1 glass;
  • - water – 2-2.5 l;
  • - lemon or orange zest (optional);
  • - a saucepan with a capacity of at least 3 liters.


Pour into the pan required quantity water, add sugar and bring to a boil. Make sure the sugar has completely dissolved; if not, stir the water with a spoon or ladle. It is advisable not to use for pans. Acids contained in large quantities react with aluminum, and its compounds can pass into it. In addition, compote cooked in such a pan loses a huge share minerals and vitamin C.

Take any frozen berries: strawberries, cherries, blackberries, etc. in the quantities indicated above. There is no need to defrost them first, as they will lose a lot of juice. Therefore, put the entire frozen berry mixture into boiling water. If you like the flavor, add some freshly grated lemon or orange zest to the compote.

Wait for the water to boil again. Reduce heat and simmer the compote for no more than 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and set it aside on the edge of the stove. Let the compote sit for another half hour. This way he will get the maximum aromatic substances and vitamins from the berries. Now the compote can be filtered, poured into a bowl and cooled. If desired, you do not have to strain the berries through a colander. It should be served in a tall decanter.

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Never use galvanized utensils to prepare compotes.

Helpful advice

If for some reason the berries for the compote were thawed, and the juice remained in the container where they were defrosted, add it to the compote before finishing cooking.


  • frozen cherry compote

IN summer heat compote good for quenching thirst. In bad winter weather, it reminds you of fine sunny days and helps fight vitamin deficiency. This delicacy instills in children a love of natural fruits. berries. Unlike store-bought sodas and factory juices, homemade compote not only tasty, but also very healthy.

You will need

    • berries
  • granulated sugar
  • pot
  • glass jars
  • covers
  • Seaming machine
  • a warm blanket.


Sort through the berries and remove the stems. Throw away the spoiled fruits, place the rest in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running cold water. Place a colander over the pan to allow the water to drain. You can also pour the berries onto a clean towel, previously spread on the table.

Pour water into a clean saucepan, place it on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, carefully transfer the berries to the pan. Add sugar to taste, stir gently. Try it compote. It should be a little sweeter than you like. The fact is that after some time the berries will give up their acidity to the liquid, and the taste compote and it will become just the way it needs to be.

Wait until compote boil, and remove the pan from the heat so that the berries are compote have not lost their shape. The compote can be drunk immediately, poured into glasses and cooled beforehand. Or you can cover the pan with a lid and wait until the berries give it all their flavor. When the pan feels warm to the touch, compote will reveal its taste in its entirety.

Compote can also be cooked using sugar syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a pan of boiling water and wait until it completely dissolves. Add berries to the resulting syrup, bring it to a boil again and remove the pan from the heat.

Frozen berry compote - general principles of preparation

Frozen berry compote is a universal drink that can be brewed at any time of the year. To prepare it, take a variety of frozen berries: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, black or red currants, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, etc. Compote does not require long cooking, since the boiling process destroys vitamins and useful material. Usually frozen berries are placed in sugar syrup and cook for about five minutes. You can also immerse them in cold water, and cook after boiling for 5-6 minutes, then add sugar.

Sugar is used as a sweetener; it can also be replaced with fructose. Sometimes lemon or lemon juice is added to frozen berry compote for aroma and taste. Orange juice or the zest of these fruits. From spices you can add vanilla, cinnamon, mint, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, etc. Sometimes frozen berries are compoted together with fresh apples. You can add a little liqueur, cognac or tincture to the finished drink - great option for a party.

Frozen berry compote - preparing food and dishes

There is no need to defrost the berries to prepare the drink, as a lot of juice will be released and, accordingly, a lot of vitamins will be lost. Although in some recipes frozen berries are placed in a bowl, slightly defrosted and placed in boiling water along with the released juice. But most often the frozen mixture is thrown directly into boiling water or syrup.

The utensils you will need are a large saucepan, a colander, a knife and cutting board(for the recipe with apples) and clean gauze for straining. The cooled and strained compote is poured into a tall transparent carafe and served in ordinary glasses or wine glasses.

Frozen berry compote recipes:

Recipe 1: Frozen berry compote

This frozen berry compote is cooked in sugar syrup. You can take any frozen berries: cherries, blackcurrants, strawberries or blackberries, or even better - an assortment of frozen berries.

  • Half a kilo of frozen berries;
  • One and a half to two glasses of sugar;
  • 2-2.5 liters of water.

First you need to prepare the sugar syrup for the compote. Take a large saucepan and pour all the sugar into it. Then pour in water and place the pan on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring continuously. After boiling, add frozen berries to the syrup. Gently stir the compote, cover with a lid and cook for 10-13 minutes over low heat. You don’t need to cook the compote for a long time, otherwise all the vitamins will be destroyed.

Recipe 2: Compote of frozen berries with lemon

This frozen berry compote will perfectly quench your thirst and refresh you. Lemon gives light drink pleasant sourness, and if you want a sweeter drink, you can use orange instead of lemon. The berries can be any: cherry, strawberry or currant.

  • Half a kilo of frozen berries;
  • Half or one glass of sugar;
  • Water - 2-2.5 liters;
  • Lemon (orange).

Take a large five-liter pan and fill it with water so that it fills 2/3 of the volume. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a clean bowl. Boil water in a saucepan. Gradually add sugar and pour lemon juice. Stir everything vigorously until the sugar dissolves. Let the water boil again and add the frozen berries. After boiling, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook the frozen berry compote for no more than 5 minutes. Ready drink Let it sit for half an hour, then strain into another container and leave to cool.

Recipe 3: Frozen Berry Compote with Cinnamon and Mint

Cinnamon makes the drink pleasant spicy taste, and mint - coolness and freshness. Mint can be taken fresh or dried. Any fruit is suitable for making a drink.

  • 100-150 g mint (dry or frozen);
  • Half a kilo of frozen berries;
  • A glass and a half of sugar;
  • Two - two and a half liters of water;
  • Cinnamon.

Brew mint hot water in a saucepan and leave to steep for 8-10 minutes. Place the berries in a clean container and leave to thaw. After 10 minutes, place them together with the juice in Mint tea. Add cinnamon and sugar to the mixture and cook the compote for about 10 minutes over medium heat. The cooking time should be judged by the dissolution of the berries. Leave the finished compote of frozen berries to infuse and cool.

Recipe 4: Compote of frozen berries with orange zest

Orange zest gives the frozen berry compote a pleasant bitterness and freshness. citrus aroma. To prepare the drink, it is better to take assorted frozen berries: cherries, currants, blackberries, strawberries, etc.

Pour water into a large saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then put the frozen berries in the pan and add the orange zest. After boiling again, reduce the heat and cook the frozen berry compote for minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave the drink to cool and infuse. If desired, the cooled compote can be strained.

Recipe 5: Frozen berry compote with fresh apples

This compote of frozen berries and apples can be cooked at any time of the year. In summer, the drink quenches thirst, and in winter, it fills the body with vitamins and microelements.

Wash the apples, peel and cut out the seeds. Cut the apples into slices. Fill the apples with water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, add sugar and cook for about 10 minutes. Then put the frozen berries in the pan and pour in lemon juice. Cook the compote for another 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and leave to cool. If desired, the compote can be strained.

Frozen berry compote - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

It is not recommended to use it for preparing compote with frozen berries. aluminum pans, since the acids contained in the berries react with the metal and form compounds that turn into compote. In addition, a drink cooked in such a pan loses a large number of vitamin C and minerals.

In winter, the body really needs vitamins. Their replenishment can be easily achieved with the help of several glasses of compote, which is made from frozen berries. Today, freezing technologies carefully preserve the beneficial substances contained in them almost entirely. From the recipes offered below, you will learn how much to cook this compote and how.

Rules for preparing compote

This vitamin drink can be cooked at any time of the year. His brewed from the most different berries , for example, from cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, sea buckthorn and others. Compote is not kept on fire for a long time, as this leads to the destruction of beneficial substances.

Classic drink recipes are based on technology when the berries are laid out in ready-made sugar syrup. Sometimes they are poured into cold water and boiled after boiling for 5 minutes, after which sugar is added.

Fructose can act as a sweetener. For aroma and special taste Lemon or orange juice is added to the drink, and zest is also good. Very original taste The compote will turn out if its ingredients are: vanilla, cinnamon, mint, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg and others.

Sometimes frozen berry compote includes fresh apples. A little liqueur or cognac is added to the finished vitamin drink for a special taste. This option is suitable for a party.

The first recipe. Compote with sugar syrup

What to take and in what proportion:

  • Any frozen berries - half a kilogram.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Two liters of water.

How to cook compote from frozen berries:

This compote is very nice to drink in winter.

Frozen berry compote recipe second with orange

You should take:

How prepare compote from frozen berries:

  1. IN enamel pan pour water and wait for it to boil.
  2. Pour freshly prepared juice from half a citrus into bubbling water.
  3. Add sugar and bring to a boil.
  4. Place frozen berries in syrup. Wait for it to boil and count 5 minutes.
  5. After this time, turn off the fire, close the lid and let it brew.
  6. It is strained before serving.

Recipe three. Compote with mint and cinnamon

You will need to take:

How to cook:

  1. Mint is poured with hot water.
  2. The berries are removed from the freezer and placed in a container for 10 minutes.
  3. The berries are placed in mint water when they have thawed a little.
  4. Cinnamon and sugar are added.
  5. Place the pan on the stove, turn on moderate heat, and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Give the compote time to brew and cool, after which it is filtered.

Everything, you can enjoy it very much tasty and original drink.

Recipe four. Frozen berries with lemon juice

Ingredients required for cooking compote:

  • Frozen strawberries - 3 handfuls.
  • Take 2 handfuls of frozen cherries and red currants.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.
  • Lemon juice - 2 large spoons.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons.


Recipe five. Compote with fresh apples

This drink can be brewed at any time of the year. Because the in summer it quenches thirst, and in winter it saturates the body with useful substances.

You will need:


  1. Clean apples are cut into slices and the center is removed. Place in a saucepan.
  2. Fill with water and bring to a boil.
  3. The apples should cook for about 10 minutes.
  4. After this time, frozen berries and lemon juice are added to the apples. Cook for another 10 minutes and turn off the heat, let it brew. When the compote has cooled, it is filtered.

Recipe six. Compote with rose hips and apples

You will need:

  • Mixture of frozen berries - 2 cups.
  • Rose hips and dried apples - a glass each.
  • Filtered water - 4 liters.

How to cook:

  1. Rose hips and apples in a colander are cleaned using a stream of warm water.
  2. Take a pan of water and add the prepared ingredients to it. Put on fire and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. After this time, add frozen berries and sugar, cook for another 10 minutes over low heat.
  4. Let it brew under the lid, after 30 minutes, strain and pour into a decanter. Serve to the table.

Recipe seven. Compote in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • Strawberries, currants, cherries (frozen) - 100 grams of each berry.
  • Sugar - 6 large spoons.
  • Filtered water - 2.5 liters.

How to cook:

  1. The berries are taken from the freezer. Let's take it required amount for the multicooker bowl. If you buy a frozen assortment, then before using it you need to wash it under running warm water.
  2. Add sugar and pour water.
  3. After loading the bowl, it is closed with a lid, the “Steaming” mode is turned on, and the right time cooking - 15 minutes and press the “Start” button.
  4. All you have to do is wait for the sound signal indicating the completion of cooking. After infusion, the finished drink is filtered.

The proposed recipes can be changed at your discretion. So it is possible increase or decrease the amount of granulated sugar or replace it with jam. You can also adjust the list of ingredients according to your taste - add or remove. The compote will turn out more aromatic and rich if you put more berries of different types into it.

Berry compote is a good idea for the winter. Berry mix, a combination of berries with fruits and herbs will create a colorful bouquet of aroma and taste in a jar.

Compotes are a favorite winter preparation. Berry compotes, without exaggeration, are the most popular and most delicious. Strawberries, gooseberries, currants, grapes, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries - on their own prominent representatives berry family. They are completely self-sufficient and, in general, do not require additional color, taste or aroma enhancers. However, a successful combination of berries with each other or the use of spices and herbs in a compote recipe will give the drink an incomparable, rich and downright “thoroughbred” taste. And if you warm up such a compote in the freezing cold, add honey and a little wine, then with this berry “mulled wine” it will be possible to warm up and even cure a cold.

Already ready spicy compote The berries can also be prepared for the winter. It is better to flavor the drink with whole herbs and spices (cloves, cardamom, star anise, cinnamon, vanilla, etc.) or fresh aromatic herbs, citrus zest, ginger. In this case, they are boiled in syrup, infused, filtered, and then the berries are boiled in a spicy liquid and the compote is poured into a jar. Regular or sea ​​salt. A small pinch of salt will make the compote soft and fully reveal the summer notes of the berries.

TOP 10 recipes for making berry compote

Recipe 1: Simple and quick raspberry compote

For 3 liters of berry compote: 300 g raspberries, 200-240 g sugar, 2.5 liters of water.

  1. Gently rinse ripe but whole raspberries under the “shower”. In order to “painlessly” remove possible larvae or bugs from raspberries, the berries must be soaked in slightly salted water for a quarter of an hour (1 liter of water + 2 teaspoons of salt). Rinse the berries again and then dry them in a colander.
  2. Pour raspberries into washed jars and add freshly boiled water. Cover metal lid for half an hour.
  3. Pour the water with raspberry juice into a saucepan and add sweet sand. Cook raspberry syrup(boil for 3 minutes).
  4. Return raspberry syrup to jars (if needed) more water– add boiling water to the jars). Roll up and check the tightness of the lids.
  5. Cool the raspberry compote under a warm blanket. After complete cooling, store in a dark, cool pantry or cellar.

Recipe 2: Compote of frozen redcurrants and oranges

Currants and oranges are components whose seasons begin in different periods of the year. And to summer currant I met a winter orange, it will have to be frozen.

For 3 liters of berry compote: 2 cups frozen red currants, medium orange, 1 tbsp. sugar, 2.5 liters of water.

  1. Defrost the currant berries, pour them along with the juice into a deep saucepan, add water and put on low heat.
  2. When the currants have melted and the water has boiled, pour sugar into the liquid, stir and boil again.
  3. While the currants are cooking, wash the orange with a brush, scald with boiling water and cut into 6 slices along with the peel.
  4. Boil the boiled currants for ten minutes, add to the compote orange slices and boil everything together for about five more minutes.
  5. Pour the currant-orange compote into sterile jars, seal and let cool under a blanket. Take to a refrigerated room.

Recipe 3: Compote of fruits and berries

For 3 liters of berry compote: 250 g apples, 200 g apricots (pitted), 50 g each blackberry and raspberry, 250 granulated sugar, a couple of pinches of citric acid.

  1. Peel fruits and berries, cut apples.
  2. Place in scalded jars: apple slices, apricot halves, raspberry and blackberry berries. Fill each jar with sweet sand, add citric acid.
  3. Pour boiling water over half of the fruits and berries (the water should cover the fruits). Cover the glass with lids, wrap it in a warm towel and let stand for 15 minutes.
  4. Return the infused water to the pan, add more water (the required amount for a full jar). Boil.
  5. Pour boiling water over the glass with fruits, roll it up, and tip it over your head.
  6. Move the compote cooled under warm clothes into the pantry with other seams.

Recipe 4: Assorted berry compote for the winter (chokeberry + currants + blueberries)

For 3 liters of berry compote: 250 g chokeberry, 150 g of black currants and blueberries, 200-250 g of sugar, 2.5 liters of water.

  1. Sort the berries, rinse and dry in a colander. Pour into a large saucepan along with sugar.
  2. Pour water into the container (so that there is free space in the pan). Place the vessel on the stove and bring the compote to a boil. As it heats, stir the liquid so that the sugar dissolves.
  3. After boiling, boil the berry compote for five minutes and pour into waiting sterile jars.
  4. Seal the jars hermetically, turn them over and check the quality of the seal.
  5. Cover the assorted compote with a blanket. Cool, move to a room for storing winter preparations.

Recipe 5: Compote of fresh dogwood berries

For 3 liters of berry compote: 500 g dogwood, 300-350 g granulated sugar, half a teaspoon of citric acid, 2.5 liters of water.

  1. Pour sorted, washed and dried dogwood into steamed jars.
  2. Boil water and carefully pour into jars with dogwood. Cover with boiled lids.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, pour the water back into the boiling container and add sugar. Boil, stirring the water from time to time so that the sugar dissolves better.
  4. Place citric acid in jars and carefully pour in boiling syrup. The jar should be filled to the top of the neck.
  5. Rolled up dogwood compote cover with a blanket and do not disturb until completely cooled. Cold drink send for winter storage to the pantry. The longer it sits, the darker it will be.

Recipe 6: Strawberry compote from ginger and mint

For 3 liters of berry compote: 350 g of fresh juicy strawberries, 150 g white sugar and 50-100 g cane sugar, 3-5 sprigs of mint, a spoon of lemon juice, 20 g of ginger, 2.5 liters of water.

  1. Wash the strawberries, remove the sepals and cut large berries into quarters. Sprinkle with white granulated sugar and give the strawberries time to release their juice.
  2. Prepare ginger syrup: cut a small piece from the root, peel the skin and chop into thin slices.
  3. Place the ginger slices in a saucepan, add 300 ml of water and boil over high heat. Reduce boiling point, add Brown sugar. Cook until sugar crystals dissolve.
  4. Throw a mint sprig into the boiling syrup, boil and turn off the heat.
  5. Strain the ginger and mint syrup into a container with strawberries. Place the dishes on the hob, add the remaining water (boiling water) and bring berry mass until boiling. Stir the compote, taste for sweetness, and add sugar if necessary.
  6. Reduce heat, add fresh mint to the compote, pour in lemon juice, close the lid and simmer the drink for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Remove the mint from the compote, pour the drink into scalded jars, and seal. Cool and take to the cellar, basement or pantry.

Recipe 7: Yoshta compote

For 3 liters of berry compote: 600-700 g of yoshta (a hybrid of gooseberries and black currants), 350 g of sugar, 2 liters of water.

  1. Wash yoshta berries with thick skin in several waters, remove the stems and pour into a clean glass.
  2. Pour boiling water over the berries up to their shoulders. Cover with lids and steam the yoshta for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the warm water back into the container, add a little boiling water and bring it to a boil again.
  4. Pour sand into a jar with steamed berries and add boiling water to the neck. Seal the jars with tin lids.
  5. Check the quality of the seaming by turning the jars upside down. Cool for 24 hours, move to a cool basement.

Recipe 8: Compote of grapes, blackberries and pears

For 3 liters of berry compote: 250 g white grapes, 150 g blackberries, 3 medium pears, 330 g granulated sugar.

  1. Soak blackberries in lightly salted water and rinse. Pears and grape berries Wash and dry until droplets of moisture disappear.
  2. Pour the berries into a steamed jar and pour boiling water over them (just until they are covered) for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Peel the pears from the seed center and cut into large slices.
  4. Dilute the liquid infused with blackberries and grapes with water (so that there is enough for a 3 liter jar) and boil.
  5. After boiling, add granulated sugar and place pear slices and simmer for about 5 minutes over low heat. Stir carefully - the pear slices should remain whole.
  6. Pour the syrup with pears into the glass with the berries and seal tightly. Cool upside down at normal temperature. Place the finished mixed compote in the pantry for storage until winter.

Recipe 9: Strawberry and cherry compote

For 4 liters of berry compote: 1 kg of cherries, 800 g - 1 kg of strawberries, 300-400 g of sweet sand, 2.5-3 liters of water.

  1. Sort the cherries and strawberries, remove the stems and transfer to a large container.
  2. Pour sweet sand into a saucepan, add water and, stirring, bring the liquid to a boil. Boil the compote over low heat for no more than ten minutes.
  3. Pour the cherry-strawberry compote into sterilized glass and roll up with tin lids.
  4. Store the cooled drink in the cold. Time of use: winter.

Recipe 10: Compote “Strawberry-Vanilla Summer”

For 3 liters of berry compote: 1-1.5 tbsp. strawberries, 1 tbsp. sugar, 5 g vanillin, 2.5-3 liters of water.

  1. Wash strawberries of the same medium size and then remove the stems. Dry.
  2. Place the berries and sugar in scalded jars, carefully pour boiling water up to the neck, cover with lids and a towel.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, pour the strawberry water into a boiling container, add vanillin and boil for five minutes.
  4. Pour the aromatic syrup into jars with strawberries and screw on the lids. Place the compote that has cooled under the blanket into a cooled and hidden place. sun rays place.

The subtleties of preparing delicious berry compote for the winter are revealed by noble housewives:

1. Homemade compotes for the winter are delicious not only from fresh berries, but also from frozen and dried ones.

2. Fresh berries must be moderately ripe so that the compote heat treatment did not turn into liquid jam.

3. Berries in compotes are often combined with fruit. Experienced housewives offer the best fruit and berry combinations: raspberries and cherries, currants and blueberries, grapes and pears, etc.

4. The sweetness of berry compote is a matter of taste. However, when combining different berries and fruits in a compote, it is better to balance it by adding sour berries or lemon juice to the drink. Lemon zest also often used in compotes for pleasant citrus notes.

5. It is allowed to use honey instead of sugar when preparing compotes. You can also omit sugar from the recipe altogether and add it to taste right before eating.

6. Store berry compotes throughout the year in cooled rooms (from 0 to 20 ºС) without access to light.

Berry compote for the winter, usually very colorful. Therefore, it should be served beautifully: a glass or bowl made of thin glass, an elegant spoon with long handle and a snow-white lace napkin... Such a compote is no longer just a drink, but a sophisticated dessert with a claim to sophistication.
