Snacks for a youth party. Party menu: what to cook

Contemplating good party, you need to know that dishes for a party are a very important point in the organization. After all, hungry guests are not the best the best option, agree :).

Banquet menu for a party designed for guests who will sit at the table most of the time, which means they will consume more food and drinks. Such party food should be plentiful and varied.

Buffet menu created for buffet– situations when people easily move around the room, communicate, dance, and take part in competitions. In this case, the presence of a table, chairs and hearty dishes can only ruin the party experience. Food for this style of party should be light and easy to eat without cutlery.

So when deciding what to cook for the party , where are supposed active actions, choose light snacks and drinks, as well as something that you can unceremoniously eat without a knife and fork :).

Buffet menu

  • Appetizers on skewers- cheese and sausage strung in turn, mixed with fresh vegetables, fruits and olives. The skewers can be any size, which means you can adjust their satiety yourself.

  • Hot and cold snacks– sandwiches, canapés, etc.

  • , or ,– all this is a very convenient option for a buffet table.

  • Simple snacks, easy to prepare. For example, stuffed eggs or tomatoes.

  • Various types of cutting: fish, cheese, meat, vegetables and fruit.
  • For dessert you can opt for regular cake, ice cream with various fillings.

Banquet menu

When developing dishes for a banquet party, it is necessary to take into account all the preferences of the guests. Perhaps some of those present do not eat meat, and others cannot stand fish. In order for everyone to be satisfied, you need to create a small but varied menu.

For main course, choose some quick-cooking potatoes. Perhaps it will be simple mashed potatoes or home-style potatoes. You can also prepare oven-baked potatoes with rosemary or any other spices.

  • From meat You can stop at pork and cook it: chops, or bake it in foil. Also, guests will enjoy well-cooked poultry: , .

  • Don't forget to serve at least one type fish– herring in marinade, mackerel (smoked or), fried silver carp or salted red fish.

At a youth buffet, it is better to serve snacks that can be eaten standing and with your hands (in extreme cases, without a knife), i.e. sandwiches, canapés, tartlets (can be filled with salads), small meat and fish rolls, salads in glasses and bowls, stuffed eggs and tomatoes.
You can serve the same snacks for hot dishes (for example, classic julienne- also in portions), or prepare one big dish, which can be eaten without a knife - for example, pilaf or spaghetti.
Finely chopped pickled and fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, small, unsweetened cookies(crackers), cheese different varieties, ham or other meat products.

Here are a few snacks to choose from:

1. Eggs in tomatoes

Take 6 round tomatoes, carefully make a hole in the top of each and remove the pulp. Season the resulting depression with salt and pepper. Carefully pour in the eggs, sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic. Place on greased sunflower oil baking sheet and bake in the oven over medium heat.

2. Boletus eggs

Boil the eggs, cut off the tops. Boil these tops in tea leaves - they will turn brown. Carefully remove the yolk. Prepare a mixture of yolk, sprat (can be made from liver or other pate) and herbs. Stuff the eggs with this. Place the eggs cut side down and cover with a cap on top. Chop any edible greens onto a large dish and make a grass lawn out of it. And place your boletus mushrooms on the lawn. It turns out delicious and beautiful.

3. Baked buns

Cut small buns in half lengthwise and carefully cut out the crumb. Put the filling from boiled potatoes with mushrooms or cheese with tomato and onion or cheese with garlic. Imagine! Fill, close, brush with sour cream and place in the oven for a few minutes.

4. Bananas wrapped in bacon

3 peeled bananas, 450 gr. bacon.
Cut the bananas first lengthwise, then crosswise into pieces 2.5 cm thick and long. 5 cm. Cut the bacon pieces into 3 parts. Wrap bananas in bacon and fry in a pan. Serve hot.

5. Spicy sausages

Sausages, cheese, mustard, bacon.
Cut the sausage lengthwise, grease the cut with mustard, put a piece of cheese in each sausage, wrap it in a slice of bacon and bake in the oven.

6. Sandwich "Sail"

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix with raw egg, salt and pepper. Gently spread on loaf slices and bake in the oven. Slice smoked sausage thin circles and pin to the sandwich with a skewer in the shape of a sail.
Very student-like!!!

7. Stuffed tomatoes(1st option)

Wash medium-sized tomatoes in cold water, cut off the tops and remove part of the pulp with seeds. Fill the prepared tomatoes with minced pasta, ham and cheese. Boil the pasta, pour melted butter over it and mix with finely chopped ham, grated cheese (brynza), red pepper and fill with tomatoes. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese on top and bake in a moderately hot oven.

7. Stuffed tomatoes (2nd option)

Prepare tomatoes as in the previous recipe. Sort the rice, rinse and cook. Sweet salad pepper finely chop and fry in butter. Finely chop the boiled eggs. Finely chop the dill and parsley. Place the prepared products in a bowl, add salt, mayonnaise, and mix.

I think sandwiches and canapés do not need comments...

For dessert, cakes and cookies are ideal.

1. Cottage cheese cookies

Cottage cheese - 250 g, margarine - 200 g, flour - 2 cups, salt, soda.
Knead the dough. Roll out, cut out circles, dip them in sugar and bake.

2. Potato cake

600 g crumbly cookies pass through a meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of cocoa, half a glass powdered sugar, 250 g softened butter, half a glass of nuts, minced. You can add 2 tablespoons of liqueur, wine or cognac. Mix everything very well, cut into potato-shaped balls and roll in cocoa. Cool.

3. Nut cookies

Enameled or glassware pour in 3 egg whites, add 250 g of sugar, 250 g of ground nuts. Continuously stir the mixture, first over higher heat until it warms up, then over low heat until it thickens. Remove from heat and add two vanillin powders. When the mixture has cooled, roll into balls the size of a walnut (wet your hands first). Place the balls on a greased baking sheet, leaving a small distance between them, and bake in a moderately heated oven until browned.

4. "Peaches"

Beat 2 eggs with 2 cups sugar, add 200 g creamy margarine, then pour in 1 cup sour cream, 0.5 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp soda, 5 cups flour. Mix everything well, roll into balls and bake. Cool, carefully make holes in the middle (for the filling). Filling: mix the crumbs from the balls with 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp sour cream and 1 tbsp cocoa. Mix everything well, fill the halves and combine into a whole ball - a peach. Then dip one barrel in carrot juice, and the other barrel in beet juice and roll in sugar.

5. Cake "Custard"

Pour 1 glass of water, 100 g of butter or margarine, 1/4 tsp of salt into the pan, bring to a boil, then add 1 glass of flour, stir, cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Then remove from heat and add 5 eggs one at a time. As soon as the dough begins to stretch, you can place it on a greased baking sheet at a distance of 3.5 - 4 cm. Fill with cream and pour over the glaze.
Creams - sour cream with sugar, protein cream, condensed milk with butter, etc.

6. Crumble waffles with cinnamon

150 g butter, 150 g flour, 4 eggs, 2/3 tbsp sugar, cinnamon, salt.
Mix butter, flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt. Add beaten eggs. Mix well and bake.

Baking recipes may be simple, but since it’s for a youth party, the main thing is that it’s fun, original, easy to prepare and inexpensive.

What is the first thing a guest sees before festive feast? Festive table with cold appetizers. Recipes for cold appetizers festive table varied in type, method of preparation, labor intensity and content of ingredients. The simplest cold appetizers for the holiday table are sandwiches. Sandwiches are also the most common snack. Prepare sandwiches from bread and butter, various gastronomic products And culinary products. When organizing banquets and receptions, small snack sandwiches - canapés - are prepared.

The festive table requires the need to decorate dishes, so it’s worth serving appetizers as well. different types. Cold ones can add variety to the table meat snacks for the holiday table, cold appetizers for the holiday table from pita bread, cold appetizers for the holiday table on skewers. It is also advisable to combine cold and hot snacks on the holiday table. Our website presents a variety of delicious cold appetizers for the holiday table. Among them you can find inexpensive cold appetizers for the holiday table, original cold appetizers for the holiday table, interesting and unusual cold appetizers for the holiday table.

Of greatest interest to housewives are quick cold appetizers for the holiday table. Their assortment is also large, the main part of which consists of cold meat appetizers for the festive table. And yet, if you have any new cold appetizers for the holiday table, send us photos and recipes of these dishes, they will decorate our collection. Simple recipes Cold appetizers for the holiday table are of interest to many of our readers.

You might be interested in a few more tips to help you prepare cold appetizers for the holiday table:

If you salt the salad in advance, the vegetables will release a lot of juice, and this will affect the taste properties salad Therefore, it is best to add salt immediately before serving;

Salads and vinaigrettes should also be dressed immediately before serving;

Try to remember which of your guests and what exactly they like for a snack. It will not be difficult for you to adjust the intended serving plan, and they will be pleased;

It is better to under-salt and under-pepper cold appetizers and salads, and it is better not to experiment with spices - the guest may not like it. It would be correct to simply put on the table a salt and pepper shaker, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish and a dish with a variety of herbs;

It is better to cook potatoes for salad without peeling and peel them after cooking. When cooked, unpeeled potatoes lose 20% of vitamin C, and peeled potatoes lose 40%;

By keeping wilted greens in cold water with vinegar, you will restore their fresh appearance.

editor-in-chief of the website "M.Vkus"

The New Year 2018 is here! On which the editors of the M.Vkus portal cordially congratulate you, our dear readers. We believe that you have already recovered from the New Year, got some sleep and are making plans for the long holidays. In fact, there is not much time left - only a week, so we suggest not to waste time and plan everything carefully. For example, numerous visits from guests - friends with children, friends of the husband, mother-in-law, relatives... So that such a pastime does not become a burden for you, but only brings pleasure and joy, why not turn it into exciting entertainment? To make things easier for you, we've come up with 9 themed food house party ideas for your inspiration!

1. Adults + middle school children: fondue party

This option for a themed culinary party is perfect when you are expecting your friends and their schoolchildren to visit during the holidays, but you are too lazy to bother with food. Ask guests to buy fresh fruit along the way - bananas, apples, pears, tangerines and others. Take stock out of the closet milk chocolate, a bag of marshmallows and long wooden skewers. Grease the fondue pot with butter, break the tiles into pieces and place over the fire. In 15-20 minutes you will have a full bowl of melted hot chocolate. Just cut the fruit into pieces, put it on wooden skewers along with marshmallows and dip it in chocolate. Such delicious dessert Both children and adults will be happy to watch good cartoons or family comedies.

2. Adults in pairs: wine tasting with light snacks

If you have friends coming to visit you and you plan to sit and chat about the latest news in each other's lives, why not hold a meeting in the format wine tasting? Ask each guest or couple to bring a bottle or two of their favorite wine. Organize light snacks yourself - decorated with grapes and walnuts, canapés, small sandwiches, italian cookies biscotti, saltine crackers. Prepare more glasses so that the wine from each new bottle pour into fresh. By the way, the tasting can be done “blind”. Simply wrap the bottles in parchment and write the number on top. At the end of the evening, have each guest name the number of the wine they liked the most.

3. Husband’s friends: buffet with hearty finger foods

It doesn’t matter for what purpose your husband decided to invite his friends to visit him during the holidays - to watch a sports match or a car race, to play a role-playing game on the console computer game or discuss the creation of a new business project. Boys will always be boys, and nothing will please them more than a covered buffet table with hearty high-calorie snacks and cold beer. There’s no point in trying too hard to impress your husband’s friends with your culinary talents: it’s unlikely that they, captivated by a match, game or discussion of a project, will appreciate your complex dishes, which you pored over for a couple of hours at the stove. Keep it simple - a couple of large salad bowls filled to the brim with potato and corn chips, a couple of bowls with spicy tomato and cheese sauces, bowl of popcorn, cold cuts, a couple of plates with simple and straightforward sandwiches. You also shouldn’t bother too much with complex jewelry, just like with big amount plates and cutlery. Men are more likely to eat with their hands, grabbing snacks they like from the table. So if you don’t want to come home to find your entire living room covered in greasy fingerprints, make sure there are enough dry and wet napkins around the table.

4. Best Friends: Beauty Bachelorette Party with Smoothies and Diet Snacks

After you have tidied up the apartment after the visit of your husband’s friends, it’s time to send him to his mother for half a day (along with the children, of course), and you to devote time to yourself. Invite your best friends and have a beauty bachelorette party. Face masks, eye patches, Sex and the City or Desperate Housewives" as a background. Food for this theme party not the most important thing. After New Year's Eve Most women are trying to restore their waist to its former slimness, so berry smoothies and smoothie bowls, light green and fruit salads– ideal food accompaniment.

5. Mother-in-law's visit: a nautical-themed dinner party

During the New Year holidays, many will have to go through a rather serious test - a visit from relatives. Often such an event unsettles you for a long time and spoils your mood, especially if your mother-in-law comes. They will probably remark to you that the apartment is not clean enough, that the child looks exhausted and you are overburdening him with homework, and you have clearly gained a couple of kilograms, but, of course, it suits you... To survive such an event, we suggest that you throw yourself into it in lunch format. For example, make it in a marine style. Cover the table with a blue or blue tablecloth of blue color, decorate it with shells, ask the children to make paper boats and color them different colors. Make the menu exclusively with seafood and fish - with them you can cook a lot of very cool and delicious snacks, salads, soups and hot dishes. Even if your mother-in-law doesn’t appreciate your efforts, your husband and father-in-law will definitely like them.

6. Any company: get-togethers with homemade pizza

If during the holidays you invited a crowd of friends with children to visit of different ages, then here is the ideal format that everyone will definitely like - a pizza party. Not ordered from a delivery service, but homemade. Prepare pizza dough in advance ( different recipes dough), grate more mozzarella and ask your friends to bring 3-5 types of their favorite foods. As soon as the guests gather, start creating - roll out the dough (not in a circle, but in the shape of a baking sheet), lay out the ingredients brought by the guests, sprinkle with cheese - and into the oven. Then try everything together and choose which guest’s mix of favorite products tasted better. By the way, you don’t have to make dessert separately. The same pizza, for example, is perfect for dessert.

7. Children separately from adults: special buffet

If there are a lot of children and they are old enough to be left alone, give them a separate room, where you set the table with special “children’s” snacks. A supply of cartoons or games for the console and a table with figuredly sliced ​​cheese and ham, crackers and salty cookies, pieces of fruit and marshmallows. We guarantee that with such a table and multimedia entertainment, children will not remind adults of themselves for at least a couple of hours.

8. Company of any composition: grill party

This party format is ideal for the lucky owners of an electric grill. For example,Tefal Optigrill XL GC722D34. With its help you cantreat any guests. Fry steaks and burgers for hungry men. D for girls who are worried about their figure, fish fillet or chicken breast no oil. For children, frying fruit will definitely capture their imagination and delight them. Most importantly, such a grill party is a pleasant memory of summer, warm July evenings, when you gathered with friends at someone’s dacha and grilled meat and fish.

9. Elderly relatives: tea party in English style

Perhaps not only friends, but also various relatives - relatives, cousins ​​and second cousins ​​- will want to visit you during the holidays. Our advice to you: if there is no particular hostility between them (well, you never know), invite them all together and arrange something bright and beautiful for the sake of such a meeting. For example, gatherings in the spirit English tea party“five o'clock.” The classic format assumes that there will be small sandwiches on the table, soft buns scones, a variety of mini-cakes, cake slices and sweets. Beautiful tea set and aromatic tea will complete the picture. Treat your relatives, give them hot tea and patiently listen to all their complaints and stories. After all, the main thing they lack is your attention.

We hope you found our ideas useful. It is logical that you will not follow them completely, we just wanted to inspirewe do not accept guests according to the usual program, and come up with something original. Who knows, maybe a new format for gatherings you will like it so much that you will repeat it in the new year and meet with friends much more often than in the past.

Snack- food served before main courses. She has long been present at Russian and European feasts. Traditional Russian snacks in peasant houses were pickles, marinades, sauerkraut. And in the aristocratic environment, there was so much that was not served on the table: pigs with sour cream and horseradish, fish, caviar, game with salted plums, homemade sausages and smoked meats, jellies and aspic... And all this before the main course!

In general, the variety of snacks is amazing. They come cold and hot, on skewers and in tartlets, sweet and salty, large and small, fish and meat, vegetable and fruit, buffet and table...

Let's talk today about party snacks. They must be small and easy to eat while standing, because party- this is not a pretentious feast; it involves free movement, dancing and ease in communication.

Salmon with tomatoes and avocado
Avocado - 2 pcs., tomatoes - 2 pcs., lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l., lightly salted salmon - 100 g, tartlets - 10 pcs., salt and pepper to taste
Peel the avocado, remove the pit and chop with a blender, add lemon juice, fresh ground pepper and a little salt to taste. Place tomato slices in tartlets, avocado paste on them, then salmon pieces.

Champignon caps with cheese
Large champignons - 200 g, 1 onion, 2 eggs, 100 g cheese, 1 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs, butter - 100 g
Wash the mushrooms, cut out the stems and salt the caps on both sides. Place a small piece of butter and filling in each.
Filling: fry chopped onions and mushroom stems, mix with beaten eggs. Place the filling in the caps, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese, bake for 10 minutes.

Julienne with seafood
300 g shrimp, 50 ml vegetable oil, 100 g cheese, red pepper, basil, parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tomato
Boil shrimp and peel. Fry the onion, then add the herbs and garlic and fry for another 1-2 minutes. Mix with tomatoes, shrimp, simmer. Divide the mixture into cocotte makers, sprinkle with pepper and cheese, then bake.

Mango with shrimp
Mango - 2 pcs., large shrimp - 200 g, coriander leaves, ground black pepper, sea ​​salt- 1/3 tsp, balsamic vinegar - 200 g
Boil the shrimp in water, peel, sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake in the oven for 5 minutes. Peel the mango and cut into cubes. Thread mango onto a skewer, then shrimp, then mango again and shrimp again. Place the appetizer for 15-20 minutes and marinate in balsamic vinegar. Ready snack Place with mango and shrimp on a plate and sprinkle with coriander leaves.

Snails with bacon
Ready puff pastry- 300 g, sour cream - 150 g, bacon - 300 g, tongue - 100 g, herbs, pepper, salt
Roll out the dough to about 4 mm thick. Mix sour cream and herbs, add salt, pepper, spread the mixture onto the dough. Then lay thin strips of bacon. Roll into a roll, cut into slices. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 ºC on baking paper, placing it so that the snails do not touch each other.

Lavash roll with cheese and herbs
Lavash - 1 pc., Russian cheese - 200 g, crab sticks - 200 g, chicken eggs - 3 pcs., dill - 200 g, mayonnaise - 100 g
Boil the eggs, grate with cheese and crab sticks on a coarse grater. Unwrap the pita bread, sprinkle with cheese, then crab sticks and eggs. Coat with mayonnaise. Cover everything with chopped dill and roll it up. Place it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Before serving, use a sharp knife to cut the roll into pieces and place on lettuce leaves.

Lettuce and cheese jelly roll
20 lettuce leaves, 100 g thick sour cream, 2 g gelatin, 100 g cheese, 50 g walnuts, green onion, pepper, salt
Chop the nuts, grate the cheese, mix everything with sour cream, add pepper, chopped onion and salt.
Soak the gelatin, after 40 minutes put it on small fire. After a few minutes, mix with the cheese and nut mixture. Coat the lettuce leaves with the mixture, roll them up, keep them in the cold, then cut them crosswise and decorate with nut halves.

Lettuce and cheese rolls
Processed cheese - 150 g, boiled egg- 1 pc., garlic - 1 clove, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l., lettuce leaves - 10 pcs.
For the filling, grate the hard-boiled egg and mix with cheese, mayonnaise and finely chopped garlic. It is important that the mass is homogeneous.
Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly and dry. Then place the filling in small portions on each sheet and wrap it in a roll. You can decorate the appetizer with herbs and olives.

Leeks baked with ham
Leeks - 2 pcs., ham - 200 g, cheese - 100 g, salt - 1/3 tsp.
Wash the leeks. Remove the top rough film and cut into long strips of about 15 cm. Boil the leeks for 5-6 minutes in well-salted water. Drain in a colander and cool.
Wrap each onion with two slices of ham and place in a baking dish. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in an oven heated to 180 ºС (the cheese should melt and brown). Serve hot.

Canapes with chicken and tongue
Rye bread - 350 g, mustard - 4 tsp, boiled chicken meat - 100 g, butter - 80 g, mayonnaise - 20 g, tongue - 100 g
Cut the bread into triangles or shapes (using cookie cutters). Mix the butter with mustard and brush the bread.
Finely chop the tongue and chicken. Place the tongue on the bread first and the chicken in the center. Lightly coat everything with mayonnaise.

Cheese balls with ham
Cheese - 200 g, butter - 150 g, ham - 150 g, 1 cup flour, 1 egg, salt, herbs, spices
Melt butter, grate cheese, mix. Add egg, flour, make dough. Form balls, then roll them out and press them down to form small cakes. Place the chopped ham in them and roll into balls again. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Sprinkle the balls with herbs.

Pancakes with turkey
For pancakes: 0.5 liters of milk, 1 egg, 2 cups flour, 5 tbsp. l. refined (i.e. odorless) sunflower oil, 50 g butter for greasing pancakes. For minced meat: 400 g minced turkey, 2 pcs. onions
Bake pancakes. Fry ground turkey with chopped onion and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Add salt, add spices, let cool and skip to add airiness to the filling. ready minced meat through a meat grinder.
Roll the pancakes into an envelope. Before serving, fry the pancakes on both sides until golden crust and serve with sour cream.

Stuffed cucumbers
2 cucumbers, mayonnaise, 100 g crab sticks, 100 g cheese, greens
Cut the cucumbers into pieces about 2-2.5 cm wide. Remove some of the pulp with a spoon, leaving the bottom. Place the filling (grated sticks and cheese, smeared with mayonnaise) into the cucumbers, garnish with parsley.

Stuffed eggs
Chicken eggs - 10 pcs., avocado - 2 pcs., canned olives - 1 can, onions - 1 pc., mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper
Boil the eggs hard, cool, peel and cut lengthwise. Remove the yolks, salt and pepper the whites.
Grate the yolks onto fine grater. Finely chop the onion and add to the yolks. Peel the avocado, grate it on a fine grater and mix with the yolks. Add a little mayonnaise. Stuff the egg whites with the mixture and garnish the appetizer with olives.

Tartlets with cod liver
Tartlets - 6 pcs., canned cod liver - 1 jar, green salad leaves - 6 pcs., pickled gherkins - 6 pcs., green onions– 3 feathers, kiwi – 6 slices, lemon – 6 slices
Finely chop the green onions, mash the cod liver, add the gherkins cut into rings and stir until homogeneous mass. Fill the tartlets with this filling, garnish with lettuce leaves and kiwi and lemon slices.
