Sauteed eggplant for the winter. Vegetable sauté: recipe, ingredients, cooking secrets

Vegetable dishes are not only tasty, but also healthy. Particular attention should be paid to sautéed eggplants. It is not difficult to prepare. The whole point of the recipe is that the ingredients are fried separately in a frying pan. But the cooking process has its own nuances that are definitely worth paying attention to.

To prevent vegetables from burning during frying, you need to periodically shake them slightly in the pan. Do not mix them with a spatula under any circumstances. Otherwise, the ingredients will lose their appearance and all the juice from the vegetables will evaporate.

It’s not for nothing that sauté means “jump” in French, that is, when shaking, the vegetables seem to jump. The name of the dish comes from this action.

Subtleties of preparing eggplant sauté

But before you start cooking, you should know all the intricacies of such a dish. After all, the question of how to properly prepare eggplant sauté worries more than one housewife.

For cooking, we need a saucepan with a thick bottom so that the vegetables do not burn in it, and a frying pan with deep sides for frying the ingredients. In principle, the pan can be replaced with a small cast iron cauldron. And the frying pan should have a long handle so that it is convenient to shake the vegetables.

IN classic recipe Eggplant sauté includes the following ingredients:

But at the present time experienced chefs offer a large number of interesting recipes sauté, which is prepared with other vegetables and spices.

Step-by-step recipe for eggplant and zucchini sauté

Sauteed eggplants and zucchini turn out to be very tasty. It's easy to prepare. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and you will definitely succeed.


  • 4 pieces of carrots;
  • 3 large eggplant;
  • 2 medium zucchini;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 medium tomatoes;
  • 2 large bell peppers;
  • 1 large bunch of greens;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil;
  • salt, sugar and spices to taste.

Cooking steps:

If while frying vegetables, vegetable oil runs out, you can add it little by little, especially for onions. If there is not enough oil, the onions can burn and spoil the taste of the dish with bitterness.

Before serving, the eggplant sauté should “infuse” for 30 minutes. During this time, all the ingredients will absorb the juice that was released during baking in the oven. This dish can be served as a side dish for meat.

By the way, according to this recipe, sautéed eggplant can be prepared in a slow cooker. The only difference is that you need to fry vegetables in the “Frying” mode, and bake in the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes.

Recipe for sautéed eggplant for the winter

Eggplant sauté can also be prepared for the winter. If you like spicy dishes, then you can add the amount of spices to your taste. The main thing is to observe general rules preparing the dish, and additional ingredients in the form of herbs and spices - this is according to your desire.

Eggplant preparation ingredients:

  • 12 medium eggplants;
  • 12 medium tomatoes;
  • 12 large onions;
  • 1.5 heads of garlic;
  • 1 large bunch of parsley;
  • 1.5 pieces of red hot pepper;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar essence 70%;
  • salt, sugar and spices to taste;
  • 1.2 cups sunflower oil.

And so, in order to properly prepare eggplant sauté for the winter, a recipe with a photo will help us. Well, let's start cooking.

Wash the eggplants thoroughly in several waters, remove the stems and cut them in half. Place them in layers in a deep bowl and add salt. Leave for 1 hour. This procedure will help rid vegetables of bitterness. If you don't have time to wait, you can boil the eggplants for 3 minutes in salted water.

Peel the onions, rinse and chop into small half rings or strips.

Wash the tomatoes and cut each of them into 4 parts.

For sauteing, it is better to take slightly unripe tomatoes. Juicy, ripe fruits They will fall apart during cooking and the dish will look more like a stew.

Rinse the eggplants in several waters to remove salt and cut each half of the vegetable into 4 pieces. Then put all the prepared ingredients into a large saucepan and add vegetable oil. Mix everything carefully and put it on gas stove. Cook the eggplant sauté for about 40 minutes. From time to time, the vegetables should be stirred with a wooden spatula.

After 40 minutes, add chopped herbs, garlic, salt and sugar, as well as finely chopped chili pepper and spices to taste, to the boiling mass. Stir everything well and simmer for another 20-25 minutes.

At the very end pour in vinegar essence, place the vegetables in pre-sterilized jars and seal tightly tin lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them in a warm blanket or blanket until they cool completely.

These are such simple but delicious recipes for sautéed eggplant. As you can see, you can add your own favorite vegetables to this dish. After all, eggplants go well with almost all vegetables. So you can safely experiment and make sauté to your liking.

Bon appetit everyone and Have a good mood!!!

Nowadays, quite a lot of people cook sauté, but few people know the meaning of this word. “Saute” - translated from French as “jump, jump”, respectively “sauter” - “jump, gallop”. Why is this well-known dish called this?

And everything is very simple, main feature This dish is that the preparation of any sauté is divided into two stages. The first stage is preliminary preparation, which includes processing and standing in the marinade. And the second stage is heat treatment, which should happen relatively quickly.

That is, there is some discontinuity between the stages. The “leap” occurs after the product has stood and been prepared in advance. And then once - and quickly brought to the result.

You can prepare sauté using meat, chicken, game, fish, and even mushrooms. But today we will prepare this delicious dish using delicious seasonal vegetables, which can easily replace meat. These are everyone’s favorite eggplants, or as people affectionately call them “little blue ones.” And together with them we will take vegetables that are now in their very juice. Namely, from such, and only from such, it turns out delicious dish called “Sautéed Eggplant with Vegetables.”

Let me make a reservation right away that I will not cook sauté in the French way. That is, I will not “shake” all vegetables and not always. Besides, I’m preparing a large frying pan today because I’m expecting guests. And to prepare this dish according to all the rules, it must be prepared in small portions. For 1-2 people. Then you manage to shake it constantly.

How to make sautéed eggplant

We will need (for 5 servings):

  • eggplants - 1 kg
  • onion - 3 pcs (medium)
  • carrots - 2 pcs (medium)
  • bell pepper - 3 - 4 pcs
  • tomatoes - 5 - 6 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • black ground pepper- taste
  • red Bell pepper- according to taste and desire
  • spices - Provencal herbs, coriander - 2 teaspoons
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • olive oil - 0.5 tbsp. spoons


  1. Eggplants for sautéing must be ripe. They can be peeled if they are large and their skin has become rough. But it is better to use mature, not very large eggplants, and leave the skin on. The skin guarantees that the eggplants, when pre-frying and subsequently stewing, will not fall apart, will not turn into puree, but will remain beautiful, which will allow the dish to look more aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings
  3. It is better to take bell pepper different colors to make the dish more beautiful. You should also give preference to fleshy fruits with ripened seeds. Peel the seeds and cut the pepper into small strips
  4. Take carrots that are bright orange. It's tasty and bright. Grate it to prepare Korean carrots
  5. Tomatoes also need to be selected that are ripe, juicy and brightly colored. They need to be poured with boiling water for 5 minutes. You can first make cross-shaped cuts. Then pour them over cold water and peel the skin. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  6. Chop garlic


  1. We cut the eggplants into slices 0.8 cm thick. To remove unnecessary bitterness from them, salt them on both sides and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then put it in a colander and rinse under running water.
  2. Leave in a colander to drain excess water. Then lightly squeeze each piece, or dry it with a paper towel.
  3. Fry the eggplants in a small amount of oil. Due to the fact that we pre-soaked the eggplants in salt and then washed them, significantly less oil will be needed for frying. Usually eggplants take a lot of oil when frying, and it is advisable to remove excess oil. But here you won’t have to remove anything; the eggplants will turn out not at all greasy.
  4. While the eggplants are frying, let's start with the garlic. Fill it with three tablespoons boiled water, add spices 1 teaspoon and half a tablespoon olive oil, and let it brew.
  5. Place the slightly cooled eggplant rounds on a plate, salt them and coat each one with the resulting mixture. Let it marinate.
  6. In the meantime, start frying all the other vegetables. Pour a little oil into a frying pan or saucepan, heat it and add the onion. Fry it over a fairly high heat, but such that it does not burn.
  7. And just to prevent the onions from burning, periodically shake the frying pan or saucepan.
  8. If you use a frying pan to prepare a dish, it must be thick-walled. Nothing will burn on this one, and all the vegetables will fry quickly enough. And we remember that sauté is a dish where vegetables should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment.
  9. Once the onions are lightly fried golden color, add grated carrots to it. Fry, remembering to shake, for 5 minutes.
  10. Add bell pepper and fry everything together for another 5 minutes.
  11. Then add the tomatoes to the frying pan, add salt and pepper to taste and continue shaking slightly, also for 5 minutes.
  12. It’s already hard for me to shake. So I take a silicone spatula and gently mix the contents. A silicone spatula helps me stir the vegetables gently without damaging them. All the juice remains inside.
  13. After the time has passed, again using a silicone spatula, place 2/3 of the vegetables in another bowl. Place half of the eggplants on top of the remaining fried vegetables, garlic-coated side down.
  14. Cover them with half of the remaining vegetables.
  15. Place the remaining eggplants on top, “garlic side” down. Pour “garlic water” over them.
  16. Place remaining vegetables on top. We do not compact them or press them. Everything should be located freely.
  17. Cover with a lid, let it boil, and reduce the heat. After 20 minutes of boiling, turn off the gas and let stand for 10 minutes under the lid.
  18. Place the finished sauté in layers on serving plates. We decorate the dish to your taste and eat with pleasure.

Sauté with eggplant


  • 600 grams of blue eggplants;
  • 200 grams of sweet carrots;
  • 200 grams of white onions;
  • 300 grams of sweet bell pepper, different colors;
  • 400 grams of fresh red tomatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Fine salt;
  • A mixture of ground peppers;
  • A teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • A little wheat flour top quality.


  1. Preparing vegetables for eggplant sauté. Wash and peel the carrots. Let's grate it on a coarse grater.
  2. Peel the onion, cut off the tails and finely chop.
  3. Wash the bell pepper well, cut off the tail and clean out all the seeds and membranes. Rinse again under running water. Now cut the pepper into large pieces.
  4. Wash the eggplant well and remove the stem. Cut in half and cut into slices half a centimeter thick. Keep in mind that round eggplant has tastier flesh.
  5. Wash the tomatoes well and remove the stem. Save half a small tomato for later. We cut the remaining tomatoes into two parts and cut into layers, like the eggplants.
  6. Grate the remaining half of the tomato on a coarse grater. Place the frying pan on the fire and pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil onto it. It’s best to take olive oil, it tastes better. Sift some flour into a saucer. Take eggplant slices and roll in flour.
  7. Now place all the pieces on a heated frying pan.
  8. Fry until done on both sides. Make the heat medium, because if you make it too low, the eggplants will be soaked in oil, and if you make it too high, they will burn.
  9. Once all the eggplants are fried, we prepare the carrots and onions to cook delicious sauté from eggplant. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and first add the chopped onion.
  10. And after a couple of minutes, grated carrots.
  11. Reduce the gas and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer the vegetables for about five minutes until they become soft.
  12. Pour some oil into another frying pan and heat it. Add chopped bell pepper.
  13. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and place the vegetables in it for the eggplant sauté in layers.
  14. The first layer is eggplant. Place half of it in one layer.
  15. Next, we put fresh tomatoes, which we cut into slices. Sprinkle with a mixture of freshly ground peppers and add a little salt to taste.
  16. Next, spread the overcooked carrots and onions in an even layer.
  17. Now comes a layer of bell pepper.
  18. The last layer will be fried eggplant.
  19. Now take a frying pan, heat it up and pour the grated tomatoes onto it. Salt, pepper and add sugar.
  20. Peel the garlic and squeeze it into the tomato sauce using a press.
  21. Bring the sauce to a boil and simmer a little, 3-4 minutes. Pour over sautéed eggplants tomato sauce and put it in the oven, which had to be preheated to 180 degrees.
  22. Preparing greens for serving in sautéed eggplant. We wash the fresh herbs well and chop them. After 20-30 minutes, remove the sauteed eggplants and sprinkle with fresh herbs.
  23. Place the sautéed eggplants on plates.
  24. And we serve it to the table. Bon appetit! Read more:

The prepared saute turns out very appetizing, with a rich and rich vegetable taste, where the role of the first violin is played by eggplants. All other vegetables play a secondary but very important role. Without them, the taste of the “little blue” ones would not have been able to open up with such force.

The bell pepper gave a simply divine aroma. As soon as you open the pan, the smell of it just blows your mind, it’s so aromatic! Carrots give a wonderful golden color and sweetness, including to eggplants. The tomatoes added a slight sourness, rich texture to the whole dish and, most importantly, a beautiful bright color. Onions and garlic add flavor, as do spices.

Sauteed eggplants and vegetables can be eaten both hot and cold. You can cook it as a side dish for main courses, or you can also cook it as a independent dish. It is very good to serve it on the table and as a snack. In any form it will be tasty and in demand.

This dish is also prepared using zucchini. And it also turns out to be the most delicious.

Today we cooked the saute on gas, but you can cook it in a slow cooker or in the oven. Of course, you don’t shake it everywhere, but if you follow all the other principles, you’ll still get a sauté, not a stew.

Sautéed eggplants are also prepared as preparation for the winter. I'll try to give two as soon as possible delicious recipes such a blank. In winter, the “little blue” ones are of course also sold, and you can cook favorite dish and in winter period. But still, it can only be made so tasty in early autumn, when all the vegetables have ripened on the vine, under the bright summer sun. When they are delicious on their own, each individually.

And when each is delicious individually, then the dish will certainly turn out tasty, aromatic and appetizing. And of course useful. Due to the short heat treatment, the vegetables retained most of their useful properties and qualities.

Therefore, prepare eggplant sauté, enjoy the aroma and taste, and reap the benefits!

Bon appetit!

Often a moment arises when traditional and regular dishes I'm tired and want to cook something interesting and tasty. However, what stops me is that such food is not always healthy. If you want to please your household with a new dish, then you should try vegetable sauté. The recipe for this dish is both simple and does not require any special skills.

What it is

Vegetable sauté is a mixture of products fried over high heat, but in a small amount of vegetable oil. You can also use meat, fish and minced meat to prepare this dish. Fried foods are served in a large amount of sauce.

There are a lot of options for preparing vegetable sauté. Each recipe is distinguished by its originality. But in general, the cooking process does not take much time. The dish got its name from the French word sauter. Translated as “bounce.” And this is no coincidence. This unusual name arose due to the fact that during the cooking process, food bounces violently on hot surfaces. As a result, the components are turned over and mixed.

According to the rules, vegetable sauté is prepared in a saucepan. However, to prepare it, you can use a frying pan with thick walls. In the end it turns out beautiful dish, in which the components are covered with a neat crust. If necessary, you can saute vegetables in the oven.

Zucchini and eggplant recipe

This vegetable sauté recipe is considered the most popular. To prepare the dish you will need:

  • eggplant - 300 g;
  • zucchini - 300 g;
  • zucchini - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • bell pepper - 100 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • pepper, salt, dill, parsley;
  • garlic - to taste.

Food preparation

To prepare a vegetable sauté from eggplants and zucchini, you need to prepare the ingredients. To do this, wash the components thoroughly. Peel the carrots. Cut it into thin half rings. Peel zucchini, eggplant and zucchini as well. Cut them into half rings or small cubes. The main thing is that the pieces are not too thick or large.

Peel the onion. Cut it into rings. Grind the tomatoes and peppers in the same way. When the ingredients are prepared, you can start preparing the dish.

Cooking stage

Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it well. Pour into container a small amount of vegetable-based oils. Add chopped carrots here and fry them. This stage takes no more than 8 minutes. At the same time, be sure to stir the carrots. Otherwise it will burn.

Place the roasted carrots in a colander lined with a paper towel. This will remove excess vegetable oil. Leave the carrots for a few minutes.

Fry eggplant, zucchini and zucchini in the same way. Vegetables after heat treatment must drain. Otherwise the dish will turn out greasy. It takes about 10 minutes to fry zucchini, eggplant and zucchini. After this, fry the tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions. Thermal treatment of these components should last no more than 6 minutes.

Final stage

If desired, you can prepare a vegetable sauté with mushrooms. However, not everyone will like this version of the dish. Place the fried vegetables in a large saucepan. Finally, tomatoes should be added to the container, as well as finely chopped herbs, salt and required amount spices

As for garlic, you should not fry it separately. It is better to add it during the heat treatment of tomatoes. Garlic can also be added to the dish raw at the final stage. Mix all components thoroughly in a common container. The vegetable sauté is ready and can be served.

Recipe for sautéing peppers and eggplants in the oven

Vegetable sauté with eggplant is one of popular dishes. To prepare it you will need:

  • eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet bell peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • white onion - 2 heads;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • salt, spices, herbs;
  • vinegar, vegetable oil.

Where to begin

To make a delicious vegetable sauté, you need to prepare the ingredients well. To completely peel the eggplants, cut them into rings no thicker than one centimeter and rub each piece with salt. Leave the vegetables in this form for at least 10 minutes.

Then peel the tomatoes. To do this, make a cross-shaped cut on the top of each tomato and lower it into boiling water for a few seconds. Cool the tomatoes in cold water and easily remove the skin. After this, cut the tomatoes into 6 parts.

Peel the bell pepper from the stalk, seeds and core. Also cut it into 6 parts. Peel the carrots and wash. Grind it into medium-sized longitudinal bars.

Heat treatment

Fry the tomato, eggplant and pepper slices separately in a frying pan at high temperature. However, you should not add a large amount of vegetable oil. Place the fried vegetables on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake the components at a temperature of 180˚C.

Heat the frying pan well and pour a little oil made from olives into it. Place chopped onions and carrots in a container. Fry the food until golden brown. Reduce heat to low. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into the mixture of carrots and onions, add a tablespoon of sugar and simmer everything a little. Finally, pour the contents of the pan onto the baking sheet with the main ingredients and distribute evenly. Add peeled and chopped garlic to this.

Place the sautéed vegetables back into the oven and leave for 50 minutes without lowering the temperature. When the dish is ready, garnish it with chopped herbs and garlic.

Sauté with green peas

To prepare a vegetable sauté with peas you will need:

  • sweet pepper - 1 pod;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 200 g;
  • green peas - 100 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt.

Cooking process

Peel the carrots. Wash it well. Remove the stem, seeds and core from the pepper. Cut the ingredients into strips. Chop the zucchini into thin half rings. Heat a saucepan and pour vegetable oil into it. Place prepared vegetables in a container: zucchini, peppers, carrots. Add pre-peeled onions and cut into half rings here.

Fry all ingredients thoroughly for 2 minutes over high heat. At the same time, shake the saucepan periodically. Otherwise, the components will start to burn. After the specified time, add green peas to the vegetables. Fry the mixture for another two minutes. Then add chopped garlic, spices and salt to the sauté.

Cut the cherry tomatoes into two parts. Add them to a container with vegetable mixture. Shake the contents of the saucepan several times and fry the food for three minutes. The vegetable sauté is ready. You can serve the dish to the table.

In conclusion

Vegetable sauté - unique dish, which can be prepared from a variety of products. This food is ideal for vegetarians. After all, such a dish can consist solely of components plant origin. If desired, the composition can be diversified by adding new ingredients.

For those who prefer more satisfying food, you can prepare a sauté with meat or fish. However, vegetables make the dish not only tasty, but also healthy and low in calories. And this is especially important for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their figure, but at the same time love delicious food.

Sauté, like many things in cooking, was invented by the French. But, contrary to popular belief, this is not a dish, but a cooking technique. Translated from french word"sote" means jump, jump. That is, the ingredients of the dish are tossed in the frying pan, rather than turned over with a spatula. The masterful tossing technology ensures the integrity of the tender pulp of the vegetables and preserves the juice inside them. Today we will learn how to cook eggplant satay. But, in principle, you can make similar dishes from bell peppers, tomatoes and other juicy vegetables.

We will need special frying pan with high sides and long handle. But if you haven’t yet become a master at tossing vegetables, take a saucepan or cast-iron casserole. Suitable for frying ingredients regular frying pan. In addition to the main component, eggplant satay also includes other vegetables: tomatoes, garlic, carrots, onions, bell peppers. Vegetable oil is used as fat. There is no need to peel the eggplants: just wash them, cut them into thick discs and add salt. Yes, they need to be left for half an hour so that they give up all the bitterness.

Recipe for eggplant satay “Favorite little blue ones”

While the four middle fruits are letting out their juice under salt, let’s move on to the other vegetables. Grate two carrots into large shavings or chop into strips. Chop two and one onion into half rings, cut four tomatoes into slices. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the onions first, then the peppers and carrots, and finally add the tomatoes. They will naturally release juice. We salt the vegetable mass and simmer until it becomes soft. Transfer it to a bowl, and place it in a frying pan, rinsed under running water (to remove extra salt) eggplants. Fry these pucks on both sides until golden brown.

This was all preparatory work. Now it’s time to prepare the actual eggplant satay. Pour oil into a saucepan, place the blue ones in it, cover with vegetable mixture on top. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill and parsley and 4 cloves of garlic passed through a press. Salt and add spices to taste. Close the lid and simmer over low heat for ten minutes.

Eggplant satay “Aromatic”

This recipe uses the same products, but in different proportions. There should be an equal amount of blue peppers, tomatoes, bell peppers and onions. You will also need one carrot and whole head garlic Separately, fry the onion and place it in a saucepan. Then the same should be done with carrots. Each layer of vegetables is salted. Place chopped peppers and chopped garlic into longitudinal slices on top of the carrots. The next layer is dill and fried eggplant. Tomatoes and herbs are placed on top. The dish is stewed under the lid without stirring for about 45-50 minutes.

Eggplant satay “Fast and tasty”

This is a very simple recipe in which the vegetables do not need to be fried - they must be immediately placed in a saucepan, raw. Naturally, the exception is the blue ones themselves, which need to be salted and left for half an hour. Then they are washed and cut into cubes. Pour oil into a saucepan and layer onions, peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes. Sprinkle with a spoon of sugar, season with salt, pepper, garlic and herbs. Add more oil and simmer covered for about 40 minutes.

In order to prepare sautéed eggplants or, as they are called in the southern regions of Russia, little blue ones, I would advise cutting and preparing all the ingredients in advance. First, peel a few eggplants and then chop them into cubes.

In order to beat off the bitterness, add eggplants and mix with salt. We forget about them for 40 minutes.

Meanwhile, chop the onion into cubes.

We also chop the bell pepper.

The carrots are chopped into thin strips.

Hot capsicum is cut into thin rings.

We do not peel the tomatoes and use them in half rings.

After 40 minutes, pour plenty of vegetable oil into the frying pan, and remove the chopped eggplants from the brine, squeeze them so that the juice comes out, and put the squeezed ones directly into the frying pan.

Due to the fact that the cooking time for eggplants and other ingredients is different, as well as the different need for thermal exposure, simply put, different combustion intensities are required gas burner on your stove. Therefore, I cook other ingredients in another frying pan, although for those who are not comfortable with this, you can do it in one, but I think that using two is more convenient and it will turn out tastier. Thus, we add chopped onion to a nearby frying pan in hot vegetable oil.

After five minutes, when the onion acquires a slight golden hue, add the carrots to it.

The carrots, I dare say, are chopped finely and therefore will be ready quickly. When you see that it is almost ready (this will happen in about five minutes), add bell pepper and stir it

and literally after 2-3 minutes add the pre-cooked tomatoes. Salt everything; by the way, you shouldn’t salt the eggplants, since they were in salt for 40 minutes. Here you need to be careful and simmer until the moisture evaporates, because a large amount of liquid from the tomato can ruin everything.

I would like to remind you that the originality of this dish lies in the fact that eggplants are stewed in a nearby frying pan, and so all this time they should be safely stewed for a very long time. low heat. Under no circumstances should they be overcooked and they must survive until the moment when the moisture in the frying pan with onions, tomatoes, etc. partially evaporates and we combine them together. And when this moment comes,

we add the entire contents of the frying pan with onions to the eggplants, stir, increase the heat and simmer for several minutes, and then add crushed garlic and previously chopped hot red pepper. IN in this case I don’t crush the garlic using a garlic press, but by placing it on cutting board, I press down with the flat of the knife blade and crush the clove. This is the kind of garlic I put in the frying pan. The dish simmers for a few more minutes and it is ready.

When did you receive ready dish, then you can deal with it in two ways. For example, just put it in a bowl and serve with bread, I would like to note that the sauté should be served cooled. Or you can preserve it and it’s not at all difficult to do. Sterilize the previously washed steam jar, sterilize it scrupulously, since we will not add any preservatives. Pour the boiling sauté into a sterilized jar and screw it on with a regular lid.
