Original Lucien Olivier salad. A real Olivier salad. Its history and recipe

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

If not in every first, then certainly in every second house there will be New Year's Eve Olivier salad is on the festive table. Real classic recipe Olivier salad could not be completely restored, however, and today we know the very ingredients from which the Moscow restaurateur of French origin Lucien Olivier made his famous salad.

How did Olivier salad come about?

Having once prepared a dish called “Game Mayonnaise,” the restaurateur served it to the table and began to see whether his guests would like it.

By the way, “Game mayonnaise” - complex dish, consisting of many ingredients. It included fillets of partridges and hazel grouse, boiled tongue And cancerous cervixes, sprinkled with mayonnaise sauce, which was also invented by Lucien Olivier. The meat was covered with pieces of jelly, and in the center of the dish there was a mound made of boiled potatoes with decorations from small spicy cucumbers and hard-boiled eggs. Moreover, Olivier laid out the decorated potato mound not for eating, but for decorating the dish.

Imagine his amazement and even indignation when he saw that inexperienced visitors were mixing all the ingredients of “Game Mayonnaise” with a spoon and only then absorbing this “barbaric” mixture with great pleasure. And then Olivier next time he mixed all the ingredients himself and served a new dish to the table, and he did this, as if wanting to offend the unscrupulous eaters, but the effect was completely the opposite. The new salad immediately became so popular that visitors flocked to Olivier’s restaurant just to try the new unusual dish.

Secrets of the classic recipe for real Olivier salad

After the death of the famous restaurateur, no one could repeat the classic recipe for a real Olivier salad, and only over time, by 1904, with the help of restaurant regulars, almost all the ingredients were restored.

But, nevertheless, it was still not the same salad.

The fact is that Olivier took with him to the grave some unique additives to the sauce, which he always kept in strict confidence. It is known that a real Olivier salad according to the classic recipe was dressed with Provencal sauce, which was prepared exclusively with French vinegar, Provencal olive oil with the addition of the freshest egg yolks. But what else was included in Lucien Olivier’s recipe still remains a mystery.

Ingredients of real Olivier salad

So what did the real Olivier salad consist of, the classic recipe of which was restored in 1904?

According to the recipe it was supposed to take:

Meat from two boiled hazel grouse

One boiled veal tongue

25 boiled crayfish, 1 large boiled lobster, or 1 can canned lobster

100 grams of black pressed caviar

1 cup lanspeak (thick stock jelly, diced)

200 grams of fresh salad

250 grams of pickled cucumbers (picks)

250 grams kabul sauce

Two fresh cucumbers

100 grams of capers

Five hard-boiled eggs.

It is unlikely that you will prepare a real Olivier salad according to the classic recipe, but you will agree, it is interesting to know what kind of gourmets the regulars of famous Russian restaurants were. Although, the most delicious and most authentic, classic Olivier salad is the one that you prepare with passion, love and imagination!

One of traditional dishes New Year's table is Olivier salad. Previously, it was prepared only for this holiday. Now you can treat yourself to this dish at any time, but many people still associate it with the New Year. Not everyone uses it standard recipe– Each family has its own cooking characteristics.

Also, not everyone knows how to properly make real Olivier - the way the inventor of the dish prepared it. Therefore, it is worth considering popular varieties.

History of the dish

The idea of ​​creating a salad came to chef Olivier by accident.

In his restaurant, he served vegetables and seafood separately to visitors. In addition to the set there was mayonnaise, a recently introduced sauce.

Visitors had the habit, which irritated the master, of mixing all the ingredients before use. But after reflection, he decided to immediately serve the set mixed and with mayonnaise dressing. This is how the famous salad appeared.

Benefits and harms

Each product included in Olivier has beneficial features. By consuming it, a person receives plant and animal proteins, vitamins, starch, etc. Since there are different variants When preparing a dish, it may contain various substances and elements necessary for the body.

Only mayonnaise, which is used to season everything else, is harmful. It is a heavy product because the body has to spend a lot of time digesting it. This leads to problems with the pancreas.

Caution is also needed because high calorie content product - if you consume it frequently, you cannot avoid excess weight.

Difficulty, cooking time

Preparing this dish is not difficult - even a novice cook can handle the job (with the exception of varieties that contain exotic products).

Cooking takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours - it depends on which method is used. Some recipes require the addition of components that require lengthy pre-treatment.

Food preparation

Most of the ingredients in Olivier should be in boiled. Therefore, you need to cook them first. After this they are cleaned and cut. The other part of the components does not require special processing. They just need to be washed.

Food should be cut into small pieces. It is worth focusing on the size of green peas, which is one of the main components. The resulting pieces should be almost the same size or slightly larger.

Popular cooking methods step by step

There are many variations of this dish as people often adapt recipes to suit their preferences. You can find out what will be most delicious by trying different types.

Classic with sausage

This option is a classic for preparing Olivier. It was used at a time when there was a small range of products.

It requires:

  • carrots – 2;
  • pickled cucumber – 3;
  • boiled sausage – 300 g;
  • potatoes – 3;
  • green pea– 150 g;
  • egg – 4;
  • sour cream – 75 ml;
  • mayonnaise 75 ml.

These ingredients make 5 servings of salad. The nutritional value 100 g is 125 kcal.

The cooking process is step by step in the photo:

  1. You need to boil the carrots and potatoes.
  2. Prepare hard-boiled eggs.
  3. Peel the boiled vegetables and cut into small cubes. Do the same with sausage and eggs.
  4. Slice the cucumbers. To remove excess liquid, squeeze them out. Drain canned peas.
  5. Mix the chopped ingredients and season with mayonnaise and sour cream.

If desired, you can add pepper and salt to the salad.

French real recipe

Nowadays it is rarely used, and previously it was intended only for the rich class, since the products included in the composition were expensive - they are not cheap even now.

For it you need:

  • hazel grouse – 3 (only fillet is used – about 300 g);
  • gherkins – 200 g;
  • potatoes – 4;
  • lettuce – 200 g;
  • quail eggs – 6;
  • crayfish – 30 (the dish includes only necks);
  • black caviar – 80 g;
  • veal tongue – 1;
  • capers – 100 g;
  • fresh cucumbers – 1.

This salad was seasoned not with mayonnaise, but with a sauce made from the following ingredients:

  • olive oil – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard – 1 tsp;
  • egg yolks – 2;
  • wine vinegar (white) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground pepper - a pinch;
  • garlic powder and salt (to taste).

Cooking principle:

  1. Wash and gut the hazel grouse carcasses and boil them for about 1.5 hours with salt and onion.
  2. Rinse the veal tongue, place in water, add spices, salt, onions and carrots. Cook it for 2 hours.
  3. When both components are cooked, they need to be removed and cooled. Bones are removed from hazel grouse carcasses and the skin is removed. Only fillet is added to the salad.
  4. Cut the tongue into small pieces.
  5. Boil the crayfish, cool and peel.
  6. Potatoes and eggs also need to be boiled, allowed to cool and cut.
  7. The washed lettuce leaves should be torn and placed at the bottom of the bowl.
  8. Fresh cucumbers should be peeled and cut into cubes, gherkins and capers should also be chopped. These components are placed in a bowl on top of lettuce leaves.
  9. Cut the hazel grouse fillet and together with beef tongue put it in a bowl.
  10. Place chopped eggs and potatoes into a salad bowl. Next add the dressing. Crayfish necks are placed on top.

This amount of salad can be divided into 4 servings. Energy value 100 g – 175 kcal.

Recipe option French Olivier on video:

With boiled sausage and fresh cucumber

Olivier is often prepared this way in the summer.

For it they use:

  • boiled sausage – 500 g (can be made with sausage);
  • green peas - 2 cans;
  • carrots – 2;
  • potatoes – 6;
  • fresh cucumber – 3;
  • egg – 6;
  • mayonnaise – 300 g.


  1. You need to boil carrots, potatoes and eggs, cool them and cut them.
  2. Cut the sausage and cucumbers into cubes.
  3. Drain the water from the peas.
  4. Mix the ingredients, add mayonnaise.

If desired, you can decorate the salad with herbs from the garden. This recipe makes 6 servings. 100 g contains 186 kcal.

With sausage and corn

Replacing one of the components allows you to create original version salad


  • canned corn – 100 g;
  • potatoes – 3;
  • egg – 3;
  • carrots – 3;
  • pickled cucumbers – 2;
  • boiled sausage – 200 g;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g.

The principle of creating a dish:

  1. Boil carrots, potatoes and eggs, peel them and cut into small cubes.
  2. Place the corn in a sieve to drain the liquid.
  3. Cut the sausage into pieces.
  4. Mix the prepared ingredients and season them with mayonnaise.

The result is 3-4 servings of salad, energy value 100 g of which is 176 kcal.

With smoked sausage

This method allows you to create a dish that is more savory in taste.

For preparation use:

  • potatoes – 4;
  • smoked sausage (ham) – 300 g;
  • carrots – 2;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • eggs – 4;
  • pickled gherkins – 6;
  • canned peas – 200 g;
  • mustard – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olives – 12;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g.

Sequence of work:

  1. Carrots, eggs and potatoes are boiled and chopped.
  2. Olives are cut into rings.
  3. Chop the washed onions.
  4. Sausage and gherkins are cut into cubes.
  5. Mayonnaise is mixed with mustard and the resulting mixture is seasoned with mixed ingredients.

Receives 4-5 servings. The nutritional value of the dish is 192 kcal per 100 g.

You can reduce the calorie content of the salad by replacing the sausage with chicken. This dietary meat is more beneficial for health and figure.

Ingredients used in this case:

  • chicken fillet – 1;
  • canned green peas – 100 g;
  • carrots – 1;
  • potatoes – 3;
  • pickled cucumbers – 2;
  • green onions– 3-4 feathers;
  • low-fat sour cream – 250 ml.

Cooking features:

  1. First, boil the chicken in lightly salted water. Then you need to take it out and let it cool.
  2. Boil eggs, carrots and potatoes.
  3. The peas need to be strained.
  4. All ingredients are cut into equal pieces, mixed and seasoned with sour cream.

The resulting salad can be divided into 3-4 servings. Calorie content per 100 g – 132 pcs.

With chicken and apple

To prepare it you need to purchase:

  • chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • apple – 2;
  • potatoes – 6;
  • white onion – 2;
  • carrots – 3;
  • champignons – 400 g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 3;
  • peas – 200 g.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Boil chicken, carrots and potatoes.
  2. Cut the washed mushrooms into cubes and fry them with chopped onion.
  3. Strain the peas through a sieve.
  4. Cut the cooled ingredients, cucumbers and apples into cubes.
  5. After mixing the ingredients, you can season them with sunflower oil.

100 g of this Olivier contains 163 kcal. The resulting amount can be divided into 6 servings.

With chicken and mushrooms

To create this variety of Olivier you will need:

  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • onion – 1;
  • carrots – 2;
  • champignons – 300 g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 3;
  • hard cheese – 250 g;
  • potatoes – 3;
  • egg – 5;
  • dill;
  • mayonnaise – 150 g;
  • sunflower oil.


  1. Boil the chicken fillet and cool it, then cut it into pieces.
  2. Hard boil the eggs, boil the potatoes, cut them and cucumbers into cubes.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry in oil together with chopped onions and grated carrots.
  4. Pass the cheese through a medium grater and chop the dill.
  5. Mix the ingredients and add mayonnaise.

It's enough for 6 servings. Calorie content per 100 g of product – 185 pcs.

With turkey meat

The components of this salad are:

  • turkey fillet – 400 g;
  • potatoes – 4;
  • pickled cucumbers – 2;
  • apple – 1;
  • eggs – 3.;
  • onion – 1;
  • mayonnaise – 150 g.

To cook turkey you will need:

  • allspice 4 peas;
  • black pepper – 5 peas;
  • onion – 1;
  • carrots – 1;
  • celery - a piece of root.


  1. Boil the meat with spices and vegetables (takes up to 1.5 hours). Cool it and separate it into fibers.
  2. Boil eggs and potatoes, cut them into cubes, do the same with apples and cucumbers.
  3. Strain the peas, chop the onion.
  4. Place the ingredients in one bowl, mix and pour in the mayonnaise.

The energy value of the dish is 171 kcal per 100 g. It is enough for 4-5 servings.

Ingredients for this dish:

  • peas – 200 g;
  • beef 400 g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 4;
  • carrots – 3;
  • eggs – 6;
  • potatoes – 5;
  • sour cream – 2/3 cup;
  • mayonnaise – 180 g.

The meat is washed and boiled in salted water. You also need to boil carrots, eggs and potatoes. Drain the water from the peas and mix it with the remaining ingredients, cut into cubes. Season the salad with sour cream mixed with mayonnaise.

Calorie content of the dish – 157 kcal per 100 g. Number of servings – 5-6.

During preparation you will need:

  • lightly salted salmon – 250 g;
  • potatoes – 3-4;
  • green onion - a bunch;
  • eggs – 3;
  • carrot – 1;
  • green peas – 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber – 1;
  • pickled cucumber – 2;
  • mayonnaise – 100 g;
  • olives – 10.

First you need to boil and cool the eggs, carrots and potatoes. Drain the liquid from the peas. All ingredients must be crushed and mixed in a bowl, seasoned with sauce.

The dish can be divided into 4-5 servings. 100 g of it contains 186 kcal.

This cooking option is very close to the original one.

For it you need:

  • chicken breast – 250 g;
  • veal tongue – 1;
  • lettuce leaves – 100 g;
  • chicken eggs – 3;
  • gherkins – 3;
  • cancerous necks – 12;
  • capers – 50 g;
  • black caviar – 50 g;
  • soybean – 50 g;
  • mayonnaise – 200 ml.

You need to boil crayfish, chicken, tongue, eggs and soybeans. These ingredients are cooled, cleaned and ground. You should also cut the gherkins and capers. Salad leaves they tear with their hands. The ingredients are mixed, seasoned with sauce, and caviar is placed on top for decoration.

From the amount received you can form 5-6 servings. Nutritional value 100 g – 165 kcal.

Salad ingredients:

  • beef – 200 g;
  • green peas – 150 g;
  • eggs – 4;
  • fresh cucumbers – 2;
  • mustard – 10 g;
  • white yogurt – 100 g;
  • carrots – 2;
  • onion – 1;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • dill.

You need to boil carrots, beef and 2 eggs. The yolks of the remaining two eggs must be separated. Meat, carrots, cucumbers and eggs are cut into cubes. The onion is chopped. Strain the peas using a sieve. Next, mix the yolks, lemon juice and mustard, grind until homogeneous mass, pour in yogurt. This is the dressing sauce that you add to the mixed ingredients.

The dish is dietary, the number of calories in it is 108 pcs. per 100 g. It can be divided into 5 servings.

Lenten with avocado

For this you need to prepare:

  • pickled cucumber – 3;
  • potatoes – 4;
  • vegetarian sausage (wheat or pea) – 200 g;
  • canned peas– 200 g;
  • carrots – 1;
  • onion – 1;
  • avocado – 1;
  • mayonnaise (can be prepared lean sauce) – 150 ml.

Boiled carrots and potatoes are cut into cubes. Avocados are peeled and cut in the same way; cucumbers and sausage are also processed. Chop the onion and remove the brine from the peas. Mix everything, pour in mayonnaise.

The dish is enough for 3-5 servings. Number of calories per 100 g – 106 pcs.

With chicken and shrimp

To prepare you will need:

  • carrot – 1;
  • smoked chicken – 200 g;
  • pickled cucumber – 2;
  • potatoes – 3;
  • egg – 3;
  • small shrimps – 200 g;
  • apple – 1;
  • peas – 150 g;
  • sour cream – 20 g;
  • mayonnaise – 20 g.

The eggs must be hard boiled. Carrots, potatoes and shrimp should also be boiled. Drain the brine from the peas and add the diced ingredients. The shrimp can be cut, or left whole, just peeled. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream and season the salad with the mixture. It makes 3-4 servings. The number of calories per 100 g is 156 pcs.

How to make homemade mayonnaise?

Making this product at home will require the following ingredients:

  • olive oil(or high-quality sunflower) – 1 cup;
  • egg yolks – 2;
  • vinegar (9%) – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.

Add salt and sugar to the egg yolks and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. white. Continuing whipping, pour in the oil in small portions (in a thin stream). Vinegar is added last and continue to stir the sauce until smooth. It is best to do this with a mixer, but you can use a wooden spatula.

Video recipe:

Beautiful design

Olivier is prepared for the festive table, so it’s good to know how to serve it in an original way.

Winter salad can be issued:

A few more ideas for serving salad in the photo:

Olivier can be cooked different ways. It is worth trying different types of this dish to determine which one is tastier and more nutritious.

Classic salad Olivier is known to everyone - he is a constant companion to any festive event in many families. Today, few people think about the history of this dish, but many years ago the composition of the salad was completely different. In this article we will tell you how the dish was invented and write a recipe for real Olivier.

The history of Olivier salad originates in... Moscow. The dish was invented by a French culinary specialist who came to conquer this city with his talent. Name now popular salad Olivier was named after his creator, Lucien Olivier. It must be said that Lucien’s two older brothers also studied cooking. In France, the Olivier family had its own culinary business. The brothers added an unknown and rare at that time majora sauce (now called mayonnaise) to many salads. Modern mayonnaise with mustard and egg is also the creation of Lucien Olivier. It was mustard-egg sauce that the cook began to season his new salad.

At first, Lucien worked in third-party Moscow restaurants, preparing delicious French dishes, including Olivier salad. Soon Lucien managed to open his own restaurant, called "Hermitage". In this establishment, visitors were offered dishes exclusively French cuisine. According to the history of the Olivier salad, the creator of the dish did not reveal the secret of its preparation to anyone. The main highlight of this French salad there was, of course, Lucien's mayonnaise sauce. Unfortunately, after the death of the creator, it was never possible to fully figure out the recipe for making mayonnaise dressing for everyone’s favorite salad.

The delicious dish quickly went “to the people”; gradually the main components of the Olivier salad in the original version were replaced with cheaper and available products. We can say that the salad in its current version is only vaguely similar to the culinary work of the famous French chef.

Real Olivier recipe

Lucien Olivier first gave his culinary creation a different name - “Game Mayonnaise”. Moreover, the recipe for real Olivier did not at all involve mixing all the ingredients together. For the new dish, Lucien cooked fillets of partridge and hazel grouse, cut them into neat pieces, and decorated the cuts beautifully on large dish, alternating the meat with jelly cubes made from the broth in which the game was cooked. Near cold cuts Lucien located the cancerous necks and boiled tongue, pouring sauce over these components. In the central part of the dish, Olivier placed neatly chopped boiled potatoes with cubes of pickled gherkins and egg slices. Lucien conceived the central part of the dish as a decorative element, not intended for food.

However, the mentality and culinary preferences of Russian gourmets made themselves felt literally when the salad was first served. Russian restaurant visitors simply mixed all the ingredients together, turning the exquisite French dish into an incomprehensible porridge of meat and vegetables. At first, Lucien was upset, but then he decided, in revenge for the Russian ignoramuses, to prepare for his visitors the same mixture of chopped products, well seasoned mayonnaise sauce. The dish, prepared according to a real Olivier recipe, was a resounding success among Muscovites.

Today you have the opportunity to repeat the masterpiece of the French chef. We offer a recipe for real Olivier, which originally included following ingredients:

boiled fillet hazel grouse – 2 pieces;
boiled veal tongue - 1 piece;
black caviar – 100 g;
boiled crayfish – 25 pieces;
fresh salad – 250 g;
gherkin cucumbers - half a 1 liter jar;
50 ml soy sauce paste (modern soy sauce);
capers – 100 g;
hard boiled eggs - 5 pieces;
fresh cucumbers – 2 pieces.

Majorca sauce was used as a dressing, as we have already written. Its main ingredients are egg yolks and Provencal olive oil. Lucien Olivier also added mustard and salt to the sauce.

If you prepare a dish according to a real Olivier recipe, its price will be impressive. But you will have a chance to get at least a little closer to the original French dish, which gave the name to everyone’s favorite salad - a greatly simplified version of Olivier. Bon appetit!

– this is the salad of generations, our grandparents. It's simple, tasty and festive. New Year without Olivier salad it’s not quite festive table. It’s as if something is missing – this aroma of green peas, this freshness.

Real New Year's salad

Well, okay, let’s not make any digressions like “the history of salad” - we take a simple classic Olivier recipe and prepare a salad to the delight of ourselves and our guests.

Classic Olivier recipe with sausage - the simplest step-by-step with photo

He's Soviet! Adults remember the Soviet era, and for all of them this recipe with sausage was a classic salad. And young housewives are already improvising and changing the classic recipe, creating their own culinary masterpieces.

Salad ingredients:

  • Canned green peas – 1 can
  • Eggs – 5-6 pieces
  • Boiled sausage – 400 grams
  • Pickled cucumbers – 2-3 pieces
  • Carrots – 2 medium pieces
  • Potatoes – 2-3 pieces
  • Mayonnaise – 150 grams
  • Onions – 2 onions (you can have a bunch of green ones)
  • Greens for decoration: dill, parsley, celery
  • Spices and salt to taste

How to prepare Olivier salad according to the classic recipe?

All the cooking time is spent cooking the food. The rest is banal and simple, but it’s so delicious, you’ll just lick your fingers.

  1. We cook all the vegetables in their jackets. Hard boiled eggs. Then cool and clean.
  2. Cut carrots, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, and sausage into cubes. Finely chop the eggs.
  3. Drain the liquid from the can of canned peas and add the peas to the salad.
  4. Salt and pepper to taste. Season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.
  5. We put it in the refrigerator. To soak and cool.
  6. All. Our "Olivier" recipe classic ready. Serve, garnish with a sprig of dill or parsley. Bon appetit!

It has been experimentally proven and tested how to cook perfect recipe"Olivie":

  • Cook vegetables only with their skins on, this way the taste and vitamins are preserved;
  • Take potatoes at the rate of 1 piece per 1 person;
  • Be sure to cool the vegetables. And cut the potatoes with a knife moistened cold water or vegetable oil;
  • The sausage should be without fat - “Doctor’s” is just that.
  • The most delicious pickled or marinated cucumbers are slightly larger than a gherkin and not very sour;
  • Don’t skimp on eggs; they give the salad lightness and tenderness. Ideally, 1 egg per guest;
  • To prevent the onion from becoming bitter, pour boiling water over it. Better yet, use green onions instead. The Olivier salad will look more elegant and festive;
  • Not just any pea will do either. Look at glass jars– it’s immediately noticeable in what quality. Do not take with cloudy white sediment and dark peas. For the classic Olivier, you need to choose soft peas of the “brain variety” (these are wrinkled fruits, similar to the brain - they have the best taste qualities and least of all starch);
  • First mix all the ingredients, and then just add mayonnaise and salt;
  • After refrigeration, before decorating, arrange the salad into dishes using a “serving ring” or a cut-off 1.5 liter plastic bottle;
  • Boiled sausage can be replaced with smoked, ham or meat;
  • To betray fresh aroma For our dish, instead of pickled cucumbers, you can cut a fresh cucumber.

Since Soviet times, this salad has been prepared for the New Year along with and. And now it still appears on the New Year's table.

And now for improvisation. Let's move away from the classics and prepare Olivier with other products.

Classic Olivier salad recipe with fresh cucumber

Well, let's try the recipe with fresh cucumber!

What do we need? The same as in the classic “Olivier”, the only difference is that instead of pickled (salted) cucumbers in general composition we will add fresh cucumber. Or rather, to those ingredients listed above - 3 medium fresh cucumbers.

In reality, the aroma flows throughout the entire apartment - freshness, cheerfulness and memories " summer days" We advise you to prepare Olivier with fresh cucumber - you won’t regret it.

"Olivier" classic recipe with chicken

For lovers white meat We suggest taking chicken fillet and adding it instead of sausage. This time you can take smaller potatoes. And leave the rest of the products unchanged. That is, we repeat:

Composition of the Olivier salad

  • Green peas of brain varieties - 1 jar
  • Chicken fillet – 400 grams
  • Potatoes – 5 pieces
  • Pickled cucumbers – 3 pieces
  • Eggs – 5 pieces
  • Carrots – 2 small pieces
  • Green onions – 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise – 200 grams
  • Salt and spices to taste

Cooking method

  1. Cook vegetables, chicken, eggs. Cool and clean.
  2. Cut into small cubes. About the size of the same peas that are in the jar.
  3. Knife-deep cucumbers. Drain the brine from the canned food and mix all the resulting products.
  4. Season with mayonnaise and add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. To soak, place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  6. Serve in portions. Bon appetit.

Try instead of chicken if desired. boiled beef or turkey. And it’s not bad to add grated apple for juiciness and a pleasant sweet taste. Not only the apple, but also lemon juice and olives will add piquancy to Olivier.

With the appearance of new products on Russian tables, housewives began to add Olivier to the classic recipe. canned corn instead of peas, crab sticks, shrimp, cheese, exotic fruits.

Olivier salad with salmon, fresh cucumber and caviar

Who calls it what? tasty dish– Tsar’s or Royal fur coat, Olivier salad in a new way. But I know one thing for sure, what it is holiday treat will drive each of the guests crazy and they will sweep it off the table first.

This recipe was born in unusual conditions, at least that's how it was with me. At one of the celebrations, red caviar accidentally ended up on Olivier’s plate. Having tasted it, I was surprised unusual taste- I liked it very much.

And I decided to come up with something so that classic Olivier updated and became attractive. And see for yourself what came of it:

This unusual, truly Royal new Olivier salad with salmon, fresh cucumber and caviar will outshine any New Year's table. The guests will be delighted and will not stop until they eat it up to a crumb.

It is prepared, as can be seen from the video, quite simply and easily. Combination of seafood and fresh vegetables will transform the classics, traditional recipe will take on a new name.

I advise you to try it at least once and understand that there is still a place in cooking for masterpieces!

An old classic recipe, from chef Olivier himself

For a long time, Mr. Olivier did not divulge the secret of his salad - he kept it secret. And not everyone was given the opportunity to taste it - expensive products used by the cook. Only after death, in 1904, the world saw the main composition.

Caviar as a decoration will add sophistication and piquancy

Ingredients of the old Olivier salad recipe

  • Hazel grouse meat
  • Veal tongue
  • Black caviar
  • Fresh salad
  • Crayfish (more precisely, crayfish tails) or lobsters, or shrimp (as I did)
  • Very small pickles
  • Soy sauce "Kabul"
  • Fresh cucumbers
  • Pickled “Capers” (these are flower buds of the caper plant)
  • French provencal sauce
  • Boiled eggs (Olivier himself used them as a decoration)

This is such a rich and not cheap composition.

Hello everyone, my dear friends and visitors to my blog! Today it is with great pleasure that I present to your attention a very tasty and very famous salad. You can prepare it for any holiday, or just family dinner. And on New Year's table it is simply necessary. I think you have already guessed what recipe we will be talking about. Classic Olivier salad. It is prepared quickly, from products available to all of us, and is eaten even faster. Such simple recipes It’s always in every housewife’s cookbook.

Many guests gathered at the table begin to argue about the composition of this dish. Some say it should contain chicken breast, others veal. And someone cooks only with boiled sausage and for him it’s real recipe. We will look into what ingredients you will need and what you can replace them with in this article.

And today we will look at the most famous and delicious options simple Olivier. I hope my recommendations will be useful to you.

Dishes will always be much tastier if you choose the right products for them. They should be good quality. Almost everything necessary products We always have houses in stock. You can And it will be even tastier with it. As a result, the salad turns out to be quite satisfying. Its calorie content is 198 kcal. per 100 grams. But even those who watch their figure can afford a small portion of this delicious dish.

Classic Olivier salad with sausage - a very tasty recipe

For such a treat, I usually take boiled Doctor's sausage. Although, no one is forbidden to choose their favorite variety. Only the smoked one is probably not worth taking. After all, it is somewhat dry for salads.

A few years ago, our grandmothers made it in a large salad bowl. This is the taste we will try to recreate. Step by step description You can see the preparations below. And the detailed composition of the ingredients is as follows:

  • Potatoes - 3-4 tubers
  • Chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Carrots - 1 pc. large
  • A can of green peas - 250-300 grams.
  • Boiled sausage (doctor's) - 200 grams.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Green onions, parsley - to taste

1. First you need raw foods boil. Take a small bowl, put the eggs and fill it with water, add a little salt and put it on the fire.

Boil hard-boiled eggs for 5-7 minutes after boiling.

3. Wash the potatoes and carrots and place them in a pan with salted water. Cook for about 30-40 minutes. But I still advise you to check with the tip of a knife, sometimes the potatoes boil so quickly. And this is of no use to us. Cool, peel and chop into cubes.

4. Place the chopped ingredients in a deep bowl. Thinly chopped onions are also poured in there.

5. Cut the boiled sausage into circles 1 cm thick. Then stack them on top of each other and cut into strips. We will chop them into cubes the same size as the vegetables.

It is advisable to cut the ingredients into equal pieces for aesthetically pleasing ready dish.

Do the same with pickled cucumbers. Open the canned peas, drain the water and place in a bowl. Look how in this photo all the products are beautifully cut.

6. All this stuff is mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. There it will brew well and taste even better. If you don’t have time to soak the salad, you can serve it immediately. Decorate the dish with sprigs of herbs, olives or egg flowers.

Winter salad Olivier with meat and pickles

As already mentioned in the article, there are countless recipes for the dish. Each housewife has her own. That's why I prepared another one for you good recipe with beef and pickles.

Pickling cucumbers for this recipe should be without vinegar. That is, not pickled, namely pickles we need. Their such sour taste goes well with beef or veal. So, what will we take for this dish:

  • Boiled beef fillet - 300 gr.
  • Eggs - 3-4 pieces
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 medium
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Salty barrel cucumbers- 3 pieces
  • Canned peas - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise - to taste

Cooking steps:

1. First of all, let's cook the meat. It must be washed, filled with water and cooked until tender. Cool and cut into small cubes.

2. Boil the potatoes along with carrots, peel and chop into suitable cubes.

3. Hard boil the eggs. Remove the shells and chop them. If you have an egg slicer at home, you can use it. If not, cut with a knife.

4. Cut the pickled cucumbers into arbitrary pieces. The onion can be chopped into squares or thin half rings.

5. Combine all prepared ingredients in a bowl, add green peas, after draining the water. Now lightly salt and pepper everything.

Don't forget that cucumbers and mayonnaise are quite salty.

Season with mayonnaise and mix well again. If you have time, let the dish sit in the refrigerator for a while. If not, bring it to the table immediately. You can decorate with parsley or other herbs.

Classic Olivier salad with chicken - a simple recipe

A lighter version of this dish can be prepared for dinner for your family. It is, of course, suitable for any holiday. It will never get boring and will complement any other dish.

A 100-gram serving contains 95 kilocalories. This is such a light salad with chicken breast. It has a lot of cucumbers and little mayonnaise.


  • Chicken breast - 250 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Medium potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Medium carrots - 1 piece
  • Medium onion - 1 piece
  • Green peas - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 50 grams


1. Boil the eggs in salted water until cooked. This will take about 5 minutes. Next, cool and cut into small cubes.

2. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water until cooked. When it cools, cut into cubes.

3. Salted and fresh cucumbers also need to be chopped. It is desirable that the pieces are the same size, as in the photo below. First we cut along, and then chop across.

4. Wash carrots and potatoes first. Fill a saucepan with water and lightly salt. Boil until done, check with a wooden skewer. If the skewer goes in easily, the food is already cooked. Cool, clean everything and chop.

5. Pour all the chopped ingredients into a bowl. We also add canned peas, onions and herbs here. Salt and pepper to taste and season with mayonnaise. Mix everything well and the dish is ready. You can beautifully arrange them in plates and serve them on the table.

Video on how to prepare a delicious Olivier salad

If you want to do gourmet treat on the festive table, then pay attention to this recipe. Fish lovers will definitely like it. You can see in detail how to make Olivier salad with red fish on Svetlana Chernova’s channel.

Before serving, the salad must be allowed to soak. The bowl needs to be wrapped cling film. Still, the fish has a strong smell. And we don’t want it to pick up extraneous aromas. After 20 minutes, the salad can already be brought to the table.

This appetizer can also be served in pita bread. This will make it look even more attractive on your table. To do this, lay out the pita bread, place it on it a small amount of filling and wrap it in a roll, put it in the refrigerator. After 15 minutes, cut into pieces.

Classic Olivier salad with fresh cucumber

Over time, all your favorite salads get boring and you want something new. Therefore, I present to your attention the classic Olivier, but with the addition fresh cucumbers. They will give it a spring note.

It won’t take much time to prepare, but the result will be a hearty and tasty dish. Try to take only natural products, then this food will be beneficial for the body.

Let's see what ingredients we need:

  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3-4 pcs.
  • Boiled sausage - 300 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, sour cream - for dressing
  • Dill and parsley - for decoration

So, we will prepare a delicious and easy-to-prepare salad of all times.

1. Wash the potatoes and carrots. Place them in a saucepan or cauldron. Pour cold water, add salt and cook until tender.

2. At this time, send the eggs to boil in another vessel. In about 7 minutes they will be hard-boiled. Then place them in cold water and let them cool down.

3. Pour cold water over cooked vegetables to better cleaning. Then carefully remove the skin and chop.

4. Also chop the sausage into appropriate pieces.

5. Take fresh cucumbers and wash them thoroughly. Blot away excess moisture with a paper towel. Chop into small cubes.

6. Remove the shell from hard-boiled and cooled eggs. We cut them into the same size as the rest of the components.

7. Take a large bowl in which we combine all the products. Add canned green peas. All that remains is to season and mix.

For this dish, I make the dressing from sour cream and half mayonnaise. This makes the salad tastier and more tender.

Salt and pepper to your taste, mix everything thoroughly. There you go gorgeous dish. When serving, garnish with a sprig of parsley.

Step-by-step recipe for real Olivier salad with chicken

Still, with meat, Olivier becomes richer and more satisfying. But this recipe with fresh herbs will definitely please your family and guests.

A winter salad with chicken breast, fresh cucumber and herbs can be a complete dinner. It is both filling and low in calories. I'll make it for the whole family. And for those who find this too much, reduce the amount of ingredients by half.

So, what do we need:

  • Chicken breast - 450g.
  • Potatoes - 3 medium
  • Carrots - 2 medium
  • Eggs - 6 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Green onions - 100 gr.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Sour cream - to taste
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

1. Let's start preparing our delicious salad. Place carrots and potatoes in a saucepan and cook until tender.

2. Take another small saucepan; eggs will be boiled in it.

3. Cool the cooked products. All ingredients must be cut and poured into a deep bowl.

We do not add peas to this salad.

4. Wash the greens and cucumbers, let the water drain and chop them randomly. Add to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Season our salad with sour cream. With sour cream in this salad real taste childhood. All is ready. Invite your family to the table.

Video recipe for making Olivier at home

I’ve been watching recipes on Olga Matvey’s video channel for a long time. The girl cooks amazingly. Here's a video of her preparing Olivier.

After looking at it, I immediately wanted to eat. Then it's time to start preparing your favorite salad. This salad will always be appropriate for any occasion, especially on winter period. After all, it is also called Winter Salad.

I hope these options are enough for you to choose the right one. Thank you very much to everyone who cooked with me. I will continue to delight you with new and delicious recipes. See you!
