Hot pickling of mushrooms for the winter. Salting various edible mushrooms using cold and hot methods, storing pickled mushrooms

- not such a simple matter. On festive table salted mushrooms are especially respected. But you need to be able to cook them. And, before you start pickling mushrooms, it is important to know the main rules for harvesting them. The following recipes will tell you about the basic methods of pickling mushrooms and storing them.

You can pickle different mushrooms: lamellar (honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, yellow mushrooms, etc.), tubular (boletus, aspen, boletus, boletus), and even champignons. You can make combined pickles, but it’s still better to sort the mushrooms by type.

On “Pickling mushrooms at home” recipes mushrooms are prepared as follows. Tubular ones are salted immediately, without preliminary soaking. For lamellar and other mushrooms, you need to cut off the stems and soak them in cold, lightly salted water for quite a long time (from 2 to 5 days). The soaking water is added with salt to prevent the mushrooms from turning sour. But it should still be changed at least twice a day. Mushrooms with an abundance of bitter juice (bitter mushrooms, volnushki, etc.) should be boiled and not soaked.

Before pickling mushrooms, a suitable container (enamel or ceramic barrel, tub, bucket, etc.) must be doused with boiling water or evaporated. Also for homemade pickling use glass jars; but they are suitable for small volumes of mushrooms.

There are two main methods of salting: hot and hot. Each of them will be discussed in more detail below.

Cold pickling of mushrooms at home for the winter

Before salting mushrooms in a cold way, spices and spices are placed in the dishes prepared for salting: Bay leaf, blackcurrant leaves, dill umbrellas, garlic, horseradish leaves, cloves, allspice, etc. Mushrooms are placed on the spices, it is advisable to lay them upside down, sprinkling layers every 5-8 cm with salt. On average, the amount of salt should be approximately 3% of the total mass of mushrooms, or about 40-50 g of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms.

The mushrooms are covered with a clean linen cloth on top, and then with a lid that fits well into the dish or with a wooden circle on which pressure is placed. Instead of oppression, you can use a stone, washed and scalded with boiling water. You cannot take limestone stones, bricks and metal objects for oppression. The dishes with mushrooms are left to salt when room temperature.

After 2-3 days, a brine should appear under the surface of the mushrooms. The excess can be drained and a new portion of mushrooms added to the bowl. These steps are repeated until the mushrooms stop settling and the container is as full as possible. After 3-4 days, brine will appear above the mushrooms; the weight of oppression should be increased. Store pickled mushrooms in a cool place, periodically changing the napkin and washing the oppression (at least once every 2 weeks).

You can prepare mushrooms using the cold method in a slightly different way. For the second option, the mushrooms are placed on the spices with their caps up, sprinkling them with layers of salt every 5-8 cm and laying the spices again. In this way, mushrooms are placed for pickling until the entire container is filled. Afterwards, boiled cold water is poured into it, and the workpiece is covered with a wooden circle included in the dish, on which oppression is placed. The mushrooms should be compressed and settled within a few days, and a new portion should be added to the container. fresh mushrooms, after which it is sealed and placed in a cold place. Once a week, the salted container must be shaken or rocked to evenly distribute the brine in it. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the container does not leak, and that the mushrooms on top of the brine do not “peek out” or freeze in the cold. Without brine, they will turn black and begin to mold, and from the cold they will become flabby and quickly deteriorate.

Pickling mushrooms is the easiest way to prepare for future use. All mushrooms are suitable for pickling

How to pickle mushrooms

Salted milk mushrooms

We carefully clean the milk mushrooms and rinse them under cold running water. Cut large milk mushrooms into medium pieces. Place the mushrooms in a container and pour cold water for 5-6 hours so that the bitterness goes away. Then boil the milk mushrooms in salted water (2 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter of water) for 20 minutes, then rinse under running water. We do not pour out the water.

Peel the garlic and horseradish root and chop finely. Place the milk mushrooms in a container, caps down, in several layers. Salt each layer, arrange with currant leaves, garlic and horseradish, dill seeds and pepper. Cover with gauze and place the weight; if there is not enough brine, add the water in which the milk mushrooms were boiled. Leave the milk mushrooms to salt for 2-3 days. Then we transfer the mushrooms into sterilized jars and press them on top currant leaf. Closing banks nylon covers and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Milk mushrooms - 1 kg, salt (not iodized) - 4-5 tbsp. l., garlic - 5-6 cloves, dill seeds - 5 tbsp. l., horseradish root - 1 pc., black pepper - 6 peas, currant leaves.

Salted chanterelles.

To begin with, the chanterelles must be thoroughly cleaned of all contaminants and rinsed thoroughly in cold water, and this must be done carefully, trying not to damage the mushrooms. Then boil the chanterelles in salted water for 15 minutes, place them on a sieve and wait until all the liquid has drained and the mushrooms have cooled.

Then pour a layer of salt onto the bottom of a glass or enamel container and place layers of chanterelles with their caps down, sprinkling each layer with coarse salt. When the container is filled with mushrooms, cover it with a cloth, place a wooden circle or dish on top and apply light pressure (for example, you can use a bottle filled with water).

Leave the mushrooms for 3 days until they produce juice. Then you can add new mushrooms and continue to repeat this operation until the shrinkage is completely completed. Then the chanterelles must be taken out to a cold room for further storage (you must ensure that the mushrooms are completely covered with brine). The chanterelles will be ready in 1.5 months.

For 1 kg of freshly picked chanterelles: 50 g coarse salt(and cooking salt at the rate of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

Mushroom platter.

Clean the mushrooms from dirt, wash them thoroughly and soak in water for three days (change the water several times). Then boil for 15-20 minutes. and rinse with running cold water. Let the water drain and sprinkle the mushrooms with salt. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, layering with pieces of horseradish, oak leaves, cloves and garlic cloves. Keep it under pressure for a month, reduce it, and after 10 days put the mushrooms in jars, pour oil on top and close the lids. Keep refrigerated.

For 3 kg autumn mushrooms(volnushki, milk mushrooms, etc.): 3 tbsp. l. coarse salt, horseradish, oak leaves, clove buds, garlic, vegetable oil.

Mushrooms “Assorted”.

Clean the mushrooms from dirt and cut off the roots. The mushrooms, milk mushrooms and russula should be soaked in cold water for about 6 hours, and the saffron milk caps should simply be washed. Place a layer of salt on the bottom of the prepared jars and place the mushrooms there, sprinkling with salt. Place pressure on top. When the mushrooms have settled, add more until the jars are filled to the top.

Leave for 5 days at room temperature. Then check whether enough brine has appeared; if not enough, increase the load. After 15 days, the mushrooms will be ready, and they should be stored in a cold place.

For 1 kg of mushrooms - 40 g table salt(4 tsp).

Salted mushrooms with crunch.

After the mushrooms have been cleaned and soaked for at least 1 hour, boil them in salted water with spices for 20-30 minutes. Drain the broth, rinse the mushrooms in cold water, drain in a colander and let dry. After this, add spices and salt to the container (at the rate of 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt per 1 kg of boiled mushrooms) and cover with a napkin, a mug and a weight.

You can eat mushrooms after 3-5 days. The mushrooms are salted, now you need to save them. Mushrooms can be stored in a tub or pan in the cellar or refrigerator, because... mushrooms should always be in brine. But you can put them in jars and pour them on top vegetable oil, cover with a plastic lid and store in the cold. From this quantity you will get 5 cans of 0.8 liters each. The oil prevents the brine from fermenting or molding, and if the mushrooms are too salty, they can be washed with cold water.

Almost all edible and conditionally edible mushrooms are suitable for pickling, since in this form they are well preserved and have pleasant taste. If, of course, the salting was done according to certain rules.

But lamellar mushrooms are best suited for pickling: milk mushrooms, podgruzdki, valui, volnushki, honey mushrooms, saffron milk caps, rows, russula, smoothies, bitter gourds, serushkas, etc. Of course, you should not neglect tubular mushrooms - porcini, aspen, oak, and others , given their high taste.

Mushrooms selected for pickling are pre-processed, then their stem is cut off right under the cap (especially for lamellar mushrooms). The caps of russula and boletus are usually removed. The legs, as a rule, are not salted, with the exception of saffron milk caps, boletuses, aspen boletus, oak boletus, and birch boletus. Each type of mushroom is salted separately. But you can also take different mushrooms with approximately the same taste. However, the harvesting of high-grade mushrooms (milk mushrooms, saffron milk mushrooms) with secondary ones (volnushki, white mushrooms, etc.) is not allowed.

White mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, oak mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, and champignons can be salted immediately after processing. But mushrooms with a pungent, bitter or unpleasant taste must first be boiled or soaked for two to three days. The best way to do this is in tubs or barrels that have holes at the bottoms that are closed with a wooden stopper. Used water is drained through these holes before the container is filled with fresh water.

The mushrooms intended for soaking are placed in a barrel, filled with cold salted water and covered first with a clean towel, then with a wooden or plywood circle, on top of which, so that the mushrooms do not float, a small weight is placed. The water needs to be changed once or twice a day. It should be noted that when soaked, mushrooms lose many extractive substances, the most nutritionally valuable salts and even some soluble proteins.

If the weather is warm and the container with mushrooms is located, although in the shade, but in the open air, they can sour within a day. In such mushrooms, even then salted, fermentation processes will continue. They will soon crumble, turn into foamy mucus, that is, they will spoil. Thus, mushrooms should be soaked using the place where they might be right time at optimal temperature, without souring. Pre-boiling or scalding them is considered much more practical and safer in terms of protecting mushrooms from spoilage.

At the same time, most of them - milk mushrooms, podgrudki, serushki, bitter mushrooms, except for tremors and whites, are placed in a pan with boiling, slightly salted water. They are usually kept there for 5 minutes. Chanterelles, distinguished by rubbery flesh, and rough valui - from 15 to 25 minutes. It is advisable to blanch the russula first and then boil it. The processed mushrooms are thrown into a sieve or colander, allowed to cool, then salted.

As for tremors and whitefish, they adhere to slightly different rules. Usually these mushrooms are not boiled, but only scalded with boiling water, and their characteristic bitterness almost completely disappears. However, in both cases, boiling water absorbs the bitterness, unpleasant taste and smell of mushrooms. Therefore, after each boiling, the water should be poured out of the pan and not reused when processing a new, fresh portion of mushrooms.

Pickling edible mushrooms cold way.

For cold salting, they use milk mushrooms, capsicum, saffron milk caps, volnushki, serushki, some types of russula and others. With this method of pickling, the mushrooms are not boiled first. Before salting, they are processed and soaked as usual. Then the bottom of the dish (barrel, enamel bucket) is covered with various spices: dill, blackcurrant leaves, cherries, horseradish, bay leaves, pepper, cloves, etc. (for example, for 10 kg of mushrooms - 1 g of pepper sweet pea, 2 g bay leaf).

Each spice has its own purpose. Thus, dill, black currant leaves, bay, pepper, and cloves give mushrooms a special pleasant aroma. The leaves and roots of horseradish give the mushrooms a spicy pungency, and they also protect against souring. Cherry and oak leaves provide appetizing fragility and strength. Mushrooms are placed on top of the spices, stems up, in layers 5-8 cm thick. Each layer is sprinkled with salt at the rate of 40-60 grams per 1 kg of fresh mushrooms. When the dish is filled, its contents are sprinkled with spices and covered with a wooden mug or an enamel lid, handle down, wrapped in clean gauze or linen.

The circle in the center is pressed down with oppression - a naked stone that does not dissolve in brine. If you don’t have one, you can use an enamel saucepan as a pressure, putting any weight in it. It is not recommended to make the load from dolomite (limestone) stone, bricks (from the brine they dissolve and spoil the mushrooms), metal objects (rust appears on them). If after 3-4 days no brine appears above the mushrooms, then the weight of oppression should be increased. As the pickled mushrooms settle, the same container can be replenished with fresh mushrooms, adding salt and spices accordingly.

Rush saffron milk caps are salted in a special way. They do not wash the mushrooms; they use a wide brush to remove any dirt and pine needles from them, and wipe them cleanly from the soil with a cloth. Place in a bowl in layers 5-6 cm thick, the way they grow - with the caps facing up. Each row is sprinkled with salt (30 grams per 1 kg of mushrooms). It is better to salt saffron milk caps without garlic, dill, horseradish, etc. They only take away the natural aroma and taste that nicer properties any spices. Then, as usual, pressure is placed on the saffron milk caps. When the mushrooms have settled, add fresh ones. Mushrooms salted in a cold way are edible: saffron milk caps - after 5-6 days, milk mushrooms, podgruzdki - after 30-35, volushki and white mushrooms - after 40, valui - after 50 days.

Hot pickling of edible mushrooms.

This pickling is suitable for harvesting mushrooms: porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps, boletuses, boletus mushrooms, oak mushrooms, fly mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, goat mushrooms, many types of russula, as well as conditionally edible mushrooms. After pre-treatment mushrooms are boiled in salted water with spices (for 1 kg of mushrooms - 2 tablespoons of salt, bay leaf, 2 blackcurrant leaves, 3 black peppercorns, 3 cloves) for 20-30 minutes. They themselves will show their readiness. They will settle to the bottom and the brine will become transparent. The broth is then drained, the mushrooms are washed in cold water, placed in a colander and allowed to dry. After this, they are salted as with the cold method, adding spices and salt to the container (45-60 grams per 1 kg. boiled mushrooms), and put oppression.

Hot salting may be slightly different. Cooked mushrooms are removed from the pan with a slotted spoon and transferred to a wide bowl for quick cooling. Then, together with the brine (it should be about half of the mass of mushrooms), glass jars or wooden barrels are filled with them and closed. Hot salted mushrooms can be eaten within a few days.

Storing pickled mushrooms.

The mushrooms have been salted and now there are other worries - preserving them longer, of course, if there is enough stock. Suitable for storing salted mushrooms only: wooden tubs, glass and unstained enamelware. Tinned and zinc tin buckets are completely unsuitable. Their top layer dissolves under the influence of mushroom brine and, as a result, forms toxic compounds harmful to health. For the same reason, you cannot salt mushrooms in clay pots. In addition, there may be lead in the glaze. Tubs made of pickled cucumbers, cabbage and meat are also not suitable. When stored, mushrooms develop an unusual taste.

Wooden tubs, no matter what they are - new or previously used, need to be soaked ahead of time so that they do not leak brine in the future, washed and steamed. Glass and enamel dishes You should also wash it, but with soda, also keep it in boiling water and dry it without wiping it. Salted mushrooms must be stored in a cool, well-ventilated area, maintaining the temperature within 5-6 degrees.

At 0 degrees and below, they will freeze, begin to crumble, become tasteless, and at temperatures exceeding the optimal temperature, they will sour and spoil. Mushrooms should always be in brine. If it becomes less, then you can add cold boiled water to the container. The oppression, fabric, and wooden circle should be washed from time to time in warm salted water, then scalded with boiling water. Mold that appears on the walls of the dishes must be removed with a clean cloth soaked in hot water.

Based on materials from the book " Desk book mushroom picker."
Yu.K. Doletov.

The value of the products of the mushroom kingdom lies in the rare balanced composition of natural food components: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins. It has long been believed that mushroom dishes replace meat in the winter season. Until the beginning of the 20th century, salting and drying were the main quick and inexpensive methods of preparing mushrooms for long-term storage. They have not lost their popularity to this day.

Not only tasty, but also healthy

A significant part of the list of mushroom contents is water, since here it is 90%. This is why mushrooms are easily digestible and have low calorie content and comply with standards for use in dietetics. In composition, mushrooms are close to fruits in terms of the amount of minerals, meat dishes- according to protein content, to vegetables - according to the presence of carbohydrates.

The porous structure of mushrooms allows them to be digested for a long time and without feeling hungry. In addition, mushrooms are a source of essential protein compounds (tyrosine, arginine, glutamine, leucine), fatty and unsaturated fatty acids, a special place among which is occupied by lecithin, fatty acid glycerides, palmic, stearic, and butyric acids.

Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), A, D, E, PP regulate the activity of the nervous and blood systems, help improve the appearance of hair, nails, skin and blood vessels of the body.

Mineral components - zinc, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, potassium, calcium - are involved in the working processes of the heart and blood vessels, activate metabolism, promote the production of pituitary hormones, remove dangerous cholesterol, and strengthen the heart muscle.

Important components of mushrooms are beta-glucans, the presence of which strengthens the immune system and is very effective against cancer. And the natural melanin in the product is a powerful natural antioxidant.

Did you know? wild edible mushroom sulfur-yellow tinder fungus (Laetiporus sulphureus) has incredible taste, reminiscent of fried chicken.

Pickling mushrooms only enhances the beneficial properties of the components of the mushroom product. After all, when they are salted, a characteristic viscous liquid is released, which, enveloping the walls of the stomach, protects them from direct contact with gastric juice.

In addition, salted mushrooms eliminate excessive love for sweets. The brain perceives sugar as a kind of drug. Consumption is not limited to small doses, you want more and more. In some cases, this behavior is explained by a lack of zinc in the blood.

The amount of zinc in salted mushrooms is comparable to its presence in mussels and oysters. A natural, less expensive mushroom alternative, when used regularly in food, normalizes the balance of zinc in the blood and ultimately promotes weight loss.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

Let's give interesting method pickling of mushrooms, which has the following advantages: lack of bitterness, can be consumed within a couple of weeks, mushroom material does not “shrink”.
From kitchen utensils you will need:

  • cutting board;
  • three-liter jars;
  • pans for 4-5 liters of water;
  • nylon covers.

List of ingredients

Ingredients are listed on three liter jar. You must have:

  • salt (set the exact amount yourself over time);
  • several leaves of horseradish;
  • a head of garlic;
  • black peppercorns and allspice to taste;
  • fresh or dried dill umbrellas 5-6 pieces;
  • sunflower oil.

Features of selection and preparation of mushrooms

A special feature of the recipe is the removal of mushroom bitterness by pre-boiling in water for 3-5 minutes. To do this, we sort out the found mushrooms (throw away the wormy and old ones), clean them of debris with a brush or nylon cloth, cut them into convenient pieces, and wash them well.
In a 4-5 liter pan of boiling water, put mushrooms and a tablespoon of salt in a 4-liter pan and a heaped tablespoon in a 5-liter pan.
Boil for 3-5 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse the mushroom mixture and let the water drain for about 20 minutes. The mushrooms are ready for salting.

Did you know? In the XYII-XIX centuries, salted milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps became gourmet product export to European countries. The popularity of saffron milk caps was so great that the name of the mushroom took root in the languages ​​of many countries. So, the Germans call them Reizker, and the Hungarians- Rizike.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

  1. Place a sheet at the bottom of the jar fresh horseradish and a leaf from old can already fermented mushrooms. If you are doing it for the first time, then you can only get by fresh leaves horseradish.
  2. Add half a portion of garlic, dill, allspice and black pepper. Sprinkle two pinches of salt on top.
  3. We lay the mushrooms in layers of 3-4 cm. We also salt each layer with two pinches of salt (or at your discretion).
  4. Having reached the middle of the jar, place the remaining garlic, dill corollas, allspice and black pepper on top of the mushrooms. Add some salt.
  5. We continue to alternate the mushroom layers, periodically compacting them. It should be taken into account that there are fewer mushrooms in the upper layers of the jar, which means that less salt is needed. About one pinch.
  6. Leave 3-4 cm free to the top edge of the jar so that the brine does not spill out due to rising mushrooms.
  7. Cover the last salted layer of mushrooms with two sheets of horseradish and sprinkle with a pinch of salt. That is, we make a special shutter that will prevent mushrooms from rising.
  8. Water from above sunflower oil at your own discretion to block the access of oxygen to the ripening process. Otherwise, the quality of salty delicacies will deteriorate significantly.
  9. Cover with a nylon lid and place in a cool place for two weeks. This is a refrigerator or a cellar.

If in doubt the right amount salt, then after two days you should taste the mushrooms, because by this time the salt has already been distributed evenly throughout the jar. If necessary, salt can be added on top.

How and where to store the workpiece correctly

The process of salting the mushroom mass proceeds normally both in barrels and in enamel buckets, and in glass containers. The main thing is to keep the dishes and products used clean. Pre-scald the container with boiling water or sterilize it.

Dry cool place - the best option for storing pickles. It is optimal to store salted mushrooms at a temperature of +5...+6°C, in the refrigerator.

But salted mushrooms stored in tubs and buckets are best placed in the cellar. Someone manages to store pickles on the balcony during the winter season.

To protect the salted gifts of the forest from freezing, they are placed in specially prepared insulated containers. The insulation is old warm clothes, blankets, and wood sawdust. The main condition quality storage the product will be maintained at a constant temperature:

  • temperatures below 3 degrees make mushrooms soft, falling apart, and tasteless;
  • high temperature leads to souring.

Transfer or shake the mushroom mass once a week. If there is not enough brine, add cooled boiled water. Any mold that appears must be removed. If it appears again and again, then remove the mushrooms, rinse and cover with new brine. The shelf life, subject to all conditions, is limited to six months.

Important! Wooden tubs and barrels are most suitable for pickling, except for products made from aspen. Dishes made of clay and galvanized sheet are absolutely not suitable for the salting process.

What mushrooms are best for pickling?

All types of edible forest products are subject to the salting process. But on taste qualities lamellar mushrooms with a characteristic bitter taste and unusual aroma. These include:

  • saffron milk caps, ( top quality salting);
  • , whites, (can be salted in bulk);

Noble saffron milk caps and milk mushrooms are certainly salted separately from the rest of the mushroom kingdom.

Is it possible to eat salted mushrooms?

Let's consider the important issue of using mushroom pickles various categories of people.


Despite the significant amount of minerals and vitamins in mushroom dishes, the digestion process takes long time, which is an additional burden on the digestive system, liver, and kidneys. In addition, representatives of the mushroom kingdom are capable of accumulating heavy metals and toxins from the environment. Don't forget about the risk of poisoning and the threat of botulism.

Important! Doctors categorically prohibit expectant mothers from eating mushrooms.

Salty mushroom products enter the dangerous risk zone.


Salted and pickled mushrooms breastfeeding eating is not recommended.

For children

Children under six years of age should not try mushroom dishes any type of preparation. Even well-known mushroom products can upset the balance of a child’s health.

Losing weight

Nutritionists in Britain have developed a special mushroom diet, the essence of which is to replace meat with mushrooms, and only fresh mushrooms are used. Champignons and white ones are suitable.

A diet based on salted mushrooms also has its place. The mono-diet involves only salted forest products in the diet with a small amount of vegetables. Before eating, the mushroom mass should be washed, seasoned with oil and herbs. Use only this salad for food.

For cooking dietary breakfast you need to grind the mushroom mass, combine with low-fat cottage cheese and greens. Can add a small amount of salt. Excellent dietary dish is a soup based on mushrooms, vegetables, and herbs.

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In September, it is customary to collect and prepare mushrooms. Many avid mushroom pickers are looking forward to the “silent hunting” season to go into the forest for full baskets of porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. With the same pleasure, then deal with the hassle of canning. Any feast will be decorated with pickled mushroom platter or salted mushrooms. There are a lot of recipes and salting nuances.

Basics of delicious pickling

The main difference between cold and hot pickling is only the time spent on canning. Preparations using the cold method take longer before finished product ready and can be eaten. Typically, cold pickling does not require additional spices or other ingredients, just salt. Prepared mushrooms are placed in jars or other suitable containers, sprinkle with salt, and place a press on top. Before you start pickling mushroom preparations, you need to know how long different types should be cooked:

  • saffron milk caps - 4−5 days;
  • valui - at least one and a half months;
  • milk mushrooms - month;
  • waves - month;
  • whites - 40 days.

Hot canning is suitable for those cases when you need to get quick snack on

festive table. There is no need to wait months: the appetizer will be ready within a week after baking. Those types of mushrooms that can taste bitter should be boiled in salted water for 20 minutes (milk mushrooms and honey mushrooms - no more than five minutes). You can simply pour boiling water over russulas, whelks and volushki, then immerse them in water for half an hour. hot water, wash and, sprinkle with salt, put under pressure (similar to the cold salting method). This method is ideal for home use.

Recipes for pickling mushrooms will differ depending on the type of raw material. Each mushroom has its own cooking characteristics. If you take them into account when salting, you can get a stunning snack for strong alcohol or an addition to a meat or vegetable main dish.

Cooking recipes can be selected based on the recommendations of experienced chefs:

  • for pickling, it is better to take mushroom caps;
  • the hot method is ideal for honey mushrooms, pigs and stitches;
  • if the mushrooms turn out to be too dirty, you need to soak them for 2-3 hours in water with salt;
  • When preparing mushrooms using the hot method, it is advisable to add 1 tsp. citric acid per liter container;
  • Ideal containers for pickling are wooden tubs and barrels.

Any container - wooden or glass - must be rinsed thoroughly before starting preparation. Glass jars Be sure to sterilize by steaming or in a hot oven.

Mushroom recipes

The most popular for pickling are milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, butter mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. All recipes for pickling mushrooms are similar. The only differences are in the cooking time and additional ingredients.

Garlic milk mushrooms

Recommended for milk mushrooms hot method pickling. It has a lot of advantages. In the future, pickling will not have an unpleasant aroma, cooking mushrooms will remove the bitterness, and the cooking time will be significantly reduced. It is this option for preparing milk mushrooms that is considered the most reliable for mushrooms, which are considered conditionally edible. The ingredients you need to take are:

Clean with an old toothbrush fresh mushrooms from debris and dirt. The legs need to be cut short, leaving at least 1 cm under the cap. Cut off rotten and suspiciously soft areas with a knife to healthy pulp. Cut large fruits into smaller pieces. Pour water over the prepared mushrooms, add salt and bring to a boil. Cook the milk mushrooms for at least five minutes, skimming off the foam from time to time. After 5 minutes, remove the milk mushrooms using a slotted spoon and rinse under running water in a sieve or colander.

Leave to drain and cool. In the meantime, you need to prepare sterilized jars. Sprinkle a little salt on their bottom, put two peppercorns, a few sprigs of dill, two currant leaves. Place the cooled milk mushrooms on the spices. Spread the spices and milk mushrooms in layers. Remaining mushroom broth do not pour out - they need to fill the jars, wait until all the air comes out and then close with nylon lids.

Metal lids will not work in this case. Jars with milk mushrooms should cool in the room; after complete cooling, they should be moved to a cold place. After a month, the white milk mushrooms can be placed on the table.

Salted saffron milk caps

To save everyone useful properties and the qualities of these mushrooms, they must be salted cold. As stated earlier, this is one of the most simple methods, requiring neither cooking nor boiling. The only condition is that you cannot use plastic or iron containers for pickling. Wooden or glass containers are ideal. To pickle saffron milk caps, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • from spices - currant leaves, allspice, black ground pepper, Bay leaf;
  • salt - per 1 kg of mushrooms - 50 g;
  • saffron milk caps - 1 kg.

Only fresh, young saffron milk caps are salted. They must be carefully cleaned of dirt with a brush, washed under running water and dried on a towel. After drying, place in a container where the salting process will take place, after pouring a certain amount of salt on the bottom. Place the saffron milk caps up, each mushroom layer add spices and salt. When the container is completely filled, place a weight on top and send it to a cool place for a month. Then you can taste salted saffron milk caps.

Spicy honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms - universal ingredient, suitable for both hot and cold pickling. In the first case, the product will be ready for use earlier, in the second, honey mushrooms will retain more beneficial properties. Choosing cold method, it is worth remembering that two weeks are enough for honey mushrooms to be ready.

Wash the leaves in cold water and dry. Take a ceramic container, place horseradish leaves on the bottom, place washed and peeled mushrooms on top of it, caps down, and lightly salt. Place dill sprigs, currant and cherry leaves, pepper, garlic cloves and bay leaves on the honey mushrooms. Place a plate or a smaller diameter lid on the workpiece, and place pressure on top. Send the workpiece to a cold place for five days.

Drain the resulting liquid, place a second layer of honey mushrooms on top and the same amount of leaves, spices and herbs. Don't forget to add salt before adding spices. The procedure is repeated until the honey mushrooms or space in the pickling container runs out. Then put several layers of gauze under the oppression and send mushroom preparation for two weeks in a cold place.

Pickled oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are record holders for the speed of salting and pickling. They are salted and soaked in marinade faster than all their relatives. They need less than a day to completely salt and marinate. Their undeniable advantage is also that oyster mushrooms all year round can be found on sale at affordable price. Oyster mushrooms are rich in protein, iron, coarse fiber. Preserving oyster mushrooms is easy and simple; even a novice housewife will quickly master this recipe. For it you need to take the following ingredients:

Wash the oyster mushroom in running water, cut off the rough roots. Separate the caps from the stems, put them in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for ten minutes, skimming off the foam periodically. Pour water into a separate container and add salt to it. Bring to a boil, drain in a colander and leave to drain. Add spices and vinegar to the marinade. Place mushrooms, cut into slices, and garlic into prepared jars. Pour in slightly cooled marinade and close with nylon lids.

Leave at room temperature or put in the refrigerator. After a day, you can eat pickled mushrooms.

Butter in brine

Like honey mushrooms, boletus can be pickled either cold or hot. There is nothing complicated about cold pickling, the only thing is that you need to wait two weeks before full readiness oily. The recipe involves using the most plain brine- boiled water and salt. The components you need to take are:

Prepare clean enamel dishes. Place the boletus in it, caps down, and on top - chopped garlic, allspice, bay leaf and salt. Then a second layer of mushrooms and again spices on top. Repeat the procedure until the ingredients run out. Place a plate on the mushrooms and place a jar of water on it - this will ensure that the brine is released and the butter is evenly salted. You can add a little boiled water, if the juice released is not enough. The butter should remain at room temperature for a day. Place them in jars and fill with the resulting brine. Store for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.

Quick porcini mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms are a very common part of the diet of post-Soviet countries. It's incredibly tasty and useful product. They deteriorate very quickly after harvesting, so you can’t hesitate to pickle them. The proposed method will make it possible to enjoy the fragrant mushroom appetizer. To prepare it you need to take the following ingredients:

Porcini mushrooms need to be sorted and soaked in water for an hour. During this time, change the water several times. Use a brush to remove all dirt and debris. Cut off the parts of the legs with the soil. Cut especially large boletus mushrooms into several pieces. Pour water into the pan, add salt and place on the stove. As soon as the future brine boils, send all the other spices there. Place prepared boletus mushrooms into boiling brine and reduce heat. Cook the mushrooms for at least 20 minutes, then drain in a sieve or colander. Do not pour out the brine.

Sterilize jars. Place the mushrooms in the prepared container, tightly, caps up. The brine should cool down.

Pour the cooled marinade over the preparations, seal the jars with nylon lids and place them in a cool place for storage. After 48 hours, you can treat your family and friends to fragrant porcini mushrooms!
