How to brew green coffee for weight loss? Recipe for making a drink from green coffee beans

Green coffee is ordinary coffee beans before roasting, they are sold whole, ground or in tablet form. This product has become widespread due to the fact that, according to manufacturers, it helps to quickly lose weight. How useful green coffee and how to use it? Let's look at the topic in more detail.

Benefits for the human body

This drink has gained popularity recently, and the sensation around it is more like a publicity stunt for profit. According to manufacturers, green coffee contains a lot of chlorogenic acid, which promotes rapid fat burning, improves metabolism in the body and rejuvenates cells.

Chlorogenic acid is actually found in green coffee beans, apples, blueberries, cranberries, peaches - it is an antioxidant that is beneficial for the body. The content of this substance in green coffee is only 4 to 8%, while in apples it is about 50%. Chlorogenic acid is destroyed during heat treatment, which is necessary to make green coffee, ground grains brew with boiling water.

The second argument in favor of green coffee is that its regular consumption prevents the absorption of fats and leads to weight loss. The alkaloids, purines and caffeine it contains simulate physical and mental activity.

Caffeine successfully fights headaches caused by vasospasm. It is beneficial for the body in small quantities– improves performance nervous system, enhances memory, stimulates lymphatic drainage, strengthens the cardiovascular system, reduces appetite. But roasted beans have more caffeine than green beans, and the drink tastes much better.

Varieties and manufacturers of the drink

Green coffee is not roasted coffee beans. It is divided into varieties depending on the quality of the grains, the place of cultivation and the manufacturer. The best variety Arabica is considered. Robusta is inferior to it in taste and aroma.

The most popular producers of green coffee include:

  1. The Leovit company makes green coffee that does not contain stabilizers, dyes, or flavors. It is sold in the form of dietary supplements, which, in addition to coffee beans, include cinnamon and garcinia. The effect is manifested in dulling appetite and improving intestinal motility.
  2. The Evalar company produces Tropikanka Slim green coffee for weight loss. It has a convenient tablet form.
  3. Nescafe produces a product called Nescafe Green Blend. This instant coffee in granules, which is made from a mixture of green and roasted grains. The product is advertised as tasty and useful alternative regular coffee.

If you want green coffee to be effective in combating... extra pounds you need to know how to properly brew green coffee and follow the preparation rules. After all, the amount of green coffee beans directly depends on how you prepare beneficial properties the resulting drink. Thus, preparing green coffee consists of roasting, grinding and brewing.

Roasting green coffee

Making green coffee involves using unroasted green beans because during roasting a large number of microelements that break down fats are destroyed. However this product is characterized by a special, specific taste, so beginners are recommended to start with roasting, gradually getting used to the taste and moving on to brewing raw beans.

For frying use regular frying pan. Rinse the grains first under running water and dry. The roasting process lasts about 5 minutes over low heat. After this, the grains are cooled and ground in a coffee grinder or blender.

Proper brewing

There are several methods for brewing green coffee:

  • The simplest one is to make green coffee like black coffee. Namely: the ground grains are poured into a Turk, geyser, French press or drip coffee maker. In this case, the copper Turk should be jug-like, and the coffee in it should not be brought to a boil: when foam forms, the vessel should be immediately removed from the heat for a few seconds. These steps are repeated 3 times, after which the drink is strained using a sieve and poured into a cup. You can brew green coffee simply in a mug or coffee pot. To do this you need to fill hot water 2-3 teaspoons pepper ground coffee and brew for 5 minutes. If necessary, the drink is also filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Preparation of concentrated green coffee extract is prepared in the following way. The grains are placed in a saucepan with water in a ratio of 1:6 and they are cooked for 15 minutes over low heat. After this, the burner is turned off and the mixture is left to cool. After an hour it needs to be strained. The finished extract can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. You need to take half a glass 15 minutes before meals.

In addition to these popular methods for brewing green coffee, it is not uncommon to add other ingredients besides the coffee itself during brewing. This could be seasonings, sugar, cream.

Perhaps everyone knows about the benefits of green coffee. Thanks to a huge number vitamins, antioxidants, chlorogenic acid and other essential substances, green coffee helps improve performance, improve well-being, increase brain activity, in addition, systematic use of this healthy drink entails an improvement in the condition of the skin - it becomes velvety, matte, and the unpleasant shine is eliminated. You can replace regular coffee with green coffee and drink it in the morning to get an excellent boost of energy and vigor. By the way, this wonderful drink is also used for weight loss, the result is a quick and effective loss of body weight without subsequent return.

How to make green coffee beans?

The beneficial properties of green coffee are only available when proper preparation drink

First of all, the green coffee beans need to be ground; to do this, use a regular coffee grinder, place in a Turk, and add hot water. For one cup of coffee you will need about two teaspoons of ground green coffee. Brew coffee on low heat without bringing to a boil.

How to make green coffee beans without Turkish coffee? It is also necessary to grind the coffee beans, now just pour a couple of spoons of ground coffee into a mug, pour boiling water over it and wait a few minutes.

Does green coffee need to be roasted?

If you use green grains, there is no need to fry the grains, since during the frying process the microelements necessary for the breakdown of fats are eliminated. But if you are a “losing weight beginner,” then at first it is still recommended to roast green coffee beans in order to get used to the specific taste of the drink.

Roasting coffee beans is a delicate matter; if you deal with green coffee and delay the roasting, the resulting drink may be no different from black coffee. First, rinse the grains well and dry them, place them in a regular frying pan and start frying. There is no need to add oil. Use a small burner on low heat. The approximate time of the procedure is 5-15 minutes, during this period of time it should appear. However, remember, the less you roast the grains, the more beneficial properties remain in them. Don't forget to stir the grains constantly. After roasting, allow the beans to cool.

As for grinding green coffee, it should be noted that this process is somewhat more complicated than grinding black coffee beans. If you do not first roast green coffee beans, then after grinding the coffee may resemble not the powder we are used to, but crumbs with some large elements. If the coffee grinder cannot cope with this complex task, use an electric meat grinder or blender.

Green coffee is a unique product. These are essentially the same coffee beans that we are used to eating, but they have not been roasted. Unroasted grains have green color, hence the name – green coffee. For a long time no one showed interest in it, but in recent years the properties of this product have been studied in more detail. It was found to have a lot of properties that were previously unknown. For example, it promotes weight loss and has a rejuvenating effect on the body. But in order for all these effects to manifest themselves, it is important to use this product correctly. How to make green coffee with maximum benefit for the body?

Bean selection and grinding

Green beans need to be ground and brewed before use, just like black beans. It is important to know how to properly prepare green coffee so as not to waste time and money. It is better to buy whole, unroasted beans rather than ground, since it is recommended to grind them immediately before use. Ground grains that sit on the counter for a long time reduce the content of beneficial substances for which this product is taken. You can grind the beans at home in a coffee grinder, but keep in mind that fresh beans much harder than black ones, and grinding by hand will be harder for you than usual. It is better to use an electric coffee grinder.

If you wish, you can roast the beans before grinding. But again, remember that heat treatment reduces the vitamin and chlorogenic acid content of coffee beans. True, this may slightly improve the taste of the future drink. The choice is yours, it all depends on the purpose you set for which you use this product.

Cooking methods

One of the ways to make coffee is demonstrated in the video:

So, the grinding is done, now the coffee needs to be brewed to drink. The brewing procedure depends on what you have at your disposal - a Turk, a coffee machine, a geyser or a French press. Most often, the drink is brewed in a Turk, since this is the most accessible and simplest method. But you need to know how to brew green coffee correctly so as not to destroy useful material. 2-3 teaspoons of ground grains are poured into hot water, then, when the water boils, the Turk needs to be removed from the heat for a short time and not allow the drink to boil overtly, otherwise most of the chlorogenic acid will be lost.

If you have a geyser at your disposal, the picture will be somewhat different. Making green coffee will look like this:

  • Pour water into the lower compartment of the geyser, cover the top with a metal filter
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of ground grains into the recess of the filter
  • Screw the top of the geyser
  • Place on low heat
  • Bring water to a boil
  • When all the drink has moved to the upper reservoir, remove the geyser from the heat.

Let's say you have such a wonderful device as a French press. How to make green coffee using a French press? There is nothing complicated here either. For this you will need coarsely ground coffee. Take 3-4 tablespoons of ground grains and pour boiling water over them. Let the drink brew for 3-5 minutes. Then press the rod and smoothly lower the filter down. At the same time, the liquid will separate from the grounds. The finished coffee can be poured into cups.

The simplest recipe for making green coffee is, of course, in a mug or coffee pot. To do this, take two teaspoons of pre-ground beans (for this use you need to grind very finely), add hot water and brew for 5 minutes. If you wish, you can filter the drink before drinking it. If you drink coffee for the purpose of losing weight, then you should not add sugar and cream to it; these additives will improve the taste, but will negate the entire weight loss effect.

There is also a method of preparation called boiling a concentrated extract. This can be done if you have already tried the product and know that you have no side effects from it. The concentrated extract contains much more chlorogenic acid per volume of liquid. If you don’t have the time or desire to grind beans and brew them 2-3 times a day, then you can take note of this option.

To prepare a concentrated extract, take a pan, put the grains in it - you can use whole grains, grinding does not matter here. The ratio of grains and water is 1:6. Place the pan on the fire and make sure that there is no strong boiling and foam does not form. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and let the liquid cool. Leave for an hour, then strain through cheesecloth. Store the finished extract in the refrigerator. It must be consumed within a few days. Take ½ glass 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.

Quite a lot of people have already tried this product, and there are both positive and negative results regarding its effects. negative reviews. However, there are many more positive ones. People who took this product regularly lost 3 to 8 kg of weight within the first month. The substances it contains reduce appetite, so by taking it before meals, you reduce the amount of food you will eat in advance. In addition, there is scientifically proven evidence that chlorogenic acid, which this product is rich in, prevents carbohydrates from entering the bloodstream after the breakdown of food in the intestines, and as a result, the body is forced to use up its own reserves. Losing weight with green coffee is based on this mechanism.

The appearance of negative opinions about this product is mainly due to two main reasons. The first reason is non-compliance with the rules for preparing and taking the drug. Properly preparing green coffee means preserving the maximum of nutrients in it, that is:

  • Grind the beans in small portions right before use (ground beans stored for a long time lose useful substances and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste)
  • Cook so that no foam forms, over low heat, do not let the drink boil.
  • If you are taking this product for weight loss, do not fry it before consuming it.
  • Do not add sugar, milk, condensed milk, etc. to the brewed drink to improve the taste - this will negate the beneficial effect.

The second reason why a consumer may be dissatisfied with a given product is its side effects, which, unfortunately, exist and it is better to know about them in advance.

The caffeine content in unroasted beans is lower than in black beans, but, nevertheless, this alkaloid has its effect. It invigorates many people very well, helps remove swelling, and increases productivity. But there is another side to the coin. The recommended dose of the drink is two to three cups per day. If this amount is exceeded, headaches, irritability, insomnia, and increased blood pressure may occur.

And the most important point, which you need to consider before you start losing weight with of this drink– these are contraindications. It is not recommended to drink it for people with chronic kidney disease, heart disease, arterial hypertension, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and diabetics. If you need to significantly reduce weight, then taking the drink should be combined with food restrictions, that is, do not overeat or abuse high-calorie foods, do physical exercise, lead a more active lifestyle. Then you will see quite significant positive changes not only in your weight, but also in your life in general.

Green coffee is not past heat treatment grains, and therefore retained their composition unchanged. Widely used in dietetics and cosmetology. Such products require special way preparation and mode of use.

Properties of green coffee

About 2,000 complex components are found in coffee beans, from vitamins and minerals to organic acids and alkaloids. If the grains are not roasted, most of the components will invariably enter the human body, which will be a good contribution to his health. Knowing how to brew and drink green coffee correctly can solve the problem excess weight, fatigue, drowsiness and simply raise your overall tone.

The most valuable components:

  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins B, E, K, PP;
  • caffeine;
  • chlorogenic acid.

Caffeine acts as a tonic and stimulating alkaloid. Increases the speed of transmission of nerve impulses, stimulates blood flow and heartbeat, relieves vascular spasms, increases arterial pressure. If we consider the substance from the perspective of its benefits for weight loss, then it plays the role of an appetite fighter and a stimulator of the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Antioxidants are fighters for youth and beauty, protectors against the effects of free radicals.

Chlorogenic acid is the most valuable component for health and beauty. This is a complex and rare substance found in a limited list of products. There is really a lot of acid in coffee. Like caffeine, it is a stimulant of many processes occurring inside the human body. This is the acceleration of fat metabolism, improvement of the digestive system, healing and rejuvenation of cells. When roasting coffee beans the main part of chlorogenic acid is lost, therefore in the sphere healthy eating and fight against overweight It is green coffee that is valued.

In specialized stores you can buy both whole green coffee beans and drinks made from them. In dietetics there is special recipes preparing drinks from such products.

Green beans are more effective for weight loss than black beans

How to brew, recipes

Whole grains much denser and harder in structure than fried ones. Therefore, to grind them you will need a good hand mill or coffee grinder. The beans are ground a little coarser than for roasted beans.

When brewing in a cup, the grains can be poured with hot boiling water. If the brewing process is carried out using a Turk, do not allow the drink to boil. After boiling, most of the vitamins and chlorogenic acid pass into another state and evaporate - the drink loses its basic value.

Infuse coffee for 3 to 5 minutes in a cup, French press and Turk. Oddly enough, among the cooking recipes there is also an option for brewing in a thermos. For this, 2 tsp. ground grains, pour 1 glass of boiled water and leave in a thermos for 30 minutes. This drink is drunk to lose weight, curb appetite and speed up metabolism. You can drink 2 servings of this coffee per day.

Very effective drink, on which many people lose weight, is coffee with spices and fresh ginger. It is also brewed in a cup or thermos. For one serving of the drink, take the same amount of ground grains and fresh grated ginger.

Cooking technology:

  1. Put 1 tsp in a cuke. green coffee
  2. Add 1 tsp. ginger
  3. Pour 150 ml cold water.
  4. Bring to the first foam over low heat.
  5. Leave for 4 minutes, pour into a cup.

Ginger is well known for its fat-burning and stimulating properties, and when combined with the components of green grains, its effect is enhanced. Thus, you get a powerful cocktail to fight fat and extra pounds. The minimum course of drinking this drink is 14 days.

Can green beans be brewed with ingredients other than ginger? The drink itself, made from unroasted beans, has a specific taste. It is far from the usual black coffee, both in taste and aromatic qualities. The thing is that when beans are roasted, oils are released and formed, special compounds are released, which provide the usual characteristics of the drink.

To make green coffee not only healthy, but also tasty, when preparing it, you can add other spices and spices to the coffee pot, French press or cup, but not too hot. It could be cinnamon, cardamom, saffron. A little honey is added as a sweetener. Lemon juice, which is added after preparation, enhances the taste of the drink and increases its usefulness.

The technology for preparing a drink with any ingredients is the same - the main thing is to adhere to the rule of not bringing the liquid to a visible boil. When the first foam appears, the coffee is removed from the heat and infused. Now all that remains is to learn how to drink green coffee correctly.

Instructions for use

Drink green coffee for a specific purpose. As a rule, this stimulates the processes of burning fat and normalizing weight. The drink is also a good tonic and helps cope with drowsiness. Many consider him effective means to increase physical endurance, so they drink before going to the gym, running and other activities.

Before you start drinking green coffee for weight loss, you need to consider the contraindications:

  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • hypertension;
  • other diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • kidney problems;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Coffee must be supplemented with 2 liters of water per day to cleanse the body and prevent dehydration.

The maximum amount of drink consumed per day can reach 5 cups for a healthy adult. In general, you can learn about the rules for losing weight with green coffee from the instructions on how to drink this drink.

  1. Move coffee consumption 30 minutes before meals.
  2. It is more effective to drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner.
  3. Supplement drinking regimen with 2 liters clean water.
  4. Eliminate fatty, salty, and floury foods from your diet.
  5. Do not use sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  6. Do not drink immediately after eating.

In general, how much coffee to drink per day is decided by everyone independently, but due to special taste qualities drink, it is impossible to consume a lot of it. It is also necessary to take into account the diuretic effect of the drink, which increases with frequent use green coffee For hypotensive patients, this can lead to low blood pressure and weakness.

Green coffee can be purchased in capsules as an alternative to the tasteless drink. The capsules contain a certain dose of chlorogenic acid, which, according to experts, is effective for burning fat. But preparing the drink at home from proven ingredients is more gentle and in a safe way fight against excess weight.
