Useful properties of Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts: are the contraindications stronger than the beneficial properties?

Hello, my dear friends, readers and guests!

Not long ago, Brazilian ones appeared in our stores. They may have appeared a long time ago, but I paid attention to them quite recently, so I decided to get acquainted with their composition and beneficial properties in more detail.

It turns out that Brazil nuts are just a super healthy product!!! let's consider beneficial features Brazil nuts and how to eat them correctly.

Brazil nuts are extraordinarily powerful and the richest known natural source of Selenium (Se), one of the most essential micronutrients to prevent free radical oxidative damage to cells, which is responsible for all aging processes in our body.


  • Without selenium, the synthesis of the necessary enzyme that prevents cell oxidation - glutathione peroxidase - does not occur.
  • Glutathione peroxidase is a substance of critical cellular detoxification. It converts toxins into harmless byproducts, and it also protects our bodies from many environmental and dietary hazards.
  • Increasing the production of glutathione peroxidase helps prevent the development of cancer cells and reduces the risk of cancer formation.
  • The deficiency leads to such skin diseases, like acne and psoriasis, and also contributes to joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Selenium is also necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and insufficient levels
  • Selenium may be a factor in sudden weight gain or loss.
  • Selenium deficiency can lead to muscle weakness and pain, changes in skin and hair color.
  • Brazil nuts are high in zinc, the amino acid arginine and healthy fatty acids, they can increase testosterone levels and give Brazil nuts aphrodisiac properties.
  • Healing Brazil nut oil, when applied to the skin, nourishes it, forming a protective layer on the surface of the skin, which prevents aging, as well as excessive evaporation of water.
  • In addition, Brazil nuts help reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the body and help normalize sugar levels.
  • Brazil nuts also contain all essential B vitamins, choline, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and copper.

Just one Brazil nut contains this amount of selenium. Many health experts believe that this amount of selenium is too low and recommend getting at least 100 mcg per day. eat two nuts a day. Isn't it great?

Brazil nut photo

Brazil nuts side effects

The National Academy of Sciences has set an upper limit of 400 mcg of selenium per day for adults.

Therefore, you should not consume more than six Brazil nuts per day, as this can cause an overdose of selenium, which manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting.

The high fat content of Brazil nuts means that they are poorly stored and spoil quickly.

Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date.


The taste of Brazil nut kernels, to me personally, did not remind me of anything similar. The taste is nutty, but not bright and not particularly pronounced, but considering all their benefits, this factor can be ignored :)

Calorie content 656 cal per 100.0 product.

It’s very interesting to see how Brazil nuts grow, isn’t it impressive?!

There are about 80 types of nuts in nature. You can find a small number of them in our markets. Many are used local residents and become famous due to various circumstances. For example, Brazil nut, a special taste that was loved in Europe, arrived in the 16th century along with Spanish sailors. Heavy hiking conditions forced to look for food. The nuts turned out to be valuable, nutritious, and saved many military lives. Further research and search for information led scientists to the jungles of Latin America, the homeland of this miraculous nut. And although it is called Brazilian, the main thickets of the Bertholetia tree are located in Bolivia. Biologically, it is not a nut, but grains hidden in the shell of a fruit growing on a very tall tree.


This fruit is also called cream nut or American nut. Such names have developed historically. This is mainly determined by the color of the wood of the Bertholetia tree, which grows in regions of Latin America. Modern trade relations between states have made it known, available under the name Brazil nut. They are not grown on man-made plantations. Fruits are collected only from wild trees. The wood of this tree is also a very valuable type. Many countries now have a ban on cutting down trees. This is explained by the characteristics of reproduction, how Brazil nuts grow and bear fruit. The giant plays a role in the life of the jungle. The actual harvest in the experimental plots, even when planted in rich volcanic soils, failed.

In appearance, Brazil nuts resemble coconuts. There is no white pulp inside the shaggy shell. Instead, there are delicious grains hidden in an original box. The weight of the box reaches 2 kg. The number of grains can be about 24 pieces. The strong shell that protects the nut can be broken using the same method that came to us from the forest dwellers of the jungle. Modern industrial methods Nut peeling, of course, is different, but labor-intensive, which is reflected in the final cost of the nuts. The tree bears fruit only in the 12th year of growth, although its lifespan can reach 700 years. Brazilian nut gives a maximum yield from one mature tree of about 200 kg. It is interesting that the fruit sets only after 14 months from the moment of pollination by bees. It is difficult to get it from a height of 50 m along a thick, smooth trunk. Fallen fruits are usually collected. Monkeys can help the process.


Looking at the mighty trees towering above the green tier of the jungle, you will not immediately guess that there is a secret in reproduction. The harmonious interaction of living beings living here with flowers, herbs, and trees helps such giants to exist and bear fruit. Agouti, small rodents that look like beautiful guinea pigs, love to feast on nuts just as much as people. They feed on them, store them in secret places, many of which they successfully forget. From such secret hiding places, plant shoots appear and its long life cycle begins. Other animal species also take part in the reproduction of Bertholetia in a similar way. This is done, for example, by small capuchin primates.

When the time comes for the tree to bloom, the Brazil nut reveals a second secret. It is decorated beautiful flowers complex shape. The unusual aroma attracts the attention of numerous insects. The flowers consist of six petals, the edges of which are curved inward, and the stamens grow close to each other. Only bumblebees, large types of bees with a long proboscis, can get there. Orchids, which reign in the jungle, help attract the attention of insects to the geranium with their aroma. The number of fruits set is completely determined by the number of bumblebees of the Bombus species, large bees Xylocopa, Centris, Epicharis, Eulaema.

It is possible to plant grains of a plant for cultivation on plantations. They germinate easily, but further stages of development become difficult. You have to wait decades for a small harvest. It's easier to collect nuts in a real forest. The demand for Brazil nuts is constantly growing. In an effort to restore forests, governments different countries regulates the volume of Brazil nuts harvested. Bolivia is considered the main supplier. Studies of the properties of the nut made it possible to find in its shell harmful substances. They lead to the appearance of liver cancer. Therefore, the import of shelled nuts is limited. Peeled, heat-treated nuts such negative properties do not possess.


Finding food has always been the main concern for humans. Mother Nature's clues helped him identify many plants, fruits, and berries that played a certain role in the organization of his life. Among them, nuts occupy an important place. Modern man does not produce food on his own. Living in large cities, he masters only the rich shopping centers filled with products. But interest in a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition It only increases every year. You want to be slim and beautiful at any age. Therefore, you won’t be able to just walk next to counters filled with tempting nuts. Brazil nuts will definitely appear in your shopping list. And it can be stored for two years without losing its beneficial properties. Many people consider it the most delicious among nuts.

Studies of the chemical composition of the nut have confirmed the presence of more than 10 types of minerals required by various human organs to function effectively. These are sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and other elements. Almost 20 types of amino acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Brazil nut has high calorie content, equal to 660 kcal per 100 g of weight. It contains 19% proteins, 12 5 carbohydrates, and about 70% fats. Despite their high content, unsaturated fats help lower cholesterol. They will not lead to the appearance excess weight When consuming the recommended amount, two nuts per day. Improving the quality of hair, skin, and blood vessels will be a real gift for lovers of delicious fruits.

The proportions of incoming substances have the ability to act harmoniously in the body. The fats and proteins of Brazil nuts are well absorbed, keeping metabolic processes in ideal condition. Amino acids help reduce the amount of adipose tissue while increasing muscle mass. Modern research has proven positive action selenium, which protects a person from the appearance of tumors and premature aging. Brazil nuts contain selenium in record amounts compared to other types of nuts. The normal course of redox processes occurs due to the antioxidant activity of flavonoids contained in Brazil nuts. These essential substances do not have to be used in the form of synthetic drugs.

Benefit, harm

You can find a lot of delicious Brazil nuts interesting information. Main useful qualities are the following properties:

  1. The ability to restore heart function. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels decrease. Blood properties improve. The ability to increase resistance to stress and nervous stress is important in a functioning society. Various depressive states are increasingly appearing, the effects of which can be weakened by daily use two nuts a day. Thanks to the large amount of manganese, the human body actively produces hormones that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the thyroid, prostate, and intestines. Together with phosphorus, it participates in the formation of a healthy skeletal system. Modern pharmacology has created drugs that are an effective extract from Brazil nuts. Their use is recommended by the attending physician and is done under his supervision.
  2. The high fiber content in American nuts creates a feeling of fullness and reduces the need for increased amounts of food. Nutritionists recommend using this property of nuts when developing effective dietary weight loss programs.
  3. Small triangular grains help solve the problems of weakening the reproductive function of men and women. Regular use Brazil nuts in men prevent the appearance of possible infertility, and in women the reproductive period is extended. Selenium does this by participating in reactions that allow the formation of enzymes that help successfully conceive a child. Together with vitamin E, it preserves the beauty and youth of women. The ability to increase activity and sperm count has given the Brazil nut the name “love nut.”
  4. Children are allowed to consume small amounts delicious nuts with the ability to synthesize growth hormones. Arginine, contained in Brazil nuts, is involved in the creation of proteins, necessary enzymes, hormones that are not produced in children's body independently up to the age of 30. This is how scientists explain the emergence of chronic diseases. It is recommended to use nuts as supporting agents.
  5. The fruits help activate the body's defenses during various viral infections and increase the body's immunity.
  6. Brazil nut has a rejuvenating effect and is involved in the prevention of cataracts, atherosclerosis, and cancer. The quality of skin, nails, and healing of burn scars is faster thanks to healing properties nut

Brazil nuts are consumed salted and roasted. Sweet, raw nuts added to dough, soups, salads bring a surge of strength and vigor.

You need to have a sense of proportion when consuming each type of nut. Excess American walnut can lead to allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, hair loss, poisoning, nervous disorders, and oncology. This is determined high content selenium, radium. The first sign of liver dysfunction is the appearance of yellowness of the eyeball, garlic smell coming from the skin. A lethal dose can be 100 g of Brazil nuts eaten per day. In children, an excess of cream nuts causes inflammation of the tonsils, vascular spasms, and an allergic reaction.

The body's energy reserves are maintained for three hours after eating two nuts. This time is enough to use it as a snack. They will take up very little space in your purse. At the same time, obese people should not only feast on the delicious gifts of nature, but also completely change the way they eat other foods.


In addition to the taste of the nut, which has given it the opportunity to occupy a special place in human nutrition, the Brazil nut is known for its use various areas life of society. Since ancient times the best oil Watchmakers considered oil from this type of nut. Ancient unfading art paints were made based on this oil. The beautiful, well-processed wood of the Bertholetia tree is in demand, despite the high cost and restrictions on cutting down the plant.

The cosmetics industry could not ignore such a valuable natural element as Brazil nut oil. Huge lines of anti-aging cosmetics are created based on it. The oil has an amazing ability to penetrate deep into the skin, nourishing it, creating conditions for preserving moisture and smoothing out wrinkles. Creams containing oil make the skin soft, removing scratches, irritations, and inflammation. Lotions, gels, massage products, conditioners have filled the sales market and are always in demand.

Very often they do it at home nourishing masks for face, hair. Cream, sour cream, olive oil. It's simple, but very effective.

In particular special occasions you can treat your guests original dish containing Brazil nuts. The main thing is to carefully choose it when purchasing. To do this, you just need to shake a handful of heavy nuts. No sounds should be heard. This speaks of high quality, storage capabilities, huge useful, taste properties nuts, a beautiful pile decorating any table.

In this article we will talk about Bertholletia or Brazil nut. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this plant, unique in its beneficial properties. We decided to fix this error.

Despite the name, the identity of the Brazil nut as a nut remains controversial. In the world of botany it is classified as a grain. However, there are a number of characteristics that bring Brazil nuts closer to nuts. For example, Brazil nuts have a taste, structure, color, and beneficial properties similar to many nuts. It even ripens in the shell, like Walnut, For example.

In honor of the chemist Claude Berthollet, the Brazil nut received its middle name - Bertholletia. In our country, almost no one knows the nut by this name. The combination “Brazil nut” sounds much more familiar.

The Brazil nut tree loves hot climates. It grows in Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela and Peru. The first Europeans to learn about this nut were the Spaniards. The army of conquerors appreciated the properties of the Brazil nut. Oily, nutritious, sweet nut helped a lot in providing food to soldiers.

In Russia, Brazil nuts became known relatively recently. Currently, it is inferior in popularity to walnuts and hazelnuts, since Brazil nuts have a fairly high price. Approximately 300 rubles per 200 g of product.

Brazil nut is a very large tree. There are trees up to 45 meters in height. The trunk diameter can be 2 meters. These trees are real long-livers. The oldest representatives are 5-10 centuries old. The bark of the Brazil nut is smooth, and the branches start only from the middle of the tree.

The tree does not bear fruit for the first 12 years of its life. But after that he generously gives you nuts. Approximately 200 kg of fruits are collected per year from each tree alone.

Nuts are very remarkable in appearance. They are very big. The size is approximately 15 cm and the weight is approximately 2 kg. Of course, such fruits are not sold in the store. We use small seeds for food, which are hidden behind a large shell. There are from 8 to 24 such seeds inside a Brazil nut. The size of each is 5-7 cm. They are somewhat reminiscent of peanuts in shape.

Brazil nut is a wild plant. The fruits are collected in the jungle. There were attempts to cultivate the tree, but in these cases the yield of nuts decreased.

Brazil nut: photo

Brazil nut: beneficial properties and contraindications

The Brazil nut composition is distinguished by its excellent health properties. It includes:

  • vitamins (A, E, B, C, PP);
  • fats, fiber, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • minerals (calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, manganese);
  • flavonoids and amino acids.

Amino acids help reduce subcutaneous fat. On the contrary, muscles are helped to grow. Brazil nuts have both benefits and harms for women who want to lose weight at the same time. This is due to big amount fats in Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts have a fairly high calorie content. More than 600 calories per 100 g of Brazil nut. How much to eat per day in order not to gain weight and get maximum health benefits? 2-3 nuts a day is more than enough.

When consumed in this way, fats will bring great benefit. They help lower cholesterol levels. They are a good prevention of heart and nervous system diseases.

Flavonoids are natural antioxidants and are very important for all processes in our body.

The vitamins and minerals of Brazil nuts help normalize metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Bertholletia perfectly tones the body. One nut can restore strength no worse than a cup of strong coffee.

Selenium, which is part of Brazil nuts, has a beneficial effect on cancerous tumors. It slows down their development. It is also a good prophylactic against malignant neoplasms.

Brazil nuts are good for men. It can help treat infertility. In women, it allows you to delay the onset of menopause.

Brazil nuts are also recommended during pregnancy. A balanced diet is important for any person, but especially for pregnant women. Doctors recommend increasing the menu of vegetables, fruits and nuts. Brazil nuts are very beneficial for pregnant women. Omega-3 acids and arginine, which are part of this nut, help the baby develop healthy.

However, Brazil nuts can also cause harm. An excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as a deficiency. Therefore, 2-3 nuts a day are enough. There is no need to eat handfuls of fruits, as it is possible.

A large number of in the diet of nuts can have a bad effect on the baby and breastfeeding. During lactation, women are recommended to eat nuts, including Brazil nuts. It must be remembered that nuts have high fat content. In Brazil, for example, it reaches 70%. Brazil nuts should be eaten with caution small quantity. Otherwise, the child may experience digestive problems.

Brazil nuts are especially useful for children. It promotes the production of growth hormone.

Due to its ability to lower blood sugar, Brazil nuts are approved for diabetics. This is facilitated by magnesium and vitamin B1, which are part of Brazil nuts. Reviews from patients and doctors are very good. The main thing is to know when to stop.

We said that arginine is part of Brazil nuts. For this reason, it is not only useless for herpes, but also contraindicated. It is this amino acid that provokes the appearance of herpes.

The beneficial properties of Brazil nuts justify the high cost of this product. He is credited with a lot unique qualities. Therefore, despite the high cost, the number of his fans increases every year.

Brazil nuts ripen on the plant of the same name. A mature tree grows to a height of more than 40 m. It has a huge spreading crown and an impressively thick trunk, the diameter of which can reach 2 meters.

The fruit of the tree is not considered to be the nut itself, but a weighty box that looks like a coconut. Inside it there are more than 20 seeds, which we actually call nuts.

The tree is practically never found in cultivated form. It is not economically profitable to build plantations. Therefore, the bulk of nuts on the market are the seeds of a wild plant growing in the Amazon forests. South America is the birthplace of the Brazil nut.

The plant's kernels are often sold without the shell. The fruit has a thin dark shell, under which hides a whole storehouse of useful substances.

The nut is very nutritious, as it contains 20% protein and about 70% fat. In terms of saturated acid content, it is the most valuable nut in the world.

Brazilwood kernels contain:

  • almost the entire spectrum of B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid, valuable for immunity;
  • a lot of microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc;
  • vitamin E, which prevents aging;
  • many essential amino acids.

And the body needs selenium, which is involved in redox reactions. Selenium is essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and strengthens the body's defenses. It is directly involved in calcium metabolism, and therefore is responsible for the construction and renewal of cells and tissues.

The energy value of Brazil nuts is 680 kcal. This is a rather difficult product to digest. Therefore, its daily consumption should be limited to 5 grains per day.

Useful properties of Brazil nuts

Regular consumption of the gifts of the Amazon has a beneficial effect on health.

Due to the rich chemical composition, nut grains:

  • increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial diseases;
  • neutralize the effect of free radicals;
  • stimulate the endocrine system;
  • promote the production of sex hormones, prevent infertility;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • improve quality of life by reducing nervous tension and stabilizing the emotional state;
  • activate mental activity;
  • slow down aging and accelerate tissue renewal processes.

In addition to the internal effects, eating nuts also brings more obvious results. With regular inclusion of kernels in the diet, hair loss decreases, nails become stronger, and the skin takes on a healthy and fresh appearance.

Brazil nut: application

Such areas as medicine, cosmetology and cooking could not ignore this valuable natural product. In each of these areas, the nut is valued for its specific qualities.

In medicine

Brazil nut pomace is used to prepare vegetable medicines. It is added to relieve symptoms of inflammation, local anesthesia, anti-sclerotic and immunomodulatory effects.

Nut shells are used in traditional medicine peoples South America. It is used for digestion and restoration of strength after an illness.

Walnut kernels have a general strengthening effect. Due to this property, they are used in both folk and official medicine.

Brazil nut in cosmetology

Brazil nut oil is used in beauty products. It is included in creams, shampoos, hair masks and nourishing emulsions for roots and ends.

Skin products protect the face from harmful external influences. Remove minor inflammations. Smooth out wrinkles. Create a protective film on the surface. Prevents excessive evaporation of moisture. Accelerate regeneration processes and slow down natural aging.

Cosmetic oil nourishes the roots and scalp. Reduces hair loss. Wake up dormant bulbs. Regular use affects the thickness of the hair. Curls regain their lost shine. The oil can protect against external influences, reduce fragility and accelerate hair growth.

In cooking

Brazil nuts have a slightly earthy flavor. It is not as highly valued as cedar kernels or almonds, but is also widely used in cooking.

Grains from South America serve as seasoning for soups, sauces and salads. They are added crushed, fried and dried to ice cream, chocolate, buns and cakes.

Nut oil: beneficial properties and applications

The non-food industry has also long paid attention to valuable properties nut butter. In the art supplies industry it is used as an excellent solvent for coloring pigments.

Oil enhances color rendering. Improves physical properties dye. Artistic paint with nut butter It has good density and is applied evenly to the base.

The industry produces mineral lubricant based on the nut fat fraction. This product is widely used by watchmakers when repairing and servicing mechanisms.

Are Brazil nuts good or bad for children?

Brazilwood kernels contain a high amount of protein, so they are highly likely to cause allergies in predisposed individuals. If a child has previously experienced similar reactions, then introducing Brazil nuts should be postponed until later. late date, Not before that when he turns 5 years old.

Due to the high content saturated fat Brazil tree grains are difficult for children's gastrointestinal tract to digest. They require increased production of enzymes and strain the pancreas.

From the age of three (and for some from five), a child can begin to be given no more than 1-2 kernels per day for testing. If there is no negative reaction, the nut can be introduced into the baby’s diet on an ongoing basis, without exceeding the daily norms.

Contraindications and harm associated with nut consumption

Any product can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Allergic reaction– this is a serious symptom complex, provoked primarily by substances of a protein nature. And since Brazil nuts are rich in them, it is no wonder that they can also provoke a similar reaction.

First of all, the product should be used with caution by people who have had a similar response to other types of nuts. People with allergies may want to avoid eating Brazil nuts altogether.

In other cases, the harm may be associated not so much with eating, but with the insatiable consumption of Brazil nuts. An excess of those components that are found in it can really cause a negative effect.

Several years ago, radium, a well-known radioactive element, was discovered in the nuclei. They also found that the presence of this substance is not related to its concentration in the soil on which the tree grows. It's all about the branched root system. Such a powerful network is capable of extracting the most difficult substances from the ground.

In some countries there are sanitary standards regarding the import regulations for Brazil nuts. It is not allowed to be supplied in the peel, as it contains aflatoxin, a substance dangerous to the liver. This component is absent in the peeled nut, so there is no need to be wary of the product in this form.

The invaluable benefit of kernels lies in high content selenium, a component involved in many metabolic processes, including the regulation of the endocrine system.

The harm of nuts for women is rather an established myth.

In fact, a lack of selenium can provoke disturbances in reproductive function, calcium metabolism, and cardiovascular activity. Therefore, it must enter the body in normal quantities.

An excess of selenium associated with overeating Brazilian kernels causes symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting, delirium, clouding of consciousness, facial skin flushing. With normal consumption of no more than 5 nuts per day, negative manifestations are excluded. In reality, you can only get poisoned if you eat at least a pack of grains per day.

People tend to take beneficial unique products for a cure for all diseases. But even Brazil nuts should not be attributed unimaginable properties. Every product is good when eaten in moderation. Then he can actually be useful and have a beneficial effect.

What do you know about the exotic Brazil nut?

Is a Brazil nut actually a chestnut or a seed?
The whole truth and myths about the wonderful chestnut from Pará, as the real name of the Brazil nut is translated from Portuguese.

The benefits and harms of this nut: What are the benefits? Is it true that Brazil nuts can be harmful? - Find out everything from the article below!

How do Brazil nuts grow?

Few people in Russia know about the Brazil nut, and if they do, the information is not always complete; I will try to convey everything from first-hand, Brazilian sources. Actually, from those who grow these wonderful chestnuts.

The trees on which Brazil nuts grow are quite impressive in size. Approximately 30 to 50 m in height, it is like a huge house. The thickness of the trunk is from 1 to 4 m in diameter, you just can’t hug it! The trees have a spreading large crown. There are no twigs or branches along the trunk itself; all the beauty above is in the crown.

Chestnuts can live on average 500 years. But there are not rare cases when a chestnut (tree) lived 1000 and 1600 years!

The nuts themselves do not grow directly on the tree. Whole “pots”, so to speak, the size of a coconut, grow on the tree, and inside the pot ripen nuts, nicknamed in Brazil - chestnuts-of-the-Para.

Chestnut tree - where do Brazil nuts come from?

Chestnut Coconut Nuts - Where Do Brazil Nuts Come From?

In July (winter) the leaves fall, by spring new leaves appear and flowering occurs. Moreover, the tree blooms at once - 1 day! The life of flowers lasts only a day. Then comes the time for the fruit to ripen. The fruit is a wooden pot with nuts inside. Ripening lasts 12-15 months, almost a year. This is largely due to the very thick shell of the fruit. And finally, in January-February, the fruits fall to the ground.

A fruit with nuts inside can weigh up to 2 kg on average. The shell is similar in composition to wood and has a thickness of 8 to 12 mm. Inside each fruit there are from 8 to 24 nuts in the shell. Each nut is approximately the size of an orange slice.

There is often a small hole in one of the ends of the fruit, through which various insects or animals can try to chew the hole and get the nuts. Agouti sinkers and squirrels often extract nuts in shells from the fruits, eat some of them, and bury some in the ground as a reserve, but this can be said to be the hidden help of animals for the germination of new chestnut trees. They hatch and then send out new shoots.

Chestnut coconut with Brazil nuts in shell

It must be said that these trees do not grow in any tropical forest, but only in forests untouched by man, where they feel at ease. Trees do not grow in swampy areas, but only on solid soil. Moreover, they can quite densely populate any territory, or maybe 1 specimen per whole hectare.

To get the nuts, you first need to get these “coconuts”, and then cut off the top part of the “coconut” and get the nuts. Moreover, nuts will be unavailable even at this stage. Since inside the cauldron (wooden), the nuts are in a wooden shell, each nut. The hardness of the shell is in no way inferior to shells. walnuts. This means you need to cut, saw, break, whatever you want to call it - but rid the nut of the shell. And only then can it finally be removed and eaten.

Chestnut in shell

The smallest Brazilian monkey, Miku, takes a Brazil nut from a person's hand and cracks the shell with his sharp teeth.

Special devices people break the hard shell of chestnuts and extract the nut.

In general, the work of opening the “seven locks” takes half a day... like in the fairy tale about the death of Kashchei, at the end of a needle, a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck on a tree, a tree in the middle of the ocean, etc.. By the time you get it, you’ll be tired.

And here we also need to add all the work that these nuts do not grow in all of Brazil, but only in several states, which means that in order for them to appear at least throughout all of Brazil, they need to be transported from the state where they grow. Why am I telling all this - yes, because the price in the end for a plastic box of 150-200 grams is quite high in a store with shelled nuts. This is inside Brazil itself...

Manual shelling of nuts and packaging on site

Nuts in their original form, unshelled

As for export-import, it is interesting that the statistics are somewhat different. But poor Brazilian farmers usually receive the least for their hard work. The main margin goes for processing, intermediaries, suppliers, carriers, retail and wholesale resale, so when we reach the retail consumer, we have the fact that only as a delicacy or for the sake of health, an ordinary Brazilian will decide to just buy a package of Brazil nuts.

I haven’t seen them in Russia until now, although it is possible that if you look hard enough, there are probably small-scale import supplies with such a nut. As they say, there is a product, and there is a merchant. Of course, for Brazil nuts too. In addition, given the development of mutual trade relations between Russia and Brazil, there are probably already sites with the ability to order nuts directly from Brazil; the Russian intermediary takes care of all the work, but of course, he will also increase the markup. Perhaps for the sake of interest it is worth it, but not in large quantities.

About the origin of Brazil nuts

Its native homeland inside Brazil is the Amazon forest. However, although these nuts are called Brazil nuts, their largest supplier is no longer Brazil, but Bolivia. The reason for this phenomenon is the fact of deforestation of Brazilian tropical forests, and at the same time chestnut trees.

Inside Brazil, the nuts are called by different names, but most often as "chestnuts-of-the-pair". This is because at one time the state of Pará was part of the Amazon and the Amazon forests. Much water has passed under the bridge since then. Today, the most active producer of Brazil nuts is the small state of Acre, on the very outskirts of western Brazil, one might say on its “tail”.

Acre is not a particularly developed state. Economically, everything here is quite primitive. The state's economy is based mainly on agriculture and agriculture. That is, on a subsistence basis.

In addition to Acre, nuts are also grown in the Brazilian states of Rondônia, Maranhão, Amapá, Amazonas, Mato Grosso and Pará. The chestnut trees themselves grow scattered throughout the forests of these states, and most often near ponds and large rivers.

Today, Brazil nut trees are listed in the International Red Book, since its species is at risk of extinction due to deforestation, filling areas with pastures and other plantings.

About the most delicious...

Let's get down to business, or the "body" of the nut. The Brazilian chestnut, a nut, is very high in calories. One of the leaders in fat content (healthy fat content - monounsaturated fat) and selenium (a special element of health!). First things first.

Brazil nut close up.

Chestnut Grove with Brazil Nuts

Nut protein and fat are plant-based, very healthy and quickly fill you up. Brazil nut helps with sports for muscle growth and proper physical recovery of the body during exercise.

Selenium is the most active element of nuts, our ally in the fight against free radicals (the main pests of our youth!), and also prevents the development of cancer.

One of the best Brazilian cosmetics brands, Natura Ecos, uses the natural gifts of the Brazilian soil in its products. Here is one such series with Brazil nut oil extracts. I must say that the quality of this brand is high, and so is the price.

Natura Ecos - all the best from Brazilian nature into cosmetics for people of all ages

The nut is also rich in magnesium and thiamine. In general, we can say that Brazil nuts are a plant antioxidant. Oil squeezed from nuts is widely used in cosmetic products, natural recipes for the skin, both for moisturizing and nourishing, and in the fight against wrinkles.

In Brazil, Brazil nuts are consumed in pure form, it is often fried, it becomes tender nutty taste. It is also ground into nut crumbs, or even into flour, breading, and then used for various culinary purposes. For example, for desserts, cakes, sweet pastries, ice cream. Can also be used as a breading for salty snacks, meats, etc.

Brazil nuts find their use in Brazilian sweets and desserts.

Brazilian butter pie with Brazil nuts and cashews

Benefits of Brazilian chestnuts or 6 benefits for your health.
1) reduces bad cholesterol.
2) fights radicals, the main pests of our skin. Because it is rich in vitamin E.
3) helps in the fight against hypothyroidism, since selenium is an assistant to people with thyroid problems.
4) selenium also strengthens the immune system together with vitamin E.
5) prevents osteoporosis, as it is rich in calcium and magnesium. Helps our bones stay strong.
6) helps the active functioning of the brain, prevents the degeneration of brain cells. Prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Brazil nuts find their use in Brazilian sweets and desserts.

Brazil nuts find their use in Brazilian sweets and desserts.

Brazil nuts find their use in Brazilian sweets and desserts.

How to eat without gaining weight?

It is important to remember that Brazil nuts are a super healthy product. healthy eating, but rich in fats, that is, high in calories. It is better to eat it in the first half of the day, or at breakfast or lunch. It is better raw, since fried it loses a lot of its benefits (polyunsaturated fats break down when fried).

1 nut is already 26.24 calories. As much as 90% of the Brazil nut consists of vegetable healthy fat, which I wrote about above, and the remaining 10% of the composition is divided in half by carbohydrates and protein.

Brazil nut is a source of the right fat for our body

And now the most interesting thing - 100 grams of nuts (1 cup) is 1049 calories (90% of which are fat.) This is close to the daily caloric intake of a losing weight person, so caution is very important in the amount of consumption.

Here, of course, the main word is moderation! Because if you are watching your weight and health, then the nut can be an alternative to other sources of healthy fat for the body. Saturation occurs quite quickly, it is important to wait 10-15 minutes, and a feeling of fullness should appear.

Brazil nut in shell. Try to get it!

From my experience with Brazil nuts

From my experience with Brazil nuts, I remember how once on one of the Christmas holidays in Brazil, the boss at my work gave all the employees a Christmas basket with different products, seems like a must-have gift for every self-respecting employer in Brazil. The basket contained both ordinary sweets, chocolates, gummies and cookies, as well as healthier products such as lentils, peanuts and packaging with some kind of “wood” unknown to me at that time.

When I finished with the entire basket, there was only this unopened pack left, and I kept wondering what it was and how to eat it, because it looked like wooden slices of something unknown. I didn’t know then that Brazil nuts are also sold unshelled and in shell, so that they can be stored longer. And in shell - the packaging is cheaper. Thus, the day came when there was no food at home, but I wanted to eat and I decided to find out what was in this package. I opened it and realized that other than nuts, no other thought came to mind. At that time, I rented a separate house and, of course, I didn’t keep any tools like a hammer or pliers at home...

In general, I had to invent how to open them, because not a single object in the house could break the thick shell of the nuts. Can you guess what I used to open them? I don’t want to admit it, with my teeth. What else? She didn’t spare her enamel and, like a hungry squirrel, began to try them “by tooth.” Somehow I overcame nut 3. Because I was terribly exhausted, they really have a “just right” shell! You can't just open it.

Cleaning and processing of Brazil nuts in a nut processing plant, Brazil.

The work of these people is not at all easy. Clean and check nuts all day

Brazilian nut. Checking the cleanliness of the belt, manually

Moreover, even when it was possible to break it, it did not break off entirely and getting the nut out was a real punishment, the hunger passed after finishing picking out the third nut, there was no longer any strength or desire to do it again. But since they are “oily,” this turned out to be enough to quench hunger. This is my experience. I don’t advise anyone to do this; if your teeth are fragile, you could lose your teeth.

How many nuts should you eat per day?

Nutritionists in Brazil recommend daily norm from 1 to 2 nuts per day, with a balanced diet. This is enough to get all the important microelements and the right daily dose selenium and do not go overboard with calories. It is important to remember that selenium in excess can be harmful, and in the worst case, even cause coma. That is, if you eat, for example, an overdose of 9-10 nuts, you can get from indigestion to poisoning. In addition, signs of a nut overdose may include irritability, muscle weakness, and body pain.

You need to store nuts in the refrigerator. Since they are left without shells, they do not store well. room temperature and even more so in the warmth, but will quickly go rancid due to vegetable oil in their composition. Therefore, only the refrigerator.

I must admit that while I was writing this article, this did not happen in one day. Since at first I collected information, then collected the material into a pile and still remembered my experiences in this topic, the interest in trying Brazil nuts again, only in a civilized way this time, appeared and the desire to benefit my health and everyone at home too.

Several times I looked for nuts in supermarkets such as Magnit and others. But I didn’t find it. One day the other day I was walking home past a fruit and vegetable shop and saw these nuts on the display case, packaged in separate bags. I was very surprised by such an unexpected find. Having thought everything over, I took 1 package. In our city, the price for 1 kg of Brazil nuts is 550 rubles. A package of 310 grams cost 171 rubles. Don’t think that 310 grams is so small, in fact, although the nuts are large in size, they are quite light, so a 300 gram bag is a large volume (and the number of pieces (nuts) should actually be enough for a month, and maybe longer.)

Oddly enough, they were not stored in the seller’s refrigerator, which scared me. I was afraid to buy them and they were rancid, for example. We agreed that we would try a few pieces at home, and if they were rancid, the seller would return the money.

I brought it home, opened it and just smelled it first. The smell is vegetable, nutty, slightly reminiscent of vegetable nut oil. They look unprocessed, just nuts without shells, clean and unroasted. I ate 2 nuts in half with my child, and I must say that the taste is good, natural, non-rancid, and can be compared approximately with unroasted cashews.

Bottom line: I was pleased with the purchase. The main thing is in moderation, 1 a day is enough.))) I advise everyone to look in their city and be sure to try it. As far as I know, all Brazil nuts actually come from Brazil, or at least from Bolivia, which is nearby.

Let's sum it up

So we found out that Brazil nuts in moderate quantities are total benefit for our body, health and well-being, physical and mental. But!

Chestnut coconuts

To prevent good from turning into evil, we remember that only 1-2 nuts do a good deed, if you consume more than 4-5 per day, then after a certain period, a week, a month, etc., you can get a negative effect, since selenium (an antioxidant) tends to accumulate in the body and if the dose is greater than what the body needs, then you can harm yourself.

To summarize, Brazil nuts help:
1) for diseases of the thyroid gland, namely hypothyroidism. Improves the picture due to selenium.
2) fights skin aging
3) fights the aging of the brain and brain cells.
4) protects against cancer
5) oil moisturizes the skin
6) prevents Alzheimer's disease
7) helps you stay in excellent physical shape with a healthy lifestyle
8) controls pressure
9) cleanses blood vessels
10) reduces bad cholesterol
11) relieves tension during PMS in women
12) strengthens bones, teeth and nails

and most importantly: no more than 1-2 pieces a day, then everything will be super cool! Store nuts only in the refrigerator. You can add it to desserts, sweets, or salads; it’s best if you eat it raw, without frying!

Sale of nuts in individual packages, shelled

Brazilian gourmets do everything they can with nuts: muesli bars with braz-nuts, grain bread with nuts, cakes and pastries, cookies with nuts. Ice cream, pies.

Let me finish here. If you found the article interesting and useful, please like it!
