The benefits of compotes and their harm to the body. Refreshing apple, tart cherry and sweet dried fruit compote - a whole lot of goodness! Compote beneficial properties

Unnatural juices that fill all grocery stores.

It’s not for nothing that in kindergartens and schools children are given only compote or tea. And only parents buy something else. But this is very costly and harmful! The only thing that can benefit the body from the ready-made drinks sold is natural mineral, carbonated water.

The benefits of compote

Despite the apparent complexity, the compote is easy to cook. The most useful will be compote made from dried fruits. The recipe can include any amount (depending on how you like it, sweeter, richer) of dried apricots, figs, raisins, candied prunes, rose hips, banana and other dried fruits - in any combination. Such a compote because high concentration vitamins and microelements in dried fruits will be of equal benefit fresh fruit and berries! In the summer, you can brew it more, cool it, and the whole family will be happy to drink your compote instead harmful soda and will thank you!

How to cook dried fruit compote

The more variety of dried fruits in the compote, the more valuable it is healthier Recipe simple Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan. Add dried fruits with a third of the volume of water. If you have a sweet tooth, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. And cook for 25 to 35 minutes.

Dried apricots in compote will enrich it with calcium and iron. If you drink this compote regularly, you can improve your vision problems. Pears are used to normalize intestinal microflora, not to mention the content of iron, calcium, potassium... like pears, they contain a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system and intestinal microflora. Prunes are rich in the beauty vitamin (vitamin A) and vitamin B. If consumed in large quantities, they will have a laxative effect on the body. Raisin compote is boiled if there are problems with digestion (cook for 25 minutes, steep for 2 hours). Pineapple has always been known among nutritionists as a good fat burning stimulant, but only if you consume it before physical activity. If there is no activity, then fat will not be burned, even with the help of pineapple. Apples and pears are indispensable source nutrients for Russian people (“native”, local fruits are better accepted by the body).

The only difficulty is that the cooking time will be different for each dried fruit. For example, dried apricots will boil quickly; they need to be added later to the dried fruit compote. The recipe takes into account the cooking time of the fruit. For example, vitamin compote includes dried apricots, prunes, apples, rose hips, rowan, pears, raisins. First, throw apples, pears and dried apricots into the pan; after 10 minutes of cooking - rose hips, rowan; and at the end of cooking (5 minutes, when the dried apricots are almost boiled) - raisins (they are always added last).

It is completely acceptable to cook compote from one type of dried fruit, it will still be compote from dried fruits. in this case it is simplified. More often they cook compote from dried apples. The time required to prepare such a compote is 35 minutes. For taste, add dried apricots (10 minutes after the start of cooking). Instead of dried apricots, you can add cloves at the end of cooking. Or make a compote from one raisin: boil with sugar for 25 minutes, leave for 2 hours.

Remember that compote is the healthiest and most beneficial drink, especially for patients with various diseases(with problems in the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, pancreas, digestive system, vision). The main thing is to buy for him quality dried fruits with natural color, not treated with chemicals and wash them well before use.

Compote (fr. compote– make up, mix) – dessert soft drink, prepared from one type or mixture of fruits and berries based on water and sugar. Compote is prepared from fresh, frozen or dried ingredients. This drink is very popular chilled in summer time, and in cold weather, compotes go well warm as a source of vitamins. Compotes are also prepared for the winter for future use.

The name of the drink came into our language in the 18th century. from France. It was in this country that cooks first prepared compote. To this day, fruit puree called compote is prepared in French pastry shops.

The compote should be prepared from ripened components, without mechanical damage or signs of rotting. The taste and color of the finished drink depends on these indicators. For everyday use compote is prepared by boiling (2-5 minutes) fruits and berries (about 500 g) in water (3-4 l) with sugar (6-7 tbsp).

When canning compotes, there are several general recipes and technology. The two most popular are:

1st recipe:

  • Wash jars prepared for preservation thoroughly to remove dirt and residues from previous preparations. The neck of the jars should be intact without any punctures. Seaming lids, washed from industrial grease, are sterilized in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • Wash berries and fruits in two waters, remove stems and inflorescences. Divide the clean ingredients so that they fill the jars 1/4 full.
  • Pour boiling water over the jars, cover with lids and leave to cool for 15 minutes.
  • Then pour the water back into the pan where it was boiled. Add sugar there at the rate of 200 g for 3 liter jar and boil again.
  • Pour boiling syrup over the berries again and roll up the lids.
  • Place the jars upside down so that you can immediately see where the lid does not fit tightly to the neck of the jar. To keep the jars warm, cover them with a blanket or any other warm things.

2nd recipe:

  • Also wash the jars and lids and sterilize them. Sterilize each jar by steaming for 3-5 minutes or microwave oven within two minutes.
  • As in the first case, rinse and peel the fruits and berries. Then blanch in portions using a colander in boiling water for 30 seconds.
  • Place the sterilized components of the compote into jars and add sugar (200 g per 3-liter jar). Pour boiling water over everything and roll up.
  • Like point 6 of the first recipe.

Compotes should be stored in a dark room at a temperature of 0-20°C and a humidity of no more than 80% for 12 months.

Useful properties of compote

Depending on the ingredients used in preparing the compote, the quantity and composition are determined biologically active substances, vitamins, minerals and organic acids. The color and aroma of the drink also depends on this. The following fruits are used as raw materials for preparing compotes: apples, apricots, pears, quinces, peaches, plums, oranges, tangerines, etc.; berries: grapes, cherries, cherries, cherry plums, red and black currants, gooseberries, cranberries, viburnum, dogwoods, strawberries, raspberries, etc. To preserve all the beneficial substances in the compote, you need to boil it for no more than 5 minutes under a closed lid.

Compote is enough high-calorie drink because of the sugar it contains. It is not recommended for people with diabetes to drink it in its usual form. For them, it is necessary to prepare compotes without sugar or replace it with sweeteners (fructose) and substitutes.

Raisin compote is recommended by doctors as a remedy against anemia, gastrointestinal disorders, muscle weakness, high temperatures accompanied by fever, kidney and heart diseases. This compote can also be given to infants from the first days of life for colic, intestinal gas and microflora disorders. To prepare it, raisins should be washed in warm water, remove all specks and remaining stalks. It is better to take raisins by weight. Pure raisins should be placed in a teapot for brewing, pour boiling water over them and leave to steep for half an hour. When brewing tea for children, you should take 5-10 raisins per 200 ml of water.

Rosehip compote is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and acids, so necessary for the body with the onset of cold weather. It is especially useful for people with impaired functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, it helps remove excess fluid from the body, normalizes metabolism, binds and removes toxins. Dried or fresh rose hips should be chopped, poured into a thermos, added sugar and poured boiling water. Before use, it should be infused for 3-4 hours.

The discoverers of compote were French cooks, but in Ancient Rus' They also prepared a similar non-alcoholic drink - vzvar or uzvar. His beneficial features are largely determined chemical composition incoming components - berries, fruits, including dried ones. Today this drink is prepared in every home, preserved for the winter and brewed from frozen fruits in winter. It is especially useful for the growing child's body.

The benefits of compote can hardly be overestimated and are determined by the ingredients included in the composition:

  • , which acts as a preventive measure for seasonal bronchopulmonary diseases, is abundant in currants, peaches, gooseberries, apples, plums, and apricots. Peach drink also increases tone and improves heart function. The last property also applies to apricots;
  • improves immunity, and plums have a laxative effect and are good for preventing and eliminating constipation. Apples are a powerful source of iron, and a drink based on them is recommended to be included in the diet of those who work in radiation conditions;
  • normalize metabolism and the state of the central nervous system, cherry and plum due to the vitamin B2 they contain. Pear compote fights stomach, heart and kidney diseases;
  • Quince drink contains tannins and pectins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. They help the body resist intestinal diseases, anemia and tuberculosis;
  • The benefits of dried fruit compote are beyond doubt, otherwise it would not be given to children in kindergartens and schools. During the period of seasonal depression, vitamin deficiency and other “delights” of winter, a drink can simply become a salvation for a tired body suffering from loss of performance. Dried apricots and prunes will improve intestinal motility, apples and pears will reduce intracranial pressure and speed up metabolism. The drink is recommended to be included in the complex therapy of cystitis, colds, gout, rheumatism, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Of course, everything here will depend on what ingredients predominate in the drink, what is the concentration of sugar and in what volumes of compote is consumed:

  • too much sweet drink is very high in calories and is not recommended for people suffering from obesity and diabetes;
  • The harm of compote lies in the high concentration of active substances in it. Cranberries are contraindicated for gastritis and liver disorders. In fact, the predominance of sour berries in the decoction can cause pain and discomfort in the stomach for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Large amounts can cause diarrhea and stomach cramps;
  • the benefits of compote will exceed the harm from its use if taken within reasonable limits. Everything is good in moderation and this applies to any food and drink;
  • Serious damage to health can be caused by a decoction of dried fruits and fresh fruits, which during production and cultivation were treated with toxic chemicals and added preservatives. This also applies to those fruits that were collected near busy highways and roads.

The effect of compote on the children's body

A child's body needs much more than an adult sufficient quantity vitamins, minerals and others nutrients. After all, kids grow and develop, spending a lot of energy on games and mental work.

How do fruit decoctions affect a child’s body?

  1. Increase immunity, help resist infections and other ailments. This is especially true in the cold season, when there are no seasonal berries, and those brought from abroad contain a large number of chemical components that reduce all beneficial properties to zero. Some children even during the season refuse to eat fruits and berries, so homemade drinks are a salvation for mothers.
  2. Compote for children can act as a kind of home medicine - effective and affordable. After all, what mother would refuse the opportunity to replace the traditional medical product with a bunch side effects for the same effectiveness, prepared with your own hands without any preservatives, dyes or other chemical additives.
  3. Many mothers doubt whether their child can have compote? If there is no allergy to fruits, and sugar is normally tolerated by the body, then it is not only possible, but also necessary. And if sugar is not allowed, then you can always make a drink without it or add honey or fructose.
  4. Allergies very rarely develop to dried fruit compote, and another advantage of this drink is that dried fruits contain useful material are concentrated in higher quantities. Therefore, a drink prepared from a small amount of dried fruit in its own way nutritional value equivalent to a drink obtained from a half-liter jar of fresh fruit.

As you can see, compote is just a pantry the most valuable substances necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body. Therefore, you should not neglect it and cook it regularly, delighting your family and children.

Compote is extremely tasty, nutritious and healthy drink. Cool, it will perfectly quench thirst in hot weather, and hot, it will quickly warm and cheer us up in winter. No store bought sodas mineral water and juices will not bring us as much benefit as a simple and not difficult to prepare compote can provide. But in European traditions compote is not a drink that is familiar to us, but fruits boiled in syrup, which are served for dessert in special bowls along with the syrup in which they were boiled. But we are used to calling a compote a drink made from water, sugar and a variety of fruits and berries. Compote is not just a drink, but vitamin drink, which provides our body with a variety of vitamins, pectin substances, minerals, as well as fructose - fruit sugar, which is healthier and easier to digest by the body than glucose and sucrose.

Compote can be made from fresh, dried, canned and frozen fruits and berries. From individual species you can get, for example: apple, plum, pear, cherry compote. And with different combinations of fruits we will get assorted compote. In such compotes, fruits and berries are selected in optimal proportions so that they combine perfectly and effectively complement each other, giving the compote an unforgettable taste and aroma. In addition to freshly brewed compotes, there is such a category as canned compotes. The benefits of compote canned is not inferior in useful qualities with freshly brewed. Such compotes are considered excellent canned fruits and berries with long term storage, since their safety is ensured by sterilization.

Most fresh and frozen fruits and berries do not require long-term heat treatment. And fruits such as quince, some varieties of pears and apples must be cut into slices and boiled in acidified syrup for 10-15 minutes. Easy-to-cook apple varieties ripe pears, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries and black currant Place in boiling water or syrup, bring to a light boil, turn off the heat and cool. Tangerines, oranges, pineapples, strawberries, raspberries are used raw. Once prepared, they are placed in portioned dishes and poured sugar syrup and insist.

To prepare compote from dried fruits, they must first be prepared: sorted and washed thoroughly. cold water. Duration of heat treatment various types dried fruits are not the same. So, dried pears are boiled for 40-50 minutes, apples for 20-30 minutes, apricots, dried apricots - 10-15 minutes, and raisins will be ready in 5-10 minutes. Therefore, first they fill hot water pears, boil them, add apples, add sugar to taste and citric acid and cook until softened, after which add the remaining dried fruits and cook until full readiness. To reduce the loss of vitamin C, it is recommended to cook the compote and cool it with the lid closed. The taste of the compote will improve if you cook it in the evening and let it brew until the morning.

To cook compote, water should only be used good quality. Key or filtered is best. Tap water can only be used if you are sure of its safety. Alkaline water worsens taste properties compote and it is not advisable to use it. But you can use any sugar for making compote: white or brown, beetroot, cane or fruit. And each time the taste of your compote will change. You can use honey instead of sugar. This will add benefits and a unique aroma to the compote, but you should not add honey to boiling water. You can make compote without sugar with great success; it will certainly be tasty, but also low in calories.

To add additional aroma and refined taste to fresh compote you can add red wine or freshly squeezed fruit juice, lemon or orange zest, tea rose petals. And if you want to make compote with exotic taste You can use all kinds of spices and herbs: nutmeg, mint, lemon balm, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla. Add spices or herbs to the compote five minutes before it’s ready and they’ll give it their pleasant taste and aroma.

The cooked compote should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-10 degrees. If necessary, it can be frozen and stored in the freezer for up to a month from freezing. benefits of compote don't change.

Homemade compotes made from natural products, without dyes and preservatives will be delivered great benefit our health, will charge us with energy, vigor and good mood.

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We all know about high degree the benefits of fresh fruits and berries for the human body. They contain a high percentage of important trace elements, mineral and vitamin compounds and amino acids, which are essential for the full and healthy functioning of our body. But what to do in winter, when the only fresh fruits and berries are apples and oranges? Many people resort to using dried fruits and berries. What is their usefulness, what properties do they have, can they cause harm, and much more we will consider in our article.

Calories and vitamins in dried fruit compote

Due to the diversity of the composition of dried fruit compote, its calorie content and balance of proteins and carbohydrates may vary slightly. It is believed that compote can be very high-calorie product, since at its core sweet water, to which a large amount of sugar is added.

If these two rules are followed, the average number of calories per 100 grams of compote will be equal to 60. Moreover, in 100 grams of compote there will be 0.8 grams of proteins and 11.4 grams of carbohydrates.

The microelements and minerals in the compote include:

  • calcium - 3.1 g;
  • iron - 0.1 g;
  • phosphorus - 4.3 g;
  • potassium - 38.5 g;
  • sodium - 0.5 g;
  • vitamin C - 0.2 g;
  • vitamin B3 - 0.1 g;
  • beta-carotene - 0.0011 g.

Why is it useful?

In general, the benefits of dried fruit compote are quite diverse.

Its main positive qualities include:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • blood purification;
  • increased hemoglobin;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and circulatory system due to increased iron content;
  • saturation of the body useful minerals and vitamins;
  • promoting the normalization of the stomach and intestines;
  • improving brain function and strengthening memory;
  • promoting cell regeneration;
  • relief of all forms of colds;
  • help in reducing temperature during acute respiratory infections;
  • Providing a psychological calming effect, can be used as an antidepressant.

Separately, we should dwell on the variety of beneficial properties for the bodies of pregnant and lactating women, for infants and for those who are trying to lose weight.

Important!Dried fruit compote is much healthier and cheaper than juices from supermarkets. The absence of preservatives and dyes makes it safer than any ready drink from the shop.

For pregnant and lactating women

If we talk about whether compote made from dried fruits and berries is useful during pregnancy and for nursing mothers, then we can safely say that the usefulness is also very high.

It is during this period that the expectant mother’s body needs additional support more than ever, and this is especially true for hemoglobin levels, which often drop during pregnancy.

Also, such a drink will have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, blood purification, cell regeneration and the absorption of microelements and vitamins into the blood and cells of all systems, which is vital for maintaining the health and performance of the entire body.
In addition, the drink will promote lactation and enrich milk with many useful elements that will enter the child’s body.

Therefore, we can safely say that for pregnant women and those who have decided to breast-feeding(gv), a drink made from dried fruits will be a kind of miraculous elixir that not only can, but also should be consumed.

For weight loss

It turns out that losing weight with the help of compote based on dried fruits and berries is also possible. Due to its ability to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and unwanted “garbage” in the form of toxins and dead cells, this drink is able to “wash out” fats, promoting gradual weight loss.

Work is also getting better urinary system, which promotes rapid redistribution of fluids, reduces the likelihood of edema, which is often found in obese people.
By improving stomach function large quantity elements are processed in the correct form and absorbed in the right places. All excess, on the contrary, is eliminated from the body, and is not deposited as an accumulation of fat in “stagnant” areas. Therefore, when dieting, it is recommended to drink 1 to 2 liters of compote per day.

For babies

Breasts will receive everything they need through mother's milk. Therefore, compote can be introduced into complementary foods from 3 months, if it does not contain any exotic products.

Did you know? The fruity aroma of the drink improves mood and fights depression and loss of energy. This is why most children and adults love him. It is believed that regular use Dried fruit compote helps avoid seasonal infections and catch a cold in the off-season.

If you add something like papaya, pineapple, coconut or other similar ingredients to the drink, this can provoke allergic reactions and harm the baby. Such experiments are not recommended to be carried out before 6 months of age.

Features of use

Dried fruit compote also has some peculiarities of consumption that have arisen as a result of the presence of various disorders and diseases in people, for which it is necessary to drink such a drink, following the recommendations. We will talk about them in more detail later in our article.

For pancreatitis, gastritis

If there are any inflammatory processes in the stomach, consuming dried fruit compote is not recommended, given the increased acidity caused by high content fruits and berries containing a large number of different acids.

If you still decide to experiment, then you can only add strawberries to such a compote. These fruits and berries have the lowest degree of acidity and therefore will not cause pain.

For diabetes

At diabetes mellitus You should limit sweet fruits and berries as much as possible, replacing them with sour ones, for example, green apples, pomegranates, grapefruits, oranges and others. It is also better to replace sugar with honey.

Diuretic or not

For kidney disease, drinking dried fruit compote is also not recommended, as it is a diuretic. To avoid trouble, you should consult with your doctor in advance about the possibility of drinking such a drink if you have ailments of the urinary system.

Strengthens or weakens

A drink made from dried fruits and berries can have both a laxative and constipative effect. It's all about the ingredients.

Important!Get carried away with compote based dried prunes It is not recommended, as excessive use can lead to profuse loose stools. Moreover, you should not drink such a compote if you have diarrhea, because the result will be disastrous.

You can get rid of constipation by adding prunes to the compote, which will then result in a fairly effective laxative. If you add dried pear, then the effect will be the opposite.

For those who plan to cook delicious and aromatic fruit drink, we have prepared several recommendations, compiled into a list:

  1. Wash dried fruits thoroughly before cooking.
  2. It is recommended to soak them in boiling water for 15–20 minutes.
  3. If fruits and berries are sweet, then you don’t need to add sugar at all.
  4. The classic ratio of dried fruits to water is approximately 1 to 5.
  5. Except classic way When boiling dried fruits (most of the beneficial elements are lost during this process), you can use the steaming method in a special thermopot. This container will allow the dried fruits to brew, and all useful elements will remain in the water and not evaporate. In addition, using this method you will significantly reduce the infusion time of the drink. After an hour you can drink it.
  6. To make the compote healthier, replace sugar with honey.
  7. To diversify taste palette this drink, use spices and herbs.

How to store dried fruit compote

After preparing the dried fruit drink, remove it from the heat and leave it at room temperature cool down. If you have cooked a large pan, then after the compote has cooled completely, it is recommended to distribute it among containers (you can use glass jars or plastic bottles), then put it in the refrigerator for storage.
Next, take out the compote and let it warm up at room temperature before drinking. If you are preparing a small saucepan, then you don’t have to put it in the refrigerator, because the fragrant and delicious drink will quickly disperse among your family members.

Important!If mold or an abundance of air bubbles appears on the surface, then you cannot drink such compote, because it has already disappeared or fermented.

In winter, the pan with compote can be taken out to the balcony (in an apartment) or to the veranda (private house). But even when stored in the refrigerator, it is not recommended to keep this drink for a long time. It should be consumed within the first three days from the moment of preparation.

Contraindications and harm

Such a drink cannot cause any harm. It may be more beneficial or less beneficial, depending on what ingredients were used and in what quantities.

Also, the effect of the drink may depend on the individual characteristics of the body, its reaction to certain ingredients. Other factors may include acidity balance, allergic reactions, individual intolerance, as well as some contraindications, usually caused by the presence of diseases.

List of contraindications for the use of uzvar:

  • renal failure;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • ulcer, gastritis;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy.

Did you know? A drink made from dried fruits and berries, called uzvar among the Slavs, differs from regular compote based fresh ingredients in order to obtain aroma and rich taste, it should be infused for at least 12 hours. The longer the uzvar is infused, the more interesting, richer and brighter its aroma and taste will be.

In general, dried fruit compote has a very limited list of contraindications. It is useful for people of all ages and sizes, and is also indicated for use even after undergoing severe operations.

At any time of the year, compote will become a great addition to your diet. In summer, these can be drinks based on fresh fruits and berries; in winter, use frozen or dried ingredients.
Freshly brewed compote will fill your home pleasant aromas summer garden, and will bring to your body and health in general extraordinary benefit and will have a tonic and invigorating effect.

Try and experiment with different options and combinations of fruits and berries to obtain new unique tastes.
