Recipe for fluffy pancakes without yeast. A simple recipe with clear proportions. Cooking in a frying pan

  1. Pour the milk into a bowl with high sides, add eggs, sugar, salt, soda, slaked with vinegar.
  2. In a bowl, mix and whisk all ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Without ceasing to stir, gradually add flour, trying to avoid lumps. The dough should turn out like semi-liquid sour cream, it should flow, but at the same time flow in a thick, viscous stream, so that when you pour it from a spoon onto a hot frying pan, it does not spread like a pancake, but remains within the size of a pancake. Beat everything well so that there is no flour lumps.
  4. Add 2-3 tablespoons to the dough vegetable oil(this will help the pancakes leave the pan easier).
  5. Heat a frying pan and heat a little vegetable oil (3 tablespoons) in it.
  6. Add pancakes one at a time with a spoon and fry until golden brown crust at both sides.
  7. The pancakes will rise a little during frying, even though they are without yeast.

Pancakes without yeast with milk are a simple breakfast dish that both adults and children will enjoy. Sweet and fluffy pancakes are prepared very quickly, so every housewife, having collected simple products from the refrigerator, you can please your beloved children and spouse with this wonderful dish in a matter of minutes. Just a few minutes and it's simple, but tasty and hearty dish will be ready, every housewife will certainly appreciate this recipe deservedly!


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Cooking instructions

1. Pour milk into a separate container, add eggs, as well as salt and sugar. Mix all ingredients with a whisk or hand blender.

2. Gradually add flour to the milk-egg mixture. Stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough. Mix well.

3. The dough will be thin, similar to liquid sour cream, but much denser than traditional pancakes.

4. It is advisable to let the dough rest for about fifteen minutes and only then start preparing the pancakes.

5. Heat the pan well. Add sufficient quantity vegetable oil. Using a tablespoon, pour the batter into the pan, forming small pancakes. After one side of the pancakes has browned, turn them over to the other side using a wooden spatula. Cook the pancakes over medium heat until they are well cooked inside. If they turn out fluffy, you can cover the pan with a lid, then they will bake even better.

  • 6. Place the finished pancakes on a plate. Serve them with honey or jam, cream or sour cream. They look really tasty and appetizing, treat your loved ones!

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    Pancakes are one of the most common dishes that both children and adults love. If you need any pancake recipe, then you can easily find it on the pages of our website and learn how to quickly bake them. With us you can down to the smallest details learn how to cook pancakes according to a specific recipe. And the accompanying photos in the recipes will help you not to make mistakes and do everything correctly. Prepare pancakes for your family and friends, because this is a very simple, tasty and healthy dish!

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    Pancakes are a tasty, satisfying and nutritious food that adults and children love. They can be prepared with fresh or sour milk, adding various berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Suitable sauces for this dish include sour cream, mayonnaise, honey, jam, jam, melted chocolate - whatever! And making such a breakfast is not difficult - there are many recipes for milk pancakes, fluffy and airy.

    Fluffy pancakes with milk - classic version

    To prepare pancakes according to classic recipe, need to fresh milk. But if it's a little sour, it's not a big deal.

    To work you will need:

    • 280–300 ml milk;
    • egg;
    • 350–400 g flour;
    • 20 g sugar;
    • 5 g salt;
    • 10 g dry yeast;
    • vanillin.

    Operating procedure:

    1. Heat the milk until it is moderately warm, add the yeast and stir.
    2. While the dry granules are dissolving, mix the egg, sugar, salt, vanillin and beat thoroughly.
    3. Combine the milk with the resulting mixture, add flour until the dough reaches the desired consistency, and stir until the lumps disappear.
    4. Close the container with the dough with a lid, wrap it in a towel and place in a warm place for 45–50 minutes. After this, all that remains is to fry the pancakes in heated vegetable fat.

    Important! You can put the dough in the pan only after the oil has warmed up.

    This is necessary so that the pancakes immediately “stick” and do not spread over the surface.

    Yeast fluffy pancakes

    Can be cooked yeast pancakes in milk and in other ways. For this you will need not dry, but compressed yeast.

    The dish is made from the following ingredients:

    • 450–500 ml milk;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 500–550 g flour;
    • 15 g pressed yeast;
    • 30 g sugar;
    • 5 g salt;
    • 10 ml vegetable fat;
    • vanillin.

    Preparation procedure:

    1. Grind the compressed yeast with a knife, dissolve it in warm milk, add sugar, mix and leave to rise. The dough will be ready when a foamy “cap” appears on the surface. This will take about half an hour.
    2. Break eggs into a bowl, add salt, vegetable fat and vanilla, beat with a whisk.
    3. Mix the dough with the resulting mass, add flour, bring the dough until smooth and leave to rise. When it doubles in size, you can start frying.

    Advice. To prevent the finished pancakes from being too greasy, place them in one row on a tray lined with napkins.

    The paper will absorb excess oil, after which you can move the portions to a plate and serve.

    Recipe without adding yeast

    Not every housewife has enough time to wait for the dough to arrive. In this case, it is better to prepare pancakes without yeast.

    To work you will need:

    • 2 eggs;
    • 250 ml milk;
    • 400 g flour;
    • 5 g soda;
    • 10 g vinegar 9%;
    • salt and sugar to taste.

    1. Combine eggs with sugar and salt and beat until the bulk ingredients dissolve.
    2. Pour milk into the egg mixture and stir until smooth, then add soda slaked with vinegar.
    3. Add flour in small portions, stir the dough until the lumps disappear and fry in hot oil.

    These pancakes are served with sour cream, and sweet tooth lovers can put jam, preserves or honey on the table.

    Quick pancakes without flour

    Another option instant cooking A delicious and nutritious breakfast is pancakes with oatmeal.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 250 ml milk;
    • 100 g rolled oats;
    • 2 eggs;
    • sugar and salt to taste;
    • 5 g soda.

    Cooking process:

    1. Heat the milk over low heat and remove from the burner a few moments before it boils.
    2. Pour cereals. It will take a quarter of an hour for them to swell.
    3. Mix eggs with sugar, salt and soda, beat thoroughly with a whisk.
    4. When the flakes are soaked and the milk has cooled, all that remains is to combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly and fry the pancakes until cooked.

    On a note. To prepare pancakes according to this recipe, you take not only oat flakes, but also buckwheat, corn, rice or pea flakes.

    And to increase nutritional value dishes, you can add ground liver, boiled meat or poultry to the composition.

    Pancakes with sour milk step by step

    You can cook pancakes with sour milk, the main thing is that no lumps have formed in it. Otherwise, the dough will not be homogeneous.

    The following components are required for the dish:

    • 300 ml sour milk;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 250 g flour;
    • 5 g soda;
    • salt and sugar.

    Cooking sequence:

    1. Pour baking soda into milk and stir. There is no need to extinguish it with vinegar, since it will be in an acidic environment without it.
    2. Beat eggs with sugar and salt until a strong, stable foam appears.
    3. Combine the egg mixture with milk, add flour, mix thoroughly and leave for 10-15 minutes.

    After this, all that remains is to fry the portions in hot refined fat until a crust forms.

    Lush pancakes with apples

    Can be done wonderful dessert by preparing lush yeast pancakes with apples. You can decorate them with fresh berries or powdered sugar.

    For cooking you will need:

    • 300 ml milk;
    • 3–4 apples;
    • 2 eggs;
    • dry or compressed yeast;
    • 350–400 g flour;
    • salt and sugar to taste;
    • cinnamon and vanilla.

    Sequence of work:

    1. Heat the milk, add dry yeast and sugar, stir and leave until foam forms.
    2. Remove the stems and core from the apples, remove the peel and grate the pulp.
    3. Beat the eggs, adding the cinnamon and vanilla, then add to the milk mixture and stir.
    4. Add grated apples and add flour until the dough reaches the desired viscosity and thickness. Then it remains to fry it over low heat.

    Advice. To save time and not bother with a grater, you can cut apple pulp in small pieces, pour in a little milk and puree the fruit in a blender.

    Then the dough will be more homogeneous. Using the same principle, you can prepare pancakes by replacing apples with pumpkin, carrots or berries.

    Pancakes with bananas and cottage cheese

    When preparing pancakes with bananas, you should add cottage cheese to the composition - the dough will turn out tender, fluffy and airy.

    To create the dish you will need:

    • 200 ml sour milk;
    • 180–200 g cottage cheese;
    • 1–2 bananas;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 200–250 g flour;
    • 5 g soda;
    • 10 ml vinegar 9%;
    • salt and sugar to taste;
    • vanilla.

    Cooking sequence:

    1. Grind the cottage cheese with a fork or twist it in a meat grinder, then mix with soda, slaked with vinegar.
    2. Beat eggs with salt, sugar and vanilla, dilute with sour milk and add to cottage cheese.
    3. Add chopped bananas to the mixture, mix and start adding flour. When the dough becomes thick enough, fry the portions in hot oil.

    A great addition to this dessert would be powdered sugar or frosting made from melted chocolate and milk.

    Fragrant pancakes are a dish that many people love for breakfasts and afternoon snacks. They can be eaten either hot or cold. Of course, warm, flavored with sweet fresh honey or home berry jam, they are much tastier. It is worth noting that the dish can be prepared on different bases, but pancakes made with milk turn out to be the most tender, melting in your mouth. Experienced housewives It is recommended to use butter - this will only enhance the tenderness of the taste, and the aroma will gather hungry household members in a matter of minutes.

    Classic pancakes with milk

    Lightweight and quick option Making milk-based pancakes has long been popular. Second option quick pancakes- with water instead of dairy products, but such products are not very tender and aromatic.

    Ingredients of classic pancakes:

    • stack milk;
    • Art. l. vinegar;
    • soda - ¾ tsp;
    • salt - ½ tsp;
    • flour - 1 ½ cups. flour;
    • egg;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • oil - 2 tbsp. l. and for frying.

    First, let's oxidize the milk by pouring a little vinegar into it.

    Beat the egg mixture separately and prepare the melted butter.

    Combine bulk products in a large container.

    By this time the milk will have become sufficiently oxidized, it can be combined egg mixture and oil, pour into the flour mixture and knead the dough.

    Place a spoonful of batter into the hot oil and cook until bubbles appear on the top side. Now you can turn it over for a couple of minutes, then transfer it to a plate.

    On a note. You can serve with condensed milk, sour cream, jam fresh berries, jam, honey.

    Quick recipe

    When big family Urgently requires breakfast, pancakes for a quick fix will come in handy.

    After all, a housewife will always have in her kitchen:

    • milk - 1 l.;
    • flour - 4 cups. (may enter less);
    • eggs - 2;
    • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • soda - 1 tsp;
    • oil - 2 l. into the dough and the same amount for making pancakes.
    • raspberries - about a glass.

    Combine the eggs and salt with a mixer and set aside for a while.

    Heat the milk and dissolve the sugar in it. Combine with egg mixture.

    Mash the raspberries until smooth and combine with the milk-egg mixture.

    Sift the flour in portions, stirring the dough with a spoon. The consistency will be similar to thick sour cream.

    Pour in the required amount of oil and leave for a few minutes.

    Lightly grease the frying pan with oil and heat it up. Place a tablespoon of dough and bake as in the previous version.

    Serve with tea and jam - perhaps the best option delicious, sweet, hearty breakfast.

    On a note. Followers healthy eating can prepare pancakes according to any recipe using wholemeal flour.

    Fluffy pancakes made with milk and yeast

    Airy pancakes can be made with yeast. The dough requires more time to prepare, because in addition to combining with all products, it needs time to increase in volume.

    The pancakes are not only fluffy, but also very tasty!

    Pancakes with milk and yeast are prepared from the following ingredients:

    • milk - 2 cups;
    • eggs - 1;
    • flour - 3 cups;
    • oil - tbsp. false;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • dry yeast - 1 tsp.

    Dissolve the yeast, stirring, in the heated milk. After a quarter of an hour, they will begin to interact well and you can add other ingredients - egg, butter, salt and sugar.

    Sift the flour into the mixture in small parts and stir well. Place in a warm place for an hour and a half until the dough begins to rise. Then you can bake as usual.

    Yeast-free cooking method

    If yeast baking you don’t like it or you didn’t have yeast on hand at the right time, pancakes can be prepared without it. There is a chance that they will not rise very much - this depends on the freshness and quality of the product. But in any case, the baked goods come out soft, with a pleasant milky aroma.

    Prepare in advance:

    • flour - 1.5 cups;
    • full fat milk - 2 cups;
    • eggs - 2;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • van. sugar - 1 tsp;
    • drain oil. - 2l.

    Heat the milk slightly and beat together with the eggs. Sift in the flour little by little without stopping stirring. Season with salt and add the prepared amount of sugar. Stir until the smallest lumps dissolve - the dough should be homogeneous.

    Melt the butter and place the dough on it in portions. Cook covered for 2-3 minutes on each side.

    With soda

    Baking soda is often used in baking because it helps create an airy, porous flour product. Pancakes can also be prepared with the addition of soda. It is important not to overdo it with the amount, otherwise the dish will acquire an unpleasant soda taste and smell.

    We offer a recipe with soda:

    • eggs - 2;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • slaked soda - 1 tsp;
    • milk - 1 cup;
    • flour - 2 cups;
    • oil.

    Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar into a foamy mass. Add salt. Add milk to the resulting mass and mix again. Sift in the flour-soda mixture little by little and stir until smooth.

    The dough is ready for baking in hot oil.

    Advice. Into the dough for giving subtle aroma You can add a small amount of vanilla or cinnamon.

    With sour milk

    If there is some milk left that has become sour, do not rush to throw it away! It will come in handy for cooking fluffy pancakes.

    Of course, there are a couple of factors to consider:

    1. milk must initially be of high quality, then even in a sour state it will smell pleasant;
    2. The milk should not curdle.

    Sour milk pancakes are prepared from:

    • flour - 1 cup. (you may need a little more, depending on the variety);
    • egg - 2;
    • sour milk - half a liter;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • soda - ½ tsp;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • hot water - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • oil.

    Whisk (manually or automatically) the mixture of eggs with sugar and a couple of grams of salt until foamy. Pour in the milk and whisk again.

    Boil some water, take the required amount into a separate glass and dissolve the soda in it. Then combine with the egg mixture and mix.

    Sift the flour little by little, whisking constantly. Put in hot water so that the soda works better, for a quarter of an hour. Then you can start baking hot frying pan.

    The products are tender, porous, and aromatic. It’s tastier served warm, of course.

    On a note. Pancakes fried on butter, are more aromatic due to the creamy taste.

    With the addition of apples

    Apples and cinnamon - spicy, delicious combination, the performance of which is already starting to make your mouth water.

    And in order not to dream in vain about a sweet dessert, we suggest preparing it according to the following recipe:

    • sweet apples - 2 fruits;
    • milk - 2 cups;
    • eggs - 2;
    • flour - 2 cups;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • soda - ½ tsp;
    • oil.

    First, wash the apples, cut out the center and stem, and grate coarsely.

    Then prepare the dough: mix all the ingredients thoroughly, add the apples at the end and mix gently. Immediately start baking in a hot frying pan with butter so that the fruit does not release juice.

    Before serving, sprinkle the pastry with a portion of powdered sugar.

    On a note. You can cut the apples into slices and place a few of them on the bottom of the frying pan, and pour the dough on top with a spoon.

    With oat flakes

    Adherents of a healthy diet and those simply wanting to lose weight will definitely appreciate this recipe. Pancakes with oatmeal - what could be more interesting and healthier at the same time! Coarse fiber has a positive effect on digestion and is as satiating as regular flour.

    • half a glass of full-fat milk;
    • 1.5 stack. oatmeal flakes;
    • a couple of spoons of sugar;
    • a pair of eggs;
    • apple;
    • a pinch of soda and salt;
    • a few drops of lemon juice;
    • oil.

    Pour milk over the cereal and leave to soak for a third of an hour. Meanwhile, combine eggs, salt and sugar. Whisk the mixture thoroughly until it turns into a homogeneous, slightly foamy mass. Grate the apple, you can first remove the skin (optional). Combine all the ingredients together and mix with a spoon until smooth.

    The ingredients of banana pancakes are as follows:

    • banana - 2;
    • flour - a glass;
    • milk - a quarter cup;
    • egg;
    • sugar - ½ cup;
    • oil.

    The most convenient way to prepare the dough for this recipe is using a blender. It crushes fruit perfectly and gives a thicker consistency to the finished dough.

    So, first grind the peeled banana pulp - you will get banana puree. After introducing all the products, each requires separate processing with a blender. Flour is added last; it is recommended to sift it in small portions.

    The finished products take on a brown tint.

    With raisins

    Raisins add a pleasant sweetness to baked goods. Pancakes with raisins can be served as a dessert, along with berry syrup or liquid jam. Cocoa, tea with milk and honey, and homemade fruit compote are good drinks.

    • raisins - a handful;
    • eggs - 2;
    • sugar - 2 table. l.;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • milk - glass;
    • flour - 1 ½ cups;
    • soda - ½ tsp;
    • vinegar, oil.

    Combine eggs with sugar a small amount fine salt in a convenient way. During the process, gradually pour in the milk, without stopping to process the mass. The result is a homogeneous, light, foamy liquid. Then sift the flour, pour in slaked soda and whisk again. The result is a slightly thick dough.

    Rinse the raisins and add them to the dough at the same time as the oil. Mix with a spatula or spoon.

    The dough is ready for frying. Cook in the same way as in previous recipes, in hot oil. It is important not to overcook and use moderate heat so that the dough does not burn.

    The pancakes turn out very tender and sweet. Can be served with fragrant cocoa, warm herbal tea with honey or a glass of milk.

    Recipe Contents:

    Option 1: Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast - classic recipe

    Lush, deliciously rosy pancakes are a temptation for young and old. The simplest way achieve this result, knead yeast dough. But today we prepare pancakes exclusively without this component, and, believe me, they will turn out no worse. Let's start with the most typical recipe.


    • milk - a full glass;
    • two large eggs;
    • a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of fresh lemon juice;
    • 75 grams of sugar;
    • oil, lean - three tablespoons;
    • a third of a spoon of salt and the same amount of soda;
    • 260 gr. wheat flour.

    Step-by-step recipe for fluffy milk pancakes without yeast

    Step-by-step video recipe

    Carefully break the eggs one by one. Pour the whites into a dry small bowl, place the yolks in a mixing bowl.

    Add sugar to the yolks and rub until white with a spoon. You can simplify the process - beat thoroughly with a mixer.

    Without stopping whisking, add milk to the yolks in small portions, and finally add vegetable oil using the same method.

    Separately pour soda apple cider vinegar, stir thoroughly. As soon as the mixture stops sizzling, pour into the yolk mixture. While stirring, begin to add the sifted flour in parts.

    Having received homogeneous mass, we begin to beat the whites. Be sure to add salt and just a little lemon juice, the process will go faster. Stir in thick protein mass into the dough.

    Fry the pancakes in a thick-walled frying pan. Spoon the dough into well-heated oil. To check, drop a little first, if the dough immediately sets and does not float, you can fry.

    Option 2: Quick recipe for fluffy milk pancakes without yeast

    The classic recipe is not so simple, and it takes a long time. Pancake dough can be prepared much faster and slightly sour milk will help with this. Please note that we do not need yogurt or kefir, which is classic for this baking.

    This kind of milk is often sold at a bargain price in supermarkets, as a last-day product, don’t hesitate to take it. An alternative is to acidify the milk yourself, which can be done by adding a little curdled milk to the pasteurized product and keeping it warm, for example, on a sunny windowsill.


    • two glasses of partially sour milk;
    • one and a half glasses of white flour;
    • two large eggs;
    • seven spoons vegetable oil and one of vinegar;
    • a little less than half a spoon of soda;
    • half a glass of sugar.

    How to quickly make fluffy milk pancakes without yeast

    After pouring the eggs into an enamel container, shake them with a circular motion of the whisk and combine with milk.

    Measure the required amount of soda into a cup, add vinegar and stir well with a knife blade.

    Pour it out slaked soda to milk, add sugar and a little, about 0.25 spoons, salt. Add three tablespoons of oil and stir thoroughly. Try to completely dissolve all bulk components.

    Add the flour, sifted twice, into the milk in small parts, and, stirring thoroughly each time, make the dough. It should not drain, but smoothly slide off the spoon in a lump. Let the dough rest for about 10 minutes.

    Over moderate heat, in a small frying pan, heat the remaining oil. Scooping with a spoon, lay out small flat cakes and fry the pancakes on each side until thin crust.

    Option 3: Fluffy custard pancakes with milk without yeast or eggs

    Lush pancakes with milk are sometimes prepared not only without yeast, but also without eggs. Everything is quite simple and easy - the dough will be choux. The milk should be exclusively fresh so that it does not curdle when boiling.


    • a teaspoon of ripper;
    • two glasses of sifted flour;
    • sour cream, medium fat - a glass;
    • two tablespoons of white sugar;
    • oil, highly refined;
    • 200 ml milk.

    How to cook

    Beat sour cream and sugar in a mixing bowl, mix thoroughly with flour.

    Bring the milk to a boil over high heat.

    While stirring the flour mixture intensively, pour the heated milk into it in a thin stream.

    Stir the baking powder into the homogeneous dough and leave for about five minutes.

    Fry the pancakes in oil. Cook each side until golden brown, do not cover with a lid.

    Option 4: Fluffy milk curd pancakes without yeast

    Not only the usual and favorite cheesecakes can be easily and simply prepared with cottage cheese. Pancakes without adding yeast on this fermented milk product They turn out just as tasty and tender. Any cottage cheese will do, even grainy ones. The grains will not be found in the dough, since we will rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, which will give the pancakes a wonderful fluffiness.


    • 9 percent cottage cheese – 200 gram pack;
    • large egg;
    • 50 grams of refined sugar;
    • four full tablespoons of flour and half a teaspoon of soda;
    • 100 ml milk;
    • unflavored oil;
    • a small packet of vanilla sugar.

    Step by step recipe

    We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve into a mixing bowl. Break an egg into it, adding vanilla and regular sugar and a third of a spoon of salt, grind thoroughly.

    After measuring the flour into the right quantity and adding soda, transfer it into a bowl with the cottage cheese and again knead and stir thoroughly.

    Adding to curd mass milk, bring the dough to the required consistency. Stir thoroughly, leaving no lumps.

    Heat the pan slightly, pour in a little oil and heat it well. Posting curd dough dining room or dessert spoon, fry on both sides.

    Option 5: Fluffy oat pancakes with milk without yeast

    Pancakes are baked not only from flour. If you soak oatmeal with hot milk, it will become an excellent basis For airy pancakes. The products are no less fluffy and calorie-free. To get a rich aroma, take Hercules. If you don’t like a strong smell, use instant cereal.


    • a full glass of instant oatmeal;
    • baking powder, factory-made - 1 tsp;
    • one and a half glasses of wheat, first-grade flour;
    • 0.5 liters of three percent milk;
    • large chicken egg;
    • spoon of sugar.

    How to cook

    Pour the milk into a saucepan, set it to high heat and bring to a boil.

    Pour oatmeal into a bowl, pour hot milk. After stirring, set aside for half an hour. The flakes should swell well and have time to cool.

    In a small bowl, beat the egg until smooth and pour it into the oat mixture. Add a little salt, add sugar and baking powder, mix thoroughly and add all the flour.

    Pour a three-millimeter layer of oil into the frying pan and heat thoroughly over medium heat. Putting the dough into hot fat, fry as classic pancakes, on both sides to a light blush.

    Option 6: Fluffy apple pancakes with sour milk without yeast

    Pancakes without additives are simple and tasty at the same time, but by adding them directly to the dough grated vegetables or fruits, get an amazingly mouth-watering treat. Classic version“hearty” pancakes – with grated zucchini, and here sweet dessert usually prepared with apple chips. The choice of apples is unlimited, some like aromatic fruits, others like sour fruits, mixing them is also a good idea.


    • a third of a liter of sour milk;
    • big sweet apple;
    • one egg;
    • a spoonful of dry soda and half of citric acid;
    • 30 gr. Sahara;
    • eight tablespoons of wheat flour;
    • half a small lemon;
    • salt, table salt - 1/2 tsp, finely ground.

    Step by step recipe

    After cutting a thin layer of the apple peel, grate it on a coarse grater into a bowl. Apples tend to darken; to avoid this, sprinkle the fruit shavings with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

    Pour into mixing bowl spoiled milk, mix it with soda. You can warm the milk a little, then the ripper will be activated better, and the pancakes will turn out more fluffier.

    Break an egg into a bowl with milk, add a little sugar and lightly salt, beat thoroughly with a whisk, mix in the flour. You may need less or a little more, it all depends on the quality. It is important to get a homogeneous dough, not thicker than fresh homemade sour cream usually is.

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