Pancakes with milk are quick and tasty - thin pancakes with holes made with milk (classic recipe). Recipe: Thin pancakes with milk - Thin and tender pancakes

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Thin pancakes with milk with photo

This recipe makes very thin delicious pancakes. Using a food processor reduces the preparatory period—mixing ingredients—to 2-3 minutes. In addition, the combine allows you to quickly obtain a homogeneous, lump-free mass.
A liter of milk makes approximately 20 pancakes.

1) milk - 1 liter
2) egg -1
3) salt - 1/2 teaspoon
4) granulated sugar– 1 tablespoon
5) soda - 1/2 teaspoon
6) wheat flour 400 g approximately

How to make thin pancakes with milk

1) Pour milk, egg into the food processor, add sugar, salt, soda. Start it up, mix it, then slowly pour the flour into the operating processor. Let's look at the consistency. It should be like liquid sour cream.

Stop mixing when the structure of the mixture becomes homogeneous.
2) Prepare the pans. Preferably pancake pans with low edges. If there are none, we take ordinary ones. If the frying pan is Teflon, prepare spatulas for flipping pancakes. If not Teflon, then it will be most convenient to use a wide knife.
3) Pour vegetable oil into a small bowl or saucer to grease the pans. Many people believe that Teflon frying pans do not need oil, but this is not true. The oil adds additional flavor, and besides, while we are greasing the frying pan, it cools down a little from the previous pancake and does not overheat. To grease, prick a piece of bread on a fork; you can take a piece of lard with skin. But lard is not always at hand, but bread is always available.

In the photo, the frying pan is on the stove, so you can grease it for the first pancake; for subsequent pancakes, we grease the frying pan while it is hanging so that it cools slightly.

4) The frying pan must be very hot. If the frying pan is not hot enough, that famous first pancake will turn out lumpy. You just won't be able to get the pancake off the pan.
To check, spray water onto the frying pan; if the drop bounces off, you can start baking pancakes.
But do not overheat the pan so that it does not start smoking. An overheated frying pan is also bad for baking.
Quickly grease the frying pan and, without putting it on the fire, pour the dough into the frying pan with a ladle. Pour so that the dough covers the pan with a thin layer, we achieve this by shaking the pan. We put it on fire, at this time we repeat the operation with another frying pan. Experienced housewives cope with three at the same time, but for beginners two are enough. The fire should not be very strong, but it should not be weak either. Medium is closer to strong, such a fire is just right. 5) When the dough stops being liquid and becomes like in the photo, you need to turn the pancake over with a spatula (or knife)

To do this, we run a spatula along the edges, as if cutting them off, after which we bring the spatula under the middle of the pancake and turn it over. Remove the pancake when it is browned. Transfer to a plate.

You should always try the first pancake, maybe you should add some sugar or salt. If necessary, add salt or sugar to the dough and mix the dough again.

Thin pancakes with holes, loose and thick, pancakes with melted butter - simple recipes great amount! Also used for baking different varieties flour. The dough can be choux, yeast, unleavened, and even flour will not always be a necessary ingredient - it can be replaced with starch. Cakes are made from pancakes, filled with minced meat, cottage cheese and generally anything else your heart desires))))

Pancakes to dietary dishes cannot be attributed. This is a rather fatty and high-calorie delicacy. This should not be forgotten. Therefore, if you plan to wrap it in pancakes sweet filling, then to make the treat healthy, you can replace chocolate chips fresh berries, for example, and whipped cream for yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Thin milk pancakes with holes

What is necessary:

  • flour (800 grams);
  • milk (1200 ml.);
  • sugar (2 tablespoons);
  • chicken eggs (2 pieces)
  • butter(40 grams);
  • soda, salt.

How to cook:

  1. Cooking begins with beating the eggs. If you don’t have a whisk, then this can be done perfectly with a regular fork.
  2. Sugar and salt go with the eggs. There must be milk room temperature, so if you just got it from the refrigerator, you need to warm it up slightly. Add it to the dough.
  3. Next will be flour, naturally, it needs to be sifted. When adding flour, the dough must be stirred continuously to prevent lumps from forming. The consistency should be like liquid sour cream.
  4. Let the dough sit for about half an hour and start baking the pancakes.

If the pancakes were not eaten in one day, then the next day you can heat them in microwave oven, first sprinkled with sugar and folded into triangles.

Recipe for thin pancakes with holes for 1 liter of milk

What is necessary:

  • milk (1 liter);
  • chicken eggs (3 pieces);
  • sugar (tbsp);
  • vegetable oil (3 tablespoons);
  • soda (half a teaspoon);
  • salt (half a teaspoon);
  • flour.

How to cook:

  1. As in the first recipe, preparing the dough begins with beating the eggs.
  2. Add them to warm milk.
  3. Sugar and salt can be added to milk, or stirred into sifted flour.
  4. Flour is added in portions, and the dough is constantly stirred to avoid the formation of lumps. The dosage of the product is determined as it is added.
  5. The soda must be quenched, and then added to the dough along with vegetable oil.

The dough is ready! Bake pancakes in a dry, preheated frying pan.

Classic recipe for pancakes with milk

What is necessary:

  • wheat flour (750 grams);
  • milk (1,200 l.);
  • chicken eggs (2 pieces);
  • butter (30 grams);
  • live yeast (30 grams);
  • sugar (2 tbsp);
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, heat the milk, but not too much. A little.
  2. Add yeast, sugar, salt to it.
  3. It is better to break the eggs one at a time in a separate plate, only after adding each one to all the ingredients, so that an accidental spoiled egg does not spoil the entire dish.
  4. Now you can add flour. We do this carefully, in a thin stream, constantly stirring the dough. Overworking may result in lumps in the dough.
  5. The butter needs to be melted and then added to the dough.

It should sit for about half an hour for the yeast to work well. Cover the container with the dough with a kitchen towel and place in a warm place for 30 minutes. Now you can start baking!

Recipe for custard (with boiling water) pancakes with milk

What is necessary:

  • chicken eggs (2 pieces);
  • milk (350 - 400 ml.);
  • boiling water (glass);
  • wheat flour (glass);
  • sugar (tbsp);
  • salt (to taste);
  • baking powder (half a teaspoon);
  • vegetable oil (3 tablespoons).

How to cook:

  1. Beat the eggs.
  2. Next we will add heated milk and sugar. At each stage it is necessary to mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Mix salt and baking powder well in the sifted flour, pour everything into the future dough, also remembering to stir.
  4. The last stage for choux pastry– this is boiling water and vegetable oil. Pour a glass of boiling water with oil and the dough is ready!

We bake pancakes in the usual way.

Thin milk pancakes with holes - recipe without eggs

What is necessary:

  • flour (250 grams);
  • milk (0.5 l.);
  • vegetable oil (2 tablespoons);
  • sugar (3 teaspoons);
  • salt (to taste);
  • butter (50 grams).

How to cook:

  1. Above deep capacity sift the flour, then add sugar and salt.
  2. Now we begin to carefully pour in the milk in a thin stream, stirring continuously so that no lumps form.
  3. Add vegetable oil and you can leave the dough to rest for five to seven minutes.

After that, you can start baking pancakes!

  1. Before preparing the dough, sift the flour to saturate it with oxygen and get rid of debris.
  2. Carefully monitor the resulting consistency so as not to overdo it with flour. Thick dough does not spread well in the pan, and too liquid will cause poor elasticity. The pancakes will simply tear when turned over.
  3. Sugar for dough - required ingredient. You need to add it even if you need savory pancakes. Without sugar they will be so golden. This is what gives them such an appetizing color.
  4. Using oil makes it easier to flip the pancake in the pan. Butter can easily be replaced with vegetable oil.
  5. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed before adding flour.
  6. It is better to use a whisk or mixer for mixing, so the dough will be free of lumps.
  7. It is better to break eggs one at a time and in a different container, since accidental fresh product can ruin all the pancakes.

Bon appetit and see you new recipes!

For big family and it takes a lot of pancakes. As a rule, the standard amount of liquid for preparing pancakes is 300-500 milliliters of milk or water (other liquid), but this portion yields very little finished products. We will tell you how to prepare pancakes for 1 liter of milk, maintaining the proportions of flour and liquid, sugar and salt, how many eggs and other ingredients to add so that the result will please you and your gourmets.


The main ingredients of absolutely any pancakes are, of course, milk, flour, sugar. Eggs, baking powder or soda are not always present in the recipe, but the dough to which flavorings are added, the eggs are softer, and the finished pancakes are fluffy and juicy.

Therefore, prepare for fragrant soft pancakes the following products:

  • one per liter fresh milk high fat content (optimally 3.2%);
  • a large pinch of salt;
  • 3-4 medium sized eggs;
  • 14 grams of baking powder (2 small packs of 7 grams or 2 heaped teaspoons);
  • two full glasses of white flour;
  • 5 tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil + 1-1.5 tablespoons for greasing the pan;
  • add sugar to taste: for classic sweet pancakes you will need about 3 tablespoons, if necessary unsweetened dough, add one level tablespoon of sugar.

Please note that thin pancakes can only be prepared from batter, so less flour may be required. And so that the first pancake and all subsequent ones do not come out lumpy, the frying pan will need to be greased. For these purposes, you can use not only vegetable oil, but also a small piece of fresh lard(without spices and herbs), cooking oil or butter/margarine.

Cooking method

We start cooking by kneading the dough, from which we will later make delicious pancakes with milk:

  1. Pour about a third of the milk into a small saucepan and heat. There is no need to boil it, just bring the milk to a temperature of about 40 degrees. This must be done to ensure that the dry ingredients are completely dissolved.
  2. Now add salt and sugar to the warm milk, stir vigorously with a whisk until all the grains melt.
  3. Break the eggs here and beat the mixture with a whisk. You can also use a mixer to speed up the process of beating the dough.
  4. Now pour in the vegetable oil and stir. It will not be possible to completely combine the milk base with vegetable oil, since butter has a lower density than milk.
  5. In a separate bowl, combine the baking powder and sifted flour, then add this mixture in parts to the milk mixture. Stir well and dilute with the remaining milk. At this stage, it is important to control the amount of milk added so that the dough is not too liquid, but not too thick.
  6. Now the dough needs to be kept under a napkin for about a quarter of an hour so that the flour swells and all the components are properly combined. Only after this settling can you start frying pancakes.

It is very important that the proportion be observed: 2 cups of flour per 1 liter of liquid. If you put more eggs, then, accordingly, you need to reduce the portion of milk, and vice versa. This ratio also depends on the quality of flour.

Fry the pancakes, as usual, in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Pour 1 milk pancake In a fully heated frying pan, it is better to pour out the excess oil first. On each side the pancake is fried until golden brown, with reverse side faster. It is better to turn them over using a wide spatula made of silicone or wood.

Grease milk pancakes (1 liter) with butter immediately, while they are still hot, place them in a high stack so that the melted butter evenly spreads over the entire pile of pancakes.

By the way, such pancakes can be brewed. Custard pancakes with milk are prepared in the same way, only the flour and milk are first brewed over a fire, and only then eggs are added to this dough, one at a time. Such pancakes turn out to be more flexible and are well suited for stuffing various fillings– jam, salads, minced meat or fish, fruit or berry mixtures, and so on.

A large family requires a lot of pancakes. As a rule, the standard amount of liquid for preparing pancakes is 300-500 milliliters of milk or water (other liquid), but this portion produces very few finished products. We will tell you how to prepare pancakes for 1 liter of milk, maintaining the proportions of flour and liquid, sugar and salt, how many eggs and other ingredients to add so that the result will please you and your gourmets.


The main ingredients of absolutely any pancakes are, of course, milk, flour, sugar. Eggs, baking powder or soda are not always present in the recipe, but the dough to which flavorings are added, the eggs are softer, and the finished pancakes are fluffy and juicy.

Therefore, prepare the following products for aromatic soft pancakes:

  • one per liter of fresh milk with high fat content (optimally 3.2%);
  • a large pinch of salt;
  • 3-4 medium sized eggs;
  • 14 grams of baking powder (2 small packs of 7 grams or 2 heaped teaspoons);
  • two full glasses of white flour;
  • 5 tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil + 1-1.5 tablespoons for greasing the pan;
  • add sugar to taste: for classic sweet pancakes you will need about 3 tablespoons, but if you need unsweetened dough, add one level tablespoon of sugar.

Keep in mind that thin pancakes can be made only from batter, so less flour may be needed. And so that the first pancake and all subsequent ones do not come out lumpy, the frying pan will need to be greased. For these purposes, you can use not only vegetable oil, but also a small piece of fresh lard (without spices), cooking oil or butter/margarine.

Cooking method

We start cooking by kneading the dough, which will later make delicious pancakes with milk:

  1. Pour about a third of the milk into a small saucepan and heat. There is no need to boil it, just bring the milk to a temperature of about 40 degrees. This must be done to ensure that the dry ingredients are completely dissolved.
  2. Now add salt and sugar to the warm milk, stir vigorously with a whisk until all the grains melt.
  3. Break the eggs here and beat the mixture with a whisk. You can also use a mixer to speed up the process of beating the dough.
  4. Now pour in the vegetable oil and stir. It will not be possible to completely combine the milk base with vegetable oil, since butter has a lower density than milk.
  5. In a separate bowl, combine the baking powder and sifted flour, then add this mixture in parts to the milk mixture. Stir well and dilute with the remaining milk. At this stage, it is important to control the amount of milk added so that the dough is not too liquid, but not too thick.
  6. Now the dough needs to be kept under a napkin for about a quarter of an hour so that the flour swells and all the components are properly combined. Only after this settling can you start frying pancakes.

It is very important that the proportion be observed: 2 cups of flour per 1 liter of liquid. If you put more eggs, then, accordingly, you need to reduce the portion of milk, and vice versa. This ratio also depends on the quality of flour.

Fry the pancakes, as usual, in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Pour 1 milk pancake into a fully heated frying pan; it is better to pour out the excess oil first. The pancake is fried on each side until golden brown, faster on the other side. It is better to turn them over using a wide spatula made of silicone or wood.

Grease milk pancakes (1 liter) with butter immediately, while they are still hot, place them in a high stack so that the melted butter evenly spreads over the entire pile of pancakes.

By the way, such pancakes can be brewed. Custard pancakes with milk are prepared in the same way, only the flour and milk are first brewed over a fire, and only then eggs are added to this dough, one at a time. Such pancakes turn out to be more flexible and are well suited for stuffing with various fillings - jam, salads, minced meat or fish, fruit or berry mixtures, and so on.

For 1 liter of milk it is known to many housewives. After all, this dessert is very popular in our country. If you don't know exactly how to knead pancake dough, and then fry it in a frying pan, then we will talk about this in this article.

General information about homemade dessert

Before describing step by step recipe pancakes for 1 liter of milk, you should tell what such products are.

They call it pancakes culinary products, which are prepared by frying (sometimes baking) a batter. It is poured onto a hot frying pan and then added round shape, tilting the dishes in different directions.

Pancakes are presented to the table with absolutely various snacks. Sometimes such products are stuffed with minced meat or some other filling.

Delicious and classic (per 1 liter of fresh milk)

It is no secret that in many Russian families good morning starts with eating delicious fatty pancakes. If you have 1 liter of milk, as well as other ingredients necessary for the mentioned dessert, then you can please all members of your family with a hearty and nutritious breakfast.

It should immediately be noted that the dairy product used can be either fresh or slightly sour. In any case, products based on it turn out very tasty.

So how to make a pancake recipe for 1 liter of milk? To do this you should purchase:

  • fresh cow's milk (take only high fat content) - 1 l;
  • medium-sized eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 2 full glasses;
  • white sugar - 20 g (to your taste);
  • baking powder - 15 g;
  • table salt, not very coarse - 1-2 dessert spoons(to your liking).

Preparing liquid pancake batter from fresh milk

All housewives should know the recipe for pancakes for 1 liter of milk. After all, when proper preparation Such products turn out to be very thin, tender and tasty.

For mixing liquid pancake dough about 300 milliliters fresh cow's milk placed in a deep container, and then three medium eggs are added to it. After intensively whisking both ingredients with a fork, add a not very coarse mixture to them one by one. table salt And white sugar.

To ensure that the spices are completely dissolved, beat the milk-egg mass with the same fork for some more time. After this they add sunflower oil and a bulk mixture consisting of sifted flour and baking powder.

By mixing the ingredients with a spoon, you get a fairly viscous dough. To make it more liquid, gradually add all the remaining milk. In this form, the base is covered with a lid and left aside for a quarter of an hour. This exposure will help to obtain a more homogeneous dough.

The process of frying pancakes in a frying pan

The pancake recipe in question (1 liter of milk, 3 eggs) is a classic one. Therefore, he is known to so many people.

You should fry tasty and satisfying breakfast items in a thick-walled frying pan. To do this, pour a little oil into it (about 30 ml), and then heat it very strongly over high heat. Next, using a ladle, put the dough into a hot bowl and, by tilting it in different directions, distribute it over the entire bottom. In this form, the milk pancake is fried until its lower part is browned. Turn the product over with a spatula and cook it for the same amount of time.

Serving pancakes for breakfast

Now you know the step-by-step recipe for pancakes for 1 liter of milk. Thin products are placed in a stack on a flat plate, and then one by one they are greased with fresh butter. This breakfast is served with tea, as well as condensed milk or honey.

Very milky (1 liter)

If you don't like classic pancakes, then you can use another recipe for their preparation. For example, such products turn out very tasty if you add not fresh, but slightly sour milk. Pancakes made in this way will have a pleasant sourness, as well as a certain dampness.

To make delicious homemade pancakes, we will need:

  • slightly sour cow's milk - 1 liter;
  • medium-sized eggs - 2 pieces;
  • wheat flour - 2 full glasses;
  • white sugar - 20 grams (to your taste);
  • sunflower oil - 4 large spoons for the dough, as well as for frying the product;
  • table soda - 1 small spoon;
  • table salt, not very coarse - 1-2 dessert spoons (to your taste);
  • Boiled and cooled water - add as desired.

Knead sour pancake dough

The pancake recipe in question (2 eggs, 1 liter of milk) is especially suitable for those who very often have leftovers and then sour dairy products. A kind of yogurt is slightly heated in a deep bowl, after which table soda is added to it and stirred vigorously.

As soon as spoiled milk stops foaming, add white sugar and not very coarse salt. Chicken eggs are also broken into the dishes.

After mixing the components again, a yellowish mass is obtained. Pre-sifted flour is gradually added to it. The result is a viscous dough. You won’t be able to make thin pancakes out of it (only thick pancakes), so it is recommended to liquefy it by pouring in a little chilled boiling water.

Heat treatment process

It doesn’t matter what kind of milk you use to prepare thin homemade pancakes. In any case, they should be fried in a hot frying pan, into which you must first add a little sunflower oil.

Products cooked in sour dairy product, turn out tender and soft. At the same time, they should be completely covered with small holes.

Serve to the family table

After frying the products until golden brown, they are greased with fresh butter (butter) and placed in a stack on a flat plate. Serve them to family table in a hot state. In this case, the products must be doused with maple or some other syrup, and also decorated with fresh berries or fruits.

To get delicious homemade pancakes, you need:

  • Knead the dough thoroughly (you can use a blender) and keep it aside for about a quarter of an hour (so that the added flour softens completely).
  • Quickly pour the dough into the pan and immediately tilt it in different directions.
  • Pre-heat a pan greased with sunflower oil.
  • Turn the products over to the other side only after their upper part is completely dry and covered with multiple holes.
  • Immediately brush the dessert with fresh butter (while the pancakes are still hot).

If these requirements are met, you will definitely have a satisfying and delicious dessert, which none of your family members can refuse.
