How to pickle cucumbers. Hot method of pickling cucumbers in jars. Salt cucumbers in their own juice

I don’t know about you, but for us the most important winter preparation- These are pickles for the winter in jars, crispy, strong, aromatic. You can’t go anywhere without them: you need them in salads, and you can’t make them without them, and they have such a crunch, but under strong drinks better snacks can't imagine! They taste very much like barrel ones, those that are called pickled and are still prepared in oak tubs in villages. Our recipe for pickling crispy cucumbers is almost the same, but you can store them in a city apartment. The jars have been in the pantry for two years, and the cucumbers have never acted up.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter


  • Small cucumbers – 5 kg;
  • horseradish leaves – 3-4 pcs;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • hot capsicum – 2 pcs;
  • horseradish root – 8-10 cm (optional);
  • black currant leaves – 15-20 pcs;
  • dry dill and fresh umbrellas with seeds - 6-7 pcs each;
  • celery (greens) – a small bunch;
  • cherry leaves – 8-10 pcs.

For the brine we take:

  • Clean drinking water (not boiled!) – 5-6 liters;
  • coarse table salt - 80 grams per liter of water.

Preparing pickles for the winter in jars

Secret happy pickling not only in correct proportions, but also in choosing the “right” cucumbers. Only pickling varieties are suitable; they can be identified by appearance cucumbers: they are not smooth, but with pimples, light or dark, slightly prickly, lumpy. We select small and medium-sized cucumbers, no more than 10-12 cm long. Very large specimens should not be used for pickling; it is better to prepare them - great snack, By the way. Wash the cucumbers, pour them into a basin or large saucepan, and pour cold water from the tap. Leave for two to three hours. We change the water, fill it with clean water and keep it for the same amount of time. In a few hours, the cucumbers will be saturated with water, and then they will turn out elastic and crispy.

Let's prepare the spicy herbs. Wash celery, stems and umbrellas of green dill, cherry, horseradish and currant leaves. Cut the garlic cloves in half and cut the hot pepper into slices. If there is a horseradish root, cut it into plates, if not, add it more leaves horseradish. We cut them into small pieces, break the dry dill to make it easier to put in jars.

We tried immediately putting the cucumbers into jars and salting them that way. It’s not very convenient because when pickling, the cucumbers settle, absorb the brine, and the jar remains empty. I had to add from other jars. Another method that we use now, and which suits absolutely everyone, is to pickle the cucumbers in a large bucket or pan and then put them in jars. At the bottom we put some of the spicy herbs: fresh (umbrellas) and dry dill, celery and horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, a few cloves of garlic and pieces of pepper.

Lay out a layer of cucumbers. The larger ones usually go to the bottom.

Again a layer of greens, garlic, pepper.

And again a layer of cucumbers. In this way we alternate layers until the cucumbers run out. We make the top layer from spicy herbs.

We measure required amount salt: for five liters of water we need 400 grams of coarse table salt(the other one is not used for salting!). Or calculate the amount of water you need yourself. The proportions are as follows: per liter of water 80 grams of salt (that’s two heaped tablespoons).

Pour 1-1.5 liters of cold salt into the salt drinking water(regular, from the tap). Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Please note that there will be a sediment of impurities at the bottom, so drain salt water very carefully or use gauze folded in two layers.

Add the remaining amount of water to the salted solution (for 5 kg of cucumbers you will need about five liters of salted brine).

Pour brine over the cucumbers, covering them completely.

Press down with a plate. Place a jar of water on top to prevent the cucumbers from floating. Cover with a towel and leave for 3-4 days, depending on the room temperature. It’s very hot here now, the cucumbers fermented in three days, last year they stood longer.

A day later, or even the next day, a thin whitish film will be noticeable on the surface - this is the first signal that the fermentation process is going as it should. So they have already appeared lactic acid bacteria and in a day or two the cucumbers will be ready. During fermentation, a characteristic sour smell is felt, the cucumbers will gradually change color and become dark olive. If you doubt your readiness, try it.

Drain the brine, then strain through cheesecloth. Place cucumbers and greens in different bowls. We pour cucumbers cold water to refresh them and wash away any whitish plaque if it appears. Wash the jars in advance, bake them in the oven or heat them over steam. Place some greens, garlic and pepper on the bottom. We put the cucumbers vertically, then again with greens and fill them to the top, arranging the cucumbers as best we can. We got 6 liter jars and one 1.5 liter jar. We throw several cloves of garlic, pepper into each jar, put horseradish leaves and celery on top.

Boil the brine and skim off the rising foam with a slotted spoon. Pour boiling brine over the cucumbers, filling the jar until it overflows. Cover with clean lids and leave for 20-25 minutes.

Pour it back into the pan, boil it, and pour it in a second time. Leave for 10-15 minutes. For the third time, pour boiling brine over the cucumbers and immediately roll them up with tin lids.

Turn over onto the lid, wrap until next day until the jars have cooled down.

We take the cooled jars of pickles for storage in the pantry or lower them into the basement or basement. The first days or even weeks, the brine in jars will be cloudy and whitish. But it will gradually brighten and become transparent.

Preparing pickles in jars for the winter is not at all difficult, and we are sure that you will definitely succeed! If something is unclear, ask in the comments, we will try to answer everyone quickly. Good luck with your winter preparations!

Tasty and crispy cucumbers are not always obtained, but this disadvantage is possible. So, for pickling you need to choose small vegetables, with thin skin and gimlet surface. As a result, they will be well salted and there will be no voids in them. Also, before salting, you should select cucumbers of the same size, so the process will take place in all fruits.

Cucumbers turn out very well, they are salted in... For pickling you will need the following ingredients:

25 liters of water;
- 600 g salt;
- 10 g tarragon;
- 100 g dill;
- 5 heads of garlic;
- 25 cherry leaves;
- 20 oak leaves;
- 20 black currant leaves;
- 1/2 pod of red pepper;
- 1/2 horseradish root.

First of all, make the brine. Needed in warm water salt. Then sort the cucumbers and rinse them with cold water. After that the bottom wooden barrel line with washed oak, cherry, black currant leaves, also add dill, horseradish, tarragon, and garlic. Now the cucumbers are stacked in dense rows in a vertical position. Make spacers between them using seasonings and leaves. Close the barrel tightly, filling the top bottom. Now, through the hole that needs to be made in advance in the bottom, pour in the brine and seal it with a wooden stopper. It is important to prevent the cucumbers from floating after pouring it, so you should tightly cover the lid of the barrel with a wooden circle and place a weight on it. Through this you can take a sample from pickles. If the cucumbers are not salted enough, you should wait a few more days.

Pickling cucumbers in a jar

Not everyone has the opportunity to pickle cucumbers in a barrel, so this is in a jar. For this you need products:

3 kg of cucumbers;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 2 bay leaves;
- 2 dill seed umbrellas;
- 3 black currant leaves;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 6 peas of allspice,
- 3 cherry leaves,
- 1 horseradish leaf;
- 90 g salt.

First the brine is made. Take a pan, pour water into it, dissolve salt in it and throw in 2 bay leaves. Place the bowl with brine on the fire and boil. Then place it on the bottom three-liter jar dill umbrella, blackcurrant leaves, horseradish, cherries, garlic and peppercorns. After this, a layer of cucumbers is laid out, which are installed vertically. Now fill them with boiling brine and roll up the jar with a metal lid. Store pickles only in a cool place. This can be not only a cellar, but also a refrigerator, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate and the work will be in vain.

Related article

It’s good to have a few jars of pickled cucumbers in stock, because without them you can’t make rassolnik or hodgepodge. Properly pickled cucumbers are preserved to the maximum for the winter beneficial features, turn out tasty and crispy.

You will need

  • Ancient recipe: cucumbers 100 pcs, salt 1 lb, water 5 l, garlic, bunch of dill, currant leaves.
  • Cucumbers in enamel dishes: cucumbers 10 kg, dill (umbrellas) 400 g, horseradish root 60 g, garlic 40 g, cherry or currant leaves 100 g, hot pepper 15 g, water 5 l, salt 300 g, mustard powder 20 g.
  • Cucumbers in jars: gherkins 10 kg, acetic acid 150 g, Bay leaf 30 g, hot Bell pepper 15 g, water 5 l, salt for pickling 100 g, for scalding 300 g.
  • Cucumbers in cucumbers: 10 kg of medium-sized fruits, 10 kg of overripe fruits, salt 700 g, garlic and paprika 20 g each, dill umbrellas 300 g.


Select cucumbers for pickling that are healthy, not ugly in shape, green in color, 5-15 cm in size. Sort into three sizes: 5-9 cm, 9-12 cm, 12-15 cm. The ideal container for pickling cucumbers for the winter is - oak barrels, they have greens in them excellent taste, are stored for a long time.

A simple pickled cucumber recipe, spied in an old cookbook: wash the medium-sized fruits well, place them in a barrel in dense layers, sprinkling each layer currant leaf and dill. You can add cloves of garlic, it not only increases the taste, but also helps keep the greens strong. Press the cucumbers down with a weight. Boiled cold water dilute the salt, pour this brine over the product and seal tightly. Store at 0+5 degrees.

You can also salt cucumbers in an enamel bowl; this is a more common container these days. Before salting, soak the cucumbers in cold water for 7-8 hours. This is done so that they swell, become elastic and, when salted, do not become empty or wrinkle. Place at the bottom of the vessel spices, place a layer of cucumbers and again spices and so on until the top. The top layer is herbs, take them only fresh.

Fill the cucumbers into the pan as tightly as possible, fill with brine, place a circle and press down with a weight. Let it sit in the room for two or three days, and then put it in the cellar or some other cold place. Keep an eye on the brine and if mold appears on the surface, remove it and rinse the circle and weight in boiling water. Prepare the brine as follows: dissolve the salt in a small amount of cold water, then add water to the required level. Let it sit for 8-10 hours.

Cucumbers pickled for the winter are no less tasty. glass jars. You can add salt using one of the methods described above, after a week put it in jars and fill it with boiled brine and close it. iron lids. Or you can prepare lightly salted cucumbers. Small fruits are suitable for this salting. Scald the prepared gherkins with water and salt, add 300 g of salt to a bucket of water, then pour over ice water and dry. Carefully place in jars in rows, add bay leaves and hot pepper. Fill with brine and roll up with iron lids. With this method of salting, use an additional preservative - vinegar, and then the cucumbers will be stored well.

Interesting taste have cucumbers, pickled cucumbers. If you have overgrown cucumbers, you can use them for pickling. Place the prepared greens in a saucepan or jars, sprinkling each layer with finely chopped or grated overripe cucumbers, mixed with salt, hot pepper, dill and chopped garlic. Press down the cucumbers with pressure.


The Russian pound is equal to 0.409 kg; 100 cucumbers are approximately equal to 10 kg.

Helpful advice

Ordinary pickled cucumbers will gain extraordinary strength and retain their bright green color and crunchiness if you add 1/3 of the oak leaf decoction to the brine. But at the same time, the cucumbers will become sour.


  • Book "Homemade pickles, jams and marinades"

Cucumbers are revered both fresh and pickled or salted. Salads, soups, appetizers - you can’t do without a cucumber anywhere. It is worth noting that cucumbers prepared for the winter have a special role, because they are doubly pleasant and tastier if they are collected from your own garden bed and rolled into jars according to your favorite recipe.

referring to Chekhov, it can be considered established that the most best snack after drinking a glass, it’s a pickled cucumber. And if you remember the role of brine in relation to the same glasses, then salted cucumbers- these are alpha and omega household. Housewives are busy coming up with new recipes for pickling cucumbers at home. All sorts of cucumbers are popular, both salted and lightly salted, with and without herbs. You can prepare them for the winter, and simply pickle them in a jar in the summer, so that after a couple of days you can begin to carry from there, first lightly salted ones, and then increasingly stronger and stronger ones. pickles. And not only for a glass, but for pickle, or cold drink, or salad, or - so to chew.

There are many pickling methods, but they are actually variations of two main methods: hot and cold. And the containers in which the salting itself is carried out can be varied, such as a jar, or an enamel bucket, or a barrel, or something else made of glass, enamel or wood. Choose any method and any container, you still have time for salting.

Basic provisions that will help you make high-quality pickling of cucumbers for the winter.

1. Cucumbers for pickling should be fresh, preferably freshly picked. They are immediately visible at the market, and if you have the opportunity to take cucumbers from your garden or dacha, then you can’t go wrong here.

2. When buying cucumbers for pickling, choose the “Rodnichok” or “Nezhinsky” variety, this is the most suitable varieties for the workpiece.

3. Before pickling, the cucumbers must be washed, after which they must be filled with cold water for 6-8 hours, and the water must be changed every hour. But you will get cucumbers without traces of bitterness, sweet and full.

4. Before pickling, cucumbers are sorted by size - aesthetics should not be ignored. They need to be salted in different dishes, for the same reasons. It should be beautiful, although tasty - first of all. When sorting, discard cucumbers that are soft or have damaged skin. Only strong, solid, healthy ones are suitable.

5. You should not use chlorinated water for salting - you will have to throw everything away. So it's not worth the trouble.

6. Wash the dishes in which the cucumbers will be salted thoroughly, and it is generally better to sterilize the jars.

7. Be sure to stock up on oak, currant and cherry leaves if you want the cucumbers to crunch and give off their flavor pleasant spirit. And in order to protect the cucumbers from forming voids, add green grapes or grape leaves along with them. Of course, the leaves are thoroughly washed and dried. If the grapes have been sprayed, then do not take the leaves, you will not be able to wash them off.

8. At the end, when the cucumbers are already pickled, lower them into the cellar, or, if there is no other way out, put them in the refrigerator, because the ambient temperature should be around zero.

Whatever method you find most suitable for pickling cucumbers, the set of spices remains approximately the same, unless otherwise stated. The list is given for pickling cucumbers in one 3-liter jar. So:

Garlic, 5-6 medium cloves;

Dill with seeds, so-called “umbrella”, 2 pieces;

Horseradish root 5-6 cm long;

Bay leaf, 2 leaves;

cherry leaf and black currant, 2 leaves each;

Oak leaf, 2-3 leaves;

Grape leaf, one;

Hot pepper, half a pod;

Black peppercorns, 10 peas;

Mint, tarragon, basil, savory - to taste and optional.

Now let's look at the main methods of pickling cucumbers and their varieties.

Hot pickling of cucumbers

Recipe hot salting cucumbers in jars

Prepare the jars, preferably sterilize them. Place leaves, garlic, and spices at the bottom of each jar. Then place the cucumbers in the jar as tightly as possible. First, we place it vertically, then, where the can narrows, we lay it across, and, as it turns out, as long as it’s tight. Place the same portion of spices on top or in the gaps as at the bottom of the jar. hot water pour directly into prepared jars with cucumbers, leave them with water for 3 minutes. Then carefully drain the water. Again, pour boiling water into the jars, this time we keep them with water longer, up to 5 minutes. Drain the water a second time, and in its place pour boiling brine, in which 30-35 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Immediately after this procedure, the jars are covered with sterilized lids and rolled up. As expected, the jars are turned over and taken out to a cool place, as they need fast process cooling.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers in jars, the second hot method

This recipe takes longer, but the good thing is that the ripening process of pickled cucumbers can be controlled. Prepare the jars as usual and fill them with spices and cucumbers in the same way as you always do. And prepare the brine at the rate of 30-35 g of salt per liter of water. But now the differences begin. Fill the jars with boiling solution and leave them in the heat of 25-30 degrees for several hours. For a day or, in extreme cases, for a day, no longer. Then put them in the cellar for about a week, or 8 days. It should be cool there, about 10 degrees Celsius. Now it’s time to try the cucumbers and check how salted they are. When you think they can be rolled up, proceed to the next stage of work. After the brine has been poured into a common saucepan, remove the cucumbers and place them in a large clean bowl, and wash and sterilize the jars again. Place the cucumbers in them again, take fresh spices, throw away the old ones. Boil the brine and pour it into the jars, then, as expected, roll it up, turn it over, and send it for rapid cooling. Note to yourself that the brine from these cucumbers is of independent value. It’s delicious, you can use it to make pickle or solyanka, and it also helps with a hangover.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers in jars, the third hot method


Cucumbers, 3.5 kilograms;

Oak and cherry leaves;

Celery stalk;

Hot pepper in pods;


Dill in a bunch and with seeds.

Here the beginning is traditional, the only difference is that we will pickle it in a five-liter jar. Cucumbers are washed, selected by size and filled with very cold water for 2-3 hours. For pickling it is worth taking small cucumbers, grown on open ground. During this time, prepare the jar, clean, wash and place the spices on hand. First, 1/3 of the spices are placed in the jar, then half of the cucumbers are placed on them, on which the second third of the spices is placed. The rest of the cucumbers are placed on it, and finally the last third of the spices.

Prepare the brine: add 5 full tablespoons of salt and 200 g of 5% table vinegar to 5 liters of water. Boil for a few minutes, then carefully fill the jar with cucumbers. Close the jar with a lid and leave it uncapped for 1-2 days. As soon as the color of the cucumbers has changed, they are considered ready to eat. You and I did the salting lightly salted cucumbers. They should be stored in the refrigerator, covered with glass or other lids. No need to roll up.

Cold pickling of cucumbers

Recipe cold pickling cucumbers in jars

We prepare the jars, as always, place the cucumbers with spices in the jars in the usual way. Cucumbers can be sprinkled mustard powder so as not to mold.

We prepare separately cold brine. It is prepared like this: take 50-60 g of salt and dissolve it in one liter of water. All this salt is poured a small amount boiling water and bring the salt until completely dissolved. Then add the rest of the water with cold water; it is advisable to cool it additionally so that it is closer to ice-cold in temperature.

So, fill the filled jars with cold brine, then cover them with gauze and leave for one or two days in a hot place, at a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. Then, as we are already accustomed to, we lower the jars into the basement or cellar for 10-12 days. The temperature should not be higher than 5 degrees. If the temperature in the cellar is about 17 degrees, then you should not keep it for longer than 8 days, so that the cucumbers do not become empty. In order to more accurately determine the moment of readiness, taste, and taste the cucumbers again. At the end of fermentation, add brine to the top, close the jars tightly and place them in the refrigerator.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers in jars, second cold method


Small cucumbers, 2 kg;

Dill, including with seeds, 2 “umbrellas”;

Garlic, one clove;

Black currant leaves, as well as cherry leaves, 5 leaves each;

Horseradish root, or leaf, weighing 20 g;

Black hot pepper, 8 peas;

Salt, 75 g;

Vodka, 50 g;

Water, one and a half liters.

So, we will pickle cucumbers without vinegar. The vinegar is in the marinade, and we add salt. Let's prepare the cucumbers: wash them, pour boiling water over them, and then soak them in water for 2-3 hours. Add ice to the water so that it is melted and very cold.

While the cucumbers are soaking, prepare a 3-liter jar. We wash it, sterilize it and dry it. Prepare the brine at the rate of 50 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Let's cool it down. After the allotted time has passed, place the cucumbers in the jar, topping them with spices, leaves and herbs. Ready-made jars Fill with cold brine, then add vodka and close the jars tightly with plastic lids. After this, we immediately take the jars to the basement or put them in the refrigerator. There they will be stored until they are eaten. Such cucumbers are good because they have a bright natural color and are stored for a long time.

Until now, we have looked at ways to pickle cucumbers in jars, now let’s take a different method.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers in a barrel

Actually, the barrel should be oak, but where can you get it now? Have to use plastic barrels. First, wash it thoroughly and dry it, then rub it inside with garlic. We prepare the cucumbers and spices in the usual way, after which we begin to put it all in the barrel. Place in layers: a layer of cucumbers, a layer of leaves and spices. Oak leaves must definitely be present. Separately, prepare the brine at the rate of 900 g of salt in 10 liters of water. By the time of pouring, the brine should be cold. So, pour the laid cucumbers with spices with cold brine. The cucumbers are covered with cloth or gauze, then a wooden lid is placed and pressed down with some kind of weight. For several hours the barrel is left warm, about 20 degrees Celsius, and then lowered into the cellar, into coolness and silence. Cucumbers ripen there for about a month. To prevent mold, it is advisable to lightly sprinkle the cucumbers with mustard powder, or add a little sugar beet. But if mold appears on the surface of the brine, it must be constantly removed.


Recipe for pickling cucumbers without brine

There is a very interesting dry pickling of cucumbers, which we will now look at.


Cucumbers, 10 kg;

Salt, 3-4 kg;

Dill, large bunch.

It is of particular importance here that the cucumbers are fresh, firm and without damage. They are not washed, but take a clean, dry towel and thoroughly wipe each cucumber. Wipe the dishes in which we will be salting thoroughly and pour a 1 cm thick layer of salt on the bottom.

We lay the cucumbers vertically and sprinkle them with pre-chopped dill. Cover the layer with cucumbers and dill completely with salt, just like salting fish. To create a thick layer of salt, shake the dishes and continue this process until the end, until all the cucumbers and all the dill are used up. Sprinkle an additional layer of salt on top so that the cucumbers are not visible. Place the dishes with cucumbers in salt in some cool and dry place. Cucumbers pickled like this in an unusual way, differ in elasticity and aroma. But do not lose sight of the fact that before serving, such cucumbers need to be soaked for at least 24 hours. The water should be cold and clean, and it should be changed more often.

Pickling recipe cucumbers to cucumbertsakh- exotic

As you can see, you can pickle cucumbers any way you like: cold, hot, with or without brine, and even some exotic methods like “cucumber in cucumber.” You can probably come up with something else. The classic remains in any case. This is a lightly salted, medium salted, and pickled cucumber. Variations are welcome.

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Of course, everything can be bought in the store. And pickles are no exception. But if you good hostess or if you want to become one, then you will have to learn how to pickle cucumbers.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is a special ritual, and there are so many recipes! Read in this article: how to pickle cucumbers using cold and hot methods, my original recipes pickling cucumbers. Read on.

Here's what the professionals advise.

Salting crispy cucumbers for the winter

For pickling, you need to prepare.

Start with the containers and dishes in which you are going to roll the cucumbers.

  • Cans with a capacity of 1.5 liters to 3 are suitable. I prefer three-liter jars.

Take care of the lids too.

  • For cold salting, you will need hard plastic lids, those that need to be preheated.
  • For hot salting you need metal lids and a good seaming machine key.


Of course the cucumbers themselves.

  • Medium-sized cucumbers of the same shape and color, with small pimples, are best suited for pickling.
  • Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked for at least 2 hours in cold water.
  • Many recipes recommend trimming the ends of cucumbers, I never do this, but cucumbers are pickled and stored perfectly. So, to trim or not to trim is a matter of taste and aesthetics.

Salt and spices.

  • The most common table salt for pickling cucumbers is suitable, the kind that comes in a simple paper packet, without iodine or any additives.
  • For the cold method of pickling cucumbers, you will need dill sprigs, or rather umbrellas with seeds, currant leaves, cherries and plums. Garlic cloves and horseradish root will also come in handy. Nothing else.
  • For hot pickling, you need bay leaves, peppercorns and citric acid as a preservative. No herbs or leaves in hot pickle no need, cucumbers turn out fragrant and crispy without them.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter - tasty and simple! Or how to pickle cucumbers

The cold method is the simplest and most accessible


  • cucumbers
  • currant, cherry and plum leaves
  • dill umbrellas
  • garlic cloves

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours. Place 2-3 teeth in clean 3-liter jars. garlic, dill umbrellas and leaves. Place the cucumbers very tightly on them, try to press them very tightly. During the pickling process, the cucumbers shrink and the jar will not be full, and microbes can easily penetrate into the empty space.
  2. After placing the cucumbers, pour 1 tbsp into each jar. l. coarse salt with top.
  3. Then pour in cold boiled water and close with tight plastic lids.
  4. Turn the jar upside down several times to disperse the salt.
  5. Place the jars in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. At first the brine will be cloudy, then it will begin to lighten. Liquid may leak out from under the cap; opening and adding is unnecessary. Better notice this jar and eat it first. Cucumbers are ready in 2-3 weeks this way and can be stored for almost a year.

By the way, cold cucumbers are my favorite. They really remind me of my grandmother’s cucumbers from the big oak barrel. Try it, you won't regret it!

Video recipe "Quickly pickled cucumbers"

Hot method of pickling cucumbers

By pickling cucumbers in this way, you prepare homemade canned food for future use. They do not require storage in a cool place, but the salting process is quite labor-intensive and even dangerous.

You will have to tinker with boiling water, hot jars and pour brine over the cucumbers 3-4 times. Be patient and strong, the results are worth it!


  • cucumbers
  • sugar
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns
  • lemon acid

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the cucumbers and place tightly in 3-liter sterilized jars. In this recipe, the cucumbers are reduced and even boiled, so the more densely the cucumbers are packed, the less fuss with half-empty jars.
  2. Boil water and carefully pour over cucumbers. Cover the jars with lids and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water. Boil another water and pour it over the cucumbers again. Leave for the same time. Pour the water into a large saucepan, add sugar and salt at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. salt and 3-4 tbsp. l. sugar per jar. Sugar preserves the color and crunchiness of cucumbers, but does not add sweetness to the brine. Boil the brine.
  4. Pour 0.5 tsp into each jar. citric acid, pour boiling brine and roll up with metal lids.

The jars can be put away to cool in a cupboard or in a far corner. After rolling, I wrap my cucumbers in a warm blanket for a day. As my mother taught me, I think they are warmer there and that makes them tastier.

Step 1: prepare the cucumbers.

First of all we take required quantity fresh cucumbers small, although completely better small size and thoroughly wash them to remove sand and any other contaminants. Then we transfer the green fruits into a deep bowl or basin, fill it with regular running water so that it completely covers, and leave it like this for two hours, during which the air in the pores will be released from the vegetable.

Step 2: prepare inventory.

At the same time, we inspect liter jars and regular metal lids with rubber bands for rust, cracks or other damage. Then we thoroughly wash them along with the rest of the necessary equipment under streams of warm running water. This is best done with a soft kitchen sponge and baking soda, although you can use detergent for dishes, but one that contains minimal amount chemical substances. Next, we sterilize the glass container in any convenient way, for example, in the oven, microwave or on the stove. Boil the lids in a small saucepan and leave in it until use, and the rest are small kitchen appliances pour over hot water and put everything on a crystal clear countertop.

Step 3: Prepare the remaining ingredients.

After an hour and a half, you can begin preparing the remaining ingredients that will be needed for pickling. First, turn on two burners to medium heat, put a full kettle of running water on one, and a deep saucepan with two liters of purified water on the second. Using a sharp kitchen knife, peel the garlic, rinse it and place it in a small bowl.

Scald fresh currant, cherry, horseradish, oak leaves, as well as dill stems with boiling water from a kettle, throw into a deep bowl and leave in it until use. Also, after two hours, we wash the cucumbers again, shake them from excess liquid over the sink, place them in a clean bowl and let them dry a little.

Step 4: We pickle cucumbers for the winter in liter jars - stage one.

Next, take one liter jar and put some prepared ingredients into it in the following sequence: 3-5 cloves of garlic, a sprig of dill with an umbrella, optionally a small piece of dried red pepper, 1/4 of a horseradish leaf, 1/2 of an oak leaf, and 3 pieces from currants, as well as cherries. Then we begin to fill the container with cucumbers, trying not to press them down too much, as this will cause them to become deformed and burst. Then, using a ladle and a wide-necked watering can, immediately pour boiling water from the pan over the vegetables and herbs until it completely covers them. Drop onto each jar metal cover and leave it like this to warm up for 15 minutes.

Step 5: prepare the marinade.

After a quarter of an hour, we put a plastic lid with holes on each jar in turn and, holding them with a kitchen towel, pour the water that has cooled slightly back into the pan. Place this dish over medium heat, bring the liquid to a boil and, as soon as it starts to gurgle, pour in the required amount granulated sugar and salt without iodine. Cooking the marinade 3–4 minutes and immediately after that we proceed to the next step.

Step 6: We pickle cucumbers for the winter in liter jars - stage two.

Add two types of peppercorns to each jar of infused cucumbers: black and allspice. 3-6 grains per serving is enough. Then, using the same equipment, that is, a ladle and a watering can, pour the vegetables with very hot marinade, so that it does not reach the end of the neck of the glass container by 1 centimeter.

Then we add 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar in each jar, cover them with warm lids and, using a special key, tightly close the workpiece. We turn the jars upside down and see if air comes out, reseal everything so that there are no bubbles at all.

Next, we place the workpiece on the floor with the lids down, wrap it in a woolen blanket, although an old jacket or fur coat will also do, and leave the yummy product to cool without sudden changes in temperature for two to three days. After this, the pickles can be put away in a more suitable, cool, well-ventilated place, for example, a basement, cellar, pantry, and after 30–40, but better than 60 days, they can be tasted!

Step 7: serve pickled cucumbers for the winter in liter jars.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter liter jars– a very simple option to preserve vegetables for the winter. In this form, they can stand in a well-ventilated place from 7–9 months to 1 year without losing their taste qualities. It’s nice to open a jar of this yummy in winter and inhale the well-preserved delicate summer-spring aroma. What you eat pickles with is up to you; they can be served along with any first or second hot courses or served as an appetizer with other marinades, as well as pickles. This miracle will not leave anyone indifferent, so cook with love and enjoy!
Bon appetit!

You should not soak cucumbers for more than 2 hours, they will absorb excess raw water, and this can cause the workpiece to “explode”;

Very often, in addition to garlic, a little vegetables such as sweet salad pepper, onion or carrots;

If instead fresh leaves, and you also have dried dill, you can use them, but in this case they do not need to be scalded with boiling water first;

While pouring the marinade, it is better to keep a kettle of boiling water on the stove just in case; if the marinade accidentally spills a little, you can safely dilute it with boiling water directly in the jars.
