Recipes for the most delicious breakfasts from around the world. What do people eat for breakfast in different countries?

The morning of any normal person begins with breakfast. And here comes the inevitable dilemma - what exactly is there? Some people drink coffee with sandwiches, others love scrambled eggs or muesli. It is important what exactly to eat for breakfast from a nutritional point of view. After all, scientists say that this is the most best time for foods rich in carbohydrates. So it's best to eat in the morning complex carbohydrates- porridge, grain bread or muesli. They will keep you full for a long time and maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Simple carbohydrates from the morning diet should be limited, if not excluded. We are talking about sugar, candy, sweets. Protein food it is also allowed if it is natural. Meat, fish and chicken should take the place of sausages and pates. After all, they will be processed longer, rewarding the body with a feeling of fatigue.

It must be said that each country has its own breakfast traditions, sometimes very understandable. For example, African countries have become accustomed to their forms of breakfast thanks to their colonial past. Island states give preference to fish. So, let's take a little culinary journey and find out what they eat for breakfast in different countries peace.

Japan. Many people associate breakfast with sunrise, so we’ll start with the Country Rising Sun. A long time ago in Japan, it was customary to serve miso soup as the first dish for breakfast. It is prepared on the basis of fish broth, as well as soy or rice miso paste. Mushrooms or cheese, seafood or seaweed, or tofu can be added to this soup to taste. The second dish in breakfast is usually fried fish, but it can also be rice with seaweed and seafood. In the morning, the Japanese also eat pickled vegetables and raw eggs. In this country they believe that such nutrition helps people stay full most of the day and be active. And this diet is very beneficial for health and longevity. In Japan, traditions are generally strong, and the approach to breakfast is no exception in this regard.

China. This country has its own culinary traditions; rice and noodles are honored here. Breakfast in China is an important and thorough event. The already mentioned rice or noodles are served on the table with hearty additives - meat, chicken, or at least vegetables. It is also possible that they will just serve soup for breakfast. Traditional elements of breakfast in China are pies made from rice flour, somewhat similar to manta rays. They are not baked, but boiled. Morning dishes are consumed along with numerous seasonings and soy sauce. In China, the morning meal is so filling that it is not much different from the subsequent meal. On Sundays, breakfast can be more varied with deep-fried pies, pancakes and buns. They are sometimes fried directly on a frying pan placed in the middle of the table on an alcohol stove. As a result, a banal meal turns into a kind of ritual, which also involves a leisurely conversation.

India. In this country, the taste of food is largely determined by spices. In general, it is quite difficult to stay hungry here, because bananas and other fruits grow everywhere. For Indians, even the poorest, any breakfast consists of several dishes. There must be a flatbread baked from unleavened dough, rice with seasonings. Spices are used depending on the time of year. The Indian teaching of Ayurveda says that spices, like foods, can warm and cool the body. The country has a very strong tradition of Ayurveda, although in big cities there are many ordinary cafes, snack bars and fast food outlets.

Türkiye. A real Turkish breakfast is noticeably different from what is offered to tourists under that name. In this country, it is customary to start the morning with simple, but also healthy products. It could be grain bread, goat cheese, olives, tomatoes, black olives, boiled eggs. But the most important elements Turkish breakfast is honey. It is spread on bread and simply eaten as a snack along with tea. Although Turks are considered coffee lovers, their day usually starts differently strong drink. The tea here is not just boiled, but boiled, then drunk hot from small glass cups.

Israel. In this country, dairy products become the main characters of breakfast. This means that all meat is excluded. Of course, this rule applies to Orthodox families, where nutritional rules correspond to kashrut. But other food products that are quite suitable for milk are allowed. We can talk about pastries, coffee, salads, fresh vegetables, fish, eggs, juices, fruits. Although it seems like dairy easy diet, it will still easily satiate a person.

Egypt. An ordinary Egyptian's breakfast consists of two main dishes - ful and felyafile. The first is boiled in sour sauce beans, they are served with spices, herbs, and sometimes with finely chopped vegetables. Filet are small vegetarian cutlets made from ground legumes. This dish is served with sesame-nut tehine sauce. During breakfast, you can dip bread, vegetable salad and goat cheese mixed with vegetables into it. And in Egypt they usually drink this food with cold hibiscus tea.

Morocco. This country is a well-known supplier of oranges and tangerines, but the morning meal itself usually does without these citrus fruits. In Morocco, they prefer to start the day with pastries, honey, cheeses and almonds. They also prepare pureed mixtures of legumes, which in northern Africa are considered a source of vitality and health. That is why such food is often served in the morning, washed down with juices, coffee or green tea. In Morocco, it is quite common for people to eat breakfast outside of the home. This can be done, for example, in Medina. At this huge bazaar you can buy whatever your heart desires, including take-out portioned food.

Italy. For Italians, eating is a common thing, they seem to do it everywhere and all the time. At the same time, the volume of food does not matter, but the aesthetic side, beauty, is extremely important. However, lunch and dinner still become real feasts, but the Italian breakfast is much more modest. Usually it's just a cup of coffee with milk and a bun, sometimes a piece of cheese or sausage is added to this. The asceticism of the dinner is explained simply - during a five-course dinner, a resident of the Apennines eats to his fill until lunch next day. Of course, this diet has a rather negative effect on your figure and the state of your cardiovascular system.

France. And in France it is not customary to have a hearty breakfast in the morning. The first meal is so modest that it is even called a small breakfast “le petit déjeuner”. As in Italy, these Europeans prefer coffee with a small bun. It could be a traditional French croissant, a bagel, or just a regular sandwich. The appetite will come by lunchtime, when the meal will become more filling and varied - salads, meat and fish dishes, and cheeses will appear. Well, where would we be without the obligatory coffee?

Belgium. In this country, breakfast is quite similar to what they eat next door - in France. Oddly enough, the Belgians do not eat their famous waffles early in the morning. Instead, they serve bread, sometimes toasted, marmalade, jam, nut butters. And all this is washed down with coffee, cocoa, juices or just water. Also in Belgium, it has become fashionable to eat sandwiches with cheese, sausages, and also eat sweets in the morning. The Danish dessert hagelslag, which comes in chocolate and fruit, is perfect for this role. Others traditional drinks tea and milk remain.

Great Britain. In this country, English breakfast is sometimes called English brunch. In fact, this is a set of heavy and fatty foods, which are served to numerous tourists in England. Guests are invited to try fried bacon with a crust, several fried sausages, fried eggs and toast with butter. In fact, if true Englishmen ate such a breakfast, then there would be no trace left of their famous waistline. In England they allow themselves such a morning feast no more than once a week, on weekends. A truly English and traditional daily breakfast includes the famous oatmeal, a hard-boiled egg, and juice, coffee or tea as a drink.

Sweden. The diet of northerners is influenced by the harsh climate and proximity to the sea. Regular breakfast Scandinavian consists of fish dishes- perch, herring, cod or herring. They are accompanied by cereals, potatoes, vegetables, and eggs. In Sweden they will definitely serve it tomorrow cold sandwich. On fresh bread spread butter, and place a piece of cold meat on top or smoked fish. Allows breakfast and a second sandwich - this time the bread is spread berry jam from cranberries or lingonberries. And the morning meal of the harsh Scandinavians ends with the obligatory hot and strong coffee.

USA. America is a country with a high pace of life, which is why fast food plays such a role here. Most often, breakfast here consists of a hamburger or bun, a donut with filling and a cardboard cup of coffee (decaf!), purchased at some snack bar on the way to work. If an American can afford not to rush around in the morning on business, then breakfast consists of muesli or corn flakes with milk, as well as toast with peanut butter. Like Russians, Americans see nothing wrong with eating leftovers from dinner in the morning - heating up pasta, pizza, eating cutlets.

Spain. Southern Europe has its own attitude towards breakfast. In Spain they prefer to eat chocolate and churros in the morning. These are the sticks from choux pastry in sugar, and wash it all down with sweets chocolate drink. In Madrid, churros are made fancier, a little smaller, and shaped like a charity ribbon.

Portugal. In this country tomorrow is called pequeno-almoco, it can be of two types. One is prepared quickly, literally just before going to work, and the other, much more carefully, taking more time. This situation is typical on weekends. Before work, the Portuguese have a snack with a cup of yoghurt, coffee or milk; for satiety, they can eat bread and butter, cheese or jam. If there is time, southerners cook Orange juice, croissants and treat yourself to delicious pastries.

Mexico. Initially, the population of this country was predominantly engaged in agriculture. People here are used to having breakfast early, with the first rays of sun. First comes an early breakfast, desayuno, people ate bread and drank something hot. Later, with the onset of the day, it was time for almuerzo. This breakfast included dishes with eggs, meat, beans, tortillas, fruits and pastries, as well as traditional huevos rancheros. Currently almuzerzo means only light lunch, and Mexicans have a hearty or light breakfast depending on the circumstances. In this country, Menudo is sometimes prepared in the morning. This goulash is, among other things, an excellent remedy from a hangover.

Algeria. This country is strong French roots. Breakfast here usually consists of a French loaf with jam and butter.

Cameroon. But in this African country it is customary to eat heartily in the morning. Here they make crumpets of beignets, which are eaten either with beans or with syrup. Omelettes and fried eggs are also served for breakfast in Cameroon.

Korea. In this country there is no concept of breakfast as such at all. Morning food is no different from what is served at other times of the day. The basis of the morning meal is usually a mixture of pickled vegetables, kimchi, and rice. But lately, Koreans are increasingly adopting the European style of breakfast.

Malaysia. In this Southeast Asian country, they often serve popular dish nasi lemak. It is rice boiled in milk, served with anchovies, hard-boiled eggs, cucumbers and roasted peanuts. Other popular morning dishes here include kaya toast, wonton noodles and thin flatbreads roti canai.

Australia. The typical Australian breakfast is quite similar to what is prepared in Western countries. Since in most regions of the mainland the weather is warm, the morning meal is usually light. This could be toast, sandwiches with fruit or juice. On weekends, Australians sometimes go to a cafe for breakfast, where they order hot English breakfast, but this is not a tradition at all.

Germany. In this country, a traditional breakfast consists of rolls, butter, jam, soft-boiled eggs, ham and coffee. But lately, breakfast cereals have become increasingly popular. At the same time, each region has its own additives - in some places they rely more on cheeses, and in others on pates or fruits.

Denmark. In this country, breakfast is quite similar to German. Here they eat toast with butter and various Danish cheeses, and they cannot do without jam and coffee. There is also a more satisfying option. It includes ham, sausage, soft-boiled eggs, buns and muesli. And on holidays, the Danes allow themselves to relax right in the morning with the local alcoholic drink Gammel Dansk.

Holland. It's not hard to name a traditional morning meal in Holland. These include poached eggs, bacon or sausage, pastries and chocolate sprinkles.

Greece. In this country, buns are served with traditional coffee in the morning. But quite often the breakfast guest is Bugatsa pie. This puff pastry stuffed with custard or from minced meat, or even spinach. According to the cooking principle, this dish is very similar to Austrian strudel, but has Turkish roots.

Englishwoman Victoria Philpott decided to find out what dishes they prefer to eat as a morning meal in different countries of the world. Friends from different countries sent her photographs and recipes of their breakfasts, from which Victoria compiled a kind of gastronomic map of the world. This is how the project “50 Best Breakfasts in the World” came about. Now we have the opportunity to make a culinary journey to different parts of our planet.

English breakfast. Part full version definitely includes eggs, bacon, sausages, beans, mushrooms, hash brown potatoes and toast. And, of course, you can’t do without a cup of coffee or black tea.

Israeli breakfast. The meal should begin with a portion of salad, followed by a variety of appetizers: soft dairy cheeses, olives, baked eggplant, hummus and tahini, pickled peppers, canned tuna. Toast is served for breakfast, whole wheat bread. As a rule, Israeli breakfast does not contain meat dishes. Eggs are served instead.

Breakfast in the Netherlands. Typically, the Dutch breakfast consists of several types of bread with cheese, ham, jam, honey, chocolate or fruit crumbs. Often - pancakes with all sorts of options fillings.

Breakfast in Turkey. On the table you will definitely see several varieties of cheese, butter, olives, eggs, chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, jam and honey, bread and spiced meat. Sometimes there may be fried sausages, scrambled eggs or menemen (omelet with tomatoes or vegetables).

Breakfast in France. Croissants, croissants and more croissants. Well, then - a complete flight of fantasy. Filling with crushed almonds, chocolate or cream - good croissant nothing can spoil it.

Breakfast in the Philippines. Local fruits such as mangoes, as well as rice and small sausages. Roasted with salt and garlic cloves, they are called sinangag. They are then mixed with eggs, meat and beans.

German breakfast . Sausages, local cheeses and freshly baked bread. All this is washed down with strong coffee.

Breakfast in Uganda. A favorite dish is called katogo - stewed green bananas with beef or vegetable gravy. Gravy from more exotic products is also possible - for example, cow entrails (as in the picture above).

Mexican breakfast. Beef, chilequiles and other products. Nachos, cheese and beans are part of the breakfast, which is always richly spiced.

Malaysian breakfast. A cup of hot lam mi (noodle soup with vegetables, meat, omelette and spices) or Nasi Lemak is the country's national dish, the main ingredient of which is rice cooked in coconut milk. The dish is served with sambal chili paste, anchovies, boiled eggs, roasted peanuts and cucumber slices. All this splendor is wrapped in a banana leaf.

Korean breakfast. In this country there is no concept of breakfast as such at all. Morning food is no different from what is served at other times of the day. The basis of the morning meal is usually a mixture of pickled vegetables, kimchi, as well as rice and scrambled eggs.

Breakfast in Canada. Dumplings made from unleavened dough, stuffed mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, minced meat, cheese or fruit. They are usually boiled, baked or fried. Additionally, sausages, toast and butter are served.

Hawaiian breakfast. It's hard to imagine Hawaiians eating anything other than fruit. Of course, breakfast includes a bun, but extra calories Hawaiians need not be afraid - they will disappear in just a couple of minutes of surfing.

Breakfast in Australia. The typical Australian breakfast is quite similar to what is prepared in Western countries. This could be toast, sandwiches with fruit or juice. At the same time, Vegemite paste is always present on the table - the national dish of the country, which is prepared on the basis of yeast extract.

Breakfast in Thailand. Spicy fish with mint, sweet-spicy pork and rice. You will find this dish in cafes all over the country.

American breakfast. There are many options here, but one of those that is most often found in the United States is thick pancakes with syrup and berries, which are certainly accompanied by a couple of pieces of bacon and a fried egg.

Scottish breakfast. Its composition is similar to English or Irish breakfast. Specialties include black pudding, Lorna square sausage, lamb tripe (haggis).

Breakfast in Italy. Most often, Italians eat breakfast on the run called cappuccino e cornetto or cappuccino with a croissant.

Breakfast in Bolivia. This country has come up with its own breakfast special dish! Saltena is a cross between an empanada and a Cornish pasty. They are usually filled with meat and vegetables with added sugar to make the taste more savory.

Icelandic breakfast. Oatmeal with addition brown sugar, raisins, nuts.

Breakfast in Alaska. Venison and scrambled eggs on a hefty pancake.

Breakfast in Costa Rica. A favorite choice of Costa Ricans is a dish called Gallo Pinto. It's a mixture of rice, black beans, salsa and corn tortilla. If desired, you can add a piece of ripe avocado fried banana and meat.

Breakfast in Mongolia. The heartiest and most substantial food in Mongolia is prepared for breakfast and lunch, usually boiled lamb with a lot of fat and flour, as well as dairy products or rice.

Breakfast in Poland. A traditional Polish breakfast consists of scrambled eggs topped with slices of sausage and two potato pancakes.

Welsh breakfast. It's quite simple - hot toast baked with cheese.

Spanish breakfast. Quick Spanish breakfast - pan a la catalana, just a piece of bread with fresh garlic and a large number ripe tomatoes, sprinkled olive oil and sprinkled with salt. In addition, they can serve a piece of cheese or ham.

Moroccan breakfast. Usually consists of different varieties bread, as well as from pancakes called bagir. They are served with jam, cheese or butter. Bagheer is prepared from wheat flour with the addition of semolina, bagir pancakes have a fluffy and porous structure.

Breakfast in Peru. Ceviche (the most popular dish at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner) is a dish of fresh fish and seafood marinated in lemon or lime juice and seasoned with chili peppers.

Breakfast in Venezuela. Empanadas are a patty made from wheat flour and beef fat, topped with fresh cheese, ground meat, or any combination of vegetables and beans.

Brazilian breakfast. Various meat and cheese slice with fresh crispy bread. All this is complemented to taste with butter or jam. And, of course, a cup of coffee.

Irish breakfast. After trying out the English and Scottish breakfasts, it's time to eat Irish. Among other things, you will find pudding and unleavened bread with soda.

Portuguese breakfast. For breakfast in Portugal they usually eat toast, sandwiches, pastries and wash it all down with coffee.

Chinese breakfast. Traditional breakfast Chinese is like both lunch and dinner. Includes noodles, rice with stewed chicken and vegetables.

Breakfast in Vietnam. Very often, the Vietnamese eat the national soup “pho” for breakfast. It is prepared with rice noodles, to which beef or chicken, sometimes pieces, are added when serving. fried fish or fish balls. The soup is poured into a bowl and seasoned to taste with herbs, onions, peppers and lemon juice.

Estonian breakfast. It is a freshly baked bun covered with baked cheese.

Breakfast in Ghana. Cassava breaded with spices and breadcrumbs. Ghanaians generally eat little meat, their breakfast is full of hot spices and seasonings, and bread is an important component of the Ghanaian breakfast.

Hungarian breakfast. A traditional element is the pogača bun. It's small round bread, sometimes a flatbread, usually salty, although sweet pogacs also exist. Popular versions of pogača are potato, with cracklings, with cottage cheese and with cabbage.

Breakfast in Belize. A mixture of Spanish, African and local Indian cuisines. One of the main dishes in Belize is Fry Jacks. It's fried in large quantities butter pieces of dough. They are served with first and second courses, and are also enjoyed with honey and jam.

Breakfast in Denmark. Most Danes eat smorrebrod for breakfast. This is bread with butter and slices of meat, fish or cheese. But the Danes do not mix dishes on a plate and eat them in a strict order, with a knife and fork. The Danish breakfast (or morgen-complet) consists of coffee or tea, rye bread, muesli, jam and cheese, often also sliced ​​meat.

Bahamian breakfast. One cannot do without the traditional island porridge made from a mixture of oatmeal and corn flour. It is served with shrimp and meat.

Breakfast in India. Indian food very different from state to state and from north to south and west to east. In some parts of India it is customary to start the day with fried potatoes with curry and beans, in others - with unleavened flatbreads with onion or cheese filling. Pictured above - Indian tofu, lentils, vegetable sausages, banana pepper toast and rosemary fried potatoes.

Egyptian breakfast. Egyptians everywhere choose a dish called Foul Mudammas for breakfast. It consists of green beans, chickpeas, garlic and lemon. Often the dish is seasoned with olive oil, cayenne pepper and tahini sauce, and a boiled egg and vegetables cut into slices are placed on top.

Colombia. There are plenty of breakfast options in Colombia to keep you energized for the day. One of the most popular is a dish called changua. It is made from milk, shallots and cheese.

Breakfast in Iran. This is some kind of Indian Naan bread with butter and jam. If a light breakfast isn't enough, Iranians eat haleem. Haleem is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar, cooked with minced meat in large pots. It can be eaten both cold and hot. You can also see the Iranian version of omelette here.

Breakfast in the Dominican Republic. Includes traditional banana puree- manga. This dish is prepared from bananas, with the addition of butter and salami, cheese and eggs. Served with hot chocolate.

Breakfast in Japan. Typical japanese breakfast consists of green tea, a cup of rice, tofu soup, small pieces of nori seaweed and a piece of smoked salmon or tuna.

Swedish breakfast. Swedish pancakes known as pannkakor, which are similar to regular pancakes, but with a sweet fruit filling.

Breakfast in Jordan. There are many options, but most often on the Jordanian table you can see hummus (a snack made from chickpea puree, which usually includes olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, paprika, sesame paste), falafel (deep-fried chickpea balls seasoned with spices) and salted yogurt.

Breakfast in Pakistan. Paratha is served for breakfast. It's fresh puff pastry, the size of an average or large frying pan. They eat it with ghee, vegetables, and hot sauce.

Breakfast in Russia. Pancakes made from wheat flour, usually served with jam, honey, sour cream or fresh fruit.

Bon appetit!

Cuisine is one of the most important components of the culture of any country, which is why restaurants serving food are so popular among tourists. National dishes. After all, local food is often a reflection of the history and characteristic customs of the people. Today we will find out which breakfasts are most popular in different countries of the world.


1. Pakistan.

Aloo Paratha. Since Pakistan is a neighboring country to India, it is not surprising that Indian dishes. Aloo Paratha is a flatbread made from wholemeal flour and stuffed, usually with potatoes.

2. Mexico.

Chilaquiles. At the heart of this mexican dish corn tortillas lie with meat filling and hot sauce, but in general it is customary to add to chilaquiles everything that is left over from yesterday.

3. China.

Youtiao. Deep fried savory strips of dough. This breakfast is common not only in China, but also in the countries of Southeast Asia.

4. Italy.

Cappuccino and cornetto. Italians prefer light breakfast, which consists of a cup of coffee and a cornetto - a bun like a croissant, only without butter.

5. Jamaica.

Aki and salty fish. Typically in Jamaica, boiled Ackee is served with salted cod, onions, tomatoes and spices.

6. Colombia.

Chanagua. Milk soup with egg and herbs, served with a piece of stale bread.

7. Ukraine.

Syrniki. A traditional dish Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian cuisines, fried flatbreads made from cottage cheese mixed with flour and eggs. Often served with jam.

8. Spain.

Pantumak. Toasted toast, pre-rubbed with garlic, adding grated tomato, salt and olive oil.

9. Australia.

Vegemite. Toast that consists of bread and salty paste. Actually, the word Vegemite also refers to the paste itself, prepared on the basis beer wort using various additives.

10. Ethiopia.

Genfo. Porridge made from barley or wheat flour, boiled to a jelly-like state. Served with butter and spices.

11. Türkiye.

Turkish breakfasts are varied: instead of just one dish, you can see cheeses, tomatoes, cucumbers, bread, butter, olives, honey and much more on the table. Turkish breakfast is always served with plenty of tea.

12. USA.

The traditional American breakfast is scrambled eggs, bacon, beans, pork sausages and toast. Potato dishes are often also present. Breakfast is served with weak coffee or orange juice.

13. Iceland.

Hafragrautur. Oatmeal, cooked with water or milk, is usually served with maple syrup, butter and fruit or kefir.

14. Germany.

A traditional German breakfast consists of sliced ​​cold meats and cheese, and hot toast with marmalade jam or honey.

15. Myanmar. 16. Cuba. 17. Ireland.

The traditional Irish breakfast is reminiscent of English - it includes fried eggs, tomatoes, baked beans, mushrooms, toast and bacon. Served with a cup of tea.

1. Classic English breakfast: beans, sausages, bacon, mushrooms, eggs and of course crispy toast with a mug of tea and sometimes a piece of “black pudding”.

2. Iranian Breakfast: This is usually naan bread with butter and jam. Who is not suitable for? easy option breakfast, they eat halim. Halim is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar, cooked with minced meat in huge pots. You can eat it hot or cold. You can also see the Iranian version of omelette here.

3. Cubans upon waking up, they prefer a breakfast consisting of sweetened coffee with milk with an added pinch of salt. And the unique Cuban bread is toasted, brushed with butter and cut into pieces that are convenient for dipping in coffee.

4. Polish Breakfast - Known locally as Jajecznica, a traditional Polish breakfast consists of scrambled eggs topped with chunks of custom-made Polish sausage and topped with two potato pancakes.

5. Fast Spanish breakfast - Casserole a la Catalana, or Casserole Tomato. In Spain, breakfast is simple, but the taste is truly delicious. Just rub some bread with fresh garlic and plenty of ripe tomato, then drizzle with olive oil and salt. You can put a piece of cheese, ham or sausage on top.

6. Delicious Moroccan breakfast - usually consists of several types of bread with jam, cheese or butter. They have some truly amazing bread that is similar in style and appearance to our pancakes. And of course tea and milk.

7. Healthy Hawaiian breakfast - it's hard to imagine that Hawaiians who eat anything other than fruit are honest about this. Of course, there is a bagel, but you can be sure that they do not burn much energy from this healthy product a few minutes later on their surfboard.

8. Swedish breakfast - often consists of Swedish pancakes, known as Pannkakor. This is a thin flat pie made with butter and fried on both sides. It is usually served with something sweet and garnished with berries.

9. Icelandic breakfast is hearty and hot to warm you up on a dark and icy morning. Oatmeal - sweetened brown sugar, a few raisins and nuts.

10. Breakfast in Portugal- a delicious and simple ritual with croissants filled with different fillings and lots of coffee under the friendly sun.

11. Breakfast at Australia- there is only one crucial ingredient here, Vegemite. They simply spread it on crispy toast and wash it down with coffee.

12. Breakfast at Brazil- mmmm this is a delicious set of delicacies: ham, cheese and delicious fresh bread!

13.Italian breakfast is cappuccino and a croissant, and for lunch they will replenish their energy levels with pizza or delicious spaghetti with meat stew.

14. Welsh breakfast - am I the only one who smiles at the sight of toast with melted cheese? This is truly a delicious breakfast.

15. Breakfast at Denmark- You will often find Danish on your breakfast plate Rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pate, honey, jams and sometimes even thin “slabs” of chocolate.

16. Breakfast in the Philippines- these are all local fruits, mangoes are a must. Rice for strength fried pancakes from potatoes with salt and garlic. But you can also diversify with scrambled eggs, ham and beans.

17. Delicious breakfast at Alaska- this is reindeer meat and eggs heaped onto a pancake.

18. Traditional German breakfast - sausages, local cheeses and freshly baked bread. Recommended in strong black coffee.

19. Famous American breakfast - homemade thick pancakes with syrup and blueberries, finished with a few slices of bacon. Anyone who doesn't want coronary thrombosis usually chooses a bowl of muesli.

20. French breakfast - ah, le croissant, le croissant, how I love le croissant! Fill them with almonds, butter, chocolate or cream, they always taste great.

21. Breakfast at India- here we have fried potatoes with rosemary, Indian tofu omelette, lentils, veggie sausage and banana pepper toast. Breakfast in India varies depending on the region.

22. Heart Scottish breakfast - both English and Irish, but here you will try dishes from lamb liver, served next to thick fried eggs. Don't know what the taste of lamb liver dish is? Then try - lamb heart, liver and lungs, chopped with onions, oatmeal, kidney lard, spices, salt and broth...

23. Breakfast Thailand- You will find this dish in stalls all over Thailand. This is mint spicy fish with sweet and spicy pork served with rice.

24.Argentinian breakfast - usually consists of "mate" (a drink made with "yerba" leaves) or dulce de leche with “facturas,” a croissant-like typical cookie.

25. Irish breakfast - You've read about English and Scottish, now it's time to learn Irish. This would be topped with white pudding and soda bread.

26. Canadian breakfast - fried dumplings made from unleavened dough and traditionally filled minced potatoes, sauerkraut, minced meat, cheese, or fruit.

27. Breakfast at Mexico- a delicious plate of beef strips, chilequiles and other various delicacies that are eaten in Manzanillo. Nachos, cheese and beans - spicy breakfast, with hot chili this is the norm in this country

28.Russian breakfast - simple and great

29. Breakfast at Vietnam- usually consists of prefabricated meat pleasure, which is found in the semolina/oatmeal mixture. What you see above is pork porridge, Chinese donuts, bean sprouts, pork intestines filled with spicy minced pork, chopped heart, blood sausage. Much more interesting than toast with jam, anyway.

30. Breakfast at Peru- Ceviche is popular regardless of the time of day. This is a seafood dish made from fresh raw fish, marinated in citrus juices such as lemon or lime and spices seasoned with chili peppers.

31. Breakfast at Bolivia- saltenas are a bit like empanadas crossed with Cornish meat pies, usually filled with meat and vegetables, and slightly sweetened with sugar.

32. Egyptian breakfast - preferably - Ful Madamas made from fava beans, chickpeas, garlic and lemon. You're looking at a dish topped with olive oil, sesame seed sauce, hard-boiled eggs, and diced green vegetables.

33. Breakfast at Japan- what do you mean that you never had tofu for breakfast? It is a popular choice in Japan, along with fish and rice. Soak cheese in soy sauce and you have a delicious and almost healthy breakfast.

34.Breakfast at China- not much different from a Chinese lunch or dinner. These are traditional noodles, rice, chicken pieces and fried vegetables.

35. Malaysian breakfast. It's a plate of hot Mii - noodles, egg and delicious spices in the broth.

36. Breakfast at Mongolia- generally consists of boiled lamb with a lot of fat and flour and possibly small quantity dairy products or rice. In western Mongolia they add variety to theirs by using horse meat.

38. Hungarian breakfast always consists of Pogácsa. Throughout the year, festivals are held throughout the country dedicated to this dish and changes in its recipe.

39. Korean breakfast - breakfast is similar to lunch and dinner in Korea. This is a small plate of kimchi, a plate of rice and a bowl of clear vegetable soup. A good classic breakfast is toast.

40. Breakfast at Pakistan- You will receive Aloo Paratha for your breakfast. This is Indian bannock made in a frying pan. The dough contains ghee and the bread is usually filled with vegetables. It is best eaten with butter, chutney or some other spicy sauce. It is not uncommon to roll it up and dip it and dip it in tea.

41. Estonian breakfast - known locally as 'cheese on toast'.

42. Breakfast at Jordan- Labneh (a type of white cheese in the form of a paste), hummous (chickpea paste) and falafel (fried pea cutlets) are the most popular set. Arabic flatbreads with olive oil, lamb sausage, jam and butter, turkey or beef mortadella.

43. Breakfast at Venezuela

43. Breakfast at Venezuela- empenadas are the beginning of the day. Fill small cookies with fresh cheese, minced meat, or any combination of vegetables and beans.

44. Breakfast at Colombia- There are plenty of staples to keep tummy grumbles at bay throughout the day, the changua dish is very popular. It is made from milk, green onions and cheese.

45. Breakfast at Ghana- The most popular breakfast item in this African country is waakye. It is basically rice cooked with beans and you will find it in all the street stalls in Ghana.

46. ​​Breakfast at Uganda- as in many countries, breakfast depends on the region. But a popular dish across the country - katogo - is a combination of green bananas mixed with stew from beef or in vegetable sauce. The picture above is a banana with cow meat.

47. Breakfast on Bahamas- to become a Bahamian breakfast you need to add something fatty to corn grits. You mix it with boiling water and cereal, which turns into porridge. Its popularity came from the days of slavery, so that slaves could work after hearty breakfast. Currently, corn porridge is topped with shrimp and meat, and various seasonings are added.

48. Breakfast at Costa Rica- Gallo Pinto is the standard breakfast in Costa Rica. It is made with black beans, rice, sour cream, salsa and corn tortilla. Costa Ricans also often add a little avocado, roasted lamb or cold meat.

49. Breakfast at Dominican Republic - You should try mangu. Mangu is a puree of stewed bananas with butter and sausage, cheese or egg. Hot chocolate, this would be a worthy addition to breakfast in the Dominican Republic.

50. Turkish breakfast - usually consists of several options of white cheese, olive and butter, olives, eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, jam, honey, and spiced meat.

Each country has its own traditions, this also applies to culinary preferences, including food for breakfast. What dishes do residents of different countries start their day with? Let's find out.


Traditional breakfast - rice, miso soup (it is prepared on the basis of fish broth, as well as soy or rice miso paste), nori seaweed. The second dish in breakfast is usually fish, but it can also be rice with seafood.


Flatbreads made from lentil or rice flour and always spices. Residents of this country add them to all dishes. And not just for breakfast.


In this country, they prefer rice and noodles for breakfast with various additives: meat, chicken or vegetables and soy sauce. Can also be served as breakfast traditional pies from rice flour.


This is where the morning usually starts with simple products: grain bread, boiled eggs, goat cheese, olives, tomatoes, black olives. And the main element of the Turkish breakfast is honey. And although they love coffee in Turkey, residents still start the day with tea, and here it is not just boiled, but boiled so that it is strong.


The main components of breakfast in this country are dairy products, as well as coffee, buns, fruits, and vegetables.


In Morocco they prefer to start the day with pastries, honey, and cheese. As well as various mixtures of legumes. Wash it down with juices, coffee or green tea.


The main meal here occurs in the second half of the day. Therefore, breakfast in Italy is coffee with a bun, sometimes a piece of cheese or sausage

Great Britain

The English traditional daily breakfast is the famous oatmeal and hard-boiled eggs. And also bacon, beans and mushrooms. And as a drink - juice, coffee or tea.

The high pace of life in this country also affects breakfast. When there is very little time in the morning, breakfast is coffee on the way to work along with some donut. If there is still time, Americans have breakfast with scrambled eggs, pancakes, and muesli with milk.


Here, just like in Italy, it is not customary to eat a hearty meal in the morning. The French prefer coffee and a croissant for breakfast.
