Lingonberry jam with apples is a unique combination of berries and fruits. The best recipes for lingonberry jam with apples. Lingonberry jam recipe with apples

We make apple and lingonberry jam for the winter. The time for lingonberries has begun; before we couldn’t find this northern berry, but now they bring it to us, sell it in markets, and it’s a pity not to take advantage of this moment. You can bake pies, make jam, and make sauces with it.

And if you add it to regular apple jam, it will sparkle with new colors. IN literally this word.

The jam will have a gorgeous red color. And the taste is simply unforgettable. And small lingonberries in apple jam will add piquancy to it.

Very delicious jam for breakfast, add fresh rolls and butter to it, and good mood all day guaranteed.

Apple jam with lingonberries, step by step photos

Cut the apples into slices and place in a saucepan to make jam.

Cook, covered, for ten to fifteen minutes after boiling, until the apples soften and turn into a homogeneous mass.

Mix the berries well with the applesauce.

Leave the pan on the heat while continuing to cook the jam.

Mix the sugar and jam and cook everything together for about half an hour.

Stir occasionally to prevent the apple and lingonberry jam from burning.

After steeping, put the jam back on the fire, heat it up, stirring constantly, as it is very thick and can begin to gurgle a lot. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling.

Place the apple and lingonberry jam into sterilized jars and close the lids. Store jam in a cool, dark place.

Apple jam with lingonberries, Homemade recipes

Apple jam with lingonberries recipe for the winter. Apple jam with lingonberries for the winter. Recipe for making apple jam with lingonberries with step-by-step photos:

Lingonberry jam with apples is a unique combination of berries and fruits. The best recipes for lingonberry jam with apples

Lingonberry jam with apples is a fragrant sweet and sour delicacy that is loved by many for its unique taste.

Apples will highlight the taste of the berries and give the jam the necessary thickness.

Lingonberry jam with apples - basic principles of preparation

It is better to prepare jam in a wide copper or enamel dishes.

The lingonberries are sorted. Pour into a bowl and pour big amount water and mix with hands. This will allow all the debris to float to the surface. The procedure is repeated until the water becomes clear. Then the berries are placed in a colander or sieve and left until all the water has drained. The lingonberries are transferred to a bowl where the jam will be cooked. Cover with sugar and leave for several hours so that the berries release their juice.

After the allotted time, it is advisable to lightly crush the berries with a masher. Place the dishes over moderate heat and cook, stirring so that the sugar does not burn.

Meanwhile, the apples are cored. The pulp is cut into small pieces. The fruits are added to the bowl with lingonberries and mixed. As soon as the mass begins to boil, reduce the heat and cook, stirring constantly, for about another half hour, being sure to skim off the foam.

Hot jam is poured into a sterile glass container and sealed hermetically tin lids.

Lingonberry jam with apples is prepared with lemons, walnuts, oranges and spices.

Recipe 1. Lingonberry jam with apples

a glass of purified water;

kilogram of Antonovka apples;

sugar - two and a half kilograms.

1. Pour some of the lingonberries into a bowl and pour cold water and mix with your hands so that all the debris, leaves and twigs float to the surface. Berries that have sunk must be thrown away. We also get rid of crushed, wrinkled and brown fruits. We repeat the procedure three times. Place the sorted lingonberries on a sieve and leave to drain. Transfer the berries to an enamel bowl. We do the same with the rest of the berries.

2. Sprinkle the lingonberries with sugar and leave for several hours. Stir until all the sugar is in the juice of the berries. Pour in a glass of purified water and place the basin on moderate heat. Warm up, stirring occasionally so that the sugar does not burn.

3. While the berries are boiling, wash the apples and wipe with a towel. Cut out the core. Grind the fruit pulp into small slices.

4. Place the apples in a bowl with lingonberries and mix. When the contents begin to boil, turn off the heat and prepare the jam, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Cooking time is approximately half an hour.

5. Pour the hot treat into sterile dry jars, close tightly with tin lids and cool.

Recipe 2. Lingonberry jam with apples and cinnamon “Spirit of Christmas”

250 g white sugar;

a glass of purified water.

1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and moisten it with water. Pour in enough water so that the sugar does not float in it, but is only saturated.

2. Place the bowl with sugar on low heat and cook thick syrup, stirring continuously.

3. Sort out the lingonberries from debris, remove spoiled fruits. Place the berries in a bowl, add water and stir until all small debris floats to the surface. Rinse the berries a couple more times and place in a sieve to remove excess moisture.

4. Dip the lingonberries into the syrup and stir twice berry mass to a boil.

5. Wash the apples, wipe them, cut them in half and cut out the core. Cut the fruit pulp into thin slices.

6. Add apples to the berry mixture. Stir and add a cinnamon stick. Cook until the fruit slices become soft. Be sure to remove any foam that appears on the surface.

7. Place hot jam in sterile dry jars and seal tightly.

Recipe 3. Lingonberry jam with apples and honey

light honey – half a kilogram;

half a glass of purified water.

1. We sort out the lingonberries, removing dry and spoiled fruits. Then place the berries in a bowl, pour them drinking water and mix with your hands to get rid of small debris. Place the lingonberries in a colander and leave to drain.

2. Wash the apples under the tap, wipe with a napkin and cut in half. Remove the seed boxes and cut the fruit into small pieces.

3. Place the lingonberries and apples in the bowl in which we will prepare the jam and mix.

4. Place the honey in a saucepan, add filtered water and stir until the honey is completely dispersed. Place on the fire and heat through, but do not bring to a boil.

5. Pour syrup over berries and fruits and mix. Place the dishes over moderate heat, cook, stirring, until the fruits and berries become transparent.

6. Pack the hot jam into sterile dry jars and seal hermetically with tin lids.

Recipe 4. Lingonberry jam with apples and oranges

1. Carefully sort out the lingonberries, removing leaves, twigs and spoiled fruits. Place the berries in a colander and rinse under the tap. Leave the water to drain.

2. Wash and peel the apples. Cut into quarters and remove the core.

3. Peel the oranges and peel off the white film.

4. Grind the apples and oranges in a meat grinder and place them in an enamel bowl. Pour in half the sugar and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour, continuously stirring the mass so that it does not burn.

5. Pour the lingonberries into a blender bowl and blend until pureed. Transfer the berry mass into a bowl and add the rest of the sugar. Continue cooking from the moment of boiling for another five minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Place into jars and close nylon covers and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5. Lingonberry jam with apples and walnuts

granulated sugar – 800 g;

walnuts – 500 g;

three large apples.

1. We sort out the lingonberries, removing twigs, leaves and spoiled fruits. Place the berries in a deep bowl and fill with cold water. Mix with your hands so that all small debris floats to the surface. We wash the lingonberries a couple more times. Transfer to a colander, pour boiling water over it and leave to drain. Place the berries in a wide enamel bowl and cover with sugar. Let the lingonberries release their juice.

2. Peel the apples, cut them in half and cut out the middle. Cut the fruit pulp into small slices.

3. Cores walnuts Place on a kitchen towel, cover with a second one and knead with a rolling pin.

4. Walnuts and put the apples in a bowl with berries. Mix and place the basin on small fire. Cook from the moment of boiling for six minutes and remove from heat. Cool completely and place the basin back on the fire. We cook for the same amount of time. The nuts in the jam should become transparent. If this does not happen, prepare the jam again.

5. Place the hot jam into dry, sterile jars and seal hermetically with tin lids.

Recipe 6. Lingonberry jam with apples in a slow cooker

350 ml cold water;

1. Rinse the lingonberries thoroughly, removing leaves and other small debris. Place in a colander and rinse under the tap.

2. Wash the apples, cut the fruits into four parts. Remove the stem and seed pods. Cut the fruit pulp into small pieces.

3. Place berries and fruits in a multicooker container. Pour in water and add sugar. Stir until the sugar is evenly distributed.

4. Close the lid and turn on the unit in the “quenching” mode. Cook the jam for two hours.

5. Wash the jars well with soda, rinse and sterilize in the oven or over steam. Distribute hot jam into jars and seal tightly.

Recipe 7. Lingonberry jam with apples, spices and lemons

three kilograms of lingonberries;

one and a half kilograms of apples;

one and a half kg of sugar;

1. Sort the lingonberries, rinse in several waters and dry.

2. Peel the apples and cut out the seed boxes. Cut the fruit pulp into slices.

3. Pour boiling water over the lemons and chop into slices with peel. Remove the seeds.

4. Place lingonberries in a bowl in which you will prepare the jam. Add sugar and add spices to taste. Stir.

5. Place the basin on the fire and cook the berries with spices for ten minutes. Then strain the resulting juice. Place apple pieces in it and cook over low heat until half cooked. Add lemon and cook for another five minutes.

6. Remove the jam from the heat, add lingonberries, stir and pack the hot treat into dry, sterile jars.

If the lingonberries are slightly unripe, pour boiling water over them before cooking.

For jam, it is better to take apples of sour or sweet and sour varieties.

Prepare jam only in enamel or copper containers.

Be sure to skim off any foam during cooking. It is better to do this with a wooden spoon.

You can serve lingonberry jam with apples not only for tea, but also prepare desserts and baked goods with it.

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Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova

Recipes lingonberry jam with apples, secrets of choosing ingredients and

Lingonberry jam with apples: recipes from simple to sophisticated, preparations with various additions and general principles preparation, selection and combination of products

Apple jam with lingonberries

Main ingredients: Apple, Lingonberry

Apple jam with lingonberries- a real sweet medicine, because lingonberries are so healthy that they medicinal properties oh everyone knows. Add ripe apples and sugar to the berries to create a real winter dessert that can not only lift your spirits, but also help your body fight various diseases, general weakness and vitamin deficiency.

Ingredients for making apple jam with lingonberries:

  1. Apples ( sour varieties) 1 kg
  2. Lingonberries 1 kilogram
  3. Sugar 2.5 kilograms
  4. Water 2 glasses

Products not suitable? Choose similar recipe from others!

A saucepan, a wooden spoon, a kitchen knife, a colander, a deep plate, a knife for peeling vegetables and fruits, glass jars with roofs, ladle, wide funnel.

Making apple jam with lingonberries:

Step 1: prepare the lingonberries.

First, you need to sort out the lingonberries and rinse thoroughly several times with running water to get rid of all the leaves, twigs and other plant debris.

Pour the selected berries into a deep plate and pour boiling water over them. Keep the lingonberries there 2-3 minutes, then drain the berries in a colander and wait until the excess moisture drains. This simple procedure will remove excess bitterness.

Step 2: prepare the apples.

Rinse the apples with warm running water, and then remove the skin by cutting it off with a special knife. Divide the peeled fruits into halves and cut out the cores along with the seeds, tear out the tail and twig.

You will be left free from everything apple pulp. It should be cut into medium or small cubes.

Step 3: prepare apple jam with lingonberries.

Pour into the pan required quantity water, add sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Carefully place pieces of apples and lingonberries into boiling water with sugar. Stir and place everything over medium heat, and when it boils, turn the heat to low.

Apple jam with lingonberries should be prepared within 30-35 minutes, but it is better to control the entire process yourself. The jam itself should boil slightly all the time, but not too much, and it should also be stirred periodically with a wooden spoon.

Step 4: prepare apple jam with lingonberries for the winter.

Rinse and sterilize glass jars thoroughly. The cleanliness of the container guarantees the safety of your workpiece. And don’t forget about the lids.

Place the finished apple jam with lingonberries in clean glass jars and close the lids tightly. When your workpiece has cooled to room temperature, it can be hidden in the pantry or basement, along with your other workpieces.

Step 5: serve apple jam with lingonberries.

Serve apple jam with lingonberries for tea, make gingerbread from it, or add it to other baked goods. It turns out very tasty and healthy. This jam is especially good for colds and general weakness, since lingonberries retain their medicinal properties even in this form.

Tips for the recipe:

– You can cut the apples larger, but then you will have large apple slices in the finished jam.

- If you have a very juicy apples and berries, then you may not need water at all; you can make jam just like that, simply by mixing the fruit with lingonberries and granulated sugar.

Apple jam with lingonberries

Apple jam with lingonberries is a real sweet medicine, because lingonberries are so healthy that everyone knows about their medicinal properties. Add ripe apples and sugar to the berries to create a real winter dessert that can not only lift your spirits, but also help your body fight various diseases, general weakness and vitamin deficiency.

Lingonberry jam with apples– one of the most aromatic sweet and sour jams. This has already become a classic combination of berries and fruits, loved by many for its unique taste.

This jam can be served with tea, cottage cheese, pancakes, made into fruit drinks and jelly in winter, used as a filling for sweet pies and simply spread on a bun with butter. In any case, you will, as they say, lick your fingers. This is almost the most popular jam in the north and northwest of Russia. Even city housewives, who not only don’t go to the forest to pick berries, but even have no idea how and where these same lingonberries grow, often buy berries at the market precisely in order to make jam from them. We offer you a recipe that we have repeatedly tested.

  • Lingonberries – 1 kg (If you buy berries, pay attention to the fact that the lingonberries must be dry, not soft or wrinkled)
  • Apples (sour, Antonovka variety is best) – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 2.5 kg
  • Water – 1 glass

It is best to cook jam in a wide enamel bowl; if you cook a double portion at once, you can take a basin (in our photographs you will see exactly the basin, and even then it’s difficult for everything to fit, try to leave at least 3 centimeters to the edge of the bowl-basin, otherwise the jam will “run away” when boiling).

The lingonberries must first be washed and sorted at the same time. To do this, pour the lingonberries into a bowl (preferably in parts, in several stages, dividing a kilogram of berries into 2-3 parts), fill with cold water, then stir with your hands several times. In this case, as a rule, leaves, pieces of moss, small twigs float to the surface - all this must be carefully selected and thrown away. Some of the berries also float, some (more crumpled, picked a long time ago and already soft) sink to the bottom - this does not mean that all “drowned” berries should be thrown away. Only discard those that are blackened, brown, wrinkled or crushed. We repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Place the washed and sorted lingonberries in a colander and let the water drain, after which we pour all the berries into a bowl or basin.

Cover the berries with granulated sugar. We usually don’t have time to wait several hours for the berries to give juice, so we add sugar gradually, lightly mashing the berries with a “masher” and mixing them with granulated sugar. Please note that our goal is not to crush all the berries, we need to moisten all the sugar.

When all granulated sugar lost mine in the bowl White color, add a glass of water, stir and place on the stove over medium heat/heat, stirring occasionally so that the sugar does not burn.

While the lingonberries and sugar are heating up, quickly wash and dry the apples.

We peel the apples from the core (this is convenient to do by cutting the apple into quarters), and then cut the apples into small pieces, focusing on an approximate volume of 1-1.5 cubic centimeters.

Pour the chopped apples into a bowl (if you “missed” the size of the bowl or basin and realize that everything won’t fit, put some of the lingonberries with sugar and apples in another bowl and cook first in two, and at the end of the process, when the volume of apples and lingonberries will decrease, you can combine everything in one bowl and mix).

So, mix the apples with lingonberries, and, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. When the jam boils, immediately reduce the heat/heat so that the jam does not “run away”.

After the moment of boiling, cook the jam over low heat until it simmers slightly, for another 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally (about every 4-5 minutes). If you cook in a basin, it is more convenient to stir with a large long handle, wooden spoon. During the boiling process, foam forms, which at the end of cooking will need to be carefully removed with a spoon. There is no need to throw away the foam, just put it in a mug or on a saucer and eat it like jam within 1-2 days (the foam cannot be stored for long, and if it is not removed, it will interfere with the storage of your jam).

We check the readiness of the jam this way: you need to take a little jam into a spoon and drop it (just drop - 1 drop!) onto a clean plate. If the drop does not spread over the plate, but remains in the shape of a tiny hemisphere, the jam is ready. Don't forget to remove the foam and turn off the stove.

Pour the jam into jars immediately while it is still hot. The jars do not need to be sterilized, just wash and dry them well (you can also wipe them), it is important that the inside of the jar is completely dry.

There is also no need to roll up the jars with lids using a special device and turn them over. Jars with screw lids that are screwed on by hand are quite suitable (the lids, of course, are better to buy new ones, and “use” the strongest hands in the house).

Now lingonberry jam with apples completely ready. It is not necessary to store it in the refrigerator, but it is better not to store it in a warm room. In urban conditions, it is quite possible to place jars of jam on the balcony or loggia. It can be stored for a year without problems (we have never been able to check it for more than a year: within a year, all the jam is eaten and new ones need to be made).


Go for it! Create! Get ready!

Eat yourself, feed your family, treat your friends!

Lingonberry jam with apples, EASY TO COOK!

Lingonberry jam with apples is one of the most aromatic sweet and sour jams. This is a classic combination, loved by many for its unique taste.

Step-by-step recipe for making lingonberry jam with apples with photos

So, let's get to work:

Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water and cook these ingredients until the syrup becomes thick.

Add the washed and sorted lingonberries to the resulting syrup. Let the contents boil, turn off the heat immediately, and let the berries in the syrup cool.

Bring the lingonberries to a boil again, turn off the heat, and let them cool.

After the second cooking, the lingonberries need to be mashed.

Peel the apples and cut into wedges.

Place the container with lingonberry puree on the fire, add the apple slices here, and let the delicacy cook for 15 minutes. That's it, delicious fragrant jam Lingonberries and apples are ready!

Video recipe Lingonberry jam with apples

Lingonberry jam with apples, five-minute recipe

You can also prepare sweets using quick hand, and we are talking about five-minute lingonberry jam with apples. The recipe for making this jam is very simple and easy!

So, in order to make jam according to this recipe you will need:

lingonberries – 1 kg;
apples – 250 grams;
granulated sugar – 250 grams;
pectin – 3 grams.

So, let's get to work:

  1. First, wash and grate the apples using a large-hole grater.
  2. Wash and sort the lingonberries.
  3. Take a wide container, put apples and lingonberries into it, cover everything with sugar, add pectin, cover with a lid, let the products stand.
  4. After 20 minutes, place the container with apples and lingonberries on the fire and cook until smooth thick mass.
  5. Pour the finished delicacy into jars, roll up the lids, and in winter you can treat your kids with aromatic and fresh apple and lingonberry jam!
Have fun!

Apple jam with lingonberries

Delicious apple jam with lingonberries

Delicious apple jam with light lingonberries bitterness, which so pleasantly sets off its fresh and not very sweet taste. Cooked for five minutes 3 times. Anyone who wants can cook it in one step.

Composition and proportions

  • Apples – 2 kg (unpeeled weight);
  • Lingonberries – 1 glass;
  • Sugar – 1.4 – 1.5 kg.

Lingonberries and fruits

How to cook

  • Rinse berries and apples in cool water and dry. Peel the apples from the seed capsule and cut into medium-sized pieces. Add lingonberries to them (take only whole good berries). Add sugar and let stand for 2-3 hours so that the fruit releases its juice (you can cook it right away, just stir everything actively until the juice comes out).
  • First brew: Bring apples and lingonberries to a boil, stirring. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Switch off. Cover with a lid and let stand for 6-12 hours.
  • Second brew: Bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes (stirring). Cover again and let sit for 6-12 hours.
  • Third brew: Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes (stirring). Place the hot jam into prepared jars and close with prepared lids (iron, screw or plastic).
  • Keep at room temperature in a dark and dry place. If the house is very hot, then put not 1-4-1.5 kg of sugar, but 2 kg. Or move it to a cold place (basement, for example).

Large lingonberry
Apples with lingonberries (I used frozen)
Sprinkle fruit with sugar

Stir everything constantly over low heat until enough juice is released for cooking.
Cook, stirring
Apple jam with lingonberries

Very delicious jam from lingonberries and apples! If you have space in the basement, it can be made in the proportion of 350 g of sugar for every 1 kg of apples and boiled for only 15 minutes once. And close it immediately. If stored at room temperature, then you need to cook either 3 times for 5 minutes with pauses for cooling and steeping, or 1 time for 25-30 minutes until done (when droplets of syrup do not spread on the saucer)

Delicious gelled apple jam with lingonberries

The jam turns out thick, very tasty, slightly sweet

Jars of jam

Other recipes for apple or lingonberry jam

(several recipes).

- a fairly common berry in the middle zone, from which you can make preparations for the winter. Ground with sugar, soaked, prepared in own juice or without cooking - look for these and other recipes in our selection.

What are the benefits of lingonberries? Lingonberries are a powerful antioxidant that slows down aging. In addition, lingonberry berries and leaves have wide range medicinal properties and are used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases (colds, vitamin deficiency, rheumatism).

What to do with lingonberries? At home, you can prepare a lot of tasty and tasty dishes from lingonberries. useful preparations for the whole family. And at the first signs of illness or as a preventative measure, regularly open a jar of jam, compote or a bottle of homemade tincture.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse and dry well. Place the prepared berries in sterilized jars in layers, alternating with sugar. Shake the jar periodically to compact the layers. The top layer should be a layer of sugar. Close the jars with regular nylon lids and store the product in the refrigerator.

In such a preparation everything will be preserved beneficial features lingonberries.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1-2 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse, dry and add sugar to taste. Grind the berries using a blender or mash with a potato masher. Let the berry mixture sit, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon to dissolve the sugar. Then place the lingonberries in sterilized jars, close the lids and store in a cool, dark place.

The whole family will love this aromatic, delicious jam.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of apples, 1.3 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water.

Preparation. Rinse the berries and blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Peel and seed the apples, cut into thin slices and blanch. Then transfer the berries and apples to a saucepan, pour in the syrup prepared from sugar and 1 glass of water and cook, stirring, until tender. Ready jam Place in jars, seal and store.

This jam would be an excellent stand-alone dessert or filling for homemade pies.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of pears, 1.5 kg of sugar, 3 glasses of water.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse, pour boiling water over them for a couple of minutes, then drain in a colander and dry. Peel and seed the pears and cut into slices. Boil syrup from sugar and water, place berries and pears in it, stir, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Leave for at least 2 hours or overnight. Then bring the jam to a boil again, cook for 10 minutes, immediately pour into jars and seal.

This easy-to-prepare lingonberry preparation is not only tasty, but also useful as a cold prevention.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, zest of one lemon, 300 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. water.

Preparation. Wash the selected berries and place them in sterilized jars. From water, sugar and grated lemon zest Boil the syrup, cool it and pour over the prepared berries, roll up.

Spicy soaked berries lingonberries will become great addition for meat dishes.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 2 tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp. salt, cinnamon sticks, vanilla pods, clove stars, peppercorns to taste.

Preparation. Place the selected, washed and dried berries in an enamel or glass container. To make the brine, boil water, add sugar, salt and spices, cool and pour over the berries. Cover the container with gauze and leave for several days in a cool, dark place. Then place the berries along with the brine in jars and seal.

Prepare this compote and drink it at the first sign of a cold.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 800 g of sugar, 8 liters of water.

Preparation. Sort and rinse the berries. Boil syrup from water and sugar, place berries in it, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring. Then pour into sterilized jars and seal.

If you don’t know what to make from lingonberries, grind them with sugar!

You will need: 2 kg of lingonberries, 2 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse, pour boiling water over them and dry. Then mix them with sugar and puree using a blender. Spread the berry mixture into plastic containers with a lid or jars drinking yogurt and store in the freezer.

The best preparation for the winter from lingonberries is jam.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 800 g of sugar, 1 glass of water.

Preparation. Place the selected and washed berries in a deep enamel pan, add water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring. Add sugar, stir and cook for another 40 minutes. Place the finished jam into jars, seal, cool and store in a cool, dark place.

A quick way to make delicious jam from lingonberries.

You will need: 3 kg of berries, 2 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the washed berries, place in a saucepan, add sugar and let stand for 1 hour. Then place the pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the finished jam, put it in jars and close the lids.

Orange will add a pleasant flavor to lingonberry preparation. citrus aroma and additional vitamins.

You will need: 1 kg of lingonberries, 1 kg of oranges, 1 kg of sugar.

Preparation. Sort the berries, rinse, dry and place in a saucepan. Add sugar and cook over low heat. Dip the oranges in boiling water for a couple of minutes, dry, cut into slices and, after removing the seeds, grind into a meat grinder along with the zest. As soon as the berries and sugar boil, cook them for 15 minutes and add the chopped orange mixture. Cook the jam for another 30 minutes, then immediately pour it into jars, close the lids and cool. Store the workpiece in the cellar.

Classical lingonberry sauceperfect complement for game dishes.

You will need: 2 cups lingonberries, 0.5 cups sugar, 0.5 cups apple cider vinegar, 1 cinnamon stick, 5 clove buds, 1 sprig of thyme, salt to taste.

Preparation. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Cook, stirring, for about half an hour. Remove the spices from the sauce, transfer it to a sterilized jar, seal and store in the refrigerator.

You can make a delicious jelly from lingonberries with pleasant taste and a unique aroma.

You will need: 8 cups of lingonberries, 4 cups of sugar, 50 g of gelatin, 3 cups of water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the selected berries, discard in a colander and mash using a potato masher. Then squeeze the resulting berry mass through cheesecloth. Add sugar to the resulting juice and cook over low heat, stirring until it dissolves. Bring the mixture to a boil, add gelatin, stir and cook for a couple more minutes. Ready jelly Place in jars, sterilize and seal.

You will need: lingonberries.

Preparation. Sort the berries and divide into two parts. Squeeze the juice from one part, mix with the other part of the berries and bring to a boil. Immediately place the berries along with the juice into jars, seal, cool and store in a cool, dark place.

After looking through our selection of recipes, you will know exactly how to preserve lingonberries for the winter. Add the material to your bookmarks and cook with pleasure!

Lingonberry jam with apples is a fragrant sweet and sour delicacy that is loved by many for its unique taste.

Apples will highlight the taste of the berries and give the jam the necessary thickness.

Lingonberry jam with apples - basic principles of preparation

It is better to prepare jam in a wide copper or enamel bowl.

The lingonberries are sorted. Pour into a bowl and add plenty of water and mix with your hands. This will allow all the debris to float to the surface. The procedure is repeated until the water becomes clear. Then the berries are placed in a colander or sieve and left until all the water has drained. The lingonberries are transferred to a bowl where the jam will be cooked. Cover with sugar and leave for several hours so that the berries release their juice.

After the allotted time, it is advisable to lightly crush the berries with a masher. Place the dishes over moderate heat and cook, stirring so that the sugar does not burn.

Meanwhile, the apples are cored. The pulp is cut into small pieces. The fruits are added to the bowl with lingonberries and mixed. As soon as the mass begins to boil, reduce the heat and cook, stirring constantly, for about another half hour, being sure to skim off the foam.

Hot jam is poured into sterile glass containers and sealed tightly with tin lids.

Lingonberry jam with apples is prepared with lemons, walnuts, oranges and spices.

Recipe 1. Lingonberry jam with apples


    lingonberries - kilogram;

    a glass of purified water;

    kilogram of Antonovka apples;

    sugar - two and a half kilograms.

Cooking method

1. Pour some of the lingonberries into a bowl, fill with cold water and mix with your hands so that all the debris, leaves and twigs float to the surface. Berries that have sunk must be thrown away. We also get rid of crushed, wrinkled and brown fruits. We repeat the procedure three times. Place the sorted lingonberries on a sieve and leave to drain. Transfer the berries to an enamel bowl. We do the same with the rest of the berries.

2. Sprinkle the lingonberries with sugar and leave for several hours. Stir until all the sugar is in the juice of the berries. Pour in a glass of purified water and place the basin on moderate heat. Warm up, stirring occasionally so that the sugar does not burn.

3. While the berries are boiling, wash the apples and wipe with a towel. Cut out the core. Grind the fruit pulp into small slices.

4. Place the apples in a bowl with lingonberries and mix. When the contents begin to boil, turn off the heat and prepare the jam, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Cooking time is approximately half an hour.

5. Pour the hot treat into sterile dry jars, close tightly with tin lids and cool.

Recipe 2. Lingonberry jam with apples and cinnamon “Spirit of Christmas”


    cinnamon stick;

    kilogram of lingonberries;

    250 g white sugar;

    250 g apples;

    a glass of purified water.

Cooking method

1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and moisten it with water. Pour in enough water so that the sugar does not float in it, but is only saturated.

2. Place the bowl with sugar on low heat and cook thick syrup, stirring continuously.

3. Sort out the lingonberries from debris, remove spoiled fruits. Place the berries in a bowl, add water and stir until all small debris floats to the surface. Rinse the berries a couple more times and place in a sieve to remove excess moisture.

4. Dip the lingonberries into the syrup and bring the berry mass to a boil twice.

5. Wash the apples, wipe them, cut them in half and cut out the core. Cut the fruit pulp into thin slices.

6. Add apples to the berry mixture. Stir and add a cinnamon stick. Cook until the fruit slices become soft. Be sure to remove any foam that appears on the surface.

7. Place hot jam in sterile dry jars and seal tightly.

Recipe 3. Lingonberry jam with apples and honey


    light honey – half a kilogram;

    apples – 500 g;

    lingonberries - kilogram;

    half a glass of purified water.

Cooking method

1. We sort out the lingonberries, removing dry and spoiled fruits. Then place the berries in a bowl, fill them with drinking water and mix with your hands to get rid of small debris. Place the lingonberries in a colander and leave to drain.

2. Wash the apples under the tap, wipe with a napkin and cut in half. Remove the seed boxes and cut the fruit into small pieces.

3. Place the lingonberries and apples in the bowl in which we will prepare the jam and mix.

4. Place the honey in a saucepan, add filtered water and stir until the honey is completely dispersed. Place on the fire and heat through, but do not bring to a boil.

5. Pour syrup over berries and fruits and mix. Place the dishes over moderate heat, cook, stirring, until the fruits and berries become transparent.

6. Pack the hot jam into sterile dry jars and seal hermetically with tin lids.

Recipe 4. Lingonberry jam with apples and oranges


    lingonberries - kilogram;

    1000 g sugar;

    five apples;

    three oranges.

Cooking method

1. Carefully sort out the lingonberries, removing leaves, twigs and spoiled fruits. Place the berries in a colander and rinse under the tap. Leave the water to drain.

2. Wash and peel the apples. Cut into quarters and remove the core.

3. Peel the oranges and peel off the white film.

4. Grind the apples and oranges in a meat grinder and place them in an enamel bowl. Pour in half the sugar and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour, continuously stirring the mass so that it does not burn.

5. Pour the lingonberries into a blender bowl and blend until pureed. Transfer the berry mass into a bowl and add the rest of the sugar. Continue cooking from the moment of boiling for another five minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Place in jars, close with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5. Lingonberry jam with apples and walnuts


    lingonberries - kilogram;

    granulated sugar – 800 g;

    walnuts – 500 g;

    three large apples.

Cooking method

1. We sort out the lingonberries, removing twigs, leaves and spoiled fruits. Place the berries in a deep bowl and fill with cold water. Mix with your hands so that all small debris floats to the surface. We wash the lingonberries a couple more times. Transfer to a colander, pour boiling water over it and leave to drain. Place the berries in a wide enamel bowl and cover with sugar. Let the lingonberries release their juice.

2. Peel the apples, cut them in half and cut out the middle. Cut the fruit pulp into small slices.

3. Place the walnut kernels on a kitchen towel, cover with a second towel and knead with a rolling pin.

4. Place walnuts and apples in a bowl with berries. Stir and place the bowl on low heat. Cook from the moment of boiling for six minutes and remove from heat. Cool completely and place the basin back on the fire. We cook for the same amount of time. The nuts in the jam should become transparent. If this does not happen, prepare the jam again.

5. Place the hot jam into dry, sterile jars and seal hermetically with tin lids.

Recipe 6. Lingonberry jam with apples in a slow cooker


    350 ml cold water;

    kilogram of lingonberries;

    kg sugar;

    200 g apples.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the lingonberries thoroughly, removing leaves and other small debris. Place in a colander and rinse under the tap.

2. Wash the apples, cut the fruits into four parts. Remove the stem and seed pods. Cut the fruit pulp into small pieces.

3. Place berries and fruits in a multicooker container. Pour in water and add sugar. Stir until the sugar is evenly distributed.

4. Close the lid and turn on the unit in the “quenching” mode. Cook the jam for two hours.

5. Wash the jars well with soda, rinse and sterilize in the oven or over steam. Distribute hot jam into jars and seal tightly.

Recipe 7. Lingonberry jam with apples, spices and lemons


    three kilograms of lingonberries;


    one and a half kilograms of apples;

  • two lemons;

    one and a half kg of sugar;

Cooking method

1. Sort the lingonberries, rinse in several waters and dry.

2. Peel the apples and cut out the seed boxes. Cut the fruit pulp into slices.

3. Pour boiling water over the lemons and chop into slices with peel. Remove the seeds.

4. Place lingonberries in a bowl in which you will prepare the jam. Add sugar and add spices to taste. Stir.

5. Place the basin on the fire and cook the berries with spices for ten minutes. Then strain the resulting juice. Place apple pieces in it and cook over low heat until half cooked. Add lemon and cook for another five minutes.

6. Remove the jam from the heat, add lingonberries, stir and pack the hot treat into dry, sterile jars.

    If the lingonberries are slightly unripe, pour boiling water over them before cooking.

    For jam, it is better to take apples of sour or sweet and sour varieties.

    Prepare jam only in enamel or copper containers.

    Be sure to skim off any foam during cooking. It is better to do this with a wooden spoon.

    You can serve lingonberry jam with apples not only for tea, but also prepare desserts and baked goods with it.
