What kind of water should you add to cook pasta? Cook in a slow cooker, double boiler or microwave. Prepare the right delicious pasta

Pasta is an integral part not only Italian cuisine, but also a traditional product of many eastern countries. Today they are popular everywhere: served as an independent side dish with various sauces and serve as an ingredient for more complex dishes. The main thing in cooking is to know how to cook pasta. Compliance simple rules ensures that the dish turns out delicious.

How to cook pasta so it doesn't stick together

Original pasta prepared by combining two components: flour from durum varieties wheat and water. If the products are made according to a different recipe (with the addition of eggs or other products), they quickly boil over, become too soft and spoil taste qualities dishes. In addition, such a product, unlike classic macarons, contributes to the appearance of extra pounds on the body. To prevent pasta from falling apart, you should choose a durum wheat product that is made in compliance with all production technologies.

Since such products contain complex carbohydrates, they do not make you fat. The starch they contain is not destroyed during heat treatment, transforming into protein. Thanks to the wide variety of pasta shapes, you can cook any dish. Large products are stuffed, shells, long pasta, and spirals are prepared as an independent side dish. Small bows beautifully complement salads, and short tubes are ideal for casseroles. Below are tips for housewives who do not know how to cook pasta correctly:

  • To cook pasta, you should use the formula invented by the Italians: 1000-100-10 (take 100 g of vermicelli and 10 g of salt per liter of water).
  • How long should you cook pasta after boiling? Follow the cooking time indicated on the package. As a rule, 10-12 minutes are enough. To check if a dish is ready, try it. The vermicelli should lose its firmness but remain firm.
  • Pasta must be thrown into salted boiling water. In the first 2 minutes of cooking, they should be stirred constantly; if you ignore this point, the dish will be spoiled.
  • If you are making pasta for later use in another dish that requires... heat treatment(for example, casserole), it is worth draining the water until full readiness product.
  • Do not rinse spaghetti, noodles, or cones. cold water, because in this case the dish loses its taste. Leave them in a colander for 2-3 minutes to allow the water to drain naturally.
  • It is better to melt the butter first and then add it to the pan.

How to cook spaghetti in a saucepan

The package indicates how long it takes to cook the pasta. This indicator depends on the size of the products and products that are included in the spaghetti. As a rule, the cooking process takes no longer than 10 minutes, but during cooking it is better to check the dish for readiness. This will help avoid overcooking the product. Below is a simple way to cook delicious pasta in a saucepan.


  • spaghetti – about 500 g;
  • water (or milk) – 3 l;
  • salt – 1.5 tsp.

How to cook pasta:

  1. When the water in the pan begins to boil, salt it.
  2. Add the pasta, reduce the gas when the water boils again. Stir the spaghetti actively so that it does not stick to the bottom and walls. If you want to cook dairy dish, use milk instead of water.
  3. Check the softness of the dish every 3 minutes. When the spaghetti is firm but soft, turn off the oven.
  4. Drain the water into a colander, shaking the pasta thoroughly. Rinse them with hot running water to remove any remaining starch.
  5. Season the dish with oil.

How to cook delicious noodles in a slow cooker

Many housewives believe that the easiest way to cook pasta is in a slow cooker. Cooking time is reduced due to the absence of the need to wait until the water boils and then rinse finished product water. A saucepan and a double boiler do not exempt you from performing these steps, so for busy women, preparing a dish in a slow cooker will be ideal option. Devices from the brands Polaris, Panasonic, Redmond, Philips are popular, but any others are also suitable for instant cooking pasta

How to cook pasta correctly:

  1. Place the shells or horns in a special container (volumetric lattice or mesh), fill them with water so that it is a couple of centimeters above the product.
  2. Immediately add a little butter.
  3. Turn on the “Steam” or “Pilaf” cooking mode for 12 minutes.
  4. The dish can be served with meat, meatballs, cutlets or salad.

How to boil horns or shells in the microwave

Cereal dishes and potatoes turn out tastier if you cook them at medium or low microwave power, but pasta should be cooked at maximum setting. The big advantage of preparing them in the microwave is the simplicity of the process. In addition, pasta does not stick together during the process and does not lose its elasticity and aroma. Cooking time should be selected depending on the type of product. Thus, large spirals or shells require longer cooking, but for cobwebs or spaghetti, 10-15 minutes will be enough.


  • boiling water – 0.4 l;
  • Makfa horns or shells – 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil– 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

How to cook pasta:

  1. Fill a deep glass container with boiling water (use an electric kettle for quick heating), add salt and oil.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a power of about 350-500 watts. The more powerful the mode selected, the less time it will take to cook.
  3. Remove the dish from the microwave, rinse with water and serve.

How to properly cook spider web vermicelli

This type of pasta looks like thin, short sticks made from lean dough. Vermicelli received the name “spider web” because of its shape, and the Italians dubbed it “worms”. Pasta contains almost no fat, so there is a risk of gaining excess weight when using them, no. As a rule, Russian housewives put cobwebs in soup, but, in addition, it can serve delicious side dish to vegetables, poultry and meat.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 200 g of vermicelli into salted boiling water. Stir the product for a couple of minutes.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil so that the dish does not stick together.
  3. After 5-6 minutes, turn off the stove and drain the water.
  4. Thread the web butter.

Do I need to rinse pasta after cooking?

Italian chefs consider rinsing pasta with cold water barbaric, since this removes the starch from the surface of the product, which is intended for good absorption of the sauce. However, when rinsed, the spaghetti cools quickly and does not boil or stick together. To rinse or not is up to you. It’s worth starting from how the product will be used in the future. Pasta should be washed in two cases:

  1. If they are used to make salad.
  2. If the pasta is already cooked, but the sauce is not yet ready, there is a risk that the product will stick together.

Video: how long to cook pasta by time

Pasta cannot be called bachelor's food, because it is not ordinary dish, which can be done “on a quick fix" If the product is prepared correctly, it will become a delicious side dish for meat, poultry, and salad. How long should you cook vermicelli after boiling and is it worth rinsing it? For each type of pasta you need to select individual approach, therefore it is impossible to answer the questions posed unambiguously. By watching the video below, you will learn the secrets of making delicious pasta.

Master class from chef Ilya Lazerson

How many minutes to cook durum pasta?

What can you make from pasta?

Pasta, spaghetti, and other pasta products are universal products. You can cook with them great amount various dishes, including soups, cold and hot salads, casseroles. Pasta will be tasty even as an independent side dish if you add spicy cheese, tomato or mushroom sauce. How you cook your pasta depends on what you ultimately plan to cook. For busy housewives worth a try quick meals: spaghetti pancakes, pasta with champignons, fettuccine. Gourmets will enjoy tagliatelle, lasagna, and tagliolini.

Navy pasta with minced meat or stew

Many people believe that there is no difficulty in preparing naval noodles, but this is not so. To make something tasty and unusual dish, it is worth considering several important nuances. For example, it is better to choose pasta with large holes. This will allow the mince to fill the dish evenly. You will learn about other secrets of cooking naval pasta after watching the videos below.

Soup with vermicelli and potatoes

In Japan, Australia, Korea, Brazil and even Jamaica, noodle soup is very popular. In Russia, housewives prefer to add potatoes to the first dish to make it more filling. However, it is not always possible to achieve perfect uniformity when cooking these two ingredients: the potatoes remain somewhat hard, but the noodles, on the contrary, become soft. Learn how to properly prepare the dish by watching the video below.

Delicious recipe with cheese in a mug

If you don't have time to prepare a full dinner, quick recipe Macaroni in a mug with cheese will be a great solution. The dish is prepared in the microwave in just 15-20 minutes and does not require any effort. It doesn’t even have to be supplemented with meat or poultry; the recipe itself is satisfying. By watching the video below you will learn how to do delicious pasta very quickly with cheese.

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Pasta - universal dish, which can be served for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Depending on the type, the preparation may differ, but the cooking principle is the same everywhere. Of course, there are a number of features that we managed to notice experienced chefs. So, if you want to know, then you definitely need to read them.

What is the main advantage of pasta? The fact is that they cook quickly and taste quite pleasant. Especially if you season them with some sauce or ketchup. Men love this dish for its ease and speed of preparation, and women for the huge number of recipes and varieties. In addition, they are much healthier than ordinary semi-finished products, and are much cheaper, so you can safely refuse doshiraki and start learning how to cook pasta.

You will need:

Before cooking

Be sure to read the instructions (if any) located on the package. The manufacturer knows best how long his product takes to cook. But it’s better not to leave the stove, especially if you’re cooking for the first time.

Keep in mind that depending on the type of pasta you may need different quantities time. This indicator also depends on the wheat variety and composition. It’s better to further verify the result by asking a search engine query like “ how to cook pasta horns correctly».

If you are going to cook spaghetti, keep in mind that they stick to the walls of the pan and other pasta much more strongly than others. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly stir the products until they are completely cooked. In addition, it is recommended to cook them in small portions. If the length of the pasta is not of fundamental importance to you, then it is recommended to break it into two or three parts before cooking.

Remember to keep an eye on three main things: making sure your pasta is not overcooked, undercooked, or sticky. You need to determine these indicators by eye, but there is nothing difficult about it. Just try to do this at least once and you will easily begin to distinguish between cooked and undercooked pasta. Don't forget to taste them.

1. First, prepare the pan. You can grease it a little with oil to make the pasta less sticky to the sides and bottom. Fill about three-quarters full with water. No more is needed because the volume will increase after the pasta is put in there. Moreover, the water will begin to boil and may splash out over the edges.

2. Place the pan on the stove. Turn on the heat and wait until the water boils. To make this happen faster, cover the container with a lid. You can also increase the heat. Then add salt and mix it well. In addition to taste, the presence of salt also reduces the “stickiness” of our products.

3. As soon as the water boils, immediately reduce the heat. Then add the pasta to the water and stir a little. Don’t look at the fact that the water has stopped boiling - this is normal. After a while everything will resume. Then you can start timing. It is best to focus on the indicators indicated by the manufacturer on the pack. In any case, if you are cooking for the first time, do not leave the pan.

4. Take a long spoon or any other utensil and start stirring the pasta. For at least the first three minutes you must do this without stopping. This is recommended for those who want to find out how to cook pasta correctly so that it doesn't stick together. Then you can slow down a little. But this does not need to be done everywhere (only for horns, shells and spirals).

5. Periodically check the pasta for doneness. This can be done 8-10 minutes after the start of mixing (or preferably 3-4 minutes before the end of the period indicated on the package). Catch one or two noodles in the water, blow a few times and taste it. They should not be too soft, but not too hard. In general, it is better to focus on your own taste preferences. Once the pasta reaches its optimal taste, you can turn off the heat.

6. Next, place the colander in the sink or any other drainage area. Pour out the contents of the pan and shake lightly. Do not overdo it so as not to turn the products into mush. Then let them sit for two to three minutes. Here you have a choice: leave the pasta simply cooked or continue cooking (for example, fry). In the first case, you just need to pour the contents back into the pan, and in the second, rinse them under cold water.

7. Next, place a piece of butter on the pasta and let it melt. You can lightly stir the products to thoroughly coat each pasta. This will prevent the cooled products from sticking together, and will also give a unique creamy taste. On average, this all takes no more than one or two minutes.

8. You can also immediately add some sauce, cheese or ketchup - it all depends on your taste preferences. And that’s it, the pasta can be served. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to follow the instructions and you will succeed. But be sure to try these tips in practice. This is how you can fully understand how to cook pasta correctly.


Pay special attention to the volume of water in the pan and the salting procedure. The water should be salted before the pasta is placed in the container. The volume of water must be below three quarters, otherwise you will flood the kitchen. If you do not intend to continue cooking, then there is no need to rinse the products under cold water, as this can seriously damage the taste. Many novice cooks do not pay attention to this and the end result is not the most pleasant.

It is also recommended to cook in the presence of someone for the first time. An experienced person can give recommendations, and an inexperienced person can try the pasta with you and draw a conclusion about its readiness. Besides, cooking together is much more interesting. Just don’t get too distracted by conversations, otherwise you might ruin the dish.

By the way, Italians true masters cooking pasta (not only spaghetti, but also horns, shells, spirals, nests and others) is served fresh dish on hot plates. This allows the product to retain its properties longer taste characteristics. It’s interesting how Italian waiters get out of this situation. Most likely, they use special stands.

If you have any questions, tips or suggestions about how to cook pasta correctly, be sure to write them in the comments.

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For pasta to be tasty, you need to know how to cook it correctly and follow the rules. And we will show you which ones in our video.

  1. Take a pan and fill it with water: for 100 g of pasta – 1 liter of water. If you add less water, the pasta will turn out sticky.

For one serving, as a rule, you need 100 g of pasta.

Those. for a family of three you need to cook 300 g of pasta in a 3 liter pan.

2. Dip pasta only into rapidly boiling salted water. The fire under the pan should be maximum.

Immediately after this, cover the pan with a lid for 30 seconds so that the water begins to boil again.

As soon as the water begins to boil, remove the lid and reduce the heat (this must be done quickly, otherwise you may flood the stove).

3. Immediately after adding the pasta to the water, mix it.

Otherwise they may clump together and stick to the bottom of the pan.

The pasta is cooked for 10-12 minutes. Readiness is determined by the tooth.

Undercooked pasta has a powdery layer at the bite site. Overcooked - sticky and falling apart.

4. The first sample must be taken 1 minute before the minimum cooking time indicated on the manufacturer’s packaging.

That is, if the products are cooked for 10-12 minutes, then you should try it already at the 9th minute.

5. Do not drain all the water from the finished pasta, otherwise it will dry out.

It is best to pour out 2-3 tablespoons of the water in which they were boiled before doing this.

Then drain the pasta in a colander, transfer it to the pan and add the reserved broth.

It is also advisable to heat the colander before use so that it does not absorb excess heat.

6. Pasta is served hot, preferably on heated plates. Therefore, before cooking the pasta, you need to prepare the sauce so that it does not have time to cool.

How wrong

  • Save on quality. Alas, in this case, quality does not come cheap. It is better to buy pasta made from durum wheat.
  • You cannot add salt to the dish during the cooking process. The water is salted before the pasta is put into it.
  • Do not put pasta in a pan in which the water reaches the edge - you can flood the stove.
  • There is no need to rinse cooked pasta with cold water. Chilled pasta is not tasty.


Pasta is easy to prepare if you know how to cook it correctly.

During and after cooking pasta, the same mistakes. During the cooking process, simple rules that must be followed are ignored so that the pasta does not stick together and is tasty and appetizing in appearance.

Let's put an end to the wrong ways of preparing this dough dish once and for all.

By following these rules you will cook pasta that will not stick together.

If short, then to prevent the pasta from sticking you need:

  1. Buy pasta only from durum wheat;
  2. Boil in large quantities boiling water and on maximum heat;
  3. Cook minus 1-3 minutes from the time indicated on the package or “al dente”;
  4. Do not rinse;
  5. Add oil to the prepared pasta and stir several times.

Expanded and detailed, read on to learn how to prepare delicious and non-sticky pasta.

1. Remember the most important thing

Main axiom: water to pasta ratio 100/1000/10 .

In translation: per 100 grams of pasta, 1 liter of water and 10 grams of salt.
Salt, of course, is added to taste and varies from 0 to 15 grams, but it is better not to reduce the amount of water.

2. Only durum!

Second axiom: cook and eat only pasta from durum wheat! This wheat is also called durum.
Before purchasing, find one of the options in the composition description on the package:

  • "Group A"
  • “1st class” (high-grade flour),
  • "durum"
  • "durum wheat"
  • "semolina di grano duro"

Everything listed above will mean that you have pasta made from durum wheat in your hands. Such pasta has low glycemic index, bring only benefits and do not make you fat. If eaten in moderation, of course.

How to buy quality pasta in the store?
What is the price good pasta and why is the bad one harmful?
How to choose pasta by appearance and the description on the label?
Answers in the article

3. Large saucepan and plenty of water

It is advisable to cook a 450-500 g package of pasta in a saucepan with a capacity of 4 liters or more. The more space there is between individual pasta, the less chance of sticking together during cooking. You can get by with 2.5-3 liters of water if you are sure what you bought good pasta and know how to cook until al dente.

Also necessary condition, Availability clean water. Preferably filtered, preferably bottled. When cooked, pasta absorbs 25-30% of the liquid. After all, no one wants to eat pasta that tastes like tap water.

4. Go all out

Set the fire under the pan to the maximum.

Add salt to the water and cover with a lid. This will reduce the amount of time it takes for the water to boil before adding the pasta.

When the water boils, cook the pasta, uncovered, over the same heat, stirring occasionally.

5. Don't break

Pasta don't break it! Unless needed for a specific recipe or for other reasons. For example, cook spaghetti for a child.

Any in boiling water long pasta will go under water in half a minute. And if she resists, you can always help her a little by pressing her into the pan with a fork.

6. Only boiling water

Just throw in the pasta into boiling water. If you don't do this, they will definitely stick together.

After adding the pasta, the water will immediately stop boiling. Stir and cover the pan with a lid for 30-60 seconds until the water starts to boil again. Just don’t sit down at the computer, otherwise the liquid will quickly leak out of the pan onto the stove.

Once boiling, remove the lid and cook the pasta until tender, stirring every 2-3 minutes.

7. Read the packaging

If you cook pasta for as long as it says on the package, in most cases it will be overcooked. Be careful. Cooking until done is only suitable if the pasta is served as a side dish.

In other cases, if sauce is used, the pasta is cooked until "al dente", which translated means “by the tooth.” To cook pasta al dente you need subtract 1-3 minutes from the time indicated on the package. That is, do not finish cooking. The finished paste in this state is elastic on the surface but hard on the inside. The pasta will absorb the missing moisture from the sauce and cook until done. If the sauce is fatty, do not add oil to the prepared pasta. It will prevent moisture absorption.

To prepare this method, you do not need to boil the pasta first. They are cooked in a frying pan.

Method of preparing “stir fry” shown in recipe

This method does not require cooking in a pan. Pasta is fried and boiled in a frying pan.

How bake pasta in the oven look in the recipes

From my own experience

I found for myself the best and easiest way, which is practically prevents pasta from sticking together even after overnight in the refrigerator.

Of course, it is better to cook as much as will be eaten at one time. But honestly, I’m too lazy to do that. And often there is no time for this. For example, before going to work, you won’t put a pan on the fire and spend 20-30 minutes on a couple of servings of pasta. Most often you still cook in advance and with a reserve.

If you, like me, cook pasta in packages, use these tips:

  1. Don't skimp on the oil
    Add 2-4 tablespoons of olive, sunflower or 50-70 grams of butter to the finished pasta. The oil will prevent the pasta from sticking to each other and will partially retain its elasticity and freshness until the next day.
  2. Don't skimp on quality
    Take only durum wheat pasta! It’s better to pay an extra 20-40 rubles and have an elastic and delicious pasta than getting a sticky and starchy dough.
  3. Mix well
    After the finished pasta is transferred from the colander to the pan, oil is added and they are thoroughly mixed, after 10 minutes, stir again, and after half an hour again. This will prevent them from sticking together the next day.

These methods have not failed me. But if suddenly some part of the pasta still sticks together, then just stir it again.

What to do if the pasta still sticks together?

If the pasta sticks together after cooking, don't despair. I offer several ways to turn a lump of dough into individual pasta.

  1. Rinse with cold water in a colander and stir
  2. Add a piece of butter or a few tablespoons of sunflower oil. Heat and stir
  3. Fry in a pan with oil
  4. Add any to pasta liquid sauce. It could be soy sauce, cream, ketchup, diluted with water tomato paste, gravy for cutlets and more. After adding the sauce, stir the pasta well.





Pasta has long been part of traditional cuisine not only in Italy, but also in eastern countries. Today this product is widespread everywhere, served as independent dish seasoned with sauces, or is an ingredient. A main secret deliciously cooked pasta lies in proper cooking product.

How to cook pasta

Some useful information about pasta

True pasta is created exclusively from two ingredients: water and wheat flour hard varieties. On Greek and Italian pasta, such products are usually marked with the words pasta di semola di grano duro or durum. Russian manufacturers They write that the pasta is made from durum wheat.

Everything else is usually called pasta. They are usually made from soft varieties wheat, contain eggs or other ingredients. Such products swell in the soup, become overcooked, stick together and spoil the entire dish. They also contribute to the appearance of extra pounds around the waist.

Durum wheat pasta, created in compliance with all technologies, does not become soft during the cooking process. In addition, such products do not make you fat, since they consist of complex carbohydrates. And the starch in them is not destroyed during heat treatment, unlike pasta from soft varieties, but turns into protein.

The variety of pasta shapes allows you to prepare the most different dishes. Large items are usually stuffed; pasta in the shape of shells, spirals or cones is usually prepared as a side dish or used to make macaroni and cheese. Miniature bows look beautiful in salads, and spaghetti is served with sauce. To prepare the casserole, it is better to use pasta in the form of short tubes.

Durum wheat pasta has a smooth, even surface and a creamy or golden color. The fracture of such products is somewhat reminiscent of the fracture of glass. As a rule, a package of high-quality pasta contains no crumbs or flour residues. Pasta made from soft wheat varieties has a rough surface and an unnatural white or yellow color. They may show traces of unmixed flour and various inclusions.

To cook delicious pasta, use the simple formula created by Italian chefs: 1000/100/10. It means that for 1 liter of water there are 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt.

Pasta should be thrown into already boiling salted water. And to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan, it is important to stir them until the water boils again. If you miss this moment, you can ruin the dish.

Follow the cooking times indicated on the package. Usually it is 10 minutes, but may vary depending on the type of flour from which the pasta is made. But the surest way to find out the degree of readiness is to test. The pasta should be firm, but not hard.

If pasta is cooked for use in a dish that will be cooked further, such as a casserole, it should be slightly undercooked. Otherwise, their taste will end up spoiled.

After draining the pasta in a colander, there is no need to rinse it with cold water - then all the taste will be washed away. It’s best to just leave them for a couple of minutes so that the water drains off by itself, and then stir with a spoon.

If pasta is used as a side dish, it is customary to put a little butter in it. The dish will be tastier if you first melt the butter in a saucepan and only then mix it with the pasta.

Technology for cooking pasta to make pasta


  • durum wheat pasta – 200 g
  • water – 2 liters
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon

Boil water in a thick-walled saucepan. Salt the water and put the pasta in it. Stir constantly until the water boils again.

To cook spaghetti, dip one end of the pasta in water, wait a couple of seconds, and slowly lower the whole thing. They will quickly soften and completely enter the pan.

Record the time allotted for cooking the pasta. It must be indicated on the packaging. A couple of minutes before the end, take a sample.

Ready pasta place in a colander and let the water drain. Mix them with melted butter or pre-prepared sauce.

How to boil nest pasta

Today, pasta shaped like bird's nests. Such products can be stuffed yourself with different fillings– from vegetables to meat. During cooking, it is very important not only to keep them in boiling water required amount time, but also maintain shape.

Place the “nests” in a saucepan or deep frying pan with a wide bottom. They should not fit tightly to each other and at the same time have room to turn over on their side.

Fill them with water so that it covers the “nests” by only a couple of centimeters. Bring to a boil, add salt and cook for as many minutes as indicated on the package. Simply carefully remove the finished pasta with a slotted spoon and place on a plate.
