How to cook borscht from sorrel. Recipes for making light, tasty, satisfying, green borscht with sorrel

The common green borscht is very different from its red “brother”: there is no usual cabbage and beets, these ingredients are successfully replaced by sorrel. You can often find another name for the dish - green cabbage soup, but in essence it is all the same soup, with an identical set of products and a similar recipe.

So, today on our menu is delicious green borscht with sorrel and egg - a recipe with a photo will help you cope with the preparation!

Ingredients for a 3-liter saucepan:

  • meat (beef or pork pulp) - 200-300 g;
  • sorrel - 100-150 g;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf- 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt, allspice- taste.

For roasting vegetables:

  • carrots - 1/2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

To serve the dish:

  • boiled eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs - a small bunch.

Recipe for green borscht with sorrel and egg

How to cook green borscht with sorrel

  1. First, let's prepare the base of the dish - meat broth. To do this, pour juicy pork (or beef) cold water, boil. Remove the resulting foam and cook the meat until full readiness(about 1-1.5 hours). We don’t add salt, just throw in a few peppercorns and a couple of bay leaves. Remove the boiled meat from the pan and cool. We filter the broth itself and boil it again. Place potato tubers, previously peeled and cut into equal cubes, into the boiling transparent liquid.
  2. Cook the potatoes at low boil for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, we make vegetable frying for the soup. Finely chop the onion and sauté with a minimum amount of refined oil until soft (3-5 minutes). Next we add carrot chips and fry vegetable mix a few minutes.
  3. We check the potatoes for softness, and then load the softened carrot and onion mixture into the broth. Next add pork or beef, cut into arbitrary pieces. If desired, you can save the boiled meat for making other dishes, and in this case limit yourself to only meat broth - many pragmatic housewives prefer this economical option.
  4. Salt the almost finished soup to taste, flavor it if desired rich broth spices. Lastly, add finely chopped sorrel, after 5-7 minutes remove the green borscht from the heat.
  5. We leave the freshly cooked first course covered for about five minutes, and then pour it into portioned containers and serve. Add half a hard-boiled egg and finely chopped herbs to each plate.

Green borscht with sorrel and egg is completely ready! The rich broth goes well with low-fat sour cream and garlic. Enjoy your meal!

Hi all! Looking for something to feed your loved ones? I suggest making it very tasty and hearty dish for lunch that your loved ones will definitely enjoy. And I’ll tell you how to cook a very tasty and satisfying green borscht with sorrel and egg, and then a step-by-step recipe with photos. It’s not difficult to make, but believe me, you won’t pull your husband and children by the ears when they eat it.

I first tried this sorrel borscht when I was visiting my relatives. They prepared this one for me delicious soup. I ate only a small plate and there was no trace of hunger left. It felt like I had eaten a whole pot of soup. But despite this, I wanted more supplements, even though I couldn’t get them anymore.

Cooking green borscht with sorrel and egg


  • Meat on the bone – 0.3 kg.
  • Potatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 small onion
  • 1 small carrot
  • Sorrel
  • Tomato paste – 3-4 tbsp. (or tomato sauce)
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves
  • Egg – 3-4 pcs.
  • Pearl barley – 3-4 tbsp.
  • Salt, spices to taste

I have a small 1.5 liter saucepan and I took the ingredients based on its volume. If you cook in a large pan, then you will need more food. I just don’t like it when soup sits for several days; I like it when everything is fresh. Of course, you have to cook every day, but what can you do, that’s a woman’s lot.

Step by step recipe cooking green borscht with sorrel and egg

First of all, you need to boil the meat. Miao takes about 2 hours to cook. Cooking time depends on what kind of meat you are cooking. In my case, it is chicken and it is enough to cook it for about an hour. When the water boils, I drain it, rinse the meat and the saucepan. You can stand at the stove with a spoon and skim off the scale, but for me it takes too long.

Eggs also need to be boiled.

While the meat and eggs are boiling, prepare the vegetables, peel the potatoes, onions, garlic and carrots.

Finely chop the onion and garlic.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Fry the onion until golden color.

At this time I add a little sugar and salt to fry them. If you add spices, pepper, cumin, coriander, then you can fry them at this stage. I don't know why, but such a small step makes the dish a little tastier. There is no difference in taste, but it turns out tastier and that’s it. If you don’t believe me, try cooking it once as I recommend, the second time do not add anything and do not fry the spices.

When the onions are fried, add the carrots and fry until tender.

Then add pasta or sauce and fry a little more. That's it, set the frying aside for now.

Cut the eggs into small pieces.

Chop the sorrel too.

When the meat is ready, add whole potatoes to the pan. No, if you want, you can cut the potatoes into small pieces. This way it will cook faster.

Then add pearl barley and cook until tender.

Remove the cooked potatoes from the pan and rub them with a spoon, then put them back into the pan.

We also take out the meat, separate it from the bone and cut it into small pieces.

Now add the eggs one by one.




Bring the soup to a boil and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Well, that’s all, our hearty green borscht with sorrel is ready, you can pour it into plates, adding a little sour cream to the soup. Bon appetit!

How to cook borscht from sorrel.

Hello dear readers of the site Spring has come, and I’m already tired of all these twists and pickles, fried and boiled potatoes, rich soups and borscht, I want something light, spring-like, something that will remind me of summer.

Today I want to tell you how to prepare a simple borscht from sorrel, which our mothers cooked for us in childhood, and we called it green, and you can cook it even without any cooking skills. Usually it takes no more than 30 - 40 minutes to prepare.

From the products we will need: four bunches of fresh sorrel, one medium carrot, three to four potatoes, a small head of onion and a bunch of green onions, three to four eggs, tomato paste, sunflower refined oil and sour cream. Borscht without sour cream is not borscht.

Pour four liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire. While the water is boiling, we are preparing the vegetables. Peel and immediately chop the potatoes as for cooking regular soup or borscht, in a word, as you like and it’s convenient.

The onions should be cut into half rings, and it is advisable to grate the carrots.

Now you need to prepare the sorrel. You cut off its stems almost to the very leaf and throw it away, and rinse the leaves themselves under running water, and if you come across one that is damaged or suspicious, throw it away.

The next step is to cut the sorrel. Take a small bunch of leaves as if you were cutting green onions for salad, and cut it this way. There is no need to cut very finely; let the width of the strip be about one centimeter, but not more.

I think so, your water has already boiled, so we throw the chopped potatoes into the pan and start frying. As soon as the water and potatoes boil, turn down the heat and don’t forget to stir it occasionally.
Let's get back to roasting. Pour into the pan sunflower oil and throw in the onion. It needs to be lightly fried until it becomes translucent, while stirring it constantly. Two to three minutes will be enough.

As soon as the onion becomes slightly transparent, throw in the carrots and continue to fry, remembering to stir so that the onion does not burn.

The carrots have changed color, which means the vegetables are almost ready. It is also not advisable to overcook them, since when frying for a long time, a lot of vitamins are lost from the vegetables into the smoke.
Now take a teaspoon tomato paste and add to the pan with vegetables, while not forgetting to stir them.

Let it all fry for about two more minutes, and after this time, turn off the heat.

The potatoes have been boiling for a long time, so we take the frying and pour it into the pan, and at the same time throw in one bay leaf.

As soon as the broth boils, pour in the sorrel, and you will immediately see how it changes color and becomes dark.

Now we beat four eggs into the mug, if large, then three are enough, and beat them well with a fork, as for an omelette.
There is another option, this is when hard-boiled eggs are chopped and chopped into the broth, but this option has taken root with us, and I think borscht cooked this way tastes better. In any case, according to taste and color, there are no comrades.

And now comes the most climactic moment. While stirring the broth with a ladle, pour in the beaten eggs in a thin stream. Stir the broth until there are no more beaten eggs in the mug.

All that remains is to add the green onion, salt and pepper to taste.

Let your green borscht (cabbage soup) simmer for about three more minutes, and you can start your meal. Do not forget to remove the bay leaf at the end of cooking, since the “Moor” has already done its job, giving taste and smell, and the extra bitterness that it gives when it is in the broth is not needed here.

All that remains is to wish you bon appetit.

Also on topic spring recipes. If wild garlic grows in your area, be sure to read the article on preparing wild garlic.

And if you are a fan Italian cuisine, then on this site you can read an article about making pizza at home. It's also very tasty.

Well, now you can easily prepare borscht from sorrel, or, as we called it green in childhood.
Good luck!

If you follow culinary logic, then the dish would be more correctly called meat soup with sorrel. But it just so happens that in Russia it is more often called green cabbage soup, and in Ukraine green borscht, although it contains neither cabbage, beets, nor tomatoes. Sorrel gives it a recognizable sourness and color. In addition, nettle and spinach, green onions and parsley can be added. It is cooked on the basis of meat broth, most often with pork or chicken, less often with beef (although it is also possible Lenten option). Potatoes, onions and carrots are traditionally used as vegetables. For a special consistency and taste, the dish is seasoned with fried flour and sour cream. It turns out very tasty sorrel borscht, hot and nutritious.

How much sorrel should I put in the soup?

Most important point in preparation - correctly calculate the amount of sorrel so that the soup is not too sour. As a standard, take 200 grams of a vitamin plant (leaves, without petioles) per 2-liter pan. Don't put too much sorrel. Keep in mind that when infused, its taste intensifies many times over.

Alternatively, you can add a little more sourness directly when serving - squeeze directly into the plate lemon juice. It will not only enhance the presence of oxalic acid, but also add an interesting flavor note to the vitamin dish. As for the egg in the name of the recipe, traditionally green borscht with sorrel is complemented with an egg, or rather, half a boiled egg, directly when serving.

Cooking time: 20 + 40 minutes / Yield: 2 liter saucepan

Contents [Show]


  • chicken thigh - 400 g
  • water - 1.5-2 l
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • 20% sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • sorrel - 200 g
  • green onions - 20 g
  • parsley - 20 g
  • spinach - 30 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - 2 chips.
  • salt - to taste

How to cook green borscht with sorrel

Cooking begins with cooking the broth. Any part of a bone-in chicken will do, such as the leg, thigh, or legs. Instead of chicken, you can use pork, which is not too fatty. For the broth, I place the meat in a saucepan, immediately add bay leaf and black peppercorns (you can add roots, for example, celery and parsnips). I fill it with cold water, bring it to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 30 minutes until the meat is easily separated from the bone. At the very end, add salt to taste.

I remove the meat and cool it. I strain the broth. I remove the meat from the bone and return it to the pan. I bring it to a boil again. I add potatoes, peeled and diced.

While the potatoes are cooking, I prepare the vegetable frying. To do this, I peel a couple of large onions and carrots. Heat it up a little in a frying pan vegetable oil(refined) and first fry the diced onion on it. As soon as it becomes soft, add carrots, chopped on a coarse grater. I continue to fry until golden brown.

I add flour - it will thicken the soup. Stirring, fry for no more than a minute until the lumps disappear.

I add sour cream to the frying. But first, so that it doesn’t turn into flakes, I dilute it with warm broth in a separate container (2 tbsp sour cream - 5 tbsp broth). Pour into the pan and heat for 1 minute. I take it off the fire. It turns out to be a thick vegetable fry with sour cream.

I put the roast in a pan where the potatoes have already cooked. I let it boil. In the meantime, I cut a bunch of sorrel - you only need the leaves, without the hard and fibrous petioles. Finely chop a bunch of parsley and spinach and green onions with a knife. If you want, you can add a little young nettle to the borscht, after dousing it with boiling water so that it “doesn’t sting.”

About 1-2 minutes before the borscht is ready, I add all the greens to it. I adjust the amount of salt and pepper to taste. As for the degree of acidity, be guided by your taste; you can slightly increase the amount of sorrel, but keep in mind that the borscht will become more sour when it sits. As soon as the greens are added, the soup should boil, after which I cover the pan with a lid and immediately remove from the heat. I let it sit for 20-30 minutes so that the sorrel and spinach evaporate.

Green borscht with sorrel must be served hot. Traditionally, it is flavored with sour cream and complemented with halves of a boiled egg. Additionally, you can sprinkle with finely chopped green onions and garnish with a sprig of parsley and offer guests a slice of lemon. It is best to store borscht in enamel dishes, covered, in the refrigerator, no longer than 2 days. Enjoy your meal!

The long-awaited spring is outside, which means that the first harvest is already appearing in the beds, and therefore it’s time to cook at home vitamin dishes. To achieve your plan, just buy fresh vitamins (sorrel, green onions, etc.) at the market and prepare delicious green borscht in Ukrainian from them. This dish is truly a spring product, because most of the greens ripen in the spring; in other seasons they are used only in canned form.

To the maximum natural benefits got into your plate with green borscht - use the quickly passing opportunity that Mother Nature gives us and prepare a dish according to your favorite recipe for the whole family, as often as possible. Having tasted this wonderful dish, cooking it every spring will become an excellent home tradition for you.

Calorie content of green borscht

Calorie content and the nutritional value green borscht per 100 grams ready soup, which includes beef, potatoes, chicken eggs and greens.

The table shows approximate values. The BJU of the soup can vary significantly depending on the additional ingredients used.

How to cook tasty Ukrainian green borscht

Making green borscht (the recipe for which we will look at step by step below) is incredibly simple; you will see for yourself when you make it yourself. This dish does not fall into the “difficult” category, but it is worth recognizing that you will not be able to cope with cooking in 1 hour. In general, the entire process of preparing and cooking food takes several hours.
But a significant advantage of Ukrainian-style green borscht is that it can be prepared 2-3 days in advance, so the 2-2.5 hours spent are fully compensated by the time saved in the following days.


  • Meat (veal or beef) – 600 gr.;
  • Fresh dill – 1 bunch;
  • Potatoes – 300 gr.;
  • Parsnip – 1 pc.;
  • Green onions – 1 bunch;
  • Parsley – 1 bunch;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. (or to taste);
  • Fresh sorrel – 2 bunches.

How to make delicious green borscht with sorrel

1. Meat (in this recipe beef entrecote is used) pour cold water into a saucepan and cook for 1.5-2 hours, in short, until fully cooked. When boiling, do not forget to remove the foam from the surface of the broth.

2. When the meat is ready, remove it from the pan and cut it in portioned pieces and return it to the broth again.

3. Along with the beef, place potatoes (2-3 pieces) cut into medium cubes into the pan.

4. Cut the parsnips and carrots into strips, fry them for 2-3 minutes. minimum quantity vegetable oil, after which we also send it to the pan with broth and meat, where our potatoes are already cooked.

If you don’t like fried roots, then don’t saute them, but immediately throw them (after cutting) into the pan along with the potatoes.

5. We wash the sorrel under running water, then cut off the stems from it and chop it into small pieces.

6. Using the same principle, chop dill, parsley and green onions.

7. When the vegetables are completely cooked, pour the sorrel into the pan, boil it for 1-2 minutes, no more, so that it does not have time to darken.

8. Add chopped young onions. We also cook it, along with the rest of the ingredients in the pan, for no longer than 2 minutes.

9. Then add the chopped herbs, keep the container with the borscht on the fire for the last few minutes, then turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let the dish brew for about half an hour.

Spring green borscht also needs to be served in a special way: on the bottom of the plate we put the chopped half of a hard-boiled egg, then pour in a portion of the borscht and flavor it all with a tablespoon (or even more than one, to taste) of sour cream. You can put the remaining half of a boiled egg on top of the borscht.

If you need to decorate more than one portion, but several, then you will need more eggs. Based on the calculation - 1 egg per plate.
With your loved one's top fresh bread, grated with garlic (or just with pulp - depending on your preference), aromatic vitamin borscht with sorrel and herbs will definitely go with a bang. Its taste and health benefits are simply invaluable. Even children can enjoy this dish, because borscht has a pleasant, mild taste with a slight sourness, which only gives it a special piquancy.

Borscht, like any other dish, has its own classic recipe and many original cooking technologies. It is impossible to say that some of them are correct and some are not, because everything is decided by a matter of taste, and, as they say, there is no arguing about tastes.
However, if nothing but classic version cooking borscht, you don’t know, then our advice will come in handy for you. What ingredients are suitable for green borscht, what greens are added to borscht for a variety of taste - more on this and more - further in our recommendations.

1. Traditionally, when preparing Ukrainian green borscht, beef is used or tender veal. However, there are often cases when housewives cook broth from pork, for example, from fatty pork ribs.
From this type of meat, borscht without beets turns out to be more rich, and the meat itself cooks 2 times faster - only half an hour from the moment of boiling (unlike beef, which boils in the broth for at least 1.5 hours). Sometimes, green borscht is made from chicken fillet.

2. As for greenery, there should be a lot of it on different taste. There must be: sorrel, parsley, dill, young green onions; you can also add spinach, celery (both greens and roots) and other fresh varieties of greens to this spring “bouquet”.

3. Eggs in borscht are used exclusively boiled, but you can cut them in absolutely different ways: coarsely, finely, or even add whole half(but they put it this way only for decoration).

That's it for the cooking secrets popular dish exhausted. Now you know exactly how to cook green borscht correctly. You will see in practice that it is very simple. Even if you don’t know how to cook this dish, you can easily and fairly quickly learn all the intricacies of such a simple technology.

For even greater clarity, take a look good video recipe for green borscht. Try it, fill your body with vitamins and enjoy great taste amazingly healthy dish. Bon appetit!

Tags: Lunch dishes, Ukrainian cuisine

Green borscht can be cooked different ways, but the most delicious and at the same time easy to prepare recipe is based on the use of sorrel and eggs. In our family, this version of the dish is prepared in any weather: when it’s cool - on meat broth and eat it hot summer heatbased on vegetable broth and served cold. But the most important thing is that this hearty and tasty dish very simple.

How to cook green borscht from sorrel

Let's start with the list of products we need.

To prepare borscht we use:

  • potatoes 0.5 kg;
  • onions 1-2 pcs;
  • sorrel 1-2 bunches;
  • green onion 1 bunch;
  • greens 1 bunch;
  • meat on the bones for broth;
  • chicken egg 4 pcs;
  • sour cream to taste;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • spices as desired.

The number of components I indicate is approximate, it can be changed depending on your preferences.

When using components from the above list, borscht prepares quickly, turns out delicious and requires a minimum of effort even from inexperienced housewife. The broth turns out transparent, and the sorrel and green onions give the dish a green color.

If you have time and desire, you can complicate the recipe - make a classic frying using onions, carrots and tomato paste. Then the borscht will turn out red and will have more calories due to the vegetable oil on the basis of which the frying is prepared.

Green borscht with sorrel and egg recipe with photos step by step

If you decide to cook borscht with meat broth - boil the meat. You can use bone-in beef, pork, chicken or turkey. Lamb is not suitable for this dish, as it has a specific taste and hardens quickly. You can add bay leaves to the water for cooking meat. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the pan and strain the broth. The meat can be separated from the bones, cut into small cubes and add to the dish shortly before the end of cooking.

If borscht is cooked on vegetable broth, add to the pan along with potatoes and finely chopped onions one or two small carrots, which are removed after cooking. You can also add a small piece butter– it perfectly reveals the taste of carrot broth.

While the potatoes are boiling, you need to boil and cool the eggs, wash and chop the sorrel, green onions and herbs.

There is no need to cut the sorrel too finely; pieces of leaves 2-3 cm long will provide the dish with a pleasant consistency. But it’s better to chop the greens finely - the dill sprigs are too long ready dish tastes unpleasant.

Sorrel, greens, onions and quartered boiled eggs add 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking.

Borscht, to which chopped boiled egg has been added, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. You can extend the shelf life by boiling the dish for two to three minutes, but additional heating destroys the vitamins and disrupts the consistency of the borscht. To keep borscht longer and not lose its taste, grandma I've never added boiled eggs to a pan.. She always beautifully placed an egg cut in half on a plate before serving.

You can add spices to the dish before removing from heat. Suitable for green borscht: black pepper, suneli hops, ground coriander. But the main thing is good and juicy greens!

When preparing first courses, it is advisable to use black peppercorns: they retain their properties better when cooked. And in order for the spice to fully reveal the taste and give the dish unique aroma, a few peppercorns (8-15 pcs) Before adding to the broth, you need to crush it with a pestle or a wide knife.

Features of the dish “Green sorrel borscht”

If you like thick first courses, you can prepare green borscht in a different way: raw eggs beat with a blender until light foam forms and pour into the pan after adding sorrel. In this case, the borscht is stored longer and acquires more delicate taste and thick consistency. This cooking option is ideal for borscht in vegetable broth.

Before serving, add sour cream to the borscht poured into plates: 1 tbsp. spoon on plate. If desired, you can use mayonnaise instead of sour cream. Interesting taste Green borscht is enhanced by adding 1-2 tablespoons of thick matsoni to the plate. In combination with borscht in vegetable broth, you get a dietary option.

Green borscht allows the housewife to experiment, because it can be cooked in different ways: with or without meat, with frying and adding onions directly to the pan, pouring them into the broth runny egg or adding it to finished form into plates. Try it different variants, choose the one you like and make your loved ones happy!

With the arrival of spring, many people are impatient and want to eat faster fresh vegetables, greens. Light soup- green borscht with the pleasant sourness of sorrel will come in handy during this period. Yes, even in the summer great alternative saturate your body when there seems to be no appetite at all.

Our grandmothers and mothers often prepared this dish, but now this dish has moved a little to the side. I think it’s in vain. The benefits of vegetables and herbs are obvious, so besides this, green borscht is very nourishing, aromatic, rich and certainly tasty, and what more do we need.

If you can't buy fresh sorrel, canned food will cope with its tasks just as well. You can buy it in convenience stores.

Green borscht with sorrel in meat broth and egg

Rich, aromatic soup, what could be better for a lunch meal. The dish will be tastier if served with sour cream. The whole family will be full and will ask for more, and this is better than any praise. A step-by-step recipe will help you accurately prepare the most delicious soup.


  • Pork – 300 g
  • Potatoes - 6-8 pcs.
  • Onion - head
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Greens - a bunch
  • Sorrel - 2 bunches
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground black pepper
  • Water - 3 l


Wash the meat, cut in portioned pieces, transfer to a saucepan with cold water. Place the meat broth on the stove to cook, this will take 1.5 - 2 hours

As soon as the water begins to boil, you need to skim off the resulting foam with a spoon.

Remove the skin from the potatoes and cut into medium-sized cubes. Add the potatoes to the prepared broth

While the potatoes are boiling, prepare the carrot and onion fry. Peel the vegetables, chop, fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil until soft

Add tomato paste to the prepared roast, mix, fry the mixture for another couple of minutes and remove from heat

Place the fried onions and carrots in a saucepan with the softened potatoes. Add salt and black pepper to the broth. Seasonal spices can be added if desired.

Prepare the greens. It needs to be washed and finely chopped, including a couple of bunches of sorrel

Add all the greens to the soup

Break an egg into a bowl, add sour cream. Beat the mixture with a fork until smooth

Carefully pour in sour cream - egg mixture into the pan, while quickly stirring the contents

Leave the soup on the stove for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat.

Thick, rich green borscht is ready. Pour into plates and hurry to the table, bon appetit!

Green borscht with sorrel, meat and green beans

Many housewives have their own signature recipe this dish. I like to add green beans and beets in green borscht. A real spring - summer delicious dish. The broth in the recipe is made from turkey meat, you can use any other meat, it’s just that turkey is low in calories and this soup can be classified as a dietary dish.


  • Turkey – 300 g
  • Green beans - 70 g
  • Sorrel - bunch
  • Carrots - 1
  • Beetroot - 1
  • Onion - head
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Dill - bunch
  • Pepper mixture
  • Egg - 1
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


Place the turkey in a pan of cold water. Boil the meat broth, adding a little salt

Peel the onions, beets and carrots. Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots and beets into fine grater. Fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan. When the vegetables become softer, add tomato paste and simmer for 5 minutes.

Add the fried vegetables to the broth

Then immediately add the green beans

Beans can be a great substitute for potatoes, but you can add them to the soup if you wish.

When the beans are ready, add chopped sorrel and dill

Beat the egg with a fork and pour into the soup in a thin stream. Then add the spices.

Leave the soup to stand for about 10 minutes and you can start lunch or dinner. Eat with pleasure, bon appetit!

Delicious green borscht with sorrel, egg and wild garlic

A vitamin dish for all times. A hot, hearty soup will perfectly satisfy your hunger, and a slight sourness from sorrel will add sophistication to the dish. This borscht got its name due to large quantity greens and vegetables included. Useful first the dish will be a feast for your belly.


  • Water - 3 l
  • Canned sorrel – 500 g
  • Ramson - bunch
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled egg - 2 pcs
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - head
  • Ground black pepper
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


Cut peeled, washed potatoes into cubes

Place the potato cubes in a saucepan, fill it with water, and place on the stove to boil.

Peel the onion and carrots and chop. Fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil until done

Finely chop the wild garlic, you also have fresh sorrel, not canned, chop that too

Add sorrel and wild garlic to the soup. Next, send the roasted vegetables. Salt and pepper to taste.

Peel the boiled eggs and cut them into halves or quarters. Add to each serving when serving. Bon appetite!

Recipe for green chicken borscht with tomatoes and lentils

Beautiful, bright and aromatic soup. This recipe is with lentils added to the soup. This product has a number of useful properties, time fully cooked lentils will take no more than 15 minutes. I hope you will be interested and you will definitely prepare this dish for your family.


  • Chicken broth - 3 liters
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - head
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Celery root - to taste
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Lentils - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Tomatoes – 500 g
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Sorrel - bunch
  • Ground black pepper
  • Spices - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


First, boil the chicken for the broth. Ready broth strain, put back on the stove

Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. Place in boiling chicken broth

After boiling, add lentils to the pan

Peel the onions and carrots and cut into cubes. Peel the celery too and cut into cubes. Fry the vegetables together until done

Puree the tomatoes in a blender, or grate them without peeling

Pour the tomato puree into the frying pan with the onions, carrots, and celery. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes

In a bowl, mix eggs with sour cream until smooth

Place the roasted vegetables in a saucepan with the soup and bring to a boil.

Slowly pour in the mixture of beaten eggs and sour cream in a thin stream, while stirring the contents of the pan very quickly

Chop a bunch of sorrel and add to the soup. Add salt, pepper and spices to taste. Squeeze the garlic through a press and stir.

Bon appetite!

A simple recipe for green borscht with sorrel without meat

On chicken broth green borscht will be especially delicious. A variety of vegetables will give color and unique taste. And the abundance of greens will add an amazing aroma. Healthy dish You can even eat it cold.


  • Chicken – 300 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - head
  • Parsley - root
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Canned sorrel – 200 ml
  • Ramson - bunch
  • Boiled egg - 3-4 pcs
  • Bay leaf
  • Ground black pepper


Boil the chicken until cooked, remembering to remove the foam while boiling. Salt the broth to taste

Peel and cut the carrots and parsley root into small pieces. Transfer the vegetables to the prepared, boiling broth. Reduce the stove temperature to medium

Chop the peeled onion and place in a saucepan

Then peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, and add to the broth. Cook over medium heat for about 25 minutes until vegetables soften

You can use fresh, pre-finely chopped.

Peel the boiled eggs and cut into cubes. Chop the wild garlic finely.

Add wild garlic and chopped eggs to each serving when serving. Enjoy the taste and aroma, bon appetit!

Video recipe for green borscht with sorrel - Ukrainian

Bon appetite!

From the selection of recipes, you could see that the soup is very easy to prepare, almost in one go. In the end you get full lunch or dinner. It’s spring on the calendar, which means that greens are already available to many, and vegetables are on our shelves every year.

Take recipes to your piggy bank, cook and delight your loved ones with not only delicious dishes, but also healthy ones. As you know, soups should be eaten at least twice a week, this is important for the proper functioning of the entire digestive system. Good luck with your creation culinary masterpieces, see you soon!

First courses are simple and tasty for every day

Green borscht with sorrel and egg - universal dish: It’s pleasant to eat in the summer heat, and can be used to warm you up when it’s cool. Recipe with photo for you!

1 hour 30 minutes

95 kcal

4.57/5 (14)

Green borscht can be prepared in different ways, but the most delicious and at the same time easiest to prepare recipe is based on the use of sorrel and eggs. In our family, this version of the dish is prepared in any weather: when it’s cool - in meat broth and eat it hot, in the summer heat - based on vegetable broth and served cold. But the most important thing is that this hearty and tasty dish is very simple to prepare.

How to cook green borscht from sorrel

Let's start with the list of products we need.

To prepare borscht we use:


The number of components I indicate is approximate, it can be changed depending on your preferences.

When using components from the above list, borscht prepares quickly, it turns out delicious and requires a minimum of effort even from an inexperienced housewife. The broth turns out transparent, and the sorrel and green onions give the dish a green color.

If you have time and desire, you can complicate the recipe - make a classic fry using onions, carrots and tomato paste. Then the borscht will turn out red and will have more calories due to the vegetable oil on the basis of which the frying is prepared.

If you decide to cook borscht with meat broth - boil the meat. You can use bone-in beef, pork, chicken or turkey. Lamb is not suitable for this dish, as it has a specific taste and hardens quickly. You can add bay leaves to the water for cooking meat. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the pan and strain the broth. The meat can be separated from the bones, cut into small cubes and add to the dish shortly before the end of cooking.

If borscht is cooked in vegetable broth, add it to the pan along with potatoes and finely chopped onions one or two small carrots, which are removed after cooking. You can also add a small piece of butter - it perfectly reveals the taste of carrot broth.

While the potatoes are boiling, you need to boil and cool the eggs, wash and chop the sorrel, green onions and herbs.

There is no need to cut the sorrel too finely; pieces of leaves 2-3 cm long will provide the dish with a pleasant consistency. But it is better to chop the greens finely - too long sprigs of dill in the finished dish will taste unpleasant.

Sorrel, greens, onions and boiled eggs cut into quarters are added 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking.

Borscht, to which chopped boiled egg has been added, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. You can extend the shelf life by boiling the dish for two to three minutes, but additional heating destroys the vitamins and disrupts the consistency of the borscht. To keep borscht longer and not lose its taste, grandma I've never added boiled eggs to a pan.. She always beautifully placed an egg cut in half on a plate before serving.

You can add spices to the dish before removing from heat. Suitable ingredients for green borscht: black pepper, suneli hops, ground coriander. But the main thing is good and juicy greens!

When preparing first courses, it is advisable to use black peppercorns: they retain their properties better when cooked. And in order for the spice to fully reveal the taste and give the dish a unique aroma, a few peppercorns (8-15 pcs) Before adding to the broth, you need to crush it with a pestle or a wide knife.

Features of the dish “Green sorrel borscht”

If you like thick first courses, you can prepare green borscht in a different way: beat raw eggs with a blender until light foam forms and pour into the pan after adding sorrel. In this case, the borscht is stored longer, acquires a more delicate taste and thicker consistency. This cooking option is ideal for borscht in vegetable broth.

Before serving, add sour cream to the borscht poured into plates: 1 tbsp. spoon on plate. If desired, you can use mayonnaise instead of sour cream. Adding 1-2 tablespoons of thick matsoni to the plate gives green borscht an interesting taste. In combination with borscht in vegetable broth, you get a dietary option.

Green borscht allows the housewife to experiment, because it can be cooked in different ways: with or without meat, with frying and adding onions directly to the pan, pouring a liquid egg into the broth or adding it ready-made to plates. Try different options, choose the one you like and make your loved ones happy!

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