Raspberry liqueur and homemade wine: how to preserve the wonderful aroma of summer. Homemade raspberry liqueurs and tinctures

Step-by-step recipes homemade raspberry liqueur with vodka and cognac, lemon, coffee beans

2018-08-22 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


31 gr.

124 kcal.

Option 1: Classic homemade raspberry liqueur without vodka

Natural raspberry liqueur- a naturally fermented drink. No vodka or other alcohol is added to it. We use fresh and ripe berries, leaves and other debris are immediately removed. Additionally we will need granulated sugar and water. The list shows the ingredients for one three-liter jar.


  • 800 g sugar;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 2.2 kg raspberries.

Step-by-step recipe for classic raspberry liqueur

It is advisable not to wash raspberries. If the berries are very dusty, then quickly rinse them; under no circumstances soak them, otherwise they will take on a lot of water. Place in a jar and sprinkle with sugar. Take the pestle and knead it slightly.

Add filtered water to the berries. Stir, tie gauze around the neck to prevent insects from getting in. We put the raspberry tincture for the first fermentation. We stand for about four days.

As soon as the liqueur begins to actively ferment, a lot of foam will appear, an alcoholic aroma will begin to emanate from the jar, remove the gauze, stir the liqueur, and put on a medical glove with a hole in the finger. We leave the berries to ferment for another two weeks. The cake, as in the case of wine, does not need to be removed at this stage.

After the specified time, strain the liqueur, filter it, and send it to a clean jar. We leave it for another couple of weeks, but in a cool place with a temperature no higher than 12 degrees. The drink will continue to lighten, sediment will appear again, carefully pour off the tincture.

If you are not satisfied with the strength of the liqueur, you can always add vodka to it. Only after this do we let the drink sit again for at least a week.

Option 2: Quick recipe for raspberry liqueur

Raspberry liqueur can be prepared with or without alcohol. Vodka is most often used in fortified drinks. It makes the cooking process much easier, this is exactly the recipe here. To infuse, you will need a glass jar with a lid. The number of products can be increased proportionally.


  • 500 g raspberries;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 500 ml vodka.

How to quickly make homemade raspberry liqueur

We crush the berries and pour them into a jar, layering them with sand. Cover and leave for a couple of hours; there is no need to mash the raspberries in this recipe. Juice should appear and the sugar should almost all dissolve.

It's time to add vodka. Pour in the berries, stir them gently with a wooden stick, and put on the lid. It must be dense, otherwise the alcohol will begin to evaporate.

We put a jar of homemade raspberry liqueur in the sun; a windowsill is perfect for this purpose. Shake daily. We check that there should definitely be no granulated sugar left at the bottom.

In 5-7 days homemade alcohol strain, filter, pour into a bottle with a tight lid. Cool before use.

If you have time, you can leave the raspberries in vodka for two weeks. You can also adjust the amount of sugar, add more, but all the sand must dissolve, it is for this reason that it is advisable to pour the raspberries first, to provoke the release of juices.

Option 3: Recipe for raspberry liqueur with vodka and syrup

Another recipe for vodka liqueur. The drink turns out aromatic, bright, easy to prepare and season sugar syrup. Its strength will greatly depend on the juiciness of the berries. On average it ranges from 15 to 18%.


  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 3.5 kg raspberries;
  • 250 g sugar.

How to cook

We sort the berries, wash them carefully so as not to crush them, and let the water drain well. Fill with vodka and close nylon cover and put it in a dark and warm place for five days. Shake the jar several times a day.

First, pour the liqueur into a colander, squeeze out the raspberries, then filter through several layers of gauze to get rid of small particles. The cake is no longer needed, but you don’t have to throw it away, you can refill it with moonshine or vodka, let the alcohol infuse, the seeds with skins will give a pleasant aroma.

Boil water and sugar, cool, mix with raspberry vodka. We send the resulting liqueur to a cool place for a couple of days.

Option 4: Homemade raspberry and cherry liqueur

Raspberries and cherries are one of the most successful combinations. It's very interesting recipe raspberry liqueur with lemon and coffee. From all these ingredients we get an amazing drink with stunning color.


  • 400 g sugar;
  • 500 ml of vodka or moonshine;
  • 0.5 tsp. instant coffee;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 500 ml purified water;
  • 300 g raspberries;
  • 200 g cherries.

Step by step recipe

We wash the berries, there is no need to remove the pits from the cherries, they give off their own flavor. Sometimes the tincture is prepared simply from raspberries with cherry pits and leaves, which also turns out to be very interesting and rich drink. Pour the berries into a saucepan.

We wash the lemon, cut it into thin slices, and immediately discard the citrus seeds. Add the recipe water, put it all on the stove, cook regular compote 10-15 minutes. Cover and leave until completely cooled to set.

We take out all the berries and lemon from the compote, squeeze it out, you can do this with a colander or through cheesecloth. Add sugar, enter instant coffee, bring to a boil again. Strain immediately through a fine strainer.

All that remains is to mix the fruit syrup with alcohol. We let them sit for a week and combine, bottling them.

Liqueurs with added alcohol can also be prepared from frozen berries. This option is especially relevant in the spring, when last year’s supplies remain. If you plan to prepare alcohol by natural fermentation, then you definitely need fresh berries plucked from the bush; it will not be possible to process unclaimed leftovers.

Option 5: Homemade raspberry liqueur with cognac

Another simplified recipe for fresh raspberry liqueur. This drink has a very noble taste and aroma, as cognac is used. Recipe with fermentation.


  • 1 kg raspberries;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 0.5 l cognac;
  • 4-5 coffee beans.

How to cook

Mix raspberries with sugar and clean water, cover with gauze and leave to ferment for five days. Then we squeeze it out, pull on the glove or install a water seal, and leave it for another 10 days.

Strain the liqueur from the remaining berries. You can take a fine strainer or use gauze folded in four layers.

Combine raspberry liqueur with cognac. Stir. We throw several coffee beans into the bottles, fill them with the prepared drink, and put them in the refrigerator for 21 days.

It is not necessary to store liqueur and other low alcohol drinks in a refrigerator. If you have a cold cellar at home, then it is ideal for these purposes.

Option 6: Recipe for raspberry liqueur (jam)

If it's sugared or just stagnant raspberry jam, then you can make a wonderful liqueur from it. This recipe also includes vodka. Can be replaced with diluted alcohol, cognac, high-quality moonshine.


  • 500 ml raspberry jam;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

How to cook

Transfer the jam into a large jar and add vodka to it, stir. We do this especially carefully if the delicacy is candied, there are a lot of hard pieces. If you don’t want to get too sweet a liqueur, you can add a little purified water. This amount is no more than half a liter.

We close the jar with a lid that does not let air through. Place in a sunny and warm place. A window sill is ideal. Leave for a week, shake vigorously once a day.

After a week, strain the liqueur through cheesecloth, and then filter through cotton wool. Pour into bottles, put in a dark place for 21 days, keep at room temperature, then you can put it in a cool place.

Homemade liqueurs according to the given recipes can be prepared not only from red berries. Black, yellow, pink raspberries will also work. You can add blackberries or other berries to it, the assortment will have interesting taste, the color may also change.

Preparation time: 30 days
Number of servings: 15

Per 100 grams:
Proteins: -
Fats: -
Carbohydrates: 31
Calories: 131

For those who love sweet alcoholic drinks with a hint of berries, you can try making raspberry liqueur at home: a recipe with vodka, with or without sugar, based on jam or fresh berries. There are a lot of options. The soft-tasting raspberry liqueur has pleasant aroma and will appeal to all connoisseurs good alcohol. The great advantage of this drink is its ease of preparation and many beneficial properties.

Be careful! Alcohol in raspberry liqueur is almost not felt. Because of this, you may not even notice how drunk you become.

Raspberries are not only tasty, but also very healthy berry, so it is not surprising that it is often used to prepare a variety of drinks and dishes. A drink based on vodka and raspberries is called tincture or liqueur. Thick and sweet, it makes a great decoration festive table, and will also help improve your health. Raspberry tincture has many beneficial properties and can be used as medicine.

  1. The drink helps effectively fight influenza and acute respiratory viral diseases. Perfect option- use the tincture in combination with medication prescribed by the doctor.
  2. An effective remedy against seasonal colds.
  3. Raspberry tincture will help with illness.
  4. This drink can be used in the treatment of sore throat and laryngitis.
  5. The tincture will help relieve inflammatory and infectious processes occurring in the throat.
  6. Also used for various pathologies of the larynx.
  7. The drink is also often used to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Helps cope with inflammatory processes oral cavity, stomatitis.
  9. The drink has an immunostimulating effect and helps increase the body's protective functions.

In addition, raspberry liqueur, prepared at home, is an excellent sedative that can calm the nerves well. Consuming in small doses will help improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

The healing properties of the liqueur are explained high content in the berry salicylic acid, due to which the product will help with high temperature. It also has a diaphoretic and expectorant effect. Raspberry juice stimulates the functioning of the intestinal muscles, which prevents constipation and various problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beneficial influence on nervous system due to high content in raspberry copper. But such healing properties characteristic only for a drink that is prepared on the basis of berries, and not a chemical concentrate. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use the liqueur that was prepared at home in compliance with all proportions. Then there will be no doubt about its quality.

For raspberry tincture to help cope with the disease, the main thing is to use it in complex therapy, and not as a monotherapy. In addition, before use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

On vodka

The taste of the liqueur will depend on the amount of sugar in it. The more you add, the more cloying the taste will be, and vice versa. When preparing this drink at home, it is important to be guided by your taste preferences, and also strictly follow the recipe.

For cooking raspberry tincture You can use the simplest recipe:

When preparing raspberry tincture at home, a simple recipe will allow you to get a delicious aromatic drink using a minimum of resources and effort.

With added sugar

There is another simple recipe for making raspberry liqueur. The drink is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg raspberries;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of good vodka;
  • 1 liter of clean water.


For storage, the drink is filtered again and bottled. Store the liqueur at air temperatures from +6°C to +16°C.

Based on raspberry jam

The liqueur can be prepared even in the absence of fresh berries. Instead, you can use regular raspberry jam, which was prepared for future use. It ferments very well and will be an excellent raw material.

When preparing raspberry liqueur at home, a simple recipe will allow you to get a flavorful drink from just 2 ingredients: jam and vodka. To make the drink tasty, you must adhere to the general rules:

Improve taste qualities You can drink this drink with a few mint leaves.

To prepare a sweet alcoholic drink with raspberry flavor You can even use fermented jam. With this option, the liqueur is prepared according to the following rules:

  1. The ingredients are raspberry wort (fermented jam) and vodka in a 1:1 ratio. To enhance the aroma use vanilla sugar. For 1 liter of alcohol you will need 30 g of this sugar.
  2. All ingredients are mixed in a large glass container, which is then tightly closed and left for a while in a dry and dark place.
  3. After 7 days, you can taste the tasty and aromatic drink, but first you need to strain it.

Raspberry tincture should be stored in hermetically sealed bottles in a cool place.

Cooking secrets

You can get a tasty and aromatic drink even the first time. To do this, you should follow the recommendations:

When planning to prepare a tincture at home, you should remember that it is better not to mix raspberries with other berries. Firstly, the drink will not have a very appetizing color, and secondly, the liqueur will lose its unsurpassed aroma and taste.

The recipe for raspberry tincture with vodka does not require any rare ingredients; they are all accessible and understandable. And this greatly simplifies the process of preparing aromatic liqueur at home.

Raspberry tincture is one of the most popular homemade alcoholic drinks.

  1. For raspberry tincture, choose only ripe and whole berries.
  2. If you don’t have fresh raspberries, then frozen ones are also suitable, which must first melt at room temperature.
  3. Before use, the fruits must be sorted, removing spoiled ones.
  4. For alcohol base the best way fits good vodka or cognac. It is also allowed to use alcohol diluted to 40-45°.


On vodka

Raspberry vodka tincture has a pleasant sweet taste. Fortress ready drink moderate.

Prepare ingredients:

  • vodka – 1 liter;
  • raspberries – 3.3 kg;
  • sugar – 250-260 g;
  • water – 250-260 ml.

Cooking process.

  1. To prepare raspberry liqueur with vodka, place the berries in a clean jar and pour vodka over them.
  2. Close the container with a lid and transfer to a dark place.
  3. After 3 days, pour the liquid into another container.
  4. Combine water and sugar in a saucepan, put on fire and cook the syrup.
  5. When the sugar has completely dissolved, remove the saucepan from the stove and leave the syrup until completely cooled.
  6. Add the cooled syrup to the raspberry vodka and stir.
  7. Pour the tincture into bottles, seal tightly and send to a cool place for 2-3 weeks.
  8. After the specified time, filter the drink and store it in the general compartment of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

On cognac

Raspberry liqueur with cognac, prepared at home, turns out to be very aromatic.

Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries – 750-800 g;
  • cognac – 1 liter.

Cooking process.

  1. Rinse the raspberries, allow excess liquid to drain and place in a jar.
  2. Pour in all the cognac.

    Advice! The total mass of raspberries may be more or less than the specified value, this will depend on the size of the berries. But during cooking, make sure that the cognac overlaps the fruit by 3 cm.

  3. We close the jar with a nylon lid and transfer it to a warm place, where it should stay for about 2 months.
  4. After the specified time, pour the liquid into another container and further filter.
  5. Next, pour aromatic liqueur in convenient bottles and store in the refrigerator.

Without vodka

Raspberry tincture can be prepared without the alcohol component. And it becomes intoxicating as a result of natural fermentation.
Prepare ingredients:

  • raspberries – 2-2.2 kg;
  • sugar – 800-900 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking process.

  1. Prepare a three-liter jar.
  2. We put raspberries in it in layers and sprinkle each layer with sugar.
  3. Add water.

    Important! You need to regulate the amount of ingredients yourself and make sure that there is about 3 cm of free space left in the jar for fermentation!

  4. Using a wooden rolling pin, gently mash the berries.
  5. We install a water seal on the neck of the jar - a medical glove, on one of the fingers of which we make a hole.
  6. Place the jar in the sun, for example, on a windowsill.
  7. We watch the glove - at the beginning of fermentation it should inflate, then fall off. And when the air stops whistling out of the gas seal, the filling is almost ready.
  8. We filter the drink and cover it with a lid, then leave it in a cool place for another 2 days.
  9. Next, pour the tincture into bottles, seal tightly and store in the basement or refrigerator.

When and how to use

Raspberry tincture, prepared at home, is not only a decoration for the holiday table, but also an excellent remedy for colds. It contains unique beneficial features, which will help cure sore throat, eliminate sore throat, cough and increase the body's defenses.

In addition, due to the properties of the berry, this drink has a beneficial effect on capillaries, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. It can be an excellent help in the fight against kidney and stomach diseases and will save you from anemia.

Of course, you should not overuse the liqueur, thinking that it is guaranteed to save you from illness. Still this alcoholic drink, therefore it will be beneficial only when moderate consumption and will never compare in quality to fresh berries.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Pouring – traditional drink residents of Eastern Europe. A sweet, thick relative of liqueur has always been considered a table decoration and was made from fruits and berries. To produce the drink at home, you can use almost any raw material, but raspberries, due to their delicious aroma, have been considered the best ingredient for many years. delicious liqueur. Moreover, not only berries freshly picked from the raspberry tree are used, but also frozen raspberries. A variety of recipes allows you to make liqueur in several ways: natural fermentation, with vodka, moonshine or alcohol. More details all secrets successful cooking We will analyze the most delicious alcoholic drink in this article.

About the benefits of the drink

By using raspberries as the main ingredient in liqueur recipes, we get not only a tasty and aromatic alcoholic drink, but also a homemade medicine. Raspberries contain a large number of vitamins (B1, B2, B9, A, C), micro and macroelements. Raspberry liqueur will be an excellent preventative during the flu season, will serve as an antipyretic, and will help with vitamin deficiency and iron deficiency. The main thing in this treatment is not to overdo it; just drink a couple of tablespoons of liqueur three times a day before meals and you will significantly strengthen your immunity. You can also use the liqueur as a balm - adding it to tea, this drink removes toxins well and is especially useful in spring and autumn, during periods when additional vitamins will definitely not hurt the body.

Naturally fermented liqueur

Raspberries are often used as natural yeast for making homemade wines, so they are an excellent raw material for making naturally fermented drinks. The main thing is not to wash the berries, but only to remove the stalks and sepals from them, and also to get rid of dirty and rotten fruits. This recipe involves preparing liqueur following the example of liqueur wine, when raspberry juice undergoes fermentation along with sugar.

List of ingredients

  • raspberries: 2 kg;
  • sugar: 0.7 kg;
  • water: 150 ml.

This calculation is given for preparing a drink in three liter jar, do not increase the amount of ingredients - this may lead to squeezing out part of the mixture from the jar during fermentation. If you are planning a recipe for a container of a different size, then simply change the volume of each component proportionally.

Cooking process

  • Pour raspberries into a container in layers, alternating each layer with sugar. You should end up with 4-5 layers;
  • add water to raspberries and sugar. The water should be clean, but not boiled. When water is boiled, it loses oxygen, which is necessary for yeast development;
  • mash the raspberries with a wooden masher so that the berries release juice;
  • place the vessel with the drink in a warm place for about 4 days to start the fermentation process. The fact that fermentation has begun will be signaled by foam in the upper layers and a specific sour smell;
  • Remove the gauze from the container and put a water seal on it. If there is no water seal, then a rubber glove or ball can serve as one. Make a puncture in them to bleed air;
  • transfer the container to a dark place where the temperature is maintained at 22-30 degrees. Fermentation will continue for 3-5 weeks, during which time it is advisable to shake the future drink periodically. The raspberries will ferment and squeeze the pulp to the surface, which contains the maximum amount of yeast bacteria; stirring will allow them to be returned back to the liqueur;
  • monitor the end of fermentation. The water seal will stop releasing air bubbles, and the glove will deflate;
  • pass the resulting drink through 2 layers of gauze, transfer the container with the liqueur to a cool, dark place for 10-14 days. The composition should become clear, after which it is carefully poured into bottles, trying to prevent sediment from being overflowed;
  • bottled raspberry liqueur will reach its peak taste and tartness in about 2-3 months, but enjoy the aromatic raspberry drink you can do it right away. Its strength is small - 10-14 grams, the drink is stored in the refrigerator or cellar for 1-2 years.

Vodka liqueur

Making homemade liqueur with vodka is considered a simple, quick recipe, and the resulting drink is stronger than naturally fermented liqueur. As alcohol you can use not only vodka, but also moonshine, alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees, and cognac.

In order to turn 1 liter of 96% alcohol into 40%, you need to mix it with 1.4 liters. water.

List of ingredients

  • raspberries: 2 kg;
  • alcoholic component: 0.7 l.
  • sugar: 0.5 kg.
  • water: 0.5 l.

Cooking process

  • cover the container with gauze. Gauze prevents insects and dirt from getting into the drink, but does not block the access of oxygen;
  • transfer the container to a warm, dark place for 7-10 days, stir the ingredients once a day;
  • strain the resulting mixture through gauze folded 2-3 times;
  • Squeeze out the pulp thoroughly. At the output we get the so-called raspberry vodka and almost dry cake;
  • Mix the raspberry pulp (cake) remaining after squeezing with sugar and water, bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes, removing foam from the surface;
  • mix raspberry vodka with the chilled syrup obtained in the previous step;
  • re-strain the resulting mixture through gauze folded 2-3 times;
  • pour the liqueur into bottles and put them in a cool, dark place for 30-40 days to ripen the drink;

Homemade vodka liqueur can be stored (in a cellar or basement) for about a year without losing its consumer qualities.

Frozen raspberry liqueur

You can make a tasty, aromatic liqueur not only from freshly picked raspberries, but also from frozen berries. True, in most recipes it is recommended to use not vodka or alcohol as an alcoholic component, but homemade moonshine or mead. When frozen, the aroma of raspberries is significantly reduced, so the second ingredient should have its own distinct taste.

List of ingredients:

  • raspberries: 2 kg;
  • sugar: 0.2 kg.

Cooking process:

  • defrost the raspberries, pour them into a container and mash them using a wooden masher;
  • seal the neck of the container and place the container in a dark place for a week;
  • pass the liqueur through a layer of cotton wool and pour into a container for storage.

Raspberry jam liqueur

Craftsmen prepare homemade liqueur not only from fresh or frozen raspberries, but even from raspberry jam.

List of ingredients:

  • raspberry jam: 1 l.;
  • alcoholic component: 2.0 l.

Cooking process:

  • in one container, stir raspberry jam with alcohol, which can be vodka, diluted alcohol or moonshine;
  • place the container for a week in a dark place;
  • pass the liqueur through a layer of cotton wool and pour into a container for storage.

The simplest liqueur recipe

All the previously given recipes imply a multi-day process of preparing the drink, in this section we want to consider the option of preparing liqueur at home in a day.

List of ingredients:

  • raspberry juice: 1.0 l;
  • alcoholic component: 0.4 l.
  • sugar: 0.2 kg.

Cooking process:

  • pour the raspberries into a container and mash with a wooden masher;
  • Place the container with raspberries in a basin of water, bring the water in the basin to a boil and then keep it on low heat for 1.5-2.0 hours;
  • add sugar and alcohol to the raspberries, mix the resulting mixture thoroughly;
  • pass the liqueur through a layer of cotton wool;
  • pour the liquor into bottles and put them in a cool, dark place for a day to ripen the drink.

Sugar-free liqueur

List of ingredients:

— raspberries: 2.0 kg;

— alcohol component: 2.0 l.

Cooking process:

  • pour the raspberries into a container and mash with a wooden masher;
  • pour alcohol over the berries so that its level is level with the mashed raspberries or slightly higher;
  • transfer the container with the liqueur to a cool, dark place for 30-60 days;
  • pass the liqueur through a layer of cotton wool, pour into a storage container. The shelf life of sugar-free liqueur is 2 years. A few days before drinking, you can add a little honey to the drink, which will give the drink additional flavor and also lightly sweeten it.

Whichever of the presented recipes you choose, you are simply bound to like the resulting liqueur. Raspberries, being a sweet and very fragrant berry, in combination with alcohol reveal their aroma most fully, and we get an amazing result. delicious drink With rich taste and a pleasant crimson color.

Raspberry liqueur is like a song. She absorbs the gentle and bright taste summer berries, pleasantly intoxicating, looks beautiful. Its rich, dark pink color is surpassed only by the heady aroma of raspberries.

The usual strength of raspberry liqueurs is 10-20%, but it can be higher and lower. Homemade raspberry liqueurs ripen from 1 to 6 months. They can be stored from six months to a year: the more alcohol they contain and the lower the storage temperature, the longer your creation will last.

The benefits and harms of raspberry liqueur

ABOUT medicinal properties Everyone has known forest (and now garden) beauties since childhood. If you have a cold, drink some tea with raspberry jam!

So even more goes into the liqueur useful substances from this berry than into jam. Here you will find a whole vitamin complex (A, C, B-1, B-2, B-9, PP), necessary for the body“good” iron, calcium and sodium, phosphorus and manganese, copper and cobalt. In addition, the liqueur contains essential oils and salicylic acid, as well as many tannins.

In short, the drink gives youth and health to every organ in our body, lowers the temperature, and removes toxins. But they drink it as medicine not in glasses, but only 2 tablespoons (but 3 times a day!). At the same time, you don’t have to drink glass after glass (although this is not bad), you can add a medicinal portion to tea or fruit drink, dilute with water.

The liqueur also has pitfalls. It cannot be abused - that's it. Secondly, it is prohibited for people with alcoholism, small children (due to the alcohol content) and allergy sufferers.

By the way, as for allergies, people who react to anthocyanins can easily prepare themselves a liqueur from yellow varieties raspberries Such a drink will be much paler than its classic counterpart, but equally tasty and healthy.

Types of raspberry liqueur

Raspberry liqueur is prepared in several variations:

  • with and without alcohol;
  • with added sugar (fructose, honey) and without sweeteners;
  • only from raspberries or in a duet with other berries - strawberries, red currants, cranberries, etc.

Each of the options is delicious, fabulous, and delightful in its own way. Raspberry liqueur – great addition for desserts, ice cream, fruit slices.

  1. Berries. Must be fresh, healthy, ripe, without signs of spoilage and rotting, larvae and worms. Therefore, they need to be sorted out, throwing out all the rejects. Berries are washed only as required by the recipe, because there are technologies that use unwashed berries (to preserve natural yeast on their surface).

It is not advisable to use berries from the freezer; it is good to use them for cooking or tinctures.

  1. Alcohol. We take any alcohol exceeding 40% - vodka, cognac, fruit distillate home origin, diluted with drinking water ethanol and so on. Don't skimp on it. Alcohol of dubious quality will ruin all the pleasure from the liqueur. Of course, take it elite cognacs It’s not worth it for pouring, but cloudy, foul-smelling moonshine coupled with burnt vodka are not intended for such a delicate drink.
  2. Spices. The component is optional. But if desired, a pinch can be added to any liqueur recipe. Cumin, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and mint leaves go well with raspberries.
  3. Sweeteners. Most often it is sugar. But it can be replaced with honey, fructose, or not used at all, preserving the original raspberry sourness in the liqueur.

How to prepare raspberries for liqueur

Preparing berries should begin immediately after picking raspberries. Otherwise, they will release juice, and raspberry beetle larvae that accidentally fall into the bucket will infect all the berries.

If the berries do not need to be washed according to the recipe, then they are sorted out one at a time, carefully examining the areas inside the raspberries, and every spoiled place and every worm found in it is mechanically removed.

If the raspberries need to be washed, they are first sorted as described above, and then washed in small batches. A handful of berries is placed in a colander, which is slowly immersed several times in a bowl of water.

If there are a lot of raspberry beetle larvae in the berries - those little white worms - we do this: put the harvested crop in salt water(per 1 liter of water – 1 tsp salt). Let stand for 10-12 minutes, after which we drain the top layer of water with the floating larvae, and wash the berries themselves by placing them in a colander and lowering them into clean water.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur (with vodka)

Strength - 14-16%; output - approximately 1.5 l; shelf life – 1 year (at a temperature of 2-4°C).

Based on this recipe, you can make a “berry mix” liqueur if you take 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of any other berries - strawberries, blackberries, red currants, etc.


  • raspberries – 2 kilos
  • sugar – 0.5 kilos or honey – 300 grams
  • strong alcohol (40-45%) - vodka (alcohol, moonshine) - 700 ml
  • water – 500 ml

The liqueur is prepared as follows:

  1. Wash the raspberries and dry them if possible, crush them lightly with a pusher (made of wood) and pour them into a glass jar.
  2. Pour in alcohol. It should be 2-2.5 centimeters higher than raspberries. Therefore, be prepared that you will need additional alcohol.
  3. Close the jar with a PET lid and leave for 7 days in a place inaccessible to sun rays. To make the extract more concentrated, you need to shake the jar once a day.
  4. After a week, filter the tincture.
  5. Pour the resulting squeezed cake with water and boil, cool slightly and filter. Pour sugar into the resulting liquid, bring to a boil again and simmer for 5 minutes. low heat. Cool.

If you use honey, then do this: cake, diluted with water, bring to a boil, filter. We bring the temperature of the raspberry liquid to 40°C (either by cooling it or, on the contrary, heating it). Dissolve honey in it.

  1. In chilled sweet syrup pour the strained raspberry tincture, stir and strain through a gauze filter.
  2. The resulting alcohol is poured into a bottle and sent to the basement for maturation. The liqueur will mature for exactly one month.
  3. After 30 days, we take out the liqueur, carefully separate it from the sediment and pour it into the container in which it is supposed to be stored.

You can diversify the recipe by adding freshly squeezed filtered lemon juice. It must be introduced before sending the liqueur for maturation in the amount of 20-30 ml per 0.5 liter of liqueur.

Raspberry liqueur recipe (without vodka)

This recipe is prepared using a technology that is considered a classic for liqueurs. Alcohol is formed as a result of natural fermentation.

Strength - 7-12%; output - approximately 1.5 l; shelf life – 1 year (at a temperature of 2-4°C).

Sort the raspberries, but do not wash them! Glass jar(bottle with a wide neck) 4.5-5 liters, where the liqueur will be prepared, sterilize. Prepare sterile gauze.


  • raspberries – 3 kilos
  • sugar – 1.2 kilos
  • boiled, cooled or bottled water – 300 ml

The liqueur is prepared as follows:

  1. Place raspberries and sugar in a jar in layers: a layer of berries, a layer of sugar, berries, sugar, etc., until the prepared products are finished. The last layer is sugar. There is no need to compact it.
  2. Carefully pour in water. The jar (bottle) should be filled up to the shoulders, but not completely. Its volume - 4.5-5 liters - is most suitable for the specified amount of ingredients, but it all depends on the shape of the container.
  3. Place a wooden pusher or rolling pin into the berries several times, lightly kneading them, but without stirring or grinding.
  4. Tie the jar with gauze, closing its neck from the penetration of insects.
  5. Place the jar on the windowsill of a sunny window. After a few days (usually 3-4), the fermentation process should start - foam and a sour smell should appear.
  6. Now you need to remove the gauze and close the jar either with a lid with a water seal or with a rubber pharmacy glove with a hole in your little finger.
  7. After 20-50 days, fermentation will be completed, the “burbalki” on the water seal will disappear ( the glove will fall). This means it’s time to filter the liqueur.

The resulting raspberry cake should not be thrown away. It can improve the taste of home distillates (moonshine). To do this, you just need to fill the cake with 50-55% alcohol.

  1. After filtering, we keep the drink for another 7-10 days in a cool place, and separate it from the sediment.
  2. Now we pour the liqueur into a sterile container and seal it, keep it for 2-2.5 months in a cellar or basement (at a temperature of 5-16°C). If you want to make the drink stronger, you can add 40-45% alcohol to it before capping. But this is optional.

Ready-made raspberry liqueur (naturally fermented) goes well with citrus juices - orange, lemon, lime. They are added to it before use at the rate of 20-30 ml per 0.5 liter of liqueur.
