Step-by-step recipe for homemade shawarma in pita bread. Step-by-step recipe for homemade shawarma with chicken in pita bread

Shawarma– it’s very juicy and hearty dish, which came to us from the Middle East. It is prepared from lavash or pita bread. For the filling use minced meat (chicken, lamb, veal), vegetables, as well as various sauces and spices.

What can we say about the fact that Shawarma is the most popular “fast food” not only in our country, but throughout the world. Today we will show you how to make shawarma at home in pita bread. It is worth noting that the prepared dish will be in no way inferior to street shawarma, since we will prepare it according to a recipe that was suggested to me by an Arab chef I know.

The first version of shawarma was prepared by steppe nomads who wrapped fried saiga meat in a flatbread.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, parchment, meat hammer, cling film, coarse grater, knife for fine cutting, garlic press.


How to choose the right ingredients

At the time of purchase chicken fillet By weight, it is best to ask the seller to show you the product documentation. If you buy meat in a package, carefully study it, it must be completely clean, and here you will find a brand that must include all the information about storage rules, expiration dates, as well as the manufacturer.

Next, press on the fillet index finger. If the trace does not disappear, then the chicken was re-frozen. Also, don't trust oversized breasts. Most likely, such a bird was actively fed various growth hormone supplements. So we're trying choose medium-sized meat without defects and significant traces of dried blood.

To prepare the dish, we don’t need to look for a recipe for pita bread for shawarma at home, because even a regular store-bought version will do. To choose a good pita bread, carefully study the composition of the product: there should be nothing else here besides water, flour and salt. We also pay attention to the color of the product - it should be slightly pale, without defects or significantly burnt parts.

Step-by-step preparation

Preparing the sauce

  1. First, we need to mix 5 tbsp in a separate container. l. sour cream, 5 tbsp. l. ketchup and 5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
  2. Press 3 cloves of garlic directly into the sauce.
  3. Add 1 tsp. paprika and 5 finely uncut sprigs of dill. Mix well. Grate 150 g of cheese on a coarse grater.
  4. Let's move on to rolling up the shawarma. Don’t forget to stick to the 2:1 ratio (2 – vegetables; 1 – chicken). To begin, place the pita bread on the table and grease it with about 1 spoon of sauce.

    Important! If you don’t know how to properly wrap shawarma in pita bread, then follow the clear instructions: put the filling in the center closer to one of the edges of the bread, cover it with the short part of the pita bread, and only then with the sides. Afterwards we can safely twist the shawarma to the end.

  5. Spread the carrots and cabbage in an even layer.
  6. We put the meat.
  7. Add some cherry tomatoes and cucumbers (fresh and salted).
  8. Add some sauce and grated cheese on top.
  9. Carefully bending the edges, roll the shawarma tightly.
  10. To make the shawarma more juicy and crispy, transfer it to a baking sheet covered with parchment and place it in an oven preheated to 180° for 5 minutes.

In the same way we can easily prepare .

Cooking video

You will learn more about how to cook shawarma with chicken at home in the video. With it you can follow step by step each stage of preparation. Also in the video you will learn how to wrap shawarma in pita bread, and many others useful tips for preparing the dish.

How to decorate a dish

To slightly complement and decorate the dish, we use some greens. IN in this case You can use not only parsley and dill, but also, for example, rosemary.

The same decoration method is suitable for.

  • To make the meat more juicy and spicy, pre-marinate his. This can be done in any way. After marinating, the chicken also needs to be dried a little with a towel.
  • if you have cast iron frying pan and grill pan, feel free to use it for frying meat.
    We also use them for cooking.
  • We select only fresh pita bread , otherwise we won’t be able to roll the shawarma at all.
  • Before placing the rest of the ingredients on the pita bread, you need to sprinkle it with water diluted with lemon juice.
  • The secret of delicious shawarma– filling of several types of meat (chicken, beef and lamb), pre-marinated in a mixture of Arabic spices.
  • If during frying you find that the meat is dry, sprinkle it with orange juice . This will make its taste juicier and richer.
  • To make the sauce richer and more flavorful, first mix herbs with spices and garlic, and only then mix the resulting mass with the base.

    Important! You should not heat shawarma in the microwave, this will only make the pita bread soggy. If there is no oven, simply fry the dish on both sides in a frying pan.

How to serve a dish correctly

Shawarma is independent dish, it must be eaten with your hands. So let's put it on the table on a plate with big amount greenery. Shawarma can also be cut in half or into many small pieces. In some eastern countries Shawarma is served unwrapped.

Other cooking options

  • You can cook shawarma in pita bread at home completely different ways. To do this, at a minimum, we can experiment with vegetable filling. Let's try to replace white cabbage to Beijing. Or add it to the dish Korean carrots, bell pepper or zucchini. Also, don’t skimp on onions and herbs ( green onions, cilantro, parsley, dill). This will add spice to our shawarma.
  • These vegetables also add variety to the taste.
  • You can also use pickled mushrooms and soft cheese. In a word, the filling options here are limited only by your taste and imagination.
  • However, do not forget that the sauce plays a very important role here. You can use any (mushroom, cheese, cream, tomato, mustard, etc.). The main thing is not to forget that it should emphasize the taste of the meat, and not interrupt it.

Let us know in the comments if you liked the recipe for homemade chicken shawarma. And also share yours ideas and cooking options of this dish. Bon appetit!

Shawarma or shawarma? At first, I thought that these were one and the same thing, and the difference in names was nothing more than part of a “dispute between two capitals,” they say, in Moscow they feed shawarma, but in St. Petersburg the same dish is called shawarma. My theory collapsed when, upon arrival in the official capital, I discovered that Moscow shawarma was not at all similar to our Ural one. As it turned out, the dish is still the same, it’s just called differently in different parts of our homeland.

The confusion, by the way, is caused not only by dialectical features, but also by the fact that the basis for shawarma/shawarma comes in two types. That’s why in the Urals, for example, there are two different dishes. Shawarma is a thin pita bread in which the filling is “swaddled”, and shawarma is half a round pita bread (pita) stuffed with meat and vegetables. Cafes often offer the second option, but at home it’s easier to make shawarma, since stores sell mostly thin pita bread.

I offer you a recipe for homemade shawarma, which you can take as a basis and make some changes if you wish.

Necessary ingredients for 4 chicken shawarmas

  • Armenian thin lavash - 2 pcs
  • Korean carrots - 200g
  • Tomato - 2 pcs
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs
  • Half an onion
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup - approximately 12 tablespoons
  • Chicken fillet - 400g
  • Herbs and seasonings to taste.

How to cook shawarma at home?


Wash the fillet and cut it into small pieces.

Chop the onion and fry in small quantity butter until golden brown.

Add the chicken to the onion and fry until done. Add spices.

Cut cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs. If you wish, you can make a salad of vegetables and herbs, season with your favorite sauce and add it to the shawarma.

Mix mayonnaise and ketchup in a 1:1 ratio, that is, 6 tablespoons of each. If desired, you can add finely chopped garlic to the sauce.

Cut each pita bread crosswise into two equal parts.

All the ingredients are ready and it’s time to move on to the most important thing. You can determine the sequence and quantity of ingredients yourself. A child, for example, is unlikely to like Korean carrots, so you can simply add more cucumbers.

So, the assembly:

Place half of the pita bread on the table, grease one edge with a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup.

Then place one by one on top of the sauce: chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, Korean carrots, greenery.

We bend the edges of the pita bread from the bottom, top and right a few centimeters.

We wrap the filling like the hero wrapped Fedya in a roll of wallpaper in “The Adventures of Shurik.”

Homemade shawarma is ready!

The whole process takes no more than an hour, and your loved ones will surely like the result.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that you can experiment by replacing, for example, tomatoes and cucumbers with cabbage or lettuce, chicken with beef or sausage. The sauce is generally a separate topic for the manifestation of imagination. Try it and be surprised!

Probably everyone has heard about shawarma, many people have eaten it, but I think not so many people have made it at home, although there is nothing complicated in preparing shawarma. In principle, Caucasian shawarma, and many other examples can be cited in different countries mine, this is the filling wrapped in a flatbread.

The fillings are different for everyone, mostly vegetables, meat, and less often fish. Be sure to have some kind of sauce based on sour cream, tomatoes or ketchups derived from them, mayonnaise, and all kinds of hot sauces. However, when you cook at home, add whatever your heart desires. All this will be delicious.

How to cook shawarma at home step by step recipes with photos

Let's look at a few recipes, and then you will understand how it's all done, what you can roughly put in it, and you'll cook everything yourself to your liking. In the first recipe we will tell you how to make lavash correctly, but now it’s easier, of course, to buy lavash in a store or on the market, which is what many people use. There are very good pita breads, and good means soft and flexible.


  1. How to make lavash at home


Thin lavash:

  • Flour - 350 g.
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
Homemade shawarma:
  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.
  • Fresh cabbage - 1/4 head
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Butter - 20 g.


1. Place a pan of water on the stove and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, pour salt into it and stir well.

2. Pour the flour into a deep bowl and make a small depression in it. Gradually, piece by piece, stirring well each time, pour the water into the flour.

3. Add vegetable oil to the dough and stir with a fork until it cools and can be kneaded with your hands.

4. Place the dough from the cup onto cutting board and start kneading well, it will take 4-5 minutes. The dough is ready, wrap it in cellophane and let it rest for 30-40 minutes.

5. The dough has rested, we make it into such a thick sausage.

6. For our frying pan, with a diameter of 24 cm, we divide it into 12 parts. If your frying pan is larger or smaller, divide into another number of parts that is convenient for you.

Since pita bread fries very quickly, it is advisable to first roll out all the pieces of dough into flat cakes. You need to roll it out very thin.

7. After rolling out, give it a beautiful round shape, trimming the edges along the lid of the frying pan or along the plate. We remove the excess.

8. The frying pan must be well heated. If the temperature is low, the pita bread will not rise, but if it is high, it will burn. Therefore, we set the stove setting to slightly above average.

9. You need to prepare a plate for the finished lavash and water with a brush for greasing the lavash. You also need a damp towel to cover the pita bread.

10. As soon as they appeared on the cake big bubbles, it must be turned over.

11. Also fry on the second side.

12. Place the finished pita bread on a plate and carefully brush with water on both sides. Cover the pita bread with a damp towel, then the pita bread will be soft and flexible.

13. And we do this as many times as we have flatbreads. The lavash turned out soft and tasty. It can be used instead of bread.

We store it in a plastic bag for 3 days in the refrigerator. Can be stored in the freezer for several months. It defrosts in literally 10 minutes.

Well, if we made lavash with you, let's finish it to the end and fill it with a simple filling.

14. Cut the chicken fillet into thin pieces.

15. Place in a frying pan butter and heat it up.

16. Place the chicken fillet in a frying pan and fry.

17. While the chicken is frying, cut the cabbage into strips, shake it well with your hands and add salt.

18. The meat is almost ready, salt and pepper it, bring it to readiness. Do not dry it out, the meat should be juicy.

19. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

20. Peel the cucumbers and cut into strips.

21. Stuff the pita bread with filling. First we put in the cabbage.

22. Then add the meat.

23. Add sour cream and a couple of slices of cucumber.

24. Wrap the pita bread, tucking in the ends.

25. Place the lavash rolls in the same frying pan where the meat was fried. Preheat the pan.

26. One by one, press the rolls with a spatula so that they become a little flat.

27. We do the same on the other side.

Well, our pita breads are ready.

Place on a plate and serve.

Bon appetit!

  1. Shawarma made from the best beef


  • Marbled beef steak
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Avocado
  • Bulb onions
  • Olive oil or any vegetable oil.
  • Corn lettuce or spinach, or other salad of your choice. Try not to let it overpower the taste of the meat.
For the sauce:
  • Cottage cheese
  • Medium Mexican Taco Sauce
  • Garlic


Let's start with the vegetables so that the meat is straight from the pan.

1. Cut the cucumber into strips and then cut into small cubes.

2. We also cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

3. Now we will add the avocado. If anyone doesn’t know, avocados should be bought soft. Peel the peel.

4. Divide the avocado in half; one half is enough for one serving, or maybe even two.

5. Finely chop the onion and put everything in a deep cup.

6. We water it all olive oil. Salt and sprinkle with black pepper.

7. This is how our salad turned out. Mix everything and set aside.

8. Prepare the sauce. Take a tablespoon curd cheese, we have Italian tomatoes, you can take any, put it in a bowl.

9. Add a tablespoon of Taco sauce there. Can be replaced with homemade treatment or purchased. If there large vegetables, cut it smaller.

10. Salt, pepper and add, grated, garlic to taste. Mix everything thoroughly. The sauce is ready. Set aside.

11. Now let's take on the meat. Meat is expensive, we will fry the whole steak. Salt and pepper the steak on both sides.

12. Turn on the frying pan - grill or just a frying pan and heat it up high. Place the steak on a hot grill, without oil, and fry it for 4-5 minutes, periodically lightly pressing it with a fork, until the meat turns golden. If we fry in a simple frying pan, you need to add a little odorless oil so as not to interrupt the taste of the meat.

13. Turn over and fry as well, don’t forget to press down and don’t dry it out. Since we have marble beef, you don’t have to fry this steak all the way through, but leave it a little bloody. But this is not for everyone.

14. Our steak is ready.

15. Wrap the steak in foil and let it rest for 2-4 minutes.

16. Cut the steak into layers, look how beautiful the steak turned out.

17. Cut these layers of meat into pieces.

18. Spread the pita bread with sauce, stepping back a few centimeters from the end. Place the salad on top of the sauce.

19. Place the meat on the salad.

20. Lubricate with sauce

21. And finally, lay out the vegetables.

22. Wrap the pita bread, tucking the edges.

23. Place the wrapped pita bread on the grill, or an already dry frying pan and fry on both sides for 1-2 minutes. It depends on how fried and crunchy you like it.

Shawarma is ready. Look how beautiful it is. Real jam.

Bon appetit!

  1. Shawarma with beef without fat


  • Lavash - half a sheet
  • Natural yogurt -2-3 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 1 tsp.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp.
  • Beef - 150-200 g.
  • Spinach
  • Tomato - 1 pc.


1. Cut the meat into thin, small slices that are convenient for you. We will cook in a slow cooker. Place the meat in a slow cooker without oil. Add salt and stir constantly until cooked. Since our pieces are small and thin, they will fry very quickly.

2. Before finishing frying the meat, add spices. Add your favorites. Usually, black pepper or red pepper, or both, are added, and other spices are to taste. We added turmeric, fennel, cumin, red pepper, coriander, etc.

3. Turn off the multicooker, close the lid and set aside for a while.

Prepare the sauce.

4. Take about 2 tablespoons of yogurt without additives, add a teaspoon classic mustard, teaspoon balsamic vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly, you can add more spices here.

5. Take half of the pita bread, grease it with sauce, and put what has already reached the top on top. full readiness meat, Place the spinach leaves on top without cutting them and cut the tomato into thin pieces as you see fit. You can add a few onion half rings.

6. Roll up, picking up the edges. Place on the grill or in a frying pan. Fry a little on both sides.

The shawarma turned out to be nourishing, tasty and healthy, as it was prepared without fat.

Bon appetit!

  1. How to cook shawarma at home


We have all the ingredients already chopped.

  • Chicken fillet - 200-300 g.
  • Any grated cheese - 100-150 g.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Korean carrots - 200 g.
  • Cilantro
  • Sauce - mayonnaise, ketchup, sour cream in equal proportions. See what you like best, you can add more of it.
  • Armenian lavash - 2 pcs.


1. Marinate the chicken fillet, add salt, pepper, sprinkle with chicken spices, add a little table vinegar, or soy sauce, to your taste and set aside for 20 minutes. Place the frying pan on the stove, pour a little vegetable oil, heat well and fry chicken fillet. Do not overcook, the fillet should be juicy.

2. Add onion and fry until transparent. The entire frying took approximately 10 minutes.

3. Divide the pita bread in half, take half and coat with sauce. Lubricate almost in the middle, but closer to the edge, which is towards you.

4. Place fillet pieces on the sauce.

5. Place Korean carrots on top.

6. Add cucumbers.

7. Then add tomatoes.

8. Spread sauce on top.

9. Sprinkle with cheese.

10. Sprinkle with herbs, we have cilantro.

11. Wrap the envelope.

The roll is ready. Please note that the lavash on top was somewhat flaky because it was a bit dry.

You need to put it in the microwave or in a frying pan so that the cheese melts.

Shawarma is ready. Cut into halves and place on a plate.

Lovely - expensive to see, but the taste is indescribable.

Bon appetit!

    1. Video - How to make delicious shawarma in 5 minutes

    1. Shawarma at home

    1. Homemade shawarma recipe

Shawarma is a popular oriental dish of Arab origin. It's very well prepared delicious food from pita bread, which begins minced meat, grilled, with the addition spices, sauces and salad made from fresh vegetables.

Now this dish occupies a leading position among fast, satisfying “street” food and not everyone can pass by the aroma fried meat. Shawarma can be bought not only in street stalls, it is served in cafes and even restaurants.

Meat can be lamb, chicken, veal, turkey; in non-Muslim countries, pork can also be found.

The advantages of shawarma are that it is quick and easy to prepare, it turns out to be very satisfying, and more and more housewives are trying to cook it at home.

An electric grill offered by manufacturers will help us cook meat. household appliances. Thin flatbreads- We’ll also make lavash with our own hands, although supermarkets now offer them in a wide range.

Shawarma recipe

for the test we need:

  • flour - 360 gr
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - 20 gr.
  • hot water - 200 ml.

step by step preparation:

We prepare lavash - flatbreads for shawarma. Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, stir. Make a depression in the flour and pour vegetable oil and hot water into it (temperature - 80 degrees), and knead the dough.

Then place the dough on the table and knead some more, do not add any more flour. The dough was kneaded well, it became smooth and does not stick to your hands. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes, wrapped in cling film.

Roll the dough into a sausage and cut into six equal parts. Grease the table and rolling pin with oil and roll out the dough very thin.

Fry the rolled out dough until completely dry and hot frying pan on both sides.

Post it ready hot pita bread on a cutting board, so that it does not dry out and is soft, sprinkle with water and cover with a towel.

Lavash prepared according to this recipe turns out soft, thin and smells wonderful. Delicious!

To ready-made lavash do not ventilate, store it in cling film.

To prepare the filling you will need the following ingredients:

for the sauce:

  • unsweetened yogurt
  • garlic
  • black pepper
  • dried herbs: coriander, dill, parsley, cumin, hops-suneli, curry
  • greens: green onions, dill, parsley, basil, cilantro


We will fry the pre-marinated meat in a vertical grill. We string pieces of meat onto vertically located skewers; they will rotate around their axis and relative to the heating elements.

Fry the meat for about 10 - 15 minutes. When the meat is browned, turn off the grill. Chop the meat pieces further. The advantage of grilling meat is that when searing excess fat flows into special cups.

Other options for cooking meat - simmer the meat in a frying pan, or boil it in broth, cook in the oven, or in a slow cooker (for 1 hour, “Baking” mode).

Chop the cabbage and carrots into very thin strips, chop the tomatoes and cucumber, chop the parsley. In a large bag, mix cabbage, carrots and add chopped parsley, add salt, sugar and just a little vegetable oil. Tie the bag and shake well several times and leave for a while.

preparing white garlic sauce

Add finely chopped garlic clove with cumin to the yogurt, salt and black pepper to taste. Let the sauce sit for 20 minutes.

Sauce by classic recipe goes well with any type of shawarma.

Grease the baked flatbread with sauce, then lay out cabbage salad with carrots, fried meat, cucumber ribbons, tomato slices, wrap everything up and... Bon appetit!

Delicious shawarma with chicken and Korean carrots

Shawarma using chicken meat- the most common variants of this dish. Chicken meat has delicate taste, roasts well and goes well with various vegetables and sauces.


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg
  • fresh cabbage – 300 gr.
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • Korean carrots 100 gr.
  • salt and pepper, sauce - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying chicken
  • onion – 1 onion

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Thinly slice the onion into half rings and start frying in a frying pan in a small amount of oil. Then add chicken fillet cut into small pieces to the onion, add salt, and you can add spices to taste. When meat is fried on onions, the juice does not leak out, and the meat turns out juicy.
  2. Try to chop the white cabbage as thinly as possible, place it in a deep bowl, add salt, sugar, a drop of vegetable oil and vinegar, mix gently with your hands, do not crush it too much.
  3. Chop cucumbers and tomatoes into strips. Korean-style carrots can be purchased in advance from salad vendors at the market.
  4. Lay out the pita bread and layer all the ingredients, starting with the cabbage. Top with homemade ketchup and wrap. Shawarma is ready. Bon appetit!

An appetizing shawarma prepared according to this recipe will turn out juicy, and the carrots will add a touch of spicy flavor.

Appetizing shawarma with sausage and cheese

As a rule, shawarma is prepared with meat, but it can be replaced with boiled meat, smoked sausage or ham. It will turn out no less tasty and very quickly.

Cut vegetables, sausage and cheese into thin slices. It is better to take sausage without fat, and cheese durum varieties, it will melt better and the taste will be completely different. Grease a sheet of lavash with white sauce, lay out vegetables, sausage and cheese. Pour on top tomato sauce, wrap, and fry in a dry frying pan until lightly browned, so that the filling is well heated.

We have already learned how to prepare white garlic sauce, now we will prepare tomato sauce. He's on his own taste qualities far superior to regular ketchup. You can add fresh vegetables to it.

Making red tomato sauce

We will need the following ingredients:

  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • tomato – 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt, sugar
  • ground red pepper, cilantro


Cut the onion and tomato into cubes and sauté in a frying pan.

Take a blender and add chopped bell peppers, sautéed tomatoes and onions, red ground pepper, salt, sugar, tomato paste, cilantro. Grind everything to a consistency thick sour cream. Let it brew for 20 minutes. It turned out tomato spicy sauce with a bit sweet - pungent taste!

Shawarma in St. Petersburg at home

The homemade version of shawarma is very masculine, plentiful and tasty!!!

The main criterion by which shawarma differs from shawarma is the shell. For shawarma, use thin pita bread, and for shawarma, half a pita bread.

Hearty vegetarian shawarma with mushrooms

Vegetarian shawarma is unusual and very tasty dish. If you do not eat meat, it is very easy to replace it with mushrooms.


  • champignons or any Forest mushrooms— 250 grams
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lettuce leaves
  • tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Sort the mushrooms, wash them thoroughly, cut into slices. Place them in a frying pan, add salt to taste and fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Wash, peel and cut onion rings. Add it to the pan after about 15 minutes from the start of cooking. Fry the dish for about 10 minutes until the onions acquire an appetizing golden color.
  3. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands, and cut tomatoes and cucumbers into cubes.
  4. Lubricate the lavash with white garlic sauce and place lettuce leaves, tomatoes cucumbers, fried mushrooms. Top everything with red tomato sauce. Roll the shawarma into a roll or envelope.

Video. How to wrap shawarma in pita bread

Shawarma is not only hearty food for the whole family. This dish may become a favorite among your friends. The male part of the company will appreciate this shawarma served with beer. And although it is called a man's dish, I think women will like it too!

If you liked the recipes, like and share them with your friends. Thank you!

This dish is from oriental cuisine everyone knows for sure. At least once, everyone bought shawarma in tents. There are several varieties of shawarma - meat with vegetables in pita or meat with vegetables in thin lavash. The first option seems more familiar to some, while others love exclusively the second.

It is believed that real shawarma, traditional turkish dish, is deep-fried lamb mixed with salads and wrapped in pita bread.But outside eastern countries, lamb is not so often used as food, so for shawarma you can also use other types of meat - chicken, pork, veal, turkey, beef. It all depends on your personal preferences. Of course, in eastern countries they choose meat only in accordance with traditions, and they prepare this dish somewhat differently than we are used to, but in general the technologies are approximately the same.

Making shawarma at home is not at all difficult, we hope our tips and recipe will help you.

Shawarma filling

In addition to the main ingredient - meat - tomatoes, onions, pickles, cabbage, lettuce, and mushrooms are added to shawarma. Again, it all depends on personal preference. Some shawarma connoisseurs do not recognize any fillers other than meat and sauce. It is important that various spices are used in this dish - this will add an oriental touch and make the taste more pronounced.

As a sauce, which is also added to the filling, you can use sour cream, cheese (hard or creamy), mayonnaise, garlic or sour cream sauce, ketchup, mustard. It’s good to add a lot of herbs to the filling to taste - dill, cilantro, basil, parsley, green onions. If you want to cook shawarma at home, then it depends only on you how complex or simple the filling will be, how many components it will contain and what its taste will be.

A few cooking secrets

Pay attention to the pita bread or pita bread that you plan to use for shawarma. They must be fresh. Dried pita bread is in no way suitable for preparing this dish, because it cannot be rolled without cracks. It is also difficult to put filling into stale pita, as it will crumble and look unpresentable.

In order for your shawarma to be juicy and soft, we recommend marinating the meat first. Lemon juice, kefir, olive oil - any simple marinade will make even the toughest meat tender. It is very important, if you want to get that same shawarma taste, to fry the meat correctly. Best to use cast iron frying pan, you can use a cast iron grill pan.

Before frying, the meat is blotted with a dry towel to remove excess marinade and moisture. Fry it practically without oil in a heated frying pan, stirring constantly until golden brown crust. Already ready dish, placed in pita bread or rolled into a lavash roll, it is recommended to lightly fry it in a dry frying pan on both sides.

Preparing sauces for filling

Shawarma with garlic and spicy sauce tastes best. They are very easy to prepare. For garlic sauce you need to mix sour cream with garlic, green onions and pickled cucumber. And for hot sauce mix natural tomato paste with cilantro, olive oil, lemon juice and adjika.

Grind all the ingredients for the sauces in a blender until smooth and add them to the finished filling in the quantity you like. If you want to make a more traditional dish, then use two of these sauces for the filling. Or add the sauce that you personally like best.

Rolling shawarma from pita bread

In order for the shawarma to be appearance similar to store-bought and so that meat and vegetable juices, it is important to learn how to fold it correctly. It is best to unfold the lavash sheet on the table and lightly sprinkle it with water.

We step back a few centimeters from the edge and generously grease the pita bread with one or two sauces. We put vegetable filling, put the meat on top, pour the sauce over it. Then we cover everything with the short part of the pita bread, then with the side parts, and at the very end we roll up the roll using the long part of the pita bread.

Recipe for homemade shawarma in lavash

You can add sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, lettuce leaves, and grated cheese to the filling of this shawarma to taste.

