Baby food for newborns. Which mixtures are better? Reviews, ratings, testimonials, prices, listings without palm oil and goat milk. Infant formulas for newborns without palm oil: list of manufacturers

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Usage palm oil in food production and infant formula are constantly discussed by doctors and nutritionists. The media are speculating on this topic in every possible way, intimidating citizens about the harm of palm oil to health. But, if the product is harmful, then why is its use not prohibited? In addition, it is actively added to infant formulas intended for feeding babies from the first day of their life. Scientists claim that palm oil itself is not a carcinogen, and its presence in certain quantities in infant formula is justified. In this article, let's take a closer look at the possible pros and cons of having palm oil in infant formula, as well as what palm oil-free formulas exist.

What is palm oil

Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is extracted from the pulp of the fruit. oil palm. Palm oil has a semi-solid consistency, an orangeish color and a pleasant sweetish taste and smell. But after refining (purification), it becomes odorless, tasteless and colorless; this is exactly the kind of palm oil used in the food industry.

How is palm oil produced?

Palm oil is obtained by pressing the pulp of the fruits of the oil palm tree, which grows in Malaysia and Indonesia. Next, to obtain palm oil from the necessary properties it is subjected to fractionation. During this process, separation occurs
palm oil into fractions: palm olein (liquid) and palm stearin (solid).
If palm olein is re-fractionated, it becomes a “super” olein.

Palm oil olein and super olein chemical composition contains less palmitic acid, but at the same time the content of unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic) increases, which leads to a decrease in their melting point.
In addition, in the chemical composition of palm olein, the proportion of molecules in which palmitic acid occupies lateral positions 1, 3 decreases and the proportion of triglycerides with palmitic acid in the central position 2 increases. We will explain the positions of palmitic acid in more detail later.

Composition of palm oil

The chemical composition of palm oil is a mixture of triacylglycerols, which consist of:

1. Glycerin.

2. Fatty acids:

Palmitic – 44%;

Oleic – 39%;

Linoleic acid – 10%;

Stearic – 4.5%;

Myristic – 1.1%;

Lauric – 0.2% and others.

Also contains vitamins A and E (fat soluble).

Palm oil is very well absorbed in the adult body by 96%, and cow's milk only by 90%.

Palm oil – 40-47%;
- lard – 30%;
- butter – 25%;
- soybean oil – 6.5%.

The structure of triglyceride molecules in palm oil

The location of palmitic acid in unmodified natural vegetable oils, including palm oil, is distinguished by the negative position 1, 3 (side, alpha) in the triglyceride molecule. This situation leads to the fact that it is easily cleaved off under the action of the lipase enzyme, and then free palmitic acid combines with calcium and forms insoluble compounds. These insoluble complexes are not absorbed in the intestine and are excreted unchanged from the body. This leads to the inability to absorb fats and calcium, and also leads to the development of constipation in the child. In a woman’s breast milk, palmitic acid is mainly in a favorable position (beta or central), which protects it from the action of lipase and the formation of calcium salts. In this case, fatty acids that have no affinity for calcium are released from the side positions of glycerol, and palmitic acid in the form of 2-monoacylglyceride forms micelles with bile salts and is well absorbed, providing the child with the necessary nutrients and energy.

Interesting fact! Palmitic acid content in breast milk increases in winter and decreases in summer.

Why is palm oil added to baby formula?

The milk formula must fully satisfy the baby's needs for fats, and in addition, the composition of these fats should be as close as possible to breast milk, both in chemical composition and in spatial position. At the moment there is not a single formula that could fully replace breast milk, but food industry does not stand still, and every year milk formulas for children are improved and are closer in all characteristics to breast milk.

Fat from cow's or goat's milk is added to regular infant formulas, they are very different from the fat of breast milk, and in order to balance them and bring the formula closer in nutrients to breast milk, they add vegetable fats, including palm oil, or their fractions, as well as fish oil.

There are a number of reasons why manufacturers add palm oil to infant formula:

1. Promotes maximum proximity fat composition mixtures to human breast milk, its composition, since of all those allowed for baby food vegetable fats Palm oil contains the most palmitic acid.

2. Contains saturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. The health of the baby depends on these elements. They influence the formation of cell membranes and hormones, saturate the child’s body with the energy necessary for its growth.

Naturally, no formulas can completely replace mother’s breast milk, but manufacturers are trying to bring them as close as possible to it. Children fed with a formula containing palm oil develop according to accepted standards and do not differ from their peers who are breastfed. Nutrition institutes have issued an official conclusion in which the use of palm oil in baby food is permitted.

Palm oil in infant formula: benefits and harms

Let's look at the effect of palm oil on the body of adults and infants, what is the benefit and harm of palm oil for children.

Harm of palm oil for adults

The media inform citizens about negative impact palm oil not only on infants, but also on adults. What are their claims based on?

Negative effects on the adult population:

Saturated fatty acids, found in all vegetable oils and animal fats, can cause in humans:

Increased (“bad”) cholesterol;

The occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;

Increase in body weight.

Listed Negative consequences are possible only with uncontrolled intake of the corresponding products. It is worth noting that the intake of saturated fatty acids in the required quantities into the child’s body and the formation of cholesterol are necessary infant for the construction of hormones and cell membranes, and also as a source of energy. Therefore, palm oil is good for babies in this regard.

Harm of palm oil for children

Negative effects on infants:

1. Palm oil contained in formulas has a negative effect on the baby’s absorption of calcium. Compared to babies using regular formula, the level of digestibility of the mixture with palm oil is 20% lower. The reason for this is the unfortunate lateral position of palmitic acid in the fat molecule, which facilitates its easy splitting off. This was written about above.

2. The level of fat absorption is reduced, for the same reason, since indigestible complexes are formed.

3. Palm oil affects the nature of stool making it stronger, which leads to stool retention infant.

The existing adverse effects of palm oil make parents cautious when choosing palm oil formula.

How to reduce the unwanted effects of palm oil in formulas

In the period from 1994 to 2000, Scientific research on the amount of palm oil added to baby food products. Based on the conclusions made, it was decided to reduce its amount in the mixtures. In addition, the composition of infant formula is constantly being improved. Manufacturers of baby food are trying to minimize the risk of undesirable consequences for a child when feeding with formulas containing palm oil. Namely:

1. The mixture does not contain palm oil pure form, and its fraction is in liquid form (palm olein or “super” olein). Saturated fatty acids in it are 40%, which is significantly lower than in the original product.

2. The amount of fat in some products, for example Hipp, Nutrilak, Humana, NAN, exceeds the amount of fat in breast milk.

4. To reduce the risk of constipation in a baby, almost all formulas contain prebiotics.

Not all infant formulas contain palm oil; these formulas are positioned as palm oil-free formulas, which is written in large letters on the label as an advertisement. But they also have a number of disadvantages.

Casein blends without palm oil

The main disadvantage of these mixtures is that in terms of protein content they are least close to a woman's breast milk. The most famous representatives of casein mixtures are Similac and Nanny.

Whey blends without palm oil

Whey formulas are closest to breast milk, unlike casein formulas. Such mixtures include, for example, Nestozhen, which since 2015 has contained coconut oil instead of palm oil, and the NAN mixture, which since 2016 has been produced without palm oil. It contains coconut and rapeseed oils. Also, Mamex mixtures from International Nutrition Co, Denmark do not contain palm oil.

Fermented milk mixtures without palm oil

Fermented milk mixtures are easily digestible and do not irritate the baby’s gastrointestinal tract; they contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, prebiotics and probiotics. Fermented milk mixtures without palm oil include: Nutrilak KM, Nutrilak Premium fermented milk, Nutrilon fermented milk.

Choosing infant formula for feeding an infant is a responsible process. Before deciding to purchase a product, you should consult with your local pediatrician.

Mixtures with beta palmitate

Leading manufacturers of infant formula are constantly working to improve the quality of their products. This activity involves scientists who conduct the necessary research and engage in the latest developments.
One of latest innovations- introduction of beta palmitate into the composition of mixtures. What is this element and how was it obtained? These questions are often asked by parents of infants.

So, beta palmitate is a structured palm oil obtained in a special way. It consists of artificially changing the position of palmitic acid in palm olein to the central position.

This change allows you to:

To achieve maximum approximation of the composition of the mixture to the composition of a woman’s breast milk;

Better absorption of fats and calcium;

Avoid constipation in your baby.

The products of this line are in great demand among customers.

List of infant formulas with beta palmitate

Cabrita Gold 1;

Nutrilon Comfort 1;

Heinz Infanta 1;

Hipp comfort;

Celia is anticolic;

Humana anticolic;


When choosing a mixture, you must carefully study its composition, which should indicate the content of beta palmitate in it.

Best baby formula without palm oil

The best palm oil-free formula is the one that is suitable for your child in other respects. In addition, mixtures with beta palmitate are safe and closest in composition to breast milk. The disadvantage of these mixtures is their high cost. When choosing a mixture, you need to take into account the recommendations of your pediatrician.


Despite the wide selection of formulas for feeding infants, there is not a single one among them that can completely replace mother’s breast milk. It contains all the necessary substances for the favorable development and growth of the child. Therefore, if there are no serious reasons for transferring the baby to artificial feeding, you should breastfeed him. Breast-feeding should bring pleasure to a woman, but a nursing mother must follow a diet so as not to cause discomfort to her child.

Taisiya Lipina

Reading time: 7 minutes


Formula is of particular importance in the life of a child in the first six months of life, when it is the main source of nutrition for him.

Of the dozens of names of this product that the retail chain offers, the ones closest in composition to human milk are premium class mixtures.

Highly adapted mixtures that do not contain palm oil include: NENNY, NAN, Similak, Humana, Heinz, Nutrilon, Kabrita. On the three of them that deserved the highest number positive feedback, let's go into more detail.

Among them distinctive features the following can be mentioned:

  1. They do not contain palm oil, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb calcium.
  2. They do not contain dyes or GMOs.
  3. They are saturated with microorganisms (prebiotics and probiotics) that form and maintain normal intestinal microflora.
  4. They include all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the child.

This is a highly adapted food produced by the New Zealand company Bibikol. It is intended for babies in the first six months of life, even before the introduction. "Nenni" promotes harmonious development child's body, strengthens its defenses.

The mixture is made from environmentally friendly pure milk goats of a special breed, which resembles human milk in its composition. “Nenny” tastes good, has a characteristic “milky” smell and does not contain sugar.


  • Syrup.
  • Goat milk (42%).
  • Lactose.
  • Fish oil.
  • Prebiotics: oligofructose, inulin.
  • Sunflower, coconut, rapeseed oil.
  • Taurine.
  • Minerals: potassium, iodine, selenium, iron, calcium, copper, zinc, manganese.
  • Vitamins: E, K1, A, C, D3, group B (B12, B1, B6, B5, B2, B4, H).
  • Arachidonic acid.
  • Lecithin.


  1. Does not cause regurgitation.
  2. Relieves constipation.
  3. Eliminates the appearance of bloating and colic.
  4. Prevents the occurrence of allergies.
  5. Suitable for children with allergies to formulas with cow's milk.
  6. Prepared by diluting in warm water without requiring boiling.

The Nenny formula is recognized as one of the best, both by experts in the field of baby nutrition and by consumers. . She received many positive reviews. Parents whose children suffered from constipation and allergies were especially pleased with the mixture.

The production of Nenny requires large financial investments from the company, so this mixture has a high price. It ranges in Moscow stores from 1200 to 1400 rubles for a jar weighing 400 g .

Mixture high class, which ensures optimal physical and mental development of the newborn. The food is produced by a famous Swiss company Nestlé, which has been producing products for children for more than half a century.


  • Nucleotides.
  • Whey protein (70%).
  • Lactose.
  • Bifidobacteria.
  • Minerals: potassium, chlorides, zinc, selenium, iodine, manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium.
  • Probiotics.
  • Vitamins: groups B (B2, B4, B12, B1, B3, B6, B9, B5, H), C, A, E, D, K.


  1. Contains live BL bacteria, which form and maintain the microflora of the digestive system.
  2. Enriched with iron, which prevents the development of anemia.
  3. Does not contain molasses (maltodextrin).
  4. It has a special, two-section packaging.

Experts and parents of babies believe that the Nan 1 Premium mixture is completely safe for the baby’s health and has good . At the same time, the disadvantages of this mixture were also noted. First of all, not very pleasant taste.

"NAS 1 Premium" belongs to the middle price category. The cost of the mixture in the retail chain ranges from 345-570 rubles per package weighing 400 g .

Cow's milk formula designed for children up to 6 months. It has all the advantages of high-class baby food. The mixture is balanced in composition and contains a set of elements that help the brain and vision develop correctly. In addition, it contains both probiotics, which are beneficial for digestion, and prebiotics, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lower intestine. The producers of this product are Denmark and Spain.


  • Casein.
  • Lactose.
  • Soybean, sunflower and coconut oil.
  • Prebiotics.
  • Probiotics.
  • Lutein.
  • Vitamins: beta-carotene, A, C, E, K1, D3, group B (B1, B9, B2, B12, B6, B3, B5, H, B4).
  • Nucleotides.
  • Carnitine.
  • Taurine.
  • Inositol.
  • Minerals: calcium, chlorides, manganese, potassium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper.



  1. The IQ Intelli-Pro complex, included in the diet, improves brain activity.
  2. The mixture contains a tummy protection system that eliminates colic and regurgitation.
  3. Does not cause allergies.
  4. Relieves constipation.

“Similac Premium 1” fully lives up to its name. Most users noted that after taking it, babies did not experience any digestive problems . In addition, its satiety was especially noted. The children ate well during the day and slept peacefully at night.

For its class, Similak Premium 1 has a very reasonable price. In metropolitan stores, 400 g of the mixture costs customers 394-489 rubles .

Palm oil, or more precisely its liquid olein fraction, has been used for a long time. Its use was due to the fact that manufacturers sought to bring formula for newborns closer in composition to breast milk. It is known that mother's milk contains a lot nutrients, and one of these predominant components is fats, and in particular palmitic acid (almost a quarter of all fats). In palm oil nai large quantity fat – at least 45%.

Palmitic acids from mother's milk are remarkably absorbed. But the same acids in the mixture are not.

It's all about the structure of molecules, the placement of acid in a fat molecule. In breast milk, fats contain molecules whose acids are attached in the center (beta arrangement). But the molecules in the mixture are different.

Here the acids are at the edges. And that's why they Baby formula is digested much worse than breast milk Moreover, they form soapy substances, which can cause some health consequences (poor bone mineralization, colic, severe regurgitation, constipation, heavy stool in a child).

These effects were found in studies that included several groups - infants fed formula with palm oil and pure breast milk.

Babies who ate formula had low bone mineralization. Calcium simply was not absorbed, and due to the formed soap molecules, it was excreted from the body. The child's stool became harder and less frequent, which in turn contributed to the appearance of constipation. In addition, the studied babies had colic and frequent regurgitation (compared to the control group on breast milk).

Indications and contraindications

Largely thanks to these studies, the modern mixtures with palm oil, they began to add more calcium, vitamin D, as well as pre- and probiotics.

However, this did not completely solve the problem. All children are different, and especially Sensitive babies react to food with palm oil - regurgitation, colic and constipation.

But it is worth noting that food has appeared that contains modified, structured palm oil, the so-called β-palmitate, which is identical in structure to mother fats. And the use of such mixtures does not entail the consequences mentioned above.

Selecting a mixture is a very important moment. And unfortunately, not all foods without palm oil can be called adapted to the needs of the child.

No one can rule out an allergic or other reaction to some components of the mixtures, especially those based on cow protein (which is also known to cause gas formation).

Direct indications for the use of palm oil-free mixtures:

Contraindications to such mixtures for newborns: individual intolerance to the components of the mixture.


Palm oil-free formulas are an alternative to regular nutrition. Often, people come to them having already tried some food, which for one reason or another did not work.

Or they immediately begin supplementing with a formula without palm oil (based on personal opinion, advice and experience of those around you).

Rating of the 5 best manufacturers

Large manufacturers who have completely abandoned the production of food with palm oil or replaced it with a more suitable and safe structured oil can be counted on one hand.

Abbott Global

They produce mixtures under the Similak brand. There is no palm oil in the composition, but there are pre- and probiotics, as well as nucleotides. presented very wide range a wide variety of products - from simple formula for healthy children, to medicinal ones (for premature and low birth weight babies, anti-reflux, fermented milk, hypoallergenic and others).

Similac mixtures do not contain GMOs, palm oil, preservatives or dyes. It has been the best baby food for many years. They help normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract of babies, reduce the frequency of constipation and colic, form normal stools and promote optimal absorption of calcium, compaction of bone tissue, including hypoallergenic Izomil mixtures based on soy protein.


Bibikol - manufacturers of the Nenny brand. Goat's milk formula from New Zealand, adapted. Available both with and without prebiotics.

The line of formulas is designed for children from birth, from six months and over one year. The traditional formula is used for children from birth in the absence of mother's milk.

It contains everything necessary for the natural growth and development of your child, since it is made from natural goat milk without the addition of whey and palm oil.

Kids love NENNY mixtures for their pleasant taste, and responsible mothers love them for the fact that they preserve the maximum beneficial features natural goat milk and at the same time fully adapted for small children.


They produce two at once trade marks, for different price segments: Nestozhen and Nan. Nan has wider variability in the choice of mixtures(there are medicinal ones), but it is also more expensive.

Nestozhen, which can be classified as a medicinal mixture, contains only fermented milk. Blends based cow's milk. It is believed that Nana has the optimal ratio of whey protein and casein.

A mixture that, due to a special BIO-fermentation technology, provides additional protection, promotes easy digestion and the prevention of intestinal infections. It improves digestive processes and also provides additional protective properties against the risk of developing intestinal infections. Children quickly get used to the pleasant and soft taste of fermented milk.


Cabrita - produce mixtures based on goat milk under the brand name Cabrita Gold. Dutch production. Contains pre- and probiotics.

The composition includes lactose and vegetable fats, among which stands out the DigestX complex, which includes natural oils(rapeseed, palm, sunflower). The mixture contains goat whey protein concentrate, skim goat milk powder and whole goat milk powder.

The product contains corn starch, as well as fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides. The mixture is enriched minerals. It contains fish oil, a source of docosahexaenoic acid from the Omega-3 class. The product also contains arachidonic acid, vitamins, and taurine. Kabrita includes choline and nucleotides, bifidobacteria and mesoinositol.


Materna brand mixtures (there are both adapted and medicinal mixtures). Materna mixture based on milk with the addition of modified butter.

Is different high quality(there are products that are considered “kosher”, for example, Mehadrin) and prices. You just can’t find similar brand products in regular supermarkets. As a rule, it comes only to order.

Baby food Materna was developed by highly qualified Israeli specialists, and all nutritional components were selected with special care so that the formula closely matches the composition of breast milk.

List of baby food products

Each child is individual, and what suits one person may not suit another.. There is no mixture that is 100% suitable for everyone. Blends without palm oil or with β-palmitate worthy alternative regular products. They come in a variety of types, both simply adapted and special - medicinal.

It is worth noting that this product is quite competitive and, along with others, is included in a variety of top best mixtures.

Nan Optipro 1

A mixture based on cow's milk, with lactose. The composition also contains live bifidobacteria, fish oil, Omega 3 and 6 acids, maltodexin, and a number of useful microelements. Optimized for protein content.
Among the advantages:

  • Lots of positive feedback.
  • Quite common.
  • Pleasant taste.

The downside is the high price. Indicated for feeding healthy children from birth to six months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation

The price is 441 rubles.

Similak 1

Based on cow's milk, with lactose. Contains prebiotics, nucleotides.

Among the advantages:

  • Well distributed.
  • Budget.

It dissolves poorly, which is a minus.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation

Approximate price 279 rubles.

Similak Premium

The series is supplemented with probiotics, the “IQ-Intelli-Pro” complex and is as close as possible to breast milk. This is a more expensive food option (compared to simple Similac).

Created to feed healthy children from birth to six months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation

Approximate price 390 rubles.

Nestozhen 1

In its composition contains prebiotics and lactobacilli. Based on cow's milk, with lactose. It is a budget alternative to Nanu.


  • Inconvenient cardboard box.
  • It dissolves worse (compared to Nan).

Adapted for feeding healthy children from birth to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Price 275 rubles.

Nutrilak Premium

Contains essential Omega 3 and 6 acids, fish oil, prebiotics and a whole complex of micro- and macroelements and vitamins. Based on cow's milk, with lactose.


  1. Acceptable price.
  2. Dissolves well.

For feeding healthy children from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Possible side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • increased gas formation;
  • constipation

Price 242 rubles.

Nutrilon Comfort 1

The mixture is based on cow's milk (hydrolyzed whey protein concentrate), contains structured oil, lactose, fish oil, nucleotides, vitamins and minerals. If the mixture is suitable, it can solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The disadvantages are:

  • Expensive.
  • Bitter taste.
  • Does not dissolve well.
  • The smell of fish.
  • Healthy children with a tendency to constipation and colic from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Among the side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Approximate price 500 rubles.

    Nanny 1

    Created on the basis of goat milk. Essential acids (Omega 3, 6), nucleotides, vitamins and minerals, 1 – enriched with prebiotics. Absorbs better than cow's milk.

    Created for healthy children, as well as those with cow's milk intolerance, from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Among the side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Approximate price 953 rubles.

    Kabrita GOLD 1

    Based on goat milk. There is modified palm oil, pre- and probiotics, a complex of vitamins and minerals, nucleotides, as well as Omega 3 and Omega 6. Helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Expensive.
  • There are fakes.
  • Created for healthy children with allergies to cow's milk from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.


    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Approximate price 920 rubles.

    Materna Classic Milk

    A mixture based on milk with the addition of modified oil, it contains Omega 3 and 6. It is of high quality.


    • not common, can only be purchased to order;
    • high prices.

    Created for healthy children from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Price 2300 rubles.

    Materna Mehadrin

    A mixture based on milk with the addition of modified butter, contains Omega 3 and 6. It is considered kosher.


    • not common;
    • very high prices.

    Created for healthy children from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Approximate price 2300 rubles.

    When choosing a mixture, always pay attention to the quality of packaging and expiration dates.

    If the mixture is produced in different countries, then give preference to the product that you have already used. Even minor differences in the production of the same brand can affect the baby’s well-being.

    Do not buy opened packages by hand. There is no guarantee that exactly “yesterday” this package was opened.

    The mixture from the opened package should be consumed as quickly as possible. At most within a month (and some manufacturers claim even less time).

    Always follow food preparation instructions strictly. It says “measuring spoon without a slide”, which means only a measuring spoon (and the “slide” can be removed with a knife or on the protruding edge of the jar). Observe the water temperature strictly. A number of mixtures simply do not mix completely if the water is cold.

    Be sure to sterilize bottles. Use purified and/or boiled water.

    Do not store ready mixture on open air. If this is provided and stated by the manufacturer on the packaging, then undrinked food should be stored in the refrigerator.

    The media actively promotes the dangers of palm oil, focusing on its harm to children. However, most baby foods include palm oil as a source of fat. Some parents buy formula without paying attention to its inclusion in the composition, while others immediately put aside the packs after reading palm oil in the baby food. What is the difference between baby food with and without oil?

    First, let's pay attention to what palm oil is and whether it is harmful to children. Palm oil is a vegetable oil. Its chemical composition is rich in glycerin and fatty acids. This oil is a leader in the content of palmitic acid, retinol and tocopherol. 96% of palm oil is completely absorbed in the human body.
    The harm of oil for children is justified by the fact that the oil contains cholesterol, which affects the gain of excess weight and the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Palm oil also reduces the absorption of calcium, which is especially important to know when feeding a baby.

    Trademarks and manufacturers

    Most food manufacturers adequately respond to the desire of parents to feed their children with formulas without the inclusion of palm oil. Therefore, in a number of their products there are infant formulas without its use. These mixtures include: Similak 1 (manufactured in Denmark), Nestozhen 1 (manufactured in Switzerland) and Nanny 1 mixture (manufactured in New Zealand).
    Some baby food manufacturers have gone so far as to change the palmitic acid found in palm oil to beta palmite. Nutrilon (produced in the Netherlands), Kabrita and Heinz (production located in Russia) porridges with this component are produced. Pediatricians will recommend which products are best, but the final choice will be made by the baby.

    Similak 1

    A win-win option is Similak 1. This is an adapted powder mixture without coconut oil. It is ideal for the growth and development of a newborn. Similak 1 is fed to babies from birth to six months. Similak includes prebiotic complexes that promote comfortable bowel movements. This food, due to the content of vegetable fats, is gentle on the stomach without causing flatulence. Similac is perfectly absorbed by the baby's digestive system. In order to support the child's body, nucleotides and prebiotics have been added to Similac, which strengthen the immune system.

    Composition Similac 1

    Similac 1 contains: milk sugar, milk (skimmed), soybean fat, sunflower oil with a high inclusion of oleic acid, minerals, whey protein, oligosaccharides, hydrolyzed protein and a number of vital vitamins, nucleotides. Similak 1 contains no GMOs, dyes or preservatives.
    Similak 1 contains 10 grams of protein, 27 grams of fat and 58 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of product. Energy value such a mixture – 507 kilocalories. Among the vitamins included in Similac 1 are a complex of vitamins A, E, D3, C, K1, pantothenic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B4, B6, B9, B12, PP and biotin. The mixture is enriched with essential minerals necessary for the harmonious development of a small child.


    Similak 1 is very convenient to prepare. Before feeding the baby, you need to boil the water for the mixture for 5 minutes and dilute the powder in warm (cooled) water according to the instructions. Each package contains a graduated spoon. If you took more than necessary, the prepared food can be stored in a cold place, but consumed within 24 hours.

    Nestozhen 1

    Nestozhen 1 is also recommended for feeding infants. It includes a protein and vitamin complex, essential for the development of the baby and its growth. Nestozhen 1 includes natural alimentary fiber, helping to improve digestion of food and achieve regular bowel movements. The food contains lactobacilli, which help to form intestinal-friendly microflora, reducing colic, excessive gas production, vomiting and discomfort in the newborn. The product contains no coloring agents or preservative additives.

    Composition Nestozhen 1

    Nestozhen 1 includes whey, milk (skimmed), complex sugar lactose, triglycerides of fatty acids, prebiotic complex, milk fat, vitamin complex and minerals. Baby food contains a complete complex of minerals. In nutrition it is worth listing and long list vitamins - complex B1, B2 and B6, vitamin D, K, pantothenic and ascorbic acid and many other useful substances.
    The energy value of the product is 499 kilocalories per 100 grams. It contains 10 grams of protein, 26 grams of fat, 56 grams of carbohydrates (per 100 grams). There is no palm oil in the mixture.


    The powder should be stored in a dry cabinet and used after the packaging has been damaged within 3 weeks. Eating should be done before each meal exactly according to the instructions. If the products remain, they cannot be fed to the newborn after some time. To prepare Nestozhen 1 you need boiled water (37 degrees). This will preserve the beneficial bacteria contained in Nestozhen 1. measuring spoon add the required part of the mixture to warm water and stir until smooth. You should not change the ratio of products yourself, this can lead to difficulty in digestion.

    Nanny 1

    Nanny 1 is designed for children from birth to six months. The product is perfect for children without health problems. A composition such as Nanny 1 is also recommended for those babies who are not susceptible to cow's milk protein and suffer from intolerance. Thanks to its unique composition, the food contains all the substances necessary for the development and growth of a newborn. Nanny 1 contains goat's milk, which in its structure resembles mother's milk in terms of protein capacity. Nanny 1 is much easier to digest than other foods for newborns. Additionally, the product is enriched with Omega 3 and Omega 6, which affect the baby’s visual receptors and brain. Nanny contains prebiotic complexes that serve to normalize intestinal microflora and ensure normal bowel movements. Nanny 1 has a unique delicate taste, thanks to which most children accept it the first time.

    Composition Nanny 1

    The energy composition of the Nanny product is 1 – 500 kilocalories per hundred grams of the mixture. Per 100 grams of powder contains 1.5 grams of protein and 20 grams of whey proteins, almost 4 grams of fat and 7.5 grams of carbohydrates. The product contains dextrine maltose, goat milk protein, vegetable oil, lactose, fat sea ​​fish, prebiotic complex, levocarnitine, sulfur-containing amino acid and Omega 3 and Omega 6. The mixture is rich in vitamins and minerals and does not contain palm oil.


    The mixture without palm oil is quite easy to prepare - powder in the right amount dissolve in warm water. It is not recommended to store food leftovers after meals. next time need to cook fresh product. Based on Nanny, you can subsequently make porridges, soups, cocktails, and milk and fruit desserts. Opened packaging It is recommended to keep it for no more than a month.


    Infant formulas without palm oil are present on the shelves of any stores selling products for babies.
    List specialized nutrition You can ask your pediatrician. Today, mixtures are recommended for children with food intolerance and gastrointestinal problems.

    Infant formulas without palm oil will be an excellent analogue of mother's milk for newborns who are artificially fed; it is also worth paying attention to formulas based on goat's milk.

    Rating of infant formulas 2018 in order to familiarize mothers with the infant formula market. Manufacturers try to bring the composition of infant formula as close as possible to breast milk. There are product lines designed for healthy children, and with a therapeutic effect, for children predisposed to allergies to organic milk components. The latter are overpriced, because... During the manufacturing process, the future product is based on cow or goat milk, which goes through several degrees of filtration in order to minimize the content of lactose and casein in the final product.

    All infant formulas are divided into “stages”: 1 – newborns, 2 – from 6-12 months, 3 from 1 year, 4 from 18 months. Also pay attention to the whey protein content. According to WHO regulations, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union, adapted formulas imported or produced in the Russian Federation are considered products with a whey protein content of at least 50% for children from 0 to 6 months and at least 35% for children over 6 months. This rating was compiled taking into account the opinions of experts and consumer reviews about the best baby formulas. So, TOP 10 infant formulas:

    Baby 4(Nutricia)

    The Malyutka brand from Nutricia opens the rating of baby food formulas. This mixture is suitable for use by children from 18 months. The composition excludes the presence of sugar, starch, gluten, harmful additives, flavors, leaving the child only the essentials: skimmed milk, prebiotics, complex vegetable oils, a bunch of vitamins and minerals, and taurine. The ratio of casein to whey proteins is 4:1 - this fully meets the standards, and even more. The complex of vitamins and minerals contains 13 pieces of each. The price for a 600 gram pack is 300 rubles.

    Kabrita 3 GOLD

    Kabrita GOLD infant formula from 12 months takes 9th place in the ranking. Balanced infant formula contains 37% whey protein and 63% casein protein. The manufacturer has created an optimal formula that softens stool, improves digestion and absorption of calcium, and also helps optimize metabolism, calling this complex DigestX. Cabrita Gold consists of 100% whey protein concentrate from goat milk mixed with skim milk, eliminating the addition of maltodextrin, sugars, flavorings and other harmful additives. The formula is also rich in prebiotics FOS, extracted from chicory extract, GOS, which is part of goat's milk, as well as beneficial bifidobacteria BB-12 - all this helps maintain the intestines in a “healthy shape”. The cost of an 800 gram jar is 1600 rubles. Recommended for use by healthy children.

    MD mil Goat 2

    8th place in the ranking of infant formulas from 6 months is occupied by MD mil Kozochka 2. The Spanish brand MD boasts of its products on goat milk, produced in accordance with the recommendations given by the association of D-A-CH societies: the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), the Austrian Society for Nutrition (ÖGE), and the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SSG/SSN). However, the composition, unfortunately, contains palm oil and lactose, so the product is only suitable for healthy children. Palm oil is not recommended for constant use, because... in the intestines, palmitic acid binds to calcium, blocking the passage of the structural material for bones necessary for the child through the intestinal walls; on the other hand, if not systematically consumed, palm oil has a beneficial effect on children under 2 years of age, because helps to increase the cholesterol needed during this period. According to the standards stated by the manufacturers, the ratio of whey proteins and casein proteins is 1:1. The composition is dominated by a decent amount of GOS prebiotics, and omega 6, omega 3 PUFAs in a ratio of 7:1 - the optimal indicator. The price for a 400 gram jar is about 900 rubles.

    Nestogen (Nestle) 1

    The infant formula for newborns from Nestlé - Nestogen 1 - takes 7th place in the rating. The product is suitable for use by children from the very first days of birth. Does not contain anything unnecessary, including palm oil, only skim and demineralized milk, sunflower and rapeseed oil, maltodextrin, as well as probiotics and prebiotics. Lactobacilli Reuteri act as a probiotic, maintaining oral hygiene and reducing the duration of diarrhea. Complementary food for lacto and bifidobacteria in the intestines is the prebiotics FOS and GOS, thanks to which living microorganisms “eat more,” multiply, and fight pathogenic bacteria. Maltodextrin is a source of energy that is broken down into glucose in the body. Corn maltodextrin is used in Nestogen, and, as is known, corn does not contain gluten, a common pathogen. allergic reactions. This mixture is not hypoallergenic due to the way the milk is processed, which leaves a large number of lactose. The price for a 700 gram pack is 475 rubles.

    Nutrilon (Nutricia) Pepti Gastro

    Nutricia was recognized as the best rated infant formula test purchase. Pepti Gastro is designed specifically for children with gastrointestinal problems and intolerance to certain food components. Pepti gastro milk base is a whey protein concentrate that has undergone additional hydrolysis, with the help of which it is possible to decompose the whey into separate fractions - peptides, and then, using ultrafiltration, leave only the most necessary of them, almost completely eliminating lactose, fats and casein, bringing the spectrum as close as possible to breast milk. This gentle method of preparation with an emphasis on hypoallergenicity makes the Pepti Gastro complex a leader in the rating of infant formula in terms of quality. The manufacturer also adds nucleotides to its product to make the mixture as close as possible to breast milk. Nucleotides play an important role in the synthesis of antibodies - weapons of immunity, serve as the basis for the construction of DNA and RNA, are responsible for the synthesis of proteins, etc. The cost of a 450 gram jar of a hypoallergenic product is 950 rubles.

    NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro

    Nestle ranks 5th best infant formula from birth for healthy children, that is, those who do not have intolerances to some components, incl. lactose. Nestlé NAS excludes the addition of palm oil, flavors, GMOs, dyes and other harmful additives to its product. Getting ready children's composition from demineralized whey with high content albumins and globulins, and the opposite content of casein - a complex protein that often provokes allergies. In addition to important amino acids, NAN is saturated with 13 vitamins and 14 minerals, as well as cultures of bifidobacteria. A special feature of NAS is the addition of oil from the single-celled fungi Mortierella Alpina - producers of arachidonic acid, exactly the same as that found in breast milk. Arachidonic acid is an oily liquid containing omega 6 fatty acids necessary for brain maturation. The price for an 800 gram container ranges from 700-750 rubles.

    Similac (Abbott) Premium 1

    4th place in the ranking is occupied by the best baby formula without palm oil. According to some studies, palm oil has a negative effect on the absorption of fats and calcium in the intestines, because... Palmitic acid, a derivative of palm oil, binds to calcium and forms insoluble compounds that interfere with the absorption of some other components. Similak Premium 1 contains the pigment lutein, which is not synthesized by the human body itself, which helps to increase visual acuity and filter the “harmful” spectrum of rays for the human eye. Similak also contains “live” bifidobacteria, complete with food for them - a prebiotic. This product suitable for feeding children from the first days of life who are not allergic to lactose (since it is available in Similake). Cost 900 gr. banks - about 1000 rubles.

    BIBIKOL Nanny Classic

    The TOP 3 rating opens with baby formula from 0 to 6 months from the manufacturer Bibikol. In the preparation of its products, the company uses natural goat milk obtained from farms in New Zealand. So, this mixture is prepared from goat’s milk, and this is a big plus for several reasons: first, it does not contain the alpha-S1 fraction of casein protein, which causes “rejection” in some people; second, goat milk tastes less sweet, which means it contains less lactose - milk sugar, causing allergies; third, goat milk contains oligosaccharides - prebiotic, omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the “correct” development of the brain in newborns and infants. One can write endlessly about the properties of goat’s milk; to summarize, we can say that goat’s milk is better tolerated by children than cow’s milk, and is not inferior to the latter in terms of benefits for the body. For an 800 gram jar of Bibikol Nanny classic you will have to pay about 1800 rubles.

    Friso Frisopep

    Friso becomes the best infant formula from 0 to 6 months in our ranking. Firstly, this composition is completely hypoallergenic, and, secondly, it has a pronounced healing effect. Although the main components of infant formula are cow's milk derivatives, Frisco made sure that the formula contained lactose at its core. minimum quantity. This became possible thanks to the technology of separating protein from lactose and fat using whey protein hydrolysis, the output of which is a protein concentrate of 50% mass fraction all other substances. Frisco also contains about 5 nucleic esters that help synthesize immunoglobulin M and A - antibodies, prebiotic galactooligosaccharide - food for beneficial bifidobacteria living in the intestines, as well as great amount essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The price for a 400 gram jar is about 900 rubles.

    Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Premium

    Nutrilon from Nutricia is considered the best infant formula for newborns. This mixture is not suitable for children with lactose allergies, because The composition contains demineralized whey - finely divided dried cottage cheese, from which salts have been removed, but a large amount of proteins and lactose is left. In addition to whey, the complex composition includes oils (rapeseed, sunflower, coconut, palm, etc.), as well as fish oil, vitamins, taurine, nucleotides, prebiotics, etc. The manufacturer uses a patented complex of prebiotics called IMMUNOFORTIS. This is a two-component “nutritional menu” for beneficial bacteria in the intestines, consisting of fructo-oligosaccharides, which are not broken down and not absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract, and oligosaccharides contained in mother’s breast milk, which are also complementary foods for bifidobacteria in the intestines, which only they “eat” and absorb. On the container with the contents, Nutrilon is framed “improves immunity and intelligence”, we figured out the first one, this is facilitated by prebiotics and a complex of vitamins with nucleotides, but polyunsaturated fatty acids ARA and DHA are responsible for brain development, in simple terminology - these are Omega acids 3 and Omega 6. The price for 800 grams is 650 rubles. It is the clear advantage of quality over price in Nutrilon Premium that allows the product to become ranked the best mixture for baby food.
