Honey jam – double the benefits of your favorite delicacy (cooking recipe with honey). How to make jam with honey

Many housewives don’t even realize that you can make jam without sugar. But this product (sugar) harms the body. In the distant past, human ancestors got along just fine without it. On taste properties This did not affect the finished jam much. On the contrary, the workpiece turned out to be more useful.

Simple rules

You can make jam without sugar today, using old recipes. Some people motivate this by the high cost of the product, and others by the benefits of the sugar-free preparation. So, how to make jam without sugar. To get started, there are a few rules to remember:

  1. Before making this jam, you should thoroughly wash the strawberries under running water. At this stage it is worth removing the cups. But you shouldn’t wash raspberries.
  2. It is best to pick berries and fruits in clear and sunny weather. According to experts, it is at this time that the fruits have a richer and sweeter taste.
  3. Strawberries and raspberries have absorbent properties. When cooking, such products are boiled into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Cherries, as well as sweet cherries, cooked in own juice, have not only bright taste, but also bring to the body more benefits. You can cook these berries together. One part of the cherries just needs to be washed and scattered into jars, and the second part should be boiled a little, preferably until mushy. After this, the product should be wiped. It is enough to sterilize the jam and roll it up.
  5. Apples, plums and pears contain a lot of juice. They can be filled with liquid obtained after evaporating currants or raspberries.

How to make sugar-free jam from strawberries

The finished product is perfect as a filling for pancakes and pies. To make strawberry jam without sugar, you will need several kilograms of strawberries, as well as small glass containers.

Cooking process

It is very easy to prepare without sugar. To begin with, you should thoroughly wash the berries and remove the stalks. Strawberries need to be dried well after processing. The containers in which the jam will be stored must also be washed and sterilized.

The berries should be placed in a deep saucepan and put on fire. The contents of the container should be brought to a boil. After this, the jam can be removed from the heat and carefully placed into jars. Containers with fruits should be placed in a pan of water and sterilized. 20 minutes after the water boils, the jars of strawberries can be removed and rolled up. The jam must cool, and the jars must be turned upside down. In this way you can make currant jam without sugar.

Cherry jam

Sugar-free is very popular. It is very simple to prepare. To do this you will need water and 400 g of berries, previously pitted.

Cooking steps

To make it tasty without sugar, you should cook it in a water bath. This will require several deep containers. The pan should be filled with water, the amount of liquid should be slightly more than half the volume of the container. The water needs to be brought to a boil. The cherries must be pitted and placed in a deep bowl, preferably a fireproof one.

After this, the container with berries should be placed on water bath. The cherries should be cooked over high heat for 30 minutes. After this, the flame should be reduced. It takes about three hours to cook the jam without sugar; you can add water if necessary.

While the berries are cooking, it’s worth preparing the jars. They need to be thoroughly washed, dried and then sterilized. Ready jam remove from the water bath and then cool. Place the cooled delicacy into jars and roll up metal lids. It is best to store without sugar in a cool place.

Raspberry jam for the winter without sugar

This delicacy is enjoyed not only by the little ones. An adult will also like it. It brightens up your tea party and will also help cure any cold. Besides raspberry jam contains many vitamins that are so necessary for a person during the cold season. In addition, its preparation requires few ingredients. To make raspberry jam for the winter, you will need several kilograms of berries and water.

How to make raspberry jam

Do tasty treat from raspberries it can even completely young mistress. This does not require special skills or knowledge. First you need to prepare necessary utensils. To make raspberry jam, you need an enamel bucket and gauze. The material should be folded in several layers and placed at the bottom of the container.

The jars in which the delicacy will be stored must be thoroughly washed and dried. Place raspberries in prepared containers and compact thoroughly. After this, the jars need to be placed in an enamel bucket, add a little water and put on low heat. Once it starts to boil, the berries will release juice and their volume will decrease significantly. Therefore, during the cooking process it is necessary to add raspberries to the jars. The berries should boil for about an hour.

The finished raspberry jam should be rolled up with lids and then cooled, turning upside down. Store the treat in a cool place.

Apricot jam

Today you can buy enough in the store delicious jam from apricots. However, it tastes very different from homemade. If you wish, you can make your own apricot jam without sugar. Many will agree that this delicacy is ideal as a filling for creating cakes, pies, pies, buns and a variety of desserts. Please note that there are several ways to make apricot jam. This results in a delicacy that is completely different in taste.

To make apricot jam, you will need one kilogram of fruit. If desired, you can do without sugar. In this case, it is better to choose overripe fruits - such apricots contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, this component is not needed when making jam.

Overripe fruits should first be thoroughly washed, dried and pitted. After this, the apricots should be chopped. This can be done using a food processor or meat grinder.

The containers in which the treat will be stored must be prepared in advance. They should be washed and sterilized.

The mass obtained as a result of processing the fruit must be poured into a fireproof container and put on fire. The jam should be brought to a boil and cooked for about five minutes. After this, put the finished treat into prepared jars and carefully roll it up, preferably with sterile metal lids.

Apple jam

How to make sugar-free apple jam? Probably many housewives have asked themselves this question. If desired, you can make a dessert with fructose. This recipe is perfect for those who suffer diabetes mellitus, but does not want to deny himself sweets. For preparation you will need:

  1. Peeled apples - one kilogram.
  2. Fructose - about 650 grams.
  3. Pectin - 10 grams.
  4. A few glasses of water.

Making apple jam

First you need to prepare the fruit. They should be washed and peeled, removing the core and peel. The pulp must be cut into cubes. The result should be about one kilogram of chopped apples.

Water should be mixed with fructose and syrup should be prepared. To make the composition thicker, add pectin. After this, add chopped apples to the resulting mass and cook for about seven minutes. Expose the product heat treatment Do not wait longer than the specified time, as fructose begins to change its properties.

Glass containers must be washed and sterilized. The same should be done with the lids. The finished apple jam must be placed in prepared containers and then rolled up. The treat should be stored in a cool place so that it is not exposed to the sun's rays.

Jam is everyone's favorite since childhood and healthy treat. Today we are accustomed to making jam from fruits or berries with sugar. The benefit of such jam, of course, lies exclusively in the fruit and berry component, but not in the sugar. Sugar in jam is used primarily as a preservative - for storage, and the function of a sweetener is in second place. What does honey have to do with it, you ask.

Jam was prepared in ancient times, its use cane sugar was common in India, which supplied sugar to Egypt and the Roman Empire. In Russia, sugar became widespread and became available to ordinary citizens only in the second half of the 19th century, when the production of sugar from sugar beets was organized. Due to inaccessibility and high cost, in ancient Rus' Traditionally, jam was made with honey.

U natural honey a lot of advantages over beet sugar, for example, honey not only preserves useful qualities fresh fruits, but also further enriches them with its unique enzymes, however, this is a topic for a separate article. Here it is only worth adding that different ones have different taste qualities, which gives additional creative freedom for preserving berries and fruits and creating unique flavor bouquets. Jam with honey - double benefit! At the same time, the preservative properties of honey are impeccable.

You can prepare jam with honey in different ways: cold and hot way.

The healthiest jam will be cold-prepared jam. This is when the berries are simply ground with honey and stored in sterile jars. This option is especially good because it retains all the benefits of not only the fresh fruits used, but also preserves all the richness unique properties natural honey. Most of the beneficial enzymes in natural honey are destroyed at temperatures above 50°C, so heating honey should be avoided. You can prepare jam with honey in a water bath (hot method). We will share our favorite recipes for jam prepared using each of these methods.

Jam from forest berries with honey (cold method)

What do we need:
Wild berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.) - 1 kg;
- 1 kg;
Convenient container for mixing and crushing berries;
Wooden spoon or pestle;
Clean jar with lid.

Cooking method:
Sort out the berries from the trash and mix gently. Then mash by hand with a wooden spoon or pestle. Mix the ground berries with honey in equal parts. Place the jam in clean, dry jars and seal tightly (convenient for this). This jam will be stored until next season. For best preservation useful properties For this sweet dessert, it is recommended to keep it in a cool place, in the basement, on the balcony in winter or in the refrigerator. This is not only a magical delicacy, but also an excellent cure for many winter ailments.

Berries with honey are a delicious and healthy dessert that goes well with a variety of various dishes and treats: from pancakes, pies to ice cream and sweet sauces.

Apricots in honey syrup (hot method)

What do we need:
apricots - 1 kg;
honey - 1 glass;
water - 2.5 cups;
large saucepan or basin for a water bath;
kitchen knife;
clean jars and lids;
pan for honey syrup.

Cooking method:
Combine water and honey in a small saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. For jam, use only ripe apricots. Wash and dry the berries. Cut in half and remove the pit. Sterilize the jars. Fill the jars with apricot halves. Place the berries skin side up. Pour hot honey syrup into the jars, leaving about an inch of empty space at the top of the jar. Close the jars with lids.

Place the jars in a saucepan and a bowl half filled with water. Bring the water in the basin to a boil, reduce the heat and leave for 10 minutes. Then turn off the stove and remove the hot jars from the water. Store jars of cooled jam in the pantry, cellar or refrigerator.

These honey apricots will decorate both everyday and festive table. Try serving them with whipped cream or sundae. Your guests will be satisfied.
Using the same recipe, you can make jam from peaches, plums or pears.

Jam- a type of dessert obtained by boiling fruits, berries or, less commonly, vegetables with sugar or honey for the purpose of canning. Jam is added to cakes, pastries, yoghurts, tea, spread on bread or consumed directly. Unlike jams, marmalade, confiture and jelly, jam is prepared in such a way that the ingredients retain their shape.

Jams can be either extremely liquid (compote) or extremely thick (marmalade). There is also a five-minute jam. Five-minute jam is a type of jam with a cooking time of 5 minutes. It can be prepared from various berries: raspberries, apricots, strawberries, blueberries, currants, gooseberries.

Quince jam

2 kg of honey, 1 kg of quince.

Peel the quince, cut it, remove the core, cut it into slices, put it in a saucepan, pour cold water so that it covers the quince and cook until the slices become soft. Then remove the slices and strain the broth. Put honey in a bowl for jam, pour in 1.5 cups of the decoction obtained by boiling quince, and prepare syrup. Place the prepared quince slices into the boiling syrup and cook over low heat until they become transparent.

Lingonberry jam

1 kg honey, 1 kg lingonberries, 3 pcs. cloves, a piece of cinnamon.

Sort out the lingonberries and pour in hot water, mix, place in a sieve and let the water drain. Then put the lingonberries in a bowl and pour honey, add cinnamon and cloves and cook until tender. Transfer the cooled jam into a glass jar, cover with paraffin or parchment paper, tie and store in a cool, dry place.

Cranberry-apple-walnut jam

3 kg of honey, 1 kg of cranberries, 1 kg of apples and 1 cup of nuts.

Sort the cranberries, rinse, put in a saucepan, pour in 0.5 cups of water and cook under the lid until the berries become soft. Then mash them and rub through a hair sieve. Boil honey, add grated cranberries, peeled and sliced ​​apples, peeled nuts and cook for 1 hour.

Apple jam-jelly

600 g honey, 1 kg apples.

Peel apples (Antonovka is best) and cut them into slices, put them in a saucepan, add 2.5 cups of water, cover with a lid and cook for 30 minutes at low boil. Throw the apples into a sieve and let the broth drain. Then pour honey into the broth and cook it over low heat, skimming off the foam with a spoon. If, when pouring the hot syrup, drops of it lag behind and remain on the spoon, then the jam is ready. It should be poured immediately into glass jars(warmed up), cover with paraffin or parchment paper and store in a cool place.

Lingonberry jelly

700 g honey, 2 glasses of lingonberry juice.

Grind the lingonberries, strain without squeezing, or pour the peeled berries into a saucepan, boil in the released juice without squeezing them, drain the juice through a sieve, strain through a canvas and cook with honey until the required thickness.

Blackcurrant jam

2 kg of honey, 1 kg of black currant.

Peel currants from twigs and dry flower cups, pour 2 liters cold water and, having removed the remains of dry cups that have floated to the surface, place the berries on a sieve and let the water drain. Add 1 glass of water to honey, prepare syrup, add black currants to it, boil and put on low heat for 45 minutes. Transfer the cooled jam into a glass jar.

Honey apple jam-jelly

600 g honey, 1 kg apples, 5 glasses of water.

Washed apples (Antonovka is best) are cored and cut into slices, placed in a saucepan and filled with water, covered with a lid and cooked for 30 minutes at a low boil. Then the apples are thrown onto a sieve and the broth is allowed to drain. After this, honey is poured into the broth and boiled over low heat, skimming off the foam with a spoon. If, when pouring the hot syrup, drops of it solidify and remain on the spoon, then the jam is ready. The finished jam-jelly should immediately be poured into glass jars (warmed up), covered with parchment paper and stored in a cool place.

Pears in honey

1 kg honey, 1 kg pears.

Cut the skin off the pears, select the seeds and boil them in half and half water with honey. When the pears can be easily pierced with straws, place them in a colander, flatten them, sprinkle with sugar and place on a baking sheet covered with straws and bake. Then take it out, dip it in syrup again and bake again. Do this three or four times. Dip the pears into the syrup one last time and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon. Pears should be stored in jars.

Applesauce with honey

350 g honey, 2 cups applesauce.

Peel the apples and remove seeds, cut them, put them in a clay pot, cover with a lid, cover with dough or cover with a wet cloth and bake. Then rub the apples through a sieve, add honey and cook until thick mass, stirring continuously with a spoon. Ready puree dry it to prevent mold.

Assorted jam

1 kg cranberries, 3 kg honey, 1 kg apples, 1 cup walnuts.

Sort the cranberries, rinse them, put them in a saucepan, pour half a glass of water into it and cook under the lid until the berries become soft. Mash the cooked cranberries and rub through a sieve. Boil honey in an enamel bowl and dip in it pureed cranberries, cored and sliced ​​apples, peeled walnuts, cook for about an hour.

Apple cheese with honey

350 g honey, 1 glass apple mass, spices ( Orange peel, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, allspice).

Peel the apples, remove the seeds from them, cut them into pieces, put them in a clay pot, cover with a lid, cover with dough or cover with a wet cloth and bake. Rub the apples through a sieve, add honey to them, start cooking, stirring until the mixture thickens. Pour spices into the mixture, mix, place in a wet napkin, tie the napkin with a cord and place under a press. In two days the cheese will be ready. It must be stored in a dry place.

Pickled grapes

For 1 kg of pickled berries you need: 50 g sugar, 50 g honey, 200 g table vinegar, 200 g of water, 20 g of salt, 5 cloves, 5 cardamom seeds.

Wash clusters of medium-sized ripe grapes, place them in rows in a jar and pour marinade filling. You can also pickle plums, apricots and other fruits and berries. Before pickling, fresh berries are blanched (scalded with boiling water), then cooled by immersing them in cold boiled water for a while.

Apples soaked in honey water

600 g honey, 3 tablespoons salt, apples.

Prepare a mixture from honey, salt and 10 liters of water and boil it. Wash the apples (Antonovka is best) and add honey water. In 1-1.5 months the apples will be ready.

Canned strawberries

Honey and strawberries in equal quantities.

Mix strawberries and honey without kneading, dry in the sun, put in jars and seal.

Grapes with honey

2 kg of honey, 3.5 kg of grapes, 0.5 liters of table vinegar, spices (cinnamon and cloves).

Place bunches of grapes in a wide-necked jar, being careful not to crush the berries. Then prepare a syrup from honey, vinegar and spices and boil it for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam. Pour hot syrup over the grapes and seal the jar hermetically.

Blackcurrant with honey

1 kg of honey, 1 kg of currants.

Grind the peeled and washed berries with a wooden pestle, pour in honey and mix. Place the resulting mass in glass jars, cover with paraffin paper, tie and store in a cool place.

What is the best way to prepare raspberries for the winter, what recipes to choose, how to do without extra costs, while making delicious preparations? Trying to preserve this capricious delicate berry is not always a pleasant task for housewives, because raspberry jam requires a lot of time and sugar, and the quantity useful substances inevitably shrinks during the cooking process. So let's not rush to prepare the traditional thick jam- let's first figure out what other raspberry preparations can be made?

I will not “pour water” and tell you about the benefits of raspberries for three pages of printed text. About how beautiful and healthy berry, you probably know without me. I offer my own collection of simple recipes.

Puree raspberries with sugar for the winter

The most simple blank This is how you make raspberries for the winter: simply grind the berries with sugar. Grind harshly, adding granulated sugar. In principle, any person most inexperienced and inexperienced in kitchen matters can cope with this task. And it seems this recipe almost ideal - until you find out that you need 2 times more sugar than berries. That is, for a bucket of raspberries you need two buckets of sugar, can you imagine? So I say: it’s not profitable. But it’s simple and always delicious. Make up your mind, and when you decide that you want to prepare the berries this way, look at my proven link.

Raspberries with sugar in the freezer

If you are, in principle, ready to put a lot of sugar into the preparations, nothing prevents you from using a freezing recipe, in which the berries are mixed with granulated sugar in their entirety. The recipe is very simple, and also quick, because you chop the raspberries into in this case No need. It is simply mixed with sugar, and then frozen in any container designed for freezing. I like to use plastic containers with a lid, deep, spacious, and easy to clean. In them, frozen berries are isolated from freezer odors and are not subject to deformation during storage. Very convenient and reliable. , read the link.

Another fragrant sweet is easily prepared from raspberries - raw jam. Interesting? Read on, it will be even more interesting.

Raw raspberry jam

To make it, you don't need a blender or any other kitchen appliance chopping berries. A plastic or wooden spatula will be sufficient, with which you can mix the raspberries and sugar well. Sort and wash the berries, placing them in a colander. Wash raspberries with running water at room temperature. Pour in granulated sugar (650 grams per kilogram of net weight of berries), add the rest later - directly into the jar. For each half-liter jar, another half glass of sugar should be added. Stir the raspberries thoroughly, pressing with a spatula to release the juice. Mix in several approaches, pausing between them for 15-20 minutes. Prepare the jars: wash and steam. Wash nylon covers with hot water. Place in a clean storage container berry mass, retreating 2-3 cm from the neck. Pour sugar into each jar, close nylon covers the preparation, store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. You cannot roll up jars with such contents.

Another method of preparation is quite tasty and practical. Raspberries are mixed not with sugar, but with honey. Want to try?

Raspberries with honey

Berries with honey are not only a cure for colds, but also a delicious and healthy dessert that goes well with many different dishes and treats: from pancakes, pies to ice cream and sweet sauces. The healthiest berries will be those cooked with honey in a cold way. This is when the berries are simply ground and stored frozen in sterile containers. This option is especially good because it retains all the benefits of fresh raspberries and the richness of the unique properties of natural honey. For a liter of liquid honey you need to take 1 kilogram of berries. Mix the raspberries grated with a spoon with honey, pour into a plastic container, close tightly and store in freezer. You can also put it in the refrigerator, but then it will last much less. It is advisable to use it as a vitamin supplement, strictly controlling the amount. Remember that honey is much sweeter than sugar.
If you want to prepare grated raspberries without sugar at all, use with the following recipe. Red currant acts as a preservative here.

Live raspberry jam with red currants for the winter

For a kilogram of raspberries you will need the same amount of red currants. Wash the berries, first clearing them of twigs and garden debris. Let the liquid drain, placing the raspberries and currants in a colander. Then grind the berries using a blender into a homogeneous puree. Add lemon juice to preserve color, half will be enough for the specified number of berries. Heat up berry puree until boiling, stirring with a clean wooden spatula. Then pour into dry sterile jars and close with nylon lids. This vitamin jam Without sugar, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month thanks to the natural preservative properties of red currants. Take it as a natural preventative against colds and various seasonal respiratory diseases.

You can add not only red currants to raspberries. Strawberries also go well with it - want to try it?

Instant raspberry-strawberry jam

For a kilogram of ripe raspberries, take 500 grams of small strawberries and a kilogram of sugar. Place the carefully sorted berries in a colander and rinse them - it’s better separately, because raspberries are a much more delicate berry than strawberries. Then place in a cooking bowl, add sugar and leave for an hour. After the specified time, stir with a wooden or plastic spatula and cook over low heat. As soon as the jam boils, stir it again as thoroughly as possible and remove from the heat. Process the jars and lids for sealing, heat the jam again to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour into boiling jars and roll up immediately.

Raspberry jam with melon

And here's another interesting recipe simple preparation of raspberries. I make this fragrant delicious berries jam with the addition of... melon. And it's not a joke. It turns out very tasty, but you just have to take into account that you can’t call such jam quick procurement raspberries for the winter. Melon pieces are boiled for quite a long time in sugar syrup, first on their own, then with the addition of berries. And you don’t need to do anything special, just cook it fragrant jam, and then roll it up. Read now
If you cook thick raspberry jam, then you will probably be faced with the need to drain some of the syrup - otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a thick consistency. Where should I put it? Pouring it into the trash is too wasteful; it is better to preserve it and use it in winter for making drinks, desserts, and jellies.

How to make raspberry syrup for the winter

Use a measuring cup to find out how much syrup you have. If it's sweet enough, you don't need to add sugar. In general, the norm is a kilogram granulated sugar per liter raspberry juice. Strain the liquid before sterilizing. Add the juice of one lemon - again, per liter of syrup, stir, heat over low heat until boiling. Treat jars and lids by thoroughly sterilizing them using any convenient method. Boiling raspberry syrup pour into a storage container and roll up immediately. Cool the jars by turning them over and wrapping them in a blanket, blanket, or towel. By the way, during cooking you can add not only lemon juice, but also a cinnamon stick per liter of preparation. It will need to be removed before preservation.

Want to experiment with raspberry additives? Try to do something unusual berry jam assorted, thick and tasty.

Raspberry jam with blackberries and blackcurrants

The preparation is done in one step. Be sure to prepare sterile jars and lids while the jam is cooking. Sort and wash the berries, removing the stems and stalks, as well as small garden debris in advance, let the water drain slightly, throwing them in a colander. Then mix with sugar in a cooking vessel, wait 15-20 minutes and start cooking. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat and cook, stirring, for about half an hour. The jam should begin to thicken before your eyes. That’s when it will need to be put into jars and rolled up immediately. By the way, take a kilogram of each type of berries, and 3 kilograms of sugar or a little less.

Try also cooking

The berry season is already in full swing, and therefore it is time to prepare the most delicious and the healthiest desserts and preparations for the winter. If we are talking about desserts and sweet preparations, then we have a whole sea of ​​options. This is , and , and gooseberry and currant compote, and, of course, raspberry jam.

So, let's roll up our sleeves and go pick raspberries to make healthy raspberry jam, which we will enjoy savoring in winter. Let's look at several options for making raspberry jam.

Raspberry jam with honey

To make jam you need sugar. This is a well-known fact. However, in some cases, sugar can be replaced with similar ingredients. Why don't we make raspberry jam with honey?

For this jam, both garden and forest raspberry. But wild raspberry jam is considered healthier.


  • 4 cups raspberries
  • 1 glass unsweetened apple juice
  • 50 grams (1 sachet) pectin
  • 1 glass of honey.

Recipe for raspberry jam with honey:

First, let's sterilize the jars and lids. Next, let's deal directly with the berries.

Raspberry jam and honey can be cooked with or without seeds. If you don't like the crunch raspberry seeds, then you can rub the berries through a sieve before starting cooking.

Place the berries in a large saucepan. Dissolve pectin in apple juice. Pour into the berries. We also add honey there.

Bring to a boil. After this, adjust the sweetness to taste, adding more honey if necessary.

Bring to a boil again. Cook for 3 minutes, remembering to stir.

Lay out homemade jam from raspberries for the winter in sterilized jars. Seal with lids.

Store in a cool place.

Jam with raspberries and lemon

The recipe for raspberry jam for the winter with lemon is interesting because such jam has quite interesting taste, with sourness. In addition, thanks to the citrus content, we can enrich our jam useful vitamin WITH.


  • 4 glasses fresh berries raspberries
  • 2 ½ cups granulated sugar
  • 1 lemon.

Recipe for raspberry jam with lemon:

Place the raspberries in a large saucepan (preferably with a heavy bottom). Bring to a boil over medium heat. Don't worry about adding water. The berries are quite juicy. After boiling, cook for 1 minute. During this time, the raspberries will begin to disintegrate. Next, reduce the heat and add sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice. We wait for it to boil again. Cook until thickened.

If you want your raspberry lemon jam to be sweeter, use a 1:1 raspberry to sugar ratio.

Frozen raspberry jam

Raspberry jam can be made not only from freshly picked berries, but also from frozen ones. Therefore, we suggest considering how to prepare raspberry jam for the winter from frozen berries.

You can make frozen raspberry jam using the simplest ingredients:

  • 1 kg frozen raspberries
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 kg sugar.

Recipe for frozen raspberry jam:

Berries should not be thawed before cooking. Place frozen berries in a saucepan. Mash thoroughly with a potato press. Add sugar and lemon juice. Place on the fire, cook for about 10 minutes, stirring.

Place into sterile jars. Seal tightly. Should be stored refrigerated.

Raspberry jam for the winter

Delicious red raspberry jam can also be prepared as follows:


  • About 1 kg raspberries
  • 3 ¾ cups granulated sugar.

Raspberry jam recipe:

In a large saucepan, mix raspberries with sugar. Place on high heat. Cooking raspberry jam lasts 5 – 10 minutes.

By the way, you can cook raspberry jam in the same way in a slow cooker.

Next, put homemade raspberry jam into sterilized jars. Close with lids. You can store this jam at room temperature. The opened jar should be kept in the refrigerator and used within several days.

Five-minute raspberry jam recipe

A simple recipe for five-minute raspberry jam is perhaps the most popular. Thanks to such a short heat treatment of the berries, they retain more vitamins and nutrients.

Five-minute raspberry jam can be made either single- or multi-component. We will try to add other berries to improve the taste.


  • 2 cups mixed berries: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries
  • 45 ml lemon juice
  • 1 ½ packets of pectin
  • 290 grams of sugar.

Five-minute raspberry jam recipe:

We wash the berries and put them in enamel dishes. Knead everything with a wooden spoon. Put on fire, add pectin and lemon juice. Boil and then add sugar. Boil over low heat for another 1 minute. Pour into sterile jars.

Raspberry jam without cooking

The simplest raspberry jam is jam from whole raspberries without cooking. It is also the most useful.

The recipe for raspberry jam with whole berries without cooking is the simplest of all the above. For jam we need to take raspberries and sugar in a ratio of 1 to 1.
