How to make dried bananas. Harm of dried bananas. Storage of the finished product

Dried bananas - calorie content, harm and benefit, recipes.

Dried bananasdelicious treat, which is loved not only by children, but also by adults with a sweet tooth. We will talk in detail about the benefits, harm, and calorie content of dried bananas in this article, and we will also learn how to cook dried bananas at home.

Calorie content

Connoisseurs of this unique dried delicacy are interested in: what caloric content do dried bananas have and whether constant consumption of dried fruit can cause harm to the figure? Indeed, the calorie content of dried bananas is several times higher than that of fresh fruits and is about 346 kilocalories per hundred grams. So you should consume dried bananas in moderation.

At moderate consumption dried bananas, they are beneficial to the body, as they contain the daily requirement of vitamin B6, which stimulates healthy metabolism, useful microelements, pectin and carotene. We will tell you more about the dangers and benefits of eating dried bananas in the next section of the article.

Dried bananas are useful primarily because they contain an abundance of potassium - an element that improves the functioning of the brain, heart muscle, and is beneficial for the skin and hair of the body.

Dried bananas will also be useful for increased swelling, as they help remove excess moisture from the body. Eating dried bananas catalyzes the production of the joy hormone - serotonin, and therefore helps to lift your mood and gives additional energy to the body.

Dried bananas are hypoallergenic, so they can be given even to small children, and the rich supply of vitamin C in the dried fruit will help strengthen the immune system. .

However, despite all their usefulness, dried bananas have a number of contraindications: they are undesirable to eat if you are obese, diabetes mellitus, since in dried form the fruit has a significant calorie content and, in addition, its sucrose content increases. It is also advisable to limit yourself in the consumption of dried delicacy in case of dyspepsia, flatulence and thrombophlebitis, after a recent heart attack or stroke.

In other cases, there will be no harm from dried bananas, but it is important to consume the product in moderation.

You can buy dried bananas in any store without any problems, but dried fruits that you prepare yourself will be much healthier. We present below detailed recipe cooking dried bananas in a conventional oven.

Homemade recipe in the oven

How to make dried bananas at home? It’s very simple: take several fresh ripe fruits, peel them and cut them the way you like - into slices or circles. Place the slices (circles) on a baking sheet and then put it in the oven. Bananas should be dried until tender for about three to five hours at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees.

Store the finished drying fruit in a box made of cardboard or tin. The shelf life of the product, subject to storage rules, is one year.

They quickly gained popularity, especially since this fruit is available almost at any time of the year. Much less popular, but no less tasty option These are dried bananas or figs.

They gained their well-deserved popularity because they are very convenient to use: they take up little space, while remaining nutritious and very healthy snack. This is especially useful if you are watching your diet or cannot eat normally at work. However, it is important to remember that when dried, bananas also acquire a much higher calorie content: they contain approximately 5 times more calories than fresh fruits, which in themselves are not very dietary. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, treat dried bananas with caution. In any case, remember that only consumption in moderation makes foods truly healthy.

Dried bananas are not very popular here, but in Asian countries they are even used to make chips. To do this, they are dried very strongly, adding sugar, and sometimes even. The result is very original snack, which harms the body much less than the ones we are used to potato chips. Although, of course, the combination of salt and banana is a combination only for true gourmets. However, when consuming, it is important to remember that they have the same properties as seeds - you can eat them great amount and not even notice it. Therefore, try to either add dried bananas to your dishes, especially to cereals like oatmeal, or strictly dose the amount you are going to eat, because even the healthiest foods frequent use may become harmful.

How to choose dried bananas

If you don't cook yourself, but want to buy ready-made dried bananas, pay attention to exactly how they were dried. If this sweet snack, which was prepared using caramel, it is better to refuse such a purchase, buy fresh fruit and prepare it at home. Remember that dried bananas are enough on their own. high-calorie foods, and adding to them sugar caramel or they will only increase the calorie content, and the sugar content in the product will provide a sharp jump in blood sugar levels.

How to dry bananas at home

Dried bananas can be easily prepared at home; no special devices or preservatives are needed. To do this, you need to clear fresh fruits, cut them into neat circles about 5 cm thick, place them on a baking sheet and dry in a warm place at a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees. The result will be bananas that will have a rich Brown color. If you use the “baby” variety, you don’t have to cut them, leave them whole, just peel them first.

During the drying process, up to 80% of the water comes out of the banana, so they will become much smaller. However, they will remain as healthy as fresh fruits, retaining almost the full supply of vitamins and minerals. Place finished products in a glass or cardboard box and store in a dry place for up to 12 months.

To prepare dried bananas at home, it is best, of course, to use a special fruit dryer. Otherwise you need at least electric oven, or anything else capable of maintaining their optimal temperature (about 40 degrees). Exceeding the temperature will cause the bananas to become baked rather than dried out. Cut them into circles about 5 centimeters wide and then dip them in a mixture of lemon juice and water if desired. This is necessary so that they retain their color and do not darken. To do this, fresh lemon juice and water need to be mixed in a ratio of one to two, but if the color is not important to you finished product, you can safely skip this step.

Bananas must be placed in this mixture for half a minute, then removed, placed on a baking sheet and dried. At optimal temperature At 40 degrees Celsius you will need about 18 hours to completely dry the product. Remember that you will need about 5 hours in the oven at the same temperature. In addition, you can dry bananas simply in the fresh air if it is very hot outside. To do this, you also need to lay them out on parchment, just be sure to cover them with gauze so that midges don’t land on them. In this case, place them directly in the open sun, and then check the condition regularly. As soon as the characteristic sweet crust forms on the fruit, we can consider it ready.

Composition of dried bananas

One dried banana contains the daily requirement of vitamin B6, which we need to speed up metabolism and also maintain the functioning of the nervous system. In addition to vitamin B6, they contain wide range others, which gives them sweet taste, as well as phosphorus, which is indispensable for mental activity.

Composition of dried bananas (per 100 g)
346 kcal
3.89 g
1.81 g
88.28 g
0.2 g
0.9 g
2 g
and disaccharides 19 g
0.2 g
74 g
0.4 g
1.7 g
9.8 mg
0.9 mg
0.5 mcg
0.4 mg
10 mg
10 mcg
0.4 mg
0.3 mg
0.05 mg
0.04 mg
20 mcg
Beta carotene 0.12 mg
2.2 mcg
1 mcg
0.27 mg
0.15 mg
0.6 mg
28 mg
31 mg
348 mg
42 mg
8 mg

Dried bananas have a lot beneficial properties, basically the same ones you can find in fresh fruits. They contain a high concentration of potassium, which is necessary for normal operation of cardio-vascular system, as well as to improve communication between neurons. In addition, it is very useful for the good condition of the skin and hair; its deficiency immediately becomes noticeable and affects the appearance.

Beneficial properties of dried bananas

Dried bananas can even be used in medicinal purposes, in particular, they help cope very well with constipation, in this they replace medications very well pharmaceutical drugs. The main thing is not to get carried away with such treatment, since bananas still have too many calories. It is very useful to periodically consume them for people who suffer from anemia, since the substances they contain stimulate the production of blood cells. They are also prescribed to those who suffer from chronic diseases. gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers or gastritis, since dried bananas are very easily digestible, provide the body with the maximum amount of nutrients, and also improve intestinal function.

They are also well suited for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, as they support the functioning of the heart and the good condition of blood vessels, and are also able to remove from the body harmful salts. Dried bananas help the body remove excess fluid, along with salts, which helps relieve swelling. They can also be taken for ulcers, as their fibrous composition is very easy to digest and does not damage the gastric mucosa.

They help with:

  • smoking;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • to support the nervous system;
  • For correct formation body;
  • for swelling.

Bananas, both fresh and dried, are recommended for smokers. Firstly, they help to at least slightly reduce the harm that nicotine causes to the body, and secondly, they help fight the craving for smoking. When consumed regularly, bananas even help cope with stress and reduce the level of anxiety and nervousness (like, and), this was made possible thanks to the vitamin B they contain. Vitamin E, which is also found in fresh and dried fruits, is very beneficial for the condition of the skin and hair. With regular use, this will become noticeable, not only your mood will improve, but also your appearance.

Dried bananas for children

Many people are interested in the question of whether dried bananas can be given to children. Many berries and fruits can cause allergies in a child, especially if he is very young, but bananas, both fresh and dried, remain a hypoallergenic product, so you can safely include them in your children’s diet. Moreover, dried bananas are even good for children, as they contain a high concentration of vitamin C, which contributes to good functioning. immune system and helps with colds.

Not everyone knows this, but bananas, both fresh and dried, contain substances that stimulate the production of the joy hormone, so we can say that those people who regularly consume them are the happiest people in the world. In any case, their regular use can improve mood, increase performance and maintain a healthy nervous system. Very good dried fruits for athletes, because they contain a high concentration of calories, which means they can provide a lot of energy. Their natural composition saturates the body useful substances, which is also very important for those who play sports.

How to eat dried bananas

Because of high calorie content Bananas are best consumed in the morning. For example, very healthy breakfast will oatmeal with the addition of fresh or dried fruit. You can also use them as decoration and addition to confectionery products, for example for cakes and pastries. But, of course, it is best to consume dried bananas in pure form: firstly, they themselves are a very good substitute for desserts even for the most capricious children, and secondly, they are already quite high in calories. You can even make compotes from dried bananas if you are ready to experiment and want to try such a drink.

Contraindications and harm

Any one useful product has its contraindications. Dried bananas, for example, should not be consumed by people who want to lose weight. At the very least, it is necessary to strictly control their amount in the diet. Because of high concentration Sugars are contraindicated for people who suffer from diabetes.

The amount of dried bananas consumed as food must also be strictly dosed for people who suffer from excessive blood clotting, including those that lead to the formation of blood clots, as well as after a heart attack or stroke.

It is advisable to avoid combination with, as this can cause bloating. On the other hand, combining banana with milk helps you gain weight, so... small quantities it can be used by those people who need to get better.

Sometimes we all like to crunch on chips while listening to an interesting movie or football match. Did you know that there is a useful and tasty alternative? Dried bananas can be successfully replaced as a harmful snack. Of course, their health benefits directly depend on how they are made and processed. To be sure of the quality of the product, it is better to dry them at home. Below we have collected a couple simple recipes, but first, let's find out why they are good.

Banana chips: benefits and harm

The main benefit of dried bananas is that they are rich in fiber. Just 100 grams of this product contains about a third daily value. Thanks to this, they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Don't forget to wash them down big amount water.

In addition, these chips are rich in iron and potassium. This substance plays an important role in maintaining normal heart function, muscle tone and water distribution throughout the body. If you are deficient in potassium, you will deal with weakness, cramps, swelling and irregular heartbeat. If you buy dried bananas at the store, read the label carefully. Many manufacturers prepare them by deep frying and adding sugar. This method negates all of the above advantages, since the snack turns out to be too fatty.

How to dry bananas at home?

Now let's talk in more detail about how to do banana chips. The beauty is that we don’t need any fancy ingredients. We will prepare a healthy version of this snack, so forget about oil and other things for deep frying. For all methods there is one rule: bananas must be ripe and sweet. It will be better if brown dots have already appeared on the skin. This will make our chips sweet without using extra sugar. Well, then the choice of recipe depends on which unit you have at hand.

Banana chips in the oven

As practice shows, this is the most common method. I advise owners to avoid it gas ovens, since it will be difficult to maintain the required temperature. To begin, preheat the oven to 65 degrees. Peel the bananas and cut into thin pieces, as in the photo. Drop them in lemon juice so that they do not darken during the drying process. Place them on a greased baking sheet and sprinkle with seasonings of your choice. I like to use coriander. Cook for an hour or two until completely dry. Dried bananas will be pliable while hot. Let them cool completely and then store in an airtight container.

How to dry bananas in an electric dryer?

If you are the proud owner of an electric dryer, it would be strange not to use it. Peel the bananas again and cut them into thin slices. Dip them in lemon juice and lay them out to dry, leaving a little space between them. Set the temperature to 65 degrees for the first two hours, then reduce it to 55 degrees and leave our chips for another 6 hours. Turn them over about halfway through cooking. Let the pieces cool completely with the dryer turned off, this takes me another couple of hours. Place them in a bag or airtight container. Store at room temperature.

Banana chips in the microwave

Perhaps every home now has a microwave, so why not use it? Peel the banana and cut it into thin pieces. Place them in any suitable bowl and microwave. It is better to take a larger bowl so that the bananas do not lie in a too thick layer. Turn on defrost mode for 10-15 minutes. Turn our chips over about halfway through cooking. Transfer the cooked bananas to a wire rack. Don't worry if they feel a little sticky to the touch. Let sit overnight and then place in a storage container.

Fruits such as bananas are not a delicacy and are always available for sale, regardless of the time of year. Why then dry bananas, you ask. The answer is simple. Dried and dried bananas– it’s very tasty and hearty dessert. You can always take dried fruits with you and snack on them at the right time. We’ll talk about how to properly approach the process of dehydrating bananas in this article.

Only suitable for drying ripe bananas. There may be black spots on the peel, but the flesh of the fruit should remain light and firm.

Before drying, bananas must be washed in running water and peeled.

For a dried product, it is better to cut bananas large pieces. Large fruits can be cut in half first, and then each half in two. Small mini bananas (Baby Banana) can be dried whole.

For chips, fruits are cut into wheels 5 to 10 millimeters thick.

To prevent the fruits from darkening during drying, they must be kept for some time in acidified water. To do this, pour 200 milliliters of cool water and squeezed juice of one lemon into a bowl. Lemon juice can be replaced with 1 teaspoon citric acid. Place banana slices in the acidified solution for 20–30 seconds.

After this procedure, the fruits are placed in a colander and waited until the excess liquid has drained as much as possible.

Methods for drying bananas

In the sun

At first glance, the simplest drying method is to use solar heat, but in practice it turns out to be the most labor-intensive.

  • Firstly, changeable weather conditions may not always contribute to high-quality drying.
  • Secondly, at night the pallet with bananas needs to be brought home and taken out again. Fresh air only after the morning dew has disappeared, otherwise the food will become soggy.
  • Thirdly, bananas laid out on a pallet must be reliably protected from insects that can transfer pathogens to them.

Drying time in the open sun ranges from 2 to 4 days. This mainly depends on the weather conditions and the size of the fruit cut.

In the oven

Bananas prepared in the manner described above are laid out on a tray covered with parchment. To improve air exchange, the paper can be pierced in several places with a knife.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees and place a baking sheet with slices in it. It is very important to leave the door open oven to allow air to circulate. Small banana slices will be completely ready in 3 hours, and large pieces it will take much more time. Remember to periodically turn the fruit slices so that drying occurs more evenly.

Watch the video from the Kitchen Show channel - Banana Chips - Dried Bananas with Cinnamon. How to dry bananas in the oven.

In an electric dryer

Using an electric dryer is considered the most convenient, since the surrounding air heats up much less during its operation.

Pieces of fruit are laid out on trays in one layer, leaving a small distance between them to avoid sticking together. Bananas are dried at a temperature of 60 - 70ºС for 10 - 12 hours. During this time, the pallets must be periodically swapped. This should be done approximately once every 2 hours.

The readiness of the fruit is determined individually. Some people prefer jerky, while others prefer completely dry banana chips.

The main thing after drying is to equalize the moisture in the product. To do this, dried fruits are placed from the dehydrator into one container and allowed to stand for several hours. During this time, the moisture remaining in the bananas will be evenly distributed in the bananas.

Watch the video from the channel “Ezidri Master” - How to make dried bananas at home?

How to store dried bananas

Dried bananas should be stored in the main compartment of the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container. Under such conditions, dried fruits can be stored for up to 1 year.

The completely dried product can be stored at room temperature in a container or plastic bag. If the room humidity is normal, then you can store dry banana slices in paper bags.

In countries where bananas grow like apples in our country, chips (salty or sweet) from them will not surprise anyone. IN Lately dried bananas are also conquering our market. Maybe it's because they're like seeds? You eat until you're done. And it doesn’t get boring! As you already understand, today we are discussing dried bananas, the benefits and harms of which will also be discussed.

Why are dried bananas harmful?

Probably only the laziest do not know that dried fruits always surpass their ancestor in calorie content. Bananas are no exception. Chips made from them are 5-6 times more caloric than fresh fruit. This means that people on a diet and watching their figure should significantly limit them in their diet. Even more so when they are cooked with caramel.

For the same reason, pregnant women should not overuse dried bananas. There is no doubt that this insidious delicacy significantly increases the level of endorphins and serotonin in the blood, which helps to quickly improve your mood. After all, expectant mothers, like no one else, are subject to changes. But such “happy” therapy can backfire. Namely, speed dialing excess weight, stretch marks, increased blood sugar levels.

By the way, sweet dried bananas always contain a huge amount of sugar. Therefore, they are prohibited for diabetics. From the word absolutely. People at risk for diabetes should also avoid this contagious delicacy.

Independent laboratory studies have shown that dried bananas significantly increase blood clotting. Therefore, they are strictly prohibited for people with:

  • thrombosis
  • atherosclerosis
  • after a stroke
  • after a heart attack

And also for those who have a genetic predisposition to these diseases.

Banana chips are a type of dried banana. They are very dangerous for the body. Because they are cooked in boiling oil. This means they contain a huge amount of carcinogens. When purchasing, be sure to read the packaging. It should say dried or cured, but not fried.

What are the benefits of dried bananas?

However, let's talk about the good stuff. After all, candied bananas have incomparably more positive qualities. For example, they are practically champions in potassium content. This means that smokers and people with heart disease will benefit greatly from a proper dose. After all, without potassium, the heart muscle begins to work intermittently, even to the point of convulsive spasms.

One dried banana contains daily dose B vitamins. That is, regular use Candied bananas help normalize metabolism. It also helps the brain function properly and nervous system generally.

Plus, this same group of vitamins is responsible for the beauty of nails and hair. Women, take note: a couple of dried bananas a day and in a month you won’t recognize your hair!

By the way, despite the lack of characteristic sourness in taste, candied bananas contain a decent amount of vitamin C. This is approximately 10 mg per 100 g of the finished product. Therefore, they can be used as an aid in the treatment of colds. Dried bananas are not an independent medicine. But in combination with traditional therapy - very much so.

In the cold season, you can also sometimes eat dried bananas to prevent colds. This significantly increases your own immunity.

Dried bananas with milk are strongly recommended by doctors for patients with underweight. This food helps you gain weight quickly required weight. But you shouldn’t prescribe such a diet for yourself. Otherwise, there is a risk of becoming obese. The dosage of dried bananas should be calculated by a specialist.

By the way, people suffering from constipation are strongly recommended to eat dried bananas. They contain a large number of soft fibrous tissue. Therefore, they delicately get rid of the problem. At the same time, they do not cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract.

Dried bananas are one of the few candied fruits that can be safely given to children under 3 years of age. Their hypoallergenicity has been proven by numerous experiments and studies. Just don’t feed your baby insidious dried fruits. He will quickly feel full and refuse the main dish. 1-2 dried bananas for dessert is the optimal amount for a child.

Interesting facts about dried bananas

Some sources claim that dried bananas are great for relieving puffiness. Scientific research there has been no research on this topic. But according to reviews, banana chips cope well with this problem. In turn, we strongly discourage experimenting on yourself and self-medicating. There are more traditional and effective methods to get rid of swelling.

Banana chips also contain a lot of vitamin E. It is incredibly beneficial for the skin. It is enough to perform a simple experiment to verify this. You just need to eat 2 dried bananas a day. And compare the condition of the skin before and after in about a month. Many women will be significantly surprised by the results. The skin becomes velvety, smooth, and radiance appears. Small wrinkles disappear, deep folds are smoothed out somewhat. Try it, you won't regret it.

If you are facing serious physical exercise or heavy sports, doctors recommend eating dried bananas. They are a powerful source of energy and are not considered doping. Many athletes have long known this feature, so they safely consume banana chips before training.

By the way, dried bananas are highly recommended for smokers. They have been proven to significantly reduce the harm of nicotine and harmful tar. Of course, it will not be possible to completely neutralize cigarette poisons, but at least it’s better than nothing at all. It's better not to smoke at all. Then candied fruits will simply be a pleasant addition to the main meal.

Here they are, dried bananas. Their benefits and harms are now known to you. As they say: forewarned is forearmed. Eat this incredible delicacy without fanaticism and be healthy!

Video: how to make dried bananas at home
