How to clean cocoa beans. Fragrant cocoa beans and incredible properties of chocolate beans that you might not know about

At first glance, these are ordinary nuts, there is nothing special about them. But this is only if we evaluate them from the point of view of visualization. Cocoa beans are a way to add freshness, fill the room with aroma and energize the body.

This raw material is very useful because it contains many vitamins and antioxidants. Thus, polyphenols contained in cocoa beans are powerful plant antioxidants. In addition to them, the raw material also contains minerals. The activity of these components exceeds even vitamin E, tens of times. In addition, cocoa beans are not only mega-healthy, but also mega-tasty.

And finally, it is worth noting that it is these fruits that can improve the interaction of a married couple who long time lives together. Here it should be said that we are talking not only about sensations, but the feeling of falling in love, as well as increased libido. Raw cocoa beans help improve the condition of skin and hair, thereby affecting eroticism and better perception of each other.

Varieties of cocoa beans

Their classification is numerous. But in fact, only two of the most basic groups of cocoa beans stand out. So this is criollo and forastero. The first option includes noble and varietal types of raw materials. As a rule, this is a crop that produces a small yield. But, despite this, the quality of such cocoa beans is at a high level.

As for forastero, these are consumer or ordinary varieties. This crop is more productive. IN in this case Cocoa beans of average quality are “produced”. True, despite this, there are some exceptions. For example, varieties that were bred in Ecuador are capable of producing high quality crops.

In addition to the two main crops, there are also many hybrids. Without this cocoa beans simply could not exist. Therefore, they can still be divided into four varieties. So these are Criollo, Trinitario, Nacional and Forastero.

If you look at their origin, cocoa beans are American, African and Asian. By their name, it becomes clear where this or that raw material comes from. Dried beans also have their own classification. So, they can be bitter, sour, tart and tender. In general, there is a cocoa bean for every gourmet.

The benefits of cocoa beans

It is worth saying right away that this raw material is a real wealth. It contains great amount elements necessary for the body. One of them is epicatechin. Thanks to it, it is possible to reduce the incidence of stroke, heart attack, diabetes and even cancer.

Another important element is cocohil. It promotes skin cell growth. This way, wounds heal much faster, wrinkles are also smoothed out, and the risk of stomach ulcers is prevented. Organic cocoa in its raw raw form enriches the body with magnesium. A feeling of euphoria appears. Arginine, in turn, is one of the natural aphrodisiacs. Tryptophan is a powerful antidepressant. Thanks to magnesium, the heart works much better. Blood pumps more efficiently, blood pressure decreases, and strong bones are built. Sulfur improves skin, nails and hair. In general, cocoa beans speed up and improve all processes.

In general, there is nothing wrong with drinking cocoa. A person who constantly takes it risks becoming a happy person. The thing is that the amount of antioxidants in it is several times higher than in green tea, blueberries and blackberries. So cocoa beans are very healthy.

Harm of cocoa beans

There are actually a lot of them. So, the harm may be due to the caffeine content. There is quite a bit of this component in cocoa. But despite this, if children abuse cocoa, nothing good will come of it.

The fact is that caffeine is a rather controversial product. We can talk endlessly about its harms and benefits. Thus, caffeine has a unique effect on the heart, so it is better for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system to refrain from consuming cocoa beans.

No matter how strange it may sound, cocoa beans may be harmful due to sanitary conditions. So, cockroaches live in raw materials. Naturally, this is not the case in products sold in stores. But if you collect the fruits yourself, you can meet the inhabitants of cocoa face to face.

Beans are also dangerous due to their composition. Yes, they may contain chemicals. Because they are often grown using large quantity pesticides.

And finally, a person may simply be allergic to cocoa beans. The fact is that the seeds themselves do not contain substances that can cause allergic reaction. This phenomenon can be caused by cockroaches and other pests that previously “lived” there. Therefore, you should use cocoa beans with caution. More precisely, to say on your own, prepare various culinary delights from raw fruits.

Properties of cocoa beans

It should be noted that the raw materials are simply overflowing with useful substances and vitamins. Moreover, their content is so great that it simply amazes researchers and scientists.

So how does cocoa work? It can balance the general condition and bring a person to his senses. That is, simply put, to lift your spirits and relieve the blues. In addition, blood circulation and the condition of certain areas of the brain improve. Reaction and thought processes also improve.

Cocoa beans enhance pleasure and relieve fatigue. They can relieve stress and remove depression. In addition, sexual sensation is enhanced. Feeling and mood improve on their own. Despite such a huge number positive properties, cocoa beans do not cause drug addiction at all.

If you use them for 5-10 years, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing tumors. And finally, increase estrogen levels in women. In general, cocoa beans are capable

Chemical composition of cocoa beans

The main components of beans are fats, alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids and minerals.

If we take the chemical composition as a basis, then the core, cocoa shell and embryo are of value. They contain large amounts of ash, fiber and other substances. The core contains cocoa butter, the total component of which is 55%. These are mainly stearic and palmetic acids.

Tannins. They are capable of giving beans a rather specific bitter taste, as well as their color. The coloring substances contained in cocoa beans are called anthocyanins.

Carbohydrates. This is starch, in an amount of 5-9%, sucrose, glucose and fructose. Cocoa beans also contain organic acids such as citric, malic, tartaric and acetic.

Minerals. These include phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. In addition, there is also ash. Its content in cocoa beans is 2-4%, in cocoa shells 6-9%.

Aromatic substances. The composition of cocoa beans includes them sufficient quantity. They play a huge role in creating that very specific aroma of chocolate. As previously established, the number of compounds does not exceed 300. The characteristic aroma is due to the reaction of sugar, amino acids and polyphenols.

And finally, cocoa beans also contain vitamins. Mainly useful components group B. In addition, these are biotin, nicotinic and pantothenic acids. They are found in the cocoa shell, kernel and germ of cocoa beans.

How to use cocoa beans?

In their raw form, these fruits are very beneficial for the body. They tend to restore energy and hormonal balance. In addition, they can improve vision, increase performance, have a powerful antidepressant effect, and also improve tone. All useful material, which are part of the seeds, protect the human body. As a rule, cocoa is included in the diet of those people who, for some reason, are physically weakened. In addition, for colds, these fruits can help positive action. Peeled fruits are tender, crispy and, most importantly, have a great taste.

If you constantly consume cocoa beans, then over time they will be able to normalize the menstrual cycle, eliminate apathy and even rejuvenate. Long-term use promises quality healing effect. If you have warts, papillomas and other skin problems, then cocoa beans can cope with this phenomenon. Raw fruits are a reliable protection against all kinds of tumors. Due to the fact that raw materials have complex chemical composition, it helps to excite nervous system, prevent blood clots and even improve heart function.

Antioxidants contained in cocoa beans increase the activity of radicals present in cells human body. They effectively protect against infections and viruses. As for polyphenols, they are able to break down fats and thereby prevent the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Cocoa beans are very healthy in every sense.

How to eat cocoa beans?

So, crushed beans can be used different ways. So, the first thing you can do with raw materials is to eat a couple of pieces raw. The second option is to consume cocoa along with honey. You just need to dip the fruits in the sweetness. It is worth noting that for a person who tries such a delicacy for the first time, a whole dedication is carried out. Beans are very encouraging. Therefore, it is worth eating just a couple of grains, and a boost of energy is provided for a while.

There is another option for using beans. To do this, you need to peel them and mix them with crushed nuts and honey. The taste in this case is delicate. In addition, nuts also have active action. In order to properly peel the nuts, you need to fill them with water for a couple of minutes, then remove the skins with a knife. But don't rush to throw it away. Because the ground peel is good scrub for face.

And finally, from cocoa you can make delicious drink. All you have to do is grind the cocoa into powder and pour boiling water over it. You can add milk to taste. Get a delicious drink. In general, cocoa beans are used in different ways.

How to make cocoa from cocoa beans?

To prepare delicious and healthy drink You'll have to get some ingredients. So, to prepare four servings you need to take 200-300 grams of beans. A couple of them can be freely eaten during the cooking process. You will also need 200-300 grams of honey, 20-30 grams of cinnamon and a vanilla pod.

In addition, you will need to get a frying pan, a masher and a couple of plates. The first step is to prepare the cocoa beans. They are washed thoroughly, then thoroughly ground into containers and filled with water. This action will allow you to quickly get rid of the peel. Now the beans are cleaned and various spices are prepared. So, honey and vanilla are suitable as “lotions”. All this is thoroughly mixed with the beans. Now the resulting components are crushed to chocolate mass. A coffee grinder is suitable for this task. After all this, the resulting mass is poured with boiling water. You can add a little milk. This is how delicious cocoa is prepared.

Recipes from cocoa beans

Exist various recipes from cocoa beans, many of which are real works of art. Most people love delicious candies. So, that’s why it’s worth considering one simple recipe.

To prepare, you need to take 500 grams of cocoa beans, about 150 grams of cocoa butter, the same amount of honey, a couple of vanilla pods and a little cinnamon. For the filling you can use poppy seeds, sesame seeds and orange zest. Now you can start cooking. The first step is to wash the cocoa beans and peel them. Then put a piece of butter in a frying pan and melt it. It is important that its temperature does not exceed 50 degrees. Then all this is intensively mixed, vanilla and cinnamon are added. Mix everything thoroughly and add honey to taste. Thus, we get tasty candy. You can try them immediately. If you want the candies to be hard, you should put them in the refrigerator for a while.

In principle, this entire mass can be poured with boiling water and you will get a tasty drink. In fact, there are a lot of recipes with cocoa beans. It is important to remember to eat a couple of raw grains daily. Then cocoa beans will have a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Chocolate made from cocoa beans

Most delicious chocolate It's very easy to make from cocoa beans. The main components of this product are raw materials and cocoa butter. The point is that you can buy these ingredients in a regular supermarket. Pleasure is not cheap.

After the ingredients have been purchased, you need to proceed to the cooking process. So, first of all, the beans need to be peeled. Then grind everything in a coffee grinder and fry in a frying pan. This way the cocoa beans can open their unique aroma. Next they are mixed with cocoa butter. The most optimal proportion is 50 to 50. This will soften the taste, because cocoa beans themselves are bitter. To complete the job, you will have to cook all the above ingredients in a water bath. An ordinary Turk is perfect for this. During the cooking process you can add a little powdered sugar, this way you will get caramel.

If you want to cook milk chocolate, then it will fit perfectly powdered milk. But in this case it is necessary to maintain a certain proportion, namely 40 to 60. It should be noted that milk can evaporate beneficial features chocolate. The resulting raw materials are bottled silicone molds. Then you need to leave it alone for a while so that the chocolate hardens. After a while, the treat can be consumed. This is how delicious cocoa beans can be.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa bean butter has many beneficial properties. To obtain this raw material, it is necessary to press cocoa beans. During this process, a yellowish liquid is obtained. At the same time, it has a pungent odor and even taste. Therefore, they will need to be softened. For this purpose, steam treatment under vacuum is used.

During cooling, cocoa butter takes on a crystalline form and becomes hard and cold. The action of this component in its raw form is superior to any known cosmetical tools. At the same time, the skin is nourished with fatty acids and flavanols. Cocoa butter itself improves the functioning of cells in the upper layers of the skin. Thus, wrinkles are removed.

When consuming cocoa butter in food, the condition of blood vessels improves. In addition, their elasticity increases. It has a beneficial effect on the inner layers of the skin, as well as subcutaneous tissue. You can use this ingredient to prepare delicacies. Cocoa butter is stored at temperatures from 0 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Cocoa butter is a complete complex of vitamins, proteins, and microelements. All of them together are sources good health. They can increase vitality body. In general, cocoa beans are a very high-quality and healthy product.

Cocoa beans for weight loss

Are cocoa beans effective for weight loss and are they even used in this “industry”? In their raw form, the fruits have a very interesting properties. Besides, they are useful.

Thus, cocoa beans contain many vitamins, microelements and other components. Thanks to which not only all body functions improve, but also metabolism improves. What does this mean? The fact is that you can lose weight with cocoa.

There is a special variety of cocoa called “live”. It promotes rapid fat burning. But take it in large quantities it is forbidden. And in general, it is better to consult a doctor.

As for ordinary cocoa, it does not have magical properties that help you lose weight. But there is one plus in this case. Cocoa has virtually no calories, which allows it to be consumed in different quantities. But it’s clearly not worth abusing this.

In general, cocoa beans are ways to speed up metabolism. Therefore, they can still help with weight loss.

Drink made from cocoa beans

It is very easy to prepare a tasty and effective drink from cocoa beans. To prepare, you need to take approximately 200 grams of the main ingredient. In addition, approximately 30 grams of cocoa butter. Also needed cane sugar, cinnamon and vanilla to taste.

The cooking method is as follows. Cocoa beans are washed and peeled. Then they need to be crushed. Next, the resulting raw materials are placed on a heated frying pan. Add butter, sugar and vanilla to taste. Don't forget about cocoa butter. The resulting mass is thoroughly whipped with a whisk or mixer. Then about 200 grams of water is added. The resulting raw material should be left alone so that it all cools down to 30-40 degrees. After which the drink can be poured into cups and enjoy the unique taste.

To improve the taste, you can add a little ginger or a couple of cinnamon sticks. In this case, everything is purely individual. Cocoa beans allow you to prepare a wonderful drink that will warm your soul and body.

Cost of cocoa beans

What is the optimal cost of cocoa beans? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. It all depends on the type of cocoa beans. So, the cost can vary from 100 rubles to 100 dollars per kilogram.

Much depends on both the variety and useful qualities the product itself. There are special cocoa beans that stimulate metabolism. So, they are aimed at accelerating the weight loss process. Called green or live beans. You cannot eat them every day. Although they are useful, they cannot be used constantly.

In general, it is quite possible to find cheaper options. If you really can’t find a certain amount to buy, then ordinary cocoa powder will help. Thanks to it you can also prepare chocolate, drinks and other gourmet dishes. It is important to simply understand how to handle it.

You don’t have to chase exquisite varieties. The main thing is to be able to cook and create masterpieces. Cocoa beans universal product, they are suitable both for promoting health and for increasing body tone.

In South America, cocoa beans have long been famous for both their benefits and harm. Latin Americans have long loved it for some of its properties; who better to ask about this miracle than them. True, for making store products, cocoa goes through several stages of processing, so it’s simply useless to expect the same effect as “homemade” beans.

Now “chocolate trees” are grown mainly in African countries (Ghana, Niger, Nigeria...), as well as in some countries in Asia and South America. All these countries have pleasant climatic conditions for plants, but we can also try to grow a cocoa tree by creating a good microclimate. Real plants reach a height of approximately 9-12 meters, but they created a miniature for us up to 170 centimeters high - they can be grown in an apartment.
Cocoa beans are the fruit of the cocoa tree, which is widely used in Food Industry, on the tree have a bright Orange color. They are used completely for industry, without waste.

Benefits of fruits

We have already figured out what cocoa beans are; their benefits are no less interesting than their history. In order to understand the benefits of our product, you need to consider the nutritional value table.

  • 55% is fat
  • 15% proteins
  • 7% starch
  • about 5% fiber

In addition, cocoa beans contain many different vitamins and minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B and PP. Do cocoa beans have beneficial properties - definitely. For those who are not in the know, we will explain in more detail. B contains a certain proportion of vitamins D, which is extremely rare in plants. Thanks to this, and also melanin, Cocoa powder is used in the cosmetics industry.

The benefits of cocoa beans are reflected in the reduced risk of contracting diseases such as:

  • stroke
  • heart and vascular diseases
  • diabetes

In the fight against strokes

Scientific research from Harvard University shows that residents of the coast of Panama are much less likely to suffer from hypertension ( high blood pressure– a direct path to a stroke). According to scientists, this is all due to the benefits of cocoa beans, which are useful in the prevention of heart disease. The average Panamanian drinks about five cups of cocoa a day, and suffers from heart disease several times less often than a resident of another place on the planet. Panamanians use the properties of grains in the right way, don’t they?

But it is worth paying attention that cocoa beans, the health benefits and harms of which have been studied quite extensively, pose a danger to those already suffering from heart disease, because they contain caffeine. If you already have some heart problems, you should not take the fruit chocolate tree as a prophylactic or medicinal agent.

For diabetes

Until recently, it was generally accepted that the consumption of such products in case of diabetes is strictly prohibited. Now, experts are more lenient about this particular product. Doctors helped us make a list of benefits of cocoa beans for diabetes:

  • Contains many vitamins
  • Promote metabolism (metabolism)
  • Helps the body cleanse itself

To ensure that “chocolate” beans do not harm you, you need to adhere to the rules for its use. We will not clarify whether cocoa beans can be eaten or drunk, its properties are valid in any form - you can consume cocoa in the morning or throughout the day, but never do it in the evening. The drink should exclude sugar or its substitutes, and it should also be warm.

Prevention of cancer

The composition of bean grains contains many antioxidants. Preservatives have the ability to protect cells from damage and can reduce the risk of cancer. In the early 2000s, French researchers proved that cocoa substances inhibit the growth of most cells affected by this disease. The properties of the plant in the field of oncology have not yet been sufficiently studied; many things remain a mystery today, but already known studies give hope.

Harm and dangers

The main benefits of raw, ground, melted or other types of cocoa beans will be for
most people. But there is also an opposite side to cocoa beans; to save time, we have prepared another list:

  • May increase blood pressure.
  • High in calories.
  • Possible nervousness.
  • Insomnia (insomnia).

There are a number of other possible negative consequences eating beans cacao(English), but all these points apply to people sensitive to various irritants. If your health allows you to enjoy all the delights of this excellent plant, it will only bring you benefits.

Cocoa fruits were used by the Indians of pre-Columbian America, and the tree received its scientific name Theobroma cacao, translated from Latin as “food of the gods”. mid-18th century century from the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus.

Such a pretentious name is easily explained - cocoa beans, according to biologists, contain about 400 substances, most of which have useful and sometimes even irreplaceable properties for human health.

Where and how do cocoa beans grow?

Comfortable conditions for the growth of a cocoa tree are high humidity, hot climate, and lack of direct sunlight.

As a holidaymaker who doesn't want to get sunburned, sunshades are a must for them. Typically, light-loving banana trees and coconut palms take on this role.

In the second year of life, flowers appear on cocoa trees, from which fruits ripen after 2-3 years. After this, the trees bear fruit for another 20-25 years.

Today, the habitat of wild Theobroma cacao is a narrow belt around the equator: within 10 degrees north and 10 degrees south latitude. And cocoa plantations can be found in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The absolute leadership in terms of cocoa production and exports belongs to the West African Republic of Côte d’Ivoire. Other major producers are Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Indonesia and Brazil.

There are three main varieties of the cocoa tree:

Criollo (Criollo)- an elite variety, originally from Venezuela. The beans are distinguished by their low acid content, pronounced aroma and virtually no bitterness. Unfortunately, Criollo trees are the least productive and are often susceptible to diseases.

Forastero- originates from the Amazon jungle. It is a stronger type of tree, easier to grow and the most productive (accounting for about 85% of the world's cocoa bean production). Most Forastero varieties have a characteristic cocoa taste, but they are not aromatic and are partly bitter or sour.

Trinitario (Trinitario) from Trinidad is a hybrid of Criollo and Forastero and combines some of the flavor qualities of the former with the disease resistance of the latter. Trinitario has a strong but noble aroma with a slight sourness and belongs to the elite varieties.

Processing of cocoa beans

The cocoa fruit consists of a shell and pulp, in which 30-50 small (about 2.5 centimeters in length) almond-shaped seeds-beans are located. They have a bitter-tart taste and pale color.

Ripe fruits are manually removed from the trees, carefully chopped and the precious seeds covered with white pulp are removed. They are then placed in wooden boxes, covered with banana leaves and left for 5-6 days. During this time, in the process of fermentation (fermentation), the natural bitterness of cocoa beans is eliminated and a characteristic chocolate taste is formed.

After fermentation, the beans are dried in the sun, placed in jute bags and sent to factories. There they are used to make cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and cocoa powder.

Cocoa mass and cocoa butter are used as the main component in the production of chocolate and chocolate products, and cocoa powder is widely used in the confectionery, dairy and baking industries.

In addition, some of the components of cocoa fruits are used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products.

The benefits of cocoa beans

Cocoa has a unique and seemingly mutually exclusive effect - on the one hand, it increases brain activity, on the other, it helps the body relax and improves sleep. This happens thanks to theobromine - a substance that is similar to caffeine in chemical structure, but lacks its main drawback - almost narcotic addiction. Caffeine, by the way, is also present in cocoa beans, although in small quantities.

The ability of cocoa beans to increase vitality and improve mood by stimulating the production of “joy hormones” - endorphins has long been noted.

The presence of polyphenols in cocoa helps stabilize blood pressure, and the procyanidins present in it effectively relieve stress and have remarkable property- rejuvenate facial skin, increasing its elasticity.

It turns out that cocoa is useful for both people suffering from hypertension and those who are actively involved in sports. And also for students in preparation for exams.

“Live” cocoa is a real trend

“Live” cocoa beans that have not been subjected to heat treatment are considered especially useful. "Live" cocoa contains 6-7 times more antioxidants than any other herbal product, and in terms of magnesium content it is more than five times higher than its closest plant competitor - the fruits of the Acai palm tree.

New methods of processing cocoa beans using low temperatures when separating cocoa butter from cocoa mass and when drying cocoa powder.

“The first time I learned about “living” chocolate was probably in 2005 in India. Having read about the wonderful properties of this product, I turned to an Indian friend with a request to get me some unheated cocoa beans.

Eating raw cocoa beans that he brought me turned out to be quite difficult - the skins could not be removed from them, I had to soak them in water. The beans tasted bitter and had a rubbery consistency, but I ate them!

Only a few months later, in America, I bought organic cocoa beans, specially grown and processed for raw consumption. Then I realized what real “living” chocolate is!

And so, since then, cocoa beans have been a constant addition to my diet. They improve mood, saturate the body with vitality important elements, increase tone, improve well-being.

And when I came to Russia in 2009, my father and I founded a company to import them. We can say that we opened this market in Russia. I gave many lectures, master classes on preparing delicious and healthy sweets from this miracle product. Live cocoa is tasty, healthy and fun!

It is better to start with 20-25 beans or 2-2.5 teaspoons of ground cocoa.

The most important thing is that only high-quality cocoa beans can be consumed raw. elite varieties, grown in ecologically clean areas without the use of chemical fertilizers.”

Popularity unusual option Cocoa consumption is growing rapidly. In America, Chocolate Yoga even appeared - before yoga class, raw sweetened cocoa beans are eaten. In Russia, the fashion for healthy cocoa has just begun, but it can already be purchased in online health food stores.

1. Among the Aztecs, and later among the conquistadors, cocoa beans served as the equivalent of money.

3. The first European to try a cocoa drink was Christopher Columbus. According to him, great fun it didn't deliver.

4. It was the shape of the cocoa bean that suggested the shape of the Coca-Cola bottle at the beginning of the twentieth century.

5. There are about 6 billion cocoa trees growing in the world.

6. 70% of cocoa beans are produced by small farms.

7. The word chocolate came into European languages ​​from the Aztec language of the Mexicans “Nahuatl” - they called a drink made from cocoa beans “chocolatl”.

8. A high percentage of cocoa content does not affect the bitterness of chocolate, but makes it melt better in the mouth.

Recipes from Dili Zapparova

Montezuma's drink


  • Cocoa beans - 60 grams;
  • Marine or Himalayan salt- 1/4 part tsp;
  • Honey or xylitol - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Ground vanilla - 1/4 tsp. (or a third of a vanilla pod, but you need it until it becomes powdery);
  • Cayenne - pepper to taste;
  • Cinnamon - to taste;
  • Cold water - 200 ml;
  • Hot water - 200 ml.



2. Add the resulting pulp to the blender, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of honey or xylitol, ground vanilla, 200 ml cold water and mix.

3. Add 200 ml hot water, Cayenne pepper and cinnamon to taste and mix everything again in the blender.

Can be drunk both cold and hot. The drink perfectly warms you up in cold seasons and is also useful in treating colds.

Porridge Le cacao l’amande la framboise


  • Cocoa beans - 60 grams;
  • Sea or Himalayan salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Soaked almonds - 100 grams;
  • Raspberries - 3 tbsp. l. (more is possible);
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Ground vanilla - 1/4 of a teaspoon (or a third of a vanilla pod, but it must be separated to a powdery state).


1. Grind the cocoa beans in a coffee grinder to a sticky consistency, that is, so that the oils come out.

2. Mix almonds, cocoa, water, honey, salt and vanilla in a blender.

3. Add raspberries and mix again in the blender.

4. Place the resulting porridge in bowls and decorate with banana slices and raspberries.

The evergreen cocoa tree reaches a height of 8 meters. It produces large, rugby ball-shaped fruits. The grains of these fruits are called cocoa beans. Chocolate trees can be grown in the tropics and subtropics. The largest production of cocoa beans is located mainly in African countries: Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria and others.

The Olmecs, one of the first civilizations in South America (1500 BC to 400 BC), were the first to consume cocoa. Its use as a drink was continued by the Mayans (250 AD - 900 AD - Classic Period).

In Aztec society, cocoa beans served as currency. So, for 500 seeds you could buy one slave.

Currently various varieties Cocoa beans are mainly used for the production of chocolate products. One of the products of processing cocoa beans is cocoa mass - the raw material for the production of chocolate and cocoa butter.

They have also found application in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Thus, many women use oil, which is extracted from the seeds of the chocolate tree, to get rid of wrinkles and to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

The chemical composition of cocoa beans changes throughout their “life”, and depends on the processing they undergo and on the region in which the chocolate tree is planted.

After fermentation and drying, cocoa seeds contain:

  • Water - 3.2%.
  • Fat (cocoa butter) – 57%.
  • Ash - 4.2%.
  • Nitrogen - 2.5%.
  • Theobromine - 1.3%.
  • Caffeine - 0.7%.
  • Starch – 9%.
  • Crude fiber - 3.2%.
  • Calorie content of cocoa beans – 565.3 kcal.

Research shows that cocoa beans are perhaps best sources antioxidants. They contain three times more antioxidants than green tea and twice as much red wine. You've most likely heard that blueberries are great source antioxidants, however, while “domesticated” blueberries contain 32 antioxidants, and wild blueberries contain 61, cocoa beans contain 621 antioxidants.

Antioxidants have a number of health benefits. They protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of several types of cancer. They also prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis and plaque formation on the walls of the arteries.

Useful properties of cocoa beans

Cocoa beans contain flavonoid components, in particular epicatechin. There is an assumption that the effects of epicatechin are comparable to the effects of anesthesia and penicillin. This substance may reduce the risk of:

  • diabetes;
  • heart diseases;
  • cancer;
  • stroke.

Because epicatechin has a bitter taste, it is often removed from cocoa products, so to reap the benefits of this compound, you must purchase whole, raw cocoa beans.

Also the benefits of cocoa seeds for of cardio-vascular system due to the fact that they contain polyphenols. Research shows that polyphenols help lower blood pressure.

Cocoa beans contain magnesium. This is another nutrient that helps strengthen our “heart engine” and reduces the likelihood of blood clots. In addition, a lack of magnesium aggravates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Many women experience chocolate cravings during “those days.” This may be the body's attempt to get enough magnesium levels. Roasted cocoa beans, ground in a coffee grinder and boiled in a Turk, can be more in a healthy way satisfy your monthly chocolate craving.

Cocoa beans reduce anxiety while increasing concentration. A cup of cocoa can energize your body just as effectively as a cup of coffee. However, due to the lower amount of stimulants in cocoa, you will not feel the anxiety that you might feel after a cup of strong coffee.

The benefits of cocoa beans for weight loss have long been noticed. The polyphenols they contain help improve insulin sensitivity. Scientists are currently studying the link between obesity and a condition known as insulin resistance syndrome. Adipose tissue is characterized by high metabolic activity, therefore, when normal body weight is exceeded by 35% (or more), tissue sensitivity to insulin decreases by 40%.

Increased insulin sensitivity can support weight loss efforts and maintain an ideal weight. Moreover, the natural antidepressants found in cocoa beans make them a good choice for people who are prone to depression. Of course, for a long-term weight loss effect, it is not enough to drink cocoa alone. However, cocoa beans may be included in balanced diet, if there are no contraindications (for example, food allergies).

Cocoa beans also contain theobromine. It has an activity similar to caffeine (i.e., it increases vitality, motivation to work, and concentration).

All varieties of cocoa contain tryptophan, essential amino acid, necessary for the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Increasing serotonin levels in the body can suppress anxiety and improve mood.

Potential harm of cocoa beans

Eating cocoa beans will not harm most people. However, eating large amounts of cocoa beans may cause side effects caffeine-related, such as:

  • nervousness;
  • increased urination;
  • insomnia;
  • fast heartbeat.

Cocoa beans and food products containing them can be enjoyed in moderation during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, it is better to consult with your pregnancy doctor.

In large quantities, cocoa beans are possibly unsafe due to their caffeine content. Although this fact is controversial, some evidence suggests that high doses of caffeine during pregnancy may be associated with premature birth, low birth weight, and even miscarriage. Some experts advise limiting caffeine intake to 200 mg per day while pregnant. Keep in mind that chocolate products, which contain cocoa beans, contain 2-35 mg of caffeine per serving.

  • Cocoa raises blood sugar levels, which may make it unsafe for diabetics and those preparing for surgery.
  • The caffeine contained in cocoa beans can worsen diarrhea in large doses. It is also not recommended for people with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Cocoa can cause migraines in sensitive people.

Use of cocoa beans in cooking

What can you do with cocoa beans? Their astringency, bitterness and pungent taste make it difficult to include raw or roasted cocoa beans in dishes. whole. But cocoa nibs, made from beans that have undergone minimal processing, are best choice for your pantry.

Before you do anything with your roasted cocoa beans, you should let them dry completely. As with other beans, roasting gives the cocoa seeds a richer flavor and makes them easier to grind. Cocoa beans can be roasted in an oven preheated to 170 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.

Chocolate can be made from cocoa beans roasted and ground in a coffee grinder.

To do this, add sugar to taste and 2-3 tablespoons to the ground cocoa. coconut oil and bring the mixture to a boil in a saucepan (with constant stirring). After boiling, the mixture should boil for another couple of minutes.
To give cream sauce chocolate flavor and aroma, wrap the cocoa grains in cheesecloth and tie a string to it. Add the grains to the cream and keep on medium heat for 15 minutes.

The fact that cocoa beans are extremely useful no longer requires proof, because they contain:

  • minerals,
  • caffeine,
  • theobromine,
  • dolamin,
  • histamine,
  • serotonin,
  • vitamins B1 and B2,
  • carbohydrates,
  • proteins,
  • fats.

In general, several useful and medicinal properties cocoa beans.

  • They are the strongest natural antioxidant,
  • improve and even restore vision,
  • help those losing weight lose weight,
  • slow down the aging process,
  • improve the condition of blood vessels,
  • strengthens the heart
  • help fight depression.

What are the benefits of cocoa beans?

  • Slowing down aging and strengthening immunity

Occur due to the antioxidant properties of cocoa beans.

  • Improving vision functions

The beneficial effects on vision come from beta-carotene. This provitamin has a strong preventive effect on eye diseases.

  • Weight loss

Help in losing weight when eating cocoa beans is due to the presence of nutrients, accelerating metabolism, normalizing the processes of metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

  • Anti-aging effect

The rejuvenating effect of cocoa beans is determined by the presence of nicotinic acid, which synthesizes “youth proteins” - keratin and collagen.

  • Help with heart disease

Strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels is determined by the substance theobramine, which promotes blood circulation and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Who should consume cocoa beans?

This product is indicated for almost all people with rare exceptions. Cocoa beans are especially recommended for those who work a lot, as they increase efficiency. Those who have problems with brittle bones need cocoa beans to strengthen them and prevent osteoporosis. Those who want to lose weight will also benefit from eating this great product. Our comrades and friends suffering from bad mood and depression! Knowledge workers will be happy with cocoa beans for the reason that their memory and attention will improve.

How to eat cocoa beans

Drinking cocoa milk daily removes toxins. Those who want to quit smoking, as well as those who are struggling with alcoholism, need to chew cocoa beans. But in order to improve memory and thought processes, you need to brew cocoa grains, infuse and drink, with sugar or honey if desired. The dosage of cocoa beans is limited. It is advisable not to exceed 50 grams per day. There are some contraindications. Cocoa beans are not recommended for consumption by children under three years of age, pregnant women, or people who have a severe allergic reaction to cocoa beans.

Recipes from cocoa beans

  • Cocoa beans with honey

To begin with, you can try cocoa beans simply raw and without seasoning. Then, to add color taste qualities you can add honey. It's simple and delicious. If you peel the nuts, the taste will change. It will become more refined and delicate.

  • Cocoa bean shavings

By grinding cocoa beans in a coffee grinder, you can later use these cocoa shavings to enhance the taste of desserts and ice cream. The taste of some fruits becomes very pleasant if they are lightly sprinkled with cocoa shavings. Raw cocoa beans are very good for making desserts, drinks and candies. But you need to remember that you cannot add boiling water to raw beans, as this will cause high temperatures their beneficial properties may disappear.

You will need half a teaspoon of cocoa butter. It must be added to a glass of warm, not too hot milk. Such a tasty and healthy drink will quickly overcome the disease.

  • Recipe for hemorrhoids

To do this you will need pure cocoa butter, no more than one teaspoon. It must be inserted into the anus three times a day, especially if hemorrhoids cause discomfort and discomfort.

  • Cocoa against thrush

Taken a small amount of oils tea tree and cocoa bean butter (warms up). The ingredients are mixed, rolled into suppositories and inserted into the vagina once a day.

Take cocoa butter and cocoa butter in a 3:1 ratio sea ​​buckthorn oil, mix, moisten a tampon in this mixture. Inject it every night for two weeks. If necessary, repeat the course.

  • For atherosclerosis

Cocoa butter should be melted in a water bath and taken half a teaspoon twice a day. Preferably 15 minutes before meals.
