Calorie content of boiled hard pasta. Calorie content of pasta of different varieties and preparations


If you adore flour products, but at the same time, if you want to maintain your figure, it is important to know how many calories are in boiled pasta. Pasta dishes are incredibly popular among students due to their relatively inexpensive cost. The concept of pasta includes spaghetti, horns, noodles, vermicelli, the calorie content of which varies. They are cooked with cheese, seasoned with sauces, baked, boiled, and especially large-sized products are even stuffed.

But how many people think about the fact that even in simple boiled pasta ah, it has its own calorie content. Excessive consumption of these products on a daily basis can lead to excess weight gain.

Consider the composition of pasta

1. Carbohydrates

Any carbohydrates provide a full charge of energy to the body. Dry pasta consists of carbohydrates from 68 units. per 100 grams. Simple carbohydrates are found in inexpensive varieties pasta, which, by the way, contain a lot of gluten. Fast carbohydrates are dangerous because they are instantly absorbed by the body, and their excess is stored in fat.

Product made from durum varieties wheat contains complex carbohydrates that prevent blood sugar from rising, keeping it in a normal position. Complex carbohydrates give the body a feeling of fullness from food.

2. Vitamins B, D, PP, A

These vitamins are present mainly in pasta made from durum wheat and second-grade flour. They also speed up metabolism.

a) Macro and microelements

Macroelements include sodium, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron.

3. Protein

Protein is an essential element of our nutrition. It gives a feeling of fullness and supports muscle mass. The protein content in pasta is higher than in bread. The body spends a long time digesting it a large number of energy, and this, in turn, increases calorie burning.

4. Fiber

Many posts and articles have been written about the benefits of fiber. But the main thing should be highlighted. Due to the presence of fiber in pasta, it accelerates intestinal motility. Fiber serves as a natural absorbent, which is important for our ecology. It removes all toxins from the body. It takes a lot of effort for the body to digest fiber, and this also contributes to intense calorie burning.

So how many calories are in boiled pasta Oh?

Boiled pasta with butter

Boiled pasta

As for caloric content, boiled pasta has half as many calories as dry pasta. When the product is cooked, the calories lose their effect. Pasta itself can be called lean, and the calories in the dish come from additional ingredients, namely from meat products, sauces and gravies. They contain a large amount of fat. Pasta becomes low calorie dish in combination with stewed or fresh vegetables, greens. Nutritionists advise replacing sunflower oil with olive oil.

Let’s now calculate how many calories are in boiled pasta with butter: one hundred grams of boiled pasta contains an average of 112 calories. It all depends on the type of wheat from which the product is made, and what technology was used to make the product. If we add two tablespoons of butter per 200 grams of dry products, we get approximately 180 calories per hundred grams ready-made dish.

I would like to remind you that when you systematically consume pasta, the lion's share of it consists of carbohydrates, and in cheap varieties of the product such carbohydrates are called fast carbohydrates, because they instantly replenish the fat layer of the human body.

Pasta boiled and baked in eggs

Baked pasta

Boiled pasta with eggs is low in calories. The number of calories in this dish is almost 115 cal/100 grams.

The quality of pasta can be determined during cooking. If they are made from grinding durum wheat and a special technology was used in their production, then such a product does not overcook due to the minimum percentage of gluten.

Cooking process:

  • Boil pasta in salted water,
  • add a raw chicken egg,
  • season them with a small piece of butter or olive oil,
  • put in the oven for baking.

The slow cooker is also perfect for pasta casserole with egg. This does not affect the calorie content of the dish, the percentage remains the same. Eggs are added to boiled pasta nutritional value in the form of calcium and vitamin D.

Boiled macaroni and cheese

For example, how many calories are in boiled macaroni and cheese? If you cook them with low-fat cheese and season olive oil, then the calorie content will be 175 calories per 100 grams. If this dish is accompanied by eggs, the calorie content will naturally increase.

This dish is prepared simply:

  • boil the pasta in salted water,
  • grate low-fat cheese,
  • Mix the hot macaroni and cheese and put it in the oven or leave it in a saucepan with the lid closed.

This dish is seasoned with herbs; you can add a slice of cucumber, which will not increase the calorie content of the dish.

Boiled pasta with stew

A navy-style pasta dish with minced meat or stew has been known since Soviet times and has been popular for decades. Calorie content hearty dish directly depends on what kind of meat was used and what percentage of fat will be present in it. Eg, minced pork has a high calorie content, as it contains a high fat content. Minced meat lean beef significantly poorer in calories.

Cooking navy pasta:

  • boil pasta in water with added salt,
  • add stewed meat or pre-fried minced meat to hot boiled pasta,
  • add greens.

The calorie content of pasta with stewed meat can be 152.8 calories per hundred grams, and how many calories are in boiled pasta from durum wheat without meat is indicated above. If the stew is replaced with lean minced pork in the dish, the calorie content will be 162.9 calories. Minced meat from domestic chicken gives the dish 281.5 calories, and Ground beef- 233 calories.

Boiled pasta with fish products

Pasta with fish

Seafood is an excellent ingredient for pasta. The egg side dish is served with salmon, fish meatballs and cutlets, grilled fish. Pasta is a type of pasta. It is very tasty in combination with seafood.

Let's prepare pasta in sauce with salmon:

  • boil the pasta in salted water,
  • fry the garlic and chopped fish until tender,
  • salt and pepper our fish,
  • add a little white wine and simmer until it evaporates completely,
  • pour cream over the fish and season the dish with herbs, herbs and grated cheese low-fat variety. Serve
  • portion the pasta into plates, and place the stewed fish on top.

The calorie content of this dish is 140.9 calories per hundred grams.

Boiled pasta with sausages

Pasta and sausages

How many calories are in boiled pasta with sausage is a question asked by those who want to lose weight, but at the same time love to eat delicious food. It all depends on the composition of the sausages. Least calorie meat product- these are beef sausages with a calorie content of 113cal/100g. Further up the calorie table are chicken 129cal/100g, and pork have the highest percentage of fat and amount to 171cal/100g. Add up the calorie content of boiled pasta, approximately 112 cal/100g. and indicator chicken sausages 129cal/100g. As a result, the calorie content of boiled pasta with sausages is 241 cal/100 grams. Cooking pasta with sausages is not difficult, and most importantly, it saves a lot of time.

Both adults and children love pasta, so they have cooked it and will continue to cook it. The calorie content of boiled pasta itself is not high. Mayonnaise, ketchup, ready-made sauces, goulash from fatty meats, pork sausages, fat homemade oil and cheeses - these and other components give the dish taste qualities And high calorie content. Horns with mushrooms in creamy sauce are delicious, as well as in various casseroles. Modern housewives even add them to salads. In kindergartens, not only casseroles are prepared with noodles, but also milk soups with the addition of sugar and butter.

If we return to the original question about how many calories are in boiled pasta without oil, the answer is obvious - from 112 cal. per 100 grams. For one serving of the future prepared dish, you should take 100 grams of dry pasta, since this product doubles when cooked. Reasonable consumption of egg pasta or traditional pasta will not only not harm your figure, but will also help you lose weight due to its unique absorbent property.


About pasta:

What is pasta? These are products various forms, usually made from wheat flour. The dough is first kneaded in water and then dried in a special way. Sometimes rice or buckwheat flour is used, and other ingredients are added to the dough, for example, tomato paste, spinach, eggs. The key word here is flour. That is, the properties of pasta depend on the quality of the flour from which they are made. And we already know that there are different types of flour.

In accordance with domestic GOST, pasta is divided into three groups:

  • group A – pasta made from durum wheat flour of the highest, first and second grades;
  • group B – pasta made from soft glassy wheat flour of the highest and first grades;
  • group B – pasta made from wheat baking flour premium and first grade.

Durum wheat contains more gluten and less starch than soft wheat. Therefore, group A pasta has a lower glycemic index. In a number of countries, for example in Italy, it is allowed to produce pasta exclusively from durum wheat (and you can’t say that Italians are overweight).

Included the right pasta practically no fat. According to Russian standards 100 g of dry pasta should contain 10.4–12.3 g of protein, 1.1–2.1 g of fat, 64.5–71.5 g of carbohydrates, and their energy value is 327–351 kcal. Don't be scared by these numbers. In fact, the pasta is overcooked, and daily norm averages 50–60 g of dry pasta (150–180 g of ready-made). Thus, we eat a fairly impressive portion, but get no more than 175 kcal.

Pasta made from durum varieties has the least calorie content. They are rich healthy sugars, which help maintain constant blood glucose levels. Thanks to this, we manage to increase the intervals between meals without suffering from attacks of hunger. Pasta contains B vitamins, which are necessary for brain function, as well as for the beauty of skin and hair. Let's not forget about fiber, which helps the digestive system process foods and get rid of everything unnecessary.

In wheat products soft varieties very little healthy carbohydrates and fiber – almost alone empty calories. However, you shouldn’t blame flour for everything.

A 100-gram serving of any prepared pasta usually contains not 175 kcal, but much more. Where does the surplus come from? From all kinds of additives, gravy, sauces. We sometimes don’t take them into account, but the butter, cheese, and mayonnaise that we willingly flavor pasta with can turn out to be higher in calories than the main dish.

We eat pasta without damaging our figure:

  1. Choose pasta from group A (made from durum wheat). When in doubt, buy Italian-made products.
  2. Skip the noodles instant cooking. Choose pasta varieties that cook for at least eight minutes.
  3. Cook the pasta until it is slightly undercooked. In Russia, this option is not very common: it feels like the dish is half-baked. But in Italy it is considered standard to cook it just until al dente, when the middle of the pasta remains somewhat hard.
  4. Give preference to long products (spaghetti).
  5. Replace oil, mayonnaise, butter light sauce gravies. Bolognese, tomato with seafood, and vegetable sauces are suitable.

How many calories are in boiled pasta?

One of the most common ways heat treatment And cooking pasta is boiling it.

The calorie content of boiled pasta, like all flour products, is quite high and amounts to:

112 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in boiled pasta per 100 grams:

Proteins - 3.5

Fats – 0.4

Carbohydrates – 23.2

What can you cook with pasta? Here are some recipes:

Pasta baked with vegetables and tofu:


  • pasta “bows” – 250 g.
  • eggplant – 1 pc.
  • zucchini – 2 pcs.
  • tofu cheese – 200 g
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • vegetable broth – 2/3 cup
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • spicy herbs - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • dark soy sauce – 3 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

Wash the eggplant and cut into 2.5 x 2.5 cm cubes. Place together with the coarsely chopped zucchini in a colander, sprinkle with salt and let steep for 30 minutes.

Cut tofu into cubes, mix with soy sauce and half a clove of minced garlic. Cover and marinate for 30 minutes. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into rings, mix with finely chopped onion and remaining garlic, put everything in a saucepan and pour in the broth. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 5 minutes until the vegetables have softened.

Remove the lid and cook again until all the broth has evaporated. Remove the skin, seeds from the tomatoes and cut into four parts, mix with herbs and simmer for 3 minutes, then add the chopped eggplant and zucchini and cook until the vegetables are soft. Salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the pasta until tender according to the instructions on the package, mix with vegetables and tofu. Place the mixture on a heatproof dish and bake under the grill until crispy.

Tip: You can use tofu instead low-fat cheese Adyghe type.

Pasta in Italian:


3-4 tomatoes, 200 g pasta, 200 g fresh green peas, 150 ml cream, 50 g cheese, 1 egg, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,½ bunch of basil, pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

Boil pasta in salted water, drain in a colander.

Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, remove the skin and chop.

Wash the basil greens and chop finely. Blanch green peas in salted water for 2-4 minutes, drain on a sieve.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Peel the garlic, wash it, finely chop it. Mix pasta with tomatoes and green peas, place in a baking dish greased with vegetable oil.

Pour in the egg beaten with cream, salt and pepper, sprinkle with cheese and place in an oven preheated to 20°C for 15 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished casserole with garlic and basil.

Pasta is very popular dish worldwide. But those who want to get rid of excess weight and people watching their figure should use them with caution. The calorie content of pasta is influenced by many factors that need to be taken into account when determining the energy value of a dish.

Important Factors

So, how to determine the amount of energy value per 100 grams? If we are talking about boiled product, the final figure depends on the following factors.

  • The variety - the wheat from which the semi-finished product is made - plays an important role.
  • Method of preparing pasta dish. There is a wide choice of heat treatment methods for this semi-finished product. It can be fried, baked or simply boiled. The level of influence on the figure depends on the chosen method.
  • Price. If you're trying to figure out the calories in pasta, you'll want to pay attention to how much a particular variety costs. The higher the price, the lower the calorie content.
  • Availability various additives when consumed. If you like to eat pasta with various sauces, then you yourself dramatically increase the energy value of the product. For example, cheese significantly increases its calorie content due to the content of a fairly large amount of fat. Unfortunately, such an additive does not bring any benefits.

Thus, not all pasta should be abruptly eliminated from your diet. Moderate use a properly prepared product will not become a catastrophic threat to your waistline.

Level of usefulness and some tricks of use

According to statistics, the average calorie content of dry pasta ranges from 200-360 kcal per 100 grams of product. However, their interesting feature is that when cooked they lose about half of their energy value. This is explained by the fact that the pasta becomes boiled during cooking, increasing in size. This means that the indicated amount of calories is already more than 100 g of product.

Thus, the energy value of the dish is reduced to the range of 120-180 kcal.

If you are a true fan of pasta, then even a diet will not be a reason to give it up completely. In order not to harm your health and figure, all you need is to measure the portion correctly. Boil the amount of product that fits in your fist. You will get no more than 50 grams. If you consider that boiled pasta (100 g) contains no more than 180 kcal, it turns out that in your portion this figure is halved. This means that the impact of food on the waist is minimal.

In this case, you need to take into account that you should use a product made from durum wheat varieties. Soft varieties have increased energy value. The calorie content of boiled pasta of this type is equal to white bread or baking - products that are categorically not recommended for proper nutrition.

Also, if you don’t want to give up eating pasta, pay attention to some nuances:

  • you should eat them exclusively during the daytime - including the product in the breakfast or lunch menu is allowed, but for dinner - not recommended;
  • cook correctly - boiled pasta that remains slightly hard has a lower glycemic index. By consuming a product of this type, you get the usual amount of kilocalories, but at the same time, the rate of breakdown of the dish is noticeably reduced, which is beneficial for the body.

When buying Russian pasta, pay attention to certain labeling. A product made from durum wheat varieties is included in group A, while soft wheat varieties are included in group B. Taking this information into account, you can calculate before purchasing how many calories you will have in boiled pasta and make the right choice.

Advantages of a product made from durum wheat varieties

The lower calorie content here is explained by the fact that these varieties have virtually no fat, and the amount of vegetable proteins is an order of magnitude higher than in soft varieties.

They also contain more useful substances: Lots of fibre, important amino acids and vitamins, as well as complex carbohydrates.

An important feature of durum wheat varieties is the presence complex carbohydrates with an extremely low glycemic index. This means that the product can break down fairly quickly, preventing fat deposits. And if you want to reduce calories boiled dish to low, drop a little olive oil into the cooking water.

Thanks to this, there will be no need to season the product with butter, which contains sufficient quantity calories.

Most popular types

Most often in boiled noodles or spaghetti are used. In the first case, give preference to a product made from durum wheat or pea flour. Not only will it not cause harm, but it will also be extremely useful, improving the intestinal microflora. Such boiled noodles are especially valuable for dysbacteriosis.

For spaghetti, stick to small strips. The thinner they are, the lower the decay rate.

Whole grain products

Another type of pasta that is different high level health benefits - made from whole grains. Rich composition of the product with minimum calorie content turns him into dietary dish, which is recommended to be consumed without fear of consequences for the figure and health in general.

In such food you can find a large amount of vitamins B and E. Their concentration is 4 times higher compared to regular pasta. This type of product also contains a lot of magnesium, various antioxidants and iron.

These characteristics make whole grain products quite healthy.

Thus, if you are a passionate fan of pasta, but at the same time strive for an ideal figure and a healthy lifestyle, there are quite a lot of nuances that will help you leave favorite dish in your diet without fear of consequences for your waistline. The main thing is to use them boiled avoiding excess oil, various sauces and other additives that increase calorie content.

Many people love pasta, but most try to eat it infrequently, because they believe that this dish can quickly make you gain weight. Although in fact the answer to the question is how many calories are in pasta, not so simple - it all depends on what varieties of wheat they are made from, how you prepare them and what you use them with.

How many calories are in 100 grams of pasta?

In fact, pasta is not as high in calories as is commonly believed. Moreover, before thinking about how many calories are in boiled pasta, it will be useful to know that they are also useful due to the presence of:

  • complex carbohydrates that take a long time to digest and give a feeling of fullness;
  • vitamins of group B and PP (if it is a product made from durum wheat);
  • large amounts of protein;
  • fiber, which accelerates intestinal motility, removes harmful substances from the body;
  • sodium, which regulates the permeability of cell membranes;
  • potassium and magnesium, useful to the heart, blood vessels and nervous system;
  • sulfur and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth and bones.

Only 180 kcal per 100 grams - that’s it how many calories are in boiled pasta. They contain only 0.4 grams of fat, 3.6 grams of protein, and about 20 grams of carbohydrates. Interestingly, the dry product contains twice as many calories – 360 kcal. But we are talking about the so-called white varieties premium. If you want to know how many calories are in durum pasta, then it’s only 130 kcal. This is why Italians, who have pasta and spaghetti as their main dishes, do not suffer from obesity so often. And the famous actress Sophia Loren - a famous spaghetti lover - for a long time I could brag myself thin waist among your colleagues.

How does calorie content depend on the method of preparing the product?

If you add to ready-made pasta a little olive oil or vegetable dressing, their calorie content will remain virtually unchanged. And here butter, grated cheese will seriously affect the data on how many calories are in a serving of pasta.

Navy pasta contains 185 kcal. This figure can be reduced if you use beef or stewed minced meat, and not fried, but stewed with water and olive oil. Another way is to use chicken instead of minced meat - an indicator how many calories are in pasta with chicken, lower by twenty percent, for example, with pork.

Some gourmets like to fry pasta. Number of calories in fried pasta, the same as with navy pasta - 185 kcal.

How many calories are in pasta updated: March 24, 2016 by: Anna Volosovets

Pasta - indigenous representatives Italian cuisine. Most of us love various kinds pasta: they can be various shapes(tubes, wheels, shells and many others), and also differ in composition (from hard, soft varieties of wheat or baking flour).

But how harmful is consuming this product to our body? Or maybe pasta can even benefit us? Let's try to find answers to these questions together!

Application in dietetics

It's hard to imagine, but... is based on the consumption of pasta, rice and bread in the diet at strictly allotted times and little by little, and fruits should be included in their daily supplement, vegetables, as well as meat, fish, dairy products and a small amount of wine with consumption small quantity citrus juice in between meals.

Result: weight loss, disease prevention of cardio-vascular system and diabetes.

There are other diets with pasta in the diet, for example, a chocolate-pasta diet for those with a sweet tooth or a quick pasta diet lasting 3 days.

Recipes and calories

The pasta calorie table below will be very useful for counting calories. Please note that even the caloric content of ordinary boiled pasta per 100 grams of product, although insignificant, still differs from the caloric content of boiled pasta made from durum wheat.

Name Calorie content (per 100 grams), kcal
dry pasta (depending on the variety)270-360
Makfa pasta (dry/boiled)344/112
Barilla pasta (dry/boiled)359/112
Shebekinskie pasta (dry/boiled)344/112
boiled pasta (depending on the variety)112-180
boiled pasta from durum wheat139
whole grain boiled pasta163
boiled pasta with butter152
fried pasta176

I will also present you with several easy-to-follow recipes. pasta dishes with the specified calorie content.

“Summer” boiled pasta in Italian


  • pasta – 200 g;
  • zucchini – 100 g;
  • – 100 g;
  • green peas – 200 g;
  • legume – 100 g;
  • – 50 g;
  • tomato paste – 30 g;
  • greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Peel the vegetables, then carrots, zucchini and green beans wash, finely chop. Boil the pasta. In another pan, boil the carrots for 2 minutes, then add the rest of the vegetables and tomato paste, cook for 3 minutes. Melt the butter and add herbs to it to taste. Add to pasta boiled vegetables and butter with herbs, salt and pepper, and you can serve.

Calorie content of “summer” boiled pasta per 100 grams: 27 kcal.

Pasta soup with beef broth


  • beef broth – 1.5 l;
  • – 180 g;
  • pasta – 1 tbsp. incomplete;
  • - 1 PC.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • parsley, salt, pepper - to taste.

Peel the vegetables, wash them, cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the boil beef broth. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, and pour everything into the pan with the broth. Then add the pasta, stir, bring to a boil, then stir again, season the soup to taste and cook until tender.

Calories in pasta soup per 100 grams: 38.6 kcal.

Macaroni with cheese and basil


  • pasta – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 1/4 cup;
  • milk – 1/4 cup;
  • spicy ketchup (Heinz) – 1 tsp. without slide;
  • vinegar – 2 tbsp;
  • cherry tomatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • Gouda cheese – 100 g;
  • basil – 6 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil water, lightly salt it, boil the pasta in it, rinse it. Cut the tomatoes into halves, cut the cheese into small pieces, and chop the basil with a knife. Combine mayonnaise, ketchup and vinegar, add salt and pepper to taste and mix everything well. Add tomatoes and cheese to the pasta and season with the resulting sauce.

Calories in mac and cheese per 100 grams: 234 kcal.

Pasta with stew


  • pasta (Buitoni) – 200 g;
  • beef stew – 160 g
  • any greens.

Add the stew to the pre-boiled and washed pasta and stir, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs on top.

Calorie content of pasta with stewed meat per 100 grams: 291.2 kcal.

Navy pasta


  • pasta – 200 g;
  • minced beef – 240 g;
  • onion – 50 g;
  • sunflower oil – 25 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Boil pasta in salted water and rinse. Onion, cut into half rings, fry in a frying pan with sunflower oil, add the minced meat and cook, stirring for a few more minutes. Add the minced meat to the pasta and stir.

Calorie content of navy pasta with minced meat per 100 grams: 295.4 kcal.

Let's summarize: if we consume pasta in reasonable quantities and in the proportion strictly prescribed by nutritionists, we can not only not harm our body, but even get rid of unnecessary kilograms in this way, without giving up our favorite pasta dishes.

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