Empty calories - what are they?! Hidden and empty calories: what are they?

Avoid “empty calories” if you want to stay fit and not put on weight. This advice is confusing at first: how can something be both empty and full at the same time? The fact is that foods with “empty calories” do not contain healthy nutrients, but they are high in sugars and fats. Abuse of such foods is a quick path to a big belly and powerful thighs. How to differentiate harmful products and how to replace them if you find “enemies” in your diet, AnySports will tell you.

« Empty calories» do not nourish the body with vitamins, minerals and fiber. To confuse us even more, such products are sometimes called “energy” - which sounds much more harmless! Manufacturers often try to veil in this waybad calories.

Energy-dense food is one that contains food in a relatively small volume. For example, you'll get 300 calories from a tiny donut or handful potato chips, although it would be healthier and more nutritious to eat half a kilogram of broccoli or 3 eggs. Notice the difference?

Sources of empty calories

Approximately 70% of foods in the average grocery store are empty calories—rich in carbohydrates and containing almost no healthy fats or protein. Sometimes we immediately understand what is in front of us: Barely concealable in sweet sparkling water. But sometimes bad calories are very sneaky. For example, you might not immediately realize that a blueberry muffin bought at a cafe contains 5 teaspoons of fat, and a coffee drink with syrup contains 8 teaspoons of sugar.

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Notice empty calories - lose weight the right way!

The main foods that are harmful to your diet:

  • Sausages, bacon, sausages (contain solid fat)
  • Ice cream (contains sugars and solid fat)
  • Pizza, burgers, french fries, shawarma (contain solid fat)
  • Cakes, pastries, cookies and donuts (contain solid fat and sugars)
  • Soda, fruit juices, sports and energetic drinks(contain sugars)

On this topic:

Liquid calories are one of the most simple ways gain excess subcutaneous fat.

Sugary drinks contain many empty calories. Moreover, not only carbonated drinks and coffee with fillers spoil your figure, but also packaged juices and tea drinks with sugar. What else contains empty calories? , especially strong. In addition, a drunk person often overeats, not noticing that he has long eaten his quota.

Such as chips, French fries and salad dressings are mostly made up of empty calories. They contain saturated fats or trans fats, which raise poor blood cholesterol levels. This increases the risk of heart disease.

Desserts, as you know, are dangerous for slim figure, and here's why: cookies and cakes are applied Double punch according to your dream of a flat stomach - they are high in sugar and fat. For the same reason, you should give up sweets, syrup, honey and jam.

How to avoid empty calories?

To combat empty calories, you can start your dinner with a leafy green salad or vegetable soup. Give preference lean meat turkey rather than high-calorie beef steak or pork chops. Always choose a side dish - you will notice how it becomes more funcount calories online!

If instead of a cup of vanilla ice cream, which contains about 250 kcal, you choose a cup of frozen yogurt, you will consume half as many calories and get more benefit, even if you add berries or some fruit to it.

If you don't know how correct , but trying to look after it well balanced diet– just limit the amount of empty calories, enjoy fresh and natural products, watch your portion sizes and notice how you start to lose those extra pounds!.

Sources: discovergoodnutrition.com, foodpyramid.com

The calories that a person gets from food are the main source of energy for the body. They are necessary to maintain the operation of all its systems. However, an excess of calories is stored as fat, which leads to the development of dangerous diseases.

“Empty calories” are calories that are found in large quantities in foods that have low nutritional value(it is provided by various vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and other elements). Which foods contain the most empty calories?

Flour products

Photo source: pxhere.com

Plain white flour, made from refined grains, contains neither fiber nor complex carbohydrates, no antioxidants. Flour products contain mostly “empty” calories, which quickly transform into fat.

Advice! To increase the nutritional value of baked goods, use, for example, whole grain flour. It is a source of healthier complex carbohydrates.

Sugar and sweeteners

Photo source: pxhere.com

Those who can't drink unsweetened coffee or tea, you must be careful not to fall under the influence of advertising gimmicks that advise you to buy sweeteners. Most of them are made from synthetic materials. Yes, they contain fewer calories than regular sugar, but at the same time they have substances that increase cravings for sweets and fatty foods. But sweeteners, which are made from natural ingredients, contain almost the same amount of “empty” calories as regular sugar.

Advice! If you cannot do without sweets, then use sugar instead natural honey. It contains mass useful substances and enzymes that activate metabolism.

fried food

Photo source: pxhere.com

When we fry foods, the vitamins in them are destroyed. In addition, during frying, they absorb oil, which increases their calorie content. For example, one baked potato contains approximately 200 kcal and less than one gram of fat. While in French fries the amount of fat reaches 30 g, and the calorie content is 700 kcal.


Photo source: pxhere.com

Even the most healthy dish can become a health hazard and beautiful figure, if you flavor it with mayonnaise. It contains as many as 660 calories per 100 g! And saturated fats in mayonnaise disrupt the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Best used as a salad dressing olive oil, lemon juice or low-fat sour cream.

Advice! Try cooking healthy sauce, similar to mayonnaise, based on yogurt.


Photo source: pxhere.com

Of course, the majority alcoholic drinks contain great amount"empty" calories. This is especially true for vodka, cognac, rum and tequila. Beer is not so high in calories, but few people limit themselves to one glass, so it is also on the list of dangerous products.

Advice! Sometimes you can afford to drink a glass of dry red wine, as it contains many antioxidants that rejuvenate the body.


Photo source: pxhere.com

One glass of lemonade contains 7 teaspoons of sugar, which is 210 calories! Entering the blood, it sharply raises the level of insulin, which transforms excess calories into body fat. It is worth noting that it is better not to drink even “zero calorie” cola, as it contains a lot of preservatives, flavor enhancers and acids.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that “empty calories” also contain various processed foods, margarine, sausages, candies, milk chocolate and other sweets. Avoid these foods and it will be easier for you to maintain your optimal weight. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. And among the ways heat treatment Give preference to boiling, baking or steaming foods.

At first glance, it may seem that to lose weight you need to reduce the number of calories and that’s it - an ideal figure in your pocket, but in reality everything is not so simple. There are " healthy calories" and "empty calories."

These terms are not entirely scientific, but for us who are losing weight, they are very important. When you learn to find empty calories in your diet and eliminate them, or replace them with healthier ones, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your overall health and, of course, look better.

Calorie is a unit of measurement energy value product.
Moreover, the unit is very small, so the measurement is usually carried out in kilocalories - Kcal. But in colloquial speech, even among nutritionists, it is customary to simply say “calories” without “kilo.”
Calories are found in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and alcohols.

1 g of protein gives the body 4 kcal

1 g carbohydrates – 4 Kcal,

1 g of alcohol – 7 Kcal

1 g fat – 9 kcal.

A woman needs about 2000 Kcal per day; to lose weight, this figure decreases, but cannot be less than 1200 Kcal per day. This is the arithmetic.

What are empty calories?

Empty calories are foods that have low nutritional value but high calorie content. That is, food that contains almost nothing except energy, and therefore does not give us anything useful, no nutrients, no nutrients that strengthen our health, our body, improve the condition of our skin and hair.

Foods poor in proteins, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats These are empty calories. Foods containing empty calories contribute to weight gain. Having consumed empty calories, we quickly become hungry again, because the body has not received the nutrients it needs, but fat deposits are formed with a bang.

For example, after eating a bag of chips weighing 50 g, we will consume about 300 Kcal, which will completely turn into fat, and we will want to eat and drink within half an hour, because salty foods increase appetite! Eventually - excess weight and swelling with regular consumption of such food.

A snack consisting of 100 g of cottage cheese, a spoon of honey and a fresh apple will give us about the same amount of calories, but it will be proteins, fructose and vitamins. Do you see the difference? Empty calories are absolutely useless, they only make us fatter and negatively affect our health. In Western countries, foods containing only empty calories are called “junk food”. Not too nice, right?

Where are empty calories hiding?

There are a lot of empty calories in fast food, sweets, dry ready-made breakfasts, sweet and carbonated drinks, baked goods made from white flour, chips, many fatty sauces such as mayonnaise, sausages, sausages, margarine. Moreover, 100 g of such a product can contain up to 500-700 Kcal due to fat, flour and sugar. No matter how sad it may sound, but very many modern products contain many empty calories. Especially semi-finished products, industrially processed food, fast food.

What to eat instead of empty calories

Empty calories harm not only your figure, but also your health. Excess sugar and “bad” fats disrupt normal work liver, pancreas and everything gastrointestinal tract. If you want to lose weight and keep it under control, then the number of empty calories must be reduced, replacing them with healthy ones.

Instead of a hamburger, eat a sandwich made from whole grain or bran bread, lettuce, cucumber slices, tomato, low-fat cheese and meat, fish, and, in extreme cases, ham. Instead of juices and drinks from bags and boxes, it is better to drink tea without sugar and eat fruit.

Sweets can be easily replaced with honey and dried fruits, of course, in reasonable quantities. And fatty mayonnaise can be successfully replaced with yogurt or low-fat sour cream, adding herbs and spices. In principle, it is better to avoid sausage, mayonnaise and margarine altogether or make sure that they appear on your table only on holidays.

The main obstacles on the path to slimness

Not every product brings benefits to our body along with a feeling of fullness. Some of them have almost no biological value and do not contain essential nutrients. Find out which foods contain empty calories and try to avoid them in your diet.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the main nutrients that make up our diet. They supply our body with energy:

● 1 g of protein gives 4 kcal,

● 1 g carbohydrates – 4 kcal,

● 1 g fat – 9 kcal.

The most useless calories for our body come from simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. Doing almost nothing useful functions, they only turn into fat deposits. So, what foods contain empty calories?

fried food

When we fry foods, they lose their useful properties- Vitamins are destroyed in hot oil. In addition, during the frying process they absorb oil, which makes them more nutritious. For example, one baked potato contains about 220 kcal and less than 1 g of fat. And if you turn it into French fries, you’ll end up with a 700-calorie dish containing 30 g of fat!

Semolina, wheat and corn grits

These cereals contain a lot of starch - as much as 60-80%! Starch is a complex carbohydrate, but consists of a large number simple sugars connected in a chain. Once in the body, these chains disintegrate and become again simple sugars– glucose. If glucose energy is not expended as soon as possible, it will replenish fat reserves. Therefore, semolina, wheat and corn porridge, as well as potatoes (they contain 15-20% starch), it’s better not to get carried away.

Flour products

Habitual white flour It is prepared from refined grains, in which no fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals remain. Mostly flour products consist of simple carbohydrates and do not give the body anything except extra calories. To increase the nutritional value of baked goods, use, for example, whole grain or peeled flour, oats. They are a source of healthier complex carbohydrates.

White rice

Like flour, traditional White rice During processing, it loses its shell, and along with it valuable fiber, vitamins and minerals. This rice is mostly starch, which quickly turns into fat. Therefore, rolls and sushi with white rice, which we classify as low-calorie foods, in reality they are not. Much more complex carbohydrates dietary fiber and vitamins are stored in brown or black rice .

Dishes with mayonnaise

Even the most useful vitamin salad can be turned into a threat to your figure if you season it with mayonnaise. 100 g of mayonnaise contains as much as 600 kcal! And the saturated fats in its composition can negatively affect the health of the heart, blood vessels and the entire body. By the way, you can prepare a healthy sauce that tastes like mayonnaise yourself using low calorie yogurt- there will be no empty calories in it.

Cheese soup

Most cheese soups are prepared based on processed cheese, in which more than 60% are unhealthy saturated fats. They also contain a lot of preservatives and flavor enhancers. To make your own cheese soup healthier and more nutritious, it is better to use low-fat varieties of cheese and, of course, do not add starch to it for thickness.

Sweet drinks

One glass of sweet soda contains about 7 teaspoons of sugar, that is, as much as 210 kcal! Entering the blood, it provokes a strong release of insulin, which turns excess sugar into fat. It is worth keeping in mind that even “low-calorie” carbonated drinks will not be beneficial, since they contain a lot of preservatives, acids and flavor enhancers.


Sadly, most treats are also empty calories, as they contain a lot of sugar and high-carb white flour. But this does not mean that you need to completely give up desserts! There are a lot of low-calorie and balanced sweets– jellies, sorbets, mousses, delicious desserts from protein. There are also excellent sweeteners (such as stevia) that have virtually no calories.


And our parade ends " useless products" alcohol. It is prepared on the basis ethyl alcohol- and it contains as much as 700 kcal per 100 g. Liqueurs contain the most simple sugars - their total mass can reach up to 50%. The calorie content of 100 g of liqueur is equal to a piece of cake! The least amount of sugar is found in dry red and white wine.

Often we eat foods with empty calories simply because we don’t fully understand why they are “empty” and how dangerous they are for our figure and health. By realizing their uselessness and eliminating them from your diet, you can quickly reach your goal. in better shape!

December 16, 2015, 13:45 2015-12-16

Empty calories are calories (energy) in foods that have very little or no nutritional value, coming primarily from added sugar or unhealthy compounds such as saturated fat or trans fat. Junk food also contains high amounts of sodium.

When referring to foods with empty calories, [foreign] nutritionists sometimes use the abbreviation “SoFAS”. SoFAS stands for Solid Fats and Added Sugars.

  • Solid fat: These are fats that remain solid when room temperature, this includes most saturated fats in meat and dairy products, as well as trans fats. Trans fats are liquid fats that industrially processed to remain solid at room temperature.
  • Added sugar: Sometimes some sugar is found naturally in foods. For example, it (in the form of fructose) is found in most fruits. Added sugars are sweeteners added during production to improve the taste or texture of junk food.

There is no official list of foods with added sugars and trans fats, but government experts and anysports TV highlight some types that are high in calories and low in calories. nutritional value. They recommend limiting your consumption of such foods to keep your weight and health under control.

How many empty calories can you eat per day? IN ideal world It's better not to do this at all. There would be only fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat cooked without fatty sauces or gravies, and there would be no grief. But for most of us this will never happen.

The US Food and Drug Administration (USDA) has set standards to help you limit the amount of empty calories you consume each day. Restrictions are based on age and gender.

  • Children (2 to 8 years): 120 calories per day
  • Children (9 to 13 years): 120-250 calories per day
  • Girls (14 to 18 years): 120-250 calories per day
  • Boys (14 to 18 years): 160-330 calories per day
  • Adult women: 120-250 calories per day
  • Adult men: 160-330 calories per day

Each of these recommendations assumes that empty calories are extra calories, which you consume after you've gotten all the nutrients you need from other food groups. In any case, empty calories should be included in the total recommended amount.

Confused? Let's give an example of the power system. If you adult woman, trying to lose weight on a 1200 calorie per day diet, you could be eating up to 250 empty calories per day. But you need to make sure that the rest of the food helps you meet healthy dietary guidelines and does not exceed 950 calories.

Unfortunately, most of us consume too many empty calories. The US Food and Drug Administration estimates that 90% of Americans eat poorly.

Those who are on a diet should be especially careful about empty calories and try to consume them less than recommended. Why? Because when you're trying to lose weight, every calorie counts. If you eat foods with high nutritional value, you are more likely to feel full, do correct portions and maintain proper energy levels throughout the day. Empty calorie foods don't provide you with enough nutrients to justify their high calorie content, as dietplan rightly claims.

Unfortunately, it's very easy to let empty-calorie foods slip into your diet - especially if you're trying to lose weight. Many similar products look like healthly food and packaged to make you think you're eating something healthy.

So before you visit the grocery store or cafeteria at school or work again, take a look at this list of foods that are classified as junk food. Try to limit your consumption of such foods and instead make more healthy choice, which will help you lose weight.

3. Sugar flakes

Sugar cereal and oatmeal with various tastes can be loaded with added sugar and sometimes unhealthy fats. The worst are sweetened cereals with bright packaging, designed for children, but even if the products look healthy, they are sometimes a source of extra pounds.

Check the ingredients for added sugar before purchasing the product. Try to choose brands that are high in fiber and low in sugar.

4. Soda and diet soda

Sweet sparkling water is very high in calories, and the nutritional value is usually zero. Even in drinks with fruity flavors still full of empty calories. Diet soda may have fewer calories, but it still doesn't do any good.

Try to drink better water. If you want it to have some flavor, just add fruit or herbs.

One of the most popular sources of empty calories are fried potatoes and corn chips. Many of them are fried in rich oils. However, even baked chips designed for dieters may contain hidden calories. Some also contain added sugar and have very little nutritional value.

Pretzels often contain fewer calories than fried foods like potato chips, so those on a diet often snack on them, mistaking them for a healthy meal. However, if there are too many of them, they will put a significant burden on your daily consumption calories. Their nutritional value is low, and they also contain a lot of sodium.

If you are striving for healthy eating, opt for chopped vegetables: they also give you some crunch, and they only have a few calories.

7. Muffins

Most muffins and others bakery products like the muffins sold in grocery stores and coffee shops are loaded with sugar, made from unhealthy processed grains and filled with trans fats. If you want to reduce your consumption hidden calories, try to avoid them.

If you need a snack on the go, try a hard-boiled egg and a healthy smoothie.

8. Coffee drinks

All these wonderful coffee drinks The foods you use to provide energy are a source of empty calories. In addition to saturated fat in whole milk, many of them add sweet syrups with sugar, as well as a variety of sweet toppings.

Brew healthier variations of coffee at home, drink lemon water or brew yourself a cup of tea for a quick pick-me-up.

Cookies, pastries, cakes and many other afternoon treats are a source of empty calories. In fact, baking is one of the most... popular products with empty calories, according to the US Food and Drug Administration. And sometimes the information on their labels makes you think they're less harmful than they appear.

For example, organic, gluten-free, non-GMO cookies are still cookies. And it's still full of sugar and empty calories from fat.

A plate of lollipops, chewable lozenges or tiny chocolate bars on your kitchen counter or office display doesn't seem so scary when you're on a diet. But it is one of the most common sources of empty calories. And it’s so easy to overeat small treats. Just give them up. They're not worth it.

11. Sweet tea drinks

Bottled tea drinks, often found in grocery store refrigerators, are essentially no better for your body than high-calorie sodas. Even though everything on the label looks healthy and natural, there is some added sugar and other sweeteners.

Check the ingredients and nutritional information on the package before you buy anything. Better yet, save money and brew your own tea, without any sweeteners.

12. Juice drinks

Drinks with fruit flavors (such as fruit punch) are often criticized by nutritionists due to large quantity sugar and low nutritional value. By limiting the number of such drinks, you will only help your child get rid of excess calories in the diet.

If you or your baby wants sweet water, it’s better to take fresh fruit and do it yourself.

French fries are one of the worst products with empty calories. Why? Because just a few pieces have a ton of calories and fat. One serving of French fries contains about 400 calories and very few nutrients.

For this reason, the US Food and Drug Administration recommends baking your own potatoes in the oven instead. Or you can simply eat a salad of chopped vegetables as a snack.

If your applesauce Made at home from real apples, it may not contain much sugar. But the jars of this sauce that can be found on the shelves are made with big amount sweeteners. So even though it looks like a healthy food, the sauce is likely to be a source of empty calories.

As much as possible, try to eat fresh apples, because they contain fiber along with natural sugar. If you like applesauce, make your own, avoiding too much sugar.

15. Full-fat milk and dairy products

Nutritionists often include whole milk and products based on it, such as cheese, butter and ice cream, are included in the list of foods with empty calories. These foods have nutritional value, but also contain a lot of saturated fat and some also contain added sugar.

Pizza almost always ranks high on the list of empty calorie foods due to the saturated fat content of the most popular brands. Some manufacturers also add sugar to tomato sauce.

If you're a die-hard fan, try to find a pizzeria that makes crusts out of... whole grain, and let there be a lot of vegetables in the filling; it’s even better if you make your own pizza at home that meets all these requirements.

There is a widespread belief that margarine is less harmful than butter. However, in most cases this is not the case. Some brands of margarine contain trans fats. Try to reduce your butter consumption and choose natural dairy products.

Try to find margarine that does not contain hydrogenated oils (trans fats). However, in most cases it is better to choose avocado altogether, since it is great source healthy polyunsaturated fats.

You might like to spread jelly on your bread in the morning, but don't forget that there are empty calories there too. Many brands of jellies in stores contain added sugar and sweeteners such as corn syrup. high content fructose.

Try a fruit spread instead, or better yet, eat the fruit itself!

19. Sausage and processed meats

Many nutritionists include sausage (and other processed meats) on their list of empty calorie foods. Even chicken or turkey sausage can contain too much saturated fat if it contains skin and other fatty parts of the animal.

Sausage can be made at home, or take the time to carefully read the ingredients when you buy products at the store.

20. Energy bars

The calories in many energy bars aren't nearly as healthy as they might seem. In fact, the nutritional value of some of them is no more than that of a regular chocolate bar. Many contain added sugar, processed grains and unhealthy fats.

Choose bars that contain fiber and protein to help keep you full, and stick to brands that contain less sugar.

21. Frozen yogurt

Many dieters think frozen yogurt is healthier than ice cream. full fat milk. However, in most cases, these foods are loaded with empty calories, have too much added sugar and too little nutritional value. This, however, does not mean that ice cream is a healthy alternative. Both products are on the unwanted list.

If you do decide to eat yogurt, watch the serving size. There are often hundreds of calories in just half a cup. But you can choose low-calorie ice cream instead to cut down on those.
