Canned corn: properties and nutritional value of the product

It would not be an exaggeration to say that corn enjoys popular love. Despite the fact that this vegetable is not traditionally grown in our latitudes, corn fields are not uncommon today. For this we should thank Columbus, who brought corn to Europe several centuries ago. Today you can practically enjoy it all year round, eating boiled corn during the harvest period, and in the cold season, giving preference to canned or frozen corn. The calorie content of boiled corn cannot be called low, but it is easily digestible and can be used as a product for weight loss. Of course, you shouldn’t overeat on corn, but consume it in moderation. The same can be said about the calorie content of canned corn, which many people like to add to various salads. If this product is consumed in reasonable quantities, it will not affect the stomach or thighs. The calorie content of boiled corn should not stop those who monitor their health, because it contains many useful substances and vitamins that our body needs.

Calorie content of boiled corn and its beneficial properties

Boiled corn retains a large amount of useful substances, since the shell of the grain is not broken during cooking. It contains vitamin A, B vitamins and the “vitamin of youth and beauty” E. In addition, boiled corn also contains minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, etc. The most important advantage of corn, which distinguishes it from any other vegetable, is the content of such a trace element as gold. Such a rich vitamin and mineral composition does not in any way affect the calorie content of boiled corn. It remains a constant value regardless of the type of corn chosen for cooking.

It is especially worth noting that boiled corn is also rich in vitamin B4, which is also called choline. This substance helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, so corn is especially useful for those who have elevated levels. In addition, choline helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and improves metabolism. This means that, despite how many calories there are in boiled corn, regular consumption can help maintain weight for those who care about their figure. As for the calorie content of boiled corn, it is 123 kcal per 100 g of product. In principle, this indicator is not very different from the calorie content of canned corn. Also, in the process culinary processing The unique vitamin and mineral composition of this vegetable is also preserved.

Considering useful composition corn, it can be especially recommended for people suffering from various health disorders. In particular, it can help those who suffer from constipation and liver disease. It is recommended to consume boiled corn if you have problems with the heart and blood vessels. Boiled corn can relieve attacks of gout and nephritis, and also reduces the symptoms of cholelithiasis. It is also useful for gastrointestinal diseases. To relieve the symptoms of gastritis, it is enough to eat porridge made from crushed corn grains. Since corn is rich in vitamin E, its regular consumption can slow down the aging process in the body, so it is necessary for older people, as well as those who want to maintain youth and beauty for a long time. As you can see, the calorie content of boiled corn is nothing compared to the benefits it brings. Thus, before scrupulously counting how many calories are in boiled corn, you need to evaluate its beneficial composition in order to draw conclusions about whether it is worth excluding this product from your diet.

Despite its calorie content, boiled corn can be used for diets aimed at weight loss. It is recommended to consume it in moderate quantities and move more. And the choline contained in corn will help normalize metabolism, which will lead to the loss of extra pounds. Thus, the question of how many calories are in boiled corn should not bother adherents of a healthy diet.

Canned corndelicious product, which can be enjoyed at any time of the year. As a result of special processing, corn loses some of its nutrients, but remains a product with high nutritional value. The calorie content of canned corn averages 120 kcal per 100 g, which is not much different from the number of calories in boiled corn. This indicator depends on the manufacturer of canned corn. This corn can be consumed separately, or can be added as additional ingredient in other dishes. Canned corn preserves carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins and microelements. Just 150 g of this product can satisfy the need for vitamin B1 for an adult by 25% daily norm. At the same time, the carbohydrates contained in corn will provide the body with big amount energy. Canned corn also retains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Thus, regardless of the form in which corn is consumed, the number of calories in boiled corn, as well as in canned product about the same. However, more nutrients are retained in boiled corn, since in this case The thermal effect is not so long-lasting. But canned corn can be an excellent substitute at a time of year when markets are out of stock. fresh corn. By consuming it in reasonable quantities, you can saturate the body with useful substances without adding extra pounds. The question of how many calories are in corn is less important compared to the question of how many nutrients this product contains. Corn is a wonderful product whose taste cannot be confused with anything else. She's great in different dishes, and if you love her, then you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying sweet corn. The benefits from it are truly enormous, and harm to the figure is excluded if you use it in reasonable quantities and do not overeat.

Corn is valuable and nutritious product for the body, it contains great amount vitamins A, B, PP, E, as well as microelements - potassium, iron and magnesium. Canned or boiled corn is used to prepare a variety of culinary dishes. With the low calorie content of boiled corn, this product has excellent saturated properties.

Corn does not accumulate chemicals in the human body that get to it in the form of fertilizers. There are many different varieties corn, so the caloric content of boiled corn may vary depending on the variety.

Useful properties of corn

Corn is low-calorie product, it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. Corn porridge useful for of cardio-vascular system, since the amount of calories in boiled corn is insignificant, and it also stops harmful processes in the intestines. Cereals are used to prepare porridge, soups, casseroles and other dishes. The calorie content of boiled corn is quite low, so it is very useful for losing weight. The product is capable of removing from the body excess fat and pesticides. Many people are interested in the calorie content of canned corn. You will learn about it later.

Due to its low calorie content and its beneficial properties, corn is classified as a food dietary nutrition. How many calories are in boiled corn - you can see in a special table or calculate it yourself, since energy value it also depends on the products that are added to it. No matter how caloric content boiled corn is, it does not lose its useful properties. It contains the vitamin choline. It controls blood cholesterol levels, normalizes metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system.

How many calories are in boiled corn?

Corn is enough hearty product. Moreover, the corn grains themselves have low calorie content, it increases when boiling or frying. On average, the calorie content of boiled corn grains per 100 g of product is 120 kcal. Boiled corn has a higher number of calories, it is about 200 kcal per 100g. The level of calories in boiled corn is low compared to the level of nutrients that burn fat and remove excess cholesterol from the body. Corn contains 5 g of protein, 2.5 g of fat and 30 g of carbohydrates.

Many diets are based on corn. Even with an average calorie content, boiled corn is rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals; in total, it contains 26 types of minerals. They can relieve a person from depression, and also have a positive effect on the skin and hair condition.

To determine how many calories are in boiled corn, you need to know exactly its variety, as well as the method of its preparation. Because the calorie content of boiled corn or the calorie content of canned corn itself is low, but by adding salt, oil or other additives, you are exposing your body to adding additional calories.

Breakfast cereals are not too much useful product, because they are quite high in calories. But overuse of breakfast cereals can lead to obesity. The calorie content of boiled corn is much lower than dry corn corn flakes. 550 kcal for those losing weight is too much.

Cereals contain a large amount of carbohydrates, they lead to fat deposits in the body. Even with high calorie content It’s almost impossible to get enough of corn flakes. This product is best consumed as an addition to your main meal.

Corn and calorie calculation

It is very difficult to accurately calculate your calorie intake, especially if you do it yourself. That is why there is a special table of calorie content of products; the calorie content of boiled corn according to the table is 120 kcal per 100 g. But since the calorie content of this product largely depends on the products that are added to it, they all must be proportional. This makes it much easier to calculate how many calories are in boiled corn and other foods.

Corn porridge is low calorie dish, the number of calories in the product is 120 kcal, but, as a rule, sugar, honey or milk are added to it. The calorie content of these products is quite high; the number of calories in boiled corn increases due to this. If exceed daily norm calories per 100 kcal, then 9 g of fat will be deposited in the body.

What are the calories in canned corn?

Sweet corn, especially canned corn, is widely used in salads, soups and other delicacies. None today family celebration Can't do without salads that don't contain canned corn. Its calorie content depends on the brine for sterilization. Since industrial brine contains a lot of salt and preservatives of dubious quality, the energy value of this product increases greatly. The calorie content of canned corn is 86-114 kcal per 100 grams of product. What is the difference between this calorie fluctuation? The indicator depends on the type of grain crop, as well as on the ingredients for preservation. Rate the article

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People started eating corn a very long time ago. According to archaeological excavations, the age of this plant is about twelve thousand years. The Mexicans were the first to grow it, and later, thanks to the pioneering seafarers, its seeds spread throughout the world. This ancient agricultural crop quickly became loved in all countries of the world, and for good reason. It amazingly combines a delicate, slightly sweet taste, a rich complex of vitamins and minerals, the ability to saturate well and the versatility of use in cooking. Fresh cobs are boiled and baked, as well as frozen and canned for the winter. In our country it is cold most of the year, and it is simply impossible to grow this crop all year round. IN winter period fresh product Replaces with canned corn. Its calorie content and chemical composition remain virtually unchanged with this processing method, which allows you to enjoy the taste and benefits of sweet and juicy seeds all year round.

Energy value of corn

What is remarkable about the composition of corn? The grains of this crop have high biological and nutritional value. It is easily absorbed by the body and helps activate metabolic processes. Feeling good, vitality, increased immunity and protective properties - all these bonuses can be obtained by regular use product. In addition, it perfectly saturates without harming the figure. However, many (especially those losing weight) are concerned about the difference in energy value fresh cob and canned corn. The calorie content of the first is about 123 kcal, while the second is about 119. This is due to the fact that during processing it is saturated with water, due to which the used content is slightly “diluted”. Thus, fresh corn contains approximately 4.1 grams of protein and 2.3 grams fat. whose caloric content is lower, has indicators of 3.9 and 1.3, respectively. But it contains slightly more carbohydrates, but not much.

Vitamin and mineral composition of corn

Separately, it is worth mentioning vitamins. There are many of them in this culture. The leader is group B (there are as many as 8 types), among which choline (B4) occupies the main place. There are also vitamins such as A, E, C and some others. Corn contains a lot of magnesium, potassium and iron, and contains natural ascorbic acid. At the same time, corn in a jar is not inferior to fresh cooked seeds. Calorie content is not the only thing that keeps this product safe long-term storage. Vitamins are also practically not destroyed, which means that even in winter you can get not only taste from sweet yellow seeds, but also benefits for the body. However, there is an important note - you need to choose the right product by carefully studying the packaging.

How to make the right choice?

When making a choice in the store, be sure to look at when the corn is made. If it was in autumn or winter, then the seeds were no longer young and fresh, but, most likely, dried, boiled and only then preserved. Also look at the composition so that it does not contain any harmful additives. The content must comply with GOST.

It is best to choose one brand that suits you in all respects and always buy it. This will avoid unnecessary disappointments and unsuccessful expenses. For example, canned food, which has about 120 calories, has been on the market for a long time and consistently shows high quality at an average price. Try several varieties of the product different brands and choose the one that is best for you.

"Jokes" with calories

By the way, I should make a small clarification - corn boiled calories may vary depending on the specific variety. The average (and most common) is 100-125 kcal. However, there are varieties that contain both 50-70 and 200-300 kcal. Therefore, in canned form these values ​​will also be different. Don't be alarmed if you see too little or too much energy value on the label - this means that this is the variety of the specific corn. Just choose what suits you best.

Is there any harm?

A few words should be devoted to the question of possible harm of this product. In general, corn does only good things for the body, but some people should not consume it. So, it can cause bloating, especially if you have digestive problems. By the way, canned corn does not have this effect. You should also be careful when this product people with poor blood clotting and thrombosis. It will only benefit the rest.


In this article we found out that, like canned calories may vary depending on the variety. However, on average, its energy value is 120 kcal, and its composition is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are preserved both during cooking and canning. The main thing is to choose corn wisely and consume it in moderation.

Corn has versatile culinary capabilities. For many centuries, bread and puddings have been baked from it, porridge, stews and variety of soups. And with development modern technologies, grains of this sugar crop began to be prepared in canned form. After gentle processing, they retain a significant part of the nutrients. This article is about canned corn and its benefits and harms.

Vitamins and minerals in canned corn

Canned corn is very rich in nutrients. It consists of 26 natural elements of the periodic table. The benefit of such a product is that during special processing the protective surface of the grains is not destroyed, so the cereals retain many vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the sodium content, which regulates water balance in the body, increases several times.

Corn is also rich in phosphorus and calcium. They strengthen bone and dental tissue, improve muscle function.

The potassium contained in the grains is essential for heart health and is useful for hypertension and poor circulation.

Magnesium has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular and nervous system, improves intestinal function and metabolism.

Corn is also valuable because it contains such important amino acids as lysine and tryptophan, which are not independently produced by the body, but are essential for the functioning of the intestines and the condition of the muscles.

Vitamins A, B, E, PP are well preserved in canned corn grains. These are useful natural substances strengthen the immune system, improve vision and hair condition, rejuvenate the body, improve mood, and help cope with depression.

The benefits of canned corn

Conducted Scientific research showed that in the body of people who regularly consume canned corn, the content of magnesium, folate and folic acid increases. These microelements strengthen the immune system and improve heart function.

Even though corn kernels taste like sugar, they only contain 120 calories. The amount of fat is also minimal - no more than 5 percent. That is why experts advise including the product in various diets for weight loss. Corn is also effective in this case due to its nutritional value: hunger can be satisfied with a relatively small amount of grains. That is, the body receives very few calories, but you don’t want to eat for a long time. True, it is important to remember that to lose weight, corn is not eaten with any other foods, but instead of them.

Canned corn is used in diets intended for professional athletes. Here it is valuable as a source of amino acids and plant proteins necessary to maintain physical fitness.

Corn grains are also the most valuable product for feeding people who are sick. diabetes mellitus, because they have the ability to regulate blood sugar levels. In turn, the saturated acids contained in these cereals reduce cholesterol levels, the excess of which negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Experts have noticed the beneficial effects of canned corn on work gastrointestinal tract. For example, a small amount of the product can relieve the symptoms of bloating. Plant fibers improve liver function and metabolic processes. Corn is also useful for allergy sufferers, anemia and anorexia.

Corn grains promote cell rejuvenation, so they are useful for older people.

Harm of canned corn

It is undesirable to eat corn if there is excessive blood clotting and, accordingly, for people predisposed to thrombosis. Corn grains reduce appetite, so dishes made from them should not be consumed if the body is exhausted and underweight.

It is also important to remember that grains are not a comfort food. They are beneficial only in moderation. Otherwise, you can get problems with the stomach, liver, pancreas and duodenum.

Canned corn will be easier to digest the right combination with other products. She is excellent friends with all types of vegetables, herbs, as well as creamy and vegetable oils. But at the same time, it does not combine well with fermented milk and dairy products, fruits, juices and proteins.

Corn can become a source of illness for people with individual intolerance to the product.

How to choose a good jar?

When choosing canned corn, first of all, you need to carefully study all the inscriptions on the label. The date of manufacture is considered fundamentally important. It can be used to easily determine the degree of freshness of the beans used. For example, if the spring or winter months of the year are indicated on the can, this means that they sell not fresh, but frozen cereals in canned form. Summer, on the contrary, is the season for harvesting corn of milky ripeness, so the grains rolled at this time are the most healthy and tasty.

Date of manufacture on quality canned food applied with indelible paint, on top of tin lid. This product contains only four ingredients: the corn kernels themselves, a small amount of water and just a little sugar and salt. The fruits of this plant are well preserved using this technology. Reload product various additives to the detriment of its naturalness, there is no point. Therefore, the presence of other fillers and preservatives is a sufficient reason to doubt the correctness of this choice.

If an open can cannot be used during the day, it is better to pour its contents into a glass container and close it with a tight lid. In this way, the oxidation process of cereals can be avoided. Experts do not recommend keeping canned corn open in the refrigerator also because it can absorb the pungent odors of other foods.

How to can your own corn

Housewives who do not trust quality industrial canned food, can cook them at home. To do this, for one jar you need to take grains from three medium-sized cobs, as well as 1 tablespoon of salt, 3 teaspoons of sugar and a liter of water.

Jars must be thoroughly washed and pasteurized. Cereals are washed in cold boiled water, which needs to be taken care of in advance. After this, the corn is blanched in boiling water for three minutes and transferred to a container.

The marinade for pouring is very simple to prepare. Salt and sugar are added to the water and boiled for about three minutes, after which they are poured over the corn. Containers should not be filled to the top with grains. Free space is left so that the hard grains are better saturated with the marinade.

The next stage is sterilization. Filled and covered jars are placed on water bath and boil for three and a half hours at 105 degrees. This time is calculated for half a liter container.

Under no circumstances should you refuse sterilization. Corn contains a lot of proteins, but it has virtually no natural acids, so avoid the development of spore and fungal microbes in ready-canned food only possible by prolonged boiling.

Canned corn- This is a fairly popular food product. You can buy it in the store and also prepare it at home. The grains should be bright yellow (see photo) and have a sweet taste.

How to select and store?

Today, there is a wide range of canned corn on store shelves, so in order not to buy a low-quality product and not cause harm to the body, you should follow some recommendations:

Canned corn in a closed state tin can will remain fresh for 2 years, and in glass for 3 years. If you have opened the jar, then you should consume the grain within 2 days.

Beneficial features

The benefit of canned corn lies in its chemical composition, since even after heat treatment useful material are stored in the product. The product contains fiber, which cleanses the intestines of waste products. IN large quantities Corn grains contain magnesium, which is especially important for the heart muscle and for the aging body. Due to the presence of B vitamins, canned corn acts as an anti-stress agent, improving the functioning of the nervous system.

The grains contain vitamin E, which prevents sclerosis and improves skin condition. Regular consumption of canned corn reduces the risk of developing heart problems and also reduces the risk of developing cancer. Unlike fresh grains, canned grains do not cause bloating.

Use in cooking

Canned corn is popular product nutrition. It is used for preparing salads, appetizers and various side dishes. Canned corn goes well with meat and other vegetables. The grains are also used as a decoration for various dishes.

How to can corn at home?

To be sure of the quality of canned corn, you can close it yourself at home. To do this you need to take corn, 9% vinegar, sugar, salt and water. To begin with, boil the cobs, peel them and distribute them into 0.5 liter jars. Add 1 tbsp to each jar. spoon of vinegar. Prepare the marinade in a separate container. To do this, you should combine water with salt and sugar at the rate of: per 1 liter, 1 dessert spoon previously named components. The brine needs to be brought to a boil, poured into jars and sterilized for half an hour. All that remains is to roll it up and wrap it until it cools completely.

Harm of canned corn and contraindications

Canned corn can be harmful to people who have increased blood clotting and an increased risk of thrombosis. It is worth limiting the amount of grains consumed in case of exacerbation of ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
