Chicken ramen soup: Japanese cuisine. Japanese Cuisine: Ramen Noodles

Ramen- this is the name asian noodles and the dish of the same name made from it. It consists of two main components - noodles and broth. In addition, they add to the dish various additives(toppings). They eat ramen with chopsticks and a special spoon (with chopsticks it’s convenient to take noodles and toppings, and with a spoon you can scoop out broth). It's tasty, aromatic and hearty dish. It is extremely popular not only in Southeast Asia, but also far beyond its borders.


Ramen noodles(Japanese: ラーメン, rH. Ramen, Chinese: 拉面, pinyin: Lamian, Korean: 라면) is a very common type of noodle in Southeast Asia. Extremely popular in China, Japan and Korea. Her homeland is China. Externally, these are thin flat noodles of light yellow color. Most noodles contain four components - wheat flour, salt, water and alkaline mineral water(in Japan it is called kammizu). It is thanks to this specific liquid that it has its own taste and culinary properties. It is because of kammizu that the noodles have their yellow color and dense structure, which does not allow them to boil in the broth. Chicken eggs are often added to the noodle dough.

Ramen noodles vary in width and thickness, and the most popular types are called:

  • thin noodles (Japanese 細麺, rH. Hosomen);
  • medium thin noodles (Japanese: 中細麺, rH. Chu hosomen);
  • medium thick noodles (Japanese: 中太麺, rH. Chubutomen);
  • thick noodles (Japanese 太麺, rH. Futomen).

Whose quality standards are considered reference, there is a clear classification of all types of noodles, which indicates their parameters (width and thickness) and names. All types of noodles are numbered from 1 to 30, the higher the number, the thinner the noodles.

The thickest Ramen noodles have the number 12. It is called Kitakata ramen (Japanese: 喜多方ラーメン, rH. Kitakata ramen) - after the name of the city in which it is made. Its width is 2.5 mm and thickness 1.88 mm.

Noodle No. 14 is called Sano ramen (Japanese: さのラーメン, rH. Sano ramen), its width is 2.14 mm and its thickness is 1.61 mm.

Noodle No. 16 is called Shirakawa ramen (Japanese: しらかわラーメン, rH. Shirakawa ramen), its width is 1.88 mm and its thickness is 1.41 mm.

Noodle No. 20 has no name - just ramen, its width is 1.5 mm and thickness 1.13 mm.

Noodle No. 22 is called medium thick noodles or Sapporo ramen (さっぽろラーメン, rH. Sapporo ramen), its width is 1.36 mm and its thickness is 1.02 mm.

Noodle No. 24 is called medium thin noodles or Tokyo ramen (Japanese: とうきょうラーメン, rH. Tokio Ramen), its width is 1.36 mm and thickness is 0.94 mm.

Noodle No. 26 is called thin noodles or Hakata ramen (Japanese: はかたラーメン, rH. Hakata ramen), its width is 1.15 mm and its thickness is 0.87 mm.


Japan is a country of traditions. Ramen soup bases (or simply broths) are divided into 4 main types. In fact, there are more of them, but the traditions are still in force.

    (Japanese: しょうゆ, rH. Shoyu) or “ soy sauce" Most old version broth for Ramen soups. It's transparent brown broth, which is cooked with chicken or vegetables, less often with fish or beef. Soy sauce is generously added to it; it is this that gives the color and salt level to the broth. Soups with this broth usually use curly noodles, although this is not a dogma. Pickled bamboo shoots are used as toppings, green onions, kamaboko (some kind of crab sticks), nori, boiled eggs, bean sprouts or mung beans. Sometimes hot chili oil is added to the soup. Several thin slices are placed in the broth boiled beef or pork Cha Shao (Chinese barbecue). The noodles are usually of medium thickness.

    (Japanese しお, rH. Shio) or “salt”.
    This broth is clear, slightly yellowish, and salt is generously added to it. It is prepared using chicken, vegetables, fish and seaweed. Moreover, the combination of components and proportions are at the request of the cook. Less often the broth is boiled on pork bones, but not for long so that it doesn’t turn out greasy. Most often, Cha Shao pork cut into thin slices is added to the soup, but options are also possible, for example, low-fat chicken meatballs. Pickled Japanese plums and kamaboko are most often used as toppings. For such soups, regular noodles are used - straight and thin.

    (Japanese: みそ, rH. Miso) or “miso”.
    This type of broth is relatively “young” - it reached its popularity in the mid-twentieth century. The birthplace of this version of soup is the island of Hokkaido. The broth is made with chicken or fish, or less often with pork bones, and is generously seasoned with miso soybean paste. It turns out strong rich broth, with the characteristic taste of miso paste, slightly sweet and aromatic. It goes well with spicy bean pastes such as tobajiang. Or, alternatively, with hot chili oil. Used as toppings canned corn, leeks, finely chopped, green onions, bean sprouts (or mung beans), finely chopped white cabbage. These soups add fried minced pork. Season with ground white pepper and seeds white sesame and crushed garlic. The noodles usually used are curly and thick.

    (Japanese: カレ, rH. Kare) or “curry”.
    About the same age as miso broths, moreover, they are also fellow countrymen (Hokkaido island). The broth is boiled with pork bones and vegetables to make it rich and thick. Curry is used as a flavor note. This seasoning is very popular in Japan. The soup is served with thinly sliced ​​Cha Shao pork, nori seaweed, bean sprouts or mung bean. Curly and thick noodles are also used.


Many people know what the term “topping” means. These are some additional ingredients, which are not included in standard set, and they are added to the dish as desired. Most often, simply laying it on top of the dish.

IN various options Ramen soups readily use a wide variety of toppings. Sometimes there are up to ten of them in one serving.

Popular toppings for Ramen soups in Japan:

  • Chashu (Japanese: チャーシュー, rH. Chāshū) is a Japanese version of the Chinese barbecue pork Cha Shao; thin slices of meat are added to the soup.
  • Wakegi (Japanese: ワケギ, rH. Wakegi) – green onions, cut into rings.
  • Nitamago (Japanese 煮玉子, rH. Nitamago) - Ramen eggs. Boiled and then marinated in a mixture of soy sauce and mirin.
  • Mamemoyashi (Japanese: まめもやし, rH. Mame moyashi) - or.
  • Memma (Japanese: メンマ, rH. Menma) – fermented.
  • Kakuni (Japanese 角煮, rH. Kakuni) - stewed pork cubes, according to the method of preparation close to Chinese dish"Dungpo Pork"
  • (Japanese 海苔, rH. Nori) – dried seaweed, often used in sushi.
  • Naturo-maki (Japanese: しょうゆ, rH. Naruto-maki) is a fish roll, ours are relatives of this Japanese snack.
  • Tomorokoshi (Japanese: トウモロコシ, rH. Tomorokoshi) – canned corn kernels.
  • Bata (Japanese: バター, rH. Bata) – butter.
  • (Japanese: ワカメ, rH. Wakame) – dried seaweed.
  • Beijing dakku (Japanese: 北京ダック, rH. Pekin dakku) – thin slices of Peking duck.


Ramen soups are popular and loved everywhere in Japan (and not only in Japan). There are three generally recognized regional varieties of Ramen noodles in the Country rising sun, so to speak, three samurai - Kitakata Ramen, Sapporo Ramen and Hakata Ramen.

    Ramen (Japanese: 喜多方ラーメン, rH. Kitakata ramen) - boiled noodles are poured with clear pork bone broth, flavored with soy sauce to taste, three slices of boiled lean pork, cut into strips of canned bamboo, sprinkled with green onion rings are placed in a bowl.

    Ramen (Japanese: さっぽろラーメン, rH.) is probably the most satisfying and tasty option ramen soup The noodles are poured with broth with the addition of miso paste, cooked with meat or fish based. The broth turns out rich and strong. Miso paste gives the soup a recognizable taste and aroma. Can be added to soup spicy seasonings, For example, bean paste tobyadzyan or hot oil Chile. Toppings are generously used - leeks, corn, nori, green onions, sesame seeds, bean sprouts, ramen boiled eggs, minced pork. In general, it’s a hearty dish, and it looks very appetizing and colorful.

    Ramen (Japanese: はかたラーメン, rH. Hakata ramen) - this soup is characterized by its fatty broth made from pork bones. Crushed garlic, pickled ginger (as for sushi), sesame seeds, pickled mustard leaves, and green onion rings are used as toppings. Several thin slices of boiled pork are added to the soup.

Not so much Japanese dishes can be created in Russian cuisine. The reason is the absence on the shelves of our supermarkets of many products common in the Land of the Rising Sun. However, the ramen recipe is one of the few that a Russian housewife can recreate on her own at home. Ramen - busting the myth that the Japanese only eat fish and rice. Want to try? Then, let's go cook!

What is ramen?

Ramen is a traditional dish Japanese cuisine, which is wheat noodles with broth and various fillings. There is no classic recipe for this noodle according to any single canon, just as there are no standards for Russian pies. The housewife in Russia puts it in pies various fillings, and a Japanese chef does the same with ramen ingredients.

Ramen soup is prepared with beef, pork, chicken or vegetable broth. It may contain: shiitake mushrooms, algae different types, bean sprouts, eggs, pork, various vegetables. Refuel Japanese soup maybe with special miso paste or just salt.

The recipe for preparing the noodles for the ramen dish is also different. Most often it is made from wheat flour, salt, water and kansui (special mineral water). But some cooks also add eggs. And others even cook only with flour and ordinary water. Additionally, ramen noodles may vary in shape. It can be thin, thick, wavy, in the form of a ribbon, etc. Here, as they say, there is freedom of creativity.

History of the dish ramen

Ramen is a dish with a not very long, but extremely fascinating history, because of which there are now heated debates about the level of this dish. Some vehemently argue that this exquisite delicacy restaurant quality. Others mockingly retort that this is just a type of cheap Japanese fast food. What is the truth?

In fact, ramen noodles are not an original Japanese heritage. It came to the Land of the Rising Sun from China only at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, it was prepared independently and sold in small street shops. It was eaten mainly by low-income people due to the cheapness of the dish.

In 1958, ramen became even more popular. This is due to the invention of Momofuku Ando noodles instant cooking, which is still actively used not only in Japan, but throughout the world. Speed, cheapness, and accessibility have made fast food ramen, truly, one of the cult dishes of the Land of the Rising Sun.

On the wave of fame Japanese noodles Ramen began to take other forms. The chefs of Japan could not ignore this dish, and therefore today ramen soup can be bought not only in street vending machines or cheap eateries. They began to serve it in cafes and elite restaurants, making their own noodles and selecting the highest quality ingredients.

Making ramen at home

Among the most known species Ramens include ramen with chicken, pork, fish and mushrooms. However, the Japanese themselves prefer ramen with pork, because it is the most satisfying and filling. It is this ramen recipe that we suggest you prepare at home.

Ramen noodles

First of all, you need to decide on the base of the dish - noodles. You have two options.

  • The first is to buy special dry ramen noodles, which are sold either in Japanese cuisine departments or on the Internet. At worst, you can purchase Rolton products. At least outwardly and partly in appearance taste qualities it resembles a ramen dish.
  • The second option is to make the noodles yourself. Of course, in this case, your Japanese soup will turn out exactly the way it is served in restaurants. But there is one drawback: pulling noodles is a very labor-intensive process that requires high culinary skills. If you decide to try it, you will need to make a dough of flour, water and egg, and then cut it into strips and pull it into the thinnest threads.

But since it is quite complicated, we will use ready-made ramen noodles in this recipe. For 4 servings you will need about 300 g of noodles. It needs to be boiled just like regular pasta. The only caveat: the ramen noodles may cook a little faster than usual. So, keep an eye on this.

Instructions for preparing broth for ramen noodles

For the future soup, you need to start preparing the broth. In this recipe we will make it using pork bones.

Required ingredients:

  • Pork bones – 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • Ginger root - a small piece;
  • Green onions;
  • Salt.

The main feature of ramen broth is its strength and richness. Therefore, you need to expect that you need to allocate 2-3 hours of your free time for cooking. Step by step diagram preparations.

  1. Pour into the pan cold water and put it there pork bones. Bring this water to a boil and drain immediately. Remove any foam that has formed from the bones. This is just a preparatory step to clean the bones;
  2. Next, fill the bones with water again and bring to a boil. Don't forget to remove the foam;
  3. Add finely chopped ginger root, garlic and onion to boiling water;
  4. Place the stove on the lowest heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave the broth to simmer for 2-3 hours;
  5. As a result, the broth should decrease in volume by about a third. At the end of cooking you can salt it;
  6. Strain the broth through cheesecloth and refrigerate.

Pork for ramen

If you follow classic recipe ramen, it is not enough just to make Japanese soup with pork broth. It is also important to cook the meat in a special way. This japanese recipe pork is called chashu.

Ingredients for chashu:

  • Pork belly – 1 kg;
  • Soy sauce – 0.5 cups;
  • Green onions;
  • A small piece of ginger;
  • Garlic – 4 cloves;
  • Sake – 4 tbsp. l. (can be replaced with white wine);
  • Sugar – 2 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Cut the pork breast into slices, wrap in the form of rolls and tie with thread so that they retain their shape;
  2. In this form, fry them on vegetable oil until a crust forms;
  3. Place ingredients in a saucepan in layers. First - pork, then - finely chopped ginger root, onion, garlic, sugar. Then pour soy sauce and sake over everything, and finally with water so that it covers the meat entirely;
  4. Bring the water to a boil, skimming off any foam during the process;
  5. As soon as the water boils, cover the pan with a lid, set the heat to the lowest setting and leave the pork to cook for two hours;
  6. After the time has passed, turn off the gas, but leave the meat in the broth until it cools.

Ramen filling

Now that the most time-consuming components of the dish are ready, the preparation of ramen enters the final and easiest stage: assembly and filling. We remind you that the quantity of products is designed for 4 servings.


  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs;
  • Green onions – 1 bunch;
  • White cabbage or Chinese cabbage– 150 g;
  • Pre-prepared bone broth – 2 cups;
  • Broth remaining after cooking chashu - 1 cup;
  • Soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l;
  • Nori sheets (seaweed) – 2 leaves.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Boil chicken eggs in a saucepan;
  2. Chop the cabbage into strips;
  3. Finely chop the green onions;
  4. Place the hot noodles on plates and add bone broth and chashu broth in a 2:1 ratio;
  5. Add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce to a serving;
  6. Next, lay out the pre-cooked pork;
  7. Japanese Ramen noodles are topped with onions, cabbage and an egg cut in half.

That's all. This completes the ramen recipe, all that remains is to call everyone to the table. It's tasty, filling and healthy dish Japanese cuisine will undoubtedly delight your household. Try it home recipe ramen with pork and feel the atmosphere of distant Japan in your kitchen. Bon appetit!

Video: Ramen noodle soup: advanced cooking method

Ramen soup is an East Asian dish that has gained incredible popularity in China, Korea and Japan, served both in large restaurants, and in small cafes. The key ingredients of this soup are broth (it can be made from either meat or fish) and wheat noodles. Additions can include pieces of meat (boiled or fried) or pickled mushrooms, pickles or vegetables, eggs or nori. In its original form, the technology for preparing this soup is quite complex and at first somewhat puzzling, but it can always be simplified if desired. So, without thinking for long, we finally decided to cook Ramen soup, slightly adapting it to suit ourselves. IN original recipe It is customary to add all sorts of additives to this dish in the form of large quantity various hot spices. We will limit ourselves to the set of seasonings that are included in the packages of noodles.

  • “chan ramen” noodles – 2 packs;
  • pork pulp – about 250 grams;
  • sesame - about a tablespoon;
  • egg;
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, chili, ground pepper and paprika - to taste;
  • onions and garlic - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - a little for frying meat;
  • water or ready meat broth– approximately 2.5 standard glasses.

How to cook Ramen soup in Korean:

The pork pulp, thoroughly washed under running water, is wiped dry with a napkin and soaked for seven to eight minutes in a marinade of soy sauce, paprika and chili.

Peel the spicy vegetables and cut them as desired.

In a frying pan in oil, sauté the onion and garlic for about three minutes, then top vegetable pillow lay out the pieces of marinated meat and fry until cooked on both sides over high heat - this will take about twelve minutes.

While frying, sprinkle the meat with sesame seeds.

At the same time, boil the hard-boiled egg.

We remove the noodles from the packages and put all the spices separately.

Boil water in a saucepan (the volume is not important) and cook the noodles for no more than 2 minutes.

Then we rinse it under running tap water and place it on a sieve. Remove the shell from the boiled egg. Place the fried meat in a bowl.

Boil 2.5-3 cups of water or broth in a saucepan along with spices taken from the noodle packages - the amount of liquid depends on how thick the soup is liked by the consumers for whom this soup is intended.

Place the previously washed noodles and put them on a sieve into the boiling broth with spices, and carefully mix with chopsticks (for sushi) using bottom-up movements. Cook the noodles at low simmer for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.

We form a dish by laying out the ingredients in the following sequence: pour in the broth, add noodles, place 2-3 pieces of meat on one side of the plate, half a boiled egg on the other, and chop the green onions on the third. Finally, sprinkle the contents of the plate with sesame seeds. Ready.

Bon appetit!!!

Best regards, Irina Kalinina.

Japanese food It is very popular among many. For example, one of the soups is very popular in China and Korea. The recipe for how to cook ramen at home is complicated in terms of execution technique, but there is a simpler alternative that is accessible even to a novice housewife.

How to make Japanese ramen at home?

The main component of the soup is noodles. For this dish, a special type is taken - ramen. Exists classic version dishes and its modified versions. This happens through the inclusion of other ingredients. How to make ramen at home according to the Japanese classic recipe? To do this, you must strictly follow the cooking sequence.

Ingredients required:

  • - 700 g of noodles (you need the ramen variety);
  • - 1 kg boneless pork;
  • - 30 g chopped ginger;
  • - 1 g cinnamon;
  • - 30 g melted pork fat;
  • - 1 tbsp. l granulated sugar and salt;
  • - 200 g soy sauce;
  • - a bunch of any greenery.
  • Cooking technology:

    1. The pork is cut into small cubes and washed to remove blood.

    2. Boil in a large container for half an hour. In this case, it is necessary to remove the emerging film from the surface.

    3. The meat is removed from the broth and a pinch of salt is added to it. It should sit for 15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered into another large container.

    4. Place ginger and cinnamon on the bottom of the vacated pan, then the cooked meat. It's all pouring in a small amount infused broth. The pan is placed on the fire and the contents are brought to a boil.

    5. Then sand and sauce are added to it. A pressure is placed in the pan and pressed down with a weight. In this case, all the meat must be completely drowned in the broth. In this form, the soup continues to cook low heat four more hours.

    6. Take a separate container for noodles. Water is poured into it and brought to a boil. Then the noodles are poured in. Cook for exactly 5 minutes. The water is drained. The noodles are divided into five servings.

    7. Again, a liter of water is poured into a separate container and brought to a boil. Then the remaining broth is added to the container, where the meat was originally cooked.

    8. The liquid boils for exactly 5 minutes. After the same amount of time, add to the pan pork fat. Bring everything to a boil again and cook for 1 minute.

    The soup is “assembled” piece by piece directly into bowls. First, broth with fat is poured into them. Then some meat, which has been stewed for a long time, is placed on the plates, and at the end there are noodles. The top of the soup is decorated with herbs.

    How to make ramen at home, an easier recipe

    The above option on how to cook ramen at home is a recipe for real soup. However, there is a slightly different method of preparation. It is simpler and faster. Any broth (chicken, turkey, etc.) is suitable for it, and instead of noodles - spaghetti or thin homemade.

    Ingredients for soup:

  • - 400 g of noodles (already boiled);
  • - 450 g boneless pork;
  • - 200 g carrots;
  • - 2 liters of broth;
  • - pickled ginger;
  • - 3 cloves of garlic;
  • - a bunch of any greenery;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - soy sauce.
  • Cooking method

    The pork is cut into small cubes and marinated in soy sauce. While the meat is infused, the carrots are peeled and chopped on a coarse grater (can be cut into strips). Garlic is peeled and crushed.

    The meat is fried over high heat (so as not to lose juice) for 10 minutes. Then grated garlic and carrots are added there. Everything is fried for 5 minutes. Then the pan is removed from the heat.

    Hot is poured into the tureen ready broth. A little noodles are laid out in it, a portion is added roasted meat and some pickled ginger. If you want the soup to be sour, you can pour a little marinade into the tureen. Salt replaces soy sauce, so it is added at the end, to taste. The top of the soup is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

    These are only two recipes for how Japanese ramen soup is prepared. However, for those who like to experiment, you can change the specified ingredients or add additional ones. For example, Tori ramen uses chicken instead of pork. This option is suitable for those who cannot eat fatty foods. However, any version must contain ginger, soy sauce, meat and herbs.

    Bon appetit

    Contents of the article:

    IN Lately Japanese cuisine has become popular in our country. But often, having decided to taste exotic dishes a person cannot understand what it is made of and what it represents. Everyone is already accustomed to rolls and sushi and roughly knows what we are talking about. But there are other outlandish names on the menu. Below we will talk about ramen, what it is, what it is made from and how to eat it.

    History of the dish

    Ramen(Ramen, tyuka-soba, ramin) is a Japanese and Chinese cuisine, the main ingredient of which is wheat noodles. Today it is customary to classify ramen as Japanese cooking, however, its homeland is China.

    In Japan, ramen began to be eaten much later, at the beginning of the 20th century, when Chinese food spread throughout the world.

    At first, ramen was sold in small street fast food cafes, as it turned out to be very rich and satisfying, allowing you to quickly satisfy your hunger for little money. Later they began to serve it in restaurants, and even specialized “ramen-ya” cafes appeared.

    The first variety of ramen was prepared using rich chicken broth with a thick paste of soybeans and rice. Today, every restaurant offers its own recipes.

    In addition to freshly prepared ramen in use pasta quick preparation. In 2013, about one hundred billion packages of this product were sold.

    Now its popularity has decreased somewhat, as it has become fashionable healthy eating, and dry pasta is mostly considered fast food.

    Cooking features

    The basis of ramen is noodles and broth, and various components can be added on top. Most often they put:

    • Pickles;
    • Pickled mushrooms, vegetables;
    • Green vegetables: spinach, Chinese cabbage;
    • Seaweed;
    • Eggs.

    As for the noodles, among other ingredients, mineral water containing potassium bicarbonate and soda is used.

    The ideal option is considered to be water extracted from the lakes of Mongolia, where its composition is most suitable, then the dough becomes the desired color and consistency. But not everyone can get it, so they often use mineral water from the store.

    Forming the noodles for real bale soba is an intricate process. The dough is kneaded, then strips are made from it, each stretching into a thin thread. Then the strips are folded in half and pulled out again. And so on until the required quantity is obtained.

    How to make ramen at home?

    Certainly homemade food always better. It is prepared more carefully and the ingredients are used in sufficient quantities and of the required quality. But making such soup yourself is long and laborious. However, it's worth it, at least sometimes.

    Here's the classic recipe:

    1. Pork (1 kg) must be boiled for 30 minutes. Then the meat is pulled out onto a separate plate, the foam is removed from the broth, salted and poured into a clean pan;
    2. Take another pan, put cinnamon (1 g), ginger (30 g), boiled pork on top and pour a little broth. Boil, add soy sauce (200 g). Now the dish must be covered with a smaller lid so that it presses the meat tightly and left to cook for 4 hours;
    3. Cooking noodles. You can make it yourself, but it’s easier to buy it in a store. Pour water into a container, bring to a boil, add the product there and cook for 5 minutes. Then drain the water and divide the pasta into 5 servings;
    4. Again, take a new pan, pour water (1 liter) into it, and boil it. Then add the remaining broth and boil everything together for a couple of minutes. Add melted pork fat (30 g) and boil for a few more minutes.

    Everything is almost ready. All that remains is to pour the broth over the noodles, place the meat on top and garnish with herbs. The recipe is really intricate. You can do the same thing, but with chicken, it’s easier, not so greasy and the dish smells amazing.

    How to make noodles yourself?

    If you have sufficient quantity free time and desire - you can make it yourself and the main ingredient. This is done like this:

    • Take flour (3/4 cup), salt it, make a well in the middle;
    • Break 1 egg into this cavity and pour in water (1 tablespoon);
    • Mix the ingredients until a uniform mass is obtained;
    • Next, wrap the resulting lump of dough in a damp cloth and put it in a cool place for an hour;
    • Then take it out, sprinkle flour on top, roll it out to a thickness of 1 mm;
    • Sprinkle the resulting sheet with flour again and fold it in half twice to form a square;
    • Take a wide, sharp knife and cut strips of the required width with it, starting from the edge of the square;
    • If it sticks, add flour. Don’t worry that there will be a lot of it, it will then wash off during cooking.

    That's it, you can cook. Boil water and gradually drop strips of dough into it in small portions so that they do not stick together. For full readiness 4-5 minutes of cooking is enough. Next, follow the prepared ramen recipe.

    The recipe for making noodles is presented more clearly in this video tutorial:

    How to eat ramen correctly?

    Serve the dish warm. At home, it is eaten with chopsticks, assisted by a piece of bread. The remaining liquid is drunk over the edge. In Russia and other countries where chopsticks are an unusual instrument, forks and spoons are used.

    If you want to learn how to eat with chopsticks, do it like this:

    • Keep them close to the middle between your ring and index fingers;
    • Do not cross the ends;
    • Do not try to grab thin strips of dough one at a time, grab them in a bunch at once;
    • Help yourself with a spoon, scoop up food with it and then grab it with chopsticks.

    It is enough to practice a few times and everything will work out; soon you will be operating the device without problems.

    Feel free to sip, in Japan this is considered normal, as there is no other way.

    Well-cooked noodles are delicious rich dish. If you don't want to cook at home, be sure to go to good restaurant and try it. After all, the noodles sold in bags have a completely different quality and can disappoint. Moreover, now you know what ramen is, what ingredients are included in it, and you can already appreciate the taste of the real product, and not the semi-finished product.

    Video: how to brew Chinese Doshirak correctly?

    In this video, culinary specialist Evgeny Sviridov will show you how to properly prepare ramen noodles:

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