Cream for cake with curd mass. Recipes for delicious curd creams for making desserts and cakes

I love this cream. And I dream that you will fall in love with him too. I offer two options: with butter and with cream. The first is denser, richer and more stable, suitable for decoration and lining, the second is its lighter version, great for filling, layering cakes, filling, and other pastries.

Ingredients for butter curd cream:

  • Cottage cheese (choose pasty, not grainy) - 320 g
  • Butter - 175 g
  • Powdered sugar - 90 g
  • Condensed milk with sugar - 65 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g/or vanilla extract 1 tsp.
  • Cognac or dessert wine- 1 tbsp. l. (add upon request)

How to prepare delicious curd cream with butter for cakes and pastries: step-by-step recipe

Let's cook first butter cream, and then mix it with cottage cheese. For this purpose softened butter(175 g) beat with a mixer until white. You should not be lazy at this stage, thinking that the butter cannot be whipped to a light state. How could it?

If it happens that you did not take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance (it is better to do this the evening before or 8 hours before the start of cooking), cut it into pieces 1 cm wide and place them at a distance from each other, so the butter will quickly reach the desired temperature, because there will be much larger area contact with the air in the room.

You will need much less time to warm the oil this way than if you heat it with a large bar.

After whipping the butter for 4-5 minutes, you can add powdered sugar(90 g). It is better to sift the powder before adding it to the oil so that it does not form lumps in the cream. Never substitute powdered sugar with regular sugar, because even with the longest beating it will not dissolve in it.

After adding the powdered sugar, beat for another 3-5 minutes until the cream is completely combined and smooth.

Attention! The times I indicate are correct for my mixer. This is a regular Bosch hand mixer with a power of 350 W. If you have a more powerful mixer, such as a stand mixer or planetary mixer, it may take you 2-3 minutes to beat from start to finish.

Now let's make cottage cheese. For the cream, use paste-like cottage cheese or curd mass to spend as little effort as possible on making the cream homogeneous. I use Volzhskie Prostori cottage cheese, it is sold in briquettes and has the structure that I need for this cream. You can use any other cottage cheese from your store, the most important thing is that it is not grainy, but homogeneous.

So, rub the cottage cheese (340 g) through a metal sieve directly into a bowl of cream. You can do this in several approaches: add a small portion of cottage cheese, rub it, pressing the spoon hard on the curd, then add the next portion, and so on.

When all the cottage cheese has been added to the cream, beat it again for 1 minute and the next step is to add condensed milk (65 ml).

Attention! You often ask what fat content of cottage cheese to use for cream. Absolutely any fat content, this indicator has no meaning for the cream. But I noticed that the fatter the cottage cheese, the softer it is and the easier it is to make it completely homogeneous in the cream. I try to use 5% or 9% fat. Although the low-fat cream also turned out great.

Use only high-quality condensed milk without vegetable fats in the composition, otherwise even a small amount of condensed milk can spoil the entire cream: flakes may appear out of nowhere, the cream will separate, etc. I can personally recommend the excellent condensed milk from the Rogachev manufacturer; it is a wonderful product, as tasty and of high quality as in our childhood.

So, all the ingredients are added, the cream is whipped, it turns out homogeneous and very tender. Before adding it to the filling or layer of the cake, be sure to cool it in the refrigerator for half an hour, this will make it even easier to work with.

Curd cream with cream (step-by-step recipe)


  • Cottage cheese of any fat content - 340 g
  • Heavy cream (from 33% and above) - 250 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 90 g

Rub the cottage cheese through a metal sieve into a bowl in which we will beat the cream (it should have high sides so that the cream does not splatter when whipping). Actively run a spoon along the bottom of the colander so that the cottage cheese becomes as homogeneous as possible.

Now sift the powdered sugar into the same bowl. You adjust the amount of sweetness in the cream to your taste, I add 90 g, you may need more or less.

Now it's time for the cream. They must be fat (from 33%) and well chilled. Ideally, after purchasing the cream, it was in the refrigerator for at least 6-7 hours, because those “cold shelves” on which the products are stored in the store do not give us desired temperature. So, add 250 ml of cream and begin to beat all the ingredients with a mixer for 6-8 minutes (beating time depends on the power of your mixer).

By the end of whipping, you will notice that the cream has become homogeneous, airy, and holds its shape well on the mixer beaters. Of course, the cream is not as stable as in butter (according to the first recipe in this article), but it behaves wonderfully in fillings and layers of the cake, and due to the fact that it is not overloaded with fats, it is extremely tasty! Before use, be sure to cool the cream for at least half an hour.

Curd cream from homemade cottage cheese

And at the end I want to add a recipe homemade cottage cheese, which I love for its delicacy and tenderness. This curd is ideal for creams and dessert fillings. Unfortunately, I can’t photograph the whole process step by step, but someday I will definitely add such photos.


  • Milk (3.2 fat content or more) - 2 l.
  • Kefir (any fat content) - 500 ml
  • Juice of half a lemon

How to prepare curd cream:

First, put the milk on the fire and bring it to a boil. Immediately after boiling, add kefir and the juice of half a lemon. The milk mixture curdles instantly and the whey is released. Stir vigorously, turn off and leave until warm. Then we pass through a very fine sieve or cheesecloth, the whey should drain completely and dry cottage cheese will remain. It is so tender and creamy that it can be easily broken up in a blender. This homemade cottage cheese is an ideal base for cream.

For curd cream, mix 200 g berry puree pitted, beat with cottage cheese, which came from this portion (approximately 300 g). In a separate bowl, whisk 500 ml heavy cream, then carefully, using a spatula, combine both masses.

Curd cream ready from homemade cottage cheese.

I wish you only successful experiments in the kitchen!

First option

Fat cottage cheese (9-18%) – 1 pack
Full-fat sour cream (20-25%) – 400 ml
Sugar - about 1 cup

Grind the cottage cheese (it is best to do this in a blender so that not even small grains remain). Add sugar and sour cream - beat everything. The taste of this cream can be varied with vanilla sugar, walnuts or almonds. The nuts should be chopped quite finely, but not into flour.

Another variant curd and sour cream can be prepared by taking sour cream and cottage cheese in reverse proportion, and at the same time adding 50 g butter. The ingredients together with sugar are whipped until smooth.

If you add gelatin (1 tablespoon) dissolved over low heat into the sweet curd and sour cream mixture, you will get a soufflé based on the same cream. This soufflé will look great as a layer between biscuits - you will get a cake similar to Bird's Milk.

In any case, if you use a cream based on sour cream and cottage cheese, then finished product Let it sit for about an hour in a cool place. During this time, the cakes will be slightly soaked and the cream will harden a little.

Cottage cheese cream

We associate the word “cream” with something delicate, sweet and very tasty. Exists great amount types and methods of preparing various creams, each of which gives desserts special taste. One of the most delicious and healthy creams is rightfully considered curd cream.

To prepare cottage cheese and cream cream you will need the following ingredients: 200 grams low-fat cottage cheese, 200 milliliters of heavy cream, 100 grams of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

1. Using a blender, grind the cottage cheese until it forms homogeneous mass.

2. Mix the cream with sugar, vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer into a strong fluffy foam.

3. Mix whipped cream with cottage cheese and mix gently.

The delicate texture of curd cream allows it to be used as a filling and decoration for cakes, pastries and cookies. In addition, placing a small amount of such cream in a glass vase, decorating it with grated chocolate and fresh berries, you can get a great independent dessert.

Curd and yoghurt cream

If we take a regular cake as a basis classic sponge cake, but if you get creative with creams, you can surprise your guests with a new treat every time. I suggest you try making curd and yoghurt cream, which will melt in your mouth, light and tender. By changing natural additives, you can make a variety of delicious creams. But don't try to combine too much different tastes in one cream, the yogurt and juice used in the cream should be harmoniously combined with the rest of the cake filling - fruit, soaking or jam.

Recipe for curd and yoghurt cream:

20 grams of gelatin;
500 grams of cottage cheese (country cottage cheese, always fresh);
120 ml of any juice or water (half a glass);
400 grams of yogurt;
4 tablespoons sugar.

Preparation of cream:

1. Pour gelatin with water (boiled and cooled) or juice for 40 minutes, which will give the cream a certain taste.
2. The cottage cheese must be homogeneous, without “grains”; for this it must be crushed through a fine strainer.
3. Beat prepared cottage cheese, yogurt and sugar in a blender.
4. Heat the soaked gelatin over low heat without boiling until the grains dissolve. Cool the solution slightly.
5. Add gelatin to the curd mixture, continuously whisking the cream with a blender.
6. Place the cream in refrigerator. After the cream thickens, pour it out of the cup onto the prepared cake layer, but do not mix it: you just need to take the cream with a spoon and carefully smooth it out.

Curd cream for cake

I think many people love delicious desserts coated with curd cream. With curd cream you can make pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, and also, using unsweetened ingredients, sandwiches and pitas.
Curd cream for a cake is quite easy to prepare at home, and the recipe can be different each time. I offer two options that go perfectly with biscuit dough.

Curd and butter cream


200 grams of cottage cheese;
150 grams of powdered sugar;
200 grams of butter;
vanilla to taste.


1. Leave the butter in a warm place for several hours to soften, then cut into pieces, add powdered sugar and beat thoroughly with a mixer.
2. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve, add to the butter mixture, and beat.
3. Continuing to beat intensively, add vanillin.
4. Refrigerate for an hour and the cream is ready.

Curd jelly cream


200 ml milk;
150 grams of cottage cheese;
2 tablespoons butter;
4 chicken eggs;
4 tablespoons flour;
1 cup of sugar;
1 tablespoon gelatin;
vanilla to taste.


1. Pour flour into a ladle, pour milk, mix well so that all lumps disappear. Bring to a boil and then cool.
2. Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve using a spoon, combine with butter and sugar, and mix.
3. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat, combine with curd mass. Mix thoroughly in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
4. Mix flour with curd mass and vanilla.
5. Soak gelatin in water for 20 minutes, heat until completely dissolved.
6. Beat the whites with a mixer into a fluffy foam.
7. Combine the curd mass, gelatin and proteins, mix well and put in the refrigerator for four hours.

Curd cream with condensed milk

If you don’t know how to properly prepare curd cream with condensed milk at home, this recipe will help you. Take a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 glass of sugar, 1 tablespoon of gelatin, 4 eggs, 200 ml of milk, 3 tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of butter and condensed milk. Pour the milk into the flour, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed and bring to a boil, then cool. Beat the yolks, add butter, sugar and cottage cheese. Also beat until you get a homogeneous mixture. Pour condensed milk into the mixture (you will need about 5-6 tablespoons) and flour with milk, add vanillin and mix again.

Further preparation is no less simple. Dissolve the gelatin in water and beat the whites thick foam. Mix all the ingredients and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. With the help of this curd cream with condensed milk, you can make many more dishes more delicious. Note that the cream itself will be quite thick due to gelatin.

If this recipe seems too complicated for you, try the next one. Mix together 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 pack of vanillin, 1 pack of non fat cottage cheese. Make sure that there are no lumps left in the mixture. After this, add condensed milk to taste and sour cream. As a result, you will get a sweet, homogeneous cream, also of a fairly thick consistency.

Curd cream for eclairs

Eclairs – delicious dessert, whose acquaintance gourmets owe to Marie-Antoine Careme, nicknamed “the king of chefs” for his extraordinary culinary skills. The name of this lightest cake is translated from French as “lightning,” which probably implies a very fast, “lightning-fast” preparation of the dish. The traditional filling of an oblong “pie” is made from choux pastry- a heavy butter cream, the number of calories in which terrifies all representatives of the fair sex who are losing weight. Curd cream for eclairs will help minimize the consequences of consuming your favorite delicacy - no less tasty, but not nearly as high in calories.

To prepare this filling at home, write down the following recipe:

A pack of cottage cheese (200 gr.);
one glass of powdered sugar;
200 ml heavy cream;
vanilla essence (2-3 drops).

All products used to prepare the cream must be absolutely fresh. Grind the pureed cottage cheese with powdered sugar and combine with whipped cream. Add vanilla essence or vanilla sugar to taste, and mix everything as thoroughly as possible or beat with a mixer so that the filling becomes more airy. Place the curd cream into a pastry bag and fill the cooled eclairs with it through a small hole. If you don’t have a pastry bag in your kitchen, just cut the side of the cakes, then put a little curd cream into the gap formed with a teaspoon. Lightly sprinkle the finished eclairs with powdered sugar and serve.

Curd banana cream

Airy and incredibly delicate banana curd cream can be served as a separate dessert, placed in bowls and beautifully decorated. This cream is good to fill sand baskets, delicious straws and biscuit rolls. The mixture of cottage cheese and banana can also be used as a layer for cakes.

Making this dessert at home is not at all difficult. The recipe for banana curd cream is simple, the ingredients are available.

So, let's start preparing the delicacy. We take products:

Cottage cheese (200 g);
kefir (100 g);
banana (2 pieces);
sugar (to taste);
vanilla sugar (1 sachet);
nuts or chocolate for decoration.

In a blender, beat the cottage cheese, turning it into a fluffy, homogeneous mass. Add kefir, sugar, vanilla sugar and banana cut into small pieces. Beat again. If the sugar has dissolved, the dessert is ready.

Place the finished curd and banana mixture into bowls and decorate with grated chocolate or nuts. This cream will especially appeal to guests who prefer light and healthy desserts. If you are preparing cream from cottage cheese and banana for layering a cake or as a filling for confectionery, then you can reduce the amount of kefir in the recipe. This cream will be thicker and will not spread over the product.

This cream can be mixed with a creamy gelatin mass, and then the dessert will resemble “ bird's milk" It’s very tasty if you put a layer of this cream on top sponge cake. All that remains is to decorate the top of the cake, and you can safely serve the delicacy to even the most sophisticated guests.

Curd cream with gelatin

Curd cream with gelatin is one of best options for lining and decorating the lungs summer cakes, in the preparation of which fresh berries and fruits are used. The fermented milk note combined with a bright fruit and berry taste guarantees the housewife an excellent result. There is more than one recipe for curd cream - just like any other. How to properly prepare such a cream at home?

We will need:

400 g cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 100 g sugar (preferably powdered sugar), 200 g heavy cream, vanillin, 1 tsp. gelatin. To achieve the best result, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind in a blender until it turns into a homogeneous, tender mass. Separately, grind 4 yolks with sugar until foam appears. Prepare gelatin: dissolve it in 1/3 cup of cold water and wait until it swells. Then drain off the excess moisture and heat the gelatin over low heat until completely dissolved. While the gelatin cools, beat the cream with a mixer. Their fat content should be at least 30%; lighter ones cannot be whipped into a strong, stable mass. Remember that the cream must be cooled before whipping. However, you can buy ready-made ones.

Combine cottage cheese with yolks, vanilla and cream. Beat the mixture with a mixer for greater homogeneity. Add vanillin in a thin stream, slowly. Mix thoroughly. Ready! Curd cream with gelatin is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. It can be used both as a layer for the cake and as a separate delicious dessert. In this case, it is served in portions, decorated with grated chocolate or jam. If desired, you can add pieces of fresh fruit or raisins, grated lemon zest to the cream.

If you want to combine business with pleasure, then this can be done even in confectionery. Delicate cottage cheese With various additives creates a cream that is wonderful in everything: taste, consistency, and appearance.

And, of course, the maximum is preserved useful substances what is in cottage cheese. If the child refuses to eat it directly, you can trick him a little and prepare a cake with one of the creams we offer. Well, no one has ever refused a cake!

Each of today's recipes has certain tricks and advantages that make them real confectionery masterpieces. Main plus curd creams– they are thick, and therefore you don’t have to worry that the cake will flow. However, the cakes will not remain dry either.

Today we suggest combining cottage cheese with chocolate, yogurt, cream, sour cream and even marshmallows! Each of them is incredibly delicious. And if we supplement them with fresh fruit or berries – you’ll get a real vitamin bomb!

Curd cream is one of the simplest and at the same time one of best creams. To make it perfect, not only the cooking technique is important, but also the choice of products. Quality product- almost half the success.

For the real tenderness of this cream, full-fat dairy products are required. Low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream or cream may be suitable if you don’t want to go to the store, but then the consistency finished product will be completely different.

Therefore, the main rule is to choose the maximum percentage of fat content. Cream should be at least 33%, cottage cheese - at least 9%, sour cream - at least 20%. Only then will it work delicious cream, although its calorie content is then higher. However, kids don’t count calories.

Curd cream for cake

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Very simple and delicate cream what's being prepared for a quick fix. One could even argue that this is a vanilla-scented classic.

How to cook:

Tip: before applying the cream to the cakes, you need to soak them a little. Any syrup is ideal, but you can also use alcoholic drink. One of unusual solutions– syrup: it is tasty, sweet, original, and healthy.

This recipe You can make it from what you almost always have in the refrigerator. It requires a minimum of time, and the results are amazing!

How much time - 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 240 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The cottage cheese again needs to be ground with a blender, through a sieve or meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass. This should be done with homemade or granular cottage cheese;
  2. Grind the sugar into powder, for example, in a coffee grinder. Adjust the quantity to taste;
  3. Next, you need to remove excess whey from the sour cream. To do this, you need to lay several layers of gauze on the bottom of the colander, about 3-4 layers;
  4. Next, pour all the sour cream onto the cheesecloth and wait until the whey drains or is absorbed into the cheesecloth. If you have time, it is better to leave the sour cream in this form overnight and continue cooking in the morning;
  5. Mix the thick remaining sour cream in a colander or sieve with the resulting powdered sugar and vanilla, using a regular spoon;
  6. Add the pureed cottage cheese and mix the whole mass well with a blender;
  7. Leave the finished cream in the refrigerator until it becomes cold and thick.

Tip: You can even use condensed milk instead of sugar. In this case, you need to increase the amount of sour cream itself, which must be “dried” with gauze. This cream can also be easily supplemented with berries, which will give it not only taste, but also a beautiful pink color.

This cream turns out to be mousse-like, as it requires a slightly different approach than the two previous recipes. But he's no worse!

How long is it - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 159 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The first step is to add water to the gelatin and let it swell for forty minutes;
  2. Next, you need to heat it, but so that it does not boil under any circumstances. A microwave oven or water bath. Then let it cool a little;
  3. Grind the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or sieve;
  4. Mix cottage cheese with sugar (preferably with powdered sugar) and yogurt until smooth;
  5. With the blender running, pour in the gelatin in a thin stream. room temperature and whisk constantly;
  6. Place in the refrigerator to allow the cream to thicken, then immediately spread onto the crust. Do not stir the cream itself.

Tip: yogurt can have various additives - it doesn't matter. However, it is better to supplement the cake itself with fresh fruits or berries. The proportions of the recipe can be easily changed: you can add cream or sour cream, reduce or increase the amount of cottage cheese, water can be replaced with juice, etc. It is important to adhere to the proportion: 900 g of mass per 20 g of gelatin.

This cream will definitely be appreciated by all guests and relatives, because it resembles the famous chocolate spread! Only it is much more useful and interesting.

How much time - 1 hour 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 320 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Use a blender to mix the cottage cheese, already ground through a sieve, with sugar (75 g);
  2. Next, pour in sour cream in small portions and continue mixing vigorously;
  3. Place the mixture in the refrigerator until it thickens a little;
  4. Break the chocolate or cut it into small pieces;
  5. Cut all the butter into small cubes too;
  6. Mix the remaining sugar in a saucepan with cream and bring the whole mass to a boil;
  7. Actually low heat let simmer for three minutes, stirring occasionally;
  8. Remove from heat and immediately add chocolate and butter to the warm mixture;
  9. Mix with a blender until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Then let cool at room temperature;
  10. When chocolate mass When it cools completely, it needs to be beaten again for five minutes;
  11. After this, add the now cooled curd cream to the chocolate mixture, spoonful at a time, without stopping whisking;
  12. When both mixtures are completely combined, beat for another five minutes. ready cream– and can be immediately applied to the cakes.

Tip: chocolate can be taken with various additives, for example, nuts or sesame seeds. This will only enrich the entire cream.

Delicate curd cream for sponge cake with marshmallows

Marshmallow is loved by many. And the cream with its addition can be used not only for a good biscuit, but also as a separate dessert!

How long is it - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 258 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve or meat grinder;
  2. Pour cream into a small saucepan;
  3. Cut marshmallows into small pieces and place in a saucepan with cream;
  4. Place the container with cream and marshmallows in a water bath;
  5. Stirring occasionally until the marshmallows have completely dissolved. It is very important to ensure that the mixture does not boil. The pieces can be pressed down with a spoon;
  6. Next, remove from heat and beat with a mixer, and then let cool: put in freezer for ten minutes or in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  7. Mix the cold marshmallow mass with cottage cheese and powdered sugar;
  8. Beat the entire mixture with a mixer for seven minutes. Next, you can add more powdered sugar to taste and immediately use the cream as a layer for the sponge cakes.

Tip: when using multi-colored marshmallows, the cream itself will take on its color. The taste also depends on flavoring agent marshmallows

The main advice has already been given: about the fat content of the cottage cheese, and about the fact that it must be pureed. Of course, the cream must be cold, since heat treatment and dairy products are a very delicate matter.

It is advisable to soak the cakes themselves with something other than the cream itself, and be sure to let them stand in the refrigerator. Then, when the cake is cut, cold cream It will not smear or fall, but will remain a thick layer.

The color of the cream can be varied as natural dyes, and artificial. If the cream is not too thick due to low fat content, it can be supplemented with banana. This will give additional taste and improve consistency. As a last resort, you just need to increase the amount of powdered sugar or add a spoonful of starch (preferably corn starch). It is important not to overdo it with starch so that it does not spoil the entire taste of the cake!

Curd cream, no matter what it is with, is always tasty and healthy, and most importantly – quick and easy! It is so easy to change and can be used not only for making cakes, but also for pastries, rolls, cheesecakes, etc. You can also simply eat it with a spoon as pudding or nutritious ice cream. No guests will take you by surprise if you have at least a little cottage cheese and sour cream in the refrigerator.

If you want to prepare not only a tasty, but also a healthy dessert, and not too “heavy” in terms of calories, choose curd cream for your dessert, the recipe (and more than one) of which we will discuss today. Don't worry that it will turn out uneven. Armed modern technology, you can grind the cottage cheese to a smooth consistency, so making it a tender and moist addition to biscuits or cakes is as easy as shelling pears. What will you need besides a blender? Each recipe requires its own ingredients. Read, choose an option to your taste - and create for fun!

Option from our grandmothers - sour cream

Your ingredients

  • 200 g, that is, one pack of fatty cottage cheese (from 9% and higher in fat content, or homemade);
  • 400 ml of fat sour cream (if purchased, then from 20% and above);
  • 1 glass of sugar (without a grain).

The dish is prepared: about 10 minutes.
Difficulty: easy.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the curd mass by grinding the curd using a blender or through a sieve (do not skip this step, the cream recipe requires homogeneity of the curd).
  2. Mix the curd mass, sugar and sour cream.
  3. Beat the curd cream thoroughly with a mixer and you’re done!

The curd and sour cream cream can be slightly adjusted by adding vanilla, roasted and crushed (but not into flour) nuts, and cocoa to the recipe. Cake with curd cream prepared according to the specified recipe, quickly soaks in and becomes very moist, “heavy”, but has a pleasant fresh sourness.

Curd and cream option

Your ingredients

  • 200 ml heavy whipping cream;
  • 200 g cottage cheese (preferably low-fat);
  • 100 g regular sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar.

The dish is prepared: from 15 to 20 minutes.
Difficulty: easy.

Cooking method

  1. The beginning is like previous recipe– grind the cottage cheese as thoroughly as possible.
  2. Mix the cream with vanilla and sugar, then connect the mixer to the mixer and beat the whole mass into a fluffy cream.
  3. Mix prepared cottage cheese and cloud-shaped cream. Here the curd cream is ready!

This cottage cheese cream turns out to be especially tender. It is suitable for both sponge cake, and for cakes, as well as a recipe separate dish(in a vase, sprinkled with grated chocolate, creamy dessert looks especially elegant and appetizing).

Option with yoghurt and gelatin

Your ingredients

  • 0.5 kg fatty, fresh cottage cheese(ideally homemade);
  • 120 ml, that is, half a glass of juice (can be replaced with cold boiled water);
  • 400 g of yogurt (if you take juice, it is better to take yogurt with a neutral taste);
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar (if the juice is sweet, less can be used).

The dish takes over an hour to prepare.
Difficulty: slightly above average.

Cooking method

  1. First you need to deal with gelatin. It must be filled with juice or water and left for 40 minutes. By the way, the “recipe” for gelatin swelling may differ depending on the manufacturer, so look at the information on the packaging.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese in the same way - through a sieve or with a blender (even an immersion blender will do).
  3. Beat the grated cottage cheese, sugar and yogurt additionally.
  4. Heat gelatin over low heat. This must be done carefully so that it is completely dissolved, but does not manage to boil. After this, cool the solution - we need it warm.
  5. Add the solution to the curd mixture and beat it well with gelatin.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid or film and place in the refrigerator to cool.

Important: when scooping this cream to cover the sponge cake, do not spread it over the surface of the cake, but simply apply it in small portions, and at the end level it with a spatula.

Curd cream with gelatin prepared according to the specified recipe turns out to be soufflé-like, like “Bird's milk”.

Option with butter

Your ingredients

  • 200 g (one pack) butter;
  • 200 g of fresh cottage cheese (cottage cheese left in the refrigerator will not work);
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • a little vanilla.

The dish is prepared: 20 minutes + 1 hour for cooling.
Difficulty: medium.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the butter warmed to room temperature into pieces, mix with powdered sugar, and then beat.
  2. Rub the curd until smooth.
  3. Combine the creamy part of the cream and cottage cheese. Beat the resulting mass. At the end of whipping, add aromatic vanillin to the cream.
  4. Hide our curd cream for the cake in a cold place to cool. After an hour of “imprisonment” it is ready and you can work with it.

Jelly-custard option

Your ingredients

  • 4 tablespoons flour (no heaps);
  • 200 ml milk (partial faceted glass);
  • 150 g of cottage cheese (necessarily fresh);
  • 4 eggs (well chilled);
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife (or half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar);
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin (with a large mound if you are not sure of the quality of this product);
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • about 2 tablespoons butter.

The dish is prepared: about 40 minutes + 4 hours for cooling.
Difficulty: high.

Cooking method

  1. Mix the flour with a spoon or two of milk, grind well, and then pour in the remaining milk. Bring this mixture to a boil and remove from heat.
  2. Pour gelatin with water (strictly according to the instructions on the package). Leave to swell for at least 20 minutes. After this, heat in the microwave or on the stove until all the swollen lumps melt - but do not boil.
  3. Rub the cottage cheese as described repeatedly above.
  4. Combine cottage cheese with butter (room temperature), sugar and vanilla.
  5. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat all the yolks (you can use a whisk) and combine with the cottage cheese.
  6. Add cooled milk to the curd mass.
  7. Beat the whites until foamy (you can add a little salt to them, or add a drop of lemon juice– this is the most popular “recipe” for whipping egg whites).
  8. It's time to finally make this curd cream. We combine all the scattered ingredients (curd mass, proteins, gelatin). Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator to cool. Four hours - and dessert is ready.

In general, you would have good biscuit– and it’s not difficult to find a recipe for a cream for it! The main thing is that nothing - neither a harmful diet, nor a lack of free time, nor a breakdown at the wrong time kitchen appliances– didn’t stop you from preparing another one cooking masterpiece. And at the end (the most pleasant thing!) - sit down with a cup of coffee and enjoy, enjoy every crumb, feeling how your most delicate curd cream for the sponge cake melts in your mouth...

In general, bon appetit!

Delicate cottage cheese cream

No matter how good the cake layers or biscuits are, the cream gives the baked goods a special taste and aroma. Given this circumstance, chefs all over the world are constantly experimenting and coming up with new and original recipes. One of the relatively “young” confectionery creams is curd cream for cake. It has many variations. For example, you can add cream, jam, various fruits and berries, syrups, honey, aromatic spices (vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom), chocolate, cocoa, coffee, liqueurs, etc. Thanks to all these additives, the curd cream for the cake acquires unique taste. However, its greatest advantage is those beneficial features, which are inherent in its main ingredient - cottage cheese.

Rich in calcium and phosphorus, curd cake cream is especially useful for children who refuse to eat this fermented milk product in pure form, but they happily eat it along with the cake. For girls who care about their weight and count calories, cakes with this tasty and healthy filling - perfect option dessert. After all, it contains much fewer calories than cream or butter, especially if it is made from low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of honey. All that remains is to learn how to make curd cream.

Curd cream recipe with gelatin


  • cottage cheese - 1/2 kg;
  • sugar - 60 g (3 tablespoons);
  • cream - 1/2 liter;
  • 2 small lemons;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

Cooking process

Soak gelatin for 1 hour in cold water(in a small saucepan). After it swells, drain excess water and place on low heat until the gelatin melts. Cool. Divide the lemons in half and squeeze them, and grate the zest. Place the cottage cheese in a mixer cup. Stirring slowly, add sugar, and then add lemon juice and zest. In a separate bowl, whip the cream into a stiff foam and add to the curd mass. Then add melted and cooled gelatin in a thin stream and mix. That's all, the cream is ready for use.

Recipe for curd cream with berries and fruits

Required Products:

  • powdered sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • cream - 1 glass (200 ml);
  • cottage cheese - 1 pack (200-250 g);
  • vanilla powder - 20 g;
  • berries (currants, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries) - 1 cup;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • canned peaches - 3-4 pcs.

How to prepare cream

Mix the pureed cottage cheese with vanilla. In a separate bowl, whip the cream and slowly add powdered sugar, spoonful at a time, then mix with the cottage cheese. Wash and peel fruits and berries. Cut peaches and oranges into cubes. Add everything to the curd mass. The cream is ready. It can be used both to lubricate cake layers and as a separate dessert.

Dietary curd cream

However, many girls, probably more than other recipes, are interested in the question of how to make curd cream from dietary products. After all, they often have to give up their favorite cakes because of their high calorie content. We would like to present to your attention a very light and low-calorie curd cream for cake.

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 1 pack (200-250 g);
  • fruit yogurt - 100 g;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 bag of vanilla;
  • nuts and raisins - half a glass.

Cooking method

Beat the yolk with sugar and vanilla. Continuing to beat, add yogurt, and then add cottage cheese and honey, stir well. At the end add chopped nuts and raisins. Diet cream can be used not only for layering the cake, but also with pancakes. We wish you bon appetit!
