Cranberry drinks at home. Cranberry juice: preparation. Cranberry and sea buckthorn juice

Cranberry - a sour berry that has become a symbol of health, in folk medicine is considered extremely useful for prevention and an effective remedy for treatment. But since her taste senses in their original form leave much to be desired (for an amateur), cranberry juice can rightfully be considered the most useful and delicious drink, which every housewife must be able to cook. Cranberry juice has many interpretations worthy of your attention.

No wonder about best recipes say "grandma's cookbook" - such classic dishes as fruit drinks are usually carefully tested by time. Even in pre-revolutionary times, in almost every family on the table one could see warm berry drinks. They have long helped parents and elders in the family to raise their children hardened, healthy, capable of work and learning. Thanks to proper nutrition new generations grew up healthy and successful one after another.

Due to the fact that the current younger generation suffers from frequent colds, and adults do not have special hardening, cranberry juice will become good addition to the diet of any person. Its healing properties are simply obvious. Well, if everything is in order with immunity for you and your children, then fruit drink with cranberries is a great treat!

According to old legends of Russian doctors, cranberry juice is an excellent anti-cold remedy, a warming drink, an antiviral medicine. It is traditionally used for prevention and as an adjunct to the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, cystitis, hypertension, and increased swelling. Although ethnoscience quite common in our society, some may be rather skeptical about her experience. However, even traditional medicine recognizes the benefits of cranberry juice.

Studies have shown that a red marsh berry drink contains more than eight vitamins necessary for a person - for example, B6, C and many others.

Cranberries also contain pectins, antioxidants, fiber and other microbiological beneficial substances. Doctors recommend the use of cranberry juice during the off-season in order to protect the body from epidemics and colds. Moreover, it can help you keep in shape - fruit juice normalizes metabolism and helps to lose weight.

General rules for making cranberry juice

Anyone can make cranberry juice - it's simple, fast and cheap. The basic principle of cooking is boiling cranberries with sugar on the stove. But at the same time there are many nuances, without observing which it is correct to cook healthy treat will not work.

"How to cook cranberry juice?" - the answer to this question is very detailed, because there are incredibly many variations of the recipe for this dish. Let's dive a little deeper into how this drink is made.

The most delicious cranberry juice recipes

The variety that has appeared in the recipe after the popularity of cranberry juice, allows everyone to find a recipe to their liking. If you, for example, have never liked the classic cranberry juice, then you will definitely like a drink with some of the additives. You can’t even imagine what unusual colors the taste of cranberries plays with, for example, with honey or blueberries. Take a closer look, try it - and you will find your new favorite dish!

Classic cranberry juice from fresh berries

You will need:

  • 500 grams of fresh cranberries;
  • 10 glasses of drinking water;
  • 50 grams of bee honey.

How to cook?

  1. Carefully select only ripe red berries, rinse a handful of cranberries clean water, place in container.
  2. Turn the berries into gruel, squeeze the juice out of them. Set aside the resulting cake, and pour the liquid into a glass.
  3. Boil the dry pulp of cranberries at a temperature of 100 degrees in a saucepan for no more than six to seven minutes.
  4. Pour the broth through a sieve into a new container.
  5. In a hot liquid, add two tablespoons of honey and early squeezed juice. Cool the uniform fruit drink and serve it to the table.

This recipe is ideal for lovers of delicious, uncomplicated drinks. The waste products of bees will add sophistication to the drink, and the juice will add freshness. This is the famous right "grandmother's" recipe.

Frozen fruit drink recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 grams frozen cranberries;
  • 5 glasses of clean water;
  • Something sweet, whatever you like.

How to cook?

  1. Leave the frozen berries in the air to warm up until the ice crust peels off.
  2. Send the cranberries to a blender so that they become thick and rich in soft consistency.
  3. Mix berry puree with water and sweets, cool even juice and pour into glasses.

Such easy way making fruit drinks outside the berry season will help, for example, in case of someone’s illness - because this is how all the original beneficial features northern scarlet berry.

How to make cranberry juice with ginger

Required ingredients for the recipe:

  • 500 grams of cranberries;
  • 1 small;
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 10 glasses of drinking water.

How to cook?

  1. Place half a kilogram of cranberries in a saucepan, cover with water and boil.
  2. Grate the ginger into the solution and stir.
  3. Let the drink brew and it will be ready to serve.

You need:

  • one fifth kilogram of cranberries;
  • one fifth kilogram of blueberries;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • pot of drinking water.

How to cook?

  1. Sort the berries and put them in a saucepan, filling with water.
  2. Lightly crush the cranberries and blueberries, sprinkle with sugar and leave to cook until tender.
  3. After the fruit drink becomes strong and uniform, pour it into another container, cool and serve.

In this method of making fruit drink from cranberries and blueberries sour taste swamp berries are jammed with sweet sugar and blueberries. This recipe will appeal to sweet tooth - for example, children.

Recipe for cranberry juice with rose hips


  • half a kilo of cranberries;
  • 200 grams of rose hips;
  • a little granulated sugar;
  • 10 glasses of pure water.

How to cook?

  1. Leave pure rose hips filled with boiling water for five to eight hours to obtain an infusion.
  2. Bring cranberries into a state of gruel, squeeze cranberry juice, and put the dry pulp in a saucepan. Add water and sugar, boil for no more than six to seven minutes.
  3. Mix the decoction through a sieve with wild rose infusion and cranberry juice. Delicious juice is ready to eat!

Rosehip - another healing berry, which, according to folk healers, can cure a cold or a virus. In combination with cranberries, a pleasant-tasting healing drink can come out.

You will need:

  • 200 grams of red berries;
  • 50 grams of bee honey.

How to cook?

  1. Boil the berries for two to three minutes, turn into gruel, pour boiling water.
  2. Pour through a sieve into a new container, add honey, cool. The treat is ready.

Cranberry juice with mint

The main ingredients of the recipe:

  • 1.5 cups of cranberries;
  • a few mint leaves;
  • 15 glasses of drinking water;
  • 0.5 cups of granulated sugar.

How to cook?

  1. Pass the red berries through a blender.
  2. Make a mint decoction - pour mint sprigs with boiling water and let it brew.
  3. Mix cranberry gruel with infused mint liquid, cool.
  4. Pass the mixture through a sieve and add the sugar. Delicious juice is ready.

Spicy mint leaves add unusual astringency to any drink, and cranberry juice is far from an exception. Such a hot and fragrant drink will appeal to all members of your family.

Prepare for the cooking process:

  • 600 grams of cranberries;
  • two glasses of granulated sugar;
  • dry lemon peel;
  • lemon juice - about half a glass.

How to cook?

  1. Turn the red berry into a pulp and cover with water.
  2. Let it brew, and then add zest, juice and sugar to the fruit drink, mix thoroughly - the drink is ready!

With blackcurrant


  • two glasses of currant berries;
  • a glass of cranberries;
  • 10 glasses of pure water.

How to cook?

  1. Mix the berries, fill with water and cook on fire for about half an hour.
  2. Strain the juice, pour into a jug and cool.

This recipe is also for lovers of sour. However, it combines the beneficial properties of both cranberries and black currants.

  1. If you have gained enough experience in making cranberry juice, experiment with combinations and additives. The result will pleasantly surprise you.
  2. Answer personally to yourself the question: “How to cook cranberry juice?” Perhaps you enjoy steeping more than separating the pulp from the juice, or vice versa.
  3. Drink fruit drinks even in summer - even if there are enough vitamins in the body, cranberry drink has an excellent cooling effect.


Cranberry juice - classic homemade drink, which, with gaining popularity, gained a lot delicious variations cooking. The editors recommend that you take a closer look at all the proposed recipes and enjoy the taste of cranberry juice always and in any weather!


Culinary Etude 01/11/2018

Dear readers, you will agree that the best thing is when the drinks that appear on our table are not only tasty, but also healthy. And today we will talk about just one of these drinks - cranberry juice. Natalya Litvishko, the author of the blog “About money and not only…” will tell you about what is useful and how to cook cranberry juice at home. I give her the floor.

What is Morse

Morse got its name from the Byzantine "mursa" - water with honey, a distorted Latin "mulsa". Morse is prepared from berries such as cranberries, cherries, lingonberries, red currants, raspberries, blackberries, bird cherry, blackthorn, that is, either those that have a lot of seeds or are collected in large volumes.

To prepare fruit drinks, berries are taken by volume or weight 2-3 times less than water, and boiled for 2-4 hours, depending on the volume. Then they defend, drain, filter, squeeze the thick. Sugar or honey, sometimes spices, are added to the resulting juice, heated again to a boil, after which the drink is ready.

What is useful cranberry juice

Cranberry is a unique berry, it contains many substances necessary for our body: organic acids, pectins, natural sugars - glucose, fructose, sucrose, vitamins, micro and macro elements, tannins, etc. You can read more about the benefits of cranberries in the article

At proper preparation cranberry juice in the drink are saved almost all useful material so it's no surprise that it has so many health benefits.

Cranberry juice will help:

  • bring down the temperature and alleviate the patient's condition during the heat;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • improve sleep;
  • increase immunity;
  • clean the vessels;
  • cope with angina;
  • cope with poisoning;
  • reduce nausea;
  • withdraw excess water from the body.


Despite all the benefits that cranberry juice can bring to health, you should also be aware of the limitations to its use. One of the contraindications is individual intolerance to cranberries and products from it. They also include diseases gastrointestinal tract. moderate consumption vitamin drink in a reduced concentration of juice is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Secrets of making delicious cranberry juice

Utensils for making cranberry juice

It is very important to choose the right dishes for making cranberry juice. The berry is rich in organic acids. Therefore, duralumin dishes are not suitable for making a drink - acids will react with the metal.

It is undesirable to use stainless utensils. Although this material is more resistant to acids due to alloying additives, it is still a metal. The best option- enameled, glass or ceramic dishes.

Pushers and pestles for squeezing juice from berries are preferably wooden or ceramic. You can grind cranberries in a blender or food processor. But it is undesirable to use a meat grinder for these purposes - the knives in them are made of iron, the oxidation process will accelerate. Morse after such processing of the berry may have a metallic aftertaste.

Precautionary measures

Cranberries are juicy berries. In order not to spoil the clothes with juice accidentally caught when kneading berries, use an apron. But it’s not even so scary that the juice gets on your clothes. Beware of accidental contact with the juice in the eyes - acid can cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

When juicing, wear rubber or silicone cooking gloves to protect your hands from acids and juice staining.

Do not strain freshly cooked juice to avoid thermal burns.

How to prepare berries for cranberry juice

Fresh berries should be washed with cool water in a colander, pouring raw materials into it in small portions. Dip a colander with a berry into a kitchen basin or a deep cup of water. Change water several times.

When washing the berries with running water, follow the pressure. Too much pressure can damage the shell of the berries, and then the juice will go away.

After washing, the berries are ready for further use.

If after that you froze the berries, then when you are going to cook fruit drinks, all that remains is to get them out of the freezer and put them into action. If you use frozen cranberries from the store, then you need to rinse it in a colander several times with cool water without defrosting. In the process of washing, the berry will partially thaw.

Some recipes may use incompletely thawed cranberries. For recipes that call for juicing, cranberries should be allowed time to thaw at room temperature.

Dried cranberries should be washed, changing the water a couple of times. It can be used to prepare an infusion or decoction.

Cranberry juice recipes

There are several ways to prepare cranberry juice:

  1. simple, no heat treatment.
  2. With juice extraction from boiled berries.
  3. With the addition of pre-prepared cranberry juice.
  4. Infusion.
  5. Decoction.

I will not give strict weight ratios of products. The calculation of the amount is two cups of cranberries per liter of water. It is with such proportions that the fruit drink has rich taste and beautiful colour. Sugar - according to your preferences, from a quarter cup.

If the prepared drink is too sour, you can add boiled water to it or sweeten it with sugar syrup.

It's good to always have it ready. sugar syrup in a refrigerator. Sweeten if necessary cold drink easier with syrup than granulated sugar.

Two glasses of frozen cranberries, 200 ml each, is about 300 g of berries. Measuring cup full to the brim - 200 g.

If you replace sugar with honey, remember that honey does not like high temperature, in it useful substances are destroyed and only sweetness remains.

Now, on specific recipes, we will consider how to cook cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice without cooking - a simple recipe

Remember how in childhood you quickly made yourself a drink by stirring a couple of spoons of any jam in a glass of water? That was tasty? This is the easiest fruit drink recipe.

To obtain a blank for such a fruit drink, we knead the berries with a crush, add sugar, rub well and arrange in jars. For two glasses of berries we take from half to a whole glass of sugar. It all depends on how sour the berry is and your taste preferences. You can make this preparation in a food processor. The degree of crushing of the berry will be higher.

To make cranberry juice itself, you need to mix 2-3 teaspoons of previously prepared cranberries with sugar in a glass of chilled boiled water. Everything, the simplest cranberry juice is ready.

You need to store such a blank in the refrigerator.

it suitable option fruit drink when there is no need to cook it in large quantities. It is also good to use in the heat. Sour cranberry juice perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes and tones.

I suggest you watch the video. Quick Recipe making cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice from frozen berries - a recipe with step by step photos

Pour the washed, not completely defrosted berries into a saucepan with cold water.

Bring to a boil, boil for 10-15 minutes at a minimum temperature.

Cooking time will depend on which cranberries. Farm-grown cranberries require more time to boil. She has a thicker shell. Agrotechnical varieties are bred specifically taking into account transportation and long-term storage. Cranberries collected in the natural environment are smaller, the skin on the berries is thinner. Cooking time can be reduced.

Leave covered until almost completely cool.

Strain the drink through a sieve lined with cheesecloth or linen. I use linen napkin.

Squeeze the juice from the berries through two layers of gauze or a linen napkin. From cultivated varieties of berries, pomace will resemble puree in consistency.

So that there are no stains of juice on linen napkins, it is enough to rinse them well with cold water and boil them in a small amount of water with the addition of baking soda. Let cool in soda water. Then just rinse cold water. No stains, no odors!

Return the rest of the cake to the sieve and spill it with the cooled broth in order to make the most of the juice that has not passed through the napkin. From two glasses of cranberries, such a handful of cake will remain.

Add sugar syrup to taste.

Cranberry juice with freshly squeezed cranberry juice

Put a pot of water on the stove. By the time the water boils, squeeze the juice from the berries. To do this, place the washed berry in a two-layer gauze bag or linen napkin, crush, squeeze the juice into a glass container.

Add berry pulp to boiling water. Boil for 5-7 minutes. Switch off the stove. Pour in cranberry juice. Add sugar.

Also, juice can be added to a cooled drink. Then the squeezed juice should be kept in the refrigerator until use, sweetened with sugar syrup. It is believed that with this method of preparation, most of the vitamins are preserved.

Cranberry juice without cooking (infusion)

Pour two cups of crushed berries into a half-liter thermos, pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 6-8 hours. Drain the resulting infusion, squeeze the juice.

Store the infusion in the refrigerator in a glass container for a week. Boil the sugar syrup separately. Dilute the infusion with cold boiled water add sugar syrup to taste.

Cranberry juice from dried / dried berries (decoction)

Now on sale you can find dried cranberries. The concentration of useful substances in the dried product is much higher, and the amount of organic acids is less.

To prepare fruit drink from dried cranberries, a decoction recipe is most suitable. Pour the prepared raw materials with cold water, bring to a boil, simmer for small fire 15-20 minutes, turn off the stove, add sugar or sugar syrup to taste.

Delicious cranberry and black currant juice

For this drink, you need to take a glass of cranberries and black currant one and a half liters of water. Squeeze juice from berries. Send berry pulp to boiling water. Let it boil for 5-7 minutes. Cool the resulting broth. Strain from the pulp. In the cooled broth, add squeezed juice and sugar syrup to taste.

How to make sugar syrup

Noticed, I always advise adding sugar syrup. To cook it, you will need a low saucepan with a thick bottom, a spoon, water, sugar.

Take one part water for two parts sugar. You will get a thick sugar syrup. One part sugar to one part water. Syrup of medium consistency.

Measure the water, pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Add sugar little by little, stirring until the grains are completely dissolved. Bring to a boil, remove from stove. After cooling to room temperature, pour into a glass container. Store in refrigerator.

I hope the recipes and those little secrets of making delicious cranberry juice that I shared with you will be useful to you. If you have any questions, ask in the comments, I will be happy to answer. Good health to all!

Natalia Litvishko

I thank Natalia for all the cranberry juice recipes that she shared with us. I myself love this berry just to eat with sugar, but this is not suitable for everyone. And then fruit drinks really help out a lot. One or the other recipe is sure to be the most suitable.

Cranberry juice in questions and answers

Is it possible to give cranberry juice to children and from what age?

Raw cranberries are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Carefully include in the diet of children with allergic reactions. Cranberry juice can be administered to healthy children from the age of 1 year. But it is better to dilute it with boiled water 1: 1. Better to cook without sugar. Permissible rate children under one year old: 10-20 g (1-2 tablespoons) of berries per day, not more than 2 times a week.

From the age of 3, the child's diet can be safely diversified. Cook cranberry-based puree, smoothies, compotes, eat just raw berries.

Is it possible to drink cranberry juice with diabetes?

Many berries raise blood sugar, but not cranberries. It does not contribute to an increase in sugar, and in type 2 diabetes, a little more and lowers it.

However, abuse, albeit useful product, not worth it. 240 ml per day for fortifying the body will be enough.

Is it possible to drink cranberry juice during pregnancy?

We talked about everything in more detail in the article. There you will find recipes for fruit drinks and others. healthy drinks from cranberries that can be consumed during pregnancy.

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see also


    Cranberry is the leader among berries in terms of the amount of vitamins and microelements contained in it. Its beneficial properties are used in medicine and cosmetology. However, its most common use is in cooking.

    They make jam from cranberries, add it to pastries, prepare tea and fruit drinks. That's just about how to cook cranberry juice, we want to tell. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and turns out to be very tasty, and making cranberry juice does not require much effort.

    Frozen cranberry juice - recipe

    In this recipe, we will share a way to properly prepare cranberry juice from frozen berries so that it does not lose its taste and beneficial properties.


    • frozen cranberries - 500 g;
    • sugar - 300 g;
    • boiled water - 6-7 tbsp.


    Before preparing cranberry juice from frozen berries, they should be removed from the freezer and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, take out the cranberries, rinse, put them on cheesecloth and crush with a wooden crush until juice appears. Then squeeze the resulting mass well. Dilute the juice that the berry gives you with warm boiled water and add sugar. Stir the drink well until the sugar is completely dissolved and if you want, add a few mint leaves. Refrigerate and serve.

    Cranberry juice with honey


    • water - 1 l;
    • cranberries - 1 tbsp.;
    • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.


    Sort the cranberries and wash. Then chop the berries in a blender or mash with a spoon in a deep bowl. After that, squeeze the juice with gauze, pour it into a bottle or jar, close it tightly and send it to the refrigerator.

    Pour the squeezed berries with water, bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes. Let cool to room temperature and strain. Now combine the resulting decoction with cranberry juice from the refrigerator, add a few tablespoons of honey and enjoy. This drink can be drunk both warm and cold.

    Cranberry juice in a slow cooker

    Cranberry juice cooked in a slow cooker perfectly retains all its beneficial properties. AT this case the slow cooker serves as a thermos in which your drink will be infused.


    • cranberries - 2 tbsp.;
    • water - 2 l;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.


    First, sort the berries and rinse them. Then place the cranberries in a sieve or colander and mash them with a spoon. This should be done over a plate or bowl into which the juice given by the cranberries will drain.

    Pour sugar into the multicooker bowl, pour the released cranberry juice into it and put the cake in the same place. Boil water, and pour boiling water over all the ingredients. Mix them well and, having covered with a lid, leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. After this time, strain the juice and you can start tasting.

    Cranberry fruit drink recipe

    The good thing about this recipe is that the cranberry juice does not need to be boiled, and this retains the maximum of its benefits. But there is also a drawback: it will take a lot of time and effort to prepare the drink.

    A small cranberry contains a large number of vitamins, which are considered very strong antioxidants. The presence of organic acids allows it to be stored for a long time and delight with its unique taste adults and children. The shell of a fresh cranberry has a sour-bitter taste, and to remove bitterness from cranberries, different kinds jams, marmalade and fruit drinks. Cranberry juice is used as an antipyretic, vitamin and therapeutic agent. Cranberry juice will help to cope with pyelonephritis, beriberi, as well as inflammatory diseases. With our recipe you can cook delicious fruit drink from cranberries, we also added honey, ginger and lemon to the fruit drink, thanks to them our fruit drink will change a little classic taste, but will become even more useful and will contain even more vitamins C and group B.

    Taste Info Drinks


    • five hundred grams cranberry berries;
    • three hundred grams of granulated sugar;
    • ten grams of ginger root;
    • two tablespoons natural honey;
    • one lemon;
    • two liters of water.

    The variant of cranberry juice offered by us perfectly copes with thirst, due to honey and sugar it has a pleasant non-acidic taste.

    How to cook cranberry juice

    1. Rinse five hundred grams of cranberries in cold water, remove dry twigs, as well as black and heavily crushed berries.

    2. To prepare cranberry juice, you need to transfer the berries to a plate with high sides and chop with a potato masher or fork to a mushy state.

    3. Fold fine-mesh gauze in half, divide the cranberry mass into juice and pulp.

    4. Squeeze juice from one lemon. If a lot of pulp got into the juice during the extraction process, strain it with gauze.

    5. Peel the ginger root from the skin, cut it into several plates. Grate the lemon zest.

    6. Throw cranberry pulp, ginger slices and lemon peel.

    7. Pour all the ingredients for cranberry juice with sugar.

    8. Put the container on the stove, pour in water and cook over low heat as regular compote.

    9. Cool the finished cranberry juice, strain through cheesecloth, add cranberry and lemon juice to it.

    10. To make the drink even healthier, throw in two tablespoons of honey.

    Cranberry juice with lemon and ginger can be consumed both hot and cold.

    It is strictly forbidden to use fruit drinks for people suffering from acute gastritis and peptic ulcer(the acids contained in it can cause an exacerbation). In order to speed up the process of detoxification of the body - drink a glass of fruit drink in the morning and a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese for one week.
    We told how to cook cranberry juice with honey, ginger and lemon. You can omit these ingredients for a classic cranberry juice.

    Step-by-step recipes for making cranberry juice with citrus fruits, berries and spices at home

    2018-08-13 Ekaterina Lyfar





    In 100 grams ready meal

    0 gr.

    0 gr.


    9 gr.

    36 kcal.

    Option 1: Classic cranberry juice recipe

    You can talk endlessly about the benefits of cranberries. It helps the body fight infections, lowers cholesterol and improves digestion. This amazing berry known for its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. It can be used even during pregnancy to restore the balance of vitamins, cope with nausea and get rid of swelling.


    • Cranberries - 450 g;
    • Sugar - 200 g;
    • Water - 1.8 l.

    Cranberry juice recipe step by step

    Sort out the berries. Wash them, fold them in a colander or a clean towel. When the cranberries dry out a little, move them to a deep bowl.

    Mash the berries so that they turn into a puree. You can do this by hand or with a blender.

    Fold the gauze in several layers. Squeeze out the cranberry puree. Put the resulting juice in the refrigerator.

    Sprinkle cake with sugar, pour hot water. Heat the mixture over low heat until it boils. Immediately after this, you need to remove the workpiece from the stove.

    Let the cranberry broth infuse for about half an hour. After that, strain it, mix with juice. You can drink the drink immediately after preparation.

    Morse is better to cook in glass, ceramic or enamelware. Ideally, mix the ingredients with a wooden spatula. In this case, no oxidation reaction will occur, the drink will be free of unnecessary impurities.

    Option 2: Quick Cranberry Drink Recipe

    There is original recipe juice without boiling. The drink is prepared very quickly, it turns out tasty and rich. Cranberries and honey completely retain all vitamins and nutrients due to the lack of heat treatment.


    • Cranberry - 0.5 l;
    • Honey - 40 g;
    • Water - 2 liters.

    How to quickly cook cranberry juice

    Boil the water ahead of time so it has time to cool. You can also use purified or mineral liquid to prepare fruit drinks.

    Sort the berries, wash them. If you are making a fruit drink from frozen cranberries, you can do without defrosting. Scald the berries with boiling water to make it easier to grind them.

    Puree cranberries using a blender or potato masher. You can additionally grind the resulting mass through a sieve to get rid of large particles.

    Dilute the puree with cool, clean water. Strain the liquid. Season with honey, mix well.

    You can immediately prepare a drink in portions. Just distribute berry puree in cups or glasses, dilute with water and season with honey. Drinking juice is recommended immediately. If there is too much, put the leftovers in the refrigerator.

    Option 3: Cranberry juice with citrus fruits

    Many people mistakenly believe that cranberries lose all their nutrients as a result of cooking. This is not so, some microelements are fully revealed precisely after heat treatment. These include potassium, calcium, iron and sodium.


    • Cranberries - 200 g;
    • Brown sugar - 150 g;
    • large lemon;
    • Water - 150 ml;
    • Orange;
    • ½ lime;
    • Ice - 100 g.

    Step by step recipe

    Pour the water into a saucepan. Add sugar there. Cook the mixture over low heat until syrup is obtained. Let it cool down.

    Wash cranberries and citrus fruits thoroughly. For fruits, you can use a special brush. You don't need to peel them.

    Blend the cranberries in a blender. Cut orange, lemon and lime into small pieces.

    Grind the berry puree or squeeze it through cheesecloth. The cake can be thrown away, and pour the cranberry juice into a deep bowl. Add pieces of citrus fruits and syrup there.

    Use a pestle to crush the citrus fruits to release their juice. Strain fruit drink, add ice crushed in a blender. After a few minutes, you can serve a drink.

    To make the drink even more original in taste, you can add to it fruit ice instead of the usual. In this case, it is better to reduce the amount of sugar. You can also decorate the fruit drink with citrus slices.

    Option 4: Cranberry juice with lemon in a jar

    If you like the combination of cranberries and citrus fruits, try this fruit drink. simple recipe. It will take quite a bit of time, but you will have to wait until the drink is infused in the refrigerator. Thanks to easy lemon sourness it refreshes well, replenishes the supply of vitamins and nutrients.


    • Large lemon;
    • Sugar - 120 g;
    • Cranberries - 550 g;
    • Water - 1 l.

    How to cook

    Prepare cranberries: wash them, get rid of twigs and other debris. Even suitable for this recipe. dried berries, but they must first be poured with boiling water.

    Place the berries in a blender. Sprinkle generously with sugar and beat until smooth. You can grind cranberries with a regular potato masher or pestle, but this will take longer.

    Wash the lemon with a brush. Grate its zest, squeeze out all the juice. At the same time, bring water to a boil.

    Put the cranberry puree in glass jar. Add lemon zest and juice to it. Pour the workpiece with boiling water, mix.

    When the juice has cooled, put it in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, strain the drink, pour it into glasses.

    Cranberries contain a lot of vitamin C and other beneficial substances. If you cook a fruit drink with this berry and citrus fruits, you get a real vitamin bomb. Such a drink will not only quench your thirst, but also help increase immunity, cope with colds.

    Option 5: Frozen cranberry juice with rose hips

    From frozen berries, no less tasty fruit drink is obtained. For flavor, we will add a little rosehip broth to it. You can also prepare this drink on the stove, but it is better to use a slow cooker for this.


    • Sugar - 50 g;
    • Frozen cranberries - 0.5 kg;
    • Water - 2 l;
    • Rosehip - 100 g.

    Step by step recipe

    First you need to defrost the berries. To do this, rinse them in cold water, put them in a colander and leave for a few minutes.

    Grind cranberries with a blender. Sprinkle the berry puree with sugar. After half an hour, grind it through a sieve or squeeze it with gauze.

    Pour water into the multicooker. Heat it up in the "Cooking" mode, then add sweet cranberry juice. Mix the ingredients, wait for the liquid to boil.

    Close the multicooker. Let the workpiece infuse for several hours. During this time, we will have time to prepare a decoction of wild rose.

    Sort and wash the wild rose berries. Pour them into a thermos, pour boiling water over them. Ideally, the broth should be infused for a day, but 5-6 hours is enough. After this period, connect the two blanks, mix well. Strain the juice into a decanter.

    Frozen berries retain almost all useful substances. They are available all year round, so you can cook a delicious fruit drink at any time. Freezing allows you to experiment with different combinations berries, regardless of the season. For example, try adding some raspberries, currants, or lingonberries to your drink.

    Option 6: Hot spiced cranberry juice

    In cold weather, we recall with trepidation the warming flavored drinks. If mulled wine and grog are already tired, try making hot cranberry juice. Add cloves and cinnamon to it. Can also be used ground pepper, nutmeg or vanillin.


    • Water - 3.5 l;
    • Sugar - 300 g;
    • 2 oranges;
    • 2 lemons;
    • Cranberries - 500 g;
    • Cloves, cinnamon sticks.

    How to cook

    Fill a large saucepan with water. Put it on medium heat. While the water is boiling, rinse the cranberries and citrus fruits.

    Squeeze juice from lemons and oranges. Throw cranberries into the boiled liquid. Cook until all shells burst.

    Crush all the berries in the pot with a potato masher. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth or a sieve.

    Put a few stars of cloves and cinnamon in a bowl with fruit drink. Stir, add sugar and citrus juices. Cover the juice with a lid, let it infuse for another hour.

    In order for this drink to retain its beneficial properties longer, pour it into the multicooker bowl and leave it in the “Heating” mode. You can also store hot fruit drinks in a thermos.
