Vegan New Year's menu. Vegan New Year's menu: better recipes for your table

In the New Year's articles of this series, we have already written a lot about what dishes to prepare for the holiday table. But the main focus has always been on meat, poultry and fish in all forms. But at the same time, we forgot that there is a certain percentage of people who do not eat such food in principle, and it is difficult to hope that they will make an exception for the New Year.

Respecting their tastes and traditions, today we have prepared vegetarian menu for the New Year. And don’t let meat-eaters imagine a meager meal consisting of a pile of cabbage and a few pieces of boiled carrots. Vegetarian dishes for the New Year, prepared without the use of animal products, can be even tastier and more varied, the main thing is to show your imagination.

Let’s immediately agree that we are talking about vegetarianism, in which not all products of animal origin are prohibited, but only flesh. That is, we can easily use milk, eggs, sour cream, etc.


Vegetarian will begin New Year's table, as always, with snacks. Nobody canceled the small ones sandwiches for one bite. As a basis, you can take already proven recipes: avocado mousse with lime juice and hot pepper, beet puree with garlic and natural yoghurt, diverse vegetable caviar(zucchini, eggplant and any other to taste).

In the same way, vegetarians will not give up deviled eggs, in which many traditional types of it are suitable as a filling: mushrooms fried with onions, grated raw carrots with garlic and melted cheese and so on.

Also, you don’t need to ignore the variety of traditional vegetarian recipes for the New Year of Russian cuisine: sauerkraut, a variety of vegetables, soaked apples and so on. They will not only add variety to the table, but will also make all guests remember their roots.

Even traditional herring under a fur coat can, after a little modernization, take its place on the vegetarian table. For it you will need potatoes, carrots, beets, processed (or Adyghe) cheese, seaweed, walnuts and mayonnaise. The salad is laid out in layers as usual, with each layer coated with mayonnaise. But, taking into account the absence of herring, the sequence looks like this: potatoes, seaweed, cheese, carrots, beets, mixed with crushed nuts. The layers can be repeated, then the salad will become even more interesting.

Main course

As a main dish on a vegetarian New Year's table, you can prepare vegetable skewers in batter . For them, you need to prepare the batter in advance according to your favorite recipe (for example, water, kefir, flour, salt and spices) and cut into small portioned pieces vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, tomatoes and Adyghe cheese. Everything except cheese and tomatoes should be mixed, sprinkled with spices and salt and left for half an hour to soak. You need to string all the ingredients onto bamboo sticks, dip in batter on all sides and fry in olive oil or sunflower oil(there should be quite a lot of it, a layer of 2-3 centimeters). Fry the kebab on both sides under a closed lid for 6-8 minutes. When it is cooked, you need to place it on a layer of napkins or paper towels so that they absorb excess oil.


In principle, most desserts already comply with the principles of vegetarian cooking (it is very difficult to imagine a cake with meat). The only exception is food gelatin, which is made from animal cartilage tissue, which means it is prohibited. But if you still want to pamper yourself and your guests with such a dish, then you can use agar-agar, for the production of which special algae is used.

But as an example of beauty New Year's dessert, which will appeal to both vegetarians and meat-eaters, can be cited baked apples. To prepare them, you need to select several beautiful red apples of the same size, cut out the middle of them and fill the free space with the mixture butter, sugar and cinnamon. Then each apple must be wrapped in foil or special film and steamed or in the oven until soft. The dessert can be decorated with a cinnamon stick and caramel.

This fairly simple menu does not contain anything forbidden for a vegetarian, but it will suit everyone else’s tastes. Perhaps after such a dinner they will even think about changing their culinary orientation.

For your convenience, we have collected below all the most holiday recipes vegetarian dishes for the New Year that will allow you to make your New Year's menu unforgettable! Your guests will definitely appreciate how traditional dishes, which have been served for the New Year for decades, and completely new and very unexpected delicious recipes, which surprise, inspire, saturate, and do not leave indifferent. Let your New Year be unforgettable and very tasty with our vegetarian recipes!

New Year's salads and snacks

Spring rolls

- Very unusual snack in the form of rolls, which can become the highlight of the New Year's table, because you can prepare a lot of sauces for it, and the spring rolls themselves can be made with a variety of vegetable filling. A great start to a vegetarian New Year's feast!


On toast - this legume pate is great spread on all kinds of crispbreads, breads and toasts. These sandwiches can be decorated fresh vegetables, olives and other pickles and it will turn out for real holiday snack! And for those watching their figure, you can eat hummus by dipping vegetables into it: carrots and a stalk of celery.

Sushi rolls

- who said that sushi has no place on the New Year's table? Very good place! Lovely light portioned snack, which has a ton of fans. And if you put homemade sushi rolls into a high tower-pyramid five stories high and decorate it all with lettuce, carrots, and sesame seeds, then it will also turn out very impressive and festive!

Fur coat

- everything is true, and this happens! Can be easily prepared vegetarian fur coat according to our recipe. All you need to do is replace the fish with seaweed, and use vegetarian mayonnaise instead of regular mayonnaise. Mayonnaise, by the way, can be prepared at home -.


Or even - well, what kind New Year without it traditional salad! Believe me, using our recipe you will get the best... real Olivier. A mosquito won't hurt your nose. Magical, beloved and festive taste of childhood!

New Year's side dishes and main dishes


— for lovers of the traditional New Year's table, the recipe for this roast will be irreplaceable. Rich and rich taste Potatoes with mushrooms will fill your home with a real New Year's aroma! The advantage of this dish is that it can easily be prepared in a slow cooker, saving a lot of time, and the dish will become much tastier!

Potatoes with apples

- A stunning side dish with a nostalgic taste. Remember duck with apples? Vegetarian option recipe - potatoes with apples. All the cymus is in the apples, the incredible combination of salty potatoes and baked sweet apples will not leave anyone indifferent, that’s for sure! And what a delicious crust it turns out, mmmm!

- This super holiday recipe pilaf At home, in Azerbaijan, this dish is traditionally prepared for a wedding, or for the most dear guests. And it's really worth it. An unforgettable combination of flavors of basmati rice, raisins, dried apricots, nuts, butter, and all this in crispy and toasted lavash! And how surprised your guests will be when you serve this dish on the table, because it looks like a cake. You should cut it right on the table to reveal the secret of what is hidden inside under such appetizing crust. Shah-pilaf makes you fall in love the first time!

Fried Adyghe cheese in nori

— not a single fish was harmed in the preparation of this dish! A great addition to any vegetarian side dish. Prepare several sauces according to your taste for it, and it will turn out holiday option. Very satisfying! And if there are not only vegetarians at the table, they won’t even notice that it’s a fake fish :)


- simply an amazing festive main dish that will definitely be at home on the New Year's table. Incredible combination pasta, red sauce, bechamel sauce, cheeses and vegetables give endless taste delight. This dish is so complete and satisfying that it can replace everything holiday dishes. Well, except maybe light dessert, since lasagna is also a high-calorie dish.

Desserts and cakes for the New Year

Raw food cake

- this cake is a tender bliss for raw foodists and not only. Delicious combination aromatic mint And fresh lemon Together with the cashew cream filling, it creates an unforgettable cream for the cake. And the crust for this cake is completely without flour and sugar, so it will not harm your figure. Surprise your guests with this culinary masterpiece!


- the recipe for this cake is very classic and very tasty option New Year's baking. It turns out very rich due to a mixture of dried fruits, nuts, cream and chocolate glaze. Of course it’s better to make such a cake from homemade cookies on shortcrust pastry. But to save time, you can also prepare it from store-bought cookies; the result will still be excellent, and it will take a minimum of time!

From homemade puff pastry without eggs with homemade custard- real classic recipe and traditional birthday cake. Of course, preparing such a cake will take time, but Napoleon is really worth it, because it’s not for nothing that he bears the imperial name.

Vegetarian Recipes from our selection will help you set the table for the New Year, remaining true to your gastronomic principles. The dishes are also suitable for those who are fasting until Christmas, but do not want to postpone festive feast before the New Year according to the old style. Their spectacular design, balanced composition and bright taste will delight household members and guests.

Vegetarian Olivier

Can be found various variations on the main topic New Year's salad, however, such a vegetarian Olivier is extremely reminiscent of the traditional one in its taste, consistency and appearance.

Egg whites can be perfectly replaced with soft tofu, you can make your own mayonnaise and use it for other salads as well.


  • potatoes - 4 pcs.,
  • carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • green peas - 200 g,
  • pickled cucumber - 3-4 pcs.,
  • soft tofu - 200 g,
  • soy mayonnaise (recipe below), salt, spices - to taste.

Additional components at will and taste:

  • vegetarian sausage,
  • Soy meat,
  • White mushrooms,
  • beans.

Products for soy mayonnaise:

  • vegetable oil ( room temperature) - 200 ml,
  • soy milk (room temperature) - 100 ml,
  • lemon juice/ table vinegar - 2 tsp / 1 tsp,
  • mustard, salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

Preparing mayonnaise

Beat the butter in a blender and soy milk until slightly thickened, then add salt and vinegar or lemon juice, continue whisking. When the consistency approaches mayonnaise, add spices and mustard and mix.

Preparing the salad

Boil carrots and potatoes, cool and peel. Cut into cubes one by one and place all the ingredients except the peas in a bowl in layers. The order is as follows: carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, tofu. Then, sausage, meat or mushrooms, if using. Lubricate the top generously with mayonnaise and lay out a Christmas tree made of green peas. Or, put one aside boiled carrots, mixed salad place the cube on a plate and decorate this gift with a ribbon of carrot strips.

For big company It is convenient to serve the salad in portions, in glasses, tartlets or baskets of bell peppers.

Bright and appetizing hot snack from baked vegetables perfect for a festive feast.

Filling for three to four zucchini or eggplants:

  • boiled quinoa - 1 tbsp,
  • mozzarella or tofu - 2 tbsp,
  • tomato pulp - 0.5 tbsp,
  • salt, soy sauce, spices, garlic/onion - to taste.

Filling for four to five large potatoes or tomatoes:

  • boiled carrots - 1 pc.,
  • marinated champignons - 250 g,
  • sauteed onion - 100 g,

Stuffed beets:

  • apple - 1 pc.,
  • boiled rice - 2 tbsp.,
  • raisins, steamed in boiling water - 2 tbsp.,
  • olive oil - 1 tsp,
  • ground cinnamon/sugar/honey/other spices - to taste.

You will also need:

Sour cream, soy mayonnaise or cheese and herbs for decoration.


Mix ingredients for fillings according to recipes. Fry mushroom filling in vegetable oil. Cut potatoes, eggplant and zucchini lengthwise. Cut off the tops of tomatoes, beets and peppers and remove the cores. Press the filling tightly with a spoon into a small heaped boat; it will decrease in volume when baked. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, brush with sour cream or soy mayonnaise.

When baking an assortment of vegetables on one baking sheet, create several baking compartments with foil to prevent the flavors from mixing. Peppers and tomatoes will be ready in 15-25 minutes. Potatoes need 20-30 minutes in the oven, and eggplants need to be baked for at least 45 minutes.

Hearty, colorful dumplings stuffed with kale and edamame beans will be a fireworks display. bright flavors for the main night of the year.


  • Edamame beans/lentils - 300 g,
  • Kale/chinese cabbage - 150 g,
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • Tahini - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Tamari - 50 g,
  • Maple syrup - 50 ml,
  • Chipotle powder - 20 g,
  • Rice vinegar - 30 ml,
  • Spinach puree, beet juice and turmeric powder to color the dough.
  • Dumpling dough.


Lightly boil the cabbage and the beans until tender. Mix them with tahini, garlic and lemon juice and puree.

Divide the dough into three parts, add to one beet juice, in the second - turmeric, in the third - pureed spinach. Roll out the dough thinly and make dumplings using your favorite method.

Dumplings can be made in advance, frozen and served not only on December 31, but also on New Year's weekend.

For the sauce, combine tamari, maple syrup, chipotle and vinegar.

Brownie Herringbone

Vegetarian desserts are varied. Chocolate Christmas trees according to these recipes with a bright design are not inferior in taste to the traditional American dessert.

Ingredients for vegan (meatless brownie):

  • Wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp,
  • Cocoa powder or carob - 5 tbsp. l.,
  • Honey or syrup (sweet and not very thick) - 200 g,
  • Refined vegetable oil - 50 ml,
  • Water - 200 ml,
  • Crushed nuts - 50 g,
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Flavoring - 2 tsp.

For the vegan brownie (no eggs):

  • Butter - 100 g,
  • Bitter chocolate (70-99%) - 150 g,
  • Wheat flour - 400 g,
  • Starch - 30 g,
  • Sugar or melted honey - 200 g,
  • Flavoring - 2 tsp.

Making vegan dough

Mix thoroughly with a mixer warm water, butter, flavoring and lemon juice with syrup or melted honey. Continuing to beat, gradually add cocoa, sifted flour, then nuts.

Vegetarian dough

In a water bath or microwave oven On low power, melt the butter and chocolate, pour in the flavoring. Gradually add sugar or honey to the mixture, stirring. Then add flour and starch, sifting through a sieve. Beat the dough with a mixer or whisk until the lumps dissolve.

You can add citrus zest, cinnamon, vanilla and other favorite spices to the brownies for a more multi-faceted flavor.

According to any of the two recipes, spread the dough in a layer of 2-2.5 cm. It will practically not increase during baking. You can cook on a lined baking paper baking tray in the oven, preheated to 180 ℃ for about 25-30 minutes. Or in a slow cooker, pre-lubricate the bowl with oil. The required mode depends on the device model (baking, frying, etc.) and the cooking time can vary from 50 to 90 minutes.

Cool the baked brownies, cut them into triangles and secure them with lollipops, cracker straws or ice cream sticks. Decorate the Christmas trees with icing, melted chocolate, dragees, candied fruits, candies or nuts. Before serving, place brownies in an airtight container or wrap them thoroughly. cling film. This will help keep the cakes from drying out.

Spicy grapefruit lemonade

This refreshing drink is suitable as an aperitif and to quench your thirst. Grapefruit juice will make it easier to get rid of extra calories festive feast.


  • Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice - 1 l,
  • Water - 200 ml,
  • Linden honey - 70 g,
  • Fennel, rosemary, thyme - to taste.


Boil water with spices for 10 minutes, cool, add grapefruit juice and sugar or honey. Serve the drink over ice, garnishing the glasses with grapefruit slices and sprigs of rosemary or spruce.

If desired, you can add 200-300 ml of any strong alcohol to the lemonade.

Masala on hibiscus

Prepare sweet tea masala on hibiscus, this will give it an original red tint and a light refreshing sourness. Such spicy drink will help you warm up winter evenings, it improves digestion and is perfect for finishing a holiday feast.


  • Water - 1 l,
  • Hibiscus - 10 tsp,
  • Cane sugar - 8 tbsp. l.,
  • Cinnamon, fresh ginger, cloves, cardamom, orange or grapefruit.


Bring the water to a boil, add tea and grated ginger, cook for 3-5 minutes. Then add the rest of the spices, strain the drink and serve hot, adding a slice of citrus. Serve sugar separately. Perhaps not all guests like sweet tea.
