How to make oil from sea buckthorn at home. Concentrated product: method of production. Sea buckthorn oil - how to make it at home: is such a procedure possible?

It is not without reason that sea buckthorn is called the pantry of health. It surpasses many berry and fruit crops in vitamin C content, and ranks first among them in the concentration of vitamin E. Contains glycerol and higher fatty acids, other active biological substances. Interest in sea buckthorn is growing - new varieties of this plant are appearing.

Pure sea buckthorn oil is obtained industrially from the pulp of the berries by separating the juice, and then from the cake and seeds, filling them with refined oil, followed by multi-stage passing through diffusers using a special technology. By mixing both types of oils, the oil that is used in medical practice is obtained. It is bright orange, thick with a characteristic aroma and taste. You can buy homemade sea buckthorn oil on the market, but how can you check what quality it is? It’s better to cook it yourself - it’s more reliable, and it’s not difficult. How to make There are several ways to prepare it.

Simplicity and accessibility of methods

The purest oil will come from the pulp ripe berries by direct cold pressing. It is considered to be of the highest quality. But it is difficult to get a lot of oil this way. There is only 8-9% of it in the pulp of berries. It will be necessary to process mountains of berries. And yet, how to do sea ​​buckthorn oil at home, albeit a little, but highly concentrated? The juice is squeezed out of the berries (through a juicer or through cheesecloth), filtered and settled. The oil floats to the surface and is scooped out. The juice is used for food needs.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home by extraction using vegetable oil? It must be said right away that refined oils are used for cooking - sunflower, olive, corn or soybean. You cannot use cottonseed oil, which many naturopaths do not even recommend consuming as food. Here is one way to extract (extract) oil from sea buckthorn. Dry the berries at a temperature of 60 degrees C, grind them into powder and mix with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2 (by volume). In a dark, warm place, this mixture is infused in glassware 5 days. After draining the top layer of oil tincture, pour the same volume of oil into the cake as was drained. And they do this 3-4 times.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home the way they do it in Altai? Sea buckthorn is harvested in November-December. From whole, healthy and washed berries, juice is squeezed through a juicer, after settling which the pressed oil is collected on top (see method one) - the purest. The pomace (grains and shells of the berries) is dried to a free-flowing state. Then the dry pulp is poured into a glass or enamel container and poured with vegetable oil heated to 60 degrees so that there is a thin layer of it on top. Place the mixture in a dark place for 14 days. After this, the oil is squeezed out, settled and, if there is sediment at the bottom, carefully drained from the sediment. To increase the concentration of carotene, you can mix this oil with previously collected pressed oil.

Now you know how to properly make sea buckthorn oil at home, the quality of which you can be sure of. And the manufacturing costs will be much less than buying from a stranger.

Homemade oil is undoubtedly not as active as pharmacy oil, but it will nevertheless have an effect therapeutic effect, especially for external use.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home

It has long been known that the oil contained in the pulp of the fruit, and in the seeds, and in the leaves, and even in the bark of sea buckthorn, has miraculous properties. healing properties. Sea buckthorn oil can be used in the treatment of many diseases without any negative consequences.

How to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home?

Here's the easiest way to make sea buckthorn oil at home.
Sort through the fruits, remove any leaves and twigs. Wash twice in boiled warm (40-50°) water. When the water has drained, spread the sea buckthorn in a thin layer and dry on filter paper or cloth. It is advisable to use a heated fan.

Now pass the fruits through a juicer (preferably an auger). You can use the juice at your discretion, but it is important for us to get the pulp (meal) as dry as possible; it will be a good raw material for extracting sea buckthorn oil.

Spread the pulp in a thin layer on a baking sheet and dry it in a slab oven over very low heat with the door open. Grind the finished raw materials in a coffee grinder. The finer the grind, the more oil from sea buckthorn you can extract at home.

Then prepare two different sized pans. Insert the smaller one inside so that it is held by the handles by the upper edge of the larger one, without touching the bottom.

Divide the ground pulp into 3-4 equal parts and place the first part of the pulp in a smaller pan. Pour in vegetable oil (preferably refined) heated to 50° and close with a lid. Pour into a large saucepan hot water and put on fire. Stir the mixture from time to time and measure its temperature. The temperature of our raw materials should not exceed 50°, otherwise biologically active substances may be destroyed. After mixing, close the lid.

Keep the mixture in a water bath for 12-16 hours. Then remove the smaller pan, wrap it in something warm and leave overnight. The next day, slightly reheat the mixture in a water bath and squeeze through a nylon bag. Do the same with other portions of pulp.

Pour the squeezed oil into a glass jar or bottle, let it sit for a week in a dark, cool place, drain from the sediment and put it back on the sediment. After a week, repeat the operation. And so on several times until the homemade sea buckthorn oil is completely clarified.

Store the resulting sea buckthorn oil in the refrigerator in bottles filled to the top. For a year or two the oil does not lose its medicinal qualities.

There is another way to prepare sea buckthorn oil.
For example, in Siberia, where sea buckthorn grows in natural thickets, oil is sometimes obtained this way.
The fruits are passed through a juicer, yeast and sugar are added to the pulp (20 g of yeast and 1-1.5 kg of sugar per bucket of fruit) and tied in a gauze knot. The knot is placed on the bottom of an enamel bucket and pressed three-liter jar with water covered with a plastic lid. The remaining space in the bucket is filled with sea buckthorn juice, half diluted with water. After 5 days, fermentation begins. In this case, droplets of pure sea buckthorn oil float to the surface. It is collected into a bottle with a teaspoon. The temperature of the mass in the bucket is maintained within 18-25°. The oil is allowed to settle, and if a sediment forms, the upper fraction is poured into another bottle.

You can also use in a simple way.
Place the ground pulp or crushed sea buckthorn fruits in a thermos with a wide neck, pour in vegetable oil heated to 50° and leave for a day. If desired, you can, as in the first method, repeat the extraction three times, each time using a new portion of pulp.

This is how you can make sea buckthorn oil at home.

In the end, I repeat, never store oil at room conditions, it can quickly deteriorate. In the dark and cold (preferably in the refrigerator), sea buckthorn oil can be stored for up to two years.

There are several ways to prepare this useful product. In these recipes, the raw material is juice, cake or seeds. Knowing all the subtleties, you can always have a medicinal elixir on hand that eliminates many diseases and preserves the beauty of the skin.

  • Cake oil
  • Oil from cake and seeds
  • Sea buckthorn seed oil
  • Sea buckthorn oil from juice
  • Medicinal properties
  • Contraindications

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home

Healing oil is present in fruits and seeds. Each type of raw material is suitable for extracting healing components of natural origin. The pulp produces a more aromatic and intensely red final product.

The oily solution from the seeds will be more transparent, since they do not contain carotene, which gives the oil an orange tint.

Using the recipes with photos, you can simply make a medicinal extract, for which you will need:

Fresh berries;
any vegetable oil;
coffee grinder

Only mature or overripe sea buckthorn should be taken. It contains more essential components.

Cake oil

To obtain sea buckthorn oil, cake is most often used. In this case, the seeds are not processed, since they have a dense shell that must be crushed.

The technology includes the following stages:

1. The fruits are thoroughly washed, dried and the juice is squeezed out of them.
2. The remaining shells are filled with oil. For 3 glasses of the remaining mass, take 0.5 liters of oil.
3. The soaked skins are left to sit for at least 7 days.
4. The finished composition is filtered and the resulting oily solution is poured into fresh skins and everything is repeated again. The same oil should be used for fresh skins.
5. You can also use oven-dried pulp as a raw material.

When drying the skins, be careful not to burn them.

After that:

1. Grind the dried cake in a coffee grinder.
2. Pour the powder into a bowl.
3. Heat the sunflower oil a little and pour the crushed ingredient into it.
4. Stir everything, cover tightly and place in a dark place. Mix the solution thoroughly every day.
5. After a week, the composition is filtered, and the oil is left to infuse again. It should be transparent. If the technology is followed, sediment will form at the bottom.
6. Drain off the top of the clear solution, and pour the oil and sediment into a clean bottle. The remaining oil is poured into a new portion of the crushed cake.

Oil from cake and seeds

Using seeds together with berry skins allows you to increase the concentration of medicinal ingredients in sea buckthorn oil by making at home simple recipe such a product consists of two components at once.

To do this you will need:

1. Take one liter fresh fruits 0.5 liters of sunflower oil.
2. Sort, wash and dry the berries.
3. Squeeze the juice out of them and dry the remaining skins.
4. Separate the dry pulp from the seeds.
5. Grind the seeds and dried skins separately from each other.
6. Combine the resulting components in a large metal container, add sunflower juice and oil, mix everything.
7. Heat the resulting composition for three hours in a water bath.
8. After warming up, the container with the liquid is placed in a dark place for three days. After a few days, the sea buckthorn oil will float. It is collected and poured into a separate bottle. The remaining composition is left to infuse further.
9. You need to remove oil from the surface every three days.

Using this technology, it turns out to extract more useful substances from skins and seeds.

When heating the mixture, do not allow it to boil, otherwise high temperatures will destroy beneficial substances, and essential oils will disappear.

Sea buckthorn seed oil

Most people do not know that the most valuable product in terms of composition comes from seeds. You can make it yourself at home using the following recipe:

1. Air dry the remaining pulp after squeezing, spreading it on paper or a towel.
2. Rub the dry cake in your palms. The dry skin will fall off, but the seeds will remain in your hands.
3. The seeds are crushed in a coffee grinder and poured into a jar.
4. The resulting powder is poured with sunflower oil, covered with a linen napkin and placed in a shaded place for 60 days. The liquid should be stirred from time to time.

After two months, the composition is filtered and bottled.

This sea buckthorn oil should be light, since the seeds of the fruit do not contain carotene, which gives the product an orange color.

Sea buckthorn oil from juice

The fastest and easiest cooking recipe allows you to make with my own hands valuable and healthy elixir without the use of vegetable oils. To do this, simply squeeze the juice out of the berries and let it sit for 24 hours so that the oil contained in the juice rises to the top. It needs to be collected with a spoon from the surface and poured into a separate bowl.

Important! This sea buckthorn oil cannot be stored for a long time; it must be used immediately.

Medicinal properties

Having studied the presented recipes, which explain step by step different ways preparing sea buckthorn oil, you can make it yourself medicinal composition, which helps to get rid of the following ailments when used correctly:

1. Gastrointestinal diseases, including stomach ulcers. Sea buckthorn oil improves the functioning of the digestive system, promotes the proper secretion of gastric juice and heals irritated gastric mucosa, and helps treat gallstones.
2. Skin diseases. It heals wounds well, being a bactericidal agent that quickly relieves inflammatory processes. They can treat burns, lichen, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.
3. Diseases of the organs of vision. His regular use taken orally will help relieve intraocular pressure, prevent clouding of the lens, and help get rid of inflammation of the cornea.
4. Dental pathologies. Oil pulling oral cavity helps get rid of periodontitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis and other inflammatory processes.
5. Colds. Oil lotions and gargling will help cure tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
6. Heart diseases. With regular use of such a product, you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and avoid thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
7. Diabetes and obesity.


Despite the fact that the benefits of using sea buckthorn oil are great, it should be used with caution. It's like everyone else medications, has a number of contraindications. This product should not be used for the following pathologies:

Inflammation of the liver;
allergies to oil components;
inflammation of the pancreas;

If you have chronic diseases, you should definitely consult your doctor before consuming sea buckthorn oil.

If you follow all the rules for the preparation and use of such a valuable product, you can always, if you have sea buckthorn berries in the house, prepare medicine wide range actions and support your health and the health of your loved ones.

No matter how much modern means cosmetology didn’t offer us, but ethnoscience does not lose its relevance. In pharmacies, specialty stores and even grocery supermarkets You can buy tools to implement “grandmother’s” methods. But since we decided to use natural ingredients, then it would be logical to implement the plan to the fullest. That is, don't buy finished products, and cook them yourself. For example, prepare sea buckthorn oil at home, which is widely used in recipes for both health and beauty. Making sea buckthorn oil at home is a guarantee of its quality. So it’s better to make sea buckthorn oil yourself so as not to doubt the safety and effectiveness of the product.

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home
There is nothing to blame for sea buckthorn oil, which is sold in pharmacies. It is of good quality, made according to the rules and has safety certificates. But, you must admit that the process of preparing sea buckthorn oil with your own hands gives it some special “ingredient” that is not taken into account by the factory technology. So, if you have time, desire and sea buckthorn, then, of course, it is better to prepare the oil yourself, putting your soul into it. It’s not that difficult to do, although you will have to tinker. But believe me, real sea buckthorn oil is worth your work. This becomes obvious when it comes to everyone useful properties oh sea buckthorn oil. We will definitely talk about them a little later, but for now pay attention to distinctive features sea ​​buckthorn oil:
  • We are accustomed to the fact that vegetable oil is extracted directly from seeds or nuts, sometimes from pulp. But sea buckthorn oil is prepared according to the same principle as burdock oil - that is, by extraction in a base vegetable oil. This is due to the fact that sea buckthorn seeds are too small to produce sufficient quantity oil base. Sunflower, olive, and sometimes other unrefined vegetable oils are used as a base.
  • Sea buckthorn oil in finished form has a rich red-orange color and characteristic smell. It is quite liquid, but at the same time sticky and leaves stains that are difficult to remove. This is due precisely to the preparation technology: the oil from the seeds has no color, but it is colored by the flesh of the sea buckthorn berries, rich in carotene.
  • Industrial production of sea buckthorn oil involves complex technological processes, involving strong pressing, pressing, diffusion and final testing for compliance with standards. For homemade Simplified methods have been invented for making sea buckthorn oil.
But in order to prepare sea buckthorn oil at home no worse than the factory one, you will need high-quality raw materials. These are completely ripe, undamaged fruits that need to be separated from the branches, sorted and washed. Then the sea buckthorn berries are dried at a low temperature (outdoors in the shade or slightly warm oven). And only after this you can start preparing sea buckthorn oil at home.

How to prepare sea buckthorn oil from cake at home
Try making sea buckthorn oil in a simple way first. Of course, its simplicity is relative. But at least you will get an idea of ​​​​the technology homemade sea ​​buckthorn oil and you can decide whether to do this in the future:

  1. Pass selected and pure sea buckthorn berries through a juicer. Separate the juice and use it as you wish (for drinking or cooking).
  2. Transfer the remaining pulp into a non-metallic bowl (a large one will do). glass jar) and fill with fresh vegetable oil.
  3. Use unrefined sunflower or olive oil first pressing at the rate of half a liter of oil for every 3 cups of sea buckthorn cake.
  4. Cover the jar with a lid (no seal needed) and put it in a dark place. Leave at room temperature or slightly cooler for about a week (6-8 days).
  5. After this time, the pulp will have time to transfer microelements and vitamins to the oil. You can strain it from the cake and start using it, or you can further improve the quality of the oil.
  6. Juice again about the same amount fresh berries, like the first time. Use it as you wish, fill the new cake with the already infused sea buckthorn and strained oil.
  7. Repeat the infusion procedure, then squeeze the oil from the cake. Sea buckthorn oil is ready.
How to make sea buckthorn oil from berries at home
The apparent simplicity of the method described above does not in any way reduce the quality of the final product. But if you want to increase the concentration of nutrients, try preparing sea buckthorn oil this way:
  1. Place selected, clean sea buckthorn berries on a sheet in an even layer and dry in the oven at low temperature. Your task: make the berries dry and hard through and through, but in no case allow them to burn.
  2. Grind the dried berries into flour using a coffee grinder or chopper.
  3. Pour the sea buckthorn berry flour into a non-metallic container (ceramic or glass jar).
  4. Heat unrefined vegetable oil to a temperature slightly warmer than room temperature. Pour sea buckthorn flour into the jar so that the oil slightly covers the height of the flour layer.
  5. Stir the contents of the jar a little, cover it with a lid (not airtight) and put it in a dark place. Hold at room temperature about a week, stirring the oil daily.
  6. After the extraction period has expired, strain the sea buckthorn oil. You'll need a very fine sieve, but even that won't remove all the flour particles completely.
  7. Therefore, leave the strained oil for another day, during which the sediment will settle.
  8. Separate the sediment and pour the clear sea buckthorn oil into another container. It is ready to use.
  9. As in the previous case, you can repeat the procedure from the beginning, using already infused oil, to increase the concentration of nutrients in the finished sea buckthorn oil.
How to make high concentration sea buckthorn oil
There is a fairly simple and effective, but, roughly speaking, not profitable way to make sea buckthorn oil at home. However, it is used when you need to prepare sea buckthorn oil. highest quality. If the quality of the product is more important to you than its quantity, try making sea buckthorn oil like this:
  1. Place clean and dry selected sea buckthorn berries into the juicer. Remove the cake and Fresh Juice pour into a non-metallic container of large diameter (the wider, the more convenient it will be for you).
  2. Place the container with the juice in a dark place and leave at room temperature for about a day.
  3. After this period, you will see that a thin oil film has formed on the surface of the juice.
  4. Remove the oil in any convenient way and pour into a tightly closed container. Store in the refrigerator.
There will be very little oil, but the concentration of vitamins and minerals it will have the maximum (compared to sea buckthorn oil obtained by other methods). Sometimes sea buckthorn oil is prepared from frozen berries. This is quite acceptable, but oil from fresh sea buckthorn berries is more useful. But frozen berries are available at any time of the year. Even if you missed the moment and did not have time to prepare sea buckthorn oil during the harvest, you have a chance to make it even in winter.

Why make sea buckthorn oil yourself? Properties and benefits of sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn has long been known and people's favorite medicinal plant. And sea buckthorn oil is a kind of concentrate of all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn. It preserves the most valuable vitamins (A, C, E, K, F, group B) and organic fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, etc.). Sea buckthorn oil is rich in tannins and microelements. Thanks to the biological activity of all these components, sea buckthorn oil has a whole range of beneficial qualities:

  • antibacterial;
  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing (accelerates tissue regeneration);
  • tonic (gives skin elasticity);
  • nourishing, moisturizing.
Sea buckthorn oil is taken orally and applied externally. If you are going to use sea buckthorn oil as cosmetic product, then be aware that it should not be applied to the face during pure form. It's connected with high content carotene, which can disrupt the natural defenses of the skin. But when used in combined masks, compresses and creams, sea buckthorn oil helps restore the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, fights wrinkles, dryness, crusts, and strengthens hair and nails. Before using sea buckthorn oil, consult a cosmetologist or at least someone who understands traditional medicine.

When prescribed by a doctor, sea buckthorn oil and preparations based on it are used to treat gastritis and ulcers, pancreatic diseases and intestinal disorders. Sea buckthorn oil strengthens the cardiovascular system, therefore it is used to normalize blood pressure and for vision problems. Sea buckthorn oil can be applied not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of stomatitis, conjunctivitis, etc. But if making sea buckthorn oil yourself is not a problem, then its use should be agreed with a specialist. Be sensible, take care of yourself and be healthy!

The demand for oil is increasing every year, but production volumes are growing much more slowly. It is almost impossible to buy sea buckthorn oil in pharmacies, and at the bazaars the prices are, to put it mildly, steep, and you don’t know what you will buy.

Over the course of ten years, I tested many methods and their options for preparing butter at home, and settled on two. I try to make oil from golden varieties of sea buckthorn. If I don’t have time to immediately process fresh fruits, I freeze them and then prepare oil from them.

Preparation from fresh fruits

I wash the ripe fruits and crush them with a juicer. I put the resulting juice to settle. During this, oil floats to the surface of the juice, which I remove into a separate bowl. I pasteurize the remaining juice. By the way, sea buckthorn juice with honey is an excellent cough remedy.

Sea buckthorn berry pomace is washed with water and dried on a central heating radiator. If the heating is not yet connected - in a dark place at a temperature of up to 60 °. I grind the dried pomace in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting powder into an enamel pan, pour in refined sunflower oil (200 g of oil per 200 g of powder), cover with a lid and leave to infuse. After 2 days, I pour the oil into another container (enamel, glass, porcelain or earthenware, but always with a lid) with a new portion of dry extracts and continue to steep for another 2-3 days. To increase concentration biologically active substances in oil, this operation must be repeated three times.

I drain all the extracts obtained during infusion together, add the oil that surfaced during infusion of the juice; I filter through cheesecloth folded in 3 layers and pour into dry, clean dark glass bottles. I store it in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.

I would like to note: if you cook butter in enamel dishes, then the enamel should be intact.

Method for preparing sea buckthorn oil from frozen fruits

I get oil from frozen sea buckthorn fruits like this: I pour a kilogram of fruit into an enamel pan, pour in a liter of oil, cover with a lid and place in a large pan of boiling water (the so-called water bath). After 30 minutes, I filter the mixture through cheesecloth, pour the oil into a dry bottle, and fill the pomace again with a fresh portion. sunflower oil and put it in water bath. I repeat this operation again. That is, one portion of pomace is extracted with three portions of oil.

The oil obtained as a result of three extractions is poured into an enamel pan (preferably in a dark glass container) and left for a day at room temperature. During settling, the oil floats to the top, and the juice remains at the bottom. I carefully pour the oil into a dark glass bottle. I store it in the refrigerator.
