How to make delicious coffee? How to make delicious coffee yourself

A cup of coffee is an important part of any business negotiations, informal meetings and romantic dates. Those who believe that coffee has a soul say the truth. Therefore, when preparing coffee, it is very important not to disturb this soul, because the aroma and taste of the drink depends on it.

Coffee lovers should know that beans must be stored in a cool, dry place. You should not store coffee for a long time, as its aroma can evaporate.

Coffee producers claim that the pleasure of the drink should come already during it. Many people mistakenly believe that coffee is ready as soon as the water boils. When you learn how to brew coffee, you will realize that coffee prepared this way is not real coffee. After the temperature of the drink reaches 98-99°C, irreversible processes begin to occur in it, or rather, acids harmful to the stomach are released.

- how to cook it correctly?

In order to divine drink in , must be adhered to simple rules. Before preparing coffee, the coffee pot should be thoroughly cleaned and washed. Use soft water. Roast and grind the coffee beans before preparing it. Don't forget - you can't boil coffee.

Coffee "Turkish Mocha"

This coffee is known to everyone, but not everyone knows that they drink it. There are two ways to prepare this elixir of life. To Turkey from hot water add coffee and sugar, bring to a boil. Remove the coffee from the heat for a few minutes and then bring it back to a boil. In order to get more flavored coffee, do this procedure three times.

The second way to make coffee is to mix coffee with sugar. Pour cold water into the Turk and let it brew for a few minutes. After the time has passed, place the Turk over low heat and bring to a boil. Once the coffee has cooled slightly, bring to a boil two more times.

Coffee "Africa"

The famous Africa coffee is served in all prestigious restaurants in the world. To prepare, you will need ground coffee (6 teaspoons), boiling water (4 cups), half a teaspoon of cocoa, cinnamon, cognac and sugar. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and cooked over an alcohol stove. Cognac is added to the finished drink. Coffee is served hot.

A life-giving drink implies not only the correct selection of grains and its preparation, but also correct usage. Therefore, before drinking a cup of aromatic coffee, throw away all negative thoughts for later. Only then will you get real pleasure.

Coffee is a drink without which many cannot imagine their morning. To drink a cup invigorating drink, you don’t have to go to a coffee shop. The “Simply There” correspondent found out from barista Alena Averyanova how you can make aromatic coffee in your kitchen.

Coffee beans

When purchasing coffee beans, you need to study information about single varieties. The taste largely depends on the brand of coffee. Each trading company has its own methods of processing coffee, so the same single variety may taste slightly different.

Single-origin coffee is coffee from one plantation. If a coffee is called "Ethiopia", it means it is from Ethiopia. Sometimes the name may contain the names of plantations or the port of departure: “Ethiopia Sidamo”, “Ethiopia Harrar”, etc. You should not buy flavored varieties (“Vanilla”, “Cherry”, “Amaretto” and others). First, these flavors are not always individual. Secondly, why spoil the taste of natural coffee with additives? Thirdly, it is unknown what taste the drink will have in the end.

There are several types of roasting coffee beans:

  1. Light, or Scandinavian, roast: the beans have a light brown hue and a sour taste.
  2. Medium roast, Viennese, differs more dark color and a more complete development of aroma.
  3. Strong roast, French, is perhaps the most popular in America and Europe. The grains are dark and oily, and the drink has a slight bitterness.
  4. The most strong degree roasting - Italian. The grains are roasted at very high high temperature almost to blackness

For cooking at home, it is better to choose medium roast beans. When coffee is dark roasted, the taste becomes bitter, it is not always possible to get a pleasant aftertaste, most of the coffee is burned useful substances and essential oils. You will end up drinking a bitter drink. Often coffee is roasted heavily to hide some negative aspects. It is believed that high-quality grain will never be dark roasted.

An important aspect is the grinding of coffee. For each method of preparing coffee, the grind is selected based on the type of drink you want to get. Extraction depends on the fineness of grinding. Extraction is the interaction of coffee with water. The finer the grind, the more flavoring agents will come out of the grain. But at the same time, fine grinding is only suitable for Turks. If you make finely ground coffee in a French press, it will simply clog and it will be difficult to get the drink itself.

There are several universal rules to remember when making coffee:

  1. Coffee should be poured into heated cups. Before making coffee, pour hot water into the cups, let them warm up, and when you are ready to pour the coffee, pour the water out of the cups and wipe with a clean, dry cloth.
  2. It is not recommended to use espresso blends, only pure single-origin varieties. Home methods are not meant to be invented. new taste, but to reveal the existing ones. But the choice of a specific monovarietal is purely a matter of your taste.
  3. Any coffee you make at home doesn't like three things: wet dishes, cold dishes and boiled water.


When preparing coffee, cold water is used. Initially, it was believed that Turkish coffee was prepared only on sand, but since we do not have the opportunity to cook in such conditions, we can use ordinary fire. There's nothing wrong with that, it doesn't change the taste. Take ordinary cold purified water, very finely ground coffee, 5-6 grams per serving. If you want the taste to be more intense – 8-9 grams per 100 ml of water. 100 ml is the average amount of coffee in your cup, prepared in a Turk. If you prepare coffee correctly, there will definitely be a thick sediment, similar to a viscous mass. The first thing you need to do when preparing coffee in a Turk is to first pour over the Turk cold water. Next, add a portion of coffee, sugar, and spices as desired into cold water. You should not let the coffee boil - as soon as a cap of foam begins to rise, you must immediately remove the Turk from the heat. If the coffee boils, the drink is spoiled and needs to be thrown out. It is served with foam. It is advisable to use small porcelain cups no larger than 100 ml. Approximate cooking time is 4-5 minutes, depending on the heat. The cost of Turks is on average from 400 to 3000 rubles. But if you wish, you can also find old, exclusive pieces for a higher price.

French press

Considered the most popular and most simple method brewing coffee at home. The French press is a glass flask installed in a glass holder. A piston is inserted into it, before cooking it is pulled out, the flask is heated with hot water, coarsely ground coffee is poured in (8-9 grams per 100 ml) and filled with hot water from 88 to 94 degrees. Coffee should be ground just before brewing, and the grind should be coarse to prevent particles from passing through the French press filter. Water must be filled to a level just below the fully raised piston. Stir the coffee quickly to improve the extraction process. Coffee releases carbon dioxide, which creates a fluffy cap on the surface. If this does not happen, then you got stale coffee. Now you need to cover the coffee pot with a lid with the piston raised up. After 4-5 minutes the piston needs to be lowered. The advantage of a French press is that the strength of the drink can be adjusted independently: the longer you brew, the stronger the coffee will be (the more contact of water with the coffee bean, the more caffeine there will be in the drink). The downside of this method is the presence of coffee particles in the cup, and also the fact that the drink tends to cool quickly in a French press if you leave it to brew longer. The cost of a French press depends on the quality of the material used and the volume - you can find a small teapot for 200 rubles and a large one for 2000.


One of the simplest methods of making coffee after the French press. It was invented relatively recently - in 2009. Very easy to use, small, you can even take it with you on a hike. Its operating principle is the piston method. This is a cylinder into which another cylinder is inserted, paper filter and perforated plug. Next, pour in 8-18 grams of finely ground coffee, add water at 88-94 degrees, and infuse the coffee. The advantage of the method: a pure drink without particles. It is important that the coffee is freshly ground and the dishes are hot. Preparing coffee in an AeroPress will take you about 3 minutes, its average cost is from 2,000 rubles.

Geyser coffee maker (Moka Express)

Moka is widely used in Europe, especially in its homeland, Italy, where it is a national symbol. The original Moka is made of aluminum with bakelite handles. The principle of operation is as follows: steam reaches high pressure and gradually displaces boiling water through a funnel and filter in which it is located. ground coffee. The water passes through the coffee powder and enters the upper reservoir, where the finished coffee is collected. Required amount drinking water you need to pour it into the lower reservoir and cover it with a metal filter. Then pour medium-ground coffee into the filter funnel at the rate of 9-12 grams per cup of coffee. Then screw on the top and put on low heat. After the water boils ready drink will begin to flow into the upper tank, after the end of the coffee flow, remove the coffee maker from the heat. Cooking time – 5-8 minutes. The price range of geyser coffee makers is from 700 to 5000 rubles.

Drip coffee maker (filter coffee maker)

It is especially popular in offices. Cold water is poured into a special glass container; the average volume of the tank is about 1 liter. Medium ground coffee (8-9 grams per 100 ml) is poured into a cone filter. The lid closes, the coffee maker turns on - the water heats up, rises through a special tube, falls into the filter with coffee, and brews it. Then the finished drink drips into the coffee pot. When the water in the reservoir runs out, the coffee maker automatically switches to the drink heating mode. There is a heating pad under the coffee pot, which allows the coffee in the pot to cool down very slowly. The average price of a drip home (or office coffee maker) is from 1000 to 5000 rubles. Depending on the type of coffee maker and the volume of water, preparing coffee will take on average from 5 to 15 minutes.


This method of making coffee was invented in 1941 by the Americans. The Chemex was popular more because of its design: a chemical flask with a large funnel. Usually, at the narrowest point of the Chemex, either a wooden or rubber nozzle is made to make it convenient to grip. The Chemex must be made of thick heat-resistant glass so that nothing cracks upon contact with hot water. Before you start preparing the drink, you need to make sure that the water is between 88 and 94°C. This temperature is necessary to ensure that the coffee does not burn. A special paper filter is taken, placed in a heated flask, doused with hot water - it is necessary that the filter be moistened so that it can stick to the flask and air does not penetrate into it. Then the water is drained, since it has already cooled down, and does not like coffee cold water. Medium grind coffee is poured on top - an average of 25 grams of coffee is used per 360 ml. Next, water is poured in - it needs to be poured slowly from the edge to the center. You must first pour 30-60 ml of water and wait 30-60 seconds for the coffee to open and come into contact with oxygen, and then slowly pour in the rest of the water in a thin stream. If you pour coffee in a thick stream at once, the water will be distributed unevenly throughout the coffee and it will not brew properly. It is better not to use bitter varieties for Chemex; this is one of the methods where the drink turns out to be sweetish. You need to select grains based on your taste preferences. The coffee takes about 4 minutes to prepare. The issue price is from 2000 to 6000 rubles.


A method similar to the Chemex brewing method. The difference is that when a filter is inserted into a Chemex, it must fit snugly into the flask, whereas a pour-over has small raised grooves in the funnel into which the filter is inserted. When the filter is inserted, you need to pour water on top and make sure that it fits only along the grooves and that there is oxygen access inside. A pourover is a regular funnel into which a filter is inserted. You can put it in a cup or a teapot at once - wherever is convenient for you. Add 8-9 grams of medium-ground coffee per 100 grams of water. Another difference between a pour-over and a Chemex is that it is smaller and more compact, so you can put it anywhere and take it with you. In 4-5 minutes your coffee is ready. The price of a pourover is up to 2000 rubles.


The most spectacular cooking method. The siphon is very similar to a chemist's apparatus for laboratory work. A tripod and flask are installed, a water container is placed on the flask, an alcohol lamp is placed underneath, water is poured into the flask from below, a paper filter is installed on top, and coffee is poured into it. The alcohol lamp is set on fire, and it begins to heat the flask. The water evaporates, penetrates the upper filter, the coffee begins to get wet and then gradually flows down into the same flask where the water was. The siphon was often installed in bars and cooked right at the guest’s table. Coffee is prepared in a siphon for about 5 minutes. Like the Chemex, 360 ml requires 25 grams of medium-ground coffee.

If you have certain equipment at home, you can prepare espresso. Now you can buy home ones, they even came up with manual espresso machines, pocket ones. They run on gas cartridges.

How about a cup of instant coffee?

Instant coffee contains no more than 15% coffee itself. The rest is flavorings, preservatives, dyes, oxidizing agents, etc. There is absolutely nothing healthy in this coffee, but rather the opposite. Instant coffee is often the reason peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis and cellulite. Instant coffee contains very harmful substance– benzopyrene resin. This resin is an oxidizing agent and it has a strong effect on the body.

As for drinking natural coffee, in moderation healthy person it does not cause harm, but benefit. The only contraindication is high pressure. A harmless amount of coffee for the body is a cup or two a day.

What kind of milk makes homemade coffee even tastier and healthier?

It is best to use ultra-pasteurized milk - it is closer in taste to natural milk, as opposed to sterilized. The latter has a boiled taste, and if boiled milk having strong characteristic smell, combines with coffee, resulting in a bright aftertaste that will overpower the taste of coffee.

Fat content may depend on a person's taste preferences. Of course, take a lot full fat milk undesirable, because coffee already contains essential oils. 3-3.5% fat content - best option. If you are on a diet, then 0% is fine.

Some people try to add it to coffee homemade milk. Here the taste of your coffee with milk will directly depend on what the cow ate. And again, this milk already has a pronounced taste, which can overwhelm the taste of your drink.

How to properly prepare cappuccino and frappe, glasse and espresso? How to make the most delicious Turkish coffee in the world? Read about the basic methods of making coffee.

What are the secrets of making coffee in French, Viennese, Mexican and Bavarian? What about coffee with ice cream, with a pattern, with cardamom? A true coffee lover knows all this and even more. Fan, connoisseur and just a lover homemade coffee. A drink accustomed to our delights and generous with the pleasures it gives.

There are many myths surrounding the issue of properly preparing coffee. Oriental coffee and coffee for English breakfast, coffee prepared with cream, alcohol and chili pepper, coffee on sand or in a machine - which is actually correct? What is the best way to prepare it to appreciate all the taste benefits of this drink?
Let's say right away: the only the right way no coffee making facilities. Or this: there are several dozen ways to turn brown grains into a magical, divine elixir. And a few dozen more - just to make coffee.

However, if you ask yourself this question, then it is clear that you do not have a filter coffee maker in your kitchen. Because it will solve the issue of correct coffee preparation automatically and will not ask you. All other methods require some understanding and skill.

How to make Turkish coffee

Turkish, or Oriental, coffee is still the most popular way to make coffee at home, despite numerous, including successful, innovations. Turku was invented by the Arabs, and its use in the kitchen modern housewives covered in the romanticism of “real coffee”. When they ask the question “How to make coffee with foam?”, they mean exactly this method of preparation - Turkish coffee in an oriental style.

Method of preparing Turkish coffee. For one serving: 1 heaped teaspoon of finely ground coffee is poured into a small coffee cup of water and simmered over low heat until foam appears, but without boiling. As soon as foam begins to rise at the edges, immediately remove, add a couple of drops of cold water and pour into a heated cup. Drops of water - so that the grounds settle quickly. If desired, you can cook it with sugar. Equal amounts of coffee and sugar are recommended, but this is a matter of taste.

Today, the process of making Turkish coffee in a cafe looks like this: a metal tray is filled with sand and heated with an electric heater from below. There are several Turks on the sand. Sand gives an extremely precise rate of heating of coffee and the “correctness” of foam.


  • Turkish coffee is drunk in small sips, washed down with cold water.
  • The finer the coffee grind, the tastier the coffee and the richer the foam, and the grounds will not squeak on your teeth.
  • “Turkish” means making coffee from high quality beans
  • There must be water good quality(this advice applies to any method of preparing coffee).

How to make coffee in a French press

To make Turkish coffee, you will need to master some art. The French press is a simple and elegant French device for homemade coffee. The device was invented by the French company Melior. French presses use coffee coarse, which is filled with water and pressed out by a piston.

Cooking method. The vessel is heated, coarsely ground coffee is poured in and hot water is poured. Then the drink is allowed to brew for several minutes and squeezed out with a piston. The good thing about this method is that it allows you to quite fully extract the coffee aroma. Just like Turkish coffee, you need to drink it right away.

Filter coffee, or American “dripper”

Here, the consumer does not need any special knowledge; it is a very convenient American invention. The coffee preparation method is based on simple principle: The grind is poured into a paper filter, through which water seeps through as it drips. The grounds remain on the filter, and the coffee turns out completely without sediment. Taste qualities coffee is no worse than those obtained in a French press. There is a built-in thermos where the drink can be stored.

Coffee from a coffee pot, or Back to the USSR

A method used when there is no time or other brewing options. It was the main one in the USSR, now it is giving way to Turks, French presses and other coffee machines at home.

How to make coffee in a coffee pot. Coarsely ground coffee is poured with hot water and poured into cups, or boiled and then poured.

How to make coffee in a coffee maker

Quite a popular way to make coffee in a geyser-type coffee maker (moka variety), the drink turns out strong, rich and very aromatic.

Cooking method. The moka coffee maker consists of 3 parts. Water is poured into the lower part, under steam pressure (both an electric heater and a stove are used), it rises up to the middle part, where coarsely ground coffee is poured, and then the finished drink enters the upper part.

How to make espresso coffee

The most famous and popular method of preparing coffee in the world, invented in Italy. It is practiced on espress machines and allows you to extract coffee completely and very quickly. There are industrial, office, and home espresso coffee makers.

Espresso preparation method. Hot water under a pressure of 9 atmospheres it is passed through finely ground coffee. The finished espresso is covered with a golden film and has a certain density, close to the consistency of syrup. Coffee is served in heated cups.

Espresso- a complex method that requires not just skills, but also culinary flair and skill, which takes a long time to learn. You need to understand what the grind should be, how to mix different varieties and how to add various ingredients to open the bouquet.

It is believed that Espresso coffee is the safest for health, he has minimal amount contraindications, despite the fact that it is strong. The secret is in proper preparation coffee.

Baristas (espresso specialists) prepare many coffee drinks based on espresso. Here are just the most famous:

Coretto- with the addition of strong alcoholic drink (brandy, sambuco, etc.). In Germany, vodka-based coretto is popular, which is called “Russian coffee” (russischer Kaffee - German).

Cappuccino- (from Italian cappuccino, “capuchin”) - with lushly foamed milk forming a “hood” (another version of the origin of coffee - it was proposed by a Capuchin monk). This coffee is drunk during the Italian breakfast.

How to make cappuccino at home

Cappuccino is a cappuccino, a type of espresso, with a luxurious foamy head sprinkled with cocoa powder or grated chocolate. Cappuccino is served in a wide glass or cup.

If you don’t have an espress machine in your kitchen, but you really want a cappuccino, brew Turkish coffee in a Turkish coffee pot and then add a top of whipped cream to the cup. We use whipped cream in cans or prepare it ourselves. We buy heavy cream(30%), placed in a very clean and very cold dishes(put it in the refrigerator to freeze with a broom), and then beat it. Not with a blender, by hand. Then spoon it into a cup.

Important: you need to learn how to make cream not too thick and not too thin. The criterion that everything worked out: when you put the cream in a cup and sprinkle a little cinnamon on it and grated chocolate, then they should not fail. Use 3.2% milk.

Latte macchiato(from Italian, “milk with a drop”). Place heavy cream (40%) in a large glass and add whole milk(60%), and top with a cup of espresso.

How to make latte coffee at home

This requires skill and training. The key is to properly fill the glass with layers of milk. It is unlikely that you will get good milk foam without cappuccino makers (jugs for making hot and cold milk foam have recently appeared on sale). Therefore, it is better to use cream, see above. Then take a large tall glass, pour heated milk into it, put whipped cream on top, and then slowly add heated coffee in a thin stream. In a good situation, it should take the middle place.

When making latte coffee at home, you can use any milk, but it’s better to use full-fat whole milk - it will be high in calories, but it’s worth it.

Mocha- espresso with added chocolate.

Glasse- espresso with ice cream.

Americano- this is when hot water is added to espresso, and the coffee is not as strong.

Interesting. If you scream for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you can generate enough energy to heat up one cup of coffee.

Coffee grounds for fertilizer

Repel pests

The acidity and strong aroma of coffee make it an excellent repellent. It will also help keep slugs and snails out of the garden, and if you mix coffee with citrus fruits, the aroma can repel cats and some rodents that can damage plants.

Attract worms

Add to compost

Coffee grounds can be added to fertilizers. It will enrich the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper.

Fertilizing the soil with coffee grounds has a positive effect on the seeds of some vegetables, such as radishes and carrots, promoting their germination and healthy growth. Coffee also affects the pH level of the soil, which can change the color of some flowers, such as hydrangeas.


Decorating gifts with coffee

Make scented candles

Coffee has invigorating effect, but not only the drink itself, but also its smell can give strength and improve your mood. You can make your own coffee candles that will fill your room with aroma.

To do this, you will need several tablet candles, coffee grounds, a wick and a glass container with a fairly wide neck.

Melt the candles, place the wick in a glass container, alternately pour melted wax into the container and add grounds so that the coffee is evenly distributed throughout the candle.

Then all that remains is to wait until the wax hardens and cut the wick to the desired length. You can make such a candle for yourself and get a boost of energy from the thick coffee aroma, or give it to friends for some holiday.

To draw the pictures

Picture painted by coffee

There are artists who use coffee instead of paints. Here are examples of works by world famous “coffee” artists. Try it, maybe you like coffee more than colors?

Aging wooden objects or clothes

Using coffee grounds, you can make fabric or wood several shades darker and artificially age them. It is enough to stir the grounds in hot water and soak clothes or a wooden object in it. If the item is too large, you can paint it with a brush or apply the coffee solution several times. You will find instructions in the video below.


Coffee as a seasoning

Use as a seasoning

If you've never used coffee as a flavoring, now is the time to try it. It goes well with paprika, brown sugar, pepper, onion, garlic and coriander and will become excellent seasoning for ribs and chicken.

Add to chili

Some people use coffee as a seasoning for chili to give it an extra depth of flavor. Here is one such recipe.

Remove unpleasant odor from the refrigerator

If someone has settled in your refrigerator unpleasant odors, put a cup with coffee beans- the coffee will absorb the smell.

Clean metal utensils

If you have a pan that won't get rid of burnt food, try using it as a cleaning agent. coffee grounds.

The abrasive properties of the grounds will help clean the dishes without scratching the surface too much. After this, do not forget to wash the dishes with soap and rinse well to remove any remaining coffee.

Remove the smell of onion or garlic from your hands

The smell of onion or garlic lingers on the skin for a long time and it is not always possible to get rid of it by simply washing your hands. Coffee will help you eliminate bad smell- just take a few coffee beans and rub them with your fingers. The beans will absorb the unpleasant odor, replacing it with a coffee aroma.

Soap self made with coffee

Alternatively, you can make soap or scrub with coffee. Melt the soap and pour it over the coffee grounds, adding as desired.

Living room

Freshen the air

If you don't want to bother with a candle, you can simply place a cup of coffee beans, for example, on a coffee table. In this case, the smell will not be as intense, but from time to time you will notice notes of a light coffee aroma.

You can also place coffee beans in an old sock and use it as a portable air freshener. For example, put it under the car seat and enjoy fresh air no unpleasant odors.

Hide scratches on furniture

If you have scratched wood furniture, coffee can help hide the scratches. Pour a tablespoon of ground coffee with hot water (about 90 ºС) so that you get a paste. Then use a brush to apply the soaked compound to the scratched area of ​​the furniture. Remove excess with a dry cloth. Of course, the scratch will not disappear without a trace, but it will become less noticeable.


Dye your hair

Coffee hair coloring

If you want to go a little darker, try dyeing them with coffee. Brew a big cup strong drink and let it cool. Distribute the coffee throughout your hair and do not rinse for about an hour. After this procedure, the hair will become darker, healthier and shiny.

Coffee can also speed up hair growth. Brew coffee, let cool and strain. Distribute the coffee grounds through your hair, gently rubbing it into the scalp. This will help stimulate blood circulation and speed up hair growth.

You can also add coffee grounds to your shampoo or shower gel to make an excellent scrub for your scalp and body. Just remember that coffee is a bit of a colorant, so if you have blonde hair, it's not worth the risk.

When using coffee in the bathroom, cover the drain hole with a coffee filter and immediately rinse off any remaining grounds. This way the bathtub will not become clogged or stained.

Make a face mask

Mix ground coffee with coconut, almond or other oil that you use for cosmetic procedures, and apply the finished mask to your face.

Coffee masks moisturize the skin, reduce wrinkles, eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes and rejuvenate the skin.

As you can see, coffee beans can be useful for more than just a cup of invigorating drink. Buy more coffee, and go ahead - make cool gifts, decorate your home, take care of the garden and improve the condition of your skin and hair.

If you have your own ideas for unusual uses of coffee, share them in the comments.

Espresso, latte, ice frappe, iced glass and much more. Who said coffee shops make them better?

Fragrant and invigorating coffee is one of the most popular drinks around globe. Some people can’t imagine a day without a cup of espresso, while others treat themselves to a latte with syrup on the weekends. One thing remains constant: coffee.

Today, the range of most coffee shops is not limited to a couple of items. Caramel mocha, chocolate latte, Irish coffee have long become familiar, and their absence from the menu is now considered bad manners.

These drinks can be easily prepared at home. We offer several interesting variations of the most popular coffee drinks.


Espresso is the strongest and most invigorating coffee that exists on the planet. Most other coffee drinks are prepared on its basis. Therefore, you should definitely master the technique of preparing classic espresso.

And if you want to make your espresso even more delicious, try adding spices. Interesting taste guaranteed.


Ground coffee - 7 g
Water - 30 ml
Ground nutmeg- pinch
Ground anise - a pinch
Ground ginger- pinch
Liquid transparent honey - to taste

Cooking method:

Espresso can be prepared either in a coffee machine (there is a special program for this) or independently. Pour small, freshly ground coffee beans into a pot and add 30 milliliters of cold water.

Cook over medium heat until foam appears, but under no circumstances boil.

If you decide to make coffee with spices, then some time before the foam starts to rise, add spices and honey and mix well.

Continue brewing the espresso until foam rises.

Pour over coffee cups and serve.


From the name of this drink it follows that it was very popular in North America. Today Americano is drunk all over the world. It is less strong and concentrated than espresso, but just as effective in invigorating.


Coffee beans- 7-9 g
Hot water - 15 ml
Liquid honey - 1 tsp.
Lemon - 1 slice
Sugar - a pinch
Egg yolk - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

We brew Americano. To do this, prepare classic espresso (as in the first recipe). For 7-9 grams of coffee beans you will need 30 milliliters of water. Once the espresso is ready, add another 125 milliliters of hot water to the drink.

Grind the egg yolk with sugar until the mixture turns white. Add honey and grind thoroughly again.

Place 2 teaspoons of egg-honey cream in a cup. Pour in the Americano in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

Add a slice of lemon and serve.


Cappuccino is perhaps the most common coffee drink. It tastes quite delicate and soft and to some extent neutral. This means that almost everyone likes him, with rare exceptions.


Natural coffe- 56 g
Milk - 1/2 cup
Vanilla pod - 1 pc.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Cinnamon - to taste
Water - 240 m

Cooking method:

Heat the milk in a small container. After a while, add vanilla crumbs and, continuing to heat, bring the milk to a boil. Cool and let sit covered for a few minutes.

Add sugar and boil again. Cool quickly, then strain and separate out any remaining vanilla.

Beat the drink with a blender until a solid, strong foam forms.

Prepare espresso as in the first recipe. Pour halfway into glasses. Add milk foam to the edges.

Before serving, garnish with a cinnamon stick.


White chocolate latte is a recipe that will please all lovers of sweets. Here's a simple way to sweeten your life. With white chocolate, the latte turns out even tastier and more interesting.


Ground coffee - 2.5 tbsp. l.
Water - 320 ml
Milk - 700 ml
White chocolate - 120 g

Cooking method:

Pour coffee into a French press and add hot water. Cover with a lid and leave to steep for 3-4 minutes.

Pour milk into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Bring to a boil and add chopped chocolate.

Stir for 2 minutes until the chocolate has melted. Then beat until formed thick foam and remove from heat.

Pour coffee into tall glasses. Add milk foam on top with a spoon and pour in a small amount of the milk itself. Serve immediately.


Glace is coffee with the addition of ice cream. This coffee, by definition, cannot fail to taste good. And if you add it to the list of ingredients egg yolk, then it will become almost impossible to tear yourself away from the glass.


Ground coffee - 3 tsp.
Cocoa - 1/2 tsp.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Sugar - 2 tsp.
Vanilla ice cream - 50 g
Water - 150 ml

Cooking method:

Pour coffee, cocoa and 1 teaspoon of sugar into a Turk. Pour 150 milliliters of cold water and place on low heat.

Meanwhile, thoroughly grind the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of sugar.

When the coffee starts to boil, remove the Turk from the heat and after half a minute put it back on the heat. Repeat this 3 times. Then remove the coffee from the stove.

Carefully pour the brewed coffee through a strainer into the egg-sugar mixture. Stir constantly so that the yolk does not set.

Pour the coffee into a glass. Place a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon or cocoa if desired. Serve immediately.


Caramel macchiato is one of the top and most sold coffee drinks. Starbucks chain. Try making it at home. The recipe is not that complicated and even beginners who have just embarked on the coffee path can do it.


Milk - 3/4 cup
Ground coffee - 4 tbsp.
Water - 1 glass
Vanilla syrup- 20 g
Caramel syrup- to taste

Cooking method:

Pour milk into the Turk and bring almost to a boil (temperature should be 70 degrees).

Fill the head with coffee beans geyser coffee maker using temperament. Secure it in the desired position. Add vanilla syrup on top.

Pour in the heated milk almost completely and froth well until foam forms.

Pour coffee into cups. Drizzle caramel syrup over the foam.


Viennese coffee is a fairly popular drink. To make it even tastier, just add not only whipped cream, but also chocolate syrup and grated almonds.


Dark chocolate- 120 g
Cream - 1/4 cup
Strong coffee - 3 glasses
Whipped cream - to taste
Chocolate syrup - to taste
Grated indal - to taste

Cooking method:

Mix dark chocolate and cream in a bowl. To put on water bath. Melt, stirring, until smooth.

Add strong coffee(espresso or Americano). Mix well.

Pour into cups and garnish with whipped cream chocolate syrup and grated almonds to taste.


The ingredients in this recipe include whiskey. So Irish coffee is perfect for weekend get-togethers with friends.


For white chocolate:

White chocolate - 90 g
Cream 30% - 25 g
Milk - 125 ml
Whiskey - 10 ml

For dark chocolate:

Dark chocolate - 70 g
Cream 20% - 25 ml
Milk - 125 ml
Whiskey - 10 ml

For foam:

Instant coffee - 5 g
Cream 25-30% - 150 ml
Coffee beans - for decoration
Cocoa powder - a pinch

Cooking method:

Break white chocolate into pieces. Pour in milk and cream. Heat over low heat until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Let cool, add whiskey and mix well.

Prepare dark chocolate using the same procedure.

Whip the cream with coffee until thick foam forms.

Pour into glasses first White chocolate, then milk, and place a layer of foam on top.

Before serving, sprinkle with cocoa powder and garnish with coffee beans.


Mocha or mocaccino, just like a classic latte, is made from espresso and hot milk. At the same time, mocha has a more pronounced chocolate taste. Add vanilla to mocha and enjoy a delicious drink.


Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.
Ground coffee - 3 tsp.
Water - 1 glass
Milk - 3 glasses
Vanilla - 1/2 tsp.
Whipped cream - to taste

Cooking method:

Heat sugar, cocoa powder and ground coffee in a Turk. Add water and brew coffee.

Pour the coffee into a small saucepan. Gradually pour in the milk and continue heating over medium heat until the drink has a smooth consistency.

Add vanilla and top with whipped cream if desired. Sprinkle with a pinch of cocoa powder.


Frappe, or iced coffee, is an absolute hit summer season. If previously it was prepared only in rare and selected places, today frappe can be found on the menu of almost every coffee shop. Better yet, make frappe in your kitchen on a hot summer day.


Ready-made black strong coffee - 150 ml
Milk - 150 ml
Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
Ice - 350 ml
Vanilla syrup - 3 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

Pour cold coffee of your choice into the blender (Americano or cappuccino are great, depending on whether you like your coffee stronger or milder). Add milk, sugar, syrup and ice. Beat ingredients for 1 minute.

Add more ice before serving.
