A fruit with a round seed inside. Pink fruit inside is white with black dots

Article-review of exotic tropical fruits of Asia with photos, names, descriptions and prices in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. We wrote it based on our travel notes. Enjoy it for your health!

Tropical fruits of the Southeast are a real treasure and a storehouse of health. It would be a shame not to try them all! In addition, exotic fruits sold in Russia (for example, pineapple, mango, bananas or carambola) only vaguely resemble real ripe fruits. Read the article about - it is especially relevant for those who are going to this country for the first time.

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List of tropical fruits with photos, names and descriptions

Rambutan (Rambutan, Ngo - Thai, Chôm chôm - Vietnamese)

The funny hairy red balls on the counter are rambutans. Their “hairiness” comes in varying degrees: the hairs can be greenish and strong, withered and black, or moderately withered. Practice shows that the latter are the best.

The flesh of rambutans is dense and white translucent; it does not come off the stone very well. To get to the pulp, you need to make a cut across and separate the halves. The taste is subtle and sweet, similar to green grapes. Unripe rambutans may be slightly sour. Sometimes markets have already peeled rambutans, but they spoil much faster - there is a risk of running into spoiled ones. They are also sold canned with sugar syrup.

Season: May to October.

Rambutans are one of the most inexpensive tropical fruits in Asia. Prices per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 40 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 30 to 150 baht (and about 15 baht per peeled substrate);
  • In Indonesia (Sumatra) - 10 thousand rupees.

(Photo © jeevs / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Lychee (Litchi, lin-chi - Thai, vải - Vietnamese)

Lychee, otherwise known as litchi, or Chinese plum, is distinctive and delicious. From a distance, the neat red-pink fruits resemble the skin of a reptile - their skin is dotted with small tubercles. Pleasant to the touch, elastic, rough. The thin shell is easily separated from the pulp, revealing a translucent white mass with a stone in the center. Lychees are very juicy, with a sweet and sour taste. They are actively used in cooking.

The harvest is harvested from April to June. The price per kilogram in Thailand is about 60 baht.

(Photo © su-lin / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Longan (Lam-yaj - Thai, Nhan - Vietnamese)

If you see bundles of panicles of small potatoes on the counter, you know that this is longan, or dragon's eye. The fruits are juicy and sickly sweet - it’s almost impossible to tear yourself away from them: longan cracks like seeds, easily and quickly. In Vietnam you can often see longan shells on the ground. The pulp is transparent white, sometimes with a slight yellowish tint. When cut, the longan resembles a dragon's eye, as there is a round bone inside, hence its name.

Season: May - November.

Prices per kilogram:

  • in Vietnam - from 30 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 60 baht.

(Photo © Muy Yum / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Longkong (Langsat)

Longkong (langsat) is one of the most delicious exotic fruits in Asia, in our opinion. It looks like a bunch of small potatoes, beige-yellow in color with specks, but larger than longan. Longkong is easy to clean - you just need to peel off the peel (although your hands will be a little sticky after that). The pulp is in the form of translucent slices, similar in shape to garlic. Its taste is simply amazing - sweet and refreshing, with a barely noticeable sourness, a little like a pomelo. Be careful not to bite the seeds - they are bitter.

Season: May to November.

Prices per kg:

  • in Thailand - from 100 baht;
  • in Indonesia - from 10 thousand rupees.

(Photo © Yeoh Thean Kheng / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Mango (Mango, Ma-Muang - Thai, Xoài - Vietnamese)

The variety of mango species is amazing - from dark green to red. Flavor palette impressive too. In Vietnam, mangoes are somewhat fibrous, while in Thailand their flesh is more smooth and flavorful. The bone is usually flat and wide.

It is better to choose slightly soft mangoes; hard ones may turn out to be underripe (although there are exceptions), and too soft ones may be overripe, as they will quickly spoil. In Thailand, yellow mangoes (and durians) are eaten with gluten rice and coconut milk - a traditional dish sticky rice.

Season: in Thailand in spring, in Vietnam - also in spring and winter.

Prices vary and depend on the variety (per kg):

  • in Vietnam - from 25 to 68 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 20 to 150 baht;
  • in Indonesia - from 20 thousand rupees;
  • in Malaysia - from 4 ringgit.

(Photo © Philip Roeland / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Noina, or sugar apple (Sugar Apple, Noi-na - Thai, Mẵng cầu - Vietnamese)

Noina is very similar to cherimoya - they are relatives. Noina looks like a light green lumpy apple with scale segments covered with a light whitish coating. They called the sugar apple for a reason: the ripe fruit really looks like sugar, with a creamy aftertaste. The flesh is white and so soft that the noina is cut in half and eaten with a spoon, removing inedible seeds. Cherimoya is similar in many ways to noina, but its skin is scaleless.

Try to choose fruits that are as ripe as possible, as unripe noina will be unpleasant - hard and with a pine aftertaste. A ripe sugar apple is soft, the flesh can even show through between the segments. Don't press it too hard - it may fall apart in your hands.

Harvest: June - September. The cost of a kilogram of these tropical fruits in Vietnam is from 49 thousand dong (in the supermarket), we bought it at the market for 30 thousand.

(Photo © Hanoian / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Guanabana, or soursop (Soursop, Guanabana, Mãng cầu xiêm - Vietnamese)

Another relative of the noina is the guanabana. Its flesh is similar to sugar apple, but not so sweet and with a bright creamy taste. Its consistency is a bit like thick sour cream or yogurt, which is why guanabana is nicknamed soursop. They eat it with a spoon or cut it into pieces. Guanabana fruits are much larger than noina and cherimoya, you can’t confuse them - they sometimes reach 10 kilograms or more. The peel is dark green, with small shoots in the form of soft spines.

Guanabana is a rare guest on the shelves of markets and shops. Choose a slightly soft soursop - it can easily ripen in the refrigerator for a couple of days (but no more, so don’t overdo it). An unripe fruit is hard and almost tasteless, but an overripe one will sour and fermentation processes will begin.

Fruits all year round. Usually the price per kilogram in Vietnam is from 43 thousand dong.

(Photo © tara marie / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Pomelo (Pomelo, Som-o - Thai)

Probably everyone knows what a pomelo looks like and what it tastes like, so we won’t describe it. However, we found it sweeter in Asia. When purchasing, you should choose by sniffing: the stronger the citrus aroma, the better the pomelo. Also pay attention to the softness.

Season: July - September.

Price per kg:

  • in Thailand - from 30 baht;
  • in Vietnam - from 40 thousand dong.

Salak (Snake fruit, Sala and Ra-kum - Thai, Salak - Indonesian)

A remarkable tropical fruit with a skin resembling snakeskin. It comes with and without thorns. The pulp is beige-yellow or white, sweet and sour in taste, with a wine flavor. Sometimes there is a taste of valerian. Salak with thorns must be cleaned with care: cut at the edge with a knife and peel off like a tangerine. Quite easy to clean.

Season: June to August.

Prices per kg:

  • in Thailand - from 60 baht;
  • in Indonesia - from 25 thousand rupees.

(Photo © hl_1001a3 / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC 2.0)

Pineapple (Pineapple, Sa-pa-rot - Thai, Khóm (Dứa) - Vietnamese)

Pineapple is an exotic fruit that has been familiar to us since childhood. Only in Asia it is much tastier than in Russia. Large and small pineapples are sold - these are different varieties. We recommend taking small Thai ones, about the size of your palm, with an orange peel - they are the sweetest. It is convenient to buy already peeled or cut pineapples.

Season: January, April - June.

Prices per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 20 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - about 15-20 baht (per piece or kilogram - depending on the variety).

Chrysophyllum (star apple, Caimito, Star apple, Vú sữa - Vietnamese)

We weren’t particularly impressed with the star apple: its taste seemed pleasant, but not outstanding, and besides, the fruits secrete a milky juice, which is then difficult to wash off your hands and lips. Mature chrysophyllums are green, brown colors, as well as different shades of purple. You need to choose soft star apples, as unripe ones are inedible. It is better to eat them with a spoon, cutting them crosswise and pre-cooling them.

The harvest is harvested from February to March. The price in Vietnam per kg is from 37 thousand dong.

(Photo © tkxuong / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Mangosteen (Mangosteen, Mong-khut - Thai, Mang cút - Vietnamese)

Mangosteen (mangosteen), like almost all tropical fruits in Asia, looks attractive and arouses the curiosity of tourists. Small dark purple round balls with neat leaves on top, dense to the touch and quite heavy.

The peel of the mangosteen is thick, reminiscent of pomegranate in smell and astringent properties. Behind the thick rind are several cloves of aromatic and extremely tender white pulp, similar in shape to garlic. The taste is unforgettable and indescribable! Light, sweet, refreshing. But we didn’t like the mangosteen wine.

It is important to choose the right fruits: when purchasing, lightly press the mangosteen - it should be a little soft and yield when pressed. If not, it is most likely damaged.

When cleaning the mangosteen, be careful not to stain your clothes. In many hotels it is prohibited to eat it. Clean better with your hands- just tear off the leaves and press on the center. You can also use a knife - make a cut and open the fruit. If the mangosteen is fresh, it will peel easily.

Season: April - October.

Price per kg:

  • in Thailand - from 80 baht;
  • in Indonesia - from 15 thousand rupees.

(Photo © olivcris / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Papaya (Papaya, Ma-la-koo - Thai, Đu đủ - Vietnamese)

Papaya is sweet and nutritious, with a flavor reminiscent of carrots and pumpkin. The pulp of the ripe fruit is very soft, aromatic, juicy, orange-red in color, and the peel is bright yellow to orange. Choose moderately soft fruits. Green papaya is not sweet - it is added to salads and eaten with pepper and salt.

Season: all year round.

Prices per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 10 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 40 baht;
  • in Malaysia - from 4 ringgit;
  • in Indonesia - from 4 thousand rupees.

(Photo © Crysstala / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Sapodilla (sapodilla, La-mut and Chiku - Thai, Lòng mứt or hồng xiêm - Vietnamese)

Sapodilla is called a tree potato - in appearance it really looks like an oblong potato. But inside there is a sugary-sweet orange-brown pulp, reminiscent of the Korolek variety of persimmon, only softer. Buy soft fruits that are brown in color, as unripe sapodilla has an astringent effect.

Season: all year round.

Prices per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 21 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 40 baht.

(Photo © GlobalHort Image Library/ Imagetheque / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Pitahaya (dragon heart, pitaya, Dragon fruit, Geow-mangon - Thai, Thanh long - Vietnamese)

Pitahaya is one of the most recognizable exotic fruits, a photo of which probably everyone has seen. Bright pink pitaya belongs to the cactus family and looks unusual: inside there is white or beet-colored pulp with small black seeds. It has a barely perceptible sweetish taste - in my opinion, pitahaya is almost bland. Eat with a spoon, cutting in half.

Season: May - October.

Price per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 20-23 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 45 baht.

(Photo © John Loo / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Coconut (Coconut, Ma-phrao - Thai, Dừa - Vietnamese)

In Southeast Asia, coconuts are large and light green in color, and not brown and hairy, like those on our shelves. These are young coconuts and they are drunk. The sellers will carefully cut off the top of the nut with a machete, give you a straw and a spoon - you can scrape off the pleasant jelly-like pulp remaining on the walls of the coconut. We recommend buying chilled coconuts.

Season: all year.

Price per piece (depending on size):

  • in Vietnam - from 8-15 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - 15-20 baht;
  • in Malaysia - from 4-5 ringgits.

(Photo © -Gep- / flickr.com / License CC BY-ND 2.0)

Tamarind (Sweet Tamarind, Ma-kham-wan - Thai, Me thái ngọt - Vietnamese)

Sugary-sweet tamarind resembles the taste and consistency of dates. It looks like a brown pod, under a fragile shell there is dark flesh enveloping hard seeds.

Season: December to March.

Prices per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 62 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 100 baht.

(Photo © Mal.Smith / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Banana (Banana, Kluai - Thai, Chuối - Vietnamese)

There are many types of bananas in Asia. Mostly small, palm-length. They taste sweet and are very different from those sold in Russia. Be sure to try different varieties. For example, in Malaysia there are wonderful triangular bananas. They are red on the outside, but taste like dried ones.

Season: all year round.

Prices per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 15 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 30 baht;
  • in Malaysia - from 4 ringgit.

Passion fruit (Passionfruit, Chanh dây - Vietnamese)

This tropical fruit has another, more sonorous name - Passionfruit, which translates as passion fruit. The taste of passion fruit is not for everyone: too sharp, sweet and sour (but I really like it). Similar to concentrated multifruit juice.

The peel is dense, sometimes different colors, but mostly purple, burgundy, brown and green-brown. The fruits can be smooth or wrinkled - this is the type of passion fruit that will be ripe. The pulp is jelly-like, with edible seeds. They eat it with a spoon, cutting it crosswise.

Season: September - December.

Prices per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 20 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 190 baht.

(Photo © geishaboy500 / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Carambola (Carambola, Star fruit, Ma-fuang - Thai, Khẽ - Vietnamese)

The beautiful yellow-orange fruit is carambola. The taste is sweet and sour, reminiscent of strawberries. Carambola is juicy and refreshing, pleasant to eat in hot weather. It is so named because when cut transversely, it produces star-shaped lobes.

Season: October to December.

Prices per kg:

  • in Thailand - from 120 baht (and 50 baht for the substrate);
  • in Malaysia - from 4 ringgit.

(Photo © berenicegg / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Chompu (rose apple, waterapple, Chom-phu - Thai, Mân thái đỏ - Vietnamese)

Chompus are unusually juicy - it seems as if they are made of water. Perfectly quenches thirst. The taste is barely noticeable sweetish, very pleasant. The aroma is reminiscent of a rose, hence the name. Chompus come in red, green and white colors.

Season: all year round.

Prices per kg:

  • in Thailand - from 200 baht (and 20-70 baht for the substrate);
  • in Malaysia - from 4 ringgit.

(Photo © beautifulcataya / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Jackfruit (Jackfruit, Kha-nun - Thai, Mít - Vietnamese)

Perhaps one of the most memorable and delicious exotic fruits in Asia is jackfruit. Its fruits are round and very large, so it is sold peeled. When cut, jackfruit smells sweet, the aroma is reminiscent of chewing gum and travels far. The segments are bright yellow and smooth. The fruit is very nutritious.

Season: January - May.

Prices for jackfruit substrate:

  • in Vietnam - about 25 thousand dong;
  • in Thailand - from 20 baht.

(Photo © mimolag / flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

Guava (Guajava, Farang - Thai, Ổi - Vietnamese)

We're not crazy about guava. Looks like a pear or green apple, the taste is something between them. In general, the flesh is pleasant, sweetish, and comes in white and pink colors. Choose a softer guava; it is impossible to eat an unripe one - it is hard and has a pine flavor.

Season: all year round.

Prices per kg:

  • in Vietnam - from 19 thousand dong;
  • in Malaysia - from 4 ringgit.

(Photo © cKol / flickr.com / License CC BY-ND 2.0)

Durian (Durian, Too-ree-an - Thai, Sầu riêng - Vietnamese)

The same king of fruits that everyone has heard about. Reviews about durian are contradictory: some say they will never eat it, while others are crazy about it. Our first acquaintance with durian turned out to be unsuccessful: the sweetness was mixed with a distinct taste of either onion or garlic - not the pleasure we expected after reading laudatory reviews about the heavenly taste of this exotic fruit. After consumption, the garlic taste lingers in the mouth for a long time. By the way, the smell is not completely disgusting, but sometimes even pleasant - apparently, it depends on the variety. We tried durian the second time, having bought a traditional Thai dish, sticky rice with durian and coconut milk. What to say? Don't lie, the taste is truly heavenly! The pulp is very tender, creamy. Remember that it should not be consumed with alcohol.

Season: April - August.

Durian prices in Thailand: from 200 baht per kg (Phuket Town) and from 900 baht per kg in Patong - the price difference is impressive. It is most profitable to buy sticky rice with durian - from 55 baht per package. Nourishing and tasty. The most delicious durians are the small ones sold in Malaysia.

(Photo © Mohafiz M.H. Photography (www.lensa13.com) / flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Introductory image source: © Andrea Schaffer / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

The article gives short description the most popular tropical fruits from around the world.

Longan ("dragon's eye")

The small beige longan fruits have a thin, rough skin. The pulp is milky white, pleasant and refreshing in taste. There is a shiny brown seed inside.

On appearance looks like a big green orange. The peel is thick. The core is orange, more or less saturated in color. The taste is reminiscent of grapefruit, but sweeter, without bitterness.

Tender, fresh in taste, milky cream The core of the lychee is covered on top with a rough, reddish skin. There is a bone inside that can be eaten. The size of the fruit is 2.5-4 cm.

A bright red, plum-shaped fruit. The pulp is juicy, yellow-orange. There is a small flat bone inside. The skin is not eaten, but is cut off in a thin layer. Sweet, but not cloying, quite dense in consistency.

A sweet and sour fruit the size of Walnut. Grows in clusters on trees. The outer beige skin is peeled off. Inside there are slices of milky pulp that are eaten.

Miniature copy of an orange. The fruit can be eaten fresh, whole (along with the skin), or in the form of marmalade, jams, or added to tea. Rich in vitamins. It is highly valued as a folk medicine.

It has the shape of a bell. The structure is reminiscent of an apple: thin skin in red tones and dense, crispy light flesh. The taste and aroma is similar to rose.

The unique smell and taste of coconut is recognizable in every corner of the world. In Thailand, coconut is often used to quench thirst: a hole is made in the upper part of the fruit into which a straw is inserted. Coconut milk has a delicate and light taste. The coconuts themselves fresh They are green on the outside and the usual white on the inside.

It is important to eat this juicy exotic fruit when ripe. Pineapple has thick brown skin and bright yellow flesh. The shape is oval, with a small bunch of hard leaves at the top. In Thailand it is eaten with salt.

A very controversial fruit. It has excellent taste, but an intolerable aroma. The tender pulp is located in the core of the round, spiky fruit. Gourmets claim that if, despite the unappetizing smell of either gasoline or rotting food, you still try an unusual fruit, you will not be able to think about anything else.

A huge fruit weighing up to 50 kg is the “progenitor” chewing gum Juicy Fruit produced by the Wrigley Company. The pulp of the jackfruit consists of pieces that resemble yellow in appearance. bell pepper. The top of the fruit is covered with thick green-brown peel. The taste is sweet, the fibers are slippery and juicy. It is eaten raw or cooked.

There are two types: golden passion fruit and the so-called “passion fruit” with purple-violet peel, which is considered slightly poisonous. The pulp is jelly-like, with many seeds, and has a sweet and sour taste.

A small fruit covered on top with a dense, smooth peel of rich eggplant color. The white core of the fruit, consisting of segments, like a tangerine, is eaten. Taste sour-sweet, nice.

The fruits of the plant are small, up to 6 cm, round. The top is covered with a bright crimson peel with long shoots curved towards the end. The pulp is milky, juicy, fresh. The taste is similar to sweet white grapes.

Pitahaya (in Russian version “Eye of the Dragon”)

The fruit resembles kiwi in taste, but not in appearance. Thick, dragon scale-like skin of rich pink-raspberry The color is hidden by white flesh, with many tiny black seeds.

Juicy and sweet floral taste of carambola and its unusual shape the stars make the fruit unique. Ripe fruits are yellow in color and are eaten whole.

Cherimoya (noina)

A fruit with a green, thick and lumpy inedible skin. The inside is sweet, with many hard seeds, similar to beans. Ripe fruits are soft, easy to cut or even break in half.

Exotic berries of Thailand: names, photos, description for the game

Jujube (jujube)

The berries have a round, oblong shape. The skin color is greenish, turning into red-brown. The core is white, dense. There is a hard bone inside. It tastes like an apple.

The structure of papaya is similar to melon. Thin but rough skin, juicy pulp and a cluster of black seeds in the core. The taste is peculiar, sweet. Echoes the taste of pumpkin and carrots.

Watermelon, not exotic for our latitudes, can surprise you in Thailand. Here it is not only the usual red, but also orange and yellow. There is a seedless variety.

Goji berry, which has become incredibly popular due to its healing properties bright coral colors, slightly elongated. It is consumed mainly in dried form. When fresh, the fruits can cause stomach upsets.

The small green berries are somewhat reminiscent of unripe plums in appearance. The skin is thin and edible. There is a dark green seed inside. They grow on trees, directly on the bark. They are believed to have unique anti-aging properties. Contain a large number of vitamin C.

Popular tropical fruit from South America

Fruit of the Brazilian palm. Externally it resembles blueberries. It is consumed in the form of juices, purees, and as an additive to muesli. The taste is similar to grapes.

The fruit is the size of a large apple. The peel is lumpy, rough, green. The pulp may be yellow or reddish in color. The taste depends on the variety: from sweet to sour.

A distant relative of the familiar tomatoes. Oblong shape, orange and red shades. The skin has an unpleasant aftertaste, so it must be removed before eating. The taste is similar to tomato, but with hints of passion fruit.

Small physalis fruits are located inside a box of dry leaves. A bit like a big one yellow cherries. The taste is juicy and sweet.

Cashew fruits, which in our latitudes are mistakenly considered nuts, consist not only of dense seeds. Part of this fruit is juicy and sweet in taste. Externally, the cashew fruit resembles a pepper pod red-orange colors.

oblong fruit creamy-greenish shade with purple longitudinal stripes. The pit is inedible. They eat the juicy, melon-like pulp.

Large, up to 30 cm in diameter, breadfruit fruits are similar in shape to melons. The peel is green, hard, with small tubercles. The core is creamy yellow, sticky, and sweetish in taste. It is most often used in cooked form, but can be eaten raw.

Tropical fruits photos, names, descriptions

Snake fruit (salak)

The fruit is drop-shaped and the size of a medium pear. The skin resembles snake scales and is a shiny brown color. Easy to clean. The pulp is white. Different varieties taste may vary.

Tamarind (Indian date)

The fruits of the plant are often called “pod fruit”. Externally, the fruits resemble light brown beans. Sauces and mousses are prepared from the seeds inside the pod. They can also be eaten raw. The taste is sweet and pleasant.

Children's fantasies about chocolates growing on trees have a basis in reality. The fruits from which chocolate is obtained grow on the trunks of tropical trees. Outwardly they resemble a very elongated pumpkin. Depending on the variety and degree of ripening, they may be yellowish or red.


A fruit whose pulp structure resembles a persimmon. When unripe, it knits. Round, covered with brown skin on top. The pulp is dark, with small, easily separated seeds.

Sirsak (soursop)

Large, up to 7 kg, fruits. The outside is covered with a greenish, dense and rough peel. The pulp is white, airy, with a pleasant taste of strawberry and lemon.


Dragon fruit (geow mangon) or pithaya is covered with bright pink scales with bright green edges. The white, red or purple flesh with many small seeds is especially tasty with yogurt.

The translucent pulp of rambutan is very sweet and contains vitamins C, B1 and B2, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, and phosphorus. Canned rambutans are often stuffed with pineapple and served over ice. In Asia they say: “Eating even one rambutan will lengthen your life.”

At first glance, guava fruits can be mistaken for unripe watermelon. This tropical fruit has a thick green skin and pale pink contents with a pleasant aroma. In the distant past, the aroma of guava trees made the Spaniards think they were in heaven on earth.

The mangosteen is a small, round fruit with thick, dark purple skin and large green leaves. The mangosteen fruit is considered one of the most exquisite fruits in the world. The aroma of mangosteen fruit combines the aromas of apricot, melon, rose, lemon and something else elusive.

Jackfruit is a fruit the size of a large melon with a huge number of seeds inside. The taste of jackfruit is somewhat reminiscent of a pear. All parts of the plant, including the peel, contain sticky latex, so you need to grease your hands when cutting this beauty sunflower oil or wearing rubber gloves

Longkong grows in clusters and is very similar to fossilized grapes: each fruit has a hard rind. But it’s easy to eat: press on the skin, and a small yellow ball of translucent white pulp with a delicate, pleasant taste will pop out.

Carambola is one of the most beautiful fruits because carambola fruits are shaped like a star. Carambola has a pleasant floral flavor, but is not sweet. Carambola is used to prepare salads, sauces and soft drinks. There is no need to peel the fruit, you can simply cut it into pieces.

Durian (thurien) is a large green spiky fruit that smells monstrous but is tender and pleasant taste. You need to eat it like drinking vodka: exhale and, without breathing, put the pulp into your mouth. You will not be allowed into a hotel, on a plane, or into a restaurant with durian.

Sapodilla is a fruit that is light brown in color and shaped like an egg. Sapodilla pulp has a pronounced milky-caramel taste.

Salacca is not a fish. These are scaly, dark brown, bulb-like fruits. Inside them - orange pulp. The taste of herring is, as usual, specific.

Lychee is a small, round fruit with a hard, thin, red shell that hides sweet, juicy white flesh that has a slightly tart taste. Lychee fruits are used fresh for food, and various sweet dishes are prepared from them (ice cream, jelly, creams, etc.

Sugar apple. Under the lumpy marsh-green skin of this fruit hides sweet, aromatic, milky pulp. Before consumption, the rough skin of the fruit is usually opened, then segments of the pulp are eaten and the seeds are spat out. If the fruit is ripe enough, you can eat it with a spoon. The pulp is also used to make desserts and soft drinks. Ripe fruits are soft to the touch, unripe fruits are hard.

Pink apples taste very similar to ordinary apples, only Thai ones are slightly sour.

Tomarillo. Woody tomato with a rosehip flavor ripens on evergreen bushes 2-3 meters high. The fruits are usually orange, red or purple and are similar in shape and size to a chicken egg. Sweet and sour taste Tomarillo - a cross between a tomato, melon and rosehip - is very good for drinks and salads. The skin must be removed before use.

Nispero. The shape is similar to a large plum, with two or three dark seeds inside and sweetish-sour juicy pulp. Nispero is low in calories and rich in vitamins A, B2, C, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Physalis (aka Peruvian gooseberry, (so named for its taste slightly reminiscent of gooseberries), aka ground cherry, aka strawberry tomato, Physalis, cape gooseberries) is the closest relative of the tomato and potato. This light fruit is mainly grown in the South and Central America, it is available almost all year round. It is nothing more than an edible version of decorative "Chinese lanterns". A winged crinoline of dried petals rises up, revealing a matte golden berry underneath. Sweet and sour, with slight bitterness and slightly reminiscent of strawberries in taste, the pulp is full of tiny grains. The main advantage of physalis is that it is an excellent source of vitamin C.

Cherimoya. This fruit often grows in a heart shape, with a smooth green surface similar to a closed one. pine cone. If you break such a cone in half, you will find white pulp with a pear taste and inedible black seeds inside. It is most convenient to eat this pulp with a spoon directly from the shell, or you can cut it into a punch of sweet white wine.

Tatiana Solomatina

TOP 10 exotic fruits: where are they found and what do they taste like?

Hello, friends! Are you planning to go to a southern country on vacation? Then you just need to find out what exotic fruits there are. Today we will talk about tasty and healthy.

Read a short review: the appearance and taste of the fruit, ripening season, storage features. See photos and videos.

This round tropical fruit is red in color and can reach up to 5 cm in diameter. There is one seed in the middle of the berry. In its shape, texture and seed, the fruit is similar to lime-yay, but only with a more pronounced aroma and taste. The fruit is very tasty, sweet and juicy, although sometimes slightly sour. Under the skin, which is easily removed, is the plum pulp, which is white in color.

Fresh lychees can only be found during the harvest season, which begins at the end of May and lasts until the end of July. Between seasons of fruit ripening, you can find it canned in jars or plastic containers. Lychees are usually preserved in their own juice or coconut milk.

Ripe exotic fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks. If you peel them and immediately freeze them, they will last in the freezer for up to 3 months and retain all their beneficial properties.

Where to try: Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Australia, China.

It is worth noting that lychee fruits contain pectin, proteins, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. Those consumed in sufficient quantity These exotic fruits, due to their very high content of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), usually do not suffer from atherosclerosis. Therefore, in the region where lychees grow, quite low level of this disease.

Rambutan - "hairy fruit"

The fruits of this exotic fruit are round, red, about 5 cm in diameter, covered with a peel with soft shoots resembling spines. Under the skin there is white-transparent flesh, sweet in taste and sometimes sour. The bone is quite difficult to separate from the pulp, but it is also edible.

The tropical fruits of rambutan contain vitamin C, as well as a lot of carbohydrates, protein, phosphorus, calcium, iron and nicotinic acid, which is very good for health. The shelf life of such fruits is short - up to 7 days in the refrigerator.

The ripening and harvesting period for these fruits is quite long, from May to October.

Where to try: Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Colombia, Ecuador, Cuba.

Jam is made from rambutan fruits, jelly is made, and the pulp is also preserved.

Mangosteen can also be called garcinia or mankut

These exotic dark purple fruits are the size of small apple. The peel of the fruit is very thick and inedible, and the edible white pulp looks like cloves of garlic. Tasty, sweet pulp with a slight sourness has a unique taste unlike anything else. There are no seeds inside, although some fruits sometimes contain small ones. soft bones, but they can be eaten.

Mangosteen fruits are sometimes defective and have dark creamy, sticky, and unpleasant-tasting flesh. But in appearance, such fruits cannot be distinguished from normal ones until the peel is removed.

The harvest is harvested from April to September.

Where to try: Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica.

The tropical mangosteen fruit contains beneficial natural biologically active substances that help relieve inflammatory reactions such as redness, swelling, heat, painful weakness.

Dragon's Eye – pitaya, pitahaya

These tropical fruits cactus is so called in the Russian version, in the world this product is better known as Dragon Fruit.

The fruits themselves are oblong and large, about the size of a palm, the color of the fruit is red or pink. The pulp inside the pitaya, studded with small black seeds, is white, sometimes with a reddish tint. The taste is very juicy, tender, slightly sweet, with a taste unlike anything else. The pulp can be eaten with a spoon, scooping it from the fruit cut in half.

Pitaya fruits are harvested all year round.

Where to try: Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Japan, USA, Australia, Israel.

These exotic cactus fruits are considered useful in the treatment of endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus, for stomach pain.

Durian - the king of fruits

The exotic durian fruits are very large, weighing up to 8 kg. The rind of the round, dark green fruit resembles conical spines, like a large hedgehog.

This tropical fruit is famous for its smell. Many have heard of it, some are familiar with its smell, and very few have tried it. The smell is reminiscent of garlic, onions and old socks. Because of this smell, the fruit is prohibited from being brought into public places: hotels, transport, beauty salons. For example, in Thailand, they hang signs in front of the entrance with the image of a crossed-out fruit.

Although the pulp of the fruit itself is sweet and tender, which does not go well with unpleasant smell. But not many people decide to try this fruit. And in vain, because the taste is very pleasant, and durian fruits are considered in Asia a valuable product with beneficial properties. Durian is a powerful aphrodisiac.

The fruit harvesting period begins in April and ends in August.

Where to try: Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines.

It is worth noting that durian cannot be combined with drinking alcohol, because blood pressure can rise sharply and this will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Sal, other names: herring, snake fruit, rakum

The fruits are small in size, oblong or round in shape, have a red (rakum) or brown (herring) color, and are covered with small spines on top.

This fruit has an unusual, bright sweet and sour taste. Some say it resembles a pear, others say it resembles a persimmon. It's worth trying it yourself - at least once.

When peeling and peeling an exotic fruit, you need to be very careful, as the spines are quite dense and can dig into the skin. It's better to use a knife.

Lard ripens from April to June.

Where to try: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia.

Carambola - “star of the tropics”

If you cut a tropical fruit in half, the cut will be shaped like a star. The color is yellow with a hint of green, the size of the fruit is small, there are small seeds inside.

A distinctive feature of the exotic fruit is its edible peel (you can eat it whole) and, of course, its unusual shape. It has nice smell, but the taste does not stand out in any way - slightly sweet or even sweet and sour. The fruit itself is juicy and can quench your thirst.

Ripens all year round.

Where to try: Borneo, Thailand, Indonesia.

Carambola fruits are not advisable for those who have severe kidney problems.

Longan or Lam Yai

Exotic longan fruits are small, reminiscent small potatoes, they are covered with a thin inedible peel, and inside there is one inedible bone.

The taste of longan pulp is quite unique, juicy and sweet, even aromatic.

Longan fruits are harvested from July to September.

Where to try: Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China.

These tropical fruits are very healthy because they are rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and contain many bioacids. To prevent the fruit from spoiling quickly, you should choose a fruit that is ripe, with a thick skin, without cracks.

Longkong - another name for London

Longkong fruits are also similar to longan and small potatoes, only larger in size and pale yellow in color. The inside of the pulp resembles garlic in appearance.

The exotic longkong tastes sweet and sour. Its fruits contain phosphorus, calcium, carbohydrates and vitamin C. If you dry and burn the skin of longkong, the pleasant aromatic smell will also be useful, as it serves as a good repellent.

This tropical fruit cannot be stored for a long time (in the refrigerator - 4-5 days), despite the fact that the peel ripe fruit should be dense and without cracks.

Fruit harvesting occurs from April to June.

Where to try: Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia.

You can find a variety of longkong - langsat, they do not differ in appearance, but the second one has a bitter aftertaste.

Jackfruit or kanoon - Indian breadfruit

The jackfruit is perhaps the largest exotic fruit among those that grow on trees. Its weight can reach 35 kg. The edible pulp inside the fruit appears in the form of several large yellow segments.

The taste of jackfruit pulp is sickly sweet, reminiscent of melon and marshmallow. The fruits of this fruit are very nutritious, they contain a lot of starch, and contain about 40% carbohydrates - this is more than in bread.

Tropical fruits ripen for a long time: from January to August.

Where to try: Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore.

Completely like this big fruit It is inconvenient to store (it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months), it is better to buy slices of pulp already cut up and packaged in plastic. It is worth knowing that some people have an allergic reaction after eating jackfruit: spasms in the throat, it becomes difficult to swallow. This usually goes away after a while, but you need to be careful.

Delicious, right? All these tropical fruits are exotic only for us residents southern countries they are familiar. For dessert, I suggest you watch an interesting video that tells in detail about many of the fruits from my selection.

You'll notice many of the tropical fruits above grow in Thailand. I was able to try almost everything. I just couldn’t appreciate the taste of the stinky durian. It turned out to be beyond my strength. Have you tried it? Write in the comments, it’s interesting to know your feelings. Better yet, send stories, reviews and reviews about your vacation. I will definitely publish them in the “Readers’ Travels” section, read the details.

Subscribe to blog updates, there is still a lot of useful information ahead. Now I’ll say goodbye for a while, see you again!

Tatiana Solomatina

Many people think that tropical fruits are a rather dubious pleasure. But in fact, many of them look so that it is unclear whether they are fruit at all. Of course, our beloved bananas, kiwis and pineapples have long found their place in our food market. But today the story will be about more exotic and strange fruits.


Thanks to close economic ties with Asian countries, a large number of exotic and tropical fruits began to be supplied to us, which have found their place of honor in medicine and cosmetics. People have begun to think more often about what foods they eat. And we can say with confidence that quality nutrition has become a new fashionable trend. It is tropical fruits that contain a huge assortment of various minerals and vitamins, which has a beneficial effect not only on health, but also on appearance.

Home of tropical pleasure

Southeast Asia is simply a paradise, given by nature to exotic lovers. Tropical fruits are quite common in Russian supermarkets. But most often what distinguishes them from the originals is not only the price, but also the taste itself. Sometimes they are loaded with chemicals, as many suppliers send unripe fruits. Every day, people in Southeast Asia enjoy the variety of fruits that grow in their rich land. Exotic fruits are common here.

Tropical fruits, the names and descriptions of which will be presented below, grow in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and other Asian countries. They differ from each other not only in shape and taste properties, but also by names.

Well, let's talk about exotic fruits...

What kind of dragon eye fruit is it?

Homeland of this interesting product- China. Here it is usually called longan, which means “dragon eye”. Why is it called that? When cut in half, the longan resembles an eye. Dragon's eye is a fruit that grows on a tree adapted to tropical climates. Sometimes they can withstand a little low temperatures. This fruit is used not only in cooking, but also in Chinese medicine. The Chinese eat it fresh, dried and canned.

The top of the fruit is covered with a brown peel, which is very thin and can be easily peeled. Next comes a white dense layer, and already inside, in the very center, there is a black seed. Dragon's eye is a fruit that has a juicy and aromatic pulp. If you make longan juice, it will perfectly quench your thirst in the sultry heat.

In restaurants, dragon's eye is served with ice cream. Longan contains vitamin C, phosphorus and calcium. Due to the high level of sugar, dragon eye fruits give strength during illnesses. But you definitely shouldn’t get carried away with eating this tropical fruit, as this entails an increase in body temperature. If you want to prepare an exotic-tropical dessert, you need to boil it in sugar syrup dragon eye fruit and rice.

Fruit of the gods - mangosteen

Mangosteen is a fruit that has 3 names: mangosteen, mangosteen and mangosteen. It is interesting that one product has been awarded as many as three names. The pulp of this exotic fruit is consumed fresh, but soft drinks and juices are prepared from the whole fruit. For someone who has never tried it, it is difficult to describe the taste, but you should take the word of those who claim that it is very tasty.

Despite the fact that the mangosteen peel is too hard, it has beneficial properties and is also used in the preparation of a soft drink. The juice of this exotic fruit can be preserved and then used for treatment and cleansing of the body. Since mangosteen is a healthy and valuable tropical fruit, its cost is quite high.

It is often found on the shelves of Russian supermarkets. But you need to know that mangosteen is a fruit that cannot be frozen. Its shelf life is also short, so the freshness of this product on our market is questionable. You can store this fruit in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 weeks, so you can only hope that the mangosteen is transported and stored exclusively in suitable conditions and no longer than this period.

To enjoy the taste of the fruit, you need to work hard. And this matter cannot be done without a knife. As soon as the thick crust is cut, cream-colored slices (4-8 pieces) appear, which are covered with a blue mesh. The taste is slightly sweet and sometimes tart.

Now let's move on to beneficial properties mangosteen Not every tropical fruit can boast of the solar energy that our body so needs. The amount of antioxidants here is simply off the charts. Thanks to its cleansing and detoxifying properties, mangosteen helps maintain weight. This fruit is perfect complement To dietary ration, it increases the effect of any diet. And important information for older ladies: mangosteen helps maintain youth!

What are the benefits of tropical fruits?

Scientists believe that thanks to the special enzymes included in their composition, they help with weight loss. Tropical fruits have one common and main benefit for our body: they are rich in minerals and vitamins, which are so necessary for our health. Their content of vitamins C and D helps strengthen the immune system. Doctors believe that a green tropical fruit like guava helps strengthen immune system in winter.

tropical star

Carambola is a fruit that, when cut, resembles a five-, six-, and sometimes seven-pointed star. Its fruits are juicy and crispy. They have two taste properties: sweet and sweet and sour. This fruit is considered low-calorie, since 100 g contains only 31 kcal. Carambola is a fruit that is 90% water and contains oxalic acid. People who suffer from kidney problems should avoid consuming this product. tropical sweets. It is the main source of vitamin C and also contains a calorinizer (organic acid). The fruits of this fruit are ideal helpers for reducing blood pressure, and also help eliminate colic, fever and headaches.

When consuming, make sure that the fruit is not damaged. If you want to buy sweet fruits, choose yellow ones because green ones have a sour taste. You can store carambola in the refrigerator, but no more than a month. If you purchased unripe fruits, do not despair. Keep them for several days in room temperature, during this time they will ripen, and then you can put them in the refrigerator. You can eat carambola fresh or add it as an ingredient to fruit salads. To prepare the salad, you need to chop carambola, papaya, strawberries, then add blueberries to them and season with the juice of a whole lemon.

Rambutan: this is exotic

Rambutan is a fruit that has not only unusual name, but also an interesting appearance. Many people think that this fruit is grown through selection, but this is a misconception! It grows naturally. The exoticism of rambutan lies in its appearance, which is more reminiscent of puffer fish. Many fishermen know what this is poisonous fish. This fruit is just as poisonous. Therefore the seeds exotic plant must be fried before use. Rambutan is a fruit that has a sweet taste (sometimes with a hint of sourness) and a rather pleasant aroma. The calorie content of rambutan is high compared to carambola - 60 kcal per 100 grams. But if you take into account the fact that the fruit is rich in minerals, fructose and vitamins, then this is quite a bit. Today, rambutan is grown in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Australia, the Caribbean and Central America.

Before eating rambutan, you need to get rid of the peel, which is inedible. In order to remove it, you need to cut the fruit with a knife or press it with your finger and, after a crack appears on the surface, divide the skin in half. After this, only white pulp with a bone inside will remain in your hands. When raw, the seeds are poisonous, but when fried they are quite edible.

Of course, rambutan is most often consumed raw, but in some countries it is canned like pineapple. It also makes very delicious jams, compotes and desserts.

Thai women use its pulp for facial massage, they believe that this procedure rejuvenates the skin. Eating fruits is recommended for those who want a short time restore your strength. It also reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. With regular consumption, the kidneys are noticeably cleansed.

When purchasing rambutan, you need to focus on its color. Ripe fruit has a bright red peel, the hairs are not spiky and slightly greenish at the ends. If the hairs of the fruit are dry, this means that either the fruit has begun to deteriorate or is already overripe. Even though rambutan has a short shelf life, it is the most imported tropical fruit. But it is best to consume it in the countries where it grows. It's cheaper there and the taste is different.

Hellish smell and divine taste

An interesting fruit is durian. Its taste is reminiscent of cheese, cherry syrup, sweet almond cream and can cause several more incompatible associations. But the fruit is famous not for its interesting taste, but for its specific smell. Tourists compare this smell to a mixture of spoiled onions, turpentine and stinking cheese. Therefore, countries that grow this plant have banned the introduction of durian into public places. The fruit must be eaten very quickly, as a strong smell begins to be felt within a couple of minutes after opening the fruit. And believe me, such a “aroma” is not easy to withstand. Those who try this fruit for the first time in their lives, for a long time are impressed by the aggressive “aroma”, but lovers compare it with savory cheeses. Durian grows closer to the trunk, as it weighs up to 8 kilograms. Therefore, be careful: if such a fruit falls on a person, injury cannot be avoided.

It is better not to touch the pulp with your hands, as it will be difficult to get rid of the smell - it is better to use a spoon. If you close your nose and try tropical durian, then the taste will resemble strawberries sprinkled with nut crumbs. Not only is it eaten fresh, but it is often used as an ingredient in baked goods, added to ice cream or drinks, mixed with rice, or served as a side dish. In Thailand, festivals dedicated to durian are held from May to August. Despite its strange smell, exotic durian will not leave anyone indifferent.

Fruit that gives pleasure

In China, lychee (or fox) is a symbol of sensuality and love. There is a legend about the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He was so captivated by the beauty of his concubine that he ordered his servants to bring her lychee fruits, which grew 1000 km from the imperial palace, as a gift. So what does lychee look and taste like? This fruit has oval shape with pimply red skin. The fruit has a light, jelly-like pulp that has a sweet and at the same time astringent taste. The pulp can be easily separated from the peel. This plant grows very slowly and produces a bountiful harvest only in the first 2 summer months.

It is used in the production of wines, drinks, juices, and salads. Lychees are also canned and used as sweet filling for pies and other baked goods. The fruit goes perfectly with any fish and is perfect as an ingredient in the preparation of sweet and sour sauces. The fruit is low in calories - 60 kcal per 100 grams. If consumed regularly this product, then the digestive system will thank you. Lychee juice is used to make soft drinks, as it has refreshing and tonic properties. High content in fruits, nicotinic acid blocks the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis. It is this terrible disease that causes complications in the form of stroke and heart attack. It is also advisable to consume lychee for people suffering from anemia.

When buying fruit in supermarkets, pay attention to its appearance, and most importantly, the color of the peel. If it is dark, it means that the lychee was picked a long time ago, and its taste will resemble fermented juice. Ideally, the skin should be bright red in color and the fruit should be slightly soft and free of surface damage. How to eat lychees? First, you need to wash the fruit, then remove the peel (this is done quite easily), then remove the pulp onto a plate and, finally, enjoy the taste. And if you add fruits to a glass of wine or champagne, then exotic taste provided for you.

Unusual fruit from Asia

Jackfruit is a fruit that differs from other exotic brothers in its size. The weight of the fetus reaches 36 kg! India is considered to be the birthplace of jackfruit, only then it began to be grown in some Asian countries. The not very pleasant smell contrasts with the striking taste of the fruit. Interesting taste: on the one hand, it is not too sweet, on the other, not sour. Only the pulp with seeds can be consumed. To try it, there is no need to wait for ripening; even unripe fruits have delicate taste. The fruit is cut like a watermelon. If there are brown spots on it, this means that it is either overripe or spoiled.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you. As delicious and enchanting as these tropical fruits may be, consume them in moderation and consult your doctor first. For residents of Asian countries, such exotic fruits are similar to our apples and pears, which we eat every day, but it is dangerous for an unprepared person to eat unfamiliar food. Therefore, before your trip, find out all your diseases and contraindications for consuming certain fruits.
