Crispy pasties: step-by-step recipes for filling and dough. We prepare juicy, aromatic and crispy chebureki at home using step-by-step recipes. Crispy dough for chebureks on water: proven recipes

Chebureks (or a dish similar to them) are found in the cuisine of various Turkic and Mongolian peoples, but they came to us from Crimean Tatars, evidenced by the practically unchanged Crimean Tatar name.

If you follow historical logic, then chebureks should be called only unleavened pies mixed with water, stuffed with minced meat, fried in animal fat. But such logic is not viable, because it would add thousands of new words not only to the culinary, but also to the general dictionary. Therefore the results culinary experiments, even leading to significant changes basic recipe, is called the same as the initial dish, only clarifications are made. There are chebureks with milk, with kefir, chebureks with yeast, chebureks with vegetable filling, with cheese - and so on and so on.

Very often, in new recipes, the boundary between pasties and other dishes is very arbitrary. For example, what is the difference between yeast pasties and white pasties? Only the thickness of the dough. It didn’t work out to roll out thinly - and now you no longer have chebureks, but failed whites. Therefore, we advise everyone starting to master the subtle science of making chebureks to start with the classics.

Cheburek recipe in general terms

No matter what recipe the pasties are prepared according to, the dough for them should be rolled out very thin. This is the essence of the dish: a large hollow pie, the layer of dough of which seems to consist of two parts - a very thin, deep-fried crust, and a tender, also thin, soaked crust. meat juice part facing inward. The filling itself should occupy a small volume of the space that is formed inside the cheburek during frying, but it envelops the pie from the inside, saturates the crust with taste and aroma, and therefore should be juicy.

The popular saying “you can’t spoil porridge with butter” does not apply to pasties: an excess of filling does not decorate them at all and there should be enough meat in moderation. If we are talking about a “standard” pie slightly larger than the palm of your hand, then two or three teaspoons are enough for it liquid minced meat.

Don't skimp on the filling - there should be enough liquid minced meat.

Another important detail is that the chebureki are fried not “in oil”, but “in oil”. Its amount, of course, makes the dish more expensive, especially if you adhere to the rule of not reusing oil, but the lack of fat during frying leads to the fact that the pies do not puff up, but remain flat and hard, and also burn.
To prepare pasties, it is good to have a special cauldron in which they can float.

Proper chebureki are fried not “in oil”, but “in oil”.

Dough for chebureks

Classic recipe

I will not argue that this is exactly the recipe that can be considered the “progenitor” of all varieties of chebureks existing today, but it is the most common and, one might say, basic.

There are no strict proportions for this recipe - some add a little more butter, others add a little more flour, making a stiffer dough, but the recipe can be roughly written like this:

1 tbsp. water
0.5 tsp salt
2-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
3 tbsp. flour (+ flour necessary to give the dough the desired consistency)

To knead the dough, take a deep bowl and pour flour into it (3 cups to start). Make a well in the flour in the center of the bowl, pour water into it, add salt and add vegetable oil.

Next, begin to knead the dough from the water with a spoon, picking up flour from the edges of the funnel until all of it is used. If at the same time the dough has become stiff enough to gather it into a very dense lump, then no more flour is required - the dough is wrapped in film and left to “rest”. If there is not enough flour, add it little by little.

Dough for chebureks chir-chir

Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys’ house and everything was mixed up in the history of chiburek chir-chir. If you try to find the truth among the versions of their origin, you will definitely come across several stories that this is a dish of the Greeks, Karaites, Krymchaks, and there may be others.

In the same way, you are unlikely to find the exact definition of chir-chir and that cherished quality that distinguishes these pasties among its relatives. But nothing can be done about this - globalization, mixing of cultures, information freedom, in which valuable bits of information about rare and unique things are especially easily lost.

However, if you look closely at the pies that are called chir-chir, you will notice their special bubbly nature and assume that the point here is not so much special recipe dough, how much in the method of forming pasties.

So, the pies are rolled out not just from pieces of dough, but from long sausages rolled into “snails”. The result is an almost layered dough, and the air remaining between the layers raises especially many bubbles on the surface of the cheburek.

In general, the dough recipe is similar to the classic one, but sometimes a yolk is added to it.

Choux pastry

2.5 tbsp. flour
1 tbsp. boiling water
0.5 tsp. salt;
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

U choux pastry There are many advantages: it is soft, easy and pleasant to work with, it does not tear so easily and does not require constant addition of flour. You can also avoid the fuss that always accompanies the preparation of chebureks if only one person is involved in the process. Since the blanks are made from regular test quickly become limp at the point of contact with the filling, they need to be done immediately before frying, and the cook has to be “torn” between the cauldron, minced meat, rocking chair and a plate with ready-made pasties.

If you decide to make choux pastry, making chebureks will be easier - you can calmly prepare all the pies for frying, and then carefully fry them, avoiding burnt oil and pies torn in a hurry.

So, pour flour into a bowl and pour boiling water with salt dissolved in it. The flour quickly sets into a lump, after which you can add butter and knead the dough. No more flour is added during the kneading process, and the dough turns out elastic and does not stick.

Like regular dough, the choux pastry for pasties is left to rest for 30-40 minutes.

Chebureks with kefir

It would seem, why reinvent the wheel and complicate a good recipe if it turns out great on water? But knowledgeable people they say that pasties mixed with kefir remain soft even after cooling.

That is, pasties are usually served hot, straight from the cauldron, while they are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Then, as they cool down and absorb moisture from the air, the pasties lose their “crispiness” and become hard, but pasties made with kefir do not have this drawback.

1 tbsp. kefir
1 egg
0.5 tsp salt
3-4 tbsp. flour

The dough is kneaded in the usual way. You can, as in the classic recipe, make a depression in the flour for liquid, but it is more convenient to simply pour kefir and egg into a bowl, add salt and gradually add flour. This dough for chebureks should be slightly softer than dumplings, and it is also left to rest.

Chebureks on yeast dough

We can say with complete confidence that yeast dough– one of the worst options for making chebureks. It is difficult to roll it out to the desired thickness and almost impossible to fry until crispy. Perhaps there is only one argument why it is still worth trying to make yeast pasties - their specific, sour, bready aroma of yeast baked goods. It is delicious.

1 tbsp. water
0.5 tsp salt
0.5 tsp dry yeast
1 tsp. Sahara
1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
3 tbsp. flour

You need to knead the dough and leave it to rest for about an hour. There is no need to melt the dough for a long time, because the task of making the pies “lush” is still not worth it. After proofing, knead the dough and knead a little until smooth.

Filling for chebureks

As I have already said and will repeat more than once, the filling for pasties should be juicy. In the original it is made juicy by lamb fat, but most often (especially if the chebureks are cooked with beef or pork) water or broth is simply added to the fatty minced meat.
Also, the filling for chebureks includes a lot of chopped onions, salt, pepper, and sometimes fresh dill.
As for cutting the meat, the gourmet version chops it. The most experienced chefs do this with two heavy sharp knives, applying light blows crosswise until the meat turns into a homogeneous mass of small pieces.
If the filling is made from minced meat, then the water or broth must be mixed into it very carefully and not leave the minced meat for a long time (or, if the water has separated, beat everything again).

A tasty addition to meat chebureks is cheese. If it is used, it is usually not mixed with minced meat, but laid out in a layer during modeling.

Other fillings:

Cheese in pure form(without meat), cottage cheese, potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage. There are also more extravagant options, for example - salmon, salmon, spinach. However, cheburek is partly just bread, and many foods can be combined with it.

How to cook pasties

When the dough has rested and the minced meat has been prepared, you can put the cauldron on the fire and start forming the pieces. If selected classic dough or kefir dough, then you need to make pasties as you fry the previous batch or ahead of it by 2-3 pieces.

To prepare standard chebureks, the dough is divided into parts the size of a tennis ball and each is rolled out thinly. The blanks should be very thin (about 1 mm) and rolled out evenly. If there are excessively thinned areas on the workpiece, the cheburek will most likely rupture, the juice from the filling will get into the oil and the oil will have to be changed after a while (not to mention the fact that the cheburek without juice will not be as tasty).

How to roll out thin? To thinly and evenly roll out a lump of dough, first roll it into a flat cake, and then run a rolling pin from the center to the edges, turning the workpiece until it reaches the desired thickness.

How to sculpt? When forming pasties, it is very important to firmly mold the edges. To do this, they also use a rolling pin, simply rolling the dough along the edges, and cut off the excess part with a knife or trim the edge with a special wheel, immediately making a curly shape.

How to fry? Pies are fried in large quantities fat - they should float freely in the container and not touch the bottom.

About temperature

The temperature of the oil is very important, since either too high or too low, it radically changes the appearance ready-made dish: if the oil is not warm enough, the dough absorbs a lot of fat, the chebureks turn out heavy, oily and do not crisp. When too high temperature the oil smokes and appears in it burnt taste, and the filling inside the pies does not have time to prepare.

To determine desired temperature for frying, just dip a piece of dough into the oil and wait until the fat around it begins to boil intensely (the test dough should be removed immediately after determining the temperature).

Do I need to pre-fry the filling? Sometimes the minced meat is pre-fried with onions, fearing that the meat will not have time to fry. This is a wrong decision, since frying changes taste properties fillings. The correct approach is to reduce the amount of filling and fry the pasties in a large amount of oil at a high temperature. In this case, the temperature to which the inside of the cheburek is heated is sufficient for the meat to fry in 4-5 minutes.

  1. In order for the surface of the chebureks to become covered with appetizing bubbles when frying, you need to pour boiling fat from a cauldron on top of them, however, too intense watering leads to the rapid swelling of the cheburek and it may burst.
  1. Secret delicious filling– its juiciness, and juiciness is achieved either by adding fat (fatty meat, a piece of fat tail lamb fat, piece butter), or by adding water, broth, sour cream, kefir. Plays a separate role in the filling onion, which gives not only aroma, but also juice.
  1. Combustion temperature sunflower oil more than 200 °C, while other products burn much earlier. To ensure that the oil in which the chebureki are fried remains light and does not smoke for as long as possible, you need to avoid getting any additives into the cauldron. This is especially true for flour and juice from the filling, which is poured into the oil when tearing the cheburek (it is better to brush the flour off the surface raw cheburek with a special soft brush).
  1. To prevent the pieces of onion in the filling from being felt, you need to chop it finely and then roll it with a rolling pin on a cutting board.
  1. The finished pasties are not placed immediately on a plate, but are allowed to drain off the fat by placing them on a wire rack or on a paper towel.
  1. Unrefined oil has more low temperature burning and less suitable for deep frying.
  1. To get a more intense color ready-made chebureks, you can add beer or a little sugar to the dough.
  1. Gourmets recommend using onions for filling in a 1:1 ratio to meat. Another interesting proportion: the amount of minced meat and the amount of dough for one cheburek should be approximately equal.
  1. An original way to add juice to the filling is to add finely chopped peeled tomatoes to the minced meat (one large tomato per 500 g of minced meat).
  1. Chebureks - very tasty, but not quite holiday dish. To decorate the taste and beautifully serve, you can prepare sour cream sauce from sour cream, herbs and a small amount of garlic. And separately on the dish you can put fresh leafy vegetables, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers.

Chebureks as in cheburek

As in any business, the main thing in preparing delicious pasties is experience. Culinary intuition is also important, but it comes with experience and relying only on intuition, if you don’t have at least five or six attempts at preparing a dish (successful or not), is not worth it in any case.

The entire process of making pasties at home was described in sufficient detail above, but finally I would like to once again note the most important points:

To prepare chebureks, as in cheburek (with beautiful bubbles), you do not need vodka, soda, or mineral water.

Three pillars on which this dish rests - thin dough, juicy filling, a large number of fat for frying. If these conditions are met, then the remaining details (the amount of filling, spices, additives in the dough or minced meat) can be brought closer to the ideal through trial (and not necessarily error). If you make a mistake in the main thing, then the details will not help correct the situation.

Today we will make crispy dough for pasties; a delicious recipe with photos is presented below the description, step by step and in detail. I'll show you how to make the dough itself, and at the same time how to mold and fry it into crispy delicious pasties with bubbles.

By the way, you can additionally look at other types of recipes on the website different dough, For example:

And, of course, find out the main ones - 13 important tricks with which you will get an airy and fluffy yeast dough.

And, crispy dough for chebureks, a delicious recipe with a photo, which you will now see, will not leave you one iota indifferent. Moreover, you will prepare it yourself, with quality ingredients, and most importantly, with soul.

Although this dish came to us from Central Asia, our hostesses learned how to make it so well that you will never distinguish the oriental crispy dough for chebureks from our similar dish.

True, in the countries of Central Asia, such chebureks are usually prepared with minced meat And spicy seasonings, but our housewives often cook them with rolled meat - the taste does not change at all and it turns out even juicier.

Useful tips for preparing the filling for crispy dough for chebureks

  1. If you make the filling from minced meat, I recommend adding 2-3 spoons of kefir or milk to it;
  2. It is better to cut the onions with a knife than to run them in a blender, so the filling will be juicier and tastier;
  3. Of course, you can use any meat for minced meat, but it will be tastier if you make assorted lamb, beef and pork - minced chicken also welcome;
  4. if you love spicy dishes, then be sure to add your favorite spices to the filling of the crispy dough for chebureks, I think this will only make them tastier and more aromatic;

Crispy dough for chebureks loves it when it is prepared in a significant amount of vegetable oil (or fat, as in the Caucasus). If you don’t have a deep fryer, then you can take a deeper frying pan and fry pasties made from crispy dough in it, only so that the oil completely hides them, as we already did in similar recipe « ».

Well, now, I’ll tell you and show you how to properly knead crispy dough for pasties; a delicious recipe with photos will help you with this step by step and in detail.

P.S. And this one crumbly dessert for tea "" will disappear from the table before it appears.

Well, now let’s see how to cook it.


In our country, pasties have always been in great demand and today people willingly buy these filled flatbreads prepared in a special way. For the first time such pies with meat filling They began to cook in Central Asia, and among the Turkic and Mongolian tribes, chebureks were especially popular and over time turned into a traditional dish.

Is it possible to cook pasties? with my own hands at home? Of course you can! In this article we will tell you how to properly make the dough crispy with bubbles for these delicious oriental pies traditional way in water, in boiling water, in kefir, in milk, with the addition of vodka. In addition, we have included various recipes in the material with photo steps and a video with step-by-step explanations, with the help of which you can quickly make delicious pasties at home.

Undoubtedly, any housewife will tell you that her recipe for preparing the dish is the most correct and only she knows how to make pasties correctly. But nowadays there are many different recipes for preparing both the filling and the dough for homemade chebureks, different from classic way(which uses ingredients such as water, flour, salt and meat).


if the filling of the cheburek is made of minced meat, then it is very advisable to add a couple of tablespoons of kefir to it;

Do not chop onions in an electrical appliance! It's better to cut it into small pieces with a knife to make the filling more juicy and tasty;

As a rule, lamb or beef is used for the filling. But you can make chebureki with amazing taste if you make minced meat - assorted pork, beef and lamb;

don't add different spices or ingredients that are not included in the recipe until you make it yourself 4-5 different options flatbread with filling. When will you try homemade chebureks? homemade, then you will understand what spices can be added to the dough or filling that will not spoil the original rich taste of this oriental dish;

You can make very tasty pasties in a deep fryer if you don’t have a cast iron cauldron. But in this case, the vegetable oil should completely cover the filled tortillas during cooking.

First, let's look at the popular Lately recipe for making delicious and fluffy chebureki with kefir with bubbles on a crispy dough.


If you want to make delicious puff pasties at home, then be sure to try making the dough for them with low-fat milk!
The dough, which you can make using the recipe below, is very easy to roll out and is stronger than unleavened dough. Time to prepare pasties with rich taste this method may take a little more, but the result is excellent and delicious taste qualities The dishes are worth it!

For work we will need:

How to make dough with milk:

Dilute the salt in the milk and carefully pour the flour into it, constantly stirring the contents. Add vodka to the same container, but not all at once, but a tablespoon at a time. Now knead the dough with your hands. If the mass turns out to be excessively dry, it is advisable to knead it with wet hands. The dough should come out in the form of a rough and loose substance. After that, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


Do you know how they make delicious and fragrant pasties Crimean Tatars? Below you will find a recipe on how to properly make dough for chebureks with vodka. If you add the famous one correctly and at the right time Reviver into the dough, then the rolled out dough will become covered with bubbles during the frying process and you will get a crispy crust. Be sure to follow the proportions of ingredients indicated in the dough recipe!


  • 640 grams of wheat flour,
  • 35 ml soft vodka,
  • 1 egg
  • 340 ml water,
  • 35 ml vegetable oil
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Cheburek dough with vodka:

Pour water into a deep saucepan and add oil and salt;

Pass the flour through a sieve several times and add it in small portions to the pan, constantly stirring the contents with a spoon. Do not add all the flour, but only 300-400 grams;

Remove the pan from the stove only after the flour has completely dispersed. When the mixture has cooled completely, add the rest of the flour. Now you can knead the dough;

Add the egg to the loose mass and continue kneading the dough, gradually adding vodka until the contents turn into a tight and non-sticky mass;

Now you need to wrap the dough well soaked in vodka in cling film and leave it like that for an hour. After this, you need to knead the dough again, remove it from the film, wrap it again and put it in the refrigerator overnight.


According to one version, Russians learned how to cook chebureks from the Crimean Tatars after the Russian-Turkish wars. And of course, they soon came up with a recipe for pasties with vodka. Correct chebureks and delicious chebureks - hot, with crispy edges, with juicy meat, which captures the aroma of onions and spices. We associate cooking chebureks with Caucasian or Central Asian cooks and seem to be a difficult task. But making chebureks at home should not scare you. You too can make excellent homemade chebureks. Basically ordinary meat pies They are very reminiscent of chebureks, the recipe for this Asian pie is different first of all original recipe test. Chebureks are easy to prepare at home, the main thing is to know good recipes Chebureks. We offer you homemade chebureks, a recipe for chebureks with cheese, a recipe for dough for chebureks. And of course, the recipe for pasties with meat, the photo of these ready-made pasties makes even a well-fed person’s mouth water. In general, it has been noticed that in the case of chebureks, a recipe with a photo has magical properties - it makes you think only about chebureks.

Preparing dough for chebureks is very important point. If you want to know how to cook chebureks, you must thoroughly understand how to prepare dough for chebureks. So, remember, if you are planning to make pasties, the dough recipe does not contain yeast. Usually the dough for chebureks is kneaded in water, but you can also make the dough for chebureks in milk. There are chebureks made with beer, chebureks made with kefir, and they even make choux pastry for chebureks. The dough for chebureks turns out delicious if you add a little vodka to it. The dough for chebureks with vodka turns out crispier. In principle, for the same purpose they make dough for chebureks with beer, dough for chebureks with kefir. You can save time and make the dough for pasties in a bread machine, you will get delicious pasties from choux pastry. Well, for lovers of gourmet cuisine - chebureks made from puff pastry, also very tasty chebureks. Recipe with puff pastry resembles a dish close to chebureks - burek, or meat pie.

With this, we finish our educational program on how to make dough for chebureks, and move on to the filling for chebureks. The filling for chebureks is usually meat, and chebureks with meat are the most familiar to us. Minced meat for chebureks can be prepared from any meat, always with onions. Delicious recipe chebureks with meat, in which dill is also added to the minced meat. However cheburek recipe can use other fillings, for example, there are pasties with cheese, pasties with potatoes and others Lenten chebureks. The recipe for making them is the same.

Finally, we conclude our article on how to make chebureks with a description of the last operation of preparing chebureks. There are two main ways to fry pasties. The first is deep-fried, i.e. when the hot oil completely covers the cheburek, the second - with a small amount oil, which fries the pasties on one side.

So you know how to make pasty dough and how to cook pasties. This recipe will not leave any member of your family indifferent. We hope you will write to us soon on how to make pasties according to your recipe. So we are waiting for your pasties. A cooking recipe with a photo will help other home cooks do everything right.

- Hey, friend, why do you have only onions in your pasties?
- Eh, you’re offending me, brother, not just one onion - many onions!

Anecdote from the times of perestroika

Refuse tasty, appetizing, with golden brown crust Cheburek is difficult. In which of national cuisines This dish appeared and how to prepare it correctly is still hotly debated. In fact, homemade chebureks are seemingly ordinary pies with filling, only they are prepared in a large amount of vegetable oil and look very original.

All of you, of course, know that for juicy, aromatic pasties, they put a lot of onions in the filling. And this is not a joke - the onion, releasing its juice when frying, makes the filling divine! But not everyone gets it right with the test. After all, it should be at the same time thin, soft, with a slight crunch, and not rubbery.

The dough for chebureks is the subject of culinary controversy. Some people prefer classic recipe, and someone prepares dough for chebureks with kefir, mineral water, beer or even vodka. The dough for chebureks includes: simple ingredients. Here are just the secrets of cooking from them correct test still worth considering. Many housewives do not add eggs to the dough so that the pasties do not turn out brittle, while others knead the pasty dough for hot water so that it turns out tender and elastic.

In any case, you can choose the most convenient option for yourself, but our task is to tell you how to prepare dough for pasties.

The most common dough recipe for chebureks

3-3.5 stacks. flour,
1 tbsp. warm water,
½ tsp. salt,
3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

This is the recipe that most of our housewives use, varying the amount of ingredients at their discretion: some add a little more flour, while others add butter. If you are used to working with dough on the table, go ahead, but if you have a deep container for this case, use it. Take flour for cooking highest quality and sift it first. Pour the flour into a heap, make a depression in it, pour water into it, add salt, vegetable oil and slowly, picking up the flour from the edges, knead the dough. If it turns out stiff and can be rolled into a tight ball, there is enough flour and no more need to be added. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave it alone for 30-40 minutes, and then start preparing the pasties.

Cheburek dough with bubbles

2 stacks water,
3-3.5 stacks. flour,
1 tsp. salt.

Pour all ingredients into deep container(bowl or pan) and stir until stiff homogeneous mass until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Form the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film or put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then proceed to further actions.

Dough for chebureks with milk

2.5 stacks flour,
1 tsp. salt,
1 stack milk,
1 tbsp. l. vodka.

Pour milk into a saucepan, heat but do not boil, add salt, stir until it dissolves. Sift the flour into a bowl or directly onto the table in a heap, make a small depression, pour milk into it and slowly vodka. Knead the dough. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for an hour. In the meantime, you can start preparing the filling yourself.

Dough for chebureks with kefir

2.5 stacks flour,
1 tsp. salt,
1 stack kefir,
1 egg.

In a deep bowl, beat the egg using a whisk or just a fork. Then pour in kefir and stir. Next, gradually add the pre-sifted flour in small portions. Mix everything well and, placing the dough on the table, continue kneading it until the desired consistency. Form the resulting dough into a ball, wrap it in film or place it in a plastic bag and leave it to rest right on the table for 40 minutes.

Quick dough for chebureks with mineral water

4 stacks flour,
1 egg
1 tbsp. l. mineral water,
1 tsp. Sahara.
a pinch of salt.

I would like to remind you once again that you can reduce or increase the amount of ingredients at your discretion, depending on what kind of dough you want to get. So, beat the egg well with salt and sugar, add mineral water and take care of the flour. Sift the flour onto the table in a heap, make a well and pour in the resulting mass of eggs, salt, sugar and mineral water. Gently knead the dough, picking up flour from the sides. The dough should be dense, homogeneous and, most importantly, not sticky. Wrap it in cling film and leave for an hour in a warm place. After an hour, punch down the dough, roll it out and start cooking. Flatbreads made from this dough need to be made thinner than dumplings or dumplings.

Dough for pasties made with beer

2.5 stacks flour,
1 egg
1 stack light beer,
1 tsp. salt without a slide.

Beat the egg with salt (by the way, you can add less salt), add beer room temperature, stir. Gradually add sifted flour to this mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. Place the dough on the table and continue kneading until the mass stops sticking to your hands and rolls freely into a ball. You can simply cover this ball with a towel and leave it on the table to reach the desired condition for 40-50 minutes. The finished (already fried dough), thanks to the presence of beer in it, will turn out tasty and crispy.

Dough for chebureks with vodka

4-4.5 stacks. flour,
1 egg
1-1.5 cups. water,
2 tbsp. l. vodka,
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
2 tsp. salt.

The presence of vodka in the dough will be completely unnoticeable. But adding this ingredient allows you to prepare surprisingly crispy and tasty pasties. It is known that vodka acts in such cases as a leavening agent and makes the dough tender and airy. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Then pour a glass of flour into the water, stir, pour into a deeper and larger container and cool the mass. Then beat the egg into it, pour in the vodka and add the rest of the flour. Do not rush, add flour gradually and knead until elastic, homogeneous and without lumps. Cover the resulting dough with a towel and leave it on the table for 30 minutes to rest, and then put it in the refrigerator for an hour. You will see, the result will exceed your expectations.

Choux pastry for chebureks

3 stacks flour,
¾ stack. water (boiling water),
1.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
1 egg
1 tsp. salt.

Pour water into a small saucepan and place on the stove, add salt, vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Immediately add half a cup of flour to the water. Mix thoroughly to avoid lumps and set aside to cool to room temperature. Then beat in the egg, mix well and use the remaining flour. Pour it in a heap on the table, make a depression and pour it there custard mass. Knead the dough. It should turn out homogeneous and viscous. Leave it alone for literally 30 minutes, and then stir again and proceed to further actions, that is, preparing the pasties.

Puff pastry for chebureks

2.5 stacks flour,
200-250 g butter,
½ cup cold water,
½ tsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. salt.

Let the butter melt slightly and then cut it into small pieces. Sprinkle them with flour and stir until smooth. Do in finished test funnel and pour it in cold water, add sugar, salt and mix everything carefully. The dough should be elastic. If necessary, add a little more flour. Transfer the dough into a deep bowl, cover with a towel soaked in water and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, take out the dough, place it on the table, roll it out, fold it into an envelope, folding the edges towards the center, roll it out again and fold it into an envelope. Do this procedure with the dough 3-4 times and start preparing the pasties. If there is too much dough, divide it into two parts and wrap one of them in cling film and put it in the freezer until the next opportunity.

The dough for chebureks, as you have already seen, is easy to prepare, quick and does not deliver special troubles. This means that tasty, crispy, aromatic chebureks can be easily prepared at home. Try it, and you will no longer be lured by the smell of any pasties, except those that you prepare with your own hands.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina
