Research project "traditional food of the Buryats". Six recipes for traditional Buryat dishes

We live. Perhaps this will be a series of articles. But the first one will be about Buryat national cuisine. If you are planning to come to our republic, then it will be useful for you to know where you can eat tasty and satisfying food. And most importantly, what to eat and how much it will cost.

To properly enjoy the whole range of taste and aesthetic sensations, you should try Buryat cuisine for the first time in a yurt. Today we decided to have lunch at such a yurt snack bar. A cafe usually consists of two or three yurts placed side by side. In one yurt they cook, in the other/others they take orders and have tables. If the yurt is small, then you will find small chairs and tables made in the national style:

If the yurt is larger, then the tables and chairs are of a more usual size:

Since winter temperatures in Buryatia often drop below -30, there is usually a stove in the center of the yurt:

The most famous and beloved dish by many tourists is “buuzy” (also called “poses”). The price for one pose varies from 25 to 35 rubles depending on the size and location of the cafe. Buuza is minced meat wrapped in a special way in dough. Despite its apparent simplicity, few people can prepare buuzas correctly. There are several recipes for making buuz. The recipe mainly differs in the method of grinding meat for minced meat and the percentage different varieties meat. According to legend, a properly prepared buuza should have 33 tucks. It is customary to eat buuzas with your hands.

Less known to tourists, but no less important in Buryat cuisine is traditional soup with homemade noodles. The broth is made from finely chopped beef, to which homemade noodles are added. It's simple, but very tasty and nutritious dish. It looks a little like a dish from Southeast Asia, but other than salt there are no spices at all. The average price is 60-100 rubles per serving.

In Buryatia, it is customary to eat simple boiled meat with broth. This dish is called buhler (possibly a more correct spelling is bukhleor or buheler). Prepared from beef or lamb. Large potatoes are sometimes added to it, but the original should contain nothing but meat. The most delicious “cafe” buffalo is served at a roadside eatery in the village. Bar Mukhorshibirsky district. The price of a serving varies from 80 to 150 rubles depending on the serving size and the meat used for cooking. Lamb buffalo is more expensive.

In proper Buryat cafes, buhler is served with a cutting board.

Another popular dish- sharbin. Fried flatbread with minced meat inside. This is not quite a Buryat dish, but rather a Mongolian one, it appeared 10-15 years ago and now occupies a place of honor on the menu of Buryat cafes. The cost of one flatbread is 40-50 rubles.

For dessert, standard pancakes and Buryat pastries - boovs - are offered. Boovs are deep fried pieces. yeast dough. Usually served with condensed milk. Price 20-30 rubles per serving.

You might think that Buryat cuisine very fatty and high in calories, that’s how it is. But there’s nothing you can do about it, when winter lasts six months a year, you can’t do without such food.

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What can you do, popular dieting is also inherently “racist”. The diet, which involves giving up white foods, comes in several versions that are available online for free. These versions of the “white diet,” as black and striped Americans call it, differ in detail. The basic rule of all menus is to not eat processed food. white and close to shades of white. Don't be fooled by the picture below, white vegetables are welcome, as are any vegetables in any sensible weight loss diet.

A diet without white food is not a low-carb diet. The goal of excluding white foods from the diet is to reduce the glycemic index of the food consumed by a person. The body secretes less insulin - the dieter's desire to overeat is less.

What is it white food? Sources say that it should be understood pasta, potatoes (if they are white, otherwise there are different ones), white beans, white sugar, White bread and everything that is made from wheat flour. And also salt and milk. Brown rice bran bread, green and colorful vegetables and fruits, nuts and red meat are fine. It is very undesirable to drink store-bought juices with added sugar. The amount of food taken in the white diet recommendations is usually not limited. There are also no special physical exercises included.

All vegetables except potatoes fresh fruits, fish and seafood, lean meats, nuts, cheese, beans, bran or whole wheat bread, brown rice, olive oil. You can use sweeteners based on sucralose (E955), which is not absorbed by the body.

Approximate daily menu of the “white” diet

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs or omelet, two pieces of black bread;
  • Morning snack: fresh strawberries;
  • Lunch: salad brown rice, tuna and vegetables with balsamic dressing;
  • Afternoon snack: walnuts, some raisins;
  • Dinner: grilled lamb, steamed asparagus, green salad;
  • At night: one peach.

Benefits of a no white food diet:

  • There is no need to count or measure anything;
  • Goes out of the diet white flour and sugar, which are sources empty calories and the cause of fluctuations in blood sugar levels;
  • Anti-dietary foods such as cookies, bread, cakes, pizza, ice cream and potato chips are excluded;
  • Eating “good” carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables is encouraged;
  • May prevent or delay the development of diabetes;
  • Eliminating salt from your diet can help reduce excess blood pressure.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • Healthy white foods such as chicken breast and dairy products;
  • A dieter may think that all food that is not white is good for him;
  • Fatty foods such as hard cheese, at the same time, cottage cheese is excluded;
  • Nothing is said about the benefits of physical exercise and psychological work on oneself.


Removing flour and sugar from your diet is, of course, very good. However, a diet program does not guarantee success in losing weight. For many dieters, a diet without "white foods" is a way to balance insulin levels and avoid false hunger, which will lead to reduced calorie intake.

On such a diet, to tell the truth, it’s not surprising to overeat - for example, fatty nuts, vegetable oil, cheese. That is, the color of food is still not a criterion for its dietary content.

Buryatia is a part of Siberia with a rich ancient history. Over the course of its existence, it has experienced many transformations, which, naturally, left their mark on its culture. Buryat cuisine is a vivid reflection of all the political and historical changes that took place on the territory of the republic for many centuries.

Distinctive features

The people of Buryatia were formed spontaneously. When Russia clearly defined its external border with China at the beginning of the 18th century, some Mongol tribes remained in Transbaikalia. It was they who in the future made up the same Buryat people who united different cultures, religions and customs. All tribes contributed to this in their own way. The famous Buryat cuisine has retained the peculiarity of each of them. Basically, the people living in this territory previously led a nomadic lifestyle. They were forced to spend every day great amount energy, which was replenished through food. This is probably why Buryat cuisine includes hearty and very high-calorie dishes.

The local people are very fond of various rich soups and, of course, meat. Usually it is lamb or horse meat. Buryat cuisine numbers hundreds different options their preparations. The most famous of the first courses is shulap. This is a soup with homemade noodles, vegetables and fresh herbs, cooked in lamb broth. Homemade sausages made from a mixture are also very popular different varieties meat. And after eating, Buryats like to drink unusual green tea with salt, butter and milk. He is considered a real national energy drink and is always served when meeting guests.

Dough dishes

Many people don’t even realize how diverse and interesting Buryat cuisine is. The recipes for some dishes, however, are very similar to those prepared by residents of central Russia or the peoples of Transcaucasia. Take, for example, very tasty and fragrant poses.

To make them in Buryat style, you need to have the following products:

  • For the dough: for a glass of water - 2 eggs and flour, so that the mass turns out stiff.
  • For the filling: 0.5 kilograms of beef and pork, a glass of water, two onions, 3 cloves of garlic, a little chili pepper, paprika, green onions salt and basil.

The cooking process consists of 4 parts:

  1. First of all, prepare the filling. To do this, grind the meat into minced meat, and then add chopped garlic and onions and other seasonings. Add water to the resulting mass and mix again.
  2. To prepare the dough for the beaten egg with water, gradually, without stopping kneading, add flour in parts until it becomes sufficiently stiff. After this, the mass should be left for 40 minutes, after covering it with a towel.
  3. Roll out the dough into a layer, and then use a mold to divide it into round pieces. Mash each piece so that its edges are thinner than the middle.
  4. Place the filling in the center of each piece, and then pinch the edges so that there is a small hole at the top.
  5. Place the semi-finished products in a double boiler and leave them there for 30 minutes.

Before serving, the appetizing poses can be watered soy sauce and sprinkle with pepper.

Fragrant shangi

Some dishes of Buryat cuisine are borrowed from other peoples. So, for example, the famous Shangi are better known as This once again confirms the origin of the Buryat people.

To prepare real shangi, you will definitely need: 900 grams of flour (of which 600 are wheat, and 300 are rye), a pinch of salt, 250 grams of butter, a glass barley groats, a little sour cream and 250 milliliters (glass) of sour milk.

Preparation will not take much time:

  1. First you need to chop the butter and flour into crumbs.
  2. Then add spoiled milk and knead it cool, but elastic dough, and then put it in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. It's better to do this in advance.
  3. Prepare the filling separately along with the dough. It consists of cereal with salt, doused with sour milk.
  4. Divide the prepared mass into balls, each of which is rolled into a thin cake.
  5. To form a semi-finished product, put a little filling on each piece, and wrap its edges so that you get a small side.
  6. Place the products on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, and send them to the oven. They will remain there until they turn brown. About 5-6 minutes before readiness, pour melted butter over each piece.

Fragrant baskets are made in every Buryat family. Moreover, you can also use cottage cheese or mashed potatoes as a filling.

National soup

True experts understand that, first of all, Buryat national cuisine is a famous rich soup called buhler.

To prepare it you will need: for 3 kilograms of beef with bone - 6 onions, 8 black peppercorns, salt, Bay leaf and a little parsley.

You need to prepare this dish as follows:

  1. Place the meat in a cauldron, fill it with water and put on fire.
  2. A few minutes after boiling, add a little salt and three whole onions.
  3. Turn the heat down and leave the food to simmer for about one hour.
  4. After the time has passed, the meat must be removed. Instead, add chopped herbs and the remaining onion, cut into strips, with spices.

The products need to simmer together quite a bit. After that hot soup You can serve it immediately. You can place a piece separately on a plate boiled meat and potatoes.

Unique product

Salamat is another dish that Buryat cuisine can be proud of. The photo can't convey it unique aroma which it exudes.

It's easy to prepare. You only need to have: 300 milliliters thick sour cream and 4 tablespoons of regular wheat flour.

The preparation process usually takes place in several stages:

  1. Pour the sour cream into the pan and bring to a boil while constantly stirring.
  2. As soon as bubbles appear, you need to add flour and stir the mass so that there are no lumps left in it.
  3. After some time, large yellow drops of oil will begin to appear on the surface. This will signal the end of cooking.

You can eat salamat either hot or cold. Before serving, sometimes add a little kefir to the pan. Buryats love this very much unusual porridge. There should be no sugar or salt in it. This is the peculiarity of the dish. Sometimes salamat is eaten together with boiled potatoes. It is not only delicious, but also very nutritious.

Culture to the masses

Buryat cuisine in Moscow is represented by many establishments Catering. The most famous of them is the Selenge restaurant. It is located on Malaya Dmitrovka and offers visitors a variety of dishes not only Buryat, but also Mongolian, Tibetan and the restaurant is open until midnight and is ready to feed everyone who decides to get to know the culture of friendly eastern countries. Among the hot dishes on the menu are the famous buuz and sharbin (belyashi). A huge assortment of soups (“Genghis Khan”, Khara Shul, Buhler, “Gobi Desert” and “Homemade Noodles”) will allow you to choose the option that suits you. Visitors can try numerous salads (“Khabar”, “Baikal”, “Khan”, “Sayan”), prepared from vegetables, meat, mushrooms and herbs according to ancient national recipes. And you can finish your meal with real Buryat tea, the secret of which is known to the chefs firsthand. There are always a lot of people in this place. People are happy to come here to enjoy again unique taste and touch at least a little rich history ancient people.

The traditional cuisine of Buryatia is an example of how geographic location and lifestyle can influence gastronomic preferences. It is rich in dairy, flour, meat products And hearty dishes, which helped to survive in harsh climatic conditions. It is impossible to remain hungry in Buryatia - you just need to know what exactly Buryat cuisine is famous for.

Main dishes of traditional Buryat cuisine

In modern Buryatia, local cuisine has assimilated with Russian. But the residents of the republic are faithful to their traditions and do not forget about their favorite dishes. Known far beyond the borders of Buryatia buuzy(or poses) - something between manti and dumplings. The minced meat is placed in the dough and buuzas are molded in a shape reminiscent of nomadic yurts. Proper buuzas are made from a mixture of beef and minced pork and steam them. It is important to add onions and fat, then the dish will turn out juicy. Although previously they used minced meat as a filling - this option is also found in local establishments. To avoid getting burned, it is customary to first bite into the buuz, pour the broth into a spoon and drink it.

On the Buryat table there are hearty and easy-to-prepare soups. In the cafe national cuisine you can try soup with homemade noodles and lamb. Broth is cooked with lamb Buhler, which is seasoned with fresh herbs when served. Buryats especially love horse meat dishes. This meat is considered environmentally friendly and healthier than other types. Horse meat is fried with noodles and garlic, and sausage is made from it. Dairy products are no less important. They are not only added to baked goods, but also placed on the table during every meal. Worth a try homemade cheese huruud And ayrkhan- cottage cheese of dry consistency.

For a long time, the Buryats included offal in their diet. They are nutritious, inexpensive and acted as a substitute for meat. For example, from lamb liver kebabs are prepared here. It is not only delicious, but also medicinal dish- allows you to replenish magnesium and phosphorus reserves.

You can’t help but try the Buryat version of pilaf. For him they take at first glance regular ingredients: meat, garlic, rice and onions. But there are two important points: All products are laid out in layers and a generous portion of butter is added. Thanks to this cooking method Buryat pilaf It turns out crumbly, the meat in it is juicy.

Buryat traditional pastries and desserts

Of the many types of Buryat baked goods, the one that stands out is huushuur. This is a flatbread with minced meat, which is fried until crusty. It resembles a pear in shape, and tastes like whiting. You have to leave it for dessert boos- sweet pieces of dough, shaped like an ear and deep fried. Sometimes they are sprinkled powdered sugar or sprinkle with condensed milk. Another popular dessert may seem unusual and even strange. This urme- a delicacy made from bird cherry, cookies, sour cream and sugar. It is eaten both warm and slightly frozen.

Buryat drinks

A popular drink is made from milk Tarasun with a peculiar taste. After one distillation it turns out low alcohol drink, after repeated - a stronger option. Being great lovers of dairy products, Buryats drink yogurt, kumis, and a local variety of kefir - such drinks can be tasted in any city in Buryatia.

And yet the main thing national drink Buryats count tea. Worth a try green tea with addition ghee and milk, which perfectly tones and restores strength. It has long been customary to treat guests to tea with milk. Sometimes salt is added to the drink and tea is served with unleavened yeast cakes.

Climatic conditions and the historical conditionality of survival in the harsh regions of Buryatia have left their unique imprint not only on the lifestyle of the local residents, but also on their diet. Certain regions of Buryatia are famous for well-developed cattle breeding. In addition to cattle breeders, many hunters also live on it. The Baikal region is rich in fish. These three facts are clearly reflected in national dishes ah Buryatia. The peoples inhabiting this land have learned to take care of natural resources and take care of what it gives us.

Prominent among the main ingredients V Buryat national cuisine takes milk, dairy products and dairy dishes dishes like Kurunguru, flatbreads with sour cream Buryat shangi, curd snowballs, dried foam and others. In Buryatia they drink tea with milk. The tradition of consuming dairy products developed historically on the territory of Buryatia, since from time immemorial lands unsuitable for gardening and grain growing were used as pastures on which huge herds grazed. There is a deeper meaning to loving these products. The importance of milk is also emphasized by the custom, according to which the guest is always treated to something milky.

It’s no wonder that one of the components of the national dishes of Buryat cuisine is meat dishes. Along with a variety of sausages, Buryat cuisine is famous for such dishes made from meat as Buhler(broth), ubsun, buuzas (poses), hirmasa, hiime, hushuur(meat pears) and oreomog. Anyone who decides to visit the Republic simply must try it Shulen- Buryat lamb soup and homemade noodles, as well as salamat. And on the third day you will probably be offered green tea with milk, to which is added butter and a little salt. This drink not only quenches thirst, but also cleanses the blood, gives strength and perfectly tones.

Undoubtedly, in many catering outlets you will invariably be offered buuz, better known as “Poses” – the national culinary pride of Buryatia. By the way, the ability to cook this dish is mandatory for every housewife. Moreover, the “poses” should not only be tasty, but also beautiful to look at. Even the number of tucks in each “pose” plays an important role.

Of course, people's tastes change over time. Gradually merge into traditional menu Buryatia dishes of Russian national cuisine and even some widely known European dishes. Nowadays on the Buryat land they coexist perfectly side by side with both Russian and European cuisine, and Buryat, and even “Baikal”.

"Baikal" cuisine differs in that it contains meat dishes There are also fish dishes, which are so rich in the cleanest lake in Russia, Baikal. For many years, residents of the Baikal region ate the gifts of the taiga and the lake, which left its mark on their tastes and preferences. There are also cooking features. Fish is cooked over coals, in a frying pan, and on hot stones. The most famous fish dish recognized by all gourmets on the planet omul fresh salting, and became famous for the methods of preparing fish "Omul on the loose".
