How to put a tincture on chokeberry. Alcohol filling. Useful properties of the drink

The color of fruits and berries determines the presence of certain useful substances. Dark fruits and berries are carriers of anthocyanins, phytonutrients that actively prevent diabetes, heart disease and cancer. One of the plants that you should pay special attention to is chokeberry. Chokeberry can be eaten fresh, or made into jam; tea can be made from dried fruits. Tincture from chokeberry is very popular.

She has wonderful taste qualities and perfectly lowers blood pressure. It is recommended for use by people with thyroid disorders and those who are obese.

Recipes for chokeberry tinctures with sugar-free vodka

Complex tinctures have a much stronger effect on the human body than a tincture based on one ingredient. If, in addition to chokeberry fruits, you use spices, the tinctures acquire a more refined taste and positive additional properties.

Weight loss will be promoted by:

  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • carnation

To combat various tumors in the body, you should pay attention to the recipe for chokeberry tincture in vodka with the addition of:

  • turmeric;
  • ginger;
  • rosemary

A tincture based on chokeberry with the addition of:

  • basilica;
  • anise

A tincture of chokeberry with the addition of:

  • black cumin;
  • coriander

When choosing certain spices for chokeberry tincture, it is worth noting that such a tincture should be consumed in a certain small dosage. Spices have quite a strong flavor and medicinal properties. Their effect on the body is cumulative and serious. Therefore, forty grams of tincture per medicinal purposes will only be beneficial. Ordinary simple chokeberry tinctures, without the addition of spices, additional fruits or berries, have a rich color and rich taste. They can be consumed in larger quantities.

Classic tincture

For classic tincture from chokeberry you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • moonshine

Before cooking, you need to sort the berries, remove spoiled ones, and then rinse them under running water. IN three liter jar pour rowan into two-thirds of the jar. Vodka or moonshine is poured up to the shoulders of the jar. Such a jar can even be rolled up with a lid for better sealing. The tincture will be ready in three weeks. If desired, the same rowan can be poured twice. This will not deteriorate the taste of the tincture.

Honey liqueur

For chokeberry honey liqueur with alcohol you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • alcohol;
  • water;

The fruits of chokeberry are washed and filled into a jar two-thirds full. Alcohol is diluted with water and poured over the berries. Next, add one glass of liquid honey, mix everything well. Close the future pouring with a plastic (plastic) lid. The mixture is left to infuse for two to three weeks. After the expiration date, the liqueur is drained through a sieve or several layers of gauze. It can be consumed immediately or two weeks after the berries are separated.

With sugar

Chokeberry tincture with vodka and sugar is prepared from:

  • chokeberry;
  • vodka;
  • Sahara

Rowan berries are washed, separated from the stalks, and placed in a jar. Pour two glasses of sugar into the prepared product and pour vodka up to the shoulders. The jar is placed in a dry, dark place for about a month. The contents must be mixed every day. After aging for one month, the berries can be strained. Bottles with tincture are sealed and kept for about two or three weeks for the so-called maturation. This drink can be stored for one to three years.

There are many interesting recipes chokeberry tinctures with added sugar, various aromatic ingredients. The most attractive combination is dry lemon peel and vanilla.

With the addition of lemon peels

Chokeberry tincture with the addition of lemon peels and vanilla for gourmets:

  • chokeberry fruits;
  • lemon peel from one lemon;
  • bag vanilla sugar(15 grams);
  • sugar;
  • vodka

The prepared raw materials are washed and poured into containers. Next, add sugar to taste, vanillin or vanilla sugar, lemon peel. The prepared ingredients are poured with vodka. The jar is tightly sealed and placed either in the cellar or in a suitable dry, dark place. The mixture is infused for two to three weeks. Then everything is filtered, carefully squeezing out the raw materials.

You can use it either immediately or after a month. This type of tincture has an amazing aroma and pleasant taste.

From dry chokeberry berries

Rowan tincture from dried chokeberry berries:

  • dry rowan fruits;
  • sugar;
  • vodka

Dried chokeberry fruits are poured with vodka and infused for about two months. The tincture sits a little longer than the drink from fresh berries. After two months, the infusion is filtered and sugar is added. The liqueur should sit with sugar for another couple of weeks. Then the liqueur rests for another week. You can use it for about a year.

Sometimes it happens that you need to prepare a drink very quickly. Quick mountain ash is very easy to prepare. For it you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • sugar;
  • vodka

Before cooking, rowan berries should be washed and chopped in a blender. Add sugar to the puree to taste and mix well. After the sugar has dissolved, add vodka. Leave for ten days and filter.

Making moonshine using chokeberry

Sometimes it happens that after long winter what remains is chokeberry jam. Not only pies are made from it. There are also many recipes for strong drinks. How to make moonshine with chokeberry recipe:

  • chokeberry jam;
  • water;
  • yeast;
  • sugar;
  • raisins (unwashed)

For cooking strong drink First they put in the mash. It is better to use a special non-metallic container for these purposes, which is covered with a cloth. Mix the jam with yeast diluted in water. Then add a little sugar to the mixture so that the future moonshine is stronger and not bitter. Then add chokeberry jam and about one hundred grams of raisins for better fermentation. Everything is set aside for the fermentation process for a week. Usually, mash is prepared using one hundred grams of live yeast or twenty grams of dry yeast per kilogram of berries. Water is measured in quantities of one to one in relation to the berries. For one kilogram of berries, take one liter of water.

After about seven days, the liquid will stop foaming and playing, and sediment will fall to the bottom of the container. Now you need to drain the future moonshine. The entire mixture is filtered through a sieve and several layers of gauze, the sediment is squeezed out, and the liquid is distilled.

Chokeberry is unique in itself, and drinks from it also fill the human body with everything useful minerals, the vitamins it contains. Drinks made from chokeberry in moderate quantities will improve your health and fill the body with substances that do not enter the body with an unbalanced diet.

What are the benefits of chokeberry tinctures?

Chokeberry, in Greek, means “help and benefit.” It is rich in vitamins C and P, E, B, and beta-carotene. Chokeberry is filled with iodine and phosphorus. And all these healthy vitamins, and microelements are transferred into tinctures during preparation delicious drink. You can prepare the tincture from fresh rowan berries, dry or frozen. The benefits of fruits in any form will be the same.

  1. After freezing, the berries will become only slightly less tart, but all the vitamins will be preserved.
  2. A lot of useful substances also remain in the dry fruits, only the tincture itself takes a little longer to prepare.
  3. The process of preparing tincture from dry fruits is delayed, since the extraction from the dry product takes longer.
  4. The fruits are usually infused with vodka or moonshine for three weeks.
  5. Chokeberry tincture is also made with alcohol.

Since the benefits of rowan and its tincture are obvious, many gardeners plant this plant in their dachas. People actively eat chokeberry and prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes from chokeberry.

The plant is unpretentious and always produces an excellent harvest. One tree can provide fruit for three families. Chokeberry liqueur is also alcoholic drink, which can be classified as a healthy drink. The drink can be served at any feast and you will get only positive feelings from it. After all, chokeberry is not only useful, but also delicious berry. It has a delicate sour taste with a slight tartness. When combined with honey, the tincture becomes even richer and rich taste, aroma, as well as additional benefits.

Various tinctures of chokeberry are prepared, including those with the addition of other ingredients and spices. In this case, the drinks acquire a specific aroma and secondary beneficial properties. The composition of the drink depends on individual taste preferences and the purpose of its preparation. If you want to heal frayed nerves, then in addition to chokeberry and sugar, add a few tablespoons of lemon balm or mint. In cases where it is necessary to have a positive impact on cardiovascular system, you can put hawthorn fruits in it. To normalize metabolism, goji berries are added to the liqueur as an additional element. Additional anti-carcinogenic substances will be added to the tincture by rosehip berries.

Chokeberry is a very popular plant at domestic latitudes. The plant is not fastidious in growth and produces a good harvest, and its berries are very useful, as they contain a whole complex of vitamins and macronutrients. Jams, preserves, juices and various alcoholic drinks are made from rowan fruits. Popular recipes for making liqueur from black rowan, it works out rich color with a refined, slightly tart taste.

Chokeberry liqueur will have the richest taste if you use the fruits of the plant collected after the first frost. The larger the berries, the better; if there is no fresh rowan, you can use previously dried one. The berries should be well washed and separated from twigs and excess greens. It is also better to remove small, unripe berries, as they are too bitter and can add excessive bitterness to the drink.

Alcohol for pouring can be different. Both diluted alcohol, vodka or moonshine, and cognac are suitable, it all depends on taste preferences.

Preparing the drink is a rather lengthy process, different recipes require a certain time, on average it takes from two to four months to manufacture, in some cases this figure can reach up to a year. The liqueur, like cognac, with longer aging reveals a greater number of flavor nuances. The drink can be stored long time, without losing its taste and external presentability. The color turns out to be from bright red, ruby ​​to dark purple, depending on the proportion and saturation of the berries. It tastes bitter and tart, with an astringent base.

Preparing the liqueur

There are many various recipes preparing this drink. How classic version without unnecessary ingredients, and unusual ones with the addition of various auxiliary products.

Classic recipe

You will need:

peeled red or black rowan berries 1 kg;

selected alcohol 1 liter;

Sugar is added at will (300-500 g), it is possible to prepare without it.

The prepared fruits are poured into glass jar, pour alcohol or other alcohol, add sugar to taste. The resulting contents are tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark place. The future liqueur should remain in this state for 45-60 days; the jar must be shaken at least several times a week. Afterwards, the resulting drink is filtered, poured into prepared containers and ready for consumption. It is better to store the liqueur in a cool place; it has practically no time limit.

This is interesting!

The cake obtained after filtration can be reused. It is also poured with alcohol, and a second portion of the drink is obtained; its taste is not inferior to the first, it even turns out to be a little softer than the previous one.

Flavored liqueur

To add spicy aroma your drink, you can use cloves; a few of its buds will completely change the smell of the liqueur.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

chokeberry or red rowan berries to choose from - 1.5 kg;

sugar - 1 kg;

alcohol - 1 l.;

cloves - several buds.

Rowan fruits are poured into a jar, pounded with a mortar, you can use more modern method, for example, grind with a blender. Then pour into the resulting mass required amount sugar, mix, close the neck of the jar with chintz or gauze and leave for several days at room temperature, in a dark place. Afterwards, vodka is poured into the resulting mixture, the container is closed with a lid and sent to a dark, cooler place for 2-3 months, the drink should be shaken periodically. After the specified period, the liqueur is filtered; this can be done using special paper filters or using a layer of cotton wool and gauze. eat refined taste The resulting drink can be consumed for three years.

Cognac liqueur with honey

To prepare you will need:

black or red rowan berries - 1 kg;

cognac - 1 l.;

honey - 5 tablespoons.

The recipe for this drink is similar to the previous one, the berries are placed in a glass container, filled with cognac, and honey is added to the contents. The vessel is closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for several months with systematic shaking. Afterwards it is filtered and bottled.

Alcohol-free liqueur

Alcohol-free rowan liqueur is another preparation option bright drink, it turns out somewhat sweeter than previous options due to more sugar required for efficient fermentation.

The ingredients are as follows:

fruits of red rowan or chokeberry - 1 kg;

sugar 3kg;

vanilla stick and orange zest, optional.

Rowan berries are ground with sugar, placed in a glass jar; vanilla, lemon or orange zest can be added to change the aroma. The contents are left for six weeks in a dark place, the container is covered with gauze during this period. During this time, you should stir the future drink so that it ferments better. When fermentation is complete, I filter the contents, pour it into a bottle and leave it in a cool place for three months. After this period, the liqueur is ready for tasting.

Useful cooking secrets

The best temperature for fermentation is 23-26 degrees; if it is higher, the process becomes more intense, which affects the taste of the drink.

At lower temperatures, fermentation stops or may disappear altogether; It is better to pour the finished drink into dark glass bottles, so it will be better stored; at the time of fermentation, the contents of the container increase in volume, so you should not fill the container to the top; It is better to grind rowan in small portions, since its berries are quite dense; the selected alcohol should be no stronger than 60 degrees; sugar must be chosen only white, refined, without yellowness, otherwise there is a possibility that the drink will not turn out transparent.

More recipes for alcoholic drinks from rowan

First recipe

Pour rowan berries into the container up to the neck;

Top them with vodka. Add a little sugar and spice to taste and cover with a lid;

In order for the lid to be tightly closed, it must be sealed well. To do this, mix flour with water to form a viscous and sticky mass. Use the resulting dough to tightly lubricate the joint between the lid and the pan;

Place the filled vessel in an oven preheated to a temperature of seventy degrees. It is important that the temperature is exactly this, so it is better to measure it with a special thermometer. If the temperature is higher, you will get wine; Let the drink steep in the oven for about 60 minutes;

After a while, you need to reduce the temperature by ten degrees and leave to infuse for an hour and a half;

Then lower the temperature again by ten degrees and leave for another hour and a half. In total, the liqueur should be in the oven for 4 hours;

When you turn off the oven, do not immediately take out the drink. Let it cool completely. After which it must be placed in a dark place for four days;

After a while, line the colander with a waffle towel or gauze. Pour the liquor into it and wait until the liquid drains into the pan;

When the liquid has drained, tie the fabric in a knot and hang it over the bowl, allowing the residue to drain.

Pour the squeezed liquid into bottles, taste, and add fine sugar if necessary, and then seal with lids;

The finished liqueur needs to be allowed to stand for a little longer, and only then can it be drunk.

The second recipe for making liqueur with vodka

Sort out one and a half kilograms of rowan berries. Rinse and dry well. Place the berries in a jar and fill with two glasses granulated sugar. Pour one and a half liters of vodka on top, making sure to leave a couple of centimeters of free space at the top. Cover the jar with parchment folded in three layers and tie with thread or cover with a lid. Place the workpiece in a dark, cool place for two months. After a while, strain and close the bottles tightly. This liqueur should be stored at home in a cool place.

The third recipe for drinks with cloves, which will give the drink an aromatic note

Pour one and a half kilograms of berries into a jar. Using a wooden rolling pin, turn them into a paste. Add half a kilogram of sugar and three buds of cloves. After mixing the mixture well, tie the neck of the jar with gauze and place it in a dark place in the kitchen for a couple of days. After a while, pour the mixture with a liter of vodka. Cover the jar with a lid and leave it alone for 60 days in the dark at 20 degrees. Ready drink strain and bottle. The liqueur can be stored for no more than three years.

Another liqueur recipe with honey added

Place half a kilogram of black rowan berries in a jar. Add 30 grams of liquid honey and mix well. Then add the resulting mixture to alcohol or water (half a liter). Mix well again. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a dark, warm place for 80 days. The jar needs to be shaken well once every seven days. Strain the finished tincture with alcohol or vodka and pour into bottles. You can store as much as you like in a dark place.

Recipe for making liqueur with cherry component

Mix a glass of chokeberry with 150 cherry leaves. Pour a liter of water and boil for about half an hour over low heat. Let the broth brew for 24 hours. After a while, strain and add sugar (300 grams). Heat to a boil and remove from heat. After cooling, add half a liter of vodka and place the drink in a dark place for seven days. To make the drink beautiful color, add a tablespoon of citric acid to it. Thanks to cherry leaves, it tastes like cherry.

Last recipe

Mix 33 cherry leaves, the same number of currant and raspberry leaves, a glass of chokeberry, 800 milliliters of water. Boil the mixture for half an hour. Cool, strain and add a glass of sugar and citric acid(5 grams). Add half a liter of vodka to the cooled liqueur and mix well. Let it brew for at least two months.

Benefits of liqueur

Rowan liqueur, red or black, is not only tasty, but also healthy, if consumed in the recommended quantities and not in excess, it still contains alcohol. The drink retains almost all beneficial properties fresh fruits rowan, which allows it to be used for medicinal purposes, as a preventive measure for various diseases.

If you take the liqueur as a medicine, no more than 30-50 grams per day, you can:

improve the body's protective functions;

lower blood pressure;

improve metabolic processes and performance gastrointestinal tract; strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

increases low stomach acidity.

In addition to the types of liqueurs presented, there are other recipes for this drink, experiment by adding additional ingredients. Change the proportions necessary products to your taste, experimenting, you will be able to achieve an unusual and special taste, exclusive, own production, which will certainly surprise your family and friends during the festive feast.

Each housewife has a special chokeberry tincture. Someone follows classical methods cooking, and someone tries to bring something of their own to the recipes. The noble dark cherry shades of drinks made from this berry play beautifully in the rays sunlight, they can decorate any table. But the main thing about chokeberry tinctures is that they retain the beneficial properties of fresh berries.


Today, many stores offer chokeberry vodka tinctures. They are prepared from natural raw materials and contain both rowan juice and alcohol. High-quality tinctures are quite expensive, but their taste, and especially the tart aftertaste, is appreciated by many.

Chokeberry tincture

By purchasing chokeberry tinctures as medicine, you need to remember that you need to drink the drink 30-40 g per day, preferably at night.

Buying chokeberry liqueur is somewhat more difficult; this product high content sugar and minimal alcohol occurs less frequently. The liqueur not only tastes better, it can be served at the dessert table as a light aperitif or added to tea.

Rowan tinctures and liqueurs with the addition of various herbs and cognac tinctures have an excellent taste, so everyone can choose something depending on their individual preferences.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Having brushed off the dust from a glass bottle, the owner proudly places it on the table and offers to try the prepared food. with my own hands drink. His pride is easy to understand: no matter how rich the assortment of today's supermarkets is, we give preference to products from our own plot that are grown with our own hands. And the tincture of chokeberry with vodka, an aromatic blue-black drink made from berries taken from its bush, will seem much tastier. And healthier.

Chokeberry grows in almost every garden. An unpretentious shrub, reaching a height of 2-2.5 m, is not afraid of frost, does not need careful care, but already in the 3rd year of its life it can please with a magnificent harvest. Chokeberry blooms in May-June, clusters with ripe large dark blue berries ripen in late August - early September. But you can harvest even after the first frost. But, unlike its no less popular relative - red rowan, which is often grown for decorative purposes, it is tasty even before it is hit by frost. Sweet, slightly tart-tasting berries are perhaps the latest in our gardens, which is why they are loved by many.

Aronia berries

Behind long term As they ripen, they absorb so much sunlight and nutrients that they are able to provide the human body with vitamins all winter. The benefits of chokeberry are that it lowers blood pressure, increases immunity, fights viruses well, and is recommended to be used as an antioxidant by workers hazardous production. Both chokeberry and red rowan can be stored frozen to prepare tinctures as needed. The berries are dried to make infusions and decoctions. Dry fruits are also ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery state and take 1 tsp. for colds or thyroid diseases.

To get not only a beautifully playing and rich flavor, but also healthy drink, during its manufacture several conditions must be observed:

  1. The berries must be of equal ripeness, whole, without signs of rot or dry spots.
  2. The raw materials should not contain foreign impurities such as leaves, twigs, pieces of bark, and stalks.
  3. It is better not to heat treat the berries so that they retain as many vitamins as possible.

It is better not to use tinctures and liqueurs for people suffering from stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, increased blood clotting and hypotension. For them, the tincture will not be useful, but harmful.

The properties of the berry are beneficial for people with cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, arthritis, and kidney disease. The astringent effect of rowan helps to cope with intestinal disorders and diarrhea caused by infectious or viral diseases. Chokeberry helps with iodine deficiency; it is recommended for hypothyroidism, goiter, and other pathologies that arise due to a lack of iodine in the body.


There are many ways to prepare chokeberry tinctures.

Quick tincture. The simplest of the recipes is from the “quickie” category:

  1. Fill a three-liter jar up to the shoulders with ripe fresh or frozen berries.
  2. Pour into berries quality vodka or, if possible, homemade moonshine, filling the jar to the neck.
  3. Close with a tight nylon lid.
  4. We put our tincture in a dark place for 14 days.
  5. After 2 weeks, pour the infused beautiful liquid into glass bottles and seal them tightly.

The berries can be reused by pouring vodka or moonshine again: the quality of the second tincture will not be worse.

Delicious chokeberry tincture

Tincture with mint and cloves: unusual spicy shade add mint and cloves to the drink. To prepare rowan tincture with vodka according to this recipe:

  • 10 kg of berries need to be mashed or chopped in a blender;
  • pour 2 kg of sugar into the chokeberry;
  • add 10 buds of cloves and 10 sprigs of fresh mint or 10 g of dried leaves;
  • put the mixture in a glass container and leave to infuse for 2 days;
  • then add vodka or moonshine, seal the container and place in a cool, dark place for 3 months;
  • after 3 months, the tincture can be strained and bottled: it is ready for use.

When preparing a drink according to this recipe, you need to take into account that the glass container should be from 10 to 25 liters. The tincture is prepared at a ratio of 1:1 chokeberry and alcohol; the amount of sugar depends on how sweet you want the drink to be.

This chokeberry tincture, a recipe that has been popular for several decades, takes a long time to prepare, but the result will surprise you and your guests.

A tincture of chokeberry with honey will be tasty and healthy:

  • Pour 1 liter of berries into 1 liter of vodka;
  • add 5 tbsp. l. honey and 5 g of oak bark, crushed into powder;
  • Having mixed the ingredients, close the container tightly and keep in a dark place for at least 4 months, then strain and bottle.

You can make a tincture from dried chokeberry. After grinding the berries into powder, pour them into a container, filling it 2/3 full, fill the rest with vodka or moonshine, leave for 3-4 months.


Chokeberry makes very tasty liqueurs.

They differ from tinctures high content Sahara. Preparing liqueurs is a bit more troublesome, so be patient.

Aronia berry liqueur

Classic liqueur:

  1. Fill a metal or glass container with berries at the rate of: 1 kg of chokeberry and 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of vodka.
  2. After mixing the products, place the mixture in the oven and leave for 1 hour at a temperature not exceeding 70°C.
  3. Reducing the temperature to 60°C, hold for 1.5 hours;
  4. After this time, lower the temperature again by 10°C and leave for another 1.5 hours. Then turn off the oven.
  5. Do not remove the liquid from the cabinet; it must cool completely in it.
  6. Then we place the container with our liqueur in a dark place for 4-5 days.
  7. Only after this can it be filtered and bottled. Let the liqueur brew for a week, and then safely serve.

"Beauty" liqueur. To prepare the liqueur without heat treatment, you need to add 2 kg of berries, 1 kg of sugar, and add 1.5 liters of vodka.

Close the container tightly and leave in a cool, dark place to infuse for 2 months. Then strain the liquid and pour into bottles. The liqueur is ready. It should be stored in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

There are many more recipes for making drinks from this berry that are healthy and tasty. So take the opportunity to surprise your family and guests with an unusual drink.

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The color of fruits and berries determines the presence of certain beneficial substances in them. Dark fruits and berries are carriers of anthocyanins, phytonutrients that actively prevent diabetes, heart disease and cancer. One of the plants that you should pay special attention to is chokeberry. Chokeberry can be eaten fresh, or made into jam; tea can be made from dried fruits. Chokeberry tincture is very popular.

It has excellent taste and is excellent for lowering blood pressure. It is recommended for use by people with thyroid disorders and those who are obese.

Recipes for chokeberry tinctures with sugar-free vodka

Complex tinctures have a much stronger effect on the human body than a tincture based on one ingredient. If, in addition to chokeberry fruits, you use spices, the tinctures acquire a more refined taste and positive additional properties.

Weight loss will be promoted by:

  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • carnation

To combat various tumors in the body, you should pay attention to the recipe for chokeberry tincture in vodka with the addition of:

  • turmeric;
  • ginger;
  • rosemary

A tincture based on chokeberry with the addition of:

  • basilica;
  • anise

A tincture of chokeberry with the addition of:

  • black cumin;
  • coriander

When choosing certain spices for chokeberry tincture, it is worth noting that such a tincture should be consumed in a certain small dosage. Spices have quite strong taste and medicinal properties. Their effect on the body is cumulative and serious. Therefore, forty grams of tincture for medicinal purposes will only be beneficial. Ordinary simple chokeberry tinctures, without the addition of spices, additional fruits or berries, have a rich color and rich taste. They can be consumed in larger quantities.

Classic tincture

For the classic chokeberry tincture you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • moonshine

Before cooking, you need to sort the berries, remove spoiled ones, and then rinse them under running water. Pour rowan into two-thirds of the jar into a three-liter jar. Vodka or moonshine is poured up to the shoulders of the jar. Such a jar can even be rolled up with a lid for better sealing. The tincture will be ready in three weeks. If desired, the same rowan can be poured twice. This will not deteriorate the taste of the tincture.

Honey liqueur

For chokeberry honey liqueur with alcohol you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • alcohol;
  • water;

The fruits of chokeberry are washed and filled into a jar two-thirds full. Alcohol is diluted with water and poured over the berries. Next, add one glass of liquid honey, mix everything well. Close the future pouring with a plastic (plastic) lid. The mixture is left to infuse for two to three weeks. After the expiration date, the liqueur is drained through a sieve or several layers of gauze. It can be consumed immediately or two weeks after the berries are separated.

With sugar

Chokeberry tincture with vodka and sugar is prepared from:

  • chokeberry;
  • vodka;
  • Sahara

Rowan berries are washed, separated from the stalks, and placed in a jar. Pour two glasses of sugar into the prepared product and pour vodka up to the shoulders. The jar is placed in a dry, dark place for about a month. The contents must be mixed every day. After aging for one month, the berries can be strained. Bottles with tincture are sealed and kept for about two or three weeks for the so-called maturation. This drink can be stored for one to three years.

There are many interesting recipes for chokeberry tinctures with the addition of sugar and various aromatic ingredients. The most attractive combination is dry lemon peel and vanilla.

With the addition of lemon peels

Chokeberry tincture with the addition of lemon peels and vanilla for gourmets:

  • chokeberry fruits;
  • lemon peel from one lemon;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar (15 grams);
  • sugar;
  • vodka

The prepared raw materials are washed and poured into containers. Next, add sugar to taste, vanillin or vanilla sugar, and lemon peel. The prepared ingredients are poured with vodka. The jar is tightly sealed and placed either in the cellar or in a suitable dry, dark place. The mixture is infused for two to three weeks. Then everything is filtered, carefully squeezing out the raw materials.

You can use it either immediately or after a month. This type of tincture has an amazing aroma and pleasant taste.

From dry chokeberry berries

Rowan tincture from dried chokeberry berries:

  • dry rowan fruits;
  • sugar;
  • vodka

Dried chokeberry fruits are poured with vodka and infused for about two months. The tincture sits a little longer than a drink made from fresh berries. After two months, the infusion is filtered and sugar is added. The liqueur should sit with sugar for another couple of weeks. Then the liqueur rests for another week. You can use it for about a year.

Sometimes it happens that you need to prepare a drink very quickly. Quick mountain ash is very easy to prepare. For it you will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • sugar;
  • vodka

Before cooking, rowan berries should be washed and chopped in a blender. Add sugar to the puree to taste and mix well. After the sugar has dissolved, add vodka. Leave for ten days and filter.

Making moonshine using chokeberry

Sometimes it happens that after a long winter there is chokeberry jam left over. Not only pies are made from it. There are also many recipes for strong drinks. How to make moonshine with chokeberry recipe:

  • chokeberry jam;
  • water;
  • yeast;
  • sugar;
  • raisins (unwashed)

To prepare a strong drink, first add mash. It is better to use a special non-metallic container for these purposes, which is covered with a cloth. Mix the jam with yeast diluted in water. Then add a little sugar to the mixture so that the future moonshine is stronger and not bitter. Then add chokeberry jam and about one hundred grams of raisins for better fermentation. Everything is set aside for the fermentation process for a week. Usually, mash is prepared using one hundred grams of live yeast or twenty grams of dry yeast per kilogram of berries. Water is measured in quantities of one to one in relation to the berries. For one kilogram of berries, take one liter of water.

After about seven days, the liquid will stop foaming and playing, and sediment will fall to the bottom of the container. Now you need to drain the future moonshine. The entire mixture is filtered through a sieve and several layers of gauze, the sediment is squeezed out, and the liquid is distilled.

Chokeberry is unique in itself, and drinks made from it also fill the human body with all the useful minerals and vitamins that it contains. Drinks made from chokeberry in moderate quantities will improve your health and fill the body with substances that do not enter the body with an unbalanced diet.

What are the benefits of chokeberry tinctures?

Chokeberry, in Greek, means “help and benefit.” It is rich in vitamins C and P, E, B, and beta-carotene. Chokeberry is filled with iodine and phosphorus. And all these useful vitamins and microelements are transferred into tinctures during the preparation of a delicious drink. You can prepare the tincture from fresh rowan berries, dry or frozen. The benefits of fruits in any form will be the same.

  1. After freezing, the berries will become only slightly less tart, but all the vitamins will be preserved.
  2. A lot of useful substances also remain in the dry fruits, only the tincture itself takes a little longer to prepare.
  3. The process of preparing tincture from dry fruits is delayed, since the extraction from the dry product takes longer.
  4. The fruits are usually infused with vodka or moonshine for three weeks.
  5. Chokeberry tincture is also made with alcohol.

Since the benefits of rowan and its tincture are obvious, many gardeners plant this plant in their dachas. People actively eat chokeberry and prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes from chokeberry.

The plant is unpretentious and always produces an excellent harvest. One tree can provide fruit for three families. Chokeberry liqueur is also an alcoholic drink that can be classified as a healthy drink. The drink can be served at any feast and you will get only positive feelings from it. After all, chokeberry is not only a healthy, but also a tasty berry. It has a delicate sour taste with a slight tartness. When combined with honey, the tincture acquires an even richer and more intense taste, aroma, and additional benefits.

Various tinctures of chokeberry are prepared, including those with the addition of other ingredients and spices. In this case, the drinks acquire a specific aroma and secondary beneficial properties. The composition of the drink depends on individual taste preferences and the purpose of its preparation. If you want to heal frayed nerves, then in addition to chokeberry and sugar, add a few tablespoons of lemon balm or mint. In cases where it is necessary to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, you can add hawthorn fruits to it. To normalize metabolism, goji berries are added to the liqueur as an additional element. Additional anti-carcinogenic substances will be added to the tincture by rosehip berries.

"came" to us all the way from North America! This is where her “home” is located. The plant has easily adapted to the vast expanses of Europe and Asia, because it is quite resistant to frost and is not picky in choosing soil. The tree reaches a height of approximately 2.5-3 meters. The berries ripen in early autumn. It is in September that you need to collect them and use all your culinary skills to get great drink. Today we will talk about what chokeberry tincture is and what medicinal properties she has. Naturally, when consumed in reasonable quantities.

What are the benefits of chokeberry?

Chokeberry, as this plant is also called, has a number of unique properties. For example, it includes a large number of fructose and glucose, which are easily digestible. Diabetic patients can eat “correct” desserts using this berry without any problems.

Rowan promotes active brain activity. It normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the body's protective functions. People who eat chokeberry get sick less, are less likely to get tired at work and sleep well. The berries are used to treat patients with allergies and radiation victims. In addition, rowan helps with atherosclerosis, rheumatism, kidney and digestive diseases, staphylococcus and many other ailments.

From this berry you can prepare a variety of interesting dishes and drinks, but one of the most famous is chokeberry tincture. It improves the tone of the whole body, improves health and activates the immune system.

Chokeberry tincture. "Long" recipe

It’s better to make this drink at home yourself, so you’ll know exactly what you’re consuming organically. pure product. Believe me, chokeberry tincture is very tasty! The recipe for its preparation is simple. You will need:

We sort out the berries, wash them well and pour them into an enamel container. Knead, add sugar and cloves, mix. Place the resulting slurry in a jar, cover the neck with gauze and leave to infuse for two days in a cool, dark corner.

When 48 hours have passed, pour the mixture with vodka and cover with a nylon lid. Alcohol tincture chokeberry should stand in the pantry for 2-3 months. Then it can be strained and bottled. Now our homemade chokeberry tincture is ready for use. Do it according to this simple recipe takes a very long time, but the taste is tart and refined - your guests will be delighted with it.

We insist quickly

It happens that a tasty and healthy drink needs to be made in record time. For example, my mother-in-law called and said that she would come over for the holidays. And what if the bar doesn’t have her favorite liqueur? Don’t worry, you can get out of it, the main thing is that you have chokeberry at home. How to make a tincture from its berries is a matter of technique.

You will need 3 kg of chokeberry fruits. We pour them into the jar, but do not fill the container completely. Pour vodka over the berries so that they are completely covered. Place in a dark place for two weeks. We filter the liquid and fill the prepared bottles with it. The most interesting thing is that there is no need to throw away the remaining berries. We refill them. After two weeks it turns out no less tasty and useful tincture from chokeberry, the recipe of which can be passed down from generation to generation.


A drink made from chokeberry fruits can be consumed by almost all people, although there are still some exceptions. First of all this allergic reaction on berries and their individual intolerance.

It is not recommended to use the tincture for stomach ulcers, gastritis and increased blood clotting. Patients with angina pectoris and hypertension should not drink it, as it contains a lot of ascorbic acid. Everyone knows that vitamin C can cause blood clots. It is clear that the tincture is not suitable for pregnant women and children.

What else can be prepared from chokeberry

It is clear that children should not be given chokeberry tincture. The recipe for children is slightly different - you can make an infusion of chokeberry berries. To do this, pour half a glass of fruit with a glass of boiling water, wrap it up and leave for a couple of hours. Should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach, 100-150 g. The infusion has healing properties and completely suitable for children.

You can prepare a decoction - pour 20 g of dried fruits over a glass of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Leave the mixture for half an hour, strain. Take half a glass several times a day - this will strengthen the immune system and give a boost of energy.

Features of chokeberry collection

Chokeberry does not have to be exposed heat treatment or canning. Of course, chokeberry tincture is very useful, but the berries in their raw form have no less healing properties.

The main thing is not to pick them unripe, otherwise you can get poisoned. Ripe fruits are soft and quite delicate in taste. Typically harvested in September, but in some cold regions in October. Only fully ripe berries can be eaten. This also applies to the preparation of rowan tincture.

Raw chokeberries can be stored for no more than two weeks. If you want to savor it all year round, then you can dry the berries or freeze them - this will not make them any less useful. Of course, it is better to prepare a tincture of chokeberry - its medicinal properties and taste have long become a legend.
