How to preserve small tomatoes. Classic recipe: homemade canned tomatoes. Tomatoes "Cheryomushka fragrant"

Canning tomatoes for the winter is very delicious vegetables can be prepared according to different recipes. Classic version This type of canning involves preparing a separate marinade and whole tomatoes in three-liter jars, which are filled with this tomato.

In this article we offer not only classic methods canning tomatoes, but also dried vegetables and other interesting interpretations. Great amount cooking methods allows you to get a varied assortment in the pantry that will make winter tasty and healthy. There is more that can be done.

Without vinegar

For those owners who care about the maximum healthy eating, a recipe for canning tomatoes for the winter, very tasty, without vinegar, will be useful. These tomatoes will be incredibly healthy, without high acidity. But only ripe, not soft fruits are selected for preservation. Yellow tomatoes are perfectly preserved in this way.

What do you need:
3 kg of tomatoes;
Four cloves of garlic;
Three branches of dill;
Six cherry and currant leaves each;
Seven peppercorns;
One and a half tbsp. salts;
Two from the floor. tbsp Sahara;
Water (how much is included in the jar);

You can start canning tomatoes in this way during the ripening season, when vegetables are most useful and affordable. Rinse the jars and lids first, then sterilize and dry. You can take care of the tomatoes, which should be washed. Peel the garlic, prepare herbs and spices separately.

Place herbs and garlic in each prepared jar, then compact the tomatoes to the very top of the jar and pour boiling water over the vegetables. Cover the jars with lids and leave for a quarter of an hour. After this time, pour the water into the pan and pour in the tomatoes. fresh boiling water. Bring the water to a boil and, when the water is drained a second time, add this brine.

Just don’t forget to dissolve sugar and salt in the brine first. Leave the seam for another quarter of an hour, then pour the pan again. Boil the brine for a couple of minutes and pour into a jar, immediately roll up and turn upside down to cool completely. When the jars have cooled, they should be stored in a cool place.

Advice! If you store jars with such a seal, you can only store them in a room with room temperature, then before sealing you should throw a couple of citric acid crystals into each jar. This trick allows tomatoes to be stored at least at a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius.

Classic recipe

When it comes to preserving tomatoes for the winter, I want to make a couple of jars of classic sealing. Therefore, such a traditional method, beloved since childhood, cannot be ignored.

What you need (for a 3 liter jar):
Red tomatoes to fill the jar to the top;
A few currant leaves;
One horseradish leaf;
Several cherry leaves;
Three dill umbrellas;
Two bay leaves;
A dozen black peppercorns;

For brine (per liter of water):
A tablespoon of salt and the same amount of sugar;
A tablespoon of vinegar 9%;

Rinse vegetables and herbs thoroughly and set aside to dry. At this time, rinse and sterilize the jars. Place chopped garlic, herbs and spices on the bottom. Place the tomatoes to the top and pour boiling water over them. Let stand for 15 minutes. Then pour the water into the pan, bring to a boil and pour in the tomatoes again. The third time, after draining the water, pour the prepared brine over the tomatoes. Seal the jars, let them cool upside down, and then transfer them to a place of permanent storage.

Sun-dried tomatoes

If needed great option canning tomatoes for the winter, which are very tasty without sterilization, we suggest considering the amazing and very popular sun-dried tomatoes at the moment.

What do you need:
Three parts pepper, three parts salt and five parts sugar;
Fresh garlic;
Fresh basil;
Natural olive oil;
Balsamic vinegar;

Take tomatoes with minimal juice content. Cut them into two halves or smaller. Separately mix pepper, salt and sugar. Place the tomatoes on a baking sheet and sprinkle generously with the crumb mixture. Place the tomatoes in the oven for five hours, setting the temperature to 125 degrees.

At this time, finely chop the garlic and basil. Pour fresh vegetables olive oil. After five hours, remove the tomatoes from the oven, mix with a mixture of garlic and basil, and place in jars. Drop a few spoons into each jar balsamic vinegar. Place in the refrigerator for storage.

With citric acid

Another option for canning tomatoes for the winter, very tasty with citric acid. Citric acid is an excellent substitute for vinegar; this type of application is considered more useful for those who suffer from various gastrointestinal problems.

What do you need:
Two kilograms of red tomatoes;
Three dill umbrellas;
A couple of bay leaves;
Allspice peas;
Horseradish leaf;
Three dried cloves;
Half a head of garlic;
Half a chip hot pepper;
A tablespoon of salt for a 3 liter jar;
A small spoon of citric acid;

Pre-sterilize and dry the jars. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems. Place herbs and spices in jars. Boil water for filling in in kind and pour into jars. Leave the tomatoes for 20 minutes, then drain the water and bring to a boil a second time. Leave the tomatoes for a second time for 20 minutes, pour the water back into the pan.

Next, drain the water and bring to a boil again, but this time add salt and sugar to it, citric acid. This will already be a marinade, pour it over the tomatoes, and you can roll up the vegetables. It is important to add citric acid to the main products only before canning, so that it does not end up being useless.

Canning tomatoes

Almost every housewife knows how to can tomatoes for the winter. But not everyone knows a few tricks that greatly simplify work in the kitchen. Triple sterilization everything, a careful selection of tomatoes with a caliper, five times filling and a large set of unnecessary worries. Let's figure out how to close tomatoes for the winter without unnecessary hassle.

The right choice is the key to success

If tomatoes are grown with your own hands on your own plot or even on a windowsill and balcony, then the seed bag was probably carefully examined from all sides before planting. All that should interest us for high-quality preservation is the purpose, color and size of the fruit.

We look for the required line on the bag. Purpose: salad variety. That is, such tomatoes are good for swirling in adjika, sauces, lecho, and ketchups. They will turn out great tomato juice. But this variety is not suitable for preservation as a whole. The fruits will be soft, crawl into an unappetizing slurry, and the taste will leave much to be desired.

But if the bag says: suitable for long-term storage and preparations, then we can safely preserve the tomatoes. They will remain dense, elastic and taste magical.

What should those who do not have a garden and only buy tomatoes for twists do? You should not buy them in the store. Often they are covered there good layer edible wax, so they can be stored for months. And even in the peak season, in July, you risk running into tomatoes that ripened in February.

Feel free to go to the market to buy. And already there we choose correctly. There is no need to ask the seller what the fruits are good for. In an effort to sell a product, he will tell you that only he has best tomatoes worldwide. Just ask him to cut it, or better yet, break one fruit. And look carefully: there is too much juice released - the tomato is not very suitable for spinning in its entirety. Large seed chambers also indicate this. The pulp is thick, fleshy, there is practically no juice - so we take required quantity and proudly dragging it home. Why are we dragging? Because we bought a lot. You won't buy one tomato, will you?

Advice. Naturally, we choose whole tomatoes, without visible damage or dents.

The second factor we are interested in is the color and size of vegetables. Today, genetics is moving forward by leaps and bounds. Few people will be surprised by brown, black or striped tomatoes. Yellow and orange are also far from uncommon. No doubt, in fresh salad They look original on the table. But during conservation they behave completely unpredictably. Even an uninflated can can cause a lot of unpleasant moments. Unpleasant smell or a mess in a muddy brine - was this really achieved by standing idle for hours over jars?

All tomatoes are suitable for canning, but the most delicious and aromatic are the red ones. Rose-fruited ones are also good. Leave orange, yellow and black fruits for salads, ketchup and lecho.

The size of the tomato should be such that it fits freely into the neck of the jar. Some craftsmen can preserve chopped vegetables. This can be done, but the brine will be cloudy and the pulp will be watery. Cutting does not affect the taste at all.

C large egg or a little more walnut- beautiful on the table and convenient to eat.

But the advice to collect fruits of exactly the same size in a jar is clearly superfluous. Will you measure each tomato? What's the point of this activity? Unless you have nothing to do. Because during heat treatment, boiling water does not take into account the size; it scalds all vegetables equally. The marinade also does not require a caliper and a notebook, but saturates all the fruits evenly.

Advice. By the way, small tomatoes, the so-called cherry tomatoes, can also be canned. Even the most capricious children eat them with pleasure.

Sterilization is the scourge of housewives in the summer heat

Well, who among the housewives in a conversation with their girlfriends has not at least once said - tomatoes are good in winter, but how about sterilization? And immediately before my eyes there is a picture: summer, it’s hot outside, there are clouds of steam in the kitchen, jars, lids, and water for filling are boiling. And in the evening, squeezed like a lemon, the woman lies flat with a cold towel on her forehead.

Down with old-fashioned methods! Give us civilization! You can quickly sterilize jars up to 1 liter in size in the microwave. Why are they so small? Should I also pour cherry into a three-liter container? Or a person who lives alone, why does he need such huge vessels?

Therefore, pour 3-5 cm of water into jars, place the microwave on a plate, and turn on the maximum mode for 5 minutes. Let's go do our business. Or prepare the next batch of containers.

It drank, took out the sterile jars, threw them onto a clean towel, after draining the water. Naturally, the lids will have to be boiled as usual. Do not put any metal in the microwave.

What should those who simultaneously can a large batch of vegetables do? It will be a pain to warm it up over a kettle. A healthy cylinder will not fit into a microwave oven. The best assistant will help out - the oven! In it, dear, right into the cold one, we place the washed containers. Then we forget for 12-14 minutes at a temperature of 120°C. Then carefully pull it out with gloves or a towel. Everything can be preserved.

Advice. If you are confident in the quality of your water, then you can refuse sterilization altogether. Use a good stiff brush baking soda Scrub the jars inside and out. Preferably with hot water. Pay special attention to the necks. Then rinse thoroughly and you are ready to use.

How many times to fill

There are recipes in which tomatoes are repeatedly tormented with boiling water. They practically turn them into mush with just pouring. And in winter, having opened the jar, they raise their eyes to grief - again the variety was bad!

Why all this dancing with a tambourine? Here's how to properly preserve tomatoes for the winter:

  1. Wash thoroughly without pressure and let the water drain. By the way, they are not wiped, so as not to wrinkle them again.
  2. Place the selected spices on the bottom of the container and tomatoes on top. Preferably without tamping, carefully.
  3. Fill it with boiling water and put a lid on top. Leave it for 20-25 minutes. During this time, you can prepare the next batch or drink tea.
  4. Pour the liquid into the saucepan. Added salt and sugar. Add the required amount of acid according to the recipe (if required) to the containers with tomatoes. The brine has boiled - you can pour it in.
  5. They screwed the lid on and turned it upside down. All.

It is not necessary to wrap the vegetables so that they remain elastic and dense. Additional insulation is required only for recipes for canning green tomatoes. They are harder than red ones, so this is to their benefit.

Tricks for preparing tomatoes

In order not to waste time washing a large number of tomatoes, do it simply. All raw materials are poured into one basin or vat and poured clean water and leave for 20 minutes, let them swim. In the other there is a large sieve or colander. Tomatoes are washed by hand directly in the first container and placed in the second structure. There the batch is doused with clean water, allowed to drain and that’s it, you can make any preparations.

You can often observe the following situation: vegetables seem to be strong and dense, but when scalded for the first time, the skin bursts. It won't affect the taste, but appearance the twists are no longer the same. How to avoid such troubles?

Using a wooden toothpick, prick each tomato at the stem. This will avoid a sharp pressure drop and the peel will remain intact.

What if you have to preserve three buckets and even cherry tomatoes? Or more? It will take half a day just to pierce it. There is a solution. Do not pour boiling water over the tomatoes, but let it cool slightly. Turn off the heat, wait 3-4 minutes and only then pour it into containers with vegetables.

You don’t have to bother with these methods at all, but simply remove the skin completely. It is impossible to do this without processing. Therefore they do this:

  • prepare three saucepans
  • one on fire with boiling water, the second with water and ice, the third empty and the largest
  • throw the tomatoes into the first one, wait 5-6 minutes
  • Using a slotted spoon, transfer from the hot liquid to the ice liquid, wait 2-3 minutes
  • during this time we put the next batch into the hot one
  • Using a slotted spoon, transfer ice water to an empty container.

Once all the vegetables have been blanched, the skin can be easily removed with bare hands. You could say it takes off on its own.

Advice. Processing time can be reduced by first making a shallow cross-shaped cut on the top of the tomato with a sharp knife.

Classic recipe

All products and spices are designed for standard jar 3 l:

  • dense red tomatoes, about 1.7-2 kg
  • clean water, 1200-1500 ml
  • vinegar essence, 1 des. l.
  • rock salt, 2 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. l.
  • 4 medium cloves garlic
  • spices to taste

The most commonly used spices in preserving vegetables are currant leaves, dill umbrellas, and peas. allspice, carnation roses. For standard recipe take 5 pieces of each ingredient. The quantity can and even should be varied to suit your own taste preferences. If desired, add horseradish, black peppercorns, and basil sprigs.

Seasonings are placed at the bottom of the jar, then prepared vegetables are added to the top. Boil clean water and pour it into a bottle. Cover with a lid. After 25 minutes, pour the liquid into a saucepan, add both “white deaths”, and let it boil. Pour vinegar into the jar and fill it with filling so that a little goes over the edge. Roll up, turn over and let cool.

You can try it after 14 days. It is recommended to store in the cellar.

Advice. Some housewives throw out the first water, supposedly it washes away all the dirt, and make the brine on a new one. We do not recommend doing this. Firstly, what kind of dirt is there if you have thoroughly washed the containers and tomatoes? And secondly, she collected the most from the tomatoes bright aroma. Why flush this magic down the toilet?

Some advice recommends pouring boiling water over the tomatoes three times, and then sterilizing them before final seaming. Why these extra hassle? From this amount heat treatments The result is porridge in a tomato shell. They'll just cook! All infection dies after the second filling. This is quite enough.

The classic recipe for tomatoes for the winter calls for 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar for a three-liter cylinder. Don't skimp on the sweets, add not 2, but 4 spoons. In winter you will be very pleasantly surprised. Not only will the tomatoes fly away in one fell swoop, but the brine will also be drunk away without a trace.

By the way, some housewives prepare amazing mustard based on this sweet and sour filling. All you need to do is add dry mustard powder until it becomes liquid sour cream, and let it brew for an hour. And there is enough salt and acid in the brine.

How to can tomatoes for the winter? Thanks to our advice, it will be easier than ever. As a result: mom is not tired, the cellar is filled to capacity, the household is happy and fed with delicious preparations.

Video: how to properly preserve tomatoes for the winter

Today, many are abandoning the long-established tradition of preparing tomatoes, in particular, for the winter. They say that a jar of such a preservative can be bought in a supermarket, and it is not expensive. But the taste? There's no comparison industrial recipes, where mostly main ingredient vinegar, with homemade preparations. You take out a 1 or 3 liter jar like this, your can of tomatoes, and you won’t tear yourself away from it until you’ve emptied it all.

Standard marinades set a lot of teeth on edge. I want something unusual and tasty at the same time. You will have such recipes that you will lick your fingers.

Previously, the site described and. Now it's time for the tomatoes, which are no less tasty.

Let's get started!

Tomatoes for the winter in jars - without vinegar and sterilization

Tomatoes according to this recipe really turn out very tasty, so tasty that you can even drink pickle. They With minimum quantity spices with big amount sugar, and instead of vinegar, the recipe uses citric acid.

You will need to prepare a tomato:

Tomatoes - the quantity depends on the packing density and size. On average, a three-liter jar costs 1.7 kg. If you scatter it into 1 liter jars, then about half a kilo per jar.

From spices we need:

  • Cloves are a must-have spice.
  • Allspice, black peppercorns.
  • Usually fresh tarragon or tarragon is added; with such spices, the tomatoes are especially aromatic and tasty. So if you have it, add it, if not, just skip it.

For the marinade you will need:

  • For 1 liter of water you need a tablespoon of salt, without a large slide. If possible, take rock salt as long as it does not contain unnecessary additives.
  • Sugar, per 1 liter of water - 5 heaped tablespoons (yes, that’s a decent amount, don’t be alarmed).
  • About a third of a teaspoon of citric acid.

Attention! These are all the ingredients per 1 liter of water.

Preparing cans of tomatoes for the winter:

1. The jars must first be washed and dried. You can, of course, sterilize, although this is not necessary. That is, you can do without sterilization.

2. First, we put spices in jars, in each jar I put two cloves, 2 peas of allspice and black pepper, a sprig of tarragon.

3. Then place the tomatoes.

4. To prevent the tomato skin from bursting during heat treatment, we make two cross-shaped pricks with a fork near the stalk.

5. We lay the tomatoes loosely, fill the jars not to the very top, preferably to the hangers or a little higher, so that there is a little free space on top.

6. Prepare the lids - pour boiling water over them and leave for 5-7 minutes.

7. Very carefully pour boiling water over the assembled jars, cover with sterilized lids and leave for 10-15 minutes.

8. Then, drain the water, measure the volume (in order to know the proportions) and prepare the marinade using this water.

9. For each liter of water, add, as already mentioned, a tablespoon without a large hill of salt, 5 tablespoons with a small hill of sugar and a third of a teaspoon of citric acid.

Example: the result is two and a half liters of drained water, so everything is multiplied by two and a half. It's clear?

10. Put the marinade on the fire and bring to a boil, after the boil begins, cook the marinade for one or two minutes and, of course, make sure that the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

11. Pour the hot marinade over the tomatoes in the jars. Fill to the very top and seal tightly. It can be used with a rolling machine, or with screw caps, whatever is available.

12. Immediately turn the rolled up jars over and make sure they don’t leak, wrap them up and leave to cool.

Congratulations, you have now rolled up your tomatoes for the winter, super recipe. Ready! I really hope that you will definitely like this method of preservation. Tomatoes like everyone else winter preparations, should be stored in a cool place, but I think they will be stored at room temperature.

Canned tomatoes for the winter - a very tasty and simple recipe with photos

We have been rolling up these tomatoes for the winter for more than ten years, and many of our friends use this same recipe. So I highly recommend it.

For a 3-liter jar of tomatoes you will need:

The marinade recipe will be based on a three-liter jar. It is possible to use cans of different sizes. Then, simply add up the volume of the jars and calculate according to this recipe.

  • Tomatoes.
  • Black pepper - 3 peas.
  • Allspice -2 peas.
  • Cloves - 1 piece.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - one clove.
  • Hot pepper - a quarter of a pod.
  • Dill inflorescence.
  • Rock salt -2 tablespoons.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon.
  • or vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l.

The process of placing tomatoes in jars during canning

1. Place a ring on the bottom of each jar hot pepper a clove of garlic and a little dill.

2. Tomatoes must be washed well. We put them in a jar along with the spices.

Do not press or compact the tomatoes under any circumstances, as they are very tender.

3. We don’t add anything else, not onions, not carrots. This method of preserving tomatoes exists, in this form.

4. Finish placing the jars with a slice of sweet pepper and you’re done.

5, The jars are not sterilized; the lids must be doused with boiling water before sealing.

6. Fill the jars of tomatoes with boiling water, very carefully gradually, not abruptly, so that the glass gets used to it and the jar does not burst.

7. Cover with a lid and leave until almost completely cooled. When the jars have cooled down and you can safely hold them in your hand, open the lid slightly, holding the contents of the jar, and pour water into the pan. We will cook the marinade from the drained water.

Marinade for canned tomatoes

Our marinade recipe is for a three-liter jar. It is possible to use cans of different sizes. Then, simply add up the volume of the jars and calculate according to this recipe.

1. Throw into the pan as many spices as you have in jars (see list of ingredients).

2. Calculate salt, sugar and citric acid according to the volume of drained liquid. If you don’t have citric acid, you can add vinegar - one teaspoon of citric acid is three tablespoons of 5 percent vinegar.

3. We will add citric acid when the water has boiled. Carefully introduce citric acid, the reaction begins, mix everything thoroughly until the free-flowing substances are completely dissolved.

4. Fill the jars with this marinade, slowly so that the jars do not burst. Immediately roll up the lids.

5. We turn the jar over and make sure that nothing is dripping from under the lid, and in this position we send the jar to a warm place and put it in a blanket.

6. Leave until completely cool, then you can put them in a cool place.

We have canned tomatoes ready for the winter! We have been closing this recipe for a very long time, I think you will like it too.

Cherry tomatoes in jelly for the winter, just like fresh ones - you'll lick your fingers

It’s time to prepare, and I want to try it, no matter how unusual delicious recipe, which will come first in your notebook blanks Here he is! Tomatoes for the winter in jelly.

We will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes - a whole kilogram;
  • black pepper and peas - 4 pieces each;
  • dill inflorescence;
  • Bay leaf- two things;
  • onions – 0.5 kilograms;

Ingredients for marinade:

  • One and a half liters of water;
  • coarse salt - two tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • gelatin granules – 25 grams.

How to cook cherry tomatoes in jelly for the winter:

This recipe, unfortunately, involves using sterilized jars. So, I ask you to prepare them accordingly in advance.

Recipe serves 1 liter jars.

1. Let's start with the onion, it must be properly peeled and cut into thin rings.

2. It is necessary to pierce the tomatoes in several places with a wooden skewer.

3. Place spices, herbs, onions and of course tomatoes on the bottom of pre-prepared, pre-sterilized jars.

Making the marinade:

1. Pour gelatin into a bowl, pour it into one glass cold water, mix and leave for about forty to fifty minutes.

2. Add sugar and salt to the remaining water, put it on the fire and let it boil, turn the heat to medium. Gelatin should already swell and we add it to the boiling marinade.

3. Be sure to thoroughly stir the liquid, bring it to a boil, and immediately turn off the flame. There is no need to boil the marinade.

4. Pour the marinade into jars of tomatoes. Cover with sterilized lids and sterilize for 10 minutes. Then roll it up.

Total cooking time is approximately 1 hour 10 minutes. Such tomatoes in jelly will delight and surprise your loved ones with their unusual taste and the view. Delicious, you'll lick your fingers!

Marinated tomatoes with carrot tops - an unusual recipe for the winter with vinegar

I warn you right away: the taste of the root vegetable is felt well in finished product! If you don’t like carrots themselves, then you’re unlikely to like the preparation. But this is very piquant and unusual.

What you need to pickle tomatoes for the winter

For 10 kg of tomatoes, ten 1.5 liter jars must be washed and sterilized using the family method. Or calculate jars of a different volume.

Place 3-4 sprigs of carrot tops on the bottom. Place tomatoes washed under running water tightly on top. If the side of one vegetable slightly sticks out from the neck of the jar, it’s okay. You can press the lid on it when sealing.

It is important! Do not use dried or diseased greens. Only healthy and bright green tails are used for conservation.

Now you need to take a large saucepan, pour five liters of water into it, boil and pour in the tomatoes. Immediately cover the jars with sterile lids. Leave for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, you need to prepare the marinade.

Brine for tomatoes - ingredients:

  • 5 liters of clean water (settled, purchased in a store or passed through a special filter);
  • 350 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 20 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of salt.

1. Use the same pan. You should pour water into it, add salt and sugar, and put it on gas. Just before the water boils, add vinegar.

2. After 20 minutes. you need to drain the water from the cans of tomatoes and tails into the sink, fill the containers with marinade instead and immediately roll them up iron lids by seaming (for ordinary cans).

3. The sealed jars should be turned upside down, placed on a mat, covered with a blanket and left for a day until completely cooled.

4. Then rearrange it in the cellar or pantry, not forgetting to indicate the date on the lid. For this purpose, I use the price tags sold in office supplies. small size. It is easy to remove from both the lid and the glass of the cylinders.

Eat for your health!

For those who do not plan to make pickled tomatoes for the winter in this large quantities, I imagine the consumption of ingredients per 1 liter of water: 70 ml of vinegar; 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar; 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

The marinade remaining in the pan can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, until the next stage of preparation.

To calculate the exact amount of liquid required in a particular case, you need to know how much water was poured into the pan for the first time, without taking into account the remainder. Be warned, vinegar and solids add volume to the brine.

Tomatoes for the winter in tomato juice with garlic (video)

We can immediately say that it is advisable to buy good tomato juice for this recipe. And if the tomato is enough. then make your own juice from them. There is nothing complicated here.

Preparing and canning tomatoes for the winter - 5 delicious, proven recipes

Tomatoes for the winter - that’s all 5 recipes for delicious, homemade preparations. Some of them are unusual, such as with carrot tops, and with tomatoes and garlic in juice, it’s also unique. This is probably not for everybody. But to be one, you need to try it all, first do it, and, well, eat it.

I hope all the recipes, and each one separately, will find their admirer. Share your recipes in the comments, I will be happy to take them into my kitchen.

All the best! Good luck and all the best!

The calendar summer is smoothly moving towards the end, and the season of various seaming and preservation is in full swing. In fact, canning is a special process, thanks to which you can preserve everything. beneficial features vegetables and store them for quite a long time. Tomatoes occupy a special place in canning vegetables. First of all, this is due to the fact that canned tomatoes can act as independent dish in the form of appetizers, but also to complement main courses. The fruits also contain fiber and pectin substances, acids, potassium, calcium, sodium, a significant amount of vitamin C, iron and magnesium, therefore in winter period canned tomatoes will provide vitamin support to the body. In addition, tomatoes contain sufficient quantity water, and “fashionable” freezing will only spoil their taste and appearance, so experienced housewives use this method of storing this healthy vegetable don't practice.
We offer you a recipe for delicious canned tomatoes for the winter, and we’ll also tell you what to do if the can of preserved food is swollen.

Taste Info Tomatoes for the winter


  • Ripe tomatoes – 2-3 kg.
  • Bell pepper– 0.5-1 kg.
  • Hot pepper – 1-2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 3-4 heads,
  • Dried or fresh herbs(dill umbrellas, horseradish, currant leaves, cherries, tarragon) - 1-1.5 bunches.
  • Marinade for 1 liter of water
  • salt - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.

How to make delicious canned tomatoes

You should take time to select and sort tomatoes for canning. The fruits should be small in size, and their surface should be smooth, without any defects (cracks, dents, etc.). Canning technology involves the use of tomatoes of different degrees of ripening (red and pink, green and brown). Tomatoes should be washed and dried well.

Wash the sweet peppers well, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces or just into four pieces if the peppers are not large.

Peel the garlic from lushpa, and cut the hot pepper pods into rings along with the seeds, if you don’t want to get spicy tomatoes, then you don’t have to add the pepper; if you want it to be slightly spicy, you can remove the seeds.

You also need to add the necessary herbs to the pickles; a good spicy bouquet will impart all its aroma to the tomatoes if it is chosen correctly. For pickling, you can use dry or fresh leaves horseradish, cherries, black currants, tarragon and dill umbrellas. First, the grass should be washed well, dried and cut into pieces.

We wash the jars in advance, detergents It’s better not to use it, just rub them with baking soda and rinse well under running water. Next, the jars need to be sterilized by steam; they must be completely covered in steam, drained and dried.

Fill the jars with vegetables and herbs, do not add too many spices. Enough for two leaves of cherries and currants, a couple of dill umbrellas, a sprig of tarragon and a couple of pieces of horseradish for 3 liters. jar.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, cover with a lid and set aside until completely cool.

Using a special lid for liquid, drain the cooled brine. Using a liter measuring cup, measure out the amount of liquid.

Bring the brine to a boil and add 1 liter. water, add 1 tbsp salt and 1.5 tbsp sugar. Pour vinegar directly into the jar - 2 tbsp. for 1l. Fill the tomatoes with hot brine again, roll them up and wrap them in a warm blanket, placing the jars on the lids. Delicious canned tomatoes with garlic and herbs are ready.

Every housewife has had it happen at least once that you rolled up a pastry with tomatoes, cucumbers or something else, and after 2-3 days the lid swelled and swelled. This suggests that such jars will not last until winter and within a couple of more days the lids will come off. I really feel sorry for my work and products, but what to do if this happens? For 2-3 days, nothing happened to the tomatoes in the jar; of course, you can hardly eat them, since they have not yet been salted, but putting them into a borscht dressing is just the thing! It's very easy to do. It is enough to remove all the skin from the tomato and remove the green part from the tails. Beat the tomatoes and peppers from the cans (no need for garlic) with a blender, add salt to taste and boil thoroughly for 15-20 minutes. This is how it turns out good tomato dressing for preparing borscht.

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Recipe No. 2. Very tasty tomatoes for the winter

Once again, the time has come for housewives to prepare preserves for the winter. Although store shelves delight us with variety canned vegetables, berries and fruits, but they cannot be compared with home supplies. And it's not just a matter of special recipes, and also in the mood with which the treasured jars of tomatoes, cucumbers and jam were prepared.

Probably every housewife feels satisfaction from her work; she lovingly puts the gifts of the earth and sun into jars. And even if you collapse from fatigue after hours spent in the kitchen, the results of your labor are still pleasing, which will invariably be reflected in the taste.

And it’s especially pleasant to taste the treasured fruits in winter with potatoes while the wind howls outside the window, under snowfall and blizzard. Therefore, we remember that a summer day not only feeds the winter month, but also gives a particle of its warmth in a jar of sunny tomatoes.

Ingredients for a liter jar:

Preparing delicious canned tomatoes for the winter

To make the best use of time, let's start preparing canned tomatoes by preparing the marinade. For a liter of water we need to take one spoon of salt, one of sugar and we also need one spoon of vinegar. Let's try to immediately determine how much marinade we need. We count like this. If your jar is optimally filled with tomatoes, then you will need 2 times less water than would fit in an empty jar. That is, on three liter jar You will need about one and a half liters of marinade. We put the marinade to boil, and during this time we will deal with the tomatoes.

Sterilize the jars, wash the tomatoes and remove the stems.

Place chopped garlic cloves, onions and carrots, cut into slices, at the bottom of the jar. Add peppercorns, cloves and bay leaves. Fill the jars with tomatoes.

During this time, the marinade will be prepared. Fill the jars with tomatoes with marinade.

Cover with boiled lids. Now we need to sterilize the jars of tomatoes. In a deep saucepan, heat the water to a temperature of approximately 60 degrees, and place a stand on the bottom. We place a can of tomatoes on the stand. The temperature in the jar and in the pan should be approximately the same so that the jars do not burst.

We sterilize liter jars for about 10-12 minutes from boiling water. We take it out, roll it up with a key or twist-off lids. Turn over and leave until the jars have cooled. Can be stored in normal apartment conditions.

In a few weeks it will be autumn. If you have not yet managed to prepare tomatoes for the winter, you have one last chance to do so. When you go to the market, you will probably find ripe tomatoes there. To enjoy them in winter, many housewives use various ways workpieces - pasteurization, sterilization and repeated filling with hot water.

Regardless of the recipe, the main thing is to follow the cooking technique. Then the jars won't explode and the tomatoes won't spoil.

When preparing tomatoes using the canning method, be sure to use various spices. The most commonly used are currant leaves, hot red pepper, black peppercorns, dill, garlic, parsley, tarragon, and bay leaf.

It’s not for nothing that tomatoes are popular in Russia. After all, it is very tasty and nutritious vegetable, which is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, K. Also contains healthy carotene and group minerals- salts of potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Doctors advise eat tomatoes more often people suffering from metabolic disorders. It is also good to eat them when you are sick. of cardio-vascular system. Tomatoes contain pectin substances, which help normalize blood cholesterol levels and also help slow down the growth of bacteria.

If you follow the preparation rules, pickled tomatoes can be stored for many months, even in an ordinary apartment. Over time, they produce a lot of lycopene, which helps prevent the development of oncological diseases. Do not forget that not only the tomatoes themselves are tasty, but also the marinade in which they are in the jars.

Canning Rules

First of all it is necessary to prepare the jars. First, you need to wash them thoroughly with a stiff brush and soda, dry them, and then turn them upside down on a towel to drain off the moisture. Before placing tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc. in them, the jars need to be doused with boiling water again. Don’t forget about the lids - they also need to be washed well with soap or soda, rinsed with running water, and then transferred to an iron bowl with hot water and boiled for 15-20 minutes.

It is best to boil the lids right before marinating the tomatoes. Please note that they should remain in the same water for no more than 2 hours. If you do not have enough time to prepare the contents of the jars, then you will have to boil the lids again for 5 minutes.

When you have everything ready, you can do tomatoes. They are washed thoroughly in warm water, thoroughly clean from dirt and dust, and then rinse again.

During canning, pay special attention to sorting tomatoes. It is not recommended to put tomatoes in one jar different varieties and degree of maturation. Therefore, try not to mix red with green, or pink with brown. Before you start canning, divide the tomatoes into ripe, green and brown. You should also sort them by size into large, small and medium.

The most suitable for preservation for the winter are medium and small sized tomatoes (cherry). They have excellent taste and visual qualities. But large tomatoes should not be used. They are best suited for making juice for pouring. Choose tomatoes for canning very carefully - they should not have spots, defects, cracks or stems.

Try to use medium-ripe fruits for winter harvesting. This way you will be sure that they will not burst later. To avoid cracking, it is useful to prick the fruit at the location of the stalk with a wooden needle.

Before canning, you can peel the tomatoes or use them as is. Necessarily blanch the fruit for 2 minutes and cool. This operation will help you without special effort peel them off and kill all germs.

For preparing vegetables for the winter according to recipes experienced housewives You can use any glass container you have. Before placing the fruit, it is sterilized over steam for 10 minutes. After blanching, the tomatoes are placed in jars in an even layer. Next, you can begin sterilization or use the hot pour method.

Sterilization method

When the tomatoes are in the jar, they can be filled with the prepared filling, heated to 100 degrees. After this, they are covered with sterilized lids and start to warm up. This procedure will help destroy the last remaining microorganisms in the fruit. This is precisely the essence of the sterilization method.

Jars of vegetables prepared for the winter are sterilized in a large container. You must first place a towel or thin wooden board on the bottom. It will not allow the jars to hit the container while the water is boiling. After this, you can place the cans of tomatoes themselves on a board or towel.

Further You can pour water into the container. There should be enough of it so that its border is 2-4 cm below the neck of the jars. After this, the pan can be placed on the stove. The beginning of sterilization is considered to be the moment when the liquid in the container with the jars boils. The duration of the procedure depends on the volume of jars being sterilized - for 3-liter jars it is 25 minutes, for liter jars - 15 minutes, and for half-liter jars - 10 minutes.

When all the jars are sterilized, they are taken out of the container, rolled up, after which they must be shaken thoroughly and turned upside down. Next, they are transferred to a dark place, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool slowly.

Hot pour

The main advantage of this method is that tomatoes retain their appearance much better. For it, it is better to take whole fruits rather than cut into slices.

First you need to rinse the jars with moderately hot water, after which they are doused with boiling water. Only after completing these steps can you fill them necessary ingredients- tomatoes, peppers, onions, etc. Next, they begin to carefully pour boiling water into the jars with fruits and let them stand for 2-3 minutes. Then the water is drained, after which boiling water is poured again. After waiting the same amount of time as the first time, the water is drained, and then the cans of tomatoes are poured again, but now hot pour(marinade), after which they are rolled up.

Simple recipe

Preparing delicious sweet tomatoes for the winter using the canning method is very simple. There are many recipes that any housewife can do. Canned tomatoes Perfect addition to any dish. We present below one of these recipes, for which you don’t have to prepare a marinade. All ingredients are indicated per three-liter jar:

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the tomatoes. For pickling, it is recommended to take red or brown fruits with dense flesh that are not seriously damaged. Next, they are washed under running water and allowed to dry. After this, the tomatoes are selected by size.
  2. Place the ingredients at the bottom of the prepared jars - bay leaf, pepper, onion, garlic and herbs. After this, you can begin to fill them with fruits.
  3. When everything is prepared for sterilization, the jars of tomatoes are poured with boiling water. After 3 minutes, the water is drained. This procedure must be repeated two to three more times.
  4. Place salt and vinegar in jars and add boiling water. After this, they can be rolled up with lids. Next, proceed as usual - the jars are shaken and turned over, and then rolled up in a blanket, transferred to a dark place and allowed to cool slowly.

Other cooking options

This method is also very popular among housewives. With its help you can quickly make delicious tomato preparations , and the fruits will retain their taste and shape. Using this method, you can can not only tomatoes, but also cook others. delicious dishes- lecho, adjika and ketchup with your favorite seasonings.

Here is a simple recipe for preparing food for the winter. delicious tomatoes by sterilization method. For him you you will need the following products:

Preparing pickled tomatoes without sterilization

  1. We take thoroughly washed liter jars and put in them garlic, previously cut into halves, cloves, peppercorns, half a bunch of parsley. You can add an onion head here.
  2. Then we deal with tomatoes. Each fruit should be washed thoroughly and a hole should be made during the day using a toothpick.
  3. After the fruits are punctured, they are placed in a jar in dense rows.
  4. Once the jars are filled to the brim, add seasonings - a little sweet pepper and the remaining amount of parsley.
  5. Now take a saucepan or kettle, pour clean water and set it to boil. Place the cans of tomatoes in a bowl and pour boiling water into it to the very top of the neck.
  6. Now the jars need to be covered metal lids and let stand for 15 minutes.
  7. Then you need to take a small saucepan and pour 1.5 liters of clean water into it.
  8. When the water boils, make the marinade. Add salt, sugar and let it simmer for about 5 minutes.
  9. Now you can drain the water from the cans, we don’t need it. We take the prepared marinade and pour it over our tomatoes a second time, add vinegar and roll up the jars with sterilized metal lids.
  10. We transfer the jars to a dark place, wrap them in a warm blanket and let them cool slowly.
  11. After this, we keep our tomatoes in a warm room.

Pay special attention to the choice of tomatoes that you will pickle - they should be medium or small in size, without damage, brown or red in color. During conservation, strictly follow the sequence of steps. Then you can be sure that in winter your table will have tomatoes of the type and taste that you wanted.

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