Various milkshakes. How to make a delicious milkshake at home

There is no such person who will refuse delicious food. dairy treats. Children especially love milkshakes, even those who don’t drink. regular milk. But they are not just tasty, they contain useful calcium for bones, various vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.

How to do it right milkshake Houses? Milk drink Very easy to prepare at home, all you need is a blender. It is best to grind fruits and berries using a submersible blender with a special attachment for chopping, then remove the seeds using a strainer, and only then add the berry-fruit mixture to the milk.

Many chefs recommend whisking milk in a bowl with knives. This way the milk is enriched with oxygen and becomes airy.

If you don't have a blender, you can use a mixer.

For the simplest milkshake, use milk with medium fat content (3.2%), it should not be too cold, otherwise you will not feel any taste or sweetness. It is best to take slightly chilled milk. If suddenly you don’t like milk, replace it with yogurt, cream, kefir or plant milk(almond, rice, oatmeal, coconut).

The simplest milkshakes involve two ingredients: milk and ice cream. Proportions: for one glass of milk, take 100 grams of ice cream. Try using chocolate ice cream, or creme brulee, or something else with additives of your choice - there are so many varieties of milkshake you can get using just two ingredients.

But, of course, such a delicacy is very high in calories, it may contain a lot of sugar, so when treating yourself to a milkshake, it is still important to know when to stop.

Non-alcoholic milkshakes with fruits and berries: popular recipes

Fruit cocktails help fight thirst, satisfy hunger and refresh in the heat. The main condition is that the drink must be consumed immediately after you have whipped it, because due to the acid present in the fruit, the milk can curdle. Don't be afraid to combine different fruits, add syrups, jams or ice cream to them and you will find your perfect milkshake.

Banana cocktail

This is the simplest of milkshakes. It has a delicate velvety consistency and pleasant taste. To prepare it, you only need a couple of bananas, 1 ice cream and a glass of cool milk. Grind the banana into a paste using an immersion blender. Add banana and ice cream to milk, beat in a bowl with knives. You can add to taste cane sugar.

Strawberry-banana milkshake

IN summer season Be sure to treat yourself to this wonderful milk drink made from fresh strawberries. For a mug of milk, take half a mug of berries, washed and peeled, and 1 banana. Mix banana and strawberries in a blender, add milk, beat. If you have a sweet tooth, don't forget to add sugar.

Blueberry-blackberry cocktail

This drink has an amazing dark color. Take a handful of blueberries and blackberries and blend with a blender. Pass through a sieve to remove seeds from the berry mixture. Pour half of the berry slurry into glasses, add the rest to the milk, and whisk. Pour the resulting cocktail on top of the berry puree. Garnish with fresh blueberries and blackberries.

Creamy strawberry cocktail

To prepare it, take 100 grams of fresh strawberries and the same amount of ice cream, a glass of milk, and vanilla. Grind the berries with a blender. Remove the tender center from the vanilla pod and add to the mashed berries. Mix creamy ice cream with berry puree and milk. Beat everything together well in a blender.

Kiwi cocktail

This drink will give you energy and refresh you in the heat. To prepare it, take a glass of cold milk, ice cream with creamy taste, 1 kiwi, sugar to taste. Peel and grind the kiwi in a blender, add milk and ice cream. Add sugar to taste.

Orange cocktail

Try it unusual combination milk and oranges in this milkshake. You will need a couple of oranges, 1 banana, 2/3 cup of milk and, if desired, a few spoons of sugar. Grind the banana in a blender, squeeze the juice from the oranges and grate the zest. Add the juice and zest, sugar and milk to the banana and beat until foamy.

Milkshake with persimmon

Wash one medium persimmon, peel it and remove the seeds. Mix with a glass of milk and blend in a blender. This pleasant-tasting drink goes well with walnuts.

Melon cocktail

This milkshake is also very tasty and unusual. Take a small melon of good ripeness, 1 serving of ice cream, 1 glass of cool milk, vanilla, sea buckthorn syrup and sugar of your choice. Peel the melon by removing the core with seeds and peel. Cut into small pieces, add sugar, vanilla and syrup to it in a blender and beat until the consistency of puree. Transfer the ice cream to it, pour in the milk and beat for another 3-4 minutes.

Non-alcoholic milkshakes with dried fruits and nuts

Don't be afraid to use nuts and dried fruits to make your milkshake. They contain no less vitamins than fresh fruits. In addition, such a nutritious smoothie is perfect for breakfast.

Milkshake with prunes

This drink will help improve the functioning of the digestive system. Take 50 grams of prunes, 1 ice cream and a glass of milk. Rinse dried fruits thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. After a while, drain the water and place the prunes in the refrigerator to cool. Then grind it into a paste, add prunes and ice cream to the milk in a shaker. Whip on high speed a few minutes.

Milkshake with dates

Very gentle and sweet cocktail made with the addition of dates. For 1 glass of milk you will need half a glass of these dried fruits. Rinse them and remove the seeds. Place the dates in a small saucepan with the milk. Wait until it boils, then reduce the heat. Simmer the dates for another 5 minutes. Add sugar if desired. Cool the milk and dried fruits and beat with a blender.

Cocktail with pistachios

The cocktail gets an unusual taste if you add it to milk. different nuts. Take half a glass of pistachios, 100 grams of ice cream, a glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar. Chop the nuts and sugar in a blender. Add ice cream, milk and vanilla extract. Beat for a couple of minutes.

Cocktail with walnuts and apple

You will need: 1 glass of milk, 1 sour apple, 1/3 cup of nuts, peeled and filmed, honey and vanilla. Chop the nuts in a blender until they become powder. Wash the apple, peel it, cut out the seeds and turn it into puree using a blender. Add milk, nuts, vanilla, a few teaspoons of honey and beat.

Non-alcoholic milkshakes with syrups, jam and other additives

When preparing milkshakes, do not forget about these simple things, How regular jam, condensed milk, coffee, chocolate or various syrups. All these additives will help you make an amazingly tasty drink from milk.

Coffee cocktail

Coffee lovers will surely love this milkshake. Take 1 glass of milk, half a mug of brewed or instant coffee, 50 grams of ice cream, add honey or cane sugar to taste. Beat in a blender for 2-3 minutes.

Cocktail with pineapple juice

For this drink you can use either juice from the store or pineapple syrup. Mix 1 glass of milk with 50 ml pineapple juice, add 50 grams of ice cream and beat. Garnish the glass with the finished cocktail with pineapple pieces and fresh mint.

Non-alcoholic Pina Colada

So extraordinary delicious cocktail can even be prepared for children's party. You will need: a glass of milk, ice cream 60-120 grams, half a glass orange juice, 4-5 tablespoons of coconut syrup. Beat everything in a blender. Serve well chilled, garnished with an umbrella.

Raspberry cocktail with mint syrup

Mint cocktails have a unique invigorating and refreshing taste. Take a glass of raspberries or half a glass raspberry jam, mix in a blender with a glass of milk, add 3-4 spoons mint syrup. Garnish with fresh berries and mint leaves.

Chocolate milkshake with mint syrup

To prepare it, you need to take an incomplete glass of milk, 50 ml of instant coffee, 2 tablespoons of mint syrup, 1 tablespoon of cocoa, 50 grams of cream or chocolate ice cream. All ingredients must be beaten well in a blender until foam forms. Pour into clear glasses, garnish with fresh mint leaves.

This treat will not leave any chocolate lover indifferent. Prepare a glass of milk, 20 grams milk chocolate, 100 grams of slightly melted ice cream, 30 grams of cookies (for example, unsalted crackers). Place the chocolate in the freezer for half an hour, then grind it into crumbs in a blender, adding cookies to it. Pour in the milk and add the ice cream, stir. You should drink this milkshake immediately after preparing it.

Cold eggnog with raspberry jam

To make this cool cocktail, take milk (no more than 1 glass), half a cup of raspberry jam, 2 eggs and 100 grams of ice cream. You only need the yolks. Beat them in a blender with jam until foam forms, then add ice cream and pour in milk. Beat for a couple more minutes.

Milkshakes with cottage cheese

Cocktails with cottage cheese are very filling, especially if you add oatmeal or other cereal flakes to them. In addition, cottage cheese contains much more protein, so such drinks are considered protein drinks. Nutritionists recommend using them during active sports and when losing weight. Choose cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content if you are watching calories.

Curd and apricot milkshake

Take 1 glass of milk, 4-5 ripe apricots, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 2 teaspoons of honey. Wash the apricots and remove the pits. In a blender, grind the apricots with cottage cheese, adding honey (or sugar), pour in a glass of milk, and beat.

Cocktail with honey and bran

Bran is perfect for those who are on a diet - they are not high in calories and perfectly satisfy hunger. To prepare such a milkshake, you need to take a glass of milk, half a glass of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of bran and a couple of teaspoons of honey. Combine all ingredients in a blender and beat until foam appears.

Mint cocktail with lemon and cottage cheese

2 glasses of milk, one lemon, a small bunch of fresh mint leaves, 200 grams of cottage cheese, sugar or honey 2-3 teaspoons. Rinse the mint and grate the zest of the lemon. Place mint and lemon zest in a blender and bring to a puree consistency. Add cottage cheese, milk and beat.

Hot cocktails

Many people have not liked hot milk since childhood, because a nasty foam always formed on it. However, in winter, hot milk will help you warm up, and the taste of such drinks is simply delicious. The main thing is to beat it quickly so that it does not cool too much before serving.

Egg legs

Traditional “Egg Nog” is usually boiled until thickened and rum is added to it. Simplified recipe this drink will allow you to make a similar one hot cocktail without spoiling its wonderful taste. Take a glass of milk, 1 egg, a little cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla, 1 tablespoon of sugar. Separate the yolk from the white and grind the yolk with sugar. Add a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg to the milk and wait until it boils. Pour the hot milk into a blender, add the yolk with sugar and beat for 5 minutes. Serve sprinkled with ground nutmeg.


You will need 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of honey and the same amount lemon juice, 2 glasses full fat milk. Separate the yolk from the white and grind until white, bring the milk to a boil. Pour milk into a blender, add honey, yolk and lemon juice. Whisk.

Cocktail with ginger for colds

It's not difficult to make, you just need to take a glass fresh milk, ginger to taste, a couple of tablespoons of honey. In a blender, beat ginger with honey. Heat the milk, carefully add honey and ginger to it, stir. This hot milk will not only warm you up, but will also help with the initial signs of a cold.

Serve the finished milkshakes in tall glass glasses with a straw. Decorate the prepared milkshake with culinary sprinkles, crumbs grated cookies or chocolate fresh fruit and berries, mint leaves. Such simple desserts Anyone with a blender and a couple of free minutes can easily prepare it.

Active evening recreation always means dancing, fun and alcohol. Going to a bar or night club accompanied by tasting new or drinking your favorite cocktails. But you don’t have to go anywhere for this: decorate house party or a meeting with friends, you can prepare it yourself alcoholic cocktails Houses.

Features of cocktails

Why are alcoholic cocktails so attractive to nightlife lovers? The fact is that they have a number of features that distinguish these drinks from other alcoholic products.

An alcoholic cocktail is a mixture of two or more ingredients, one of which necessarily contains alcohol. They can be completely simple in composition and preparation, or they can be multi-component with complex step-by-step preparation. The right combination The components of the cocktail provide a pleasant taste and a slight dizzying effect, which is no longer akin to intoxication, but to relaxation and fun.

Cocktails alcohol houses You can also cook it, but this requires certain skill and knowledge of proportions. Therefore, most often people turn to bars and nightclubs for these drinks.

Types of cocktails

The best bartenders annually compete in the skill of creating cocktails, so it is quite difficult to keep up with new products. If you decide to prepare alcoholic cocktails at home, then you need to know the basics about them:

  • There are “long” and “short” cocktails. They are also called in English words"long" and "shot" respectively.
  • Long cocktails usually contain more than three ingredients and are served in a tall glass with sufficient quantity ice. This version of cocktails is usually drunk through a straw.
  • Shot cocktails are drunk in one gulp. They are served in a shot glass or a small special glass. Usually contain more alcoholic components than longs.
  • There are classic cocktails, the recipes of which have been established for decades. They have the same name and have the same composition in any bar in the world.
  • Bartenders can make signature cocktails based on classic ones, slightly modifying the recipe or completely inventing a new composition.

Making an alcoholic cocktail at home is absolutely easy. The main thing is to know what exactly you want to get.

What's good about classic recipes?

IN cocktail menu You can always find these names in any bar. You don’t expect anything new from them and you are one hundred percent sure of the taste. Classic recipes alcoholic cocktails - this is a taste ratio that has been tested over the years.

If you decide to make alcoholic cocktails at home, then turn your attention, first of all, to the classic compositions.

"Mojito", "Margarita", "Cosmopolitan", B-52 - this list goes on for a long time and every connoisseur of taste good alcohol will be able to find a recipe to his liking.

Before you start preparing, you need to decide on what occasion the cocktail will be for, for what audience and what its preferences are. And having studied the theoretical basis, preparing alcoholic cocktails at home: simple and complex, strong and not so strong is a matter of technique and inspiration.

Cocktails for any occasion

Several simple cocktails have a universal taste that will please almost everyone. They are suitable for a party or get-together with friends.

  1. Whiskey cola. To prepare it, you need to mix whiskey with chilled highly carbonated cola in a one-to-one ratio. Add to glass before serving a large number of ice.
  2. Vodka with Sprite. Pour 50 ml of vodka and 150 ml of chilled Sprite into a tall glass. Add a few wedges of lime or lime juice. Escort big amount ice.
  3. "Mojito." Pour two teaspoons of sugar (preferably brown) into the bottom of a tall glass and squeeze out the juice from half a lime. After this, you need to put a lot of mint leaves, crushed ice in the glass and pour 60 ml of rum and 150 ml of carbonated mineral water or sprite. Garnish the glass with lime slices.

From these recipes it is clear that you can make an alcoholic cocktail at home without the use of complex ingredients and special equipment.

Female version

It is usually more difficult to surprise the fair sex. They are picky about the taste and presentation of their drinks. But nothing is impossible - delicious alcoholic cocktails at home is a completely feasible task for everyone!

  • "Cosmopolitan". In a shaker or large glass you need to mix 20 ml and the same amount of vodka, 10 ml cranberry juice and the same amount of lemon juice. Add crushed ice and stir thoroughly. Served in a martini glass.
  • "Sea breeze". In a shaker or blender you need to mix 50 ml of vodka and the same amount grapefruit juice with 100 ml cranberry juice. Mix thoroughly with crushed ice, serve in a tall glass, garnished with cranberries.
  • Mulled wine. A bottle of red wine (dry or sweet) enamel dishes need to bring to a boil. Add spices to the wine: cinnamon, honey, cloves, coriander and simmer over low heat for several minutes. Cool the cocktail to the desired temperature and serve in a mulled wine glass with lemon wedges.

The fairer sex is not preferred pleasant taste. A beautifully decorated glass of cocktail will only increase your appetite.

Best shots

Preparing alcoholic cocktails at home that are drunk in one gulp is also not a problem. The following cocktails are the simplest and most delicious.

  • B-52. To prepare this classic cocktail you need to mix coffee, cream and orange liqueur in equal proportions. You need to pour the ingredients into a small glass in the same sequence, and you need to be extremely careful not to mix the layers. To do this, it is best to pour the liqueur along the tip of the knife. When serving, the contents of the glass should be set on fire and quickly drunk through a straw.
  • "Kamikaze". In a small glass, mix 100 ml of vodka with 25 ml orange liqueur. Add a few drops of lime juice.
  • "Green Monkey" Mix banana in a small glass and pour in layers - first the yellow layer, green liqueur is carefully poured on top.

Short cocktails are most often preferred by men: they are stronger and have a pronounced alcoholic taste.

Men's cocktails

Vodka is an alcoholic drink that is very popular among the stronger half of humanity. Women love to try different cocktails that have original tastes, but men like it more strong drinks: cognac, whiskey, vodka, brandy and others. But it's not always like that strong alcohol appropriate In some situations, it is more appropriate to offer guests a cocktail, but which one is most suitable in a male company? Let's look at the most popular options:

  • Vodka-energy. Making this cocktail is very simple. To do this you will need a narrow glass with ice. Pour in vodka (50 ml), and 150 ml energy drink. Both ingredients are carefully mixed with a spoon, and a couple of lemon slices are attached to the edge of the glass. You can add grenadine, it will give the cocktail a beautiful color.
  • "Cape drink is prepared from vodka. For this you will need 50 ml of alcohol and 150 ml of fruit drink. Mix both ingredients in a glass with ice, maybe cranberries.
  • "IQ." An easy recipe cooking delicious strong cocktail. Fill a tall glass with ice and add all the ingredients: vodka (50 ml), honey syrup(20 ml), grapefruit juice (150 ml). The components of the drink must be carefully mixed with a spoon. Orange zest is used for decoration.

These drinks are easy to prepare and do not take much time.

Be careful!

Making alcoholic cocktails at home, the recipes of which are simple and appetizing, is as easy as shelling pears. But before that, it’s worth remembering some of the features of these drinks that require special care and caution.

Alcoholic cocktails are very deceptive - their taste makes you think that you are not drinking alcohol at all, and forget about the quantity. However, every glass of cocktail is an increased load on the liver and cardiovascular system. It is by combining different kinds strong alcoholic drinks, it is possible to ensure that they enhance and multiply the toxic effect of each other. And in combination with a pleasant taste and an atmosphere of general fun, alcoholic cocktails can be very insidious for the body.

But this does not mean that you should refuse them! You just need to remember moderation and not overuse, be able to stop in time, no matter what funny company neither was.

Several alcoholic cocktails, provided wellness, will only add zest to a party with friends.

Preparing alcoholic cocktails at home is not only a reason to surprise your friends and acquaintances, it can also be an excellent element of entertainment at a party: cocktails prepared together are much more interesting to taste together.

Milkshake... What drink could be better for a children's party, party or just for breakfast? It is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy - it produces milk required amount calcium, protein and fat, and fruit or vegetable supplements will energize you with vitamins C, A, B, potassium and magnesium. It all depends on what exactly you will cook it with. By the way, a milkshake is an excellent solution for those mothers whose children do not like milk. What child would refuse a tasty, beautiful mixture with pieces of fruit that is very fun and interesting to drink?

How to make a milkshake at home

To taste this drink, you no longer need to go to a cafe. The classic mix is ​​so easy to prepare that even a schoolchild can master the recipe for how to make a milkshake. For several servings you will need:

250 grams. regular cream ice cream (about 2 scoops);

2 glasses of milk 3.2% fat;

1 glass of cream;

2 tbsp. spoons powdered sugar or any fruit syrup;

A little vanilla.

Place all the ingredients listed in a blender or mixing bowl and blend at highest speed for 2-3 minutes. The classic milkshake is ready. Following the specified recipe, you will get about 3-4 servings. For those who are embarrassed by the fat content of the cocktail (after all, ice cream and cream are not the best dietary products), there is an obvious way out - replace regular milk with skim milk, also choose cream with the lowest percentage of fat content, and from a wide range of ice cream, purchase one that has lowest calorie content. This way you can enjoy the drink without harming your figure. You can also add a little to the cocktail fresh berries or fruits, and replace sugar, as mentioned above, with fruit or any other syrup. Now that you have a basic recipe for how to make a milkshake at home, you can endlessly experiment and come up with something new. Adding various ingredients, you will prepare a new mixture for each breakfast.

How to make a chocolate and banana milkshake

This recipe is sure to become a favorite at kids' parties. Absolutely all kids will like the chocolate-banana flavor. For him caring mother have to take:

150-200 ml of milk of any fat content;

70-100 grams of chocolate;

200 grams of regular ice cream;

Cinnamon to taste.

Grate the chocolate and dissolve it in a small amount of hot milk, leaving a couple of spoons of shavings for decoration. Cut the banana into small circles. Next, all ingredients should be placed in a mixer or blender, beat for 2-4 minutes until the mass becomes nice and homogeneous. Then pour into glasses and, garnish with chocolate, serve. You can add cinnamon to the drink to taste. It's very simple and doesn't even take five minutes. Knowing how to make a milkshake, you can easily find an alternative to store-bought carbonated drinks, which are not very healthy for both children and adults.

Published on April 5, 2017

Anyone can make a milkshake. Many of us remember this taste from childhood. Once upon a time, I simply dreamed that we would have a mixer at home in order to prepare these cocktails in unlimited quantities.

Today, a mixer is far from a problem; almost every family has either a mixer or a blender. But for some reason, we often buy milkshakes in cafes or pizzerias, but we don’t prepare them at home.

In this article I will try to give several recipes for making milkshakes that will become your favorites. But first I want to tell you some tips on how to properly prepare a cocktail based on dairy products.

Remember milk must be chilled. Only then will it whip well into foam.

You can add almost all fruits except orange, tangerine, grapefruit and sour apples. Otherwise, there is a risk of having a fasting day after drinking a cocktail.

In addition to milk, you can use kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt.

You can decorate a cocktail coconut flakes, grated chocolate, grated nuts, mint, pieces of fruit.

You can decorate with a beautiful top of whipped cream. You can read how to make whipped cream at home by following the link.

You can also decorate the edges of the glass in which you will serve the cocktail. Dip the glass into water and then into sugar. You will get beautiful edges in edible snow.

It is better to take ice cream white without dyes. And of course, only ice cream.

Fruits and berries that you plan to use in the cocktail can be whipped together with milk. Just remember to wash them first.

Very often, all possible syrups are used for cooking. If you don’t have syrup on hand, you can replace it with jam.


Ice cream 1 waffle cup.

A glass of milk.


☑ Remove the ice cream from the cup and place it in the blender bowl.

☑ Pour in milk and beat for 3-4 minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses and serve.

Your cocktail is completely ready.

Strawberry-vanilla cocktail


Strawberries-200 grams

Vanilla ice cream - 150 grams.

Milk 100-150 grams.

Vanilla sugar packet.

Sugar to taste but not more than 150 grams.


☑ Mix strawberries with ice cream and beat well.

☑ Add milk, vanilla, sugar and beat for about three more minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses, garnish with strawberry halves and serve.

Your cocktail is ready.

Coffee Banana Milkshake


1 banana.

1 teaspoon instant coffee.

Half a glass of milk.

1 tablespoon honey.

100-120 grams of ice cream.


☑ Cut the banana into circles and mix with ice cream. Beat everything using a blender.

☑ Dissolve coffee in 2 tablespoons warm water. And send it to the banana.

☑ Add honey and beat milk for 3-4 minutes.

Your cocktail is ready.

Almond milkshake


A third of a glass of milk.

1 cup kefir.

50 grams of almonds.

Apricot syrup or jam.

Sugar to taste.

A tablespoon of ice cream.


☑ Peel the almonds, pour boiling water over them to make it easier to remove the skin.

☑Place pure almonds in a coffee grinder and grind the grains.

☑Mix almond powder with the rest of the ingredients and beat until foam appears. Pour the cocktail into glasses and serve.

Hot chocolate milkshake


1 banana.

Half a liter of milk.

Dark chocolate bar.

Ground cinnamon.


☑ Peel the banana, cut it into circles and use a blender to turn it into banana puree.

☑ Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire.

☑ Add banana puree and broken chocolate to the milk.

☑ Continue heating the milk until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

☑As soon as the chocolate dissolves and the mass begins to thicken, pour the cocktail into glasses and sprinkle ground cinnamon on top.

Cocktail raspberry paradise


Raspberries 140-150 grams.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 100-120 grams.

Sugar 2-3 tablespoons.


☑ Place the raspberries in a saucepan, pour out all the sugar and put on fire. ☑ Bring to a boil and cook for just a couple of minutes. Be careful that the sugar does not burn.

☑ Cool the raspberries and pour in the milk, mix and pour into a blender. Add ice cream and beat until fluffy. This will take about 2-3 minutes.

☑ Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and serve to guests.

Cherry milkshake


Cherries, fresh or frozen. You can use cherry syrup.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 120-130 grams.

1-2 tablespoons of sugar. Depends on the acidity of the cherry.


☑ Wash the cherries well and remove the pits.

☑ Squeeze juice from berries. Or simply puree them using an immersion blender.

☑ Mix cherry puree with the rest of the ingredients and beat well for 3-4 minutes.

Cocktail mint cloud


150 milk.

150 ice cream.

30 mint syrup.

A sprig of mint.

Whipped cream.


☑ Mix all ingredients and beat until fluffy.

☑ Garnish with a top of whipped cream and a sprig of mint.

Milkshake Paradise Apple


500 milk.

2 sweet apples.

50 grams of walnuts.


Honey or cane sugar about a tablespoon.


☑ Grind the nut grains in a coffee grinder to a powder state.

☑ Wash the apples and turn them into puree.

☑ Add sugar or honey to the puree and mix.

2 level tablespoons of sugar.

Coconut flakes or grated chocolate.


☑ Separate the yolk from the white.

☑ Beat the egg white for 1 minute and gradually add sugar.

☑ Beat for a few more minutes.

☑ Carefully add the yolk and continue whisking the cooled milk.

☑ Pour in the vodka again and beat everything well.

☑ Pour into glasses, decorate with coconut shavings and serve.

The main summer delicacy is cool, moderately sweet and healthy, airy, loved by both children and adults... Milkshake has rightfully won the title of the most popular summer drink, especially since there are dozens of options for preparing it! Vanilla, chocolate, fruit, caramel, berry, with syrup, thick and airy foam... Let's please your family and learn how to make the most delicious milkshakes at home.

The main thing in the article

What can you use to make a milkshake at home?

Although there are many varieties of milkshakes, we all remember the taste of the one that was prepared back in the Soviet grocery store. It seemed to be just liquid ice cream, but with thick foam. The base for preparing such a drink is traditionally considered to be:

  • milk;
  • ice cream.

Additives in the form of syrup, berries, fruits and fruit juices are added to the cocktail as desired to give the desired taste. Some people like a milkshake made with kefir or yogurt, and those on a diet can do without ice cream at all! Also traditionally added to milkshakes:

  • cream - to add fat and thickness to the drink;
  • crushed ice - to make the drink even cooler and more refreshing;
  • fruits and berries in all their variety (banana, kiwi, strawberry, raspberry, peach, cherry, currant, raspberry);
  • chocolate – grated, pre-melted, chocolate syrup or topping;
  • caramel or jam, syrup or juice with any flavor;
  • gourmets and connoisseurs unusual tastes add mint, ginger, lemon or lime juice, cinnamon to milkshakes, instant coffee and other flavor enhancers.

Ice cream for milkshake: features of choice

To make a milkshake especially tasty and healthy, you need to choose the right ingredients for it. Basic requirements for components homemade cocktail and milk:

  1. Ice cream - the fattier it is, the creamier it is and more natural taste product, the tastier and thicker the cocktail will be. Most often, the base for milkshakes is classic ice cream, since it is he, unlike his chocolate and fruit “brothers”, that has the highest fat content. Choose the most best ice cream according to GOST from a manufacturer you trust.
  2. You can take homemade milk for cocktails, but more often they use a pasteurized product from the store - such milk does not need to be boiled and is less likely to cause allergies.

Usually the amount of ice cream and milk is taken in a ratio of 1:3, but if you want a thicker drink, change the proportion slightly in favor of ice cream.

If you don't drink milk at all, or want to make your smoothie healthier, replace the milk with yogurt or kefir.

How to make a milkshake in a blender?

A blender is the most popular technique for whipping milkshakes at home. It would seem that there is nothing easier than whipping a milkshake using a blender: place all the ingredients in a bowl, press the button, and in a matter of seconds you are already pouring the cocktail into glasses and enjoying the refreshing taste. But this matter also has its own nuances:

  • If you use fruits or berries to make a milkshake, choose fresh fruits. If you only have frozen ones, defrost them first, then drain the resulting liquid. The berries are crushed separately in a blender, after which the remaining ingredients are added and the mass is beaten together. If you are using particularly delicate berries - strawberries, raspberries, then you can beat them, dilute them with milk, and then add ice cream.
  • Add slightly softened ice cream to the blender bowl, not very frozen.
  • The cocktail is whipped at the highest speed until you notice formation thick foam.
  • Crushed ice can be added to the blender bowl while blending the cocktail to make the drink more smooth.

How to make a delicious milkshake with ice cream: a classic recipe

Soviet milkshakes were prepared in special metal glasses, and diligent miracle “stirrers” whipped them for us. This is probably why they turned out so tasty, or maybe the cooks who prepared them knew some kind of special secret. Let's try to solve it and make a cocktail like in the USSR. To prepare the classic “Soviet” ice cream, take 2 servings:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 170 g of ice cream (about 2 packs in a cup).

Place ice cream with milk cooled to 6-7°C in a blender bowl and beat at high speed until the desired thickness and the formation of airy foam. Pour into glasses and drink immediately before the foam settles.

Tip: to make the cocktail sweeter, and its taste to “throw you back” to childhood, add a spoon to the mixture strawberry jam and beat well again.

How to make a milkshake with a mixer?

To whip a milkshake, if you don’t have a blender, you can use a mixer. Arm yourself with the ingredients for the cocktail from the previous point, mix them in a mixer bowl and beat, increasing the speed to maximum. Until a thick foam forms, you will need to beat the cocktail with a mixer a little longer than with a blender, namely 2-3 minutes.

How to make a banana milkshake with milk: photo recipe

Compound banana smoothie simple: for it you can take banana ice cream or add banana-flavored syrup, but to make the drink completely natural, just take fresh banana. This delicacy can be enjoyed at any time of the year - an undeniable advantage of a banana milkshake.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Chilled milk – 350 ml;
  • Ice cream (fat ice cream) – 100 g;
  • Banana - one medium-sized fruit;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp;
  • A pinch of grated chocolate for serving.

Peel the banana and chop it before placing it in the blender bowl.

Lightly melt the ice cream and add it to the container.

Pour in cold milk, add sugar.
Beat everything at high speed for 15-20 seconds, pour into glasses and sprinkle a little grated chocolate on top.

Banana harmonizes perfectly with chocolate, so you can add a little to the cocktail chocolate syrup or add 1 tbsp cocoa powder, then beat well.

How to make a milkshake with strawberries?

During the season of fragrant juicy berries, it would be a sin not to treat yourself and your family to a strawberry cocktail. Therefore, we choose ripe sweet berries and prepare:

  • Milk from the refrigerator – 400 ml;
  • Creamy ice cream – 150 g;
  • Sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Strawberries, stemmed – 150 g;
  • Cream – 50 ml.

  1. Grind the strawberries in a blender, add some of the milk, and blend well again.
  2. Add melted ice cream, pour in cream and remaining milk, add sugar.
  3. Beat at high speed and pour into glasses.
  4. For a spectacular presentation and an even more refreshing taste, add finely crushed ice and decorate the glass with a couple of mint leaves.

If fresh strawberries missing, but there are frozen berries - they are also great. They should first be defrosted, drained melt water and beat in a blender, adding 1 teaspoon of sugar. Next, the remaining products are added to the berry component and beaten into a homogeneous mass.

Honey Raspberry Milkshake Recipe

Try incredible delicious combination creamy ice cream, fresh fragrant raspberries and tender honey in one cool dessert. Take:

  • Milk – 0.5 l;
  • Ice cream – 200 g;
  • Raspberries – 1 tbsp;
  • Honey – 1.5 tbsp.
  1. Dissolve honey in heated milk and cool the mixture in the refrigerator to 6-7°C.
  2. In a blender, beat the ice cream and milk-honey mixture.
  3. Add raspberries and run the blender again until a thick foam forms.
  4. When pouring into glasses, use a strainer to avoid raspberry seeds getting into the finished drink.

How to make a vanilla milkshake?

To prepare a vanilla milkshake, let’s make amendments to the usual composition of the classic drink:

  • Vanilla ice cream – 200 g;
  • Milk – 400 ml;
  • Cream – 80 g;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 package.

Mix all the ingredients and whisk until the mass thickens and forms a fluffy foam, pour into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate on top.

How to make a milkshake with syrup?

A cocktail with syrup is a winning option for a cooling drink to achieve a smooth consistency and a more pronounced taste. Choose a syrup or topping with any flavor that you like, and if you don’t have one, take any relatively liquid jam, it will be especially tasty with strawberry, raspberry, cherry and currant jam. The recipe is for 2 large glasses:

  • Cold milk – 0.5 l;
  • Ice cream sundae – 150 g;
  • Fruit, berry or chocolate syrup - 3 tbsp.

Add the softened ice cream to the milk, pour in the syrup and beat at high speed until the characteristic airy foam appears.

How to make a milkshake with fruit?

Any fruit you like can be used as an addition to a milkshake, but milkshakes with:

  • kiwi;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • melons;
  • berries - raspberries, blueberries, currants;
  • as well as a mix of them.

Recipe and proportions fruit milkshake do not differ from those indicated in classic version, and adding the amount of fruit is done according to your taste.

It is important to know that before they get into your cocktail, fruits and berries must be processed: peel them, remove all the seeds and blend in a blender with a small amount sugar (optional), and only then add the rest of the ingredients in the form of milk, ice cream, cream, etc.

Natural fruits do not contain as much sugar as, for example, jam or store-bought syrups. Therefore, if you want your milkshake to be richly sweet, add sugar or liquid honey to taste while whipping the drink.

Caramel milkshake recipe

This drink requires a little more work than its classic brother. But after trying it at least once, you will be convinced that it is worth it. Of course, you can always add store-bought caramel topping to your milkshake, but it will be tastier and healthier to make your own caramel. Components:

  • Milk – 500 ml;
  • Vanilla ice cream – 2-3 scoops;
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp;
  • Grated chocolate and banana for decoration.
  1. Melt the sugar in a small bowl over low heat. This must be done, stirring constantly, so as not to miss the moment when the caramel begins to darken.
  2. When the mass becomes golden, add 6-7 tbsp of water and, forgetting to stir all the time, bring the caramel substance to a syrupy consistency.
  3. Pour milk into the resulting mass and bring to a boil. We remove the dishes from caramel milk from heat and cool. After covering the container, we hide it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  4. Only after it has cooled to 5-6°C do we add the milk to the blender bowl, add the ice cream and beat for 15 seconds.
  5. Pour the drink into cocktail glasses, garnish with banana slices, sprinkle with grated chocolate and serve with straws.

How to make a chocolate milkshake: step-by-step recipe

To prepare chocolate milkshake, you can go three ways:

Blend all ingredients with a blender at high speed for 20-25 seconds, after which we enjoy the chocolate and creamy taste.

This cocktail looks even more appetizing and beautiful with a piece of ice cream placed on the surface of the cocktail, sprinkled with grated milk chocolate.

Milkshake with yogurt and Oreo cookies: original recipe

A non-standard, very tasty drink that will serve as an independent - nutritious and healthy dessert. Crispy cookie particles that will be found in a cocktail, combined with tender strawberry yogurt And creamy ice cream will not leave either a child or an adult indifferent. Let's prepare:

  • Oreo cookies – 6 pieces;
  • Vanilla ice cream – a couple of scoops of 70 g each;
  • Strawberry or raspberry drinking yogurt – 400 ml.
  1. Divide the cookies into halves and place them in a blender bowl.
  2. Add ice cream and grind everything into a homogeneous, rather thick mass.
  3. Then pour in the yogurt and beat our smoothie again.
  4. Pour the cocktail into glasses and garnish with half an Oreo cookie.

If you want a thinner cocktail consistency, use milk or cream.

How to make a milkshake like McDonald's?

The main feature of McDonald's food is that it is filling, high-calorie, and extremely tasty. That's milkshakes McShake differ from the classic ones in their thickness and more rich taste. Let's try to make a milk drink that is especially popular in the heat cocktail with mint. To prepare such a cocktail, we will use a 1:1 proportion of milk and ice cream:

  • Milk – 250 ml;
  • Creamy ice cream – 250 g;
  • Mint extract – a couple of drops;
  • Green food coloring - by eye;
  • Whipped cream in a tube for decoration.
  1. Place the ice cream in a blender bowl and add very cold milk.
  2. Literally add 2-3 drops of mint extract into the milk mass, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. Add food coloring to give a green “mint” color and beat our cocktail at high speed.
  4. Pour the cocktail into a glass, beautifully spread whipped cream on top, and decorate with a cherry or raspberry on top if desired.
  5. Amazingly tasty, thick and refreshing mint milkshake like from McDonald's for cats to serve.

How to make a milkshake at home without ice cream?

Even if you don’t have ice cream at home, you still won’t be left without a tasty and healthy milkshake. Prepare:

  • Orange juice (banana, apricot, strawberry, peach – whatever you like, and it will also be very tasty with a mix of 2 types of juice) – 0.3 l;
  • Banana – 1 large fruit;
  • Cream – 0.3-0.5 l – to taste;
  • Finely crushed ice - optional.

First cut the banana into slices, place all the ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth. Add ice after pouring the drink into glasses.

How to make an airy milkshake with foam: the main secrets

Above we have given 12 best recipes homemade milkshakes . In conclusion, let's consolidate the material covered by summing up so that you always succeed delicious drinks with thick and airy foam:

1. It is better to choose milk with a fat content of 2.5 to 3%. But the most important criterion is the temperature of the milk. The colder it is, the faster and easier the cocktail will whip into the desired thick consistency, the more airy the foam will be. Milk is best frothed at a temperature of +6°C.
2. Follow the proportions indicated in the recipes, do not skimp on the ice cream and do not overdo it with the liquid component, otherwise you risk getting not only an overly liquid drink without an appetizing foam, but also without a noticeable taste and sweetness.
3. Beat your milkshakes at high speed for 15-20 seconds on a blender or 2-3 minutes with a mixer.
