Homemade cider from Antonovka. Recipe for making homemade cider

Many in our country associate cider with the Wolf, the hooligan from the favorite Soviet cartoon “Well, Just Wait.” It is not known why the animators decided to use this noble drink, but the difficult-to-open bottle and the carbonation of its contents were remembered by both children and adults. In fact, cider dates back to the times of the Roman Empire and has always been an exclusively festive drinking drink.

In medieval France, cider was more popular than wine, and in the northern provinces of Brittany and Normandy it continues to maintain its position to this day. The drink is valued and respected in Germany, Spain, and England. There is nothing stopping us from joining European culture and making apple cider at home. The harm from such a product is minimal, but the benefits significantly exceed industrial designs.

General technological principles

Cider is commonly understood as alcoholic drink made from apples, carbonated and sweetish in taste. This traditional recipe cider, but not the only one. There are not only sweet and semi-sweet varieties, but also dry ones. Instead of apples, you can use pears, quinces and other fruits. There is still (still) cider and even non-alcoholic cider. Here are the main steps home winemaking using apple cider as an example.

Fruit preparation

To understand how to make apple cider truly tasty, let’s look at the composition. Industrial cider production uses specially bred “cider” apple varieties, for example, Yarlington Mill, Black Kingston, Bitter Tremlet. They contain in sufficient quantity tannins and acids that create the rich natural taste of natural cider.

To achieve the same effect from garden apples, mix different varieties. You will need sour, sweet and tart varieties. On apple wine it is customary to let in late autumn varieties. The apples are picked by hand and left to ripen in the cellar for 1–2 months.

The fruits that have lain down and are filled with juice must be carefully sorted from the leaves and cuttings. To keep on the surface of the peel natural yeast There is no need to wash the apples. Unless they are store bought. Particularly dirty ones can be wiped with a cloth. The benefits of using natural yeast culture significantly exceed possible harm from the remaining dirt.

Now you need to chop the apples. This is done at home using a food processor, blender, meat grinder, chopper, crusher and any other available tool. Choose a method based on the volumes to be processed.


According to the experience of practicing winemakers, 10 kg of apples yield 7–8 liters apple juice, and from it - 5 liters of finished cider. It is not recommended to make cider from store-bought juice. Pasteurization used in factories does not leave the strains of microorganisms necessary for fermentation. Bakery, dry and even wine yeast are not capable of becoming a full replacement. They impart a specific beer smell that hides the fruity aroma.

Preparation of wort. Universal recipe

To prepare the wort, 3 components are usually used: apple juice, water and sugar. Water is needed to neutralize the excess acidity of the apples. For very sweet apples it may not be necessary. The amount of sugar and the need for water are determined by the initial sweetness of the apples. Let's make a summary table of the wort composition for different varieties apples

For 10 liters of wort you will need:

Active and quiet fermentation

To maintain the sterility of the mash at the very beginning of fermentation, it is necessary to install a water seal. It will ensure timely removal of gases and prevent souring. Popular options: a latex glove and a sealed hose, the end of which is immersed in water. Anyone who has already prepared mash for moonshine will not have any difficulties making them.

The behavior of the water seal is one of the indicators of readiness apple mash at home. Combining this point with other features, we get the following algorithm:

  • A layer of sediment has formed at the bottom of the fermentation tank.
  • The taste of the mash turned from sweet to bitter.
  • The characteristic sour smell has disappeared.
  • Gas release and foaming have stopped: the water seal hose does not release bubbles into the water, and the glove has deflated and fallen off.

Simple recipe

This apple cider recipe is suitable for making a rich aromatic drink strength of at least 12 degrees. Here, fermentation of juice with pomace, characteristic of wine production, is used. This allows you to increase juice secretion.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the chopped apples along with juice, cake and pulp into a container suitable for fermentation. Fill no more than 3/4 full, leaving room for bubbling and foaming.
  2. Cover the container with a thick, breathable cloth or multi-layer gauze and put it in a warm place away from direct sunlight.
  3. Over the course of 3–4 days, periodically shake the container and knock down the cap that appears on the surface. The beginning of active fermentation will be indicated by a characteristic sour smell, the formation of gas and the appearance of foam.
  4. We carefully squeeze the fermented cake through a sieve, gauze or press. Pour the resulting apple juice into a clean bottle for long-term fermentation.
  5. To prepare the wort, you may need water and sugar. Add them to taste or see how many are given in the summary table from the previous paragraph. Sugar dissolves in small quantity warm water or apple juice.
  6. Now you can put a water seal on the bottle and put it in a dark room with a constant temperature of 22–27°C.
  7. The duration of fermentation can be 1–2 months. This depends on the amount and activity of natural yeast remaining on the apple peel. Compliance is important temperature regime.
  8. We drain the spent mash from the sediment into a clean container. This one is dry unsweetened drink not cider, but only for now. To lighten it, we again put it in a dark, cool place under a water seal for 3-4 months.
  9. During this time, periodically drain the drink from the precipitate that falls. After the first filtering, add sugar. He won't leave anymore, so let's sweeten it to your taste. The absence of sediment in the cider and its transparency indicate the readiness of the drink.
  10. All that remains is to pour everything into bottles, be sure to sign the vintage year, and then hide it in the refrigerator.

We safely store tightly sealed bottles for up to three years. Improper storage can cause harm to human health.

Sugar Free Juice Recipe

Making cider from apples using this method has been practiced in wineries for centuries. According to tradition, cider should have a low strength and consist only of apple juice. Although legislation European countries sets different standards. Content natural juice, and at the same time the usefulness of the entire product, varies from 35% in England to 100% in France.

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze apple juice. It is best to use a professional juicer. Unlike the previous case, we get rid of the cake.
  2. Cover the strained juice with gauze for 2-3 days to activate natural fermentation. To make the process go faster, do not forget to maintain the temperature regime: 22–27°C.
  3. Strain the fermented juice and pour into a clean container. We install a water seal and return the wort to its previous warm, dark place. We monitor the activity of the release of gases from the valve.
  4. About a month after the gases are removed, we drain the mash from the sediment using a tube. As in the previous recipe for apple cider, the active fermentation phase gives way to quiet.
  5. We put the mash drained from the sediment back under the shutter. Let the drink brew and clarify. As the sediment settles out, drain it and strain.

The finished cider from the juice is characterized by soft clarity and a warm matte color. It's time to bottle and put in the refrigerator.

How to make a drink carbonated?

Still homemade cider is very similar to apple wine. But most are accustomed to seeing it sparkling and playing like champagne. To add insidious and intoxicating bubbles to the drink, all you need is sugar.

It's easy enough to carbonate apple cider at home. After the quiet fermentation stage, pour sugar into bottles prepared for bottling. Required amount: 10 grams per 1 liter – for strong carbonation, 5 grams per 1 liter – for weak carbonation.

Pour filtered water on top apple drink, leaving 5–7 cm of free space before the plug. We cork the bottles tightly and put them away for 3-5 days in a warm, dark place. This is necessary to restart the fermentation that sugar will cause.

It is very important to control the process and prevent excess gases. To do this, pour the entire batch or a small part into a plastic container and monitor the increase in its volume. To reduce the concentration of gases, you can open the cap slightly and bleed off the excess. Stopping fermentation and at the same time further carbonation is simple: put the cider in the refrigerator.

  • To make apple cider without sugar, but without losing its strength, it is recommended to use natural flower honey.
  • You can brew non-alcoholic cider. It will not cause harm and will better preserve vitamins. You will need apple juice, orange pulp, spices and soda. The cooking method is reminiscent of sbiten.
  • If you don’t have time to wait, we’ll teach you how to make apple cider in a week. In the first recipe, after 4–5 days of fermenting the juice on the cake under a glove, the wort after filtration should be bottled and refrigerated. After 3-4 days of aging, the drink can be filtered and consumed. It will not be possible to achieve high strength, but a bright apple taste will appear.
  • The remaining juice from the second recipe can be used to make apple moonshine.

Top tip: remain sensible during the tasting. Cider is a drinkable, invigorating and refreshing drink. At moderate consumption it causes minor harm acceptable for an alcoholic product and does not cause morning hangover.

Attention, TODAY only!

The technology for making a low-alcohol drink from apples has been known for several centuries. Real cider is made without adding yeast and without pasteurizing the finished product.

Preparatory stage

If you are seriously interested in how to make cider, then you need to decide what will be useful to you in the process of making it. First you need to choose apples. Sweet and sour varieties of these fruits are best suited for these purposes. To prepare the drink you will also need sugar, water and a fermentation container. The composition of additional products depends on the recipe you choose to prepare. In addition to the above, you will need a regular medical rubber glove or a special cap.

Before you figure out how to make cider at home, you need to prepare your apples. They need to be rinsed with water, the core and seeds removed and chopped on a grater, in a food processor or with a knife. There is no need to peel apples; you should also not pour boiling water over them or use them to peel them. detergents. The peel of these fruits contains yeast that promotes fermentation.

Preparing the drink in the standard way

One of the most common apple cider recipes is the following. It is necessary to prepare the fruits in the manner described above and fill a washed and sterilized glass container with them approximately 1/3 full. You also need to add sugar at the rate of 100 grams per liter. apple mass or, as it is also called, pulp. You can also pour some raisins into the container.

If it seems to you that the apples are not juicy, then water should be added to the container with the pulp at a 1:1 ratio. Now a regular medical rubber glove is put on the neck of the jar. From it you can judge how the fermentation process is going. In addition, it is needed to block the access of oxygen, otherwise the pulp may simply turn sour. Now the container needs to be placed in a dark place where the temperature is maintained around the clock at 21-30 degrees Celsius. It should stay there for about a week. You can consider that making cider at home has been successful if after the specified time you see an inflated glove on the can. The time has come to remove it and strain the resulting drink into a jar.

But that is not all. Now the strained liquid must be placed in the refrigerator and wait for a precipitate to form. After this, all that remains is to drain the clean cider without grounds using a hose, pour it into bottles and seal tightly.

Correct method

Those who want to learn how to make cider according to the classic recipe will have to find ripe wild apples. You will need to squeeze out pure juice from them. It is the basis for preparing a classic low-alcohol drink. The juice is poured into a glass container so that it fills it 2/3. The jar used is closed with a special lid - a water seal. When using it, air does not enter the container, but the released carbon dioxide can escape from it.

The jar must be placed in a dark place for at least three weeks, in which the temperature will be at 22 degrees. After this, it is necessary to drain the clean liquid through the hose so that the sediment remains in the container. This fermented juice must be poured into jars, covered with a lid and stored for 3-4 months at a temperature of 10 degrees. Only after completing all these steps will the cider from the juice be ready, it can be bottled, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for up to three years.

Please note that no sugar, raisins or yeast are used in its production. This product is considered natural.

Ancient recipe

But these are not all the ways to make cider. To make a drink the old method you will need a canvas bag and wooden barrel. If necessary, the barrel can be replaced with a large one enamel pan. Washed and cored apples are poured into a bag, which is placed in a prepared container. After this, you can start preparing the syrup. It is made from 6 liters of water and 1.6 kg of sugar (if desired, you can use honey instead), this amount is needed for 8 kg of fruit. The top of the apples is covered with a lid - it can be either solid wood or mesh. A pressure is placed on it so that the apples cannot float.

After these steps are completed, the container is placed in a dark place for fermentation.

When the process is complete, the liquid is drained into a clean container using a flexible hose. With the same apple pulp these steps can be repeated several times. That is, you again need to prepare the syrup and pour it over the fruit, and after a month, drain the clean liquid. The drinks obtained from several approaches are mixed and settled in a cold place for at least six months. Only after this the low-alcohol cider wine is considered ready.

Recipe with yeast

Many people believe that using additional components will help speed up the process of preparing the drink. But it is not always the case. It will take more than six months to make cider with yeast. It is done as follows.

The apples are finely chopped, placed in a jar and filled with water so that they are completely covered. This container is placed in a warm place for fermentation for about two weeks, during the process the liquid must be stirred regularly. After the specified period, the resulting juice is filtered and slightly heated.

Now you need to add sugar and yeast. The main thing is to maintain proportions. So, 25 grams of yeast and 5 glasses of sugar are mixed with 4.5 liters of fermented juice. Now you need to put it in a container and cover with a lid. As soon as the liquid begins to ferment, it must be poured into a barrel; after the process is completed, it is sealed and sits like that for about six months. Only after 6 months will homemade apple cider be ready and can be bottled.

Quick recipe

Another option for making a low-alcohol champagne drink is the following.

For it you will need 8 kg of apples, 2 kg of sugar, 10 liters of water and the zest of two lemons. Note that you can make cider from these ingredients in just a week.

A homemade recipe with accelerated technology looks like this. Selected small apples, they are cored and cut in half. The fruits prepared in this way are placed in a container, covered with sugar and filled with water with the addition of lemon zest. The container is covered with gauze, previously folded in several layers, and placed in a warm place. After a week, the drink can be strained and bottled, it will become cider. Home accelerated method preparation, of course, does not coincide with the technology established by specialists for making this drink without adding sugar and other components, but you will be able to drink it within a week.

There is another way to make this low-alcohol drink. It can be made from freshly squeezed apple juice sour varieties. Please note that packaged drinks sold in supermarkets cannot become the basis for cider.

To prepare it, you need to add 100 grams of sugar, wine yeast or a special starter for each liter of juice. By the way, it can be made from unwashed raspberries, water and sugar. To do this, pour half a glass of crushed berries warm water and add a spoonful of sugar. The container is closed and placed in a warm place for three days. At the same time, it must be shaken every day.

The juice, mixed with starter and sugar, is poured into a jar and closed with a water seal. The container is kept in a cool place until the release of gas bubbles stops, but this is not cider yet. A homemade recipe for this drink requires that the liquid be carefully drained without sediment. After this, you need to wash the container, pour the base of the future wine back into it and put it in a cold place for three months. After this period, the cider can already be bottled.

Dried fruit drink

If you are excited about making this drink in the middle of winter, then don’t be upset and wait for a new apple harvest. For the drink you can buy inexpensive fresh apples that are for sale all year round, and dried fruits. Cider is made from these components as follows. A layer is placed in a jar or barrel dried apples, and on top of them - prepared, chopped large pieces fresh. The fruit should fill about half of the container you plan to use to make cider. A homemade recipe for making a drink from these components is that they need to be poured with boiled, cooled water and sealed for about three weeks, leaving in a dark place for successful fermentation. After the specified period, the cider can already be drained. The base for this drink can be filled with water and infused at least three more times. But be warned, you'll get enough sour drink. It can be sweetened before use.

Drinking culture

Once you understand how cider is made, it's also a good idea to figure out how it should be consumed. It is believed that the dry drink is ideal for various seafood, such as shrimp and oysters. It can also be successfully combined with various cheeses, low-fat shish kebab and vegetables. But sweet varieties are best drunk with desserts. This cider goes well with baked goods, yogurt cakes, sweets, chocolate, and mascarpone.

This drink has many benefits. It does not contain any chemical additives In addition, it is not only a source of vitamins B 6, B 1, C, but also iron, calcium, potassium, and pectin. They also say that cider can normalize blood pressure and have a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. But do not forget that the fermentation process produces an alcoholic drink, so you should not abuse it.

In most cases, cider is made by fermenting apple juice with wild yeast. But any other juice will do, for example pear juice; the technology does not change. I'll tell you how to make cider at home using two proven recipes: from apples and pure juice. Separately, we will consider natural method saturating the drink with carbon dioxide.

Cider is an ordinary “still” or carbonated apple wine only with a different name, which came to us from France, where it is called “Cidre”. The method for preparing the two drinks is identical.

If the apples are very sour: they literally tighten your cheekbones and sting your tongue, it is advisable to reduce the acidity by diluting the juice with water (up to 100 ml per 1 liter). It should be remembered that adding sugar also reduces the acid content. If the acidity is normal, water is not needed; it worsens the taste of the drink, making it “watery.”

Homemade apple cider

Apples of different varieties can be combined. The ideal ratio is one in which one part of sour apples is mixed with two parts of sweet ones. Pear cider is made using the same technology. If possible, I advise you to prepare an assortment - mix pears and apples in equal proportions.


  • apples – 10 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water (in rare cases) – up to 1 liter.

1. Wipe the collected apples with a dry cloth (do not wash them) and place them in a warm room for 2-3 days. They live on the surface of the fruit wild yeast, which are needed for fermentation, it is important not to wash them off.

2. Remove leaves and tails. Grind the apples, peel and seeds, with a blender or meat grinder until smooth.

3. Rinse the fermentation container hot water and wipe dry. Fill with crushed apples to a maximum of 2/3 of the volume. For example, if you use three liter jars, then you can put up to 2.5 kg of apple juice in each jar. Free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide.

4. For every kilogram of apples, add 100-150 grams of sugar, depending on the initial sweetness. The wort should be sweet, but not cloying. Mix.

5. Tie the neck of the container with gauze and place it in a dark place at room temperature for 3-4 days. Stir the contents of the jars every day, knocking down the dense top layer and drowning it in the juice. After 8-16 hours it appears characteristic smell fermentation, foam and effervescence.

6. Squeeze the juice out of the apple juice, which is then poured into a clean, dry container for fermentation. Next, install a water seal on the jar (barrel) or attach a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers (pierce it with a needle).

7. Homemade apple cider should ferment in a dark place at a temperature of 18-27°C for approximately 30-65 days. Then sediment will appear at the bottom, the water seal will not release bubbles (the glove will fall off) and the drink will noticeably lighten, which means that fermentation has ended.

If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the moment the water seal is installed, to avoid bitterness, you need to drain the cider through a straw into another container and leave it to ferment under the same conditions.

8. Drain the fermented cider from the sediment, then pass through 3-4 layers of gauze.

9. Pour the filtered drink into bottles (if you do not plan to saturate with gas, fill to the neck) and close tightly with stoppers. Homemade cider can also be stored in jars with lids.

10. The drink should mature for three months in a cool room (6-12°C). Then you can move on to tasting.

Apple cider made from juice without sugar

A classic recipe used in England and France. Will please fans natural drinks, as it is made without sugar.

Cooking technology:

1. Leave the squeezed juice for a day in a dark place at room temperature.

2. Remove the juice from the sediment, pour into a fermentation container and install a water seal (medical glove).

3. Place the container for 3-5 weeks in a dark place with a temperature of 20-27°C.

4. After fermentation is complete (the signs are described in step 7 of the previous recipe), pour the cider through a straw into another container, being careful not to touch the sediment at the bottom.

5. If you do not plan to saturate with carbon dioxide, close the container tightly, then keep for 3-4 months in a dark room with a temperature of +6-12°C.

6. Filter again, pour into bottles, and seal tightly. If stored in the refrigerator or basement, the shelf life is up to 3 years. Depending on the sugar content of apples, the strength is 6-10%.

How to make cider carbonated

Preparing cider according to the two above recipes involves obtaining a so-called “still” drink without gas, in fact, ordinary apple wine. To saturate the cider with gas, you need to do the following:

1. After fermentation is complete, remove the homemade cider from the sediment.

2. Prepare bottles (plastic or glass): wash and wipe dry.

3. Add sugar to the bottom of each bottle (10 grams per 1 liter of volume). The sugar will cause a slight re-fermentation, which will release carbon dioxide.

4. Fill the bottles with cider, leaving 5-6 cm of free space from the neck. Seal tightly with stoppers or lids.

5. Transfer the containers to a dark room at room temperature for 10-14 days. Check the gas pressure once a day.

Attention! When too high blood pressure bottles can burst, so it is very important to vent (release) excess gas in a timely manner if it accumulates.

6. Transfer the sparkling cider to the refrigerator or basement. Before use, refrigerate for 3-4 days.

Real, authentic cider is produced exclusively within certain limits. French regions, which is enshrined in law. True, the cost of such a drink, depending on the age and varieties of apples used, may be prohibitive for most average citizens. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because you can easily prepare apple cider at home, using fruits from your native plot, and if necessary, even store-bought juice or concentrate. We will tell you exactly how to do this in our article.

Homemade cider from apples or juice: process features

Delicious and aromatic cider, made from apples from our own plot, is distinguished by its bright, unusual taste, low strength, as well as an indescribable aroma fresh fruits. Recipes homemade cider made from apples of excellent quality will not only allow you to enjoy such noble drink throughout the year, but also to process surplus harvest after preparing jam, preserves, compotes and other preserves.

Classic recipe cider from apples at home and in any other conditions, only that prepared without the participation of foreign agents can be considered. We are talking about sugar, as well as cultivated yeast. The fermentation process in this case can be based solely on wild fungi that live on the surface of the fruit. That is why fruits should never be washed before processing. However, this takes quite a long time, and to speed up the aging, people have adapted to add additional components.

Initially, it was prepared exclusively using one technology, using certain varieties of apples. However, over time, simple recipes changed, and it became permissible to add pears, cherries, quinces and other fruits to the drink, as well as to speed up the fermentation process with yeast and their first “feed”, sugar. In English-speaking countries, pear cider is well known, which even has its own name - perry. Any homemade apple cider recipe can usually be divided into three main steps.

  • Washing and preparing dishes. This also includes sterilizing the containers in which the cider will be produced. The easiest way to do this is in an autoclave or oven, but in extreme cases, you can simply rinse the dishes with boiling water.
  • Fermentation and fermentation of apple must.
  • Cider clarification.

During the fermentation and fermentation process, a water seal should usually be used, which can be replaced with a regular rubber glove or a tube lowered into a glass with clean water. If this point is not taken care of, then when oxygen enters, your workpiece can easily turn into Apple vinegar, the liquid in the household is useful, but hardly tasty. When the jars are sealed tightly, the carbon dioxide accumulated inside during fermentation can easily tear off the lids, which will again lead to the first option.

Proven recipes for apple cider at home

Most apple cider recipes are simple and unprepossessing; even someone who has never cooked anything like this before can figure it out. This business may become your favorite, as it does not require special attention, large financial or time expenditures, and as a result will allow you to enjoy a tasty and pleasant drink that can refresh you in the summer heat or warm you in the winter cold.

"Long" French cider

Such home recipe People's winemakers in England and France love cider very much. It most clearly repeats the recipe original drink, that is, without additional introduction of yeast or sugar. True, it takes quite a long time to prepare, more than six months, which is why it received such a “telling” name.


  • Apples – 75 -110 kilograms.

Cooking method

Since the recipe clearly indicates only apples, there is no need to add other ingredients to it. Therefore, even when washing dishes, you should make sure that there is no water left at the bottom, as it can cause damage. Wipe the pan with a soft cloth to remove moisture.

  • Sort the apples, remove damaged areas, and it is better to discard the rotten ones altogether. If the fruits are excessively dirty, it is permissible to wipe them with a clean cloth, but this is not necessary, since excess dust will certainly precipitate, with which it will be disposed of.
  • Squeeze juice from apples in any way convenient for you. For example, you can use a household press, a juicer, a juicer, a regular meat grinder and a piece of gauze to squeeze out the liquid.
  • Pour the juice into a container made of glass or enameled metal, cover with two layers of gauze and let stand in a dark place for forty-eight hours.
  • Drain the juice from the sediment (decant) and strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Pour the resulting liquid back into a cleanly washed and sterilized fermentation container, install a water seal and put it in a warm (25-27 degrees) and fairly dark place. You need to keep it there for at least three, and ideally, about five weeks, trying not to touch the container, shake or shake it, and also avoid direct sunlight.
  • After the fermentation process is complete, as can be judged by the absence of bubbles coming out of the water seal, the cider must be decanted again, strained and bottled in dark bottles.

At this point, the process of making cider cannot be called complete, since it must also be thoroughly aged and matured. Dark bottles should be placed in a cellar or basement for at least four months, or even better, six. After six months, the drink will have to be opened again, drained from the sediment and bottled again, after which it can be stored in a dark place without loss of taste or smell for up to three years. The strength is 6-8%, depending on the selected apple varieties and their primary sweetness.


This version of the French simple recipe for apple cider at home is so named because it uses apples of the Antonovka variety. The fruits themselves are juicy and have a noticeable sourness, so the drink from them is rich and bright taste. This recipe will be more complicated, it contains additional components, but it has also been tested by many home craftsmen, who call it very worthy.


  • Freshly squeezed Antonov apple juice – 4 liters.
  • Granulated sugar – 4 cups.
  • Hot purified water – 1 liter.
  • Berries for fermentation (raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries) - 1-3 handfuls.

Cooking method

This recipe involves adding some berries for fermentation, however, most likely their taste will not be felt in the final product. This is done in order to activate the fermentation process, since cultivated yeast does not go here, but sugar is added.

  • Gently mash the unwashed berries with a fork, add about half a glass of water heated to 45-50 degrees and a few teaspoons of sugar to the mixture. Stir everything well, cover with a cloth or gauze and place in a warm place until foam appears on the surface.
  • Mix sugar with water and fresh juice until there is no sediment left at the bottom. Leave everything under a layer of cloth to ferment on its own for 24 hours.
  • Add the pre-prepared starter to the bottle or jar, install a water seal and leave your future cider for three days.
  • After the allotted time has passed, add the rest of the sugar diluted with water. You will now have to wait at least twenty days for the end of fermentation.
  • Drain the drink from the sediment and pure form place again in a warm place to complete the fermentation. In two weeks it will be finally completed and the product can be bottled in dark bottles.

You can drink this cider immediately, but it is better to leave it until it is completely ripened, which, depending on the conditions of detention, can take three or even five to six months.


If Antonov apples are large and juicy, while ranetki, on the contrary, are tiny and quite hard, and on top of that they are also tart, but you can also make excellent cider from them simple recipe. The drink will turn out to be much closer to authentic than the previous ones, since in their homeland they use exactly the same varieties, which have a special acidity and bitterness.


  • Ranetki puree – 1 liter.
  • Purified water – 0.5 liters.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 cup (200-250 grams).

Cooking method


Tiny, tart apples are ideal for use in cider recipes at home. It turns out traditional, with a bright taste and rich aroma. The seeds and cores of apples can be removed during the preparation process, but it is better to leave them as the seeds will give the drink a noble bitterness and slight tartness.

When figuring out how to make apple cider at home, you can’t miss this recipe. After all, it is quite simple, but it will definitely give an excellent result.

  • Grate the apples or pass through a meat grinder. You can also use a standard juicer or a household press or blender. The main thing is not to separate the juice from the pulp (pulp).
  • Mix the resulting puree with water, and then leave it in a dark place for preliminary fermentation. This will take at least three to four days.
  • Before foam and other signs of active fermentation appear, the juice will need to be stirred at least once for six to eight hours.
  • As soon as all the pulp rises to the surface, remove it from the liquid by straining through cheesecloth.
  • Fill the fermentation container no more than two-thirds full with cider, add the rest of the sugar and mix everything well.
  • At the end of fermentation, which usually takes approximately from five to seven to eighteen to twenty days. This will directly depend on the sweetness of the apples, room temperature and humidity. You can check readiness by looking at the bubbles that stop coming out of the water seal.
  • Drain your almost finished cider from the sediment and strain, pour into pre-prepared bottles. Seal it well and place it in the cellar for at least ten to fifteen days, after which it can be consumed.

You can make apple cider of this kind from any, not very juicy, tart varieties. You'll have to tinker a little, but after 20-25 days you will get a completely mature and nice drink, with a strength of 6-12 degrees, depending on the sweetness of the fruits themselves.

Dry apple cider

Just like regular apple cider, you can make apple cider dry, that is, sour and low-alcohol. To do this, the fermentation process must not be interrupted, but completed, without artificially introducing sugar. The final ripening of such cider will take at least five to six months, but who really wants to get apple cider? sparkling drink, no worse than industrial champagne wine, they will wait.


  • Apples of strongly sour varieties - 10 kilograms.

Cooking method

Strongly sour apples should be collected or purchased and under no circumstances washed before preparing wort for future cider. On their surface there are wild yeasts, which activate the fermentation process.

  • Wipe the apples with a soft cloth as needed to remove any dirt or dust.
  • Place the fruits in a dark place for one week. Make sure that they lie exclusively in one layer and touch each other as little as possible.
  • Grind the apples in a meat grinder or using a blender, then squeeze out the juice. You can use a household press if available.
  • Pour the juice into a container, cover with several layers of gauze to protect from dust and insects. Leave it alone until you notice active fermentation. It can be detected by the foam, hissing and gurgling of the wort.
  • After this, strain the raw material and pour it back into the fermentation tank, installing a water seal. A yeast precipitate will soon form, and the release of gases will be inactive, but still constant.
  • Place the container with the starter so that it does not interfere, but is in the dark and relatively warm (17-22 degrees), since it will stand for at least a month.

After the process is finally completed, the cider needs to be bottled and stored in a cool, dark place, preferably in a cellar. But before drinking it, at least six months must pass, otherwise the desired effect will not be obtained.

Video recipe on how to make apple cider

If you don’t have enough options and want something different, watch the video recipe below.

Quick homemade apple cider - unusually fragrant and tasty with a beautiful amber color

Make apple cider at home and invite friends over for a tasting! Everyone loves the refined and delicate taste of homemade apple wine, in which you can feel honey notes, and playing bubbles in a glass with ice cubes create a good mood and a cozy atmosphere.

On festive table this fragrant sparkling low alcohol drink can quite compete with champagne. I want to tell you about one of the recipes for making homemade cider.
It only requires 3 ingredients and 10 days of patience.
And then - only true apple pleasure!

Apple wine should be drunk cool, enjoying every sip. However, you should fill the glass with the drink correctly - gourmets advise pouring the cider so that its stream breaks against the walls of the glass. While the stream flies in the air, the wine is saturated with oxygen and the drink begins to foam, which contributes to the maximum development of the flavor bouquet. Since the foam doesn't last long, drink the cider as soon as possible to experience it unique taste with fresh apple notes and the aroma of summer...

Apples - 4 kg.
Granulated sugar- 800 g.
Boiled water - 5 l.

4 liters of ready-made drink

It is believed that apples with the maximum tannin content, that is, with a sour, astringent taste, are suitable for cider. IN industrial production special varieties are used that are simply not used for food (just like grapes for winemaking). But our cider is homemade, so you don’t need to look for any special varieties for it. In principle, the worse (in a commercial sense) the quality of apples, the better for cider.

We wash the apples, but not too thoroughly. Wild yeast lives on their skins, promoting fermentation. Cut each apple into 4 parts, remove the core.

Pour boiled water into a large saucepan, cool until room temperature, add sugar.

Add apples.

Cover the pan with gauze folded several times. Leave in a relatively warm place for 10 days. During this period, your intervention will not be required. You can only periodically look under the gauze and be glad that the process is going on!

After 10 days, throw away the apples and strain the cider through cheesecloth. Once is enough, but if you want the drink to be clearer, strain several times.

The finished cider should be cooled before serving. You can store it in hermetically sealed bottles in the refrigerator.
