Alcohol poisoning: quick treatment at home. How to provide first aid for alcohol intoxication at home

Alcohol– flavored alcoholic drinks based on purified ethanol(wine, cognac, water, champagne, whiskey, liqueurs, etc.). Alcohol substitutes– inferior ethanol substitutes, which are used as alcoholic beverages, can be true (hydrolytic and technical alcohols, cologne, etc.) and false (methanol, ethylene glycol).

Poisoning with alcohol and its surrogates is the most common household poisoning, the lethal dose of 96° ethanol ranges from 4 to 12 g/kg body weight, alcoholic coma occurs when the blood alcohol concentration is 3 g/l and above, death - at 5 - 6 g/l and higher.

Ethanol Poisoning Clinic:

– intoxication of varying degrees, turning into depression of consciousness up to coma

– initially characterized by euphoria, emotional lability, violations of social norms of decency in behavior, aggressiveness, followed by deep deafness and indifference

– motor impairments: from an unsteady gait to the inability to independently stand upright

– characteristic odor of alcohol emanating from the patient

– hyperemia of cold, moist facial skin, scleral injection, constricted pupils, horizontal nystagmus

– hypersalivation, sweating, vomiting with possible aspiration-obstructive breathing disorders or mechanical asphyxia (during aspiration of vomit or retraction of the tongue)

– involuntary urination and defecation

– frequent, weak pulse, collapsed state

– high level of ethanol in the blood (the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication is valid when the blood alcohol concentration is above 0.5 ppm)

Alcoholic coma should be differentiated from head injury, poisoning with alcohol substitutes or sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and from diabetic coma; since these conditions can be combined, it is necessary to examine the patient’s blood for the content of glucose, barbiturates and other sedative drugs, and take an x-ray of the skull in two projections.

Emergency care for alcohol poisoning:

1. All patients with severe intoxication and poisoning with alcohol or its substitutes must be hospitalized (transported in a lateral position with the head of the head lowered to prevent aspiration)

2. Gastric lavage through a tube to clean lavage water (in case of deep coma - only after tracheal intubation), followed by the introduction of enterosorbents (activated carbon, polyphepane, etc.) and saline laxatives in the form of an aqueous suspension through a tube or orally

3. Forced diuresis: IV infusion of crystalloid solutions (isotonic sodium chloride solution, 5% glucose) + furosemide / Lasix 40 mg IV

4. Oral toilet, taking the tongue onto a tongue holder, suctioning mucus from the pharyngeal cavity, in the absence of pharyngeal reflexes, breathing disorders of central origin - intubation and transfer to mechanical ventilation.

5. Infusion of 40% glucose solution 40 ml with 15 units of insulin IV bolus

6. Vitamins B1 5 ml IM and B6 2 ml IM (antidotes for ethanol), nicotinic acid 5% solution 1 ml s.c.

7. Alkalinization of urine, correction of metabolic acidosis of the blood: 4% sodium bicarbonate solution up to 1000 ml IV drip

8. Symptomatic therapy depending on the complications that arise (relief of seizures with sodium hydroxybutyrate, piracetam, etc.)

Alcohol– flavored alcoholic drinks based on purified ethyl alcohol (wine, cognac, water, champagne, whiskey, liqueurs, etc.). Alcohol substitutes– inferior substitutes for ethanol, which are used as alcoholic beverages, can be true (hydrolytic and technical alcohols, cologne, etc.) and false (methanol, ethylene glycol).

Poisoning with alcohol and its surrogates is the most common household poisoning, the lethal dose of 96° ethanol ranges from 4 to 12 g/kg body weight, alcoholic coma occurs when the blood alcohol concentration is 3 g/l and above, death - at 5 - 6 g/l and higher.

Ethanol Poisoning Clinic:

Intoxication of varying degrees, turning into depression of consciousness up to coma

Initially, euphoria, emotional lability, violations of social norms of decency in behavior, aggressiveness are characteristic, followed by deep deafness and indifference.

Movement disorders: from an unsteady gait to the inability to stand upright independently

The characteristic smell of alcohol coming from the patient

Hyperemia of cold, moist facial skin, scleral injection, constricted pupils, horizontal nystagmus

Hypersalivation, sweating, vomiting with possible aspiration-obstructive breathing disorders or mechanical asphyxia (during aspiration of vomit or retraction of the tongue)

Involuntary urination and defecation

Frequent, weak pulse, collapsed state

High level ethanol in the blood (the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication is valid when the blood alcohol concentration is above 0.5 ppm)

Alcoholic coma should be differentiated from head injury, poisoning with alcohol substitutes or sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and from diabetic coma; because these conditions can be combined, it is necessary to examine the patient’s blood for the content of glucose, barbiturates and other sedative drugs, and take an x-ray of the skull in two projections.

Emergency care for alcohol poisoning:

1. All patients with severe intoxication and poisoning with alcohol or its substitutes must be hospitalized (transported in a lateral position with the head of the head lowered to prevent aspiration)

2. Gastric lavage through a tube to clean lavage water (in case of deep coma - only after tracheal intubation), followed by the introduction of enterosorbents (activated carbon, polyphepane, etc.) and saline laxatives in the form of an aqueous suspension through a tube or orally

3. Forced diuresis: IV infusion of crystalloid solutions (isotonic sodium chloride solution, 5% glucose) + furosemide / Lasix 40 mg IV

4. Oral toilet, taking the tongue onto a tongue holder, suctioning mucus from the pharyngeal cavity, in the absence of pharyngeal reflexes, breathing disorders of central origin - intubation and transfer to mechanical ventilation.

5. Infusion of 40% glucose solution 40 ml with 15 units of insulin IV bolus

6. Vitamins B 1 5 ml IM and B 6 2 ml IM (antidotes for ethanol), nicotinic acid 5% solution 1 ml s.c.

7. Alkalinization of urine, correction of metabolic acidosis of the blood: 4% sodium bicarbonate solution up to 1000 ml IV drip

8. Symptomatic therapy depending on the complications that arise (relief of seizures with sodium hydroxybutyrate, piracetam, etc.)

180. Acute adrenal insufficiency: etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, principles of treatment– see question 75 (adrenal crisis).

181. Emergency measures for acute paroxysmal cardiac arrhythmias– see question 32.

The cause of alcohol poisoning is an excessive amount of drink drunk or the use of a surrogate with substances that are not suitable for internal use. Mild intoxication can be treated at home without the involvement of doctors. A severe form threatens kidney and liver failure, pulmonary edema, alcoholic coma, respiratory arrest - delay will lead to death, so urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol can be edible or technical. The first one is used to create strong drinks– wine, vodka, gin, beer, etc. In moderate doses it causes intoxication, but if not consumed regularly it is relatively safe. Poisoning occurs when the norm is exceeded, depending on the person’s age, gender, weight, and general well-being.

The industrial product is toxic and is prohibited for ingestion in any quantity. But unscrupulous manufacturers use methanol and ethylene glycol, since it is cheaper than ethyl alcohol. Alcoholics use alcohol-containing cosmetics and technical preparations, to which they have free access. The most severe cases of intoxication are associated with children who, out of curiosity, try poisonous substances that were carelessly left behind by their parents.

Food poisoning and industrial alcohol have a similar clinical picture. But in the latter case, the symptoms will be more severe, and disruption of the internal organs will occur faster. This is due to the fact that the oxidation of surrogates occurs 5 times slower; the body cannot quickly and safely process the product. The result is intoxication:

  • Mild poisoning. The symptoms are similar to pronounced intoxication. The most characteristic signs are nausea and vomiting. The person remains conscious.
  • Moderate intoxication. Symptoms of selective psychotropic, neurotoxic, nephrotoxic, and metabolic disorders occur.
  • Severe poisoning. It is characterized by the development of hepatic-renal failure, damage to the central nervous system with cerebral edema and metabolic acidosis.

Alcohol poisoning can only occur through absorption into the blood (this is how the product spreads throughout the body). But it is worse if intoxication is accompanied by a burn of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach (occurs with an increased concentration of alkali and acid in the product taken). This accelerates the penetration of toxic substances into the blood, disrupts the integrity of internal organs, leads to internal bleeding and tissue death.

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

Ethanol (ethyl or wine alcohol, methylcarbinol) is the active component of all alcoholic drinks. IN pure form Ingestion is prohibited (in vodka and gin - no more than 45% C2H6O). The lethal blood alcohol concentration for an adult male is 5–8 g/l. A single dose leading to severe intoxication is 12 g/kg (this is approximately 300 ml of 90% ethanol), but in persons with chronic alcoholism the tolerance to the substance is slightly higher. For children, a dose of 10–15 ml of 90% alcohol is fatal in most cases.

In case of first degree poisoning, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting are noted. In the second degree, signs of the neurotoxic influence of alcohol appear (the person sees poorly, “flies” fly before the eyes, hears ringing in the ears, does not feel touch). Severe forms of intoxication are associated with depression of the central nervous system. There is a high risk of deep alcoholic coma - sensitivity is completely lost, falls arterial pressure, the heart rate slows down, the temperature becomes critically low, and breathing is suppressed.

Methyl alcohol poisoning

Methanol (also known as methyl or wood alcohol) is a colorless liquid with a strong odor. It is used as a solvent in the paint and varnish industry, and added to fuel for refueling racing motorcycles and cars. Causes mild intoxication when consumed 6 ml, moderate - 8-20 ml. The lethal dosage for an adult healthy man is 20–60 ml.

When consuming small doses (less than 5 ml), headaches, general weakness, chills, nausea, and vomiting occur. When drinking more the mucous membranes become purple, the tongue swells, convulsions begin, uncontrollable bowel movements and urination begin, and the pulse quickens. If it is possible to resuscitate a person after severe poisoning, there is a high probability that he will remain blind.

Ethylene glycol poisoning

Glycol (also known as ethylene glycol) is a clear, oily liquid with a pungent odor. It is used as a component of automobile antifreeze, brake fluids, and cooling systems for technical devices. IN Food Industry does not apply.

According to the degree of impact on humans, it belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class. The lethal amount of this type of alcohol for one-time consumption by an adult is 150–300 ml; for a teenager – 50–100 ml; even a dose of 10 ml can kill a child.

The peculiarity of ethylene glycol is that the symptoms of poisoning do not occur immediately, which prompts a person to drink even more surrogate in pursuit of the feeling of intoxication. On average, alcohol becomes ill after 2–4 hours. Vomiting, abdominal pain, tremors of the limbs, convulsions occur, the heartbeat accelerates, and the temperature rises. In severe cases, toxic shock and alcoholic coma occur.

How to provide first aid

The treatment process includes three main actions: removal of alcohol residues that have not had time to be absorbed into the blood, absorption of toxins, and symptomatic assistance. If we are talking about mild poisoning, the person is conscious and the symptoms of intoxication do not increase, you can do without doctors. Scheme of mandatory emergency actions:

  • Perform gastric lavage (give plenty of fluids, induce vomiting). It is impossible to remove vomit during convulsions (blockage of the trachea will lead to asphyxia).
  • Give activated carbon in powder form. 750 mg of sorbent is enough (if you vomit, repeat the dose). After 5 hours, take another 250 mg.
  • Drink products that will help remove toxins from the urine and feces (Furosemide, Lasix, Diusemide, Bisacodyl, Regulax).

Symptomatic medical care involves supporting the body until the concentration of the poison drops to safe levels and the functioning of the internal organs is restored. Drugs are selected depending on how the poisoning manifests itself. For example, Cerucal is suitable for nausea and vomiting, and Aspirin is suitable for toxic hyperthermia. Thiamine, ATP, and ascorbic acid help to recover faster.

Attention: self-medication for signs of moderate and severe poisoning is strictly prohibited. If the body temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, convulsions occur, a person loses consciousness, blood pressure rises or falls sharply - this is a reason to immediately call an ambulance.

Possible consequences

In case of poisoning with increased doses or low-quality surrogate, only timely assistance will save life. If measures are not taken, death from internal bleeding, respiratory arrest, or cerebral edema is possible. Even if it is possible to pump a person out, he will have to face the serious consequences of exposure to alcohol. Complications such as impaired brain function due to hypoxia, chronic hypotension, renal and liver failure, impaired vision or complete blindness are common.

Maintenance therapy after treatment of acute poisoning reduces the likelihood of disability, but does not completely eliminate it. Therefore, you should not take risks - you need to drink within your norm and only proven quality drinks. If there is a suspicion of a surrogate, its use should be completely abandoned.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

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Download the emergency medical aid standard for alcohol poisoning:

Alcohol intoxication (or poisoning) is a condition characterized by a critical concentration of ethanol in the blood - more than 3 g/l. Usually caused by the abuse of alcoholic beverages. In some cases, when consuming surrogate drinks, poisoning may be caused not by ethanol, but by other toxic substances. For example: methanol poisoning. (See) In addition to poisoning, alcohol consumption can provoke an exacerbation and complication of an existing disease, which in turn can lead to serious consequences.<.h5>

Lethal dose of alcohol for each person is individual and depends on a number of factors: genotype, age, body weight, resistance to alcohol consumption, individual metabolic characteristics, concomitant diseases, method and duration of use, etc. Therefore, the lethal concentration is 5 ppm (5 ml of alcohol per 1 liter blood) can be achieved with varying amounts of alcohol consumed. For an adult lethal dose there may be consumption of more than 700 ml of 40% alcohol-containing drinks.

Signs (symptoms) of alcohol poisoning:

  • relaxed behavior
  • disorder of consciousness
  • dizziness and disorientation
  • vomit
  • pale skin or redness of the face
  • hypothermia
  • rare pulse
  • respiratory dysfunction: the interval between breaths is 10 seconds.
  • IN SEVERE CASES: loss of consciousness, constriction of the pupils, foamy discharge from the mouth, disturbances in cardiac and respiratory activity.

Providing first aid for alcohol poisoning. Basic measures

  1. Call an ambulance
  2. The victim should take a safe sitting position: chair, sofa, bed.
  3. Try to “bring them to their senses” and keep the victim conscious.
  4. If the victim is in horizontal position, then he should be laid on his side to avoid choking on vomit.
  5. If there is no breathing or pulse, resuscitation measures should be started immediately. For more details see:
  6. You should try to induce vomiting in the victim by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue. To speed up the process, you should take several glasses of boiled salted water.
  7. Detoxification therapy is indicated: drinking plenty of fluids, taking activated carbon(1 TB per 10 kg of body weight), + Medichronal (2 packets per dose), Zorex (3-4 capsules per day)
  8. After stabilizing the general condition, to restore the water-salt balance on the first day, you should take Regidron (1 packet per 1 liter of water) 200 ml every 1-2 hours. To reduce the toxic effects, it is recommended to take Glutargin - 750 mg - 2 times a day, a course of 20 days.

What not to do when alcohol intoxication:

  • The victim should not be left unattended
  • Drinking coffee is contraindicated due to water-electrolyte imbalance
  • the use of anti-hangover drugs Alka-Seltzer and Alka-Prim will not have any positive effect on alcohol poisoning. The main active ingredient in these drugs is acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) is an anti-inflammatory pain reliever and can be useful the next day only for headaches
  • in case of alcohol intoxication, the use of drugs for the treatment of alcoholism is contraindicated: disulfiram (Teturam, Esperal). The use of these drugs in case of poisoning will only aggravate the victim’s condition and can lead to severe disorders of the cardiovascular and hepato-biliary systems
  • Hypothermia is contraindicated: ice showers, wiping with snow.

A little good alcohol Helps increase blood circulation, shake yourself up and lift your spirits. However, if the dose is exceeded, the consequences may be completely different. Intoxication occurs, the body begins to reject alcohol, and the person feels unwell. If alcohol poisoning occurs, what to do at home, how to overcome symptoms with the help of drugs or folk remedies, calm your stomach and tone yourself up.

What is alcohol poisoning

When drinking a moderate amount of alcoholic beverages, ethyl is neutralized by the liver, and its breakdown products are excreted along with urine. If the dosage of alcohol was exceeded, or the person unknowingly drank a surrogate, the liver cannot cope, and harmful substances begin to interfere with the functioning of all necessary body systems. As a result, alcohol poisoning is a complex negative consequences, the appearance of which is associated with excessive consumption ethyl alcohol.


External manifestations of intoxication appear gradually. At the initial stage of intoxication, you can recognize a drunk person by dilated pupils, an unsteady gait, redness of the face and characteristic smell from mouth. With an increase in alcohol concentration, clouding of consciousness is observed, nausea may appear, and vomiting may begin. After sleep, intoxication will remind you of itself with headache, dehydration, dizziness.

The symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning are much more serious. External manifestations include incoherent speech, loss of balance, and lack of response to any external stimuli. As symptoms increase, alcohol damage begins to develop rapidly: loss of consciousness, weak breathing, paleness of the skin. In the extreme stage, deep coma and even cardiac arrest are possible.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home

The body needs help to remove ethyl alcohol, neutralize toxins and other breakdown products. Therefore, the first aid for alcohol poisoning is gastric lavage. To clear the esophagus, it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting. You can use the folk way– drink several glasses of salted water with soda. Manipulations must be carried out until the stomach is completely cleansed.

It is worth knowing that in a severe stage such treatment alcohol poisoning at home it is simply unacceptable. The correct action in this situation is to call an ambulance or independently transfer the victim to the hospital. While waiting, it is worth providing the following assistance: turn the person on his side, stick out his tongue to prevent gastric juice or food debris from entering the Airways.

Calling a narcologist to your home

Not everyone experiences alcohol with euphoria. Some patients in drunkenness on the contrary, they become violent, get into fights or try to commit suicide. In this case, drug treatment assistance at home is perfect option. Qualified specialists will help pacify the drunk, give the right medications and put on an IV. In addition, if necessary, calling a narcologist to your home can be done anonymously.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

In extreme cases, or for binge alcoholics, doctors recommend IV drips. They help to quickly cleanse the blood, remove the remaining alcohol, and bring the drinker to his senses without a trip to the hospital. Another undoubted advantage of droppers for alcohol intoxication at home is the ability to adjust the composition based on the patient’s medical history and symptoms.

Very often the following combinations of drugs are used for treatment:

  1. Glucose solution with salt - to thin the blood. It helps replenish the amount of cerebrospinal fluid in the bloodstream.
  2. Glucose 10% with magnesium plus insulin - to restore overall water balance.
  3. Soda solutions - to prevent metabolic acidosis.
  4. Electrolytes, butanedioic and maleic acid or sodium thiosulfate with unithiol - for the active elimination of alcohol from the blood plasma and the body as a whole.
  5. Glucose 5-10% with small doses of insulin - to increase blood sugar levels and prevent oxygen starvation of the brain.

What to drink if you have alcohol poisoning

If the degree is mild, what to do at home? You can try to recover without medical help: with professional or improvised means. All absorbents available in the house are perfect: activated carbon black or white, enterosgel, sorbex and others. Try making simple herbal infusions. In addition, in case of alcohol poisoning, you need to drink a lot of medicinal mineral water, still water, simple sweet tea.


From medicinal herbs In case of poisoning, mint or lemon balm leaves, chamomile, grated ginger root, tansy, and dill seeds effectively help. For independent herbal medicine, try preparing one or more decoctions according to the following schemes:

  • Take 3-4 lemon balm sprigs, mash them with your hands and put them in a thermos. Infuse the mixture for at least two hours. The finished infusion should be consumed throughout the day.
  • Pour two tablespoons of dill seed into ½ glass of water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Cool the drink slightly, divide into two halves. Apply according to this scheme: one part in the morning, the second in the evening.
  • Grate or finely chop ginger root. Pour a liter of boiling water over the raw material and let it brew. Then add a little liquid honey, divide into 3-4 parts and drink throughout the day.

Preparations for the removal of alcohol intoxication

Along with the available folk remedies Medicines will help you get rid of the consequences of a noisy party. Drugs for relieving alcohol intoxication can be divided into three parts:

  1. Enterosorbents help restore intestinal microflora, improve digestion, and help normalize stool. This group of drugs includes: activated carbon, smecta, polyphepan, polysorb, enterosgel, algisorb and others.
  2. Symptomatic medications - speed up metabolism, increase performance, fight migraines. Buy biotredin, zorex, limontar, yantavit, glycine, alko-seltzer at the pharmacy.
  3. Homeopathic remedies– break down alcodehyldrose, normalize metabolism. These include: Proprothene 100 and Anti-E.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning

Very often, after drinking alcohol, a person feels sick, nausea appears, and attacks of vomiting occur. Doctors consider this to be the norm, but only to the extent that the urge to vomit begins to appear on an empty stomach. There are several ways to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning:

  1. Apply a thick cloth soaked in ice water or ice cubes to the back of your head.
  2. Try to set up a sobering-up station in your house. Open all the windows wide and turn on the air conditioning.
  3. Have a little drink cold water. If there are restorative drugs available, like Regidron, then take the medicine.

When vomiting severely, it is important to take the correct body position. It is forbidden to tip the victim onto his back or tilt his head. This way, vomit can get into the nasopharynx. In addition, it is advisable to look at the color of the liquid that comes out. The presence of bile or drops of blood in the vomit should be the first signals that you need to urgently call a car emergency care.

What can you eat after alcohol poisoning?

As soon as excess alcohol leaves the body, it is equally important to establish proper diet nutrition. On the first day after poisoning, if possible, it is better to refuse any food and replace it mineral water, tea, as a last resort, chicken broth or crackers. On the second day you can cook for yourself Lenten dishes. Helps well with rice porridge, semolina, boiled lean meat.

After poisoning with alcoholic drinks, you need to eat in small portions, and cook food only by steaming or boiling. Eating canned food, smoked foods, fatty or salty foods is not recommended. In case of poisoning, you only need to follow these rules for three days. During this time, the stomach will calm down, digestion will normalize, and the microflora of the intestinal mucosa will return to normal. Then you can gradually expand your diet.

Traditional methods of treatment

How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home? Try it in practice traditional methods hangover cures:

  • Force yourself to drink kefir, milk or yogurt. You shouldn’t get hungover from beer or vodka, otherwise you might end up on a drinking binge.
  • The next morning, take a few Allochol tablets. If there is none, then activated carbon.
  • You can relieve migraines caused by alcohol consumption and increase performance with aspirin or ascorbic acid.
  • To restore your water-alkaline balance after eliminating alcohol, drink more water. Traditional brine, alkaline mineral water, juice or compote will do. A sip of weak tea or coffee will be no less effective.
  • To make treatment for alcohol intoxication go faster, take a cold, then a hot shower. On the second day you can go to the bathhouse.

Consequences of alcohol intoxication

Even with a small portion of alcohol after sleep, a person feels overwhelmed, and may experience headache, performance decreases. If the doses were significantly exceeded, then the consequences of alcohol intoxication are reflected in the psyche. A sharp change in mood, psychosis appears, mental activity decreases, and persecution mania may develop.

Toxic poisoning of the body can aggravate chronic diseases or aggravate those pathologies that were previously in a latent form. In addition, excess alcohol on a regular basis leads to the risk of irreversible conditions: disorders in the liver, heart, and brain. Chronic drinkers often suffer from psychosis, necrosis, peptic ulcers, arrhythmia, fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver.

Video: Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home
