How to cook corn on the cob. How to cook corn in a slow cooker. Corn in a pressure cooker

Corn on the cob is a favorite treat for children and adults. You can boil, fry or store in jars for the winter!

The easiest thing is to cook! How to properly cook corn so that it is soft and juicy? The entire process of preparing this simple snack takes from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on whether the corn is young or not. Young ears are characterized by a white or pale yellow color, while old ones are bright yellow. Let's get started.

  • Corn: 2-3 cobs;
  • Salt: 2 teaspoons.

We clean the corn cobs from leaves and fibers and rinse them with a jet warm water. In my case, they were quite long, so I cut each corn in half.

Pour water into a saucepan, put the cobs in and cook over medium heat for 30-45 minutes, depending on whether the corn is old or young.

You can serve the corn either with salt or grate it yourself to taste. This is such a simple dish.

Recipe 2: cook corn on the cob (step-by-step photos)

  • 4 ears of corn
  • salt to taste
  • butter,
  • grated cheese,
  • spices, herbs - optional

First, you need to remove the leaves and tufts of hair from the corn cobs. It is advisable to use young (milk) corn for cooking, and it is preferable to cook it on the day of purchase.

Place half of the washed leaves, separated from the fruit, on the bottom of the pan, and place the corn on top. If the corn does not fit in the pan, you need to cut the cob in half. Cover the vegetables with the remaining leaves and pour clean cold water so that it is 2-3 cm higher than the leaves. The leaves give the finished dish a pleasant aroma.

Cook the corn after boiling (with water at a low boil) for about 10-15 minutes until the grains are soft. If you are cooking old corn, you can increase the cooking time to 1.5 hours (depending on the hardness of the fruit). It is very important not to salt the corn before and during cooking, because... the grains may become hard.

After finishing cooking, remove boiled corn from the pan, let it cool slightly. Rub each cob with salt and butter to taste, serve hot. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: How to Boil Corn on the Cob in a Saucepan

Many people love freshly boiled corn. How delicious it is to get boiled corn and eat the whole cob straight hot, then you can go for a second and a third, because it’s impossible to stop here. The recipe for deliciously cooked corn is very simple - for cooking you need to choose only young cobs, since old corn takes much longer to cook and does not taste as appetizing.

When choosing corn, pay attention to the grains. If crushing the grain is quite simple, and the color of the grains themselves is closer to white than yellow, then such corn can be safely cooked. Another sign of young corn is light hairs; the darker the hairs, the older the corn. Young corn cooks quickly and is different delicate taste and extraordinary softness.

  • corn - young cobs;
  • water - enough to completely cover the corn.

Place the corn cobs and leaves in a large saucepan. If you don't have a large saucepan at home, you can break each cob in half.

Pour in cold water and cook over high heat. Do not salt the water! Bring the corn to a boil, reduce heat, cover loosely with a lid and cook until tender. During cooking, corn usually changes color to bright yellow.

Only very young cobs (unripe corn) can remain creamy in color, but at the same time be edible (in such cobs the grains are not large and the cobs themselves are also small in size).

Young corn is cooked for 20-30 minutes. The older the corn, the longer it needs to be cooked (cooking time can reach 3 hours). During cooking, you can taste the grains to see if they are ready. Pull out the cob, cut off a few kernels and taste it.

Recipe 4, step by step: how to cook corn on the cob

Before you cook corn, you need to choose it correctly. Fresh cobs can be recognized by dense, green leaves. Without them, it’s better not to buy corn at all. The grains under the leaves should be arranged in dense rows and have a light yellow tint. Black, damaged areas on the grains indicate pest damage to the corn. It is not advisable to use such cobs for food.

  • corn on the cob – 6 - 8 pcs.;
  • water – 4 l.

Remove all the leaves from the corn cob, so to speak, strip it. Separate the long hairs - stigmas. They can be washed, dried and used for medicinal purposes.

The cooking container must have a thick bottom. It can be enameled, cast iron or aluminum pan large diameter. Place some of the washed leaves on the bottom. Fill the entire bottom with leaves. The more leaves you use when cooking, the juicier and more aromatic the heads of cabbage will be. After cooking, discard the leaves.

Place corn tightly on top. If the cobs do not fit entirely into the pan, then they must be cut or broken into pieces. Cover it with another layer of leaves.

So, alternating corn and leaves, fill the pan.

No salt is added during cooking. This way the heads of cabbage will taste sweeter, and salt also makes the grains denser and harder to bite. Pour cold water over the corn in a saucepan. Water should cover the contents by 2 cm.

To prevent it from floating, you can place an inverted plate on top (my mother did this). And I just close it with a lid. Let's cook.

How long to cook corn depends on its variety and degree of maturity. Cooking time is always counted after the start of boiling. It is enough to boil young corn for 15 minutes. Yes, exactly 15 minutes, this has been verified. After it’s cooked, I let it sit in the pan for about 30 minutes.

Fodder, hard cobs require the longest heat treatment. The more saturated color have grains, the longer they need to be cooked. Typically from 40 minutes to two hours. You can check the readiness of the corn by breaking off a few kernels and tasting them.

Serve boiled corn hot. You can pour it with oil, brine, sprinkle with cheese or pepper. And we mince it simply by rubbing it with salt.

Recipe 5: quick cooking of corn (with photo)

  • sweet young corn – 5 pcs.
  • salt – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • water – 4-5 l
  • dill, vegetable oil– for serving

The corn should be cleared of the green “cocoon” and “hair”. It's not that hard to do. You can then trim the hard tail and soft spout with a knife so that the cobs fit into the pan.

Pour clean water over the corn cobs, put on medium heat, cook for 30 minutes, counting the time from the beginning of the boil. If the corn is sweet and young, then this time is enough to cook it, but if it is fodder, then it will have to be cooked for about an hour, and possibly longer, and it tastes far from the same as the sweet variety.

10 minutes before the corn is ready, it is advisable to add salt to the pan, otherwise you will then need to salt each cob when serving.

Sprinkle slightly cooled boiled corn with chopped dill, lightly salt and pepper, and also pour a small amount sunflower oil. Boiled corn is ready!

Recipe 6: pickled corn on the cob for the winter

Delicious preparation for the winter. This corn can be served as a side dish for meat and vegetables. You can lightly fry the corn in a grill pan or on the grill. AND delicious side dish on your plate.

  • Corn on the cob 5 pieces (I have 2 liter jars)

Marinade for 1 liter:

  • Salt 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons
  • Pepper sweet pea 3 pieces
  • Black peppercorns 3 pieces
  • Carnation 3 buds.
  • Water 1 liter
  • Vinegar 9% 2 tablespoons

I cut the corn into discs and boiled it. Place the boiled corn in a sieve and allow excess water to drain.

Prepare the marinade, add vinegar, salt, sugar, and spices to the water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.

Place boiled corn in sterilized jars and fill with hot marinade. Screw the lids on the jars. Wrap the jars in a blanket and leave until the jars cool completely.

It’s nice to open this kind of corn in winter and remember the warm summer.

Recipe 7: Canned Corn on the Cob

  • 1 kg unripe young corn

For the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara

In each 0.5 liter jar:

  • 2 tbsp. vinegar
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns - to taste
  • 1-2 pcs cloves

Clean the corn and rinse thoroughly.

Place in a saucepan, add water and boil for 3-5 minutes.

In each jar we put cloves, peppercorns and bay leaves.

Place the corn tightly in jars and add vinegar.

Preparing the marinade for canned corn on the cob. Pour water into the pan, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil.

Pour marinade over corn.

Sterilize for 30 minutes. Roll up the lid.

Recipe 8: Roasted Corn with Brisket Slices

Usually housewives simply boil the ears of corn in salted water, and then salt them and serve them. But today we suggest you cook roasted corn with slices of brisket or slices of lard. This unusual combination sweet and tender corn and fatty brisket will open for you an unforgettable and incredible taste, A bright aroma and the rich color will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • corn 4 pcs
  • salted water 2 l
  • butter 4 tbsp.
  • thin lard or brisket 100 g
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
  • salt 1 tsp

Remove the top green leaf-like wrappers and “corn hair” from the corn cobs, trimming the top and bottom parts of the cobs if necessary. Place the cleaned corn in preheated water. Be sure to salt the water to your taste and cook under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes.

In a frying pan, fry thin, tender slices of lard or brisket until golden brown.

Remove the cooked lard (brisket) from the frying pan. Add butter to the resulting fat in the pan and melt it. Place the corn cobs cut in half and salt them on all sides. Fry the corn cobs for 4 minutes on each side.

The very first, young corn does not need to be cooked. Just fry it in a frying pan with melted butter for about 15 minutes. Serve the dish with fried lard.

Bonus: Oil for greasing corn cobs

  • butter - 50 g;
  • ,,,,

Boiled corn is one of the most favorite summer dishes, which is suitable for both adults and children. How to cook corn correctly in order to preserve all the beneficial properties - read further in the material.

We invite you to learn a few basic rules and tips on how to cook corn better and more correctly in order to preserve the maximum beneficial properties and taste.

How to cook corn correctly: instructions

Preparing corn for cooking is that it must first be washed under clean running water and all dirty leaves removed. It is not necessary to completely clear the leaves from the cob. The main thing is to remove spoiled leaves before cooking.

How to cook corn: the first step is cleaning

Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the corn for an hour in cold water, and you should cook corn cobs of approximately the same size. This is necessary so that the corn is cooked evenly. If the cobs are too large, cut them in half.

How to boil old corn

Even overripe and “old” corn will be soft and juicy after boiling if it is cooked correctly. To do this, you must first clean the cobs from fibers and leaves, then cut them in half and then pour them with a mixture of regular drinking cold water and milk in a 1:1 ratio.

The corn should sit in this milk mixture for a total of 4 hours, after which it can be boiled in the classic way.

How many minutes to cook corn

The amount of cooking time for corn depends directly on its degree of maturity. For example, young corn will be ready after 20-30 minutes of cooking, while mature corn should be cooked for 30-40 minutes. The cooking time for well-ripened cobs is 2-3 hours.

How to cook corn: the main rule is not to overcook it

The most important thing is not to overcook the corn so that the grains do not begin to harden. By the way, young corn is tasty even without salt, it is tender and soft, and boiling only takes thirty minutes.

It is ideal to boil corn cobs in cast iron pan, in which the walls are quite thick, and the lid of the pan must be closed. Corn also cooks well in a clay pan. You can cook corn in a double boiler, and even in the microwave. Some people manage to bake it in the oven.

Sweet, juicy boiled corn is one of the delicious summer delicacies that everyone, young and old, loves. Bright yellow cobs are associated with sunny summers and carefree holidays on the seaside. It is on the beach that we feast on boiled corn, buying delicious cobs from enterprising beach merchants who sell it at exorbitant prices.

Why not cook corn at home, because in the midst of... summer season Is it very inexpensive, and is the process of preparing it very simple? You will learn from this article how to cook corn so that it is tasty and juicy, as well as what to look for when buying a vegetable for cooking.

What are the benefits of corn?

Boiled corn is a tasty, satisfying, easily digestible dish that can be a snack, a side dish or a meal on its own. In addition to its wonderful taste, the grain vegetable is incredibly beneficial for the body and has the optimal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for a person. Its grains are rich in vitamins B, C, D, K, PP, potassium, phosphorus, iron and glutamic acid. One of the main advantages of grain crops is the ability to cleanse the body of toxins, as well as remove cholesterol from it.

Regular consumption of vegetables has a beneficial effect on the body's digestive system. Boiled corn smeared with butter is a wonderful remedy for constipation. Delicious cereal vegetable useful for both adults and children.

Choosing corn for cooking

An important and responsible stage of preparation delicious corn– selection of ideal cobs for cooking. It is recommended to buy vegetables in season (July-August), choose fresh, young cobs. In young corn, they have a milky white or yellowish tint to the grains. The older the vegetable, the brighter its grains will be.

Another important selection criterion is the elasticity and juiciness of the grains. The grains should be the same size, tightly located to each other, and when pressed, release a viscous white liquid similar to milk. Dry, wrinkled grains are not suitable for cooking. When dried, the sugar inside the grains turns into starch, and the corn loses its sweetness and flavor.

Pay attention to the corn leaves; they should be bright green, fresh, tightly adjacent to each other, and the antennae (corn silk) should be slightly moist. Do not buy corn with dry leaves or peeled corn.

Advice! To ensure that corn cooks evenly, choose cobs of the same size, with kernels of approximately the same size.

How to cook corn correctly: cooking secrets

There are several ways to cook corn: in a saucepan, microwave or double boiler. It also turns out delicious when baked in the oven with spices. Before cooking, the vegetable must be prepared:

  • clean the cobs from the leaves, rinse them in running water;
  • before cooking, soak the vegetable in cold water (for an hour);
  • if the cobs are large in size, cut them in half;
  • if you bought not quite young corn with bright yellow mature kernels, it can also be cooked deliciously. Peel it from the leaves, cut it in half and fill it with milk diluted in water (1:1).
Let the vegetable sit for about 4 hours, and only then cook - the mature grains will become soft and acquire juiciness.

How long to cook corn?

The cooking time of the vegetable depends on the variety and degree of its ripeness. The younger the cobs, the faster they cook. Typically, young corn is cooked in 20-30 minutes, while more mature corn takes from 4 minutes to 2-3 hours to cook. There are varieties of corn whose cooking time can take up to 2-3 hours.

Most important point during cooking aromatic delicacy– do not overcook the vegetable. Therefore, it is recommended to check the readiness of the grains by piercing them with a fork during cooking; they should be soft. Cooking for too long will make the corn tough and tasteless. Serve the cooked corn immediately to the table. To make it even more juicy, rub it with butter and coarse salt.

How to Boil Corn on the Cob in a Saucepan

The quickest and most common way to prepare the dish is to boil the corn cobs on the stove using a saucepan. We will look at the method of cooking peeled cobs. To keep the grains juicy and sweet, place some corn leaves on the bottom of the pan, then the peeled cobs, and cover them with the remaining leaves on top. Divide cobs that are too large in half.

Advice! The best choice dishes for cooking corn on the stove - a thick-walled deep cast iron pot or a cauldron with a closing lid.

Now you need to fill the cobs with water, they should be completely covered with it. Place the cast iron on the fire and close it tightly with a lid. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the cobs until tender, checking the softness of the grains from time to time. As soon as the grains become soft but elastic, remove the cobs and transfer them to big dish, sprinkle with salt, grease with butter if desired.

Advice! You should not add salt to the water before or during cooking the vegetable. In salt water, the grains will become hard. Salt the already boiled hot cobs to taste.

Cook in a slow cooker

Corn cooked in a slow cooker turns out to be very appetizing and juicy. For flavor, place corn leaves and peeled cobs on the bottom of the bowl, covering them with leaves on top. Fill them with water, 4-5 cm higher. Select the “Steam” mode, set the cooking time from 35 to 45 minutes.

Cook in a double boiler

The method of cooking vegetables in a double boiler is similar to cooking in a slow cooker. Steamed grains acquire special juiciness, softness and elasticity. Place leaves and peeled cobs on the bottom of the steamer bowl, cover them with leaves on top. Steam cooking time is from 30 to 40 minutes. Serve hot dish with salt and butter.

How to quickly and tasty cook corn in the microwave

Using a microwave, you can prepare a summer delicacy in two ways. For cooking in the microwave, it is better to choose young sugar cobs.

  1. Place the peeled cobs in a bag designed to be heated in the microwave. Close it tightly, turn on the device for 10 minutes, at maximum. After the signal, remove the cobs and serve in the traditional way.
  2. Young peeled cobs can be prepared in special forms for microwave ovens. Place them in a mold, cover with leaves and fill with water. Close the mold tightly with a lid, turn on the microwave for 40-50 minutes, setting the maximum power. You should periodically check the water level in the mold and add it if necessary; the cobs should be completely covered with water. After the signal, the fragrant, mouth-watering delicacy is ready.

How to deliciously cook corn in the oven?

Baked corn in foil - incredibly tasty and aromatic dish. Spiced cobs will add even more flavor.

  1. Turn on the oven to 200 degrees and install the grill rack.
  2. Prepare the butter mixture: add chopped parsley, dill, and your favorite spices to soft butter and mash well.
  3. Remove leaves and hairs (stigmas) from the cobs, rinse in water and dry.
  4. Generously rub dry, peeled cobs on all sides with the oil mixture.
  5. Wrap each cob in foil and leave for 15 minutes so that the grains are saturated with oil and spices.
  6. Cook on the grill for about 40 minutes. After baking, serve the flavorful, juicy treat directly on the foil.

How to store?

Corn is good for fresh, therefore, purchasing vegetables for future use is not recommended. It is advisable to cook the entire batch that you bought immediately. But, if you want to save the cobs and cook them later, remember that the vegetable retains its freshness and taste qualities not for long. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks, after wrapping each cob in paper.

It is not advisable to store cooked corn for a long time; it loses its aroma and taste; the shelf life of a boiled vegetable is no more than one or two days in the refrigerator.

Now, knowing how to cook corn, you can please your family or friends with this wonderful summer dish!

Before figuring out how long to cook corn, you need to understand the product itself. You need to clearly understand what it is, and only then look at why and how best to prepare it.

Types of corn

It should be noted that corn is a cereal plant that was known several thousand years ago. Currently, scientists identify about six main types of this culture: tooth-like, waxy, sugar, flint, starchy and bursting. Each of them has its own distinctive features and related applications. Some species are used for food, others are used to feed livestock, and the rest are used in industry. True, it is difficult to draw a clear boundary between food and feed varieties. Both are used as food. Therefore, most often you have to judge a product by its external characteristics. Here you can distinguish young and old corn. The first grains have a color ranging from cream to pale yellow. They are sometimes called products of “milky-wax ripeness.” old corn distinguished by the bright yellow color of the grains. They are quite large and hard to the touch. This is where you need to know in advance how long to cook the corn depending on its age. Of course, a fresh young cob will cook faster than an old and overripe one.

Cooking conditions

In order to correctly answer the question of how long to cook corn, you must first decide how the cooking process itself will take place. U modern housewife there are a lot of helpers in the kitchen, and such simple procedure how cooking can be done in several ways:

  • V regular saucepan on the stove;
  • in a pressure cooker;
  • in the oven;
  • in a steamer;
  • in the microwave.

The cooking time will vary depending on the option chosen. If you take an ordinary young cob and try to cook it using each of the listed methods, the result will look like this:

When choosing any device, you can already calculate in advance how long to cook corn in it and plan your work around the house. True, some options have their own characteristics, and you need to cook in them according to certain rules.

Where to buy and how long to cook cobs?

Corn season begins in late summer. In the city this becomes immediately noticeable. Enterprising sellers appear on every corner, offering to taste the fresh, still smoking cob. The smell of corn attracts attention, and many cannot deny themselves this pleasure. But, from a safety and hygiene point of view, it is better not to do this. Who knows in what hands the product has been? Where was it and what was it cooked in? For your own peace of mind and complete confidence, it is better to buy raw product and cook it yourself. To do this, you will need to find out how long you need to cook corn so that it can be eaten. Naturally, an undercooked product will not bring pleasure to anyone. Therefore, we must strictly adhere to temperature conditions and time periods. If you are in no hurry, you can use the oven or grill. You just need to wrap the cobs in foil or a special bag, and then put them in the oven for 40 minutes, placing them on a baking sheet or wire rack. You can do it differently. Place the corn in a greased baking dish and add water. In this case, you should not ask how long you need to cook the corn. The answer will be the same.

How long does it take to cook corn?

Many people set themselves such a task for the first time, so they approach it with the utmost responsibility. In order not to make mistakes in the little things, it is better to clarify specifically how many minutes to cook the corn. After choosing the method you like, the answer still depends on several important factors. Firstly, the variety. Sweet corn cooks much faster than others. This happens due to the fact that its grains are very thin skin. This significantly affects the speed of the process, that is, how many minutes to cook the corn. Secondly, the degree of maturity. If for the young food grains 15 minutes will be enough, then mature sweet corn will cook for the same amount of time as the feed. This will take about 40 minutes, no less. For forage varieties the situation will be somewhat different. A young cob will cook in 1 hour, while old and overripe ones will take 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Therefore, it is better to approach the choice of product more carefully than to rack your brains and waste precious time on lengthy processing.

The usual way

You don't need a recipe to cook corn. It simply doesn't exist. There are only small nuances or tips experienced chefs, which it is advisable to take into account when starting preparation. First, the selected cobs need to be washed well so that no dirt remains on them. Next you need to remove all the leaves along with the fibers. The topmost ones can be thrown away immediately, and the remaining ones can be sorted out and set aside. Then carefully place the cobs in a wide container and fill them with cold water. If there are large specimens among them, then do not be upset. A long cob can be easily cut crosswise with a knife. The top of the corn should be covered with clean leaves. You can also put fibers along with them. This is done to ensure that the final product is more flavorful. Now the finished structure can be put on fire. Under no circumstances should you add salt. Otherwise, the grains will turn out very hard and tasteless. After the water boils, you need to time it to control the duration of cooking. Young cobs will be ready in 15-20 minutes, but more mature ones will require additional time. This will take approximately 1-1.5 hours. The finished corn can be taken out onto a plate and eaten with pleasure.

Circumstances of cooking

Although there is no approved technology for how to cook corn, there are circumstances that help to get the maximum good result. First, the dishes. Her choice must be approached thoroughly. To prevent food from burning and heat evenly, it is best to use a saucepan or any other container with thick walls. It could even be a rustic cast iron. Secondly, temperature. The whole process should be carried out over low heat, since with a strong boil the water will evaporate very quickly and the contents will not be able to cook properly. Thirdly, the degree of readiness. Some housewives believe that the product is ready as soon as it begins to change color or make characteristic smell. IN in this case this does not work. The readiness of corn can only be judged by taste. To do this, as soon as the measured time has elapsed, you need to separate one grain from any cob and try it. If it bites easily and is soft inside, then the corn is ready.

Delicious anyway

Of course quality original product plays a significant role. But there is an option that allows you to make almost any corn tender and sweet. Even mature cobs after this treatment can be eaten with pleasure. For this you only need fresh corn, pure water and a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

And everything is done very simply:

It is better to serve this corn with butter and salt.

How to cook corn? What is needed for her proper cooking? How to choose cobs so as not to be disappointed? Do I need to add anything to the water, such as salt? Or would it be better to salt the corn after cooking?

There are so many questions - and there are answers to them. Read now how to cook corn!

How to choose corn for cooking

The fresher raw corn, the tastier and healthier it will be and cooked product. Freshness is indicated by the leaves and hairs that cover the cob. Newly harvested corn will have green, soft leaves and moist, cool tendrils. The longer the cobs are stored, the yellower and tougher the leaves will become, which is why some dishonest sellers tear off the leaves from the wrong ones. fresh product. Another criterion for the freshness of the cob is the juiciness of the grains. To check the juiciness, you need to press on the kernel at the base of the corn. For a fresh product it will be soft.

The degree of maturity also affects the taste of corn - than younger cob, the more aromatic and sweeter the boiled corn will be. But this is a matter of taste. The main thing is that the cob is fresh and unspoiled. By the way, not all varieties of corn are equally tasty. Varieties are divided into fodder and table varieties. Try to purchase table corn for cooking.

How long to cook corn

Both young and mature cobs are suitable for food. The cooking time of the corn depends on the degree of ripening. For young, milky cobs, the cooking time will be from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the cooking method.

For ripened corn, the cooking time increases to 30 - 60 minutes. Overripe cobs are also boiled. Some people prefer this type of corn because it is less sweet and proper preparation juicy. It takes a long time to cook: from 2 to 5 hours.

The degree of readiness is checked as follows: remove the grain from the cob with a knife and check it for taste and readiness.

After cooking, you need to infuse the corn for 5-10 minutes in a saucepan with a lid. Then remove from the pan and rub with salt. You can also use various spices, butter and even sour cream. Boiled corn must be served hot, then it is tastier to eat.

How to properly cook corn on the cob

You can do this in several ways: on the stove, in a double boiler, in the microwave, in a slow cooker, and even in the oven. The cooking scheme is approximately the same.

1. Free the corn from leaves and tendrils. Rinse a few tender leaves well in running water and place them on the bottom of the container in which the corn will be boiled.
2. Place the cobs whole on the leaves; large ones can be broken in half.
3. Pour in enough water to cover the corn.
4. Close the container with a lid and bring to a boil over high heat.
5. Once boiling begins, reduce power to low. Cooking is necessary required quantity time, depending on the degree of maturity of the cobs.
6. Check the degree of readiness by removing a grain from a large cob with a knife.
7. Remove the corn from the water, add a knob of butter and lightly salt the cobs.
8. If desired, you can add sauce, or use boiled corn as a side dish for the main dish.

How to cook corn in a saucepan

It is recommended to soak the corn for an hour in cold water before cooking. Cut the cobs lengthwise into halves or leave whole if the size of the dish allows. The pan should be deep with a thick bottom. Boil some water in it, then add the leaves from the cobs and wait until it boils again. Then add the corn, add more water so that the cobs are completely covered, bring to a boil, and cook for about 30 minutes over medium heat. Then salt the water and place the remaining leaves on top. After cooking, let the corn sit for at least half an hour in the water in which it was boiled. Remove carefully with a fork and serve hot.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker

Rinse the peeled cobs thoroughly under cold water. Place corn leaves in the bottom of the bowl to add flavor. Place the cobs on top, breaking them in half if necessary. Top with remaining leaves. Pour water so that it covers the corn by 4-5 cm. Select the “Steam” mode and set the time to 35-45 minutes depending on the ripeness of the cobs. After the signal, let the corn steep in the water in which it was boiled.

How to cook corn in the microwave

There are several options for microwaving corn, depending on the maturity and freshness of the corn.

1. Fast way: Place young corn in a microwave-safe bag. Close it tightly and cook the cobs for 10 minutes at maximum power.
2. Place young cobs in special form for microwaves, fill with water. Cover the mold with a lid and set on maximum power for 40 - 50 minutes. The main thing is to refill on time hot water so that the corn is constantly covered with it.

How to cook corn in a double boiler

In a double boiler, the corn turns out juicy and aromatic, and you can cook it either peeled or leaving the bottom layer of young leaves. All types of steamers are suitable: electric, gas and a regular steam basket, which is installed on the pan.

Fill the water container to the maximum level. Grease the steamer grate generously with butter and place the corn. If necessary, large cobs can be broken in half. Cook for 30 - 40 minutes until fully cooked.

How to cook corn in the oven

You will need a baking dish with a lid. Wash, peel and place the corn tightly in a deep baking dish greased with butter. Pour boiling water over the corn until the water barely covers the corn. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees, place the pan with corn in the oven, cover with a lid and cook for 45 minutes.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about boiling corn. Cook and eat for your health!

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Each recipe is written with soul, and ready dish It is eaten with great appetite by our team. is not only simple and popular recipes, and first of all, the opportunity to please your loved ones delicious dishes and enjoy the cooking process. We always welcome your comments and suggestions.

2 thoughts on “How to cook corn correctly”

And the corn is so delicious! The photo is inspiring! I'll go cook the corn in the slow cooker.
