The benefits and harms of green and black tea, contraindications when drinking tea, general tips on how to drink tea correctly. The benefits and harms of tea

Here we will give some features of the use of both black and green tea, as well as the rules that you need to follow when drinking tea if you are looking after your health.

What are the benefits of green tea.

Green tea preparations have a diuretic effect, but due to the stimulating effect, it is not recommended to use it as a diuretic.

Green tea is one of the best means from fatigue. Green tea infusion is used as an antimicrobial agent for dysentery. This tea is a means of preventing urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Both red and green as well as black teas support the tone of the body. In individual tea consumption can affect the appetite - both by stoking and satisfying the feeling of hunger.

Due to the content of vitamin C, green tea helps to cope with many oncological diseases. Vitamin P contained in green tea makes the walls of blood vessels stronger and more elastic. All these beneficial properties also apply to black or red tea. The beneficial properties of green tea are due to the fact that it contains in large numbers contains various bioactive substances, trace elements and vitamins.

Fun fact: red or black tea was used in an extremely unusual way during the Soviet era. Women of fashion did without solariums to make the skin swarthy. To do this, they poured some water into black tea, put it on fire, bringing it to a boil, and then insisted, waiting for the liquid to cool. The skin was rubbed with this infusion twice a day. Tanning without sunbathing is ready.

However, some people should drink tea carefully so as not to harm themselves.

Tea, whether black, green, red or pu-erh, is certainly extremely beneficial for health.

1. Pregnant women

Any tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, which, by stimulating the fetus, negatively affects its development. It is often heard that since there is less caffeine in black (red) tea, it is not harmful to pregnant women. But, in reality, black and green tea do not differ much in this indicator. According to Japanese researchers, five cups of tea drunk a day contains such an amount of caffeine that can lead to significant underweight in an infant. In addition, caffeine causes an increase in heart rate and increases urination, which increases the burden on the heart and kidneys, and thus increases the likelihood of developing toxicosis.

2. Suffering from stomach problems

Although the tea features of pu-erh, promotes digestion, but those suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as increased acidity in the stomach, should avoid its use, both green and black. A healthy stomach contains a compound of phosphoric acid, which reduces the secretion of gastric acid in the cells of the stomach wall, but theophylline contained in tea can suppress the function of this compound, resulting in excess stomach acid, and the increased acidity of the gastric juice disrupts the functionality of the stomach and promotes ulcers. Therefore, those who have stomach problems, and, moreover, those who already have, should stop drinking both black and green, and other types of tea, since this will remove the stimulation of gastric acid secretion characteristic of tea and can be harmful.

3. Suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension

Patients with a similar diagnosis should also stop drinking black and strongly brewed green tea. This is due to the fact that tea contains theophylline and caffeine, which have an exciting effect on the central nervous system. nervous system. And when the cerebral cortex enters a state of excitation, blood vessels The brain narrows, which is harmful for those suffering from atherosclerosis and can cause blood clots to form in the brain.

4. Insomniacs

Insomnia can have a variety of causes, but regardless of its causes, you should not drink green or black (even weak and sweet) tea - due to the stimulating effect of caffeine. Just one cup of tea before bed puts the central nervous system and brain in a state of excitement, the pulse quickens, blood flow accelerates, it becomes almost impossible to fall asleep. For getting maximum benefit and not causing harm from drinking tea, it is recommended to finish tea drinking a couple of hours before bedtime. For the elderly, drinking tea in the morning is recommended.

5. Patients with fever

The heat is accompanied by the expansion of superficial blood vessels and increased sweating, therefore heat leads to excessive consumption of water, dielectrics and nutrients from which thirst arises. It is generally accepted that hot black tea quenches thirst well, and therefore is useful for elevated temperature. But this is very far from reality. Recently, British pharmacologists have found that tea not only does not benefit those suffering from fever, but, on the contrary, theophylline, which is especially abundant in green tea, increases body temperature. Theophylline, present in both black and green tea, is also a diuretic and therefore renders any antipyretic drugs ineffective.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following factors when drinking tea:

scalding tea
Too much hot tea strongly stimulates the throat, esophagus and stomach, and can also burn the mucous membrane of the mouth, which will prevent you from fully enjoying the wonderful taste of tea. The tea temperature should not exceed +56°.

Cold tea
While moderately hot tea gives energy, clears the mind and vision, cold tea has the negative side effects of cold stasis and accumulation of phlegm.

Strong tea.
High content of theine and caffeine in strong tea can cause headaches and insomnia.

Long brewing tea.
If tea is brewed for too long, tea phenol, lipids, essential oils begin to spontaneously oxidize, which not only deprives the tea of ​​transparency, taste and aroma, but also significantly reduces nutritional value tea due to the oxidation of vitamins C and P contained in tea leaves, as well as other valuable substances.

Multiple brewing.
The number of brews is determined by the method of brewing and the quality of the tea. When brewing tea "in European style", when each brew is infused for 5-10 minutes, usually after the third or fourth brew, there is little left in the tea leaves. Experiments show that the first infusion draws approximately 50% useful substances from tea leaves, the second - 30%, the third - only about 10%, and the fourth adds another 1-3%. If you continue to brew tea further, then harmful substances contained in tea leaves in a very small amount may begin to enter the infusion. large quantities, since they are the last to enter the infusion. When brewing tea using the Ping Cha method, when a lot of tea is placed in a small volume and infused a little (a few seconds), the tea withstands 5-8 brews, some collection varieties 10-15 brews.

Tea before meals.
Tea drunk just before a meal leads to liquefaction of saliva, the food begins to seem tasteless, in addition, the absorption of protein by the digestive organs may temporarily decrease. Therefore, tea should be drunk no later than 20-30 minutes before meals.

Tea after meals.
The tannin content in tea can cause protein and iron to harden, making them less absorbable. If you want to drink tea after a meal, wait 20-30 minutes.

Tea on an empty stomach.
If you drink strong tea on an empty stomach, cold nature tea, penetrating inside, can cool the spleen and stomach", which can cause discomfort.

Drinking medicine with tea.
The tannins contained in tea break down to form tannin, from which many medicines precipitate and are poorly absorbed. That is why the Chinese say that tea destroys medicines.

Yesterday's tea.
Tea that has stood for a day not only loses vitamins, but due to the high content of protein and sugars, it becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. If the tea has not spoiled, it is quite possible to use it in medicinal purposes but as an external agent. So, tea that has been infused for a day is rich in acids and fluorine, which prevent bleeding from capillaries, so yesterday's tea helps with inflammation of the oral cavity, pain in the tongue, eczema, bleeding gums, superficial skin lesions, abscesses.
Washing the eyes with yesterday's tea helps to reduce discomfort when manifested in the proteins of blood vessels and after tears, and rinsing the mouth in the morning, before brushing the teeth and after eating, not only leaves a feeling of freshness, but also strengthens the teeth.

Note: The information given is quite general and varies depending on the type of tea and the conditions of its brewing. So, in particular, with regard to the number of brews of one serving of tea, then good varieties teas can withstand 10 or more infusions, retaining color, aroma and nutritional qualities; brewing water temperature tea leaf- also the indicator is changeable, it varies from 65 degrees for light teas - green and white, up to 95-100 degrees for black and red teas...

frequency of tea drinking.

No matter how useful tea is, do not forget about moderation. Overuse tea means increased stress on the heart and kidneys. Strong tea leads to excitation of the brain, palpitations, frequent urination, insomnia. Caffeine in high doses has been shown by recent medical studies to contribute to certain diseases. Therefore, with tea you should know when to stop.
On average, 4-5 cups of not very strong tea during the day are beneficial, especially for a middle-aged person. Some cannot do without strong tea, because otherwise they do not feel the taste. In this case, you should limit yourself to 2-3 cups, at the rate of 3 grams of tea leaves per cup, so 5-10 grams of tea comes out per day. Tea is better to drink a little, but often and always freshly brewed. Of course, you should not drink tea at bedtime. It is useful for older people to drink just in the evening boiled water, best boiled shortly before and then cooled to room temperature.

The Chinese drink tea no more than three times a day.

On the intoxicating effect of tea.

"Tea drunkenness" can be caused by drinking too much tea or improperly brewed tea. The harm from such intoxication can hardly be called too strong, but you still should not abuse tea. Tea on an empty stomach, tea on a full stomach, a shock dose of tea for an unaccustomed organism can lead to symptoms such as restlessness, dizziness, impotence in the limbs, discomfort in the stomach, unsteady standing, hunger. As for the different varieties and ways of drinking tea, tea on an empty stomach is the most dangerous. The most susceptible to tea intoxication are weakened people with emptiness in the kidneys. When the described symptoms appear, you should immediately eat something - either honey or fruit.

Tea and alcohol.

Tea is not compatible with alcohol. Tea after alcohol adversely affects the kidneys. Theophylline, found in tea, speeds up the process of urine production in the kidneys, which leads to the fact that acetaldehyde, which has not yet been broken down, can get into them, which has a highly stimulating effect. harmful effect on the kidneys, in some cases posing a threat to life. Alcoholic beverages should not be mixed with tea, and especially with strong tea. According to the yin-yang doctrine, alcohol has a pungent taste, which first of all goes to the lungs, the lungs correspond to the skin and interact with the large intestine. As for tea, it promotes the rise of yang energy and stimulates blood circulation, it tastes bitter and belongs to yang. When tea is drunk after alcoholic drinks, it has a stimulating effect on the kidneys, the kidneys govern water, water gives rise to warmth, as a result of which cold stasis occurs, which leads to cloudy urine, excessive dryness of the feces, and impotence. In the famous treatise of Li Shi-zhen, “Ben-cao gan-mu” it is written: “Tea after wine harms the kidneys, the lower back and hips are filled with heaviness, the bladder becomes cold and sore, and in addition, phlegm accumulates, and swelling appears from the drunk liquid” .

Modern medicine complements Chinese teachings. First, the alcohol in alcohol has a strong stimulating effect on the heart and blood vessels, and tea has a similar effect. Therefore, when the action of tea is added to the action of alcohol, the heart receives even stronger stimulation, which does not bode well for people with weakened heart function.
Secondly, tea after even very light alcohol negatively affects the kidneys. So most of the alcohol is converted first in the liver to acetaldehyde, then to acetic acid, which decomposes into carbon dioxide and water, then is excreted through the kidneys from the body. Theophylline found in tea speeds up the process of urine production in the kidneys, which leads to the fact that not yet broken down acetaldehyde can get into them, which has a highly stimulating, harmful effect on the kidneys, in some cases life-threatening.
Therefore, alcoholic beverages (even low-grade beer) should not be mixed with tea. It is best to eat fruits - sweet tangerines, pears, apples, or, even better, drink watermelon juice. Will help in a pinch fruit juice or sweetened water. Chinese pharmacology also recommends a decoction of kudzu liana flowers or a decoction of kudzu root and mung beans for quick sobering up. If intoxication is characterized by such symptoms as slow breathing, unconsciousness, weakening of the pulse, cold sweat on the skin, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Is it good for children to drink tea?

It is generally accepted that tea is harmful to children, as it has a too pronounced stimulating effect. Parents are also afraid that tea can damage the spleen and stomach, which are very tender in childhood. In fact, there are no grounds for these fears.
Tea contains phenolic derivatives, caffeine, vitamins, protein, sugars, aromatic compounds, as well as zinc and fluorine, necessary for the development child's body. Therefore, tea, subject to moderation, is undoubtedly useful for children. In general, you should not give children more than 2-3 small cups a day, do not brew tea strongly, and even more so give it to drink in the evening. Also, tea should be warm, not hot or cold.

Little children often have an increased appetite and easily overeat. In this case, tea will help, as it dissolves fats, improves intestinal motility and increases the separation of digestive secretions. The vitamins and methionine contained in tea effectively regulate fat metabolism and reduce the feeling of discomfort after fatty meat meals. Tea also removes the "fire", from the excess of which children often suffer. The symptom of fire (according to traditional Chinese medicine) is dryness of the feces, which leads to difficult defecation. To get rid of this problem, some try to give honey and bananas to children, but this only gives a one-time effect. The best way elimination of "fire" - regular consumption of tea, which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is "bitter and cold", and therefore removes fire and heat. The people describe the effect of tea on the body as follows: "at the top it clears the head and eyesight, in the middle it improves the digestion of food, and at the bottom it improves urination and defecation," and these words are undoubtedly justified. In addition, as you know, microelements are necessary for the growth of bones, teeth, hair, nails, and the fluorine content in tea, especially in green tea, is much higher than in other plants. Therefore, the consumption of tea not only strengthens the bones, but also prevents tooth decay.

Of course, children, especially toddlers, should not drink a lot of tea, and strong or iced tea should also be avoided. A large amount of tea increases the water content in the body, thereby increasing the load on the heart and kidneys. Strong tea stimulates the child's central nervous system, increases the heart rate, increases the urge to urinate, and can cause insomnia. In a growing child, all body systems are not yet mature, and therefore regular overexcitation, and even more so insomnia, leads to an overuse of nutrients and negatively affects the growth process. You can not infuse tea for too long, as this will release too much tannin into the solution, and tea with high concentration tannin can lead to compression of the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract. Connecting with food proteins, tannin gives a protein of tannic acid, which, precipitating, suppresses appetite, negatively affects digestion and absorption of food. In addition, the stronger the tea is brewed, the less vitamin B1 it contains, and the worse, therefore, iron is absorbed. So, a little weak tea will benefit children, but strong tea, and even in large quantities, will only do harm.

tell friends

We have been accustomed to this drink since childhood. Not a single day can do without it for the majority, it is consumed in the morning, afternoon, evening. And what's nice - the amount can not be limited to a couple of cups. You can drink 5-6 servings of an invigorating drink. Probably everyone understood that we are talking about tea - banal green and black. We will study in detail - what are the benefits and harms of tea, can it be drunk by pregnant women and children. How useful is green tonic and black invigorating tea for men.

drink legends

According to the oldest Japanese legend, tea bushes grew from the eyelashes of the mythological prince of the Daruma dynasty, which he cut off and poured onto the ground. He did this during long periods, and the hairs became the key to the growth of bushes, giving a tonic and invigorating drink that helps fight fatigue. The prince's students were the first to try the potion.

The Chinese legend says that the shrub was created at the time of the creation of the Earth and the Sky by the Ruler of the Sun Yan-di. There is also an opinion that the tea petals fell into a cup of boiling water during the walk of Emperor Chen Nung Ye, who ruled in the third millennium. The nobleman liked the drink so much that it was decided to cultivate the crop nationwide.

Our favorite infusion, which can be drunk both cold and hot, has a lot of advantages. At what time was it included in our diet, when our ancestors first tasted a fragrant and tonic drink? As it turns out, tea has a rich and rich history.

runner-up to regular clean water, familiar in every corner of the planet, it is brewed differently, but valued for the same useful properties.

Real story

It is not known whether the above legends really took place, but history interprets everything a little differently. Researchers know for sure that the drink was already mentioned in the 200s BC, that is, during the Three Kingdoms period. The plant began to be cultivated in 350 BC. From this it turns out that the drink has been present in people's lives for many thousands of years. But we must pay tribute to history - tea was originally used only by the inhabitants of the East of the planet.

At first, the drug was available to the wealthy class, it was consumed to treat hearing, vision, joint diseases, to strengthen the body's strength, vigor and mood. Externally, tea was applied to sore spots, included in solutions and ointments from other medicinal plants for the treatment of wounds, burns. The drink was served for colds, infectious diseases, and the nobles gave it to those served as an encouraging gift for high merit. It was not until the 10th century AD that tea became available to the poorer classes and began to gain popularity in other countries through trade.

To Europe trade routes dry leaves of the drink began to arrive around the 16th-18th centuries thanks to the Dutch, Portuguese merchants. Residents of the Netherlands began to include a drink in their lunch meal. The English began to be content with a tonic infusion in the 17th century, in its second half, after a bag of tea was presented to their king as a gift.

Many are sure that the drink we are describing is originally Russian. Unfortunately, this is not true. Tonic leaves for infusion were brought to the territory of Russia in the sixteenth century, and until then our ancestors drank honey, herbal and berry decoctions, sbiten. For the first time in our country, tea was tasted by the inhabitants of Siberia, and even earlier than the inhabitants of Europe, since they were adjacent to Mongolia, where the drink was used for thousands of years. After a while, a bag of tea was donated to the royal chambers by the merchant Perfilyev, who worked as an ambassador to the Celestial Empire. So the drink began to spread throughout our country and finally became the main drink in every family.

Useful composition of an invigorating drink

Experts say that tea consists of more than three hundred elements useful for the body. But this volume directly depends on the conditions for the growth of tea shoots, the place of their cultivation, production conditions and methods of preparation. For example, if the leaves are plucked from tea tree, then they contain at least 80% of water, if they are dried, then only 5% remains.

  1. The chemical composition can be divided into two subgroups - a number of insoluble (carbohydrates, enzyme and pectin components), soluble (alkaloids, a number of vitamins, tannins, essential oils, pigment elements, proteins and amino acids).
  2. Enzymes. There are more than 10 types of these particles in the drink and they are an effective catalyst for metabolic processes.
  3. Carbohydrates. This substance is represented by insoluble starch and cellulose, as well as soluble maltose, glucose valuable for the body. The list also includes fructose and sucrose.
  4. Pectins. Substances retain valuable qualities drink, and do not let it spoil for a long time.

List of soluble tea ingredients

Essential oils. There is not much of this component in the drink, only 0.0006%, but they can be immediately felt at the first takeoffs of paired clouds. This scent is unique, fresh and inviting. Their presence in the drink allows you to effectively deal with infectious diseases, colds, the development of oncological pathologies, ailments. of cardio-vascular system etc.

  1. Pigments. They are reflected in the drink as a coloring material and are presented as thearubigens, theaflavins, xanthophyll, red carotene and chlorophyll.

    Important: the largest number pigment substances are contained in the red variety of tea - oolong.

  2. Alkaloids are components that stimulate the human nervous system. These include diuretin, adenine, caffeine, theobromine, and lecithin.

    An interesting fact: there is many times more caffeine in tea than in coffee and cocoa familiar to us, but it has a milder effect on the body, including blood vessels, and heart function. The reason for this is the formation of theine, a substance that stimulates the brain, increases working capacity, activates work. genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

  3. Amino acids occupy 2% of the total number of useful substances. Thanks to them, the body recovers after heavy physical and mental stress, stress and depression.
  4. Proteins in combination with amino acids occupy a quarter of the total composition.
  5. Tannin particles. In tea, about 30% of this component, formed by the combination of polyphenols and their derivatives.

Substances have unique properties:

  • destroy free radicals and prevent the development of cancer;
  • regulate blood pressure - low - increase, high - decrease;
  • have a detrimental effect on putrefactive microflora, destroy fungi;
  • cleanse the intestines from pathogenic microorganisms, disinfect the oral cavity;
  • prevent cell aging, stimulate their renewal.

Important: the largest amount of tannic components in green and white tea.

Vitamin component of the drink

Tea contains almost the entire group B, the properties of which include:

  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • improvement of the condition of the skin, nails, hair;
  • calming the nerves, eliminating an attack of aggression, anger and depression.
  1. Ascorbinka - has antimicrobial, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Important: vitamin C in hot tea is not destroyed, as it is associated with tannin.

  2. Rutin (vitamin P) strengthens the walls of blood vessels and tiny capillaries. For this reason, it is necessary for people with atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory tract. Also, tea refers to the preventive types of food for these ailments.
  3. Nicotinic acid - vitamin PP has a powerful anti-allergic property, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, hair and nail growth, and improves skin quality.
  4. Retinol - vitamin A - a component without which the normal development of the human body is impossible. The substance is responsible for cell regeneration, oxygenates the smallest vessels, stimulates the growth of new cells.
  5. Vitamin D is the vitamin of the sun. It takes an active part in all processes, including helping to absorb calcium and other elements.
  6. Vitamin E - tocopherol is a barrier to the reproduction of free radicals, prevents premature aging of the body, stimulates the cardiovascular system, activates the urinary organs.
  7. Vitamin K is an important component involved in normal human blood clotting.
  8. The drink also contains a number of trace elements - potassium, copper, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, fluorine and others.

Useful properties of the drink

Each component of tea is an amazing remedy for various conditions.

  1. GIT. Both black and green teas have a beneficial effect on the digestive process.
  2. Cleansing. Components like a soft brush cleanse the body, remove toxins, heavy metals. Drink doctors strongly recommend to include in the diet with a strict diet.
  3. With radiation. A green variety drink is one of the key components for patients with radiation sickness. Substances neutralize the harmful effects of household appliances, including a monitor, television screens.
  4. Prevention oncological diseases. The action is associated with a powerful property to purify the composition of the blood.
  5. At diabetes. The components of the drink control the level of sugar in a person's blood in this disease. The reason for this is the presence of saccharides that inhibit the absorption of glucose by the body.

Important: saccharides are found only in black tea, in green they are much less.

  1. Medicinal properties for blood vessels. Theophylline is an important element that reduces the level of bad cholesterol and dilates thin vessels, which improves blood flow. Antioxidants cleanse the walls of blood vessels and get rid of accumulated plaques, which is excellent prevention and treatment of heart diseases, strokes, heart attacks. Tannins have a strengthening property.
  2. Teeth. Each type - black, green or red tea contains fluorine, which strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the development of caries, inflammatory and infectious processes in the cavity - stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.
  3. Conjunctivitis. With this disease, you need to regularly rinse your eyes with fresh and strong tea - green or black.

Important: each eye should be wiped with different cotton pads, and each of them should be carried out only once.

Can pregnant women drink tea?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman is like a crystal vessel - she needs special attention, care and respect. Any food and drink should be handled with extreme caution. When it comes to drinks, they are no exception. Let's talk about the benefits and dangers of tea in an interesting "position".

First of all, we note that drinking green or black tea during pregnancy is not only possible, but necessary. Given the antioxidant, cleansing and strengthening properties of the drink, it is useful both hot and cold. Doctors recommend giving preference to a green drink, the richest in vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, pigments, etc.

  1. The drink improves the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, makes them elastic, which helps to cope with attacks of high blood pressure.
  2. Due to its ability to strengthen enamel, tea should be consumed every day, as pregnant women first of all have problems with dental ailments. In this case, you should not get carried away with a strongly brewed product, preferably weak and mixed with milk.
  3. In order not to overdo it with caffeine, you can consume white, very useful variety drink. Such tea will strengthen the immune system, prevent the formation and growth of oncological neoplasms.

    It's no secret that most pregnant women suffer from toxicosis. It turns out that if you chew a few leaves of green tea, you can get rid of the feeling of discomfort.

  4. The diuretic effect of the drink will allow you to get rid of edema, regulate kidney function and get rid of nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.

Despite the above advantages, green tea can also cause problems in pregnant women. For example, excessive consumption prevents the absorption of folic acid, an important element in the formation of the infant's nervous system.

Important: it is necessary to consult a gynecologist about the portions and strength of the drink consumed by a pregnant woman.

Is it possible to give tea to children

It is impossible for a baby to drink only milk and water. Caring mothers strive to include compotes and jelly in the diet of their beloved child. And how are things with tea, is it possible to give this drink to a baby?

According to the recommendations of doctors, the drink described by us can be given to children, but only at the age of six months. Until this age breast milk, in extreme cases, quality baby food as a substitute. Then start with special varieties children's tea, which manufacturers prudently got rid of tannins and caffeine. These varieties help small organism calm down, normalize digestion, stimulate appetite.

You can also introduce a little herbal drinks, but before that you need to consult a pediatrician. The most useful ones include:

Mint and lemon balm - soothe the nervous system, improve sleep, eliminate anxiety and anxiety of the baby. Drink a small amount 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Fennel - having antispasmodic and antiseptic properties, the components of the drink enhance the work of the glands in digestion, stimulate peristalsis.

With the onset of one year of age, you can enter berry and fruit teas. They improve the child's appetite, strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, improve memory, vision and hearing.

Doctors advise black or white tea to be given from the age of 5 in small portions. Green to exclude from 11-12 years of age.

The benefits of tea for men

Here you need to remember about the beneficial properties of the product. Antioxidants, pigments, tannins and vitamins allow the male body to strengthen, cleanse itself of toxins, plaques and toxins. Tea reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease in men.

Increasingly, the male half of humanity suffers from vascular diseases. Death from heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis overtakes not only the elderly, but also very young people. Regular consumption of tea will cleanse the blood vessels and lose extra pounds.

Important: you need to drink tea without sugar and sweet pastries. And more useful green variety drink.

Harmful properties of tea

Like any other food product, tea also has negative properties.

  1. With an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, ulcers, green tea should not be consumed, as additional irritation of the mucous membrane occurs.
  2. Strong tea is not recommended for high blood pressure.
  3. The content of theobromine, caffeine and theophylline can adversely affect the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  4. Theophylline can also cause a violation of thermoregulation and an increase in body temperature. This fact is negative in case of fever in a cold or infected person.
  5. Tea can constrict blood vessels, which can lead to blood clots.
  6. Polyphenols in black tea are loaded and create problems with the work. It is important not to overdo it with its consumption.
  7. Excessive consumption of a cold drink of green and even black varieties contributes to the formation of sand and pebbles in the kidneys and urinary tract.
  8. Caffeine, one of the main components of tea, removes substances from us - potassium, magnesium, and valuable calcium.
  9. A lot of tea has a negative effect on the bones and joints. Calcium is washed out and hollow fragments are formed, which is a symptom of osteochondrosis.
  10. The drink contains purines, the breakdown of which forms uric acid, an increased level of which leads to gout and the formation of conglomerates (stones).
  11. Frequent consumption of green tea worsens the course of ailments such as arthritis, arthrosis.

Weight loss on tea - tea diet

AT this case green tea will bring invaluable benefits. Substances in the product act as a regulator of the level of norepinephrine, which is involved in the formation of the fat layer. To get rid of extra and unpleasant kilograms for a long time, you need to drink tea several times a day without sugar.

Important: when dieting, it is necessary to abandon fatty, smoked, sweet foods, pastries and canned goods.

How to choose and prepare tea

Before proceeding with the recipe proper cooking selection criteria must be taken into account.

  1. High-quality tea is leaf, consisting of large leaves. They should be soft, smooth-edged and green in color.

    Important: old tea is a hard and dull mass.

  2. The shelf life of the product should not exceed 2 years.
  3. Good tea should be grown in the Celestial Empire, the Land of the Rising Sun, Indian and Chinese supplies are of less quality and useful.
  4. A good product should be presented for sale in foil, parchment paper. Tea in a plastic bag belongs to low grades.
  5. Type of packaging - do not store the product in cellophane bags.

Learning to brew tea properly

To enjoy a truly delicious drink, you need to pour half a teaspoon of leaves into a glass of water. Put on fire and heat until the process of boiling begins and immediately remove from the stove. Pour the drink into the teapot, cool slightly, then:

  • pour a third of the volume of the water container into it;
  • after a couple of minutes, add water to half the volume of the container;
  • we wait a couple of minutes and again add water so that it takes 2/3 and continue to insist 8-10 minutes. Now you can pour into cups and enjoy. Sugar is not recommended, it is better to use honey.

We made several recommendations and pointed out the beneficial properties of tea, as well as pointed out the negative points. Thankfully, there are very few of the latter. For this reason, tea is considered the best drink and takes worthy second place after water. Prepare a drink, enjoy its taste and aroma, nourish the body with healing substances. Do not forget that tea drinking is useful not only physically, but also morally. How nice it is to gather around a large teapot with quality tea, discuss business, laugh at jokes and spend time in a pleasant and warm company.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Many cannot imagine their life without a cup fragrant tea. In some countries, this drink is considered traditional, for example, the British are the real fans. According to the statistics obtained, a person drinks about 650 liters per year.

Benefits of tea for the body

There are many different varieties that differ in taste and their benefits. Most of them contain tannins that are important for the digestive system and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. For those who are interested in whether there are benefits from tea, it should be said that the composition of the drink contains important alkaloids. It contains amino acids, pectins, vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties of green tea

This is one of the most popular types of tea, which has been consumed for 4,000 years. Many do not even know that it is collected from the leaves of some bushes, like black, red and other types of tea. The whole snag lies in the type of processing. The benefits of green tea for the body are due to the fact that the leaves are not amenable to fermentation and withering, so they retain the maximum amount of important substances.

  1. Stimulates biological activity, because it contains vitamins.
  2. It is an excellent prevention of problems with the nervous system, and also contributes to concentration.
  3. Useful properties of tea are associated with the normalization of the state circulatory system because the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. It is also recommended for hypertensive patients to reduce pressure.
  4. Favorably affects the functioning of the excretory system.

The benefits of black tea

One of the most popular varieties, the production of which takes a lot of time compared to other options. First, the leaves are dried, rolled, fermented and dried. The chemical composition is wide, which determines the beneficial properties of black tea, which directly depend on the quality of raw materials, the correct preparation and the amount of liquid drunk.

  1. Stimulates metabolism, blood circulation, kidney activity, digestive and cardiovascular vascular system.
  2. Useful properties are associated with the fact that tea is the prevention of skin cancer.
  3. Due to the presence of tannins, it has antioxidant properties.
  4. Given the presence of polysaccharides, the black variety is useful for diabetics to drink.

Red tea benefits

If you want to try the right red tea, then you need to look for packs that indicate that the plant was grown and packaged in China. The beneficial properties of red tea have been known since ancient times, which made it popular all over the world. This variety has a rich chemical composition, so it contains polysaccharides, acids, amino acids, pectins, essential oils, vitamins and minerals.

  1. Helps speed up metabolic processes, which helps to lose kilograms.
  2. It has a diuretic effect, which improves kidney function and cleanses the body of excess fluid.
  3. Removes toxins from the body, which is important for overall health.
  4. It has a tonic effect and relieves nervous tension.

Pu-erh tea - useful properties

In China, the most popular drink is pu-erh, which is distributed all over the world. During the production process, tea leaves undergo complete fermentation, which determines its excellent qualities. Properly brewed pu-erh has a tart taste and a honey and orchid note. In some varieties, tea rose and chrysanthemum leaves are added for flavoring.

  1. Pu-erh tea, the benefits of which are scientifically proven, improves brain activity, strengthens memory and increases attention.
  2. Given the presence of various amino acids and the ability to reduce appetite, the drink helps to lose weight. It helps to improve metabolic processes.
  3. It has a diuretic effect and has a positive effect on intestinal motility.
  4. Tea improves the activity of the liver and the cardiovascular system, as it reduces the amount of cholesterol and increases vascular permeability.

Chamomile tea benefits

The flower, which is popular with women who want to know about the feelings of the chosen one, is very useful, which leads to its widespread use in traditional medicine recipes. It consists of up to 0.8% essential oil, acids, vitamins, minerals and other substances. The beneficial properties of chamomile tea are important in the treatment of many health problems.

  1. It has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, helping to cope with colic and even gastritis.
  2. Given the presence of ascorbic acid, the drink strengthens immune system and reduces the risk of contracting colds.
  3. The beneficial properties of chamomile tea are related to the fact that it stabilizes the nervous system and helps to cope with a bad mood.
  4. It has an antibacterial effect, removing internal inflammatory processes.

Tea with viburnum - benefits

Viburnum berries are a traditional treat for the Slavs and they are used not only for culinary purposes, but also in folk recipes. They have a unique composition, which gives a chance to use them to treat and prevent the development of many diseases, and they also increase the protective functions of the body, which helps to resist the negative effects of viruses and bacteria. Tea with viburnum, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times, is allowed to be drunk regularly.

  1. The composition includes a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. It is recommended to drink the drink in the cold season.
  2. Due to the presence of tannins, viburnum has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  3. Berries are useful for hypertensive patients, as they help reduce pressure.
  4. It has a calming effect, helping to cope with stress, fatigue and bad mood. Even a cup of tea will give you a boost of energy.

Linden tea - useful properties

Fragrant flowers are the best suited for making tea, which has original taste and enjoyable honey aroma. It has a pleasant sweetness due to the presence of natural sugar. It is best to prepare the drink in small volumes, as it loses its beneficial properties over time. Benefit linden tea affects many organs and systems.

  1. It has an antipyretic effect, so it can be given to children with colds and flu.
  2. It cleanses the body, removing toxins and slags.
  3. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes.
  4. It has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Thyme tea - useful properties

The presented herb has been used in folk recipes since ancient times, as it includes many essential oils, acids, minerals, tannins and other components. Thyme tea is useful for the protective functions of the body, helping to fight viruses and bacteria, relieving coughs and headaches. The drink has a positive effect on the activity of many internal organs and systems.

  1. Improves the activity of the nervous system, which helps to better cope with depression and fatigue.
  2. It is recommended to drink a drink with cystitis, prostatitis and sand in the kidneys.
  3. Tea with thyme, the benefits for women of which are associated with the ability to cope with overweight allowed to drink daily.
  4. It is also useful for pregnant women, as it improves lactation and the quality of milk, but you need to drink it in limited quantities.

Mint tea - benefits

In cooking, the fragrant plant is very popular due to its fresh taste. The leaves are included in recipes for various drinks, including tea, which is gentle and refreshing. Peppermint tea, the benefits of which have been confirmed by doctors, strengthens the immune system, which is especially important during the period of active spread of viruses and infections.

  1. The drink is useful for hypertensive patients, as it normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Due to the presence of menthol, tea relieves spasms, which helps to cope with prolonged headaches.
  3. It has an antipyretic effect, relieving the symptoms of a runny nose and sore throat.
  4. The beneficial properties of tea are to normalize the state of the gallbladder, kidneys and liver.

Benefits of ginger tea

Hot spice has become widely used in cooking relatively recently, but its beneficial properties have been known since ancient times. There are various folk recipes, but the simplest and most affordable option benefit - make tea. It combines various vitamins, minerals, essential oils and other substances. Ginger tea, the benefits of which have been proven through numerous studies, is prepared very simply: in regular drink you just need to put a few pieces of fresh root.

  1. It has an antiviral effect, which is important for some diseases of the internal organs.
  2. Helps to accelerate blood circulation, which causes a warming effect and improves mental activity.
  3. The beneficial properties of ginger tea are associated with its ability to remove bad cholesterol and normalize blood pressure.
  4. Affects the secretion of gastric juice, which has a positive effect on the activity of the digestive system.

Koporye tea - benefits

In traditional Slavic teas are used different plants, which have great benefit. Fireweed or Ivan-tea is the main raw material for the manufacture of fermented Koporye tea. The properties of this drink are associated with a unique chemical composition, as it contains vitamins, minerals and other substances. Koporye tea, whose beneficial properties have been fully studied, stands out among others in that it does not contain caffeine, tannin and oxalic acid, and these substances are known to depress the nervous system.

  1. The drink has a sedative and calming effect, which helps to cope with stress, depression and insomnia.
  2. Helps improve metabolic processes.
  3. The next useful property of tea is due to the presence of tannins, so it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
  4. At regular use improves the functioning of the endocrine system.


A tea drink is a complex combination of substances that has a multifaceted and generally beneficial effect on the human body. The total number of chemical compounds that make up its composition, isolated at the end of the 20th century, is about 300, some of them have not yet been identified, and the biochemical role of some of the known ones has been defined only in general terms.

The main groups of substances present in tea:

* Tannins, primarily tannin, responsible for the characteristic tart taste tea.
* Essential oils that impart aroma to tea and affect its taste.
* Alkaloids, especially theine (tea caffeine), due to which tea affects the nervous system.
* Proteins and amino acids that affect metabolism.
* Pigments responsible for coloring tea.
* Vitamins. Almost all known vitamins are present in tea. Of particular note high content tannin and catechins, which act as vitamin P, which determine many positive effects tea applications. In terms of vitamin P content, tea surpasses all other vegetable crops consumed by humans.

In addition, tea contains organic acids, minerals, of which phosphorus, fluorine and potassium compounds, carbohydrates, pectins can be noted separately. The ratio of the amount of certain substances is largely determined by the type and variety of tea, and their presence in the finished drink is determined by the correct brewing.

The use of tea has a beneficial effect on a variety of human organ systems, which allows us to talk about it not only as an everyday drink, but also as a preventive and even therapeutic medicine.

Gastrointestinal tract.
Strong tea normalizes digestion, including with severe gastrointestinal disorders. Theotanine has a strong bactericidal effect. Research by S. Ya. Berdiyeva (Turkmenistan, 1955) confirmed the effectiveness of green tea in the treatment of even diseases such as dysentery and typhoid fever. Tannin has a beneficial effect on tone gastrointestinal tract. In addition to the direct action of active components, tea promotes adsorption and subsequent excretion harmful substances. Drinking tea after meals facilitates the digestion of food, including "heavy" (fatty, meat).

The cardiovascular system
The combined action of tannin and caffeine leads to the normalization of the heart, vasodilation, elimination of spasms, normalization blood pressure. The long-term effect of tea on the vascular system is mainly based on the effects of vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity, strengthens the liver, thus contributing to the improvement of blood quality and its saturation with vitamins. Currently, preparations of concentrated catechins isolated from tea are used to treat severe internal hemorrhages and capillary lesions. Iron salts contained in tea increase blood circulation. Chinese studies in the 1980s confirmed that oolong infusions help to eliminate blood clots, improve the condition of blood vessels, and greatly lower blood cholesterol levels.

Respiratory system.
While drinking tea, the volume of inhaled and exhaled air increases in comparison with both the state of rest and drinking other drinks, in particular coffee. In case of catarrhal diseases of the respiratory organs, tea is useful not only as a diaphoretic and tonic, but also as a stimulant of respiratory activity.

Urogenital system and other internal organs
Theobramine and caffeine stimulate the kidneys, as they have a mild diuretic effect. It is noted that in China, where high-quality green teas and oolongs, diseases associated with the formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder and liver are relatively rare. Due to the adsorbing properties of tea, it acts as a means of cleansing the kidneys and liver of harmful substances accumulating there. Tea promotes the accumulation of vitamin C in the internal organs, which has a positive effect on their resistance to diseases.

Removal of radioactive substances.
Some modern studies confirm the effectiveness of green tea as a means of removing harmful substances from the body, in particular, radioactive isotopes. So, it is confirmed that the use of green tea leads to an accelerated removal of the strontium-90 isotope from the body.
The stimulating effect that tea has on individual organ systems, as well as the high content of vitamins in it, theoretically, should lead to a general improvement in metabolism and, consequently, the state of the body. In the complex, these properties of tea have not been studied by modern scientific methods, although since ancient times tea has been recommended as a means that can improve the general condition of a person and cure diseases that are now defined as metabolic disorders: obesity, gout, scrofula, salt deposition.

Burn treatment.
The use of tea for the treatment of burns, including chemical and radiation burns, is based on the action of vitamin P. For a long time there have been recipes that recommend crushed tea leaves, tea infusion or powdered dry tea for the treatment of skin lesions, burns of the skin and mucous membranes.

The effect of tea on the mental state and performance of a person is well known: tea acts as a remedy that simultaneously calms, relieves drowsiness, increases overall performance, relieves headaches and fatigue, promotes creative thinking. Unlike a number of other tonics, including coffee, cocoa, or pure caffeine, tea is long lasting, mild, and does not cause adverse cardiovascular effects at normal doses.

Tea acts on the nervous system, mostly indirectly. Directly on the cerebral cortex affects only one group of substances - xanthines, which facilitate the process of thinking. Alkaloids - caffeine in combination with tannin, theobromine, theophylline and some others - in a normal dose have a calming effect, not increasing, but, on the contrary, removing the CNS excitation. The actual caffeine content of tea is very low: although dry tea contains more caffeine than coffee beans, it consumes noticeably less than coffee for brewing. Other substances contained in tea act indirectly - through the cardiovascular and muscular system. The effect of increasing working capacity and efficiency of thinking occurs mainly due to an improvement in the supply of oxygen to the brain, which occurs due to the effect of tea substances on blood vessels, the heart and lungs. Removal of spasms of blood vessels, a general improvement in blood supply to the brain quickly relieves fatigue of nerve cells, and since it is usually responsible for the general feeling of fatigue ( modern man rarely really tired physically) - a person feels rested. This is partly due to the effect of tea on the mental state in general - a person, feeling better,
Naturally, it becomes calmer and more complacent.

(material from free sources)

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Tea is a drink that has won worldwide love. Everyone has their favorite type of tea: green or black, red or yellow, oolong or pu-erh. Some prefer refined white tea. Despite all types, they are all varieties of the usual tea bush, the leaves of which serve as raw materials for cooking in the future delicious drink. Let's talk today about the benefits of tea, let's dwell on each type in more detail in order to understand which one. Let's talk about whether tea can be harmful.

The chemical composition of tea

Regardless of the type of tea, the chemical composition remains virtually unchanged. If we talk about calories, then at first glance, it is quite high: 140 kcal per 100 grams of tea. We are talking about dry brewing. Since only 3-4 grams of raw materials are used to prepare the drink, the drink is low in calories, if not cream, sugar and milk.

  • Tannins, they provide unique taste tea. These substances include tannin, which gives tea spice and astringency. Green tea has more tannin. This substance relieves inflammation, heals microcracks, stops gum bleeding, and kills bacteria.
  • Essential oils have a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous system, have a calming effect. Thanks to essential oils, when brewed, tea reveals an amazing aroma.
  • Vitamins. Tea contains vitamins of group B, vitamin A, C.
  • Micro and macro elements. There is a lot of fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron in tea. Without vitamins and minerals, the human body cannot function normally.
  • Alkaloids. Caffeine belongs to the alkaloids. different from coffee. Combining with tannins, it forms theine, which acts on the central nervous system without burdening the heart.
  • Amino acids and proteins.
  • Pigments.

Useful properties of tea

Tea has healing properties:

  • relieves stress, strengthens nerves;
  • stimulates mental abilities;
  • eliminates drowsiness;
  • increases efficiency;
  • soothes the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces the risk of oncological diseases;
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries;
  • promotes urination;
  • strengthens bone tissue and tendons;
  • restores thyroid function;
  • protects teeth from caries;
  • removes poisons;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • freshens breath;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves eyesight;
  • regulates the burning of fats in the body;
  • useful in liver diseases, diabetes;
  • promotes weight loss.

All these properties are inherent in high-quality varieties of tea of ​​different types. For a long time There was an opinion that the tea that was least processed was more useful: white, green. Recently, studies have shown that black tea is better for type 2 diabetes. It is worth listening to your body, drinking the tea that you like best, then it will undoubtedly be beneficial. Now let's talk about the benefits of different types of tea.

Useful properties of black tea

Black tea is unique: it can simultaneously increase efficiency, have a stimulating effect and eliminate nervousness, giving peace of mind. Its effect on the body depends on the amount of drink consumed. The caffeine contained in this tea drink, has a tonic effect, gives strength for a busy day.

The benefits of tea for the prevention of viruses have been proven. Antioxidants protect against colds. They also prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Tannin is able to increase immunity, fluorine strengthens the gums and tooth enamel. To do this, it is enough to drink only two cups of tea a day.

In China, black tea is highly valued. It is believed that it has a calming effect, is able to protect a person from seasonal depression, alleviate the condition with psychopathy and neurosis. People who experience chronic fatigue can appreciate the effect of black tea, it will help relieve fatigue, relax.

The peculiarity of black tea is that it can rid the body of harmful substances. The drink stimulates brain activity, helps to assimilate information, eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system, if consumed in reasonable quantities. , tea relieves migraines, serves as a prevention of stroke.

Harm of black tea

  • Do not drink the drink too often, it can negatively affect your well-being. Too strong tea irritates the gastric mucosa, adversely affects the work of the heart.
  • When breastfeeding, during pregnancy is not recommended frequent use strong tea.
  • A large amount of drink can cause an arrhythmia.
  • Black tea speeds up the metabolism, if you drink too much of it, it will cause harm, lead to dehydration and exhaustion of the body.

Benefits of green tea

The benefits of tea of ​​this type began to be discussed in ancient China. Since ancient times, green tea has been considered an elixir of health. Its use accelerates the decomposition of fats, removes cholesterol from the blood. With regular use, you can achieve the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent fatty liver. Tea reduces the risk of heart disease, the likelihood of atherosclerosis. This is possible due to the rich composition of the drink.

Green tea stimulates the processes of cell rejuvenation, affects the overall tone. After one cup of tea, you can feel a surge of strength and vivacity, thanks to caffeine, or rather theine. It activates physical and mental activity, acting softer.

Green tea is part of various cosmetic and dental products. It has bactericidal properties, prevents the destruction of enamel, freshens breath. Tea is a strong antioxidant. It has a lot of flavonoids that produce this effect.

Zinc, which is part of the tea, has anti-cancer property. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus, helps to cope with toxicosis. Only tea should be taken in reasonable quantities, without brewing hard.

Harm of green tea

  • Not always green tea has a beneficial effect. In large quantities, green tea can be harmful due to its content of purines, which form urea. It is poorly excreted from the body. Urea salts stimulate the formation of needle crystals.
  • Strong green tea can cause insomnia, irritability and fatigue, especially if a person suffers from increased excitability or exhaustion of the nervous system.
  • Those who suffer from hypotension should not get carried away with this type of tea, as it helps to reduce pressure.
  • Dangerous to abuse green tea during the period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits of white tea

White tea goes through the least degree of oxidation, it is one of the most expensive types of tea, since only buds are used for its production. White tea is rich minerals, essential oils. It improves mood, improves immunity, cleanses the body, eliminates irritability, relieves fatigue.

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of tea help to cope with the common cold. Useful white tea with excess weight. It burns body fat, allows you to feel good and be healthy.

White tea: contraindications

White tea is the most useful of all the others, it causes minimal harm, only with the following diseases:

  • Gastric ulcer, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Diabetes.

Benefits of red tea

Red Chinese tea is rich in essential oils, catechins. The drink is able to restore immunity in the shortest possible time. It has a positive effect on the whole body, on metabolism. Able to improve the functioning of the gallbladder, speed up metabolic processes, promote accelerated kidney function.

It is recommended to drink red tea for those who suffer from excess weight. This is a good detoxifier. It removes excess fluid from the body, helping to fight swelling, toxins and toxins. Strengthens bones well, improves bowel function. Tea relieves nervous tension, regulates blood pressure and eliminates stress.

Red tea contraindications

  • Do not abuse tea during exacerbation peptic ulcer, viral diseases.
  • Tea should be avoided during pregnancy.
  • Too strong tea can lead to headaches, overexcite the nervous system.

How to choose the healthiest tea

Regardless of which type of tea will be chosen, certain selection rules must be followed.

  1. When choosing tea, preference should be given to large-leaf varieties.
  2. The storage periods must be observed. fresh tea has bright taste and aroma. Old tea will not bring benefits, and sometimes it can even cause harm.
  3. Do not buy tea that has been artificially flavored.
  4. Manufacturers are important to consider. Healthy tea is grown in China, Japan, India, Ceylon.
  5. Tea needs to be stored properly. Packaging should be parchment or foil, not cellophane.
  6. It is very important to brew tea properly. Compliance with all the rules will allow you to keep all the vitamins and useful elements in tea as much as possible.