What to grease the dough with to make it shiny. What do you use to coat the dough before baking?

Every woman is a housewife by nature. Everyone wants to please their husband, children or guests with delicious and healthy food. But situations often arise when women do not know which ingredient is best for a particular dish. One of the most frequently asked questions The fair sex comes up with the topic of eggs, namely, what is used to coat baked goods - white or yolk. Today we will try to understand this topic.

Why are eggs healthy?

Any housewife will always have a dozen eggs in her refrigerator. With their help you can prepare many dishes - scrambled eggs, omelette, various pastries. Eggs are also very useful product. Eggs contain 15% of daily norm proteins. Therefore, eggs are present in the diet of many athletes, because protein is the “building material” of the body.

Also in construction egg whites participates leucine- an important amino acid. Of course, this product contains a lot useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which have a very good effect on the functioning of the body.

Eggs are very well absorbed by the body, especially if consumed at minimal temperature treatment. Chicken eggs are good for of cardio-vascular system humans, as a cancer prevention, they strengthen bones and teeth and contain substances beneficial for vision.

What is healthier - the yolk or white of an egg?

In scientific circles, debate continues about the benefits of eggs, as well as its components - white and yolk. Many people prefer the yolk because it tastes better, but is it really that healthy and can it be consumed in unlimited quantities?

The yolk is higher in calories than the white and contains more cholesterol. However, only the yolk contains the following substances:

  1. Vitamin D,
  2. Vitamin E,
  3. Phosphorus,
  4. Fatty acid,
  5. Calcium,
  6. Folic acid.

All these substances are necessary for our body to function normally.

Nutritionists say that people who want to lose weight should avoid yolks and consume only whites. However, we believe that we should not take this issue so radically. It is enough to simply limit your consumption of yolks. It would be ideal to eat two eggs with yolks a day, and then simply consume egg whites.

What do you coat pies with - white or yolk?

It’s worth noting right away that no matter what you put on a pie or pastry, it will not add new taste sensations. But housewives grease baked goods not for taste, but for beauty. The greased pie turns out shiny and crispy.

The pies are greased with both egg white and yolk, but the effect is slightly different. If lubricated only with yolk, then the cake will turn out more shiny, and if only protein- the crust will be crispier.

Some housewives kill two birds with one stone and brush the baked goods with a lightly beaten egg or an egg with salt or sugar. A silicone brush is best suited for greasing baked goods, because it is very easy to handle, soft and will not spoil appearance test.

Other options for greasing baked goods

It may turn out that you don’t have eggs on hand, but you still want to make the pie beautiful and shiny. In this case, sweet water can help. Only when used sweet water you do not need to lubricate, but spray the baked goods from a spray bottle. Moreover, this should be done only at the end of baking, when there are literally five minutes left until the finished pie.

Some women grease pies with the following ingredients:

All of these methods will ensure a beautiful pie and a shiny crust, but they contain more calories and cholesterol than eggs. Therefore, it is better to stock up on a few eggs if you plan to bake something.

To give the pie new flavor accents and beauty, you can sprinkle it with sesame seeds, cumin, poppy seeds, oatmeal And coconut flakes. The choice of topping depends on what end result do you want to get?.

Of course, the topping can be completely different, it depends only on your imagination and taste.

What to add to cutlets - yolk or white?

You may have noticed that every housewife prepares cutlets different to taste. It depends on the quality of the products and the presence of certain ingredients in the meat. A white is usually added to the cutlets, which is beaten, but it is better not to use the yolk, as it can ruin the minced meat.

You will get excellent cutlets if you add to them:

  • White bread;
  • Potato
  • Sour cream
  • Butter

If you want truly juicy and original cutlets, you can mix several types of meat. The minced meat is kneaded for about five minutes so that it is saturated with juice, and then it must be left to “rest” in the cold for about one hour.

Also, don’t neglect secrets. proper frying. First, the cutlets are fried over high heat, and then it is reduced. It is better to add oil to the cutlets themselves from time to time. By following these tips, your cutlets will exceed expectations and become a decoration on the table.

Harm of eggs to humans

We talked a lot about the benefits of eggs, but there is no such thing as a product that is completely harmless. In addition to cholesterol and extra calories the yolks of eggs carry other dangers that are much less pleasant than a hundred extra grams on the scale.

  • Frequent protein consumption leads to liver and kidney diseases, as it increases the load on them.
  • Also, if you eat eggs, you can become infected with salmonellosis. But this disease is easy to avoid: it is enough not to consume raw or incomplete ready eggs and you need to wash your hands after eating raw eggs.
  • It's no secret that long-term heat treatment kills useful material in products, eggs are no exception. However, this will help you avoid getting salmonella. If a person has good immunity, he will cope with this pathogen himself.
  • The eggs that greet us on store shelves may be “stuffed” with antibiotics. This is done to make the eggs larger and more attractive. Therefore, if you have access to farm eggs, it is better to buy them directly from a producer you trust.
  • Eggs contain nitrates and toxic substances; with limited consumption of eggs they are not dangerous, but children and pregnant women should consume eggs with caution.

Despite all the above risks, we can say that you should not constantly eat eggs, but nothing will happen to you from one or two pieces a day.

In the article we tried to understand the benefits and harms of eggs and their components, what is used to lubricate baked goods - white or yolk, what should be added to cutlets. The tips listed will help you become a good housewife and calculate correctly. daily consumption eggs A product such as eggs can be both very useful and quite harmful, the main thing is to know the amount of consumption.

Cooking video: how and with what to grease baked goods

In this video, chef Ilya Lazarev will tell you the best way to grease pies before baking and how this can be done without a pastry brush:

Using simple examples delicious buns We’ll tell you how to properly grease baked goods so that there are no disappointments after you take them out of the oven.

Products are not lubricated only if other decoration is provided. So, below will be described a recipe for fresh, aromatic, golden brown buns, which are brushed with egg to give a shiny, leaf-brown crust.

  1. Egg – 3 pcs. (1 piece for greasing the buns);
  2. Milk – 230 ml;
  3. Flour – 120 gr;
  4. Salt – 0.5 tsp.


  1. You need to mix flour, salt, a couple of beaten eggs. Stir so that there are no lumps.
  2. Then you need to add milk.
  3. Divide the batter into the muffin tins halfway as it will rise during baking.
  4. Put it in the oven to bake.
  5. As soon as you can see that the buns are almost ready, you need to open the oven, pull out the baking sheet and brush the buns with beaten egg so that they shine after baking. When the buns are lightly baked, an even brown color is guaranteed.

How to grease pies to make them shine after baking

Apply the mixture directly to raw dough, on ready product, which is already laid out on parchment, on baking paper.

  1. For ruddy shiny baked goods Usually, whipped whites separated from the yolk are used. It is applied to products before baking.
  2. If you spread the baked goods with an unseparated egg, the baked goods will turn out golden brown, but still a little paler.
  3. If you beat an egg with butter and spread the mixture onto baked goods, the buns will become softer and more flavorful.

Attention! If baked goods are brushed with beaten egg, not separated, then the mixture must be applied thinly, otherwise the baked goods will crack and lose their attractiveness.

How to grease pies with egg white or yolk

Pies and any pastries can be greased with both egg white and yolk, and you can also add shine using other brushes. For example, every housewife will be interested in how to grease the buns to make them beautiful and appetizing if she forgot to grease them before putting them in the oven.

  1. Warmed milk will make the buns shine and soften the crust a little.
  2. Butter will make baked goods soft and flavorful.
  3. If you brush the buns with sugar water, they will sparkle charmingly after the syrup has dried.
  4. Suitable plain water. If you lightly spread the surface of the baked goods, then after drying you will get a mother-of-pearl effect.

How to grease baked goods correctly

No matter what composition the baked goods are greased with, in order for them to have an appetizing appearance and have a ruddy surface, you must be able to apply the mixture correctly. The pies must be greased longitudinally, preferably the entire product with one stroke, otherwise it will have streaks. It is recommended to apply the mixture with a special pastry brush.

The brush does not scratch the product and applies the composition evenly. It is necessary to lubricate with a very, very thin layer.

In addition, we must not forget about the baking temperature; at a lower temperature, pies and buns will be softer and lighter, at 200 degrees. they acquire a golden, appetizing crust.

Baking always makes family and guests happy. Every housewife who loves to bake will benefit from information on how to properly grease baked goods.

Egg-battered buns: step-by-step recipe with photos

What can a homemaker boast about? Cleanliness in the house, comfort, an organized life, happy household members. But that's not all. homemade baking- Here main feature, characterizing a good housewife. How to grease pies for golden brown crust? This information will be extremely useful and educational. Read and memorize.

Glossy blush: all the secrets of home baking

It's no secret that any dish looks more appetizing and attractive if it is originally served and decorated. Show your imagination, especially since the confectionery world does not limit it.

It just so happens that pies, pies, croissants, buns and other delicacies should always have a glossy and appetizing amber crust. Do you think this is unrealistic, in particular for meatless confectionery products? Not at all. Now we will turn your culinary consciousness upside down and tell you how to grease pies before baking.

There are always options

Let's start with the usual classics. Of course, we are talking about chicken eggs. Many housewives use beaten yolk to lubricate the surface of baked goods. The result is a delicious golden brown crust and an attractive glossy shine.

When to brush pies with egg? The age-old question. Of course, before heat treatment. The yolk will contribute the most bright colors into your baked goods. But there are other tricks that famous confectioners sometimes resort to.

You can use the whole egg, just beat it thoroughly before applying it to the baking surface. In some cases, it is recommended to take only protein. This way, the baked goods are guaranteed to acquire an attractive gloss, but the golden hue will be rather weak.

Unsweetened baked goods should also be attractive. In this case, the white of one egg can be mixed with water. 1 tbsp. l. crystal liquid will be enough.

If you want to show off your culinary skills in all its glory and, so to speak, strike with a weapon of mass gastronomic destruction, cook egg glaze from the following components:

Light glossy shine delicious crust and the ruddy surface will be the main decoration of the pies.

Our forgetfulness often puts a spoke in our wheels. What to do if the pies are already in the oven, but the treasured shine and blush have not appeared? You can resort to a little trick. No magic or fraud, just sleight of hand and ingenuity. Dissolve granulated sugar in milk and grind egg yolk. You can decorate with this glaze ready-made baked goods. The result will surprise you. The confectionery product will not only become softer and more appetizing, but will also acquire the coveted amber shine.

As if by magic, the baked goods turn...

Have you looked in the refrigerator and found no chicken eggs in it? Are your household already looking forward to your signature pies? No problem. Now we will share secret information on how to grease a pie if there is no egg.

Tea is not only a fragrant drink

Using freshly brewed tea, you can give baked goods a golden brown crust. There won't be any gloss, but that's not the main thing. Housewives who prefer to prepare Lenten baked goods resort to this trick.

To prepare such a lubricant you will need strong tea and granulated sugar. The mixture will be very liquid, but this can be corrected with flour. Literally a couple of tablespoons of the granular substance will work wonders.

Milk rivers

Milk copes well with any difficulties when preparing baked goods. It is not only added to the dough, but also used as a glaze. In order for the surface of the baked goods to acquire the coveted gloss and rosy color, the milk needs to be slightly warmed. It's better to check this grandma's way- in a water bath. And to give confectionery product For additional sweetness, you can add a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar or powder.

Universal glazing: what's the secret?

To prepare a unique and very delicious glaze we need a classic set of products:

  • butter;
  • egg yolks.

Thanks to this tandem, the surface of the baked goods will become a rich amber color and sparkle in the sun with all its glossy facets. The butter is melted until smooth and liquid, and then mixed with the yolks.

A little trick: the oil mass should not be hot, otherwise the eggs may curl. Such a mass can be used to lubricate any sweet pastries. Before or after baking - decide for yourself.

Water is the source of life

If you don't have it on hand necessary products, will give the desired gloss to baked goods plain water. Thanks to the crystal liquid, pies and other confectionery products will become softer. And the color will change a little: it will be more saturated. Water can be mixed with sifted flour and butter. The liquid must be cold and the flour must be sifted.

Instant transformation

To give the confectionery a charming gloss and bright amber color, ordinary sugar syrup. It is better to coat pies with this lubricant after heat treatment. Although in exceptional cases this can be done during baking. Better then use a kitchen spray bottle.

In a matter of seconds, your confectionery masterpiece can be transformed by refined vegetable oil. Give preference to olive oil. Don't forget about the bees' favorite treat. Honey water or honey pure form will also have a positive effect on the prepared delicacy. Amber color, dazzling gloss and additional aroma are not all the advantages of using such a glaze.

If you want to hide the shortcomings of the pies or croissants you have made, you can use thick glaze, which is prepared from flour, butter and sour cream. Of course, the redness of the baked goods will not be visible, but in the gloss you will be able to see your reflection.

In order for pies, buns, and pies to be a great success, it is not enough to simply mold them according to the recipe, you must “ennoble” them, apply them to the products “ finishing touch- glazing, which will give the pies not only an appetizing look, but also an amazing taste.
So, what can you grease pies with before or after baking, and what will come of it?
After all, the final result depends on what they are greased with: the pies become more ruddy and appetizing, with a soft matte or glossy and shiny crust.

Exist various options glazing for one or another type of dough.

The most common and simple glazing of yeast and puff pastry is egg. It is used whole or just the yolk. With the addition of milk, sour cream or water, as well as sugar. Baked goods brushed with yolk acquire the brightest and richest crust. For a more moderate color and gloss, the yolk is diluted with milk. If you want to get pies with a bright crust, but with less pronounced gloss, it is recommended to add sugar to the milk-yolk mixture.

Warm milk is also used as glazing, which is suitable for any type of baking. To do this, a few minutes before the pies are ready, use a brush to brush their surface with warm milk and place it back in the oven until golden brown. Sweet buns and pies will acquire an appetizing and moderately shiny crust if you brush them with sweetened milk.
Pies from rye flour After baking, they are “bathed” in warm milk, this makes them soft.

Sweet tea
To give sweet pastries a golden brown crust without gloss, you can brush the pies with sweet, strong tea before baking. To do this, you need to dilute 2-3 tablespoons of sugar in 100 ml of hot tea leaves. Brush the cooled mixture onto buns or pies. Can be used as a “brush” tea bag. Some housewives dilute a small amount of flour (1 tablespoon) in a sweet brew and lubricate the products with this liquid glaze. As a result, the crust acquires a matte, bright color.

Plain water
To make the color of the crust appear a little and the crust to become softer, you can moisten the finished, still hot pies plain water. The finished sweet pastries are brushed with sweetened water (or sweet soda). As a result, such buns and pies acquire a bright, glossy crust.

Vegetable and butter
To ensure that the baked goods have an unusually soft crust, the pies are greased with any vegetable oil, be it sunflower, olive or corn. However, you should not expect a shiny crust from this glaze. Vegetable oil can be greased with puff pastry or stretch pastry products before baking. Pies and cakes from unleavened dough brush with melted butter immediately after baking. Yeast or butter pies It is better to lubricate with oil when it is ready, but still hot.

Mixture of butter and yolk
For all types of pies and pies, butter glaze is suitable. It is prepared as follows: add the yolk to softened butter or margarine (1-2 tablespoons) and grind until homogeneous mass. Baked goods coated with this glaze before baking acquire a rather soft, bright and glossy crust.

Mixture of butter and flour
Before baking, any products can also be greased with a mixture of flour and butter. Mix softened butter with a small amount water (cold), add a little flour and grind. Grease pies with this mixture before baking. For sweet pies and pies, you need to add sugar to the mixture.

Sour cream glaze
Before baking, grease sweet pies and buns very well with a mixture of sour cream, butter and flour, sprinkling sugar on top. To prepare this glaze, sour cream must be thoroughly mixed with flour and combined with cooled melted butter. Mix the mixture well again until smooth and homogeneous.

What do you prefer to grease your baked goods with?

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How to grease the pies so they are golden brown?

Pies exuding the breathtaking aroma of fresh baked goods cannot but whet your appetite. And if they are also beautiful and rosy! Not a single person can resist such a temptation. In order for the pies to be golden brown, they need to be greased with egg, tea leaves or sweet water. Read on for details.

Take a silicone pastry brush. It does not crumble, is easy to wash, dry and does not stain from food. The brush is pliable and soft, so it does not crush the dough when pressed. You can replace such a tool with a piece of cotton fabric.

What should I lubricate before putting it in the oven?



  • take a whole egg (the surface will be smooth and rosy);
  • use only protein with sugar (less browning, but more crunch);
  • just the yolk (it will brown and golden).

The recipe is simple: beat an egg or yolk (or white), adding a little sugar or salt (depending on the nature of the baked goods), and coat the tops of the pie right before putting it in the oven.

If you overdo it and spread too thick a layer of egg, ready-made pies can purchase light egg smell.

Attention! Raw egg The pies are coated exclusively before putting them in the oven. By brushing ready-made baked goods, you run the risk of contracting salmonellosis, since the egg will actually be raw and may also curl right on the cake.

Butter and egg.

The crust will be not only ruddy and shiny, but also soft. Oil glazing is very easy to make: mix raw yolk with a spoon of butter. Mash the mixture with a fork until all lumps are separated. Brush the pies with a brush before placing them in the oven.

How to grease ready-made pies?

Water with sugar. Have you noticed how smooth, golden brown and even the crust is on the buns from the nearest cafe? Often this is a merit sugar icing. Add a spoonful of sugar per 3/4 cup boiled water. Grease ready-made baked goods.

Sweet black tea. People often use just tea without sugar to grease the tops of pies. Then the crust turns out golden brown, but with a subtle shine. If you want to achieve a mirror finish, like in advertising, use sweet tea. Grease the pies before placing them in the oven and then immediately after removing them.

To lubricate baked goods, housewives have also adapted other products that are often on hand in the kitchen - vegetable or butter, milk (it is better to sweeten it too), sour cream.

Little secret: Do you want your pies to not only be golden brown, but also smell delicious? Add a pinch of cinnamon or turmeric to sweet milk, water or egg for coating (depending on what you use). Golden crust guaranteed!

If the crust is hard, then while the pies are still hot, rub them with a piece of butter and hide the same under a towel. The crust will be incomparably soft and flavorful.

How else to decorate pies?

The crust can be made not only golden brown, but also original. Buns and pies can be decorated with sprinkles. Baked goods can be sprinkled with poppy seeds, sesame seeds, crushed sunflower seeds or ground almonds, cumin.

You need to sprinkle it before putting it in the oven. To prevent the grains from falling off, first brush the spaced pies with beaten egg, and then sprinkle them on - then they will stick well. You get two in one – both rosy and delicious!

For unsweetened pastries try this option - cheese, butter and garlic. Mix grated cheese with butter, add crushed or grated garlic. Place this paste in small longitudinal depressions on the spaced pies (you can press them with the blunt side of a knife) right before putting them in the oven. Bake until done.

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