How to bake evenly in a gas oven. How to use a gas oven without burning the bottom of baked goods

This is the second time this article has been published on the site; it was accidentally removed from the posts. Some housewives complain that that their ovens don't bake well. They don't make pies that are not baked well. And if the meat is cooked, it burns or something else happens to it. Today we will talk about how to cook in a gas oven.

I can tell you for sure that you can adapt to absolutely any stove. My grandmother also constantly covered her oven with a towel, because... she was missing the heat.

Ovens sold today are of fairly good quality, but you may come across some ovens that do not want to brown your buns, bake meat, or bake without a black crust on the bottom. First, let's figure out if you make mistakes when baking.

One of the most common cooking mistakes in a gas oven.

Past New Year We met my husband at my grandmother’s, I cooked pork with tomatoes, baked in the oven, for everyone. And just before the New Year, she installed a new stove - “Darina”.

And then the husband reads the instructions - you need to bake on an aluminum baking sheet, while another sheet is designed to collect fat that drips when frying meat on a spit or on a grill. The tray is installed under the grate, and the grease drips into it without staining the cabinet with grease.

I wasn’t even lazy and downloaded the instructions:

Wow... But I don’t have such a baking sheet in the Indezit oven, the kit includes only two of these “pallets”. And the whole family began to argue about what and how..

And the Internet says that such “pallets” disrupt air circulation, so the products may not burn on the bottom, and may not bake on the top.

I read the instructions for the Indezit stove, which says that baking is best done on an aluminum baking sheet and placed on a wire rack. The only question is: where can I get it? It is not included in the kit (at least in my oven).

As a result, it turns out that most of us cook incorrectly? Yes! This causes problems, but there is a way out. We'll use baking pans and baking sheets! Nothing burns on them and you can put them on the grill! Go ahead.

How to bake in a gas oven.

Let's consider simple

1. A common mistake a housewife makes is that she increases the baking temperature if the cake is not baked well. The pie will most likely be ruined by burning on the bottom. Each product has its own temperature.

2. The second rule follows from the first rule: how smaller pie– the higher the temperature for baking he needs it. At a low temperature for it, it will take too long to cook and will simply dry out. Optimal is about 200-210 degrees.

3. It must be remembered that heat not only below, but also at the very top oven. For example, when we cooked apple roses or chicken skewers with bacon, we didn't put them high because they might burn on top!

4. Before baking all forms used and other baking utensils required lubricate evenly fat. Then the baked goods will never stick. Any type of odorless fat is suitable for this purpose.

You can use refined sunflower oil, pork fat and butter. Then the cake and any other baked product can be easily removed from the dish without being deformed.

5. A little more about deformation. Products such as sponge cake or charlotte, for example, should not be immediately removed from the mold after baking. The correct sponge cake turns out to be porous and delicate, and can be deformed.

It is better to place the pan with the cake on a dampened towel cold water and leave for a while. Then you can easily remove it from the mold without disturbing it appearance. In order for the cake to remain airy, it should not be placed in the refrigerator, this will negatively affect its quality.

6. How pleasing to the eye is the beautiful, uniform crust on the pies! To ensure that they have an evenly toasted surface, before placing them in the oven, they must be greased with egg yolk or strongly brewed and sweetened tea.

I’ll be honest, I’ve never lubricated it with anything, but I’ve heard about it. And you? Have you tried lubricating baked goods with tea? Apparently the sugar crystallizes and the product becomes covered with a ruddy crust.

What to do if everything burns in a gas oven?

It also happens that you follow all the baking rules, but the oven is “capricious.” It burns and that’s it, the housewives say. There is one for such a case little secrets, which I also use.

So how do you bake in a gas oven without burning anything?

1. To be sure that the pies will not burn, you need to place a fireproof brick in the oven at the very bottom - a 100% guarantee of good baking!

2. What if it’s not there? It's OK! Let's use ordinary coarse salt, pour it into a frying pan and place it under a frying sheet.

3. Another method is my favorite. Place a bowl of water under the frying sheet. This is very popular among meat and vegetable products. The effect of a combi oven is created! I also place it under the pies, but I pour a little water so that it is enough for half the baking time (otherwise beautiful crust will not work).

Maintaining the temperature in the oven.

The quality of baked products largely depends on the correct temperature conditions. Affects the quality of baked goods and how products are arranged in the oven.

Always read the recipe and observe the temperature, making adjustments to your oven. Also, regulate the temperature. If you see that the product is already ready, but the crust has not formed, then you can make it larger.

And now I want to remind you standard accepted temperature conditions, you can take note of them:

  • It is customary to bake pizza at a temperature not lower than 210-220 degrees, cook it for 15-20 minutes, until lightly browned.
  • Tall pies with filling you need to bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Bake at this temperature for no more than 35-40 minutes, depending on the filling. Be sure to check out the recipe for making “Snail” or “Goldfish” pie.
  • Butter buns and short pies are baked at a temperature of 210-220 degrees for at least 25-30 minutes. If the product is larger, then the temperature needs to be lower (190-200 degrees, for example, as in the recipe for Easter lamb with poppy seeds).
  • Meringue cake You can bake at a temperature no higher than 140 degrees, until it dries and browns.
  • Now let's move on to the second courses. Meat in foil baked at a temperature of at least 200 degrees, and without it at a temperature of 180-190 degrees, until cooked. Cooking time depends on the amount of baked product.
  • Fish We always bake at a temperature no higher than 180 degrees until done. I advise you to definitely bake mackerel or pollock.
  • Vegetables bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees (depending on the type). And what delicious cabbage we once made in the oven, mmm...
  • Lasagna baked at a temperature of 190-200 degrees, until the top layer is browned.

Well that's all for today! I hope you don't have any more questions about how to cook in a gas oven.

If there are any left, write in the comments, I will answer everyone! Follow these instructions and your baked goods will always be golden brown and delicious! Love your oven , good luck, dear readers of the blog "Carving and beautiful recipes"!!!

Dishes prepared using an oven are definitely more beneficial for humans. They are prepared using a minimal amount of oil, in their own juice.

Almost any dish that you are used to cooking on the hob can be cooked just as deliciously in the oven. An oven comes in handy even when you don’t want to completely give up traditional frying. You can add benefits to dishes and reduce harm by combining two types of cooking.

Often, especially in restaurants, cooks first fry the product until it forms golden crust, and then bring it to readiness in the oven. Each oven is individual and has a number of features, which can be read about in the instructions for it, but there are several general secrets that will suit the owners of all ovens.

Choosing a level

To ensure that the dish does not burn, remains juicy and aromatic, and is completely cooked, it is important to choose the correct cooking level in the oven. A win-win option is to choose the middle level, it is on this level that the dish will not burn and will cook evenly. If important golden brown crust, then almost ready dish can be moved to a higher level for a long time. The latest trend is to cook food at low temperatures for several hours. It is believed that this method allows you to preserve the correct texture of products, taste and aroma. This method allows you to cook in the oven on the lower level, but in a mode in which the lower heat is not strong.

Some foods are more difficult to brown on the bottom, so it is best to cook them on the lower level with high heat from the lower heat. For example, chefs recommend preparing pizza this way. This way it won't burn on top and will be crispy on the bottom. We advise you not to move the baking sheet close to the back wall, as this interferes with air circulation and does not allow the dish to bake evenly.

Select a mode

IN modern ovens There are many modes that help you prepare even the most complex multi-stage dish with maximum comfort. For example, the simultaneous use of upper and lower heating is considered a traditional baking format and can be used to cook almost any dish. It ensures uniform heat distribution and natural convection. This mode is quite slow, while the lower heat in almost all ovens works more powerfully, which means that the dish may not be cooked completely evenly. Traditionally, cookies, biscuits, bread, lasagna, stuffed vegetables, roasts, poultry, beef, fish and fish casseroles.

Simultaneous intense bottom heat and standard top heat are used when you need to quickly fry a dish from below or achieve a golden crust. This mode is ideal for baking in pots and small forms. If you use cookware that does not conduct heat well, such as glass or aluminum, then this mode is ideal.

The mode of simultaneous lower, upper heating and fan helps to evenly influence the products and creates an even microclimate in the oven. In this mode, food is heated more intensely due to air masses and food quickly browns on all sides. This mode is suitable for large baking trays, large quantity products in a dish and large whole pieces. For example, for shanks, rolls, roasts, casseroles, whole poultry, boiled pork. You can cook with it when you need even cooking inside and out. In this mode, we do not recommend experimenting with omelettes and meringues. These dishes do not like convection.

In the bottom heating only mode, we recommend drying the bottom of pies with wet fillings, additionally browning the pizza, and canning. In this mode, you have to move the dish more often to a higher or lower level and monitor browning. We recommend lower heating and fan mode to complete baking. open pies, dishes in forms with low sides, for poorly rising baked goods. In this mode, dishes are obtained with a crust on the bottom and juicy on the inside.

The top heating mode with a fan is useful for dishes that require even cooking and a baked crust. It is very convenient to bake food in molds on it. Suitable for casseroles, souffles, lasagna, julienne. We recommend using the grill mode for cooking steaks, chops, kupats, rolls, fish fillet, vegetables, toast, bacon, kebabs, sausages, pork ribs, dishes in various sized shapes. It can be used as the main cooking mode or as a final stage to achieve a recognizable appearance. This mode can be called grill, infraheating, or barbecue, depending on the model and manufacturer.

What do we bake in?

Today great amount baking dishes. Ceramic molds, glass, and cast iron are considered the most environmentally friendly. It is very convenient to bake in the baking trays that come with the oven. We recommend choosing a baking tray with high sides for juicy, moist dishes, and a flat one for dry dishes. It is convenient to cook in ceramic pots and molds, but we recommend placing them in the oven before heating, this will protect the dishes from cracking. A sudden change in temperature may even cause the pot to burst. In normal cast iron frying pan We recommend making casseroles from various products, it is in such a dish that they bake faster and more evenly. Silicone forms Convenient for baking, bread, cheesecakes. Nothing sticks in them even without lubrication, which allows you to prepare dietary baked goods.

Cooking in foil, sleeve

You can bake any food in foil, except fruits, soft vegetables, cereals, and mushrooms. They turn out overcooked and have lost their taste. For other dishes, foil perfectly retains juice and prevents the dish from drying out from high temperatures. Important rule– the shiny side of the foil should always face the dish, and the matte side should always face outward. This will keep the temperature required for cooking longer. When wrapping meat or fish, it is important to ensure that protruding bones or sharp corners of the product do not break through the foil during cooking, otherwise the dish will lose valuable juice. To do this, we recommend that you always seal the edges of the foil tightly.

On average, dishes under foil are cooked at 200 degrees. Baking time depends on the size of the product. For example, meat is cooked from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Fish – from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. Vegetables - about half an hour. Poultry – from half an hour to 3 hours. In order to get a crispy crust, at the very end of cooking, unroll the foil and cook the dish in the intense top heating mode until golden brown. Be careful not to let strong acids, such as wine or marinades, come into contact with the foil. Foil can be used even at very high temperature conditions, it can withstand up to 600 degrees.

Plastic bags and sleeves made of heat-resistant film allow baking at temperatures up to 230 degrees in sealed conditions. You can bake meat and potatoes, fish and vegetables in them at the same time. The side dish is saturated with the aroma and taste of meat or fish, the juices are mixed, and the dish with this method of preparation turns out very tasty. This method allows you to significantly save cooking time. For example, if a medium-sized turkey cooks under foil for about two hours, then in the sleeve it takes about an hour. But it is important to choose high-quality, food-grade sleeves and bags designed specifically for baking, then they are absolutely harmless. We recommend being very careful when unwrapping the dish and transferring it to a serving plate. A lot of juice comes out!

We recommend making several punctures with a fork in the upper part of the sleeve or bag before cooking. This will allow hot air to escape and prevent the sleeve from bursting. There are a few tricks when baking in an artificial casing. A large piece of meat does not need to be salted, this will make it more tender and melt in your mouth. When baking poultry, it is better to use dry spices; raw ones can worsen the taste. When baking minced meat it is salted and peppered in advance and a little flour is added, which absorbs extra salt and moisture. We recommend salting the fish several times more than usual, about a tablespoon of salt per kilogram. We advise you not to add salt or seasonings to baked vegetables. This can be done already in finished form, adding them to taste along with butter, sour cream and sauce.

Traditional baking

If you are preparing a dish without an artificial casing, then during the cooking process it is important to constantly water the dish with the emerging own juice. Especially if you're cooking large pieces fish or meat. This method produces a crispier crust, but can also result in a drier, more burnt result. Traditional way Baking requires constant presence in the kitchen. We do not recommend baking dishes made from small pieces of meat, fish and vegetables in this way. They may turn out too dry.

Many people do not know that you can cook porridge and soups in the oven. We recommend you try this at least once. The soup is cooked in a ceramic or fireproof container under a lid for about 1.5 hours at 200 degrees, then it can be simmered with the mode turned off until the oven cools down or at a very low temperature for about another hour. This soup turns out very tasty, with the effect of simmering in a traditional Russian oven. Porridge is prepared using the same technology. It cooks with milk or water for about 1.5 hours at 180 degrees and simmers for about another 40 minutes. This is delicious!

Cooking in a water bath

Another way is baking in a water bath. It is used when you need to prepare dishes from “capricious” products. For example, we recommend preparing soufflés, cheesecakes, pates, creams, and some casseroles this way. For a water bath you need a volumetric form into which you pour hot water and the form with the dish being prepared is already placed in it. The water level should reach the middle of the main form or slightly higher. This way, when heating, water will not get into the dish. Prepare in a water bath at 180 degrees. This method allows the dish to heat evenly and not burn. Even the most tender cheesecake with this baking it will turn out airy and at the same time elastic.

Simmer in the oven

You can simmer not only on the burner, but also in the oven. You can stew both pre-fried meat, fish, vegetables, and fresh ones. We recommend adding liquid to the mold at the rate of two-thirds of the total volume of products. Minimal amount liquid - one third, but you need to make sure that it does not boil away. It can be stewed in water, kefir, milk, whey, broth, depending on the chosen recipe.

Some tips

  1. Be sure to preheat the oven in advance. We recommend heating a gas oven 10 minutes before cooking, and an electric oven 20 minutes before cooking. Only very fatty meats should be placed in a cold oven.
  2. To prevent the vegetables from boiling over and turning into cotton wool, we recommend turning off the oven until they are completely done and leaving the vegetables to finish cooking in a cooling cabinet.
  3. We do not recommend opening the lid during cooking. This disrupts the microclimate and air circulation. It is enough just to sometimes look through the glass by turning on the backlight function. This rule is especially important when preparing muffins and baked goods.
  4. Always follow the temperature specified in the recipe. In any case, until you become a professional cooking enthusiast.
  5. If you have a very old stove without a thermometer, you can use simple sheet paper to determine degrees. In 30 seconds at 100-120 degrees the sheet turns slightly yellow, at 190-210 degrees the paper is yellow-brown, the sheet begins to burn at 220 degrees.
  6. Water and salt prevent burning. Delicate foods are best cooked in a water bath. To prevent burning, you can use a kilogram of coarse salt scattered on the bottom baking sheet.
  7. We advise you to remember that puff pastry baked at high temperature, butter or biscuits - at medium, protein dough– at low.

Housewives often use a gas stove oven at home. The dishes in it turn out to be very healthy and tasty. Probably every home has a gas oven. How to use it? This information is in the operating instructions.

Terms of use

Before cooking, you must read the operating instructions for the gas oven included with each equipment. If you take into account all the nuances, the equipment will serve for a very long time.

How to use it correctly gas oven when baking? To do this, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • There should be no room inside the cabinet during cooking. kitchen utensils, it can only contain a grate;
  • Before cooking, you need to set the required level, and then it should not be changed;
  • you need to preheat the oven, and for this 10 minutes are enough, after which you can prepare the dish;
  • During cooking, you should not open the door often so that a lot of heat does not escape.

Many homes use a gas oven. Simple instructions will help you on how to use it. Compliance with all rules will allow you to use the equipment safely.

Lighting the oven

A gas oven heats up quickly compared to an electric oven, which is necessary for quick preparation dishes. The equipment is used to heat food even if the lights are turned off in the house.

How to light a gas oven? First you should check whether the equipment is connected to the gas system. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the images on the plate. You need to pull out the metal bottom. Inside there will be a burner with curved holes for the flame to escape. There are 1 or 2 holes for ignition. A match is brought to them, and at the same time the relay turns.

How to light a gas oven if it has an ignition button. The burner tap must be turned to set the required temperature. Then press the gas supply start button. And the fire is activated by another button, which is located on the side of the panel. If there is no gas for several seconds, then turn off the equipment and repeat the procedure.


There are nuances that will make a gas oven work correctly. How to use it so that it lasts a long time. The temperature should be set based on the type of dough, size and shape of the dish. This indicator could be:

  • moderate - 130 - 180 degrees;
  • average - 180 - 220;
  • high - 220 - 270.

Methods for determining temperature

How to determine the temperature in a gas oven? It is important to know how this procedure is performed in order to prepare the dish correctly. You need to throw a little flour onto a baking sheet. If it turns rosy, then the temperature is about 230 degrees. Golden color indicates an indicator of 170. When the flour does not change for a long time, the temperature is about one hundred degrees.

To be able to determine the temperature, you need to purchase a special thermometer. It is also measured by another method - a piece of paper. It should be placed on the bottom of the oven. If the leaf turns yellow slowly, the temperature is set to medium, and if the leaf turns brown quickly, the temperature is set to high.

Level selection

The quality of food is largely influenced by the level at which the gas oven operates. How to use it to make it work delicious food. Many recipes do not indicate what level of equipment should be set to cook dishes. You can rely on generally accepted methods.

The universal level includes the middle level, when dishes are baked efficiently from all sides, including top and bottom heating. If you want to create a golden brown crust, then at the end of cooking you should set high level. When it is necessary to bake the bottom of the dish, a minimum indicator is required. Gas stoves "Hephaestus" with a gas oven are equipped with the necessary functions to make cooking comfortable.

Setting the mode

It is advisable to choose uniform heating from above and below for cooking. This mode is ideal for baking, roasting fish and meat. Many modern devices have several modes, one of which is strong heating of the lower heating element and standard heating of the upper one.

Equipment at medium and high prices is equipped with a fan on the rear wall. It is used to heat food evenly. Typically, the technique is used for baking whole pieces of meat and fish.

The bottom heating mode is necessary for creating dishes that are topped with fruit or cheese to prevent burning. It is suitable for warming up finished products. Top heat is used to create juicy dishes. Gas stove"Indesit" with a gas oven is equipped with several modes that allow you to cook different foods.

Some types of equipment have low heating, in which both heating elements operate. The mode is suitable for defrosting food and drying food. Modern technology equipped with a grill mode, with which food can be cooked as if it were roasted over a fire.

Types of ovens

Nowadays many types of gas equipment are sold. Each of them is equipped with its own functions necessary for high-quality work. Popular brands include:

  • gas stoves "Hephaestus" with gas oven: have an attractive design, compact size and safety of use;
  • manufacturer Gorenje produces equipment classic look with control panel and enamel hob;
  • DeLuxe brand products are popular for their reliable and convenient operation, the presence of enamel grilles, a drawer for utensils;
  • Beko products have mechanical electric ignition, protection against accidental activation, as well as a “minimum fire” function;
  • equipment called Zanussi is equipped with gas control of the oven, electric ignition, and the surface is made of easy-to-clean enamel.

The Indesit gas stove with gas oven has a mechanical control and an enamel panel. Compact dimensions allow you to install the equipment in the right place.

Oven functions

If the oven does not have a “Grill” mode, then at least tasty dish can be obtained by universal heating. When large pieces of meat or fish are baked, you need to control the process during cooking. The pieces should be watered with the released juice.

In addition to the classic method, you can bake dishes in the oven using artificial shell, for example, foil or a bag. The first material is used for cooking meat, fish, and vegetables. If foil is used, it is important to follow a simple rule: the shiny surface should be turned toward the dish, and the matte surface should be turned outward.

The bag is great for baking a dish along with a side dish, you just need to make holes in its walls in advance. This procedure allows you to cook food juicy and soft. You can cook porridge and soup in the oven, which gives the dish a wonderful taste.

How to choose a gas stove?

In order for equipment to serve for many years, it must be chosen correctly. First you need to determine which cabinet is needed - dependent or independent. In the first case, the oven is built into hob. Independent kitchens anywhere.

It is also important to decide on the size and volume of equipment. The height and depth of almost all cabinets are the same. Only the width can be different - 45 cm, 60 or 90. The volume of the equipment ranges from 56 to 74 liters. The size of the equipment should be determined based on the number of people in the family, frequency of cooking, and area of ​​the room.

The equipment will look much better if you choose it based on the design of the room, the set. The main colors are white, black, silver.

It is advisable to purchase appliances with convection, since they are equipped with a fan that circulates air. This ensures even baking of the food. You can also cook food on 2 baking sheets together.

The equipment does not have a self-cleaning function. These ovens have a catalyst that softens and breaks down food residues. If the function does not work, there will be a coating on the surface that can be wiped off with a cloth.

It is important to ensure that the cooker has the necessary functions. This could be lighting, gas control, electric ignition. The right equipment will best assistant in preparing delicious and healthy food. You just need to follow the operating rules.

Dishes prepared using an oven are definitely more beneficial for humans. They are prepared using a minimal amount of oil, in their own juice.
Almost any dish that you are used to cooking on the hob can be cooked just as deliciously in the oven. An oven comes in handy even when you don’t want to completely give up traditional frying. You can add benefits to dishes and reduce harm by combining two types of cooking.
Often, especially in restaurants, cooks first fry the product until golden brown, and then finish it in the oven. Each oven is individual and has a number of features, which can be read about in the instructions for it, but there are several shared secrets, which are suitable for owners of all ovens.

Choosing a level
To ensure that the dish does not burn, remains juicy and aromatic, and is completely cooked, it is important to choose the correct cooking level in the oven. A win-win option is to choose the middle level, it is on this level that the dish will not burn and will cook evenly. If golden brown crust is important, then the almost finished dish can be moved to a higher level for a short time. The latest trend is to cook food at low temperatures for several hours. It is believed that this method allows you to preserve the correct texture of products, taste and aroma. This method allows you to cook in the oven on the lower level, but in a mode in which the lower heat is not strong.
Some foods are more difficult to brown on the bottom, so it is best to cook them on the lower level with high heat from the lower heat. For example, chefs recommend preparing pizza this way. This way it won't burn on top and will be crispy on the bottom. We advise you not to move the baking sheet close to the back wall, as this interferes with air circulation and does not allow the dish to bake evenly.

Select a mode
Modern ovens have many modes that help cook even the most complex multi-stage dish with maximum comfort. For example, the simultaneous use of upper and lower heating is considered a traditional baking format and can be used to cook almost any dish. It ensures uniform heat distribution and natural convection. This mode is quite slow, while the lower heat in almost all ovens works more powerfully, which means that the dish may not be cooked completely evenly. Traditionally, cookies, biscuits, bread, lasagna, stuffed vegetables, roasts, poultry, beef, fish and fish casseroles are prepared in this mode.
Simultaneous intense bottom heat and standard top heat are used when you need to quickly fry a dish from below or achieve a golden crust. This mode is ideal for baking in pots and small dishes. If you use cookware that does not conduct heat well, such as glass or aluminum, then this mode is ideal.
The mode of simultaneous lower, upper heating and fan helps to evenly influence the products and creates an even microclimate in the oven. In this mode, food is heated more intensely due to air masses and food quickly browns on all sides. This mode is suitable for large baking trays, large quantities of food in a dish and large whole pieces. For example, for shanks, rolls, roasts, casseroles, whole poultry, boiled pork. You can cook with it when you need even cooking inside and out. In this mode, we do not recommend experimenting with omelettes and meringues. These dishes do not like convection.

In the bottom heating only mode, we recommend drying the bottom of pies with wet fillings, additionally browning the pizza, and canning. In this mode, you have to move the dish more often to a higher or lower level and monitor browning. We recommend the lower heating and fan mode to complete the baking of open pies, dishes in pans with low sides, or for baked goods that do not rise well. In this mode, dishes are obtained with a crust on the bottom and juicy on the inside.
The top heating mode with a fan is useful for dishes that require even cooking and a baked crust. It is very convenient to bake food in molds on it. Suitable for casseroles, souffles, lasagna, julienne. We recommend using the grill mode for cooking steaks, chops, kupat, rolls, fish fillets, vegetables, toast, bacon, kebabs, sausages, pork ribs, and dishes in various sizes. It can be used as the main cooking mode or at the final stage to achieve a recognizable appearance. This mode can be called grill, infraheating, or barbecue, depending on the model and manufacturer.

What do we bake in?
Today there is a huge amount of bakeware. Ceramic molds, glass, and cast iron are considered the most environmentally friendly. It is very convenient to bake in the baking trays that come with the oven. We recommend choosing a baking tray with high sides for juicy, moist dishes, and a flat one for dry dishes. It is convenient to cook in ceramic pots and molds, but we recommend placing them in the oven before heating, this will protect the dishes from cracking. A sudden change in temperature may even cause the pot to burst. We recommend making casseroles from various products in a regular cast-iron frying pan; it is in such a dish that they bake faster and more evenly. Silicone molds are convenient for baking, bread, cheesecakes. Nothing sticks in them even without lubrication, which allows you to prepare dietary baked goods.

Cooking in foil, sleeve
You can bake any food in foil, except fruits, soft vegetables, cereals, and mushrooms. They turn out overcooked and have lost their taste. For other dishes, foil perfectly retains juice and prevents the dish from drying out from high temperatures. An important rule is that the shiny side of the foil should always face the dish, and the matte side should always face outward. This will keep the temperature required for cooking longer. When wrapping meat or fish, it is important to ensure that protruding bones or sharp corners of the product do not break through the foil during cooking, otherwise the dish will lose valuable juice. To do this, we recommend that you always seal the edges of the foil tightly.
On average, dishes under foil are cooked at 200 degrees. Baking time depends on the size of the product. For example, meat is cooked from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Fish - from 20 minutes to 45 minutes. Vegetables - about half an hour. Bird - from half an hour to 3 hours. In order to get a crispy crust, at the very end of cooking, unroll the foil and cook the dish in the intense top heating mode until golden brown. Be careful not to let strong acids, such as wine or marinades, come into contact with the foil. Foil can be used even at very high temperatures; it can withstand up to 600 degrees.

Plastic bags and sleeves made of heat-resistant film allow baking at temperatures up to 230 degrees in sealed conditions. You can bake meat and potatoes, fish and vegetables in them at the same time. The side dish is saturated with the aroma and taste of meat or fish, the juices are mixed, and the dish with this method of preparation turns out very tasty. This method allows you to significantly save cooking time. For example, if a medium-sized turkey cooks under foil for about two hours, then in the sleeve it takes about an hour. But it is important to choose high-quality, food-grade sleeves and bags designed specifically for baking, then they are absolutely harmless. We recommend being very careful when unwrapping the dish and transferring it to a serving plate. A lot of juice comes out!
We recommend making several punctures with a fork in the upper part of the sleeve or bag before cooking. This will allow hot air to escape and prevent the sleeve from bursting. There are a few tricks when baking in an artificial casing. A large piece of meat does not need to be salted, this will make it more tender and melt in your mouth. When baking poultry, it is better to use dry spices; raw ones can worsen the taste. When baking minced meat, salt and pepper it in advance and add a little flour, which absorbs excess salt and moisture. We recommend salting the fish several times more than usual, about a tablespoon of salt per kilogram. We advise you not to add salt or seasonings to baked vegetables. This can be done ready-made by adding them to taste along with butter, sour cream and sauce.

Traditional baking
If you are preparing a dish without an artificial casing, then during the cooking process it is important to constantly water the dish with its own juices. Especially if you are preparing large pieces of fish or meat. This method produces a crispier crust, but can also result in a drier, more burnt result. The traditional baking method requires constant presence in the kitchen. We do not recommend baking dishes made from small pieces of meat, fish and vegetables in this way. They may turn out too dry.
Many people do not know that you can cook porridge and soups in the oven. We recommend you try this at least once. The soup is cooked in a ceramic or fireproof container under a lid for about 1.5 hours at 200 degrees, then it can be simmered with the mode turned off until the oven cools down or at a very low temperature for about another hour. This soup turns out very tasty, with the effect of simmering in a traditional Russian oven. Porridge is prepared using the same technology. It cooks with milk or water for about 1.5 hours at 180 degrees and simmers for about another 40 minutes. This is delicious!

Cooking in a water bath
Another way is baking in a water bath. It is used when you need to prepare dishes from “capricious” products. For example, we recommend preparing soufflés, cheesecakes, pates, creams, and some casseroles this way. For a water bath, you need a three-dimensional form into which hot water is poured and the form with the dish being prepared is placed in it. The water level should reach the middle of the main form or slightly higher. This way, when heating, water will not get into the dish. Prepare in a water bath at 180 degrees. This method allows the dish to heat evenly and not burn. Even the most delicate cheesecake with this baking will turn out airy and at the same time elastic.

Simmer in the oven
You can simmer not only on the burner, but also in the oven. You can stew both pre-fried meat, fish, vegetables, and fresh ones. We recommend adding liquid to the mold at the rate of two-thirds of the total volume of products. The minimum amount of liquid is one third, but care must be taken that it does not boil away. It can be stewed in water, kefir, milk, whey, broth, depending on the chosen recipe.

Some tips
Be sure to preheat the oven in advance. We recommend heating a gas oven 10 minutes before cooking, and an electric oven 20 minutes before. Only very fatty meats should be placed in a cold oven. To prevent vegetables from boiling over and turning into cotton wool, we recommend turning off the oven until they are completely ready and leaving the vegetables to finish cooking in the cooling oven. .We do not recommend opening the lid during cooking. This disrupts the microclimate and air circulation. It is enough just to sometimes look through the glass by turning on the backlight function. This rule is especially important when preparing muffins and baked goods. Always maintain the temperature specified in the recipe. In any case, until you become a professional cooking enthusiast. If you have a very old stove without a thermometer, you can use a simple sheet of paper to determine the degrees. In 30 seconds at 100-120 degrees the sheet turns slightly yellow, at 190-210 degrees the paper is yellow-brown, the sheet begins to burn at 220 degrees. Water and salt prevent burning. Delicate foods are best cooked in a water bath. To prevent burning, you can use a kilogram of coarse salt scattered on the lower baking sheet. We advise you to remember that puff pastry is baked at high temperature, butter or biscuits - at medium, protein dough - at low.

Solving common problems
When cooking roasts, it is very common for the sauce to burn. This means that in next time It is better to use a smaller pan and add liquid during cooking. To prevent dishes from turning out dry, we recommend using an artificial casing or cooking for less time at a higher temperature. When baking meat in a piece, we advise you to take a piece of at least a kilogram, then it will not dry out. White meat is baked at a moderate constant temperature of 150-175°C, red meat - at 200-250°C.
It is advisable to remove red meat from the refrigerator an hour before cooking, then it will remain soft. The meat may not cook well because you salted it before cooking. We recommend salting it in the middle of the process. Small fish cooked at constant high temperature. Medium-sized fish - at first at high, then gradually reduce it. Large - with constant moderate heating.

If there are fewer problems during preparation with main courses, then muffins, biscuits and other baked goods can create a number of difficulties. If your pies constantly fall off and turn out flat, we advise you to follow the kneading time specified in the recipe, use less liquid and bake at a temperature 10 degrees lower than usual. If the cake does not rise at the edges, then do not grease the sides of the pan. When the top of the pie burns, move it to a lower level, but bake longer.
If the bottom of the pie remains too light, then next time choose a dark dish, set it to a low level and turn on the additional lower heating mode. Baked goods may brown unevenly if the pan is not chosen correctly. A light and shiny form is not a suitable solution. To prevent the cake from turning out too dry, you need to pierce small holes in it with a stick and pour a drop into them fruit juice, syrup and reduce baking time.
If the outside of the baked goods looks ready, but the inside is raw, we recommend using a lower temperature setting and lengthening the cooking time. For juicy fillings better cake or bake the base in advance, and then add the filling, be sure to sprinkle the crust with breadcrumbs or crushed almonds.

Owners of a gas oven often encounter a phenomenon in which the top of the baked product remains damp, but the bottom burns. Some attribute this to the presence of a flame and the inability to clearly regulate the temperature, others to problems with the functionality of the device. In fact, the oven works fine, the basic rules for its use are simply not followed. Few housewives read the instructions for the device after purchasing it, but the specifics of handling the device are described there. You should start with the fact that it is generally better not to use baking sheets in a gas oven - they interfere with the uniform distribution of heat. The best option in this case are racks on which containers for baking workpieces are placed.

How to properly bake in a gas oven?

Contrary to popular belief, the oven is not a capricious device if you know how to handle it. Unfortunately, when a gas model replaces the electric one, they begin to treat it in exactly the same way, thereby committing the first and main mistake. To ensure that the top and bottom of the products are always baked evenly, you should remember the following rules:

  • The temperature recommendations given in the recipes must be strictly followed. Do not try to speed up the cooking of baked goods by increasing the flame.
  • For baking big pie more should be used low temperature than when working with a small product. Large workpiece bakes evenly and completely only when it is held long time at medium temperature.

Tip: Each gas oven is designed differently, so you should read the instructions before using it. Sometimes the use of “non-original” pallets leads to blocking the movement of hot air, which is why the top of the products remains damp while their bottom begins to burn.

  • If the recipe does not indicate the temperature, you can use universal data: 180ºС for large pies, 200-210ºС for small baked goods.
  • Initially, the workpieces in the gas oven should be placed on the middle level. After some time, we evaluate the quality of the product. If the bottom darkens and the top does not set, we move the container to the upper level. Sometimes you need to brown the crust at the bottom, in this case we move the product as low as possible.
  • Forms for baking products in the oven must be greased with vegetable or butter, natural fat without smell. Then you don’t have to worry about the risk of the cake deforming or sticking to the dish.

If you don’t want to constantly lubricate surfaces with products that, as a result of heat treatment, turn into not the most useful material, you should use dough based butter. It does not stick to the molds, it turns out tasty and crumbly. Moreover, most recipes allow the use of such a universal base.

Secrets from experienced housewives

When even following the above rules does not help, and the product still burns, you have to use proven techniques experienced chefs. At home you can do the following:

  • The pies will stop burning if you place a fireproof brick at the very bottom of the chamber. Just first you need to clean it, wash it if necessary and dry it.

Tip: The top of savory items will set and bake a little faster in the oven if heat treatment brush them with whipped cream egg yolk. And sweet preparations are treated with sweetened and strongly brewed black tea for the same purpose.

  • When there is no brick or you don’t want to use it for aesthetic reasons, you can take coarse salt. It is placed in a bowl made of heat-resistant material and placed under the baking rack.
  • They also sometimes place a container of water in a gas oven. The liquid evaporates, raising the temperature slightly. But the products do not burn, but are evenly baked. If you want to culinary masterpiece When a golden brown crust appears, water should be used only in the first half of baking. A dish prepared in this way also turns out juicier than usual.

Despite the simplicity of the methods, they have proven their effectiveness. If such approaches do not give the desired result, and the top and bottom continue to bake unevenly, this indicates violations of the rules for the production of semi-finished products.

Features of temperature conditions

In order for a gas oven to help bring the workpiece to the desired state, and not spoil it, the temperature and time parameters must be strictly maintained. Here are just the basic recommendations, which may vary slightly depending on the characteristics of the filling and the composition of the baking dough:

  • The bottom of the pizza won't burn, but the top will get covered. appetizing crust, if you bake it at a temperature of 210-220ºC for 20-25 minutes.
  • For tall pies with filling, the optimal temperature is 180-200ºС. The processing time will be 35-45 minutes.
  • Low pies and various buns are processed for half an hour at a temperature of 210-220ºС.
  • Meringue, regardless of which oven is used, is baked at 140ºC until its top, bottom and sides are dry and covered with a dense crust.
  • To bake lasagna, the temperature is set to 190-200ºС. The duration of exposure may vary. The main thing is that the top layer of the product sets and browns.

It turns out that working with the oven is not at all difficult, you just need to do everything taking into account the specifics of the device. Well, if following the nuances does not help, you should measure the temperature in the device chamber using a special thermometer. There is also a possibility that some settings were lost, or that one of the systems broke down. In this case, you should not try to figure out the problem yourself; you should immediately contact specialists who will quickly determine the cause of the phenomenon and eliminate it without risk to the device.
