Homemade cherry wine delicious recipes. Homemade cherry wine

Everyone is familiar with the basics of home winemaking, and especially summer residents, on whose plots they bear fruit every year. fruit trees and berry plants. Not all of the harvest is used in the form of jam and compotes.

Homemade wine can be a source of extraordinary pride for the person who created it. Yes, wine is prepared, made, and good wine is created like a work of art. Even the familiar cherry can serve here great source inspiration.

Cherry wine at home - basic technological principles

All stages of preparing fruit and berry wines are similar in production grape wine, considered a classic of winemaking in the world for thousands of years. The difference between these two types of wine material lies only in the biochemical properties of the fruit. In particular, to obtain quality wine cherry juice should have sufficient and required amount sugar, acid. These norms were identified empirically during the development of winemaking. It has been established that with an acid content of 0.7% in the prepared must, wine is obtained good quality, not sour and not susceptible to diseases that develop in finished product with excess or lack of acid.

Therefore, after collecting, sorting and obtaining juice, fruit and berry raw materials are brought to the required characteristics. To normalize acidity cherry juice, it is mixed with water or other fruit juice, since the acid content in the berries of some varieties of cherries exceeds the required value by 3 times. For this reason it is impossible to obtain natural wine, based pure juice, from many fruits.

Low sugar content in the wort does not provide the necessary energy to the yeast, turning the wine into vinegar, and its excess slows down the work of the yeast. Therefore to natural sugar, which is contained in cherries, granulated sugar is added taking into account the requirements for the strength of the future wine. On average, to obtain dry wine (9-12 vol.), the sugar content in fruit and berry must must reach 22-24% per liter.

It must be borne in mind that dry wine The recipe for making cherries at home is not the most successful: such a wine will not be stable and will taste sour. More successful options are dessert and strong wines, with the addition of alcohol (vermouth, tokay or sherry) based on cherry juice or using this wine material (remember that in home winemaking any standards and classifications are acceptable).

You need to add enough sugar to the natural sugar content of cherries to get the required strength of the wine. Sometimes it is added to the wort immediately the right amount, but in the production of some wines its gradual introduction is provided, in parts. First, sugar is added during the fermentation process, and then, if necessary, finished wine, thereby increasing its strength and achieving the required taste. In addition, sugar is added to young wines to completely stop fermentation (for sweet and dessert wines). Sugar can also be added to young wine, where the fermentation process is not completely stopped, directly into bottles, to obtain sparkling wine from cherries at home.

Read the recipe for this wine, as well as other recipes, below.

Cherry wine at home: a recipe for an ancient Russian drink in a modern interpretation

Of course, not every summer resident has a real oak barrel with iron hoops, but if he does, then the old cherry wine will turn out not in the interpreted form, but in the actual form. original version. You just need to fill this barrel with cherries and honey, tar it and bury it in wet sand for 3 months.

To those who do not have such a treasure as oak barrel The cooking method is attached below. Perhaps it differs from the previous one, but only in the realization that this method is not ancient, although the wine in both cases turns out to be unusually tasty and beautiful.

    Cherry with pit 2 parts

    Honey, fresh (May) 1 part

    Oak bark (for glass containers) 5% by weight of raw materials

    Sort out fresh, just picked and ripe cherries and put them in a barrel or glass bottle in layers, each of which needs to be watered with honey. Add cherries to a glass bottle between layers oak bark. The barrel can be filled to the top, but in a glass container 1/3 of the container should remain unfilled.

    Put a rubber glove on a wide-necked bottle without puncturing it. Cover the barrel with a lid, thoroughly tar it and put hoops on the wooden container. To prevent the keg or bottle from bursting during fermentation, bury it in wet sand. The bottle can be placed in a pre-prepared box with sand. To ensure sufficient pressure on the outside of the container, ensure that the sand remains constantly moist.

    After 3 months, dig out the container, print it and pour the wine through a filter into a clean container. Wrap the grounds in linen canvas and place under a press. Combine the squeezed wine with the main mass. Bottle the wine. Seal and store in the basement. This wine can be stored for 5-6 years.

Cherry wine at home: fortified wine recipe

    Raisins, red 200 g

    Oak leaves, green 300 g

    Pitted prunes 500 g

    Alcohol (96%) 750 ml

    A week before you start making wine, make a raisin starter. Place raisins with sugar in a jar with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters and fill with warm water. To do this, take 0.5 liters of the total amount of water and heat it to 25 degrees. The jar should be 2/3 full. Tie the neck with a gauze or linen napkin, and place the jar closer to the heat, but not next to the switched on stove. Shake the starter periodically to avoid souring the surface.

    Sort technically ripe cherries, removing the seeds. Place in an enamel container (15 liters), pour in 2 liters of water (20 degrees) and add 1/3 of the sugar. Stir and place the container in a warm place for 2-3 days before fermentation begins.

    Place the fermented cherries under a press to separate the juice. Pour the juice into a bottle in which the wine will play, after adding starter to it (without raisins).

    Squeezed grounds with prunes and chopped oak leaves put it in another bottle and fill it with alcohol. Seal tightly alcohol extract and leave it to infuse until the wine clears. Place the bottle of juice in a room with a constant temperature, away from bright light. sunlight and drafts.

    Seal the neck with a medical glove. As soon as the vigorous fermentation begins to subside, add the second part of the sugar to the bottle and put the glove on the neck again. Wait until fermentation stops completely. After two weeks, the wine should become clear and sediment should be visible at the bottom of the bottle.

    Insert a plastic or rubber tube into the bottle and pour the wine into a clean container, being careful not to catch any sediment at the bottom. The sediment can be poured into a jar and used as a starter for making other wines. Wash the bottle, sterilize it and pour the wine back into it.

    At the same time, strain alcohol tincture and also put it on to lighten it. Afterwards, remove the wine and tincture from the sediment once again. Combine them by adding the remaining sugar. Stir the sugar until dissolved. Let the wine age in a cool, dark place for at least 6 months. The bottle must be carefully sealed to prevent moisture and foreign odors from entering from the outside.

Homemade cherry liqueur wine. Blended wine recipe

Blended wines in production conditions More often they are prepared by mixing individual ready-made wines. But on my own summer cottage You can deviate from this rule and combine wine materials in one bottle. It is important to decide right away: if the wine is cherry, then these berries must be present in the prepared wort in predominant quantities so that the name matches the composition of the wine.

    Apricots (puree) 5 kg

    Cherries (pitted) 8 kg

    Orange zest 100 g

    Citric acid 55 g

    This recipe does not require either wine starter or yeast, since the wort contains raspberries. Separate the cherries from the pits. Combine the berries with raspberry juice And apricot puree. Add orange zest, citric acid and half the sugar. Place the prepared wine material in a warm place before fermentation begins, covering the bottle. Stir the prepared wort 2-3 times a day with a wooden spatula. Place the fermented material under a press. Pour the resulting juice into a bottle and install a water seal on it.

    After fermentation is complete, to speed up the clarification process and improve the quality of the wine, pour into liter jar Not a large number of young wine and dilute tannin in it. Pour the wine back into the mixture and stir. Remove the clear wine from the sediment and add the second half of the sugar to it.

    To do this, again pour a small part of the wine into enamel dishes, add sugar and stir it, warming it, until dissolved. Combine both parts of wine and bottle. Seal the bottles and place a large saucepan. Fill it with water so that the bottled wine and water are at the same level. Heat the pan for 10-12 hours, maintaining the water temperature in it at 70 degrees. After the water has cooled naturally, remove the bottles and move them to the basement.

IN notebook Many housewives probably have a couple of proven recipes for making cherry wine. As you know, homemade wines are almost as good in taste as the most famous varieties. On the contrary, they are considered natural product, which does not contain harmful preservatives.
Most often, when choosing a material, domestic winemakers give preference to cherries. This fact is explained by its wide distribution and rich species diversity represented on the territory of our country.

  • Dry homemade cherry wine

Cherry wine - cooking secrets

Of course, ideally the cherry should be already ripe, with a dark color indicating its ripeness. The sweet and sour pulp contributes to the formation of the harmonious taste of the future drink. However, not the least role is played by preliminary preparation wine raw materials.
Before you start studying various recipes, you need to understand a few simple rules, careful observance of which contributes to the preparation of impeccable homemade wine:
To start picked berries You need to remove the leaves and stalks, wash, if necessary, remove the seeds and store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Next, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the selected recipe.
It is best to rinse the berries in several containers with cool water, transferring them from one container to another.
To thoroughly grind the wine material, it is recommended to use wooden pestles or crushes, food processors, mixers or meat grinders.
To prevent the cherries from oxidizing, you should not use metal utensils (with the exception of enamel or stainless steel).
To quickly extract juice from mashed berries, you can add a little warm boiled water or freeze and thaw them.

Classic cherry wine recipe

For everyone who wants to enjoy a noble drink and decorate their festive table, will fit perfectly traditional recipe. Thanks to exquisite taste, bright aroma And rich color, such a wine can ideally complement almost any dish.
There is nothing complicated in the process of preparing it. To begin with you will need following ingredients:
cherry - 3 kg;
water - 4 liters;
sugar - 1.5 kg.
Next, strict adherence to a simple algorithm is required:
Carefully sort through the berries, carefully discarding rotten and heavily bruised ones. Carefully rinse them and remove all the seeds, trying to preserve the juice as much as possible.
Prepare light syrup. To do this, you need to boil 4 liters of water to 25 degrees and mix them with 500 grams of granulated sugar.
Place the berry pulp at the bottom of a deep bowl or pan and pour in the resulting syrup.
Cover the container with a thin layer of gauze or rags and transfer it to a dark, warm place for several days (literally 3-4).
Since the wort begins to actively ferment after 24 hours, it must be stirred daily.
After the allotted time has passed, the fermented liquid should be filtered through a sieve. By the way, the smaller it is, the better.
The remaining syrup and juice must be mixed with another 500 grams of sugar and poured into a clean container, filling it to a maximum of 70-75%.
Now you need to put a rubber medical glove on the neck of the bottle, and it itself needs to be transferred to a warm, dark room with an average air temperature of 20-22 degrees Celsius for 1-2 months.
After 5 days, it is recommended to add 250 grams of sugar to the bottle with fermenting wort, and after another 5 days - the remaining 250 grams.
After the fermentation process is complete, the sediment should be drained through a special tube.
Now you can take the first sample and, if necessary, add a little more granulated sugar or dilute the resulting wine with alcohol in a ratio of 0.05-0.2 to 1.
Pour the drink into a clean glassware and store at an average temperature of 5 to 15 degrees Celsius, changing the bottle periodically to get rid of sediment.
After the last sediment has fallen, the wine should be bottled and sealed until the most appropriate occasion. However, even in a fairly cool cellar or wall refrigerator it cannot be stored for longer than 6 years.
So, classic cherry wine with a strength of 11-13%, it has a subtle and delicate aftertaste, and therefore perfectly complements both meat dishes and side dishes, decorates desserts and emphasizes the solemnity of any moment.

Homemade cherry wine recipe with pits

It's no secret that many housewives hate fiddling with small berries, peeling them and separating the pulp. There is a recipe for wine with seeds especially for them. However, it should immediately be noted that such a drink will have a characteristic bitter taste of almonds.
To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:
cherries with pits - 3 kg;
distilled water - 5 l;
sugar - 1.8 kg.
The further process is carried out according to very simple algorithm:
Mash the berries and place them together with the seeds in a deep bowl for fermentation.
Add filtered water and granulated sugar. To stir thoroughly.
Cover with a lid and leave in a shaded place at an air temperature of 20-22 degrees Celsius for 12 days. Moreover, the contents need to be stirred daily for the first week, and in the last days - not to be touched.
At the end of the period, you should strain the wort, pour it into a clean container and leave it for further fermentation under a hydraulic seal for a week.
Continue straining the drink and discarding the sediment until the liquid acquires a pure ruby ​​hue and becomes transparent.
After 3 months, the finished wine can be poured into elongated bottles and stored in the cellar.

Recipe for cherry wine with yeast

As you know, good Home wine can be obtained without the use of yeast, but they still play an important role in the fermentation process of the wort. Housewives are offered one of the simplest recipes.
The main components of the future drink should include the following ingredients:
cherry - 3 kg;
water - 3 l;
sugar - 1 kg;
pressed yeast - 200 g.
The following technology follows:
The berries, previously freed from stalks and seeds, must be covered with sugar and filled with water.
Add the yeast and seal the container with the wort, leaving it in a dark, warm place for a couple of weeks.
The liquid cleared of sediment should be filtered, bottled and kept in a dark cellar for no more than 1-2 months. To extend shelf life, it is recommended to add a little pure alcohol to the drink.
There are many in various ways making wine from cherries. In their diversity, everyone can find something suitable for themselves. Let's talk about some win-win options.

Dry homemade cherry wine

It is also called cherry.

granulated sugar - 4 kg;
water - 1.5 liters.
The pitted berries must be placed in a clean container, sprinkled with sugar on top and placed in the sun to ferment. This process will take approximately 1.5 months. According to the recipe, it is recommended to bandage the neck of the bottle with thin gauze or rags.
After the expiration of the prescribed period, the resulting mixture must be filtered, and berry puree grind through a colander. Upon completion of this procedure, the drink should be infused in the sun for another three weeks.
After the next straining, the wine needs to ferment for another couple of weeks. Then it can be diluted with water to taste ready drink wasn't too strong.

How to make fortified homemade cherry wine

cherries - 10 liters (1 bucket);
granulated sugar - 2 kg;
water - 2 liters;
alcohol - 0.5 liters;
wine yeast.
The wort is prepared in the same ways as in other recipes. That is, first you need to pit the cherries and put them in a clean bowl.
After a short fermentation (no more than 1 week), it is recommended to thoroughly squeeze out the wine mass and introduce the yeast. Leave for 10 days.
Next, you need to strain the drink to get rid of sediment, add alcohol and sugar to it and let it ferment for another 10 days.
The finished wine must be filtered again and poured into a clean glass container.

Homemade wine from frozen berries

frozen cherries - 2.5 kg;
water - 2.5 l;
granulated sugar - 0.8 kg;
seedless raisins - 2 tbsp. l.
First you need to defrost the berries at room temperature, peel them from the seeds and grind in a blender to a fine puree. Next, you need to add raisins to the resulting mass, transfer them to a three-liter glass jar and leave to ferment for two days.
After the specified period, boiled water should be added to the drink, the resulting mixture should be stirred and the cake strained, draining the liquid into a clean container and filling it with sugar. The berries won't be useful anymore.
You need to put a medical glove on the bottle in which the wine is fermenting or close it with a special closure and place it in a dark, warm room for 30-40 days.

It is best to pour completely finished wine into new bottles, without raising the sediment lying at the bottom, and store it in a cool, shaded room such as a cellar.
So, if you love wine, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy elite varieties this noble drink. The existing variety of simple recipes allows you to prepare delicious and strong wine from cherries at home.

Wine is one of the ancient drinks, in many countries it is national, the traditions of wine making are passed down between generations. A glass of good wine with rich taste– this is an invariable attribute of a beautiful reception, a business meeting or just a cozy evening surrounded by your loved ones. And wine prepared at home will also become a symbol of cordiality and sincerity, besides, it is healthy and truly delicious drink.
Considered the most popular all over the world grape wine, but nothing taste characteristics wine made from cherries is not inferior to it. Cherry wine has a delicious aroma, deep color and exclusive taste, which makes it special.

The most preferred option is considered to be simple, non-hybrid cherry varieties. A prerequisite is that the cherries must be ripe, clean, even slight overripeness or damage is not allowed. You need to pick the berries immediately before starting cooking - the maximum shelf life in the refrigerator is only 3 days, after which these berries can no longer be used for winemaking.

In addition to the nuances of the recipe, there are unshakable rules for making wine from cherries:

  • Before cooking, you need to sort the cherries again and remove the pits. If you use whole berries (this option is allowed in some recipes), the wine will acquire a noticeable almond flavor.
  • Berries for wine are not washed. If you decide to do this, you need to mash the cherries and soak them in distilled water for 24 hours. After this, the mixture is squeezed out, and the resulting mass is used to make wine.

When selecting ingredients, keep in mind that the final product will be about 60% of the total mass of products (sugar, berries and water). That is, if you prepare wine from 10 liters of the mixture, you will end up with about 6 liters of finished wine.

Changes are allowed for any cherry wine recipe. If you want to add extra flavor to your wine or use this as a base wine drink, it is allowed to add other berries and fruits: raspberries, currants, plums. Experiments sometimes lead to the most unexpected results and unique taste your wine. The main rule is that cherries should make up at least half of the mixture.

There are plenty of recipes for making homemade cherry wine. Consider the standard classic recipe, which will delight you with proven taste and high quality product.

Classic cherry wine recipe

This method of making homemade cherry wine has been known for a long time, but has become especially popular in Soviet years, when there was a real boom in cherry growing among gardeners.

  • Cherry – 10 liters
  • Water – 10 liters
  • Sugar – 3 kg


Making wine from cherries is a fairly simple process; the main thing is to strictly follow the preparation method.
The berries are prepared in the classic way described earlier: the seeds are removed, and the fruits themselves are kneaded and filled with water. This is done in order to get rid of excess cherry juice - in pure concentration it is very acidic, which can affect the quality of the finished product.

The bottle must be stored in a dark and warm place. Wine fermentation begins, as a rule, after a few days, the glove is inflated at this time - under no circumstances should it be removed. After about a month, when the glove is deflated and all signs of fermentation have disappeared, you can finally open the container - the wine is ready for tasting.

In progress long-term storage microorganisms may appear in such wine, therefore, if you do not plan to consume it in the near future, you must add 0.5 liters of alcohol or quality vodka. This will increase the strength of the wine, but will preserve it for a long time.

Fortified cherry wine

For lovers of stronger drinks, there is another way to make cherry wine, based on classical way, but with the addition of a number of ingredients that add strength.

  • Cherry – 10 liters
  • Water – 2 liters
  • Sugar – 2 kg
  • 40% alcohol or vodka – 0.5 liters
  • 1 serving wine yeast


The cherries need to be pitted, chopped or thoroughly mashed and filled with water. After a day, you need to squeeze out the mass and add a portion of wine yeast. As a rule, the yeast consumption is indicated on the packaging. After this, the mass must be left for 10 days, and then, very carefully, so as not to disturb the sediment formed at the bottom, pour the mass into a clean container. To do this, you can use a thin rubber tube or a pharmacy dropper; the liquid will flow according to the laws of physics. Next, alcohol and sugar are added to the drink.
The fermentation period of the drink after these steps is another 10 days, after which the young fortified wine can be filtered and dispensed into sterile containers glass bottles. Storage should be in a cool place.


When considering ways to make homemade wine from cherries, you cannot ignore the recipe that uses the berry along with its seeds. The result is a concentrated wine that resembles liqueur.


  • Cherry – 10 liters
  • Sugar – 4 kg


This recipe does not require any special preparation of the cherries. It is not washed, only sorted to remove debris and impurities.
The berries must be placed in a glass container (during the cooking process, the key role is played by getting sun rays), cover with sugar and place on a sunny windowsill. The neck should be covered with gauze.

It is important to monitor mold growth. If mold appears, it means the cooking process went wrong and the resulting wort is simply thrown away.

After 30-40 days, you need to strain the mass, grind and squeeze the berries, you should get a homogeneous liquid. Next, the mixture is placed on the window sill again. After 3 days, the wine must be carefully strained (this is the last stage of filtration) and placed in a warm place for 10-15 days.

It may seem that such a wine requires complex manipulations, but its aromatic and fragrant taste justifies all the efforts put into its preparation.

Frozen cherry wine

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get large quantities of fresh berries. For such cases, there is a way out - homemade wine can be made from frozen cherries, subject to minor amendments to the classic recipe. It is necessary to add wine yeast or a handful of unwashed dark raisins to enhance the fermentation process. Let's look at the recipe for this option.


  • Frozen cherries – 5 liters
  • Water – 5 liters
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg (depending on preferences, you can increase or decrease the amount by 0.5 kg)
  • Dark raisins – 1 handful


Having previously defrosted the berries and removed the seeds, you need to grind them into puree; it is most convenient to do this using a blender. Raisins are added to the mixture, and the mixture is left in this state for two days. After this you need to add warm boiled water, strain the mass, squeeze and add sugar to the resulting liquid. The wine is left to ferment, making sure to wear a water seal or a glove. After fermentation is complete, the wine is carefully poured into sterile bottles - the drink is ready.

Among the many varieties of methods and methods for preparing homemade wine, the same principle and composition of ingredients are observed. Depending on what kind of wine you want - dry, sweet or table, the amount of sugar and water changes, and alcohol is added depending on the required strength of the drink.
However The best way derive the formula for your own homemade wine, which will become yours business card, these are, of course, experiments. Don’t be afraid to change the ratio of products (within reasonable limits) and you will definitely find your unique taste.

The oldest drink that most people love is wine. It goes well with many dishes and is a national attribute in some countries. Cherry wine with pits is different from others light drinks almond flavor and bitterness. We must not forget that failure to follow the rules when preparing it will make it tasteless and harmful to the body.

Every year new taste- this is wine made from cherries with pits

Classic wine recipe

First of all, in order to prepare cherry and get a delicious drink at home with seeds, you need to study the technology of its production. They start with choosing berries; they must be ripe, without damage or mold.

This type of wine always turns out different, because its taste directly depends on the type of berries. This way it will always work out unique drink. Homemade wine is much tastier and more aromatic than store-bought wine and does not contain preservatives or colorings.

To prepare cherry wine you will need to prepare:

  • 1 kg. ripe berries;
  • Granulated sugar – 700 grams;
  • 1 liter of clean water.

How to make a drink quickly and easily:

  1. They start by preparing the wort. To do this, the berries are placed in a fermentation container and crushed until juice appears;
  2. Add water and sugar to the container with cherries. Mix thoroughly, cover tightly with a lid and put into the cellar to keep it cool for 7-10 days;
  3. The future drink must be stirred every 3 days, and when the bubbles stop, leave the wort for another 5 days;
  4. The juice is filtered and left in a glass container for 14 days;
  5. After the precipitate has precipitated, the filtration process begins. The strained drink is put into the cellar or refrigerator for another 10 days, and then bottled.

Important! If the wort has a bitter taste, before adding sugar, it is recommended to remove cherry pits. This will improve the taste of the drink and make it more enjoyable.

The shelf life of cherry wine made with pits is no more than a year. Before serving, it is recommended to cool it to room temperature.

Stunning color and a familiar alluring aroma - this is cherry wine!

Vodka wine recipe

Homemade cherry wine has mild taste and a light aroma of ripe berries. The fruits are sorted, leaves and tails are removed. For such simple recipe you will need:

  • 3 kg of ripe cherries;
  • Granulated sugar – 500 grams;
  • Vodka – 100 ml;
  • Clean water – 8 liters.

To make cherry wine with pits of high quality, it is important to choose proven vodka. This will allow you to get a tasty drink without bitterness.


  1. Prepared cherry berries pour into a container and cover with sugar;
  2. After closing the container with a lid, put it away in a warm place for several hours so that the sugar dissolves and the berries give juice;
  3. Add water and vodka to the container, then mix and close tightly with a lid. Leave the wine for 3 weeks to ferment;
  4. After the bubbles have stopped appearing, the drink is filtered and bottled;
  5. Leave the wine for several days in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.

On a note! To make the fermentation process faster, cherry wine is stirred every 2-3 days.

Prepared according to this recipe, the wine turns out to be very light, with pleasant aroma. It is served to the table, poured into tall glasses.

Frozen berry wine

Frozen cherries with pits make wine no less tasty than fresh berries. The main thing is that the fruits are slightly dried and then frozen. Raisins are used to improve fermentation.

Ingredients needed to make wine:

  • Frozen cherries – 2.5 kg;
  • Clean water – 1.5 liters;
  • Granulated sugar – 750 grams;
  • Black raisins – 50 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Take the cherries out freezer and wait until it is completely defrosted;
  2. Then, mash the berries with your hands and transfer them to an enamel container;
  3. Add sugar, water and raisins, close the lid and leave in a warm place for 7 days;
  4. After the mixture has stopped fermenting, it is filtered and poured into bottles. Leave until the fermentation process is complete;
  5. Be sure to install a water seal;
  6. After this, the drink is filtered again to remove sediment and bottled for storage.

On a note! You can first make juice from frozen berries, and only then make homemade wine from it.

Making homemade wine from cherries does not require any special skills; even a beginner can handle it. Proper storage will extend the shelf life of the drink and preserve its taste and aroma.

Fortified drink recipe

Fortified wine contains no more than 22% alcohol. It is stored for a long time and has an unusual taste. Interestingly, this drink increases appetite and improves digestion.

Required ingredients:

  • Cherry fruits – 10 liters;
  • Clean water – 2 liters;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 kg;
  • Vodka – 500 ml;
  • Wine yeast – 1 sachet.

It's interesting that if you use a small amount of wine regularly, it helps reduce the risk of disease of cardio-vascular system, as well as improving memory.

How to make a fortified drink:

  1. The cherries are kneaded and filled with water for 24 hours;
  2. The future wine is filtered, yeast is added and the liquid is left for 10 days;
  3. Carefully drain the wine so that the sediment remains in the container;
  4. Add sugar and vodka. Leave to ferment for another 10 days.

A small glass of cherry wine will brighten up a languid evening

Unusual recipe

Previously, for cooking, they used oak barrel, which with all the ingredients was buried in the ground for 3 months. Modern winemakers have come up with a simpler recipe that is prepared at home.

To prepare tasty and unusual wine you will need:

  • Ripe cherry fruits – 1 kg;
  • Fresh honey – 0.5 kg;
  • Oak bark – 25 grams;
  • Glass container.

How to prepare the drink:

  1. The berries are carefully sorted;
  2. Then the cherries are laid out in layers in a glass bottle, pouring honey over them and laying oak bark between them;
  3. Be sure to put a rubber glove on the neck; it will tell you how the fermentation process is going;
  4. Put the container in a warm place for 3 months, burying it in a box with sand;
  5. After this, filter, squeezing out the grounds well.

The finished wine is poured into bottles for storage. In a dark and cool place it can stand for no more than 6 years.

Preparation of "Cherry"

Concentrated wine stores well and can be used to create a drink of any strength. Cherry is different tart taste, and a rich shade, and is done quite simply.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Ripe cherries – 10 liters;
  • Granulated sugar – 4 kg.

Technological process:

  1. The berries should be sorted, but not washed, and placed in a glass container;
  2. Cover the fruits with sugar, cover the hole with gauze and leave in the sun for 1 month;
  3. After the mixture has fermented, it should be carefully strained, releasing all the juice from the berries. And again keep the wine in the sun for at least 3 days;
  4. Strain the drink again, pour into a clean container and leave in a dark and warm place for another 2 weeks.

Fragrant, with a tart taste of berries and almonds

Pour the finished drink into bottles. It turns out aromatic, with a tart flavor of berries and almonds. It is recommended to dilute it before serving. clean water. Women will especially like wine prepared according to this recipe, as it is easy to drink.

Expert advice will help you prepare delicious wine from cherries, using both a simple and complex recipe. Rules for preparing the drink:

  1. It is not recommended to wash fruits, as they contain natural wild yeast. If the cherries are too dirty and had to be washed, raisins or purchased wine yeast are added for fermentation;
  2. Green and rotten berries should not be used. They will spoil the taste of the wine and make it bitter;
  3. The higher the air temperature in the room where the wine is stored, the faster the fermentation process occurs;
  4. To get the taste of liqueur, experts advise grinding several cherry seeds, as they have a bitter taste inside;
  5. For wine, it is better to take sweet and sour-sweet varieties of cherries to make it more pleasant to taste;
  6. To give the wine unusual taste raisins, sloes, and prunes are added to it. You can also add herbs such as mint, wormwood or cinnamon;
  7. To get a light shade of the drink, choose more pinkish fruits; to get a dark one, choose burgundy berries;
  8. The seeds will give the wine a tart, slightly bitter taste;
  9. Cherries, if desired, can be combined with other berries, such as red currants, raspberries, plums.

Everyone who makes wine has their own recipe for homemade wine. They may differ in the manufacturing method, proportions and holding time. Cherry wine is a drink that everyone will enjoy.

What does a wine drink go with?

Proper serving of wine allows you to correctly evaluate the “bouquet” of aromas and its taste. Sweet varieties are ideal for desserts and ice cream, as well as any fruit. Red wine is served with meat and hot dishes. It is definitely recommended to serve with wine variety of cheeses. As you know, cheese helps to reveal the deep taste of the drink.

Fortified is combined with meat dishes and snacks, for example, with lard or ham. To vegetables. Prepared in any form, the semi-sweet drink is served.

In ancient times, wine had high value and was a means of purchasing goods. It could be exchanged for various metals and products, and in the Roman Empire - for slaves. IN modern world Making homemade wine is an opportunity to get a delicious drink without much difficulty.

First, you should sort through the berries, getting rid of foliage and twigs that are unsuitable for making a sweet fruit drink. They are simply placed in a container of the required size made of food-grade plastic or enamel; the dishes must have a wide neck.

Mash the cherry fruits with your hands without touching the seeds, this will avoid the formation of bitterness. Berries are poured warm water, pour in sugar, mix thoroughly with a wooden stick, and cover with a lid. The container is placed in a dark room where the temperature is maintained at around 22-24 degrees Celsius.

After only a day of cooking, the fermentation process begins; during this period, the container with the cherry fruits should be opened every day, and the foam cap that appears on top should be mixed with the rest of the drink.

The composition is kept for 4-5 days, after which the fermented wine is left alone for the same period. This continues until foam stops forming on the surface of the wine.

The next step is to carefully remove all the cherries from the top of the resulting liquid using a colander. It needs to be removed, squeezed out slightly, then the container is sealed and placed in a dark room for a few more days. At this moment, the “bottom” fermentation begins.

After 5-7 days, a small amount of foam can be found on the surface, and pulp remains at the bottom. Drain the wine from the cherries into another clean container using a soft silicone hose.

To do this, you need to place the vessel with wine higher than the other, place one end of the hose inside, the other, having first sucked the air from it, place it in a clean vessel. While pouring, slowly immerse the hose into the wine without disturbing the sediment at the bottom.

The finished cherry wine needs to be corked again, and then placed in a cool, dark place where the temperature is 10-12 degrees Celsius. After 10-12 days, the wine is drained from the sediment again, but a sieve, gauze, and glass bottles are required for pouring.

They are not closed tightly. After all, fermentation can begin again. If this happens, you need to monitor the drink. If foam and sediment appear on its surface, then after 10-12 days you should pour the wine into a clean container through a sieve.

When the bubbles stop appearing, the fermentation process has stopped. Cherry wine should be bottled, corked, and stored in a dark, cool place.

You can use it for its intended purpose immediately after preparation, but if it sits for a while, the taste will only improve, nothing will spoil it.

Method for preparing cherry wine with a water seal

A water seal is used to be able to remove carbon dioxide from the drink, but prevent oxygen from entering the fermentation tank. In this case, all the steps are the same as those described above to prepare homemade cherry wine. There are some preparation nuances.

After the first days of the stormy process, the wort is filtered, the pulp is squeezed out, and a water seal is installed instead. In this case, the sugar is not poured completely, but in portions.

At first it is 1/12 of the total amount, but after squeezing out the pulp, another 1/3 of sugar is added. After all the manipulations, the remaining sugar is added after 5 days, after which the wort ferments at 20 degrees Celsius.

It is left to ferment for another month and a half, after which the remainder is removed, the cherry wine is filtered, poured into clean vessels and stored in a dark room.

Recipe for homemade dry cherry wine

To make dry cherry wine without adding water, use a bucket (10 liters) of fresh berries with seeds, as well as 4 kg of sugar. The fruits are spilling granulated sugar, placed in a specially prepared container.

After which they place it in the sun for 30-45 days, it is advisable to protect the composition from insects; for this, the neck of the vessel can be covered with gauze and an elastic band. When the process is completed, the cherry wine is filtered using gauze, the fruit is ground with sugar, and the pulp is added to the wort.

It is kept for another 4-5 days under the sun, then filtered again. The drink is stored in its usual place, keeping it for another 2 weeks until fermentation ends. After this, the dry cherry wine is ready and can be served.

Frozen cherry wine

Today, a relevant way to preserve berries and their nutritional value is freezing. After defrosting, you can use cherries to make jam, porridges, and compotes. They are also suitable for cherry wine, for the production of which you will need:

  • 5 kg frozen fruits,
  • 1.5 kg sugar,
  • 3 liters of water,
  • 100 g raisins.

First, the berries are defrosted at room temperature, then they are transferred to a plastic or enamel container and kneaded well. Pour sugar into it, add water, raisins, mix thoroughly, and seal.

Place in a warm room for 8-10 days. During this period, vigorous fermentation will take place; the contents of the container should be stirred daily.

After the process is completed, the wine is filtered, poured into a clean room, quiet fermentation can be used, for this a water seal is installed. After 1.5 months, the drink is filtered, bottled, and then placed in a dark, cool room.

The process of making homemade wine from cherries is not difficult, the main thing is good, strong fruits, a lot of patience and care. As a result, it comes into being aromatic drink who are not ashamed to treat guests at any celebration.

About how to properly serve a drink to the table and how to choose an appetizer to go with a certain type of wine.
