“Royal” gooseberry jam with cherry leaves. Green gooseberry jam with cherry leaves "emerald"

In distant times gooseberry jam royal or royal was considered the most valuable and appeared on the table only according to special occasions, for holidays or for the arrival of important guests. Boil royal jam gooseberries with cherry leaves are troublesome, but the preparation is worth it. It turns out to be a beautiful emerald color, with bright and unique aroma. That's why the dessert is called that. The berries for its preparation are large, slightly unripe, tight and strong.

We give our recipe for royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves in amber format based on 1 kg of green gooseberries - we probably won’t be able to handle any more. This quantity will yield five elegant 350 ml jars of very decent gooseberry jam.

  • Yield: 5 jars of 350 g each

1 kg gooseberries - green, preferably slightly unripe

1.5 kg sugar

500 ml water

cherry leaves 30-50 pcs (this is from one small branch :-))

half a teaspoon of citric acid, optional

if desired, additional vanilla pod (vanillin, vanilla sugar)

or star anise

1 These are the main figures in our royal jam.

2 Wash the gooseberries and cherry leaves thoroughly. We separate the leaves from the branches, put them in a saucepan and fill them with water (half a liter). Boil the cherry leaves in water for 1 minute from the moment of boiling. A fragrant olive-colored decoction is formed.

3 Let the decoction infuse. As soon as it cools down to room temperature- in the refrigerator. And we are faced with the most painstaking stage of preparing the royal jam - preparing the berries. This is done in different ways, and you will need a tool for trimming the spouts and tails (it’s convenient to take nail scissors) and “gutting” the berries. We have a manicure-size spatula for removing pits, which we use exclusively in the kitchen, including for removing pits from cherries, cherry plums, etc. It is ideal for removing seeds from gooseberries. You can use a pin, a hairpin, make a loop out of metal wire - whatever is convenient for you, but of course, maintaining sterility. First, we decide how we will get to the seeds. It is practiced to use a small sharp knife with a thin blade to cut off the tip of the berry from the “spout” side or to cut the berries lengthwise, opening them like shells. We prefer to cut off the tip, this way the berries in the jam retain their shape better, and we also save time on cutting off the “spouts”. This is how we deal with each berry, selecting the seeds with part of the pulp into a clean bowl, and putting the peeled berries in a pan intended for making jam.

4 Gradually, as quickly as you can handle it (and we warned you :-)) all the berries will end up in the pan. Fill them with a decoction of cherry leaves that has cooled and steeped while we peeled the berries and put them in the refrigerator for several hours (or overnight).

5 We don’t throw away the leaves yet; we cover the gooseberries with them while they are infused in the decoction. We also do not throw away the pulp of the berries that was extracted from them along with the seeds and the cut off spouts (in the same place, in the refrigerator). It is worth adding it to the syrup during the first cooking - the pulp, like the shell of the berries, contains pectin (a gel-forming substance of plant origin), which ensures the thickness of the jam. Only after this you will have to strain the syrup through a sieve to get rid of the seeds again. This is our trick for thickening the jam, if you don’t want to mess around, you can skip it

6 So, the next morning, our berries, taken out of the refrigerator, look extremely nourished with a decoction of cherry leaves and are still completely green.

7 Throw away the leaves, pour the broth into another pan, and let the berries warm up to room temperature so that they don’t get heat shock when poured with hot syrup

8 Prepare the syrup. Add the reserved pulp extracted from the gooseberries to the decoction of the leaves, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, then strain and rub through a sieve. The broth is already gaining some thickness

9 Add sugar to the broth.

10 And bring to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes to completely dissolve the sugar crystals.

11 Pour hot aromatic syrup over gooseberries that have warmed to room temperature.

12 After this, forget about the jam for 5-6 hours. Let it sit somewhere where it doesn’t interfere too much with other culinary activities and cool down. The gooseberries will gradually become saturated with syrup, becoming increasingly bulky and transparent. Resign yourself to the fact that a pot of royal jam will loom in your kitchen for two to three days, since it will need to be boiled (bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes) from three to eight times until the syrup is thick and the berries are transparent gooseberries will not reach “royal” parameters. You can limit yourself to one or two intermediate cookings, and you will have this green, but liquid jam.

13 We prefer it thick and viscous, so we cook it several times. In fact, it is not difficult and does not take much time, as long as the company of the pan does not bother you too much. . The intervals between cooking can be from three to eight hours, as is convenient for you and when you find a free five minutes for the next cooking. There is no need to put the jam in the refrigerator during downtime; the concentration of sugar in the syrup is such that the jam will not sour even in the heat. You cannot cover the pan with a lid - the syrup must evaporate the moisture as it cools. If there is a problem with flies, cover the pan with gauze in one layer. It is prohibited to stir the jam with a spoon while cooking or cooling. You can only tilt it in different directions and shake the pan so that the berries are evenly washed with syrup. These are the nuances

14 This time we boiled the jam only four times until we were satisfied with its thickness. For the fifth time, we boiled the jam longer without boiling, for 15 minutes, as usual before putting it into jars.

15 Jars and lids for storing jam should be cleanly washed and sterilized with steam, boiling water or in the oven at 100 degrees, and it is a good idea to let the jam cool slightly before laying it out so that the berries in the jars do not float to the neck, but are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume. Screw on the lids. Here is the “royal” jam, rate it

This is how we make gooseberry jam with cherry leaves. By the way, if you want more flavor, you can immerse new fresh cherry leaves in the syrup during the last cooking, only fewer than at the beginning of cooking - cherry aroma noticeably perked up. The leaves are usually removed before putting the jam into jars. If you want a different, stronger aroma, also add during the last cooking, and when putting into jars, remove a vanilla pod, or star anise, or a little lemon or orange zest. Before packing into jars, taste the jam - if the gooseberry acid itself is not enough, then you should add a little lemon, it will also slightly lighten the jam, make it brighter and act as a preservative. What else? And so, as usual, it’s too detailed, but those who read to the end will definitely make the jam as it should be - thick, aromatic, with whole translucent berries shining with amber. Good luck and patience! We will also cook other “royal” ones - it’s time to come up with some less hackneyed term to denote the highest quality of the product. Any ideas?

The title of royal gooseberry jam was given according to its merits.

This berry is full of magnesium, iron, vitamin C and potassium, it is useful for vascular diseases and for preventing the functioning of all circulatory system. But the most important thing is that the delicacy is extremely tasty. There are several interpretations of royal jam.

Royal Emerald gooseberry jam

Sometimes this jam is also called emerald jam, since its preparation requires unripe berries. But at the same time, the gooseberries must be first-class - whole and dense berries. We take products in the following quantities:

  • Berries – 1 jar (1 l);
  • Granulated sugar – 1 liter jar;
  • Water – 0.4 l.

The first step is to sort and sort the berries. Best gooseberry Wash well and carefully cut off the stems and stems of each berry. It is convenient to do this using nail scissors. Next, we rinse it again and pierce each berry with a toothpick in several places. Yes, there is a lot of hassle with this jam, but that’s why it’s royal.

Now we need to cook sweet syrup for royal emerald gooseberry jam. We take it for this enamel pan and bring the water to a boil. Then dissolve sugar in it. Pour more boiling syrup over the gooseberries and leave for 5 hours. After the time has passed, pour the syrup from the berries back into the pan and boil again. Now pour in the berries for the second time and leave to infuse.

After another 5 hours, we boil the syrup for the third time and send it with the berries to boil on the stove after boiling for about 15 minutes. Then we put the still boiling jam into jars. They need to be washed and sterilized in advance. We roll up the jars with the delicacy and set them aside until they cool completely, turning them upside down.

Royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

Cherry leaves give the delicacy a special aroma and taste. To make jam with them you need to take:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • 2-3 sprigs of cherry leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

This amount of ingredients will be needed to prepare approximately 3 half-liter jars. The berries also need to be sorted and washed well so that only perfect berries remain. Gooseberries can also be de-seeded by making partial cuts and removing the core using a pin or a special wire with an aluminum loop.

After this, wash the gooseberries again and pour them into the pan. We also wash the cherry leaves for royal gooseberry jam and add them to the berries. The leaves not only add a special aroma, but also preserve the emerald green hue of the jam. Leave the ingredients filled with water to steep for 5-6 hours.

Then we drain the water into a separate bowl, and place the gooseberries in a colander. Prepare syrup from infused water - you will need 2 tbsp. for 1 kg of berries. To do this, add sugar to the pan with the broth and place the container on the fire. Bring the syrup to a boil at medium temperature, stirring the sugar crystals as you go. When it boils, you need to boil for about 5 minutes over low heat.

Place the berries in the boiling syrup and leave for about 3-4 hours. We repeat this procedure several times until the jam is ready. This will take approximately 3-4 boils of 5 minutes each. It takes about 4 hours to cool down after each boil. That's it, the delicacy is ready for corking or drinking tea.

Royal gooseberry jam with walnuts

Even more healthy, and with a special twist, you can make royal gooseberry jam with the addition of walnuts. For the recipe you will need:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • Nuts - to taste;
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.

The berries for this recipe are large, of the same variety and color, preferably green. We wash the gooseberries and remove the stems and skin. For the last procedure, you need to cut the berry on the side with a knife and squeeze out its contents, leaving the skins intact. Grind the peeled gooseberries through a sieve, also getting rid of the seeds. We send the mass to the stove for water bath by adding sugar.

Heat the puree until all the sugar has dissolved. Then you need to “pack” pieces of walnuts into the remaining berry skins. Stuffed gooseberries are dipped in prepared syrup. Boil the “stuffed” berries for 5 minutes in several approaches. After each cooking, the mass will need to be cooled. The result is an amazing royal emerald jam.

Tsar's gooseberry jam with vodka

The recipe for gooseberry jam with cherry leaves can be slightly modified by adding vodka to the ingredients. To prepare we take:

  • Berries – 1 kg;
  • Cherry leaves – 100 g;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Vodka – 50 ml;
  • Vanilla – ½ tsp;
  • 5 tbsp. water.

We wash the berries and cut off their tails. To ensure that the consistency of the jam is uniform and pleasant to the taste, you need to remove the seeds from the berries. Bay cold water Leave the processed gooseberries for 6 hours. Now we drain the water. We also wash the cherry leaves and then place them in a saucepan.

We also pour 5 tbsp there. water and place on the stove, turning on medium heat. Add to the container and citric acid to add sourness to the dish. When the water boils, boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Place the leaves in a colander and add sugar to the broth. Place the broth on the stove again and boil until all the sugar crystals have dissolved.

Now it’s time for vodka, which we pour into the boiling broth along with vanilla, mixing well. Pour the prepared syrup over the berries and leave for about 15 minutes, then pour it back into the saucepan and boil for another 10 minutes when the mixture boils. After boiling the berries, put the finished jam into jars and seal. The royal gooseberry jam with vodka is ready! We store the delicacy in the cellar, and in winter we enjoy an amazing and delicious dessert.

Gooseberry jam in a slow cooker

Today, home helpers can cook almost anything. Even gooseberry jam can be easily prepared in a slow cooker. To do this you need to take:

  • Berries – 0.7 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.8 kg;
  • Water – 600 ml.

Any multicooker that has a “jam” or “multi-cook” function is suitable for preparing delicacies. Next, you need to weigh the main ingredients and measure out the water so that the amount exactly matches what is stated in the recipe. The gooseberries are filled with cold water for half an hour to “soak” the berries from dark spots, dirt and plaque.

We clean the soaked gooseberries from plaque and cut off the tails from them, after which each berry is cut into two halves. Now you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, add boiled or purified water to the sugar in the multicooker bowl and set it to the “multi-cook” mode. The syrup preparation time is 5 minutes, and the temperature is 160°C.

During this time, the sugar crystals will completely dissolve and the water will boil. Pour gooseberries into the prepared sweet syrup and set for another 25 minutes at the same temperature in multicooker mode. There is no need to close the multicooker.

In the process, remove the resulting foam using a wooden spatula. During cooking, the berries will soften, and only the necessary moisture will remain in the syrup. When the “multi-cook” program turns off, you can put the jam in jars and roll up the lids. The workpieces are cooled upside down, after which they are sent to a cool place for storage.

Gooseberries: five-minute jam

As you know, five-minute gooseberry jam is the fastest to prepare, but you need to remember to follow correct ratio sugar and berries so that the delicacy stands for the required amount of time without swelling. To do this we take:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg (minimum 0.5 kg);
  • 150-200 ml of berry juice (any).

To prepare this quick jam It is better to take unripe gooseberries. This is explained by the fact that the skin is still quite dense, and the seeds are soft, light and not yet sour.

Mix berry juice or syrup with sugar. After this, we get down to preparing the berries. The gooseberries need to be thoroughly washed and the stems and stalks cut off. Pour the finished berries into berry syrup and put it on the stove, covering it with a lid. After bringing the mixture to a boil, reduce the mixture so that the jam does not boil, but warms up well for about 5 minutes.

After heating for five minutes, put the jam into jars and seal. Naturally, the jars must first be sterilized and dried.

Amber gooseberry jam

Add a little gooseberry jam to the large quantity sugar, you can get a precious-colored delicacy. For cooking amber jam from gooseberries you need to take:

  • Berries – 1 kg;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 300 mg water.

The gooseberries are washed well and cleared of tails and stalks. Then you need to cut each berry in half and squeeze out all the pulp. In a saucepan, pour the berry mass without skins with water and boil on the stove for about 10 minutes. After this, filter the mixture and grind it to get rid of the seeds.

Mix the berry broth with sugar and stir. Now put the sweet broth back on the fire to boil for 15 minutes. Next, pour this mixture over our gooseberries and leave for 8 hours. After the time has passed, pour the liquid into the pan and boil again for about 15 minutes, after which we return it to the berries for another 8 hours. The last time the jam is cooked for 15 minutes, after which it is divided into prepared jars and twisted.

Gooseberry and kiwi jam

Real vitamin bomb, and even with an amazing taste, can be prepared from the same gooseberries with the addition of sweet aromatic kiwi. For this recipe for gooseberry and kiwi jam you will need:

  • Ripe gooseberries – 300 g;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Kiwi – 1 pc.

We wash the berries under running water and then remove the unwanted tails. Pour the finished berries into a bowl and add sugar. While the gooseberries steep and release their juice, peel the kiwi. Please note for more rich taste jam, take a ripe kiwi fruit. Cut the fruit pulp into small cubes and add it to the gooseberries, covered with sugar.

Pour water into it and send the mixture to the fire. After the contents of the bowl boil, reduce the heat to low. Cook the delicacy over low heat for 40-50 minutes. We put the finished jam into the jars after it has cooled completely. The result will exceed all expectations - the jam will come out bright green with specks of black due to the kiwi seeds. And the taste will be both sweet and sour. Bon appetit!

Gooseberry jam with whole berries

Sometimes you want to make jam so that all the gooseberries remain safe and sound. To prevent them from overcooking or even cracking, you need to adhere to next recipe. To prepare gooseberry jam with whole berries you need to take:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • Water – 0.5 l.

You can immediately prepare the jars for seaming. Next, we move on to preparing the berries - we sort out the gooseberries and rinse them, throwing them in a colander. After all the water has drained, you need to prick each berry separately with a needle. This will help them remain intact during heat treatment. In addition, the berries will retain not only their shape, but also their taste.

Next, place the gooseberries in a saucepan, add sugar there and set aside. After 8 hours, you need to pour water into the pan and stir the mass. Place the saucepan on the stove and cook the syrup for low heat until all the sugar has dissolved. Then remove from the stove and leave the gooseberries in sugar syrup for 20 minutes.

Now we put the mixture on the fire a second time and let it boil. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface, immediately remove and place the jam in jars. Twisting tin lids, we send the cooled pieces to the cellar for the winter.

Gooseberry jam through a meat grinder

To make the jam thicker, and to speed up the cooking process, Quittin can also be used in the recipe for the twisted delicacy. And for flavor, add raspberries, blackberries or strawberries. So, for gooseberry jam, we take the following products through a meat grinder:

  • Gooseberries - 3 tbsp.;
  • Sugar – 3.5-4 tbsp;
  • Vanilla - to taste;
  • Raspberries – 1 tbsp..

We sort the berries, remove debris and wash them. When the water drains from the berries, put them in a meat grinder or blender, turning them into a puree. Then mix the mixture in a bowl with sugar. In this case, the dishes should be enameled and the spatula made of wood. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave the sugar puree for 4 hours. During this time, the mass needs to be mixed a couple of times.

After time, add raspberries and vanilla to the ingredients and mix lightly, shaking the bowl from side to side. Now you can put the container with the berry mixture on the stove, bringing it to a boil. Then the jam is cooked for only 5 minutes. You can periodically remove the foam. Having completed the cooking stage, the jam is put into jars and sent for storage.

Gooseberry jam with gelatin

For greater thickness, you can add a gelling agent to the treat. For the recipe for gooseberry jam with gelatin you will need:

  • Berries – 1 kg;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • Water – 250 ml;
  • Gelatin – 100 g;
  • Vanilla – 1 stick.

As with any other recipe, the first step is to prepare the berries. It is recommended to take unripe gooseberries. We sort the berries, removing debris and leaves and then washing them. Place water in a saucepan with sugar on the stove. When the syrup boils, add the berries to the container and, reducing the heat, cook for 10 minutes. After this, you need to let the delicacy cool.

Add vanilla and gelatin to the already cooled berries. Place the pan on the stove over high heat again and, when the mixture boils, cook for 4 minutes. At the same time, the jam must be stirred all the time. Then we put the still hot delicacy into sterilized jars and roll it up. That's it, the dish is ready!

Gooseberry jam in a bread maker

It is much easier to cook using modern miracle technology. So, you can even make gooseberry jam in a bread maker. This will free up a lot of time, which will be useful for other important things - we have so many of them! For cooking we take:

  • Gooseberries – 450 g;
  • Sugar – 450 g;
  • 25 g lemon.

Cooking couldn't be easier. Gooseberries need to be sorted, leaves, tails and small debris removed, and then rinsed in running water. When the berries, drained in a colander, are dry, pour them into the bowl of the bread machine. Now we prepare the lemon - you need to wash it and chop it, cutting it into thin strips. We don’t peel the peel, it also goes into the jam, but we remove the seeds.

Cover the gooseberries with lemon straws and sugar. Now we place the bowl in the bread maker and set the “jam” mode. That's it, your help in the kitchen is no longer needed. The electric assistant will handle the rest itself. When the jam is ready, your “cook” will notify you with a sound signal. All that remains is to distribute the treat among the prepared jars and roll it up.

Jam with gooseberries and cinnamon

Agrus jam tastes a little like grape jam. You can add a special flavor to the treat by adding cinnamon. To prepare an unusual aromatic gooseberry jam with cinnamon we take:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • Cinnamon – 5 g;
  • Water – 1/2 cup;
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.

We sort the gooseberries, wash them and remove the stems and stems. Place the washed berries in a colander to drain. Then each berry needs to be cut in half separately. Place the chopped gooseberries in a saucepan and cover with granulated sugar. Pour the prepared water into it and leave it there for a day to obtain juice from the berries.

The next day, add cinnamon to the pan, mix everything well and put it on the stove. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling, stirring all the time berry jam wooden spatula. Then, turning off the heat, leave the jam to cool to room temperature.

Now you need to boil the already cooled jam again. This time the pan is on the stove for about 15 minutes. During this time, we also stir the mass. After the second cooking, the delicacy cools completely. Now you can put it into jars. The jam is stored either in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Black gooseberry jam: five minutes

Despite the fact that gooseberries are sour and tart berries, they make excellent jam. It's also useful. And you don’t have to cook it in several batches and spend more than one day in the kitchen. You can make five-minute jam from black gooseberries. To do this we take:

  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Black gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • Water – 1.2 tbsp. (can be replaced with apple juice).

We wash the berries and place them in a colander. We also clean the gooseberries from stalks and tails. Now pour the sugar in the pan with water (juice). Each berry needs to be pierced with a needle (preferably a toothpick). To save time, you can simply crush the gooseberries gently. Then pour the berries into a saucepan with sugar syrup and put on fire.

The mass needs to be heated to 90°C, no more. At the same time, make sure that the berries with sugar do not stick to the bottom and burn. To do this, you need to stir the contents of the pan all the time. As soon as the berries have warmed up enough, turn off the stove and let the gooseberries stand for about 5 minutes. During this time, periodically stir the contents.

Now you can put the jam into jars (sterilized) and seal iron lids. Bon appetit!

Gooseberry jam with jellyfix

Thick jam can be made not only with gelatin. For this, it is also ideal to use zhelfix - a special natural-based gelling agent. It comes in two types: in a ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 (twice as much fruit as sugar). Natural pectin will preserve the natural taste and external characteristics of the berries, while saving granulated sugar and preserving all vitamins.

Ingredients for gooseberry jam with jellyfix:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • Zhelfix 1:1 – 1 sachet (20 g);
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

We sort the berries, wash them and pour them into the pan. You can leave the gooseberries whole, or you can grind them in a blender or in a meat grinder. Set the pan with berry puree aside. Next, mix the gelfix with a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Pour them into a saucepan and put everything on the stove, stirring. When the mixture boils, add the remaining sugar. After stirring, bring to a boil again and cook for a couple of minutes. After this, remove the foam from above and pour the thick jam into sterilized, dry, clean jars. Cooled jam resembles real marmalade or jelly. You can even spread it on bread. Enjoy your tea!

Pearl gooseberry jam

This jam may be familiar under other names, for example, it is also called royal jam. The highlight, or rather the pearl, in the recipe is filling the gooseberries with walnuts. To prepare the treat you need to take:

  • Gooseberries (green, unripe) – 1/2 kg;
  • Nuts (walnuts) – 250-300 g;
  • Water – 1/2 l;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Star anise – 1-2 stars.

The washed gooseberries need to be sorted and the stalks removed from the berries. Then carefully, without damaging the berry itself, remove the core with seeds from the gooseberry. Now the hardest part - you need to stuff each berry with a piece of nut kernel. When the jewelry work is finished, set the berries aside and prepare the syrup.

Mix sugar and water in a saucepan and put them on the stove. Cook until completely dissolved sugar crystals over low heat. The syrup should be transparent. Pour more hot syrup over our stuffed gooseberries, leaving them to steep overnight. The next day, add star anise to the pan with the ingredients and put it on the fire again.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and immediately remove. Let the jam sit for a while, then you can take out the star anise and pour the pearl delicacy into jars. There should be about 3 jars of 0.5 liters each.

Gooseberry jam with shadberry

Gooseberries can be slightly shaded with the sugary serviceberry berry, which will create a special unique taste. To make this unusual jam you will need:

  • Gooseberries – 1 kg;
  • Irga – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 400 g.

We wash the berries under running water and sort them, removing twigs, stalks and leaves. To prepare, take a pan with thick walls and a bottom. We put a layer of shadberry in it, on top of which we pour half of the sugar. The next layer is gooseberries, which are also sprinkled with the remaining half of the sugar on top.

So the berries sit for about an hour, releasing juice. Then put the pan on the fire, pour water into it, and wait for it to boil. After this, reduce the heat and cook for 40 minutes, stirring the jam occasionally. At this stage, you can adjust the sweetness of the treat. You can add lemon juice 15 minutes before the end of cooking if you want a more sour jam.

When the finished jam has cooled to room temperature, it can be poured into sterilized jars and sealed. Enjoy your tea!

Gooseberries are a treasure trove useful substances: magnesium, iron and other components. It also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid). So jam made from gooseberries is not only tasty, but also healthy. People usually call it “royal”. When prepared correctly, the dish has an emerald hue and a rich taste.

Buying berries, each good hostess wishes to preserve the natural taste and aroma of berries. The jam is in a great way gooseberries for future use, however, despite the prevalence of this storage method, not every housewife will be able to prepare the dish correctly.

What should you not miss?! Usually, to prepare compote and gooseberry jam, take its ripe fruits. But in order to prepare emerald jam, you should use slightly unripe, but large and beautiful berries.

Green gooseberry jam with cherry leaves is considered a traditional Russian dish, and it was prepared for Catherine the Second. That is why the second name of the jam is royal. The cook who prepared it received a truly “royal” gift - a precious ring. The delight of Catherine the Second is quite understandable. The use of cherry leaves gives the jam an unusual, refined taste and aroma. Most often it is brewed in the summer. In particular, this is due to the availability of berries on the market, and also to the fact that it is in the summer that housewives make twists for the winter. A jar of jam with an unusual, fabulous taste will delight anyone in the cold winter.

The total jam preparation time is about three hours.

Ingredients for jam

All necessary ingredients should be prepared in advance in a strictly specified quantity. The components of jam are not rare and are sold at any market or even retail store:

Unripe gooseberries - about 5 standard glasses.
Sugar – 7 glasses.
Cherry leaves picked from a tree - 50 - 60 pieces.
Water – 3 glasses.
Vodka – 50 ml.

You can add walnuts and other fruits to taste. However, in classic recipe one gooseberry is used. Although jam with walnuts is also called royal jam. Considering medicinal properties walnut, we can say with confidence that jam with it will also become healthier.

Stages of making jam


First you need to wash and sort the berries well, dry them and remove seeds and stems. The easiest way to do this is to make a neat cut in the middle and pull out the seed with a teaspoon. It is necessary to take care of a reserve of free time, because just cleaning the seeds can take more than an hour.

After cleaning the berries, you need to collect them all in large dishes and sprinkle with vodka. It is necessary to ensure that each berry is wrapped in film. After this, you should keep the gooseberries in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
To give the jam an unusual taste, you can stuff the peeled berries with walnuts.

You can put the peeled gooseberries aside and start preparing the syrup.

It is also necessary to thoroughly wash and sterilize the jars in which the finished jam will be rolled. If this rule is not followed, all workpieces may deteriorate.

First stage of preparation

Cherry leaves are added to the water, the medicinal properties of which are very valuable in themselves. There should be about 50 of them. The remaining ten will come in handy later. All this should be put on low heat and boiled. It is very important to always keep the heat on medium or even low so as not to “burn” the jam. It is advisable to use enamel dishes for cooking, thoroughly washed. Leaves and berries should be boiled thoroughly to avoid further fermentation or even mold. Then the peeled fruits are poured with hot broth and cooled. There is no need to put the mixture in the refrigerator. Cooling should occur gradually, under temperature conditions close to room temperature. After cooling, you can put the broth in the refrigerator overnight.

This completes the initial stage.

Second stage of preparation

In the morning, you need to pour two glasses of broth from the pan into syrup. The rest can be poured out. The leaves are also thrown away.

The syrup is easy to prepare, but requires care. You can’t mess up the ingredients, otherwise the result won’t be what you expected.

Sugar is added to the broth and the mixture is placed on medium heat. The mixture must be brought to a boil, then add the infused gooseberries.

After this you need to boil for 15 minutes. The berries should become transparent. During the cooking process, you need to make sure that the foam does not escape from the pan and remove it. However, the jam itself should be stirred as little as possible, because the berries can be damaged.

5 minutes before the final cooking process, add all the remaining cherry leaves. The sugar should completely dissolve in the syrup without leaving any lumps.

Final stage

To check if the jam is ready, you need to put a little syrup on a plate. If the mass does not spread after cooling, then everything is prepared correctly. If the jam lacks flavor, you can add 1 gram of vanillin.

For beauty, you can put one leaf in each jar, and then pour in the syrup. After bottling, all jars must be covered with a blanket and kept warm for several hours.

The jam should be consumed after a couple or three weeks. During this period of time, berries and nuts, if, of course, they were added, give a special taste and aroma.

Benefits of gooseberry jam

Gooseberries and jam made from them will be very useful for those people who suffer from anemia and severe allergies, and also have disturbances in the working process of the digestive system. Why? Berry pectin helps cleanse the body of harmful substances, accumulated in it.

Gooseberries also help cleanse the body of accumulated radioactive compounds.

Features of preparing emerald gooseberry jam

Serve emerald gooseberry jam with cherry leaves only as a dessert. This dessert is perfect as an addition to lunch or dinner.

The recipe clearly states that only a small amount is suitable for cooking. ripe berries. This rule should be followed in order to get real royal jam. After all, the emerald color and sourness are imparted to the jam precisely by the unripe berries.

Every housewife wants to add her own nuances to the recipe. Some people start putting the berries in boiling syrup, others mix them with granulated sugar and only then put them on the stove, mixing them with water...

In any case, the dessert dish turns out very tasty, rich, and healthy.

Tsar's jam is a delicious and healthy dessert, the basis of which is gooseberries. You can prepare such a delicacy different ways. We will present you only simple and popular recipes.

Tsarskoe with cherry leaves

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a dessert. But to get very delicious jam, you must comply with all the requirements described below. By the way, this delicacy takes quite a long time to prepare. It is boiled, infused in syrup, boiled again, infused, etc. These actions should be carried out at least 4-5 times.

What products do you need to purchase to make royal jam? The recipe for this dessert requires the following:

  • drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • green gooseberries - 1.6 kg;
  • coarse sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • freshly picked cherry leaves - about 20 pcs.

Preparing the components

How should you make royal jam? The recipe for this dessert requires the use of green berries. Unripe gooseberries are very hard and have a pleasant sourness. It makes quite tasty emerald-colored jam.

Before preparing the dessert, unripe green berries are peeled from the stems and washed thoroughly. Next, each gooseberry is cut and the seeds are carefully removed.

As a result of these actions, you should get approximately 1 kg of peeled berries. They are placed in a deep bowl and layered with cherry leaves. In this form, the product is poured with cold water and left to infuse for 5 or 6 hours. Such processing will give the berries a special strength and aroma, and will also help preserve their green color.

Preparation of syrup

Before making royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves, the berries, soaked in water, are discarded in a colander and left in this form for several minutes. After this, the strained liquid is placed on the stove and brought to a boil. Added to water granulated sugar, boil the syrup for about 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

Making jam

How should you prepare royal jam? After the syrup is ready, the berries are dipped into it, stirred thoroughly, boiled for 3 minutes, and then removed from the stove, covered with newspaper and left in this form for 3 hours.

After keeping the gooseberries in the syrup, they are put back on the fire and boiled for about 7 minutes (the countdown should begin from the moment the syrup boils). After this, the jam is again left under the newspaper, but for 6 hours. After time has passed, the gooseberries are boiled again (about 5 minutes) and removed from the heat.

These actions should be performed about 4-5 times. Such procedures will help obtain thick emerald-colored jam.

How to roll?

After the royal jam is prepared, it is poured hot into small sterilized jars and immediately covered with boiled lids. Having sealed the containers, they are turned upside down, covered with a thick blanket and left in this position until they cool completely. After this, the royal jam is put into the refrigerator or underground. You can use it after a few days. This dessert is ideal for making sweet sandwiches or regular tea drinking.

Making gooseberry jam “Tsarskoe with nuts”

If you are not ready to devote a lot of time to preparing such a dessert, then we suggest using a simplified recipe. To implement it at home we will need:

  • drinking water - about 1 glass;
  • green gooseberries - 1.5 kg;
  • fine sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • freshly picked cherry leaves - about 20 pcs.;
  • peeled walnuts - 100 g.

Processing of berries and nuts

As in the previous recipe, royal jam with walnuts should be prepared using green berries. They are cleaned of tails, discarded in a colander and washed thoroughly in hot water. The seeds should not be removed from the berries.

As for walnuts, they are sorted and washed thoroughly. To obtain a more aromatic and rich jam this product fried in a frying pan. In this case, the nut kernels are crushed into fairly large crumbs.

Cooking syrup

To cook the syrup, you must use regular drinking water. Place freshly picked cherry leaves in it and boil over high heat for about 5 minutes. Next, take out the greens, add granulated sugar into the pan and cook again for about 7 minutes. In this case, the syrup is regularly stirred with a spoon.

Making jam

How should you prepare royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves? After sugar syrup When it thickens, add all the berries to it and mix well. After keeping the ingredients on low heat for about 7 minutes, remove them from the stove and leave at room temperature until completely cooled. Next, the dishes with gooseberries are placed on the stove again and cooked for half an hour. At the same time, the jam is stirred regularly big spoon so that it doesn't burn. This should be done extremely carefully so that the berries do not become deformed.

Final stage

As soon as the emerald gooseberry jam thickens, it is put into jars, onto the bottom of which several cherry tree leaves are placed in advance (pre-scald with boiling water). In this form, the berry dessert is rolled up with boiled lids and left under a thick blanket for several hours.

After the gooseberry jam has cooled, it is put into the refrigerator or underground. It can only be consumed after several weeks. During this time, the berry dessert will be saturated with the aromas of roasted walnuts and will become richer and more delicious.

Why can't you use ripe gooseberries?

The finished royal jam has a pleasant and slight sourness. Unripe gooseberries give these properties to the dessert. If you use ripe berries to prepare this delicacy, the taste will be completely different. Therefore, we recommend using only green gooseberries. By the way, it can be put into syrup either in its whole form or pre-processed (without the inner part). Some cooks place pieces of walnuts inside peeled gooseberries. As a result of such preparation of berries, you will definitely get real royal jam, which will be appreciated by all members of your family.

Cooking features

Now you know how to prepare green gooseberry jam. It can be done in different ways. Some people put the berries in already boiling syrup, while others mix them with sugar and only then put them on the stove, adding a little water. In any case, no matter which method you choose, if you prepare the jam correctly, you will definitely get a tasty and very healthy dessert.

Tsarskoe, emerald, imperial, royal, all this is gooseberry jam, there are a wide variety of recipes for the winter, from the cold method, to jam with walnuts or oranges.

The berry is common in our gardens, although already somewhat forgotten. Most likely because of its thorns. But now many varieties have already been developed that are convenient to process, which either have no thorns at all or are soft and difficult to get hurt by.

Gooseberries are very useful for anemia and anemia; they are able to remove heavy metals and other radiation decay items from the body.

In the northern grapes, as gooseberries are called for their sweet taste and tolerance to frost, in addition to vitamins C and B, there are also a lot of substances that are very necessary for the body:

  • Cobalt
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Sodium
  • Manganese

And also Flavonoids, tannins and organic acids. At the right process making jam, almost all of them are preserved and support our health all year round.

For royalty, gooseberry jam was prepared in a special way, by removing the seeds from the berries so that they remained almost whole. Even now, some craftswomen make gooseberry jam, filling each berry with ground walnuts. But this, of course, is a delight.

Ripe or slightly unripe berries are suitable for cooking, for those who like them with sourness. Picking gooseberries is always long and painstaking; you need to cut off not only the inflorescences, but also the tails that hold the berries on the branches. Gooseberries also have a very difficult time releasing juice and absorbing syrup; remember how thick their skin is. Therefore, for some recipes it is recommended to prick each berry with a toothpick.

The utensils for making gooseberry jam should be used, as for other berries, made of stainless steel. Banks must be prepared using any convenient sterilization method.

Gooseberry jam, recipes

Royal gooseberry jam

History is silent about whether this is the same jam or not, but it tastes pretty good.

For it you need to take:

  • A kilo of unripe berries
  • A kilo of granulated sugar
  • One hundred grams of cherry leaves, fresh
  • A teaspoon of lemon
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla
  • Two glasses of water

How to cook:

We sort out the lightly green berries, cut off the stems and, cutting them in half, remove the seeds. Fill them with cold water and let them sit in the refrigerator overnight.

The next morning, let the water drain, pour the gooseberries into a colander and wait until as much as possible remains less water. Transfer it to a bowl and add 50 grams of cherry leaves.

In a separate bowl, fill the other half of the cherry leaves with water and cook for five minutes, just don’t overcook it. Strain the broth, add sugar and cook the syrup, at the end add vanillin and lemon.

You need to pour the boiling syrup into the berries with cherry leaves and let it sit for about fifteen minutes. Then strain the syrup into the same pan where it was boiled and boil it again. Pour it over the berries again, but this time put them on the stove and cook for about ten minutes until they become transparent.

Then the pan with jam should be immediately lowered into a bowl of ice water to cool it immediately. All that remains is to roll it into jars and store it in a cool place.

Gooseberry jam with lemon

What we will need:

  • A kilo of gooseberries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • One medium lemon

How to cook:

Here you will also have to tinker with the berries. First we wash them, then we cut off the tails, and then we pierce them with a toothpick. Fill the clean berries with water until they are just covered. We leave them in this form for five hours, preferably in the refrigerator.

Then pour this water, in which the berries were soaked, into a saucepan. Pour all the sugar in there at once and start cooking the syrup. Meanwhile, grind the lemon and peel in a meat grinder.

Place the lemon mixture into the boiling syrup and add the berries. Cook for five or seven minutes, then let cool. Then we boil again for five or seven minutes and cool again. When we repeat the whole process for the third time, at the end we put the jam into jars.

Jam with walnuts

This recipe is also often called royal or royal. The taste is unusual.

For it you need to take:

  • Two kilos of berries
  • Half a kilo of walnuts
  • Two and a half kilos of sugar
  • A glass of honey, better than lime

How to cook:

Wash the berries and free them from the stalks and tails, cover them with sugar for half a day, don’t forget to stir and see how much juice they release.

While the berries are infused, we prepare the walnuts; they need to be poured with boiling water for about 10 minutes, then rinsed well with running water and laid out on a towel to dry. Cut into small pieces and lightly fry.

When the gooseberries have released enough juice, the container with the berries can be transferred to the stove and begin to heat slowly. Pour honey there and add nuts, stir and wait until it boils. Let it simmer for exactly fifteen minutes, then finished form pack into jars.

Emerald gooseberry jam

What we will prepare for him:

  • A kilo of gooseberries
  • Kilo of sugar
  • Two oranges
  • One lemon

How to cook:

It's beautiful and very healthy jam not cooked. Therefore, we wash everything very well. Several berries, cut off all the tails. I wash citrus fruits for jam with a brush and soda. Also, do not forget to sterilize jars with lids and all utensils in which we will cook. Just pour boiling water over it.

The berries need to be drained thoroughly. Pass lemon, oranges and gooseberries through a meat grinder, add sugar and stir. Leave it like this for half a day, preferably in the refrigerator. You need to stir more often so that all the sugar dissolves. Then put them in jars and seal them.

Gooseberry jelly jam

We really like it and prepare it without any problems, since I cook it in a slow cooker.

We will need:

  • A kilo of berries
  • Kilo of sugar

How to cook:

We prepare the berries, that is, we wash them and remove the stems. pour sugar directly into the bowl and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then we turn it on to the stew mode and cook for an hour. Grind the finished, still hot jam using an immersion blender and immediately pack it into jars.

Gooseberry jam – delicious homemade dessert, which can be added to any sweet pastries or used in pure form with tea.

A delicacy with such a sonorous name - royal jam is made from gooseberries. This amazing dessert... great alternative store-bought sweets, which, in addition to the unusual taste, also boasts a lot of useful substances in its composition. This jam, served with warm pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes, will be highly appreciated by all household members, young and old. In winter, this homely, one might say, old recipe will remind you of summer, and the aroma of sweet green berries is so attractive that it is simply impossible to resist it.

Today, housewives cook this wonderful dish much less often than before, so gooseberry jam recipes are capable of causing real surprise among tasters due to its amazing, incomparable taste. Making unrivaled gooseberry jam is not difficult: a little time and effort - and the green berries will turn into an emerald delicacy. You can diversify the dish by adding ingredients such as blackberries, blueberries, citrus fruits, nuts or spices.

Gooseberry jam recipes

Recipe 1. Gooseberry jam with oranges

Ingredients: 1500 g gooseberries, 820 g orange, 1550 g sugar.

Wash the citrus fruits thoroughly. Cut into pieces of any shape without peeling. Remove the seeds during the cutting process. Wash the gooseberries, cutting off the stems. First transfer the chopped citrus fruits into a deep bowl, then add the gooseberries. Grind with an immersion blender or in a meat grinder. Mix the gooseberry-orange mixture with sugar. Let it sit for about three hours. Over low heat, let the mixture boil in an enamel bowl, stirring regularly. After removing from the stove, leave for 5.5 hours. Then boil for about 11 minutes. Immediately transfer to sterilized jars of not very large volume. Roll up with tin lids or cover with plastic and then store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Royal gooseberry jam

Ingredients: 1800 g unripe gooseberries, 1700 g sugar, 580 ml water, 23 cherry leaves.

We wash the gooseberries and remove the stems. We make small cuts and remove the seeds. Rinse the cherry leaves. In a deep bowl, lay out layers of berries and cherry leaves. Fill with cool water in the amount required in the recipe. Leave for 5.5 hours so that the gooseberries remain elastic after cooking and retain their bright color. Then strain the berry infusion and heat it. Add sugar and boil for a couple of minutes. Dip gooseberries into syrup. Remove from heat and let stand for 2.5 hours. Let the gooseberries simmer in the syrup for 6 minutes. Set aside for 6 hours. Boil for another 7 minutes. We stand for 5.5 hours without heating, then cook the gooseberry jam for 7 minutes. Transfer to prepared sterile container.

Recipe 3. Gooseberry jam “Pyatiminutka”

Ingredients: 1450 g gooseberries, 950 g sugar.

We wash the berries, remove stems and tails. Separating 450 g of gooseberries, we use them to obtain juice. Place the squeezed gooseberry juice in a cooking container and add sugar. Stir. Prick the remaining gooseberries with a knife and add to the sugar syrup. Close the pan. We heat its contents to 95-99 degrees and maintain at this temperature for about 6 minutes, without boiling. Posting ready dessert into sterilized, dried jars and seal.

Recipe 4. Jam with gooseberries and lemon

Ingredients: 1100 g gooseberries, 110 g lemon, 1370 g sugar, 360 ml water.

We wash the gooseberries and remove the stems. We make a puncture in each berry with a needle. Place in a container and fill with two liters of chilled water. Let it sit for a couple of hours. Transfer the gooseberries to an enamel cooking bowl. Separately, prepare the syrup by mixing sugar with 360 ml of water. Pour the syrup over the gooseberries and boil until tender. Wash the lemon, cut into thin slices, removing the seeds. Transfer the lemon to the boiled berries. Cook for 11 minutes. Packaged in sterilized containers.

Recipe 5. Jam with gooseberries and nuts

Ingredients: 550 g not very ripe gooseberries, 360 g walnuts, 1100 g sugar, 550 ml water, 2 star anise.

Wash the gooseberries, cut off the stems from the berries. Having made a cross-shaped cut at the base, remove the seeds from a small amount gooseberry pulp. We clean the nuts from shells and membranes. Cut the nuts into pieces comparable to the berries. Stuff gooseberries with nuts. Add water to the sugar, boil until dissolved, stirring. Place the berries in an enamel bowl and add boiling syrup. We stand for 11 hours. Place the star anise and bring to a boil. When the gooseberry jam boils, take out the star anise and pour it into jars.

Recipe 6. Emerald gooseberry jam with vanilla

Ingredients: 1100 g gooseberries, 95 g leaves, 55 ml vodka, 5-6 g citric acid, ½ tsp. vanilla, 1100 ml water.

We peel the gooseberries, remove the seeds by making a cut in each berry. Fill with ice water and leave in the cold for 5 hours. We immerse the washed cherry leaves in water, add citric acid, and boil for about 7 minutes. We filter the broth. Warm it up, add sugar, keep it on the fire until dissolved. Pour in vodka and add vanilla. Remove the peeled gooseberries from the water and fill them with syrup and vodka. We stand for 17 minutes without heating, then cook for 11 minutes, stirring. We pack hot in jars.

Recipe 7. Gooseberry and currant jam

Ingredients: 750 g medium ripe gooseberries, 250 g black currants, 780 g sugar, 55 ml water.

We clean the berries from stalks, twigs, and tails. We rinse. Transfer the gooseberries to a bowl, add water, and cover. Simmer until the juice begins to release from the berries. Add currants, stirring, and simmer until the berries soften. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Cook for about 6 minutes, removing any foam from the surface. Pour into small containers, which must be sterilized and dried in advance. Close hermetically. Place the jars with the neck down for 15 minutes.

How to make gooseberry jam

In order for the jam to retain its green emerald color, you need to use slightly unripe, elastic berries. For the same purpose, several cherry leaves are placed in the water used to boil the syrup and boiled for a couple of minutes. Then they are removed and sugar is added. You can also make excellent gooseberry jam from overripe berries, but it will not be green, but amber in color. To make jam, grind the berries with a blender or meat grinder. Some gooseberry jam recipes suggest removing the seeds. This is easy to do by cutting the side of the berry.

In the cool winter time, gooseberry jam will fill the house with the aromas of summer, give a good mood and surprise with its bright taste characteristics. These berries are extremely useful for a number of diseases of the stomach, kidneys, and gall bladder. Gooseberries help reduce allergic toxins, are able to remove toxins and boost immunity. By making jam, preserves or marmalade from it, you can preserve the vitamins and valuable elements contained in gooseberries throughout the year.

Gooseberries are famous for their beneficial properties and a large concentration of valuable enzymes. It includes vitamins C, A, P, B, which support immunity during the flu period. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen bone tissue, potassium promotes the full functioning of the heart muscle. Ascorbic acid and iron support kidney activity, cleanse the liver and. To enjoy such a wide range useful elements, it is necessary to prepare berry jam correctly.

Features of making gooseberry jam

  1. During the simmering process, do not leave the stove; promptly remove the foam with a slotted spoon. The composition formed on the surface collects dust and foreign debris, and also spoils aesthetic appearance treats.
  2. Before the main manipulations, the gooseberries must be prepared. Sort out all bruised and rotten specimens. Remove the ponytails using nail scissors.
  3. Cooking the treat is carried out in several stages. The simmering itself takes little time, the rest of the time is given to infusion (cooling). It is this move that allows you to prepare an emerald-colored treat.
  4. Spices (cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, etc.) are often added to gooseberry-based jam. Lemons, apples, oranges, strawberries, currants, plums, etc. are often added to the delicacy.

Gooseberry jam according to the classic recipe

  • gooseberries - 0.9-1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.4 kg.
  • clean water - 480 ml.
  • vodka - in fact
  1. First, wash the fruits by placing them in a colander. Then arm yourself with nail scissors and free the berry from the stalk. Rinse again, dry, pierce with a needle in 2-3 places.
  2. Place the prepared gooseberries in a bowl and sprinkle with vodka from a spray bottle. Place in the freezer for half an hour, then refrigerate for 8 hours.
  3. After the allotted time has passed, mix water with granulated sugar and cook the sweet base. Stir the syrup constantly until the granules dissolve completely.
  4. After this, add the gooseberries to the sweet mixture and make bubbles appear. Do not stir, just shake the cooking container slightly. When it starts to boil, turn off the burner.
  5. Cool the contents of the dish, filter the berries using a sieve or colander. Bring the drained syrup to a boil again, add the berries to it and cook the jam for 7 minutes.
  6. After repeated heat treatment, allow the treat to cool. Carry out the third cooking over low heat for half an hour. Check readiness by dropping syrup onto a saucer.
  7. If the mass does not spread after cooling, the treat is ready. When hot, pour it into sterile containers and immediately cover with a tin. Turn upside down and let cool.

  • orange - 450 gr.
  • gooseberries - 900 gr.
  • sugar - 950 gr.
  • vodka - 25 gr.
  1. Rinse the gooseberries and let them dry. Cut off the tail from each berry using nail scissors. Make one hole in the fruits with a toothpick so that the gooseberries do not crack.
  2. Now sprinkle the berries with vodka and leave in the cold for 6 hours. After the allotted time, remove the zest from the oranges and soak it in water for 3 hours to remove the bitterness.
  3. Remove the peel, dry with napkins and chop into slices (you can grate). Combine the zest with the gooseberries, sprinkle with granulated sugar and mix gently with your hand. Leave for 3 hours.
  4. After the specified period of time, place a heat-resistant dish on the stove and cook at medium power for a quarter of an hour. Do not mix the composition; shake the container gently.
  5. When cooking comes to an end, let the treat cool. Repeat heat treatment 2 more times. At the final stage, package the treat in perfectly sterile jars. Cool, cover with nylon.

Gooseberry and cherry leaf jam

  • table water - 480-500 ml.
  • oregano - 3 branches
  • cherry leaves - 25 gr.
  • gooseberries - 1.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1.15 gr.
  1. First of all, you need to sort the berries. Remove all damaged and cracked specimens. Place healthy fruits in a colander and rinse. Leave to drain, then discard the tails.
  2. Arm yourself with a thick sewing needle and make 2 holes in the gooseberries. Pour water over the berries and leave for 8 hours. Then get rid of the liquid and add granulated sugar.
  3. Mix the ingredients by hand and wait 30 minutes. During this time, rinse and dry the cherry leaves and oregano. Add gooseberry ingredients.
  4. Place the dish for cooking the treat on the fire and wait until bubbles appear. Then turn off the stove and wait 5 hours. After this period, strain the liquid mass and boil again.
  5. Pour hot syrup over the fruits and perform another heat treatment. Cool to room temperature and pour into clean jars. Cork parchment paper and a tourniquet.

Gooseberry and strawberry jam

  • strawberries (fresh) - 475-500 gr.
  • drinking water - 70 ml.
  • Gooseberry fruits - 480 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 730 gr.
  1. Choose moderately ripe gooseberries, trim them from the tails and rinse. Place the towel-dried fruits in a cooking vessel, lightly crush them with a pestle or palm.
  2. Add water and place on the stove. When the composition begins to boil, turn off the heat and carefully remember the mass again. Start preparing the strawberries: carefully rinse them and remove the sepals.
  3. Combine the berries with gooseberries and boil for a quarter of an hour. Throughout cooking, add sugar in portions and wait until it is completely dissolved.
  4. After this, let the mass cool and repeat the heat treatment. This time cook the jam on low power until thickened. After all the manipulations, package the treat and lock it with the key.

  • granulated sugar - 1.8 kg.
  • gooseberries - 800 gr.
  • kiwi - 400 gr.
  1. Remove the skin from the kiwi, dip the pulp in cold water and let dry. Then chop into cubes measuring 1*1 cm. Wash the gooseberries, get rid of the tails.
  2. Now place all the fruits in a blender and spin. You should get a puree-like mass. Add granulated sugar, stir and place the bowl on the fire.
  3. Heat to a temperature of 70-80 degrees, but do not wait until it boils. When the mass reaches the desired level, cool it for 5 hours. Then reheat.
  4. Pack the finished treat into containers and seal. If the composition has been pre-cooled, cover it with nylon. The hot delicacy is wrapped with a tin.
  5. After cooking, the treat must be refrigerated. To do this, it is better to use a darkened pantry, vestibule, cellar or bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Gooseberry and plum jam

  • plum - 600 gr.
  • red gooseberries (unripe) - 550 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 750 gr.
  1. Peel the gooseberries from tendrils and twigs, rinse in a colander, and leave to dry. Rinse the plum to remove white coating. Chop each fruit in half and remove the pit.
  2. Divide the entire volume of gooseberries into 2 sections, mix the first part with plums. Add a little water so that it rises 4 cm above the bottom. Place on the stove and simmer until soft.
  3. Then grind the warm mass with a blender (meat grinder, food processor) or rub through a sieve. Place the puree in a cooking pan and add the remaining gooseberries.
  4. Send the mixture to cook again, continue simmering on low power for 7-10 minutes. After this period, begin to introduce granulated sugar in portions, while stirring it.
  5. Continue cooking until the treat begins to resemble jelly. After achieving the required consistency, pour the treat and close it.

Gooseberry and raspberry jam

  • raspberries - 350 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 580 gr.
  • gooseberries - 850-900 gr.
  1. Sort the raspberries and rinse under the tap. Dry in a colander, then mix with sugar and put on fire. Cook on low until the grains melt. If the raspberries are not juicy, add a little water.
  2. During this period, prepare the gooseberries; you need to remove the tails and wash the fruits. Then the berry is sent to the pan, simmering continues for 7 minutes.
  3. After the allotted interval, turn off the burner and cool the mixture. If the treat is not as thick as you would like, carry out another heat treatment.
  4. Pack the cooled or hot treat into jars, cover and refrigerate. After a week of infusion, the treat can be served or added to baked goods.

  • granulated sugar - 550 gr.
  • gooseberries - 600 gr.
  • banana - 150 gr.
  • water - 120 ml.
  • cinnamon - 3 gr.
  1. Prepare the gooseberries (washing, removing stems, drying). Now cut each berry into 2 parts and remove the seeds. Place the halves in a heat-resistant bowl for cooking.
  2. Cut the bananas into thin slices or half-slices and add to the gooseberries. Add water and granulated sugar. Place the container with the ingredients on the stove and wait until it boils.
  3. When this happens, continue simmering for another 7 minutes. Then add cinnamon and turn off the appliance. Proceed to sterilize the lids with the jars, pour out the treats and seal them.

Gooseberry and currant jam

  • granulated sugar - 1.45 kg.
  • red currants - 350 gr.
  • black currant - 400 gr.
  • water - 0.5 l.
  • gooseberries - 650 gr.
  1. Making jam starts with syrup. Mix granulated sugar with water, place the saucepan on the fire and wait until it boils. Reduce the heat on the stove and cook until the grains dissolve.
  2. Then rinse the two types of currants and leave them on the strainer. Remove twigs, leaves, dented and burst specimens. Now wash and peel the gooseberries, cut each berry in half.
  3. Mix all the fruits, add boiling sugar syrup to them and shake the cooking utensil a little. Leave for 5 hours, then bring to a boil, skim off the foam.
  4. Once bubbles appear, cook the treat for another 8-12 minutes until it reaches the desired consistency. Pre-sterilize the jars for twisting, do the same with the lids.
  5. When the jam is ready, package it while hot. Do not rush to seal immediately, wait until it cools down. Then cover with nylon and take it to the cold.

To enjoy all the delights of gooseberry jam, carry out heat treatment in several stages. Do not forget to cool the composition after each simmer. To give special taste add raspberries, currants, banana, orange, plum to the treat.

Video: unusual gooseberry jam

One day, jam was served to Catherine the Great’s table, which she liked so much that she gave the cooks a precious ring. Since then, the jam prepared according to this recipe has been nicknamed royal. And it was prepared from gooseberries with the addition of cherry leaves.

Nowadays, “Tsarsky” is the name for jam made from various berries with the addition of nuts and various spices, which is distinguished by its extraordinary taste and originality.

Royal gooseberry jam with nuts

For 5 cups of gooseberries you need to take 2 handfuls of cherry leaves, 1 handful of currant leaves, 7 cups of sugar, 3 cups of water and 1 cup of shelled walnuts.

Set the leaves aside - you will need them later. Gooseberries need to be selected large and slightly unripe, so that they do not crumble if pierced. In each berry we cut off the top, through which the seeds are removed, and pieces of nuts are inserted in their place. In a separate bowl, prepare a decoction of thoroughly washed cherry and currant leaves and water. The leaves are placed in cold water, then the pan is placed on the fire and brought to a boil, after which it is immediately removed from the heat. The resulting broth should be a rich green color. If you boil longer, it turns brown or yellowish. The liquid must be drained, cooled to room temperature and left to infuse in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, sugar is poured into the broth and the syrup is brought to a boil. Then prepared gooseberries are added here and boiled for 12 minutes. The jam remains on low heat for another 2-3 minutes with the remaining ten leaves to give it an emerald color. The product is poured hot into sterilized jars, which are sealed with metal lids. The leaves are removed from the jam before serving.

Royal quince jam with nuts

3 kg. quinces
7 glasses of water
2.5 kg. Sahara
1 cup shelled walnuts

Peel the pre-washed quince and cut out the cores. We cut the quince itself into cubes or slices, this is at your discretion. We don’t throw away the quince peel and core; we will make syrup from them. By the way, essential oils, which in large quantities Contained in the skin of the fruit, they give the jam a subtle aroma and a pleasant sour taste. But quince seeds contain valuable tannins and no less valuable fatty oil. So you are preparing not just delicious jam, you are preparing a healthy product rich in vitamins.

Fill the quince cores with the peel with water and boil for 20 minutes. After this, strain the syrup and pour the chopped quince with this syrup. Cook the quince in syrup for 10 minutes, then drain the syrup. Add sugar to the syrup and bring to a boil again.
Pour the sweet syrup over the quince and leave to steep for at least 12 hours. Usually the jam is covered with a clean towel and left overnight.
The next day, set the jam to cook. Add peeled walnuts to it. You can put quarters, or you can chop the nuts into smaller pieces - whichever you prefer. Quince jam Cook with nuts until the syrup acquires a beautiful dark amber hue. Approximate cooking time is 40-50 minutes. We make sure that our jam does not burn. We roll aromatic quince and walnut jam into sterile jars. Be sure to turn the jars upside down, wrap them up, and leave them like that until the jam has cooled completely.
Store in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry. In the refrigerator closed jam no need to put it.

Royal plum jam with nuts

Plums (preferably black) - 1 kg
Sugar - 4 cups.
Walnuts - 1 cup.
Cognac (optional) - 2 tbsp. l.

Wash the plums, cut them in half and remove the pit.
Place the plums in a wide saucepan, add 1 cup of water, and bring to a boil. Cook over medium heat for 20 minutes until soft.
Add sugar and nuts and, stirring, cook until the sugar dissolves. After this, continue to cook until the jam is ready, about 10 minutes. Add cognac and boil.

You can stuff scalded plums with nuts and cook for 10 minutes. Remove them with a slotted spoon and place them tightly in a jar. Bring the syrup to readiness and pour over the plums. Add cognac. Close the jars immediately.

Tsar's white cherry jam with nuts

Berry-sugar proportions: 1:1.
You will also need lemon for 1 kg. berries - about 150 grams of peeled nuts.

Wash the cherries and remove the pits. Next, at your discretion, you can stuff each berry with a nut, or you can then simply mix them.
Add sugar and let sit for a while to let the berries release their juice (do not add water). When the juice starts to simmer, put it on the fire, let it boil, stir until the sugar dissolves completely. Let it simmer over low heat for at least 10 minutes. Turn off and let cool a little (an hour or two).
Then cut the lemon very thinly and put it in the cherries, let it boil, simmer for 5 minutes and add the nuts. Boil with nuts for min. 10. Switch off. Allow to cool and soak up all the contents. Then let it boil for the last time and put it in sterile jars. We store it in the closet. If there is a lot of syrup, let it simmer for the last time longer. You can stir, the berries will not fall apart.

Tsar's apple and nut jam

Option 1.

For one kilogram sweet and sour apples you should take eight hundred grams of sugar, two hundred grams of peeled walnuts, one lemon, a couple of tablespoons of cognac or rum. Peel the apples, cut into slices, cover with sugar. When the apples give juice, put the jam on the fire, bring it to a boil, add the lemon zest and cook for fifteen minutes.

Chop the nuts coarsely and pour boiling water over them. Add to jam lemon juice and nut kernels, then cook until tender over low heat. When the apple slices become translucent and a drop of jam syrup does not spread on the saucer, the delicacy is ready. Add cognac or rum to the hot jam, mix, cool and package in clean, dry jars.

Option 2.

2 kg apples
500g peeled
1 kg sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
2 tbsp. l. lemon zest, cut into strips

Cooking method:

It is better to take apples that are sour and sweet, but not very large, slightly unripe. Wash the apples, cut into slices, remove the core and place in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar. Add lemon zest and cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then increase the heat and let the jam boil for 2 - 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and leave overnight, covering with jam. baking paper or parchment.

The next day, remove the paper, put it on the fire again, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook for 10 - 15 minutes until thickened. Check readiness by dropping a drop on a saucer. If the jam does not spread, add walnuts and cinnamon sticks. Cook over high heat for 2 - 3 minutes, remove sticks. Pour the jam into jars to the brim and seal tightly. Turn the lids down and leave until completely cool.

Tsar's jam from cherries with nuts

Sugar - 1.5 kg
cherry - 1 kg
walnuts - 0.2 kg
water - ¾ tbsp.

1. Rinse in cold water cherries and using a pin or hairpin, remove the seeds from them. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the berries.
2. Cut the walnut kernels into pieces the size of which matches the cherry pit.
3. Place a nut instead of a seed in each berry. IN ideal This needs to be done with all cherries, but if you don’t have enough patience, it’s not fatal. If there are nuts left, mix them with cherries.
4. Pour sugar into the pan in which the jam will be prepared and fill it with water, then put the pan on the fire and bring the syrup to a boil.
5. As soon as the mixture has boiled and the sugar has completely dissolved, pour the cherries and nuts into the container. Cook until the jam becomes thick enough, remembering to skim off the foam.

This recipe is designed for long-term storage of jam, which is why you need to add so much sugar. If you are going to eat the jam immediately after cooking, then the amount of sugar can be reduced.

Royal grape jam with nuts

Grapes (seedless raisins) - 1 kg
Sugar -0.5-0.7 kg
Water - 1/3 cup.
Walnuts -50-70g.
Vanillin - to taste
Cherry leaf

Sort the grapes and remove the branches. Place a cup for jam and pour 1/3 cup of water into it, add 0.5 kg of sugar and cook until the syrup is transparent. While the syrup is boiling, we need to blanch the berries. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add a few cherry leaves so that the berries do not become colorless. We put our grapes in for a few seconds. It boils, boils for 40 seconds - take it out and transfer it to the syrup that has become transparent, cook for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to soak for 8 hours.

Then put on fire, bring to a boil and add nuts and vanillin (or chopped lemon, but first peel it from the white film that is under the yellow skin). Boil for at least 10 minutes and pour into sterile jars... That's it! Turn over and cover with something warm. Has it cooled down? Ready! The jam is very sweet, so lemon will give it sourness, and nuts will give it a pleasant and unusual taste.

Gooseberry bushes with sweet and sour delicious berries found in almost every garden plot. Thanks to its beneficial properties, gooseberries have long gained popularity in our latitudes - despite the rather cool climate, the fertility of this crop is simply amazing. Thus, eating gooseberries helps improve metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system, as well as the removal of toxins and radioactive compounds from the body. The berries contain vitamins A and B, ascorbic acid and biotin - everything that the body lacks during the off-season. What can you cook from gooseberries? Soups, sauces, pancake fillings, wine, compote, jam, marmalade, marshmallows and many others delicious dishes prepared using this amazing berry. Today we will learn how to make homemade gooseberry jam for the winter - with oranges, lemons, currants. We have selected the most different recipes with step-by-step photos and video of gooseberry jam: simple “five-minute” without cooking and with heat treatment, emerald royal with cherry leaves, royal with walnuts, from black berries. Choose the most delicious and healthy gooseberry jam - the recipes are quite within the capabilities of even novice cooks and housewives, as well as all lovers of this healthy berry dessert for tea. Bon appetit!

Gooseberry jam with oranges for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos

To prepare gooseberry and orange jam, it is better to immediately stock up on berries - in small quantities such an exquisite delicacy simply will not “survive” until winter. Delicious, with delicate sourness and amazing aroma, gooseberry jam perfectly refreshes, energizes for a long time and good mood. By adding an orange to your treat, you will get a real vitamin “bomb” - the double combination of citrus and gooseberries will perfectly protect against winter colds and other seasonal ailments. We offer you to master gooseberry and orange berry jam, and with the help of step-by-step photos the cooking process will become simple and understandable. Have a delicious dessert!

Necessary ingredients for making jam with gooseberries and oranges:

  • gooseberries – 1 kg
  • orange – 1 pc.
  • sugar – 1 kg
  • water – 1 glass

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for gooseberry jam with orange for the winter:

How to make royal gooseberry jam with walnuts - recipe with photos, videos

Gooseberry jam has long been an extremely popular delicacy thanks exclusively to beneficial properties And unique taste. According to legend, even the powerful Empress Catherine the Great was a fan of this delicious dessert. Today there are many recipes for gooseberry jam, with the addition of the most different ingredients– other berries and fruits, spices, nuts. So, how to make royal gooseberry jam with walnuts? According to our recipe with photos and videos, such a royal delicacy will turn out tender, with a soft sweet and sour taste and a simply magical aroma.

List of ingredients for the recipe for royal jam with gooseberries and walnuts:

  • green gooseberries – 500 gr.
  • walnuts – 300 gr.
  • sugar – 1 kg
  • water – 0.5 l
  • star anise – 1 pc.

The procedure for preparing gooseberry and walnut jam for the winter:

  1. Wash the gooseberries, remove the stalks and carefully remove the pulp and seeds from the berries.
  2. We clean the walnuts from the shell.
  3. Place a piece of walnut into each gooseberry, being careful not to damage the shell.
  4. Pour water into the pan according to the recipe and add sugar. Place on low heat, bring to a boil and cook until the sugar dissolves.
  5. Pour hot syrup over the berries and leave for several hours - it is better to do this in the evening. In the morning, the “stuffed” gooseberries again need to be brought to a boil over low heat, adding star anise. When the sweet mass is boiled, remove the star anise and after 10 minutes place it in clean, sterilized jars. After cooling, you can store the jam until winter in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.

Royal gooseberry jam with walnuts is quite worthy of its loud name - as well as of trying to make it. We are sure that next year you will definitely roll up a couple of jars of delicious berry-nut dessert for family tea parties on long winter evenings.

Gooseberry jam for the winter - a simple five-minute recipe

Fresh gooseberries are a real storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements that are so necessary for our body. However, it is quite possible to replenish energy reserves not only during the berry ripening season, but also in winter. Let's try to prepare a tasty and healthy “five-minute” gooseberry jam for the winter - green, red or yellow berries are perfect for this purpose. With our simple and quick recipe in winter, you can enjoy the wonderful taste of gooseberry jam and the delight of your household.

For “five-minute” gooseberry jam for the winter you will need the following ingredients:

  • gooseberries – 600 gr.
    • sugar – 500 gr.
    • water – 100 ml

Step-by-step description of a simple five-minute recipe for gooseberry jam for the winter:

  1. Gooseberries with a hard, elastic shell are best suited for making jam. We sort the gooseberries and rinse thoroughly under running water - in a colander or sieve.
  2. Place the washed berries in an enamel pan or basin and add ½ part of the sugar according to the recipe. Then put the pan in the refrigerator for several hours so that the berries release juice abundantly under the influence of sugar. If you do this procedure in the evening, you can continue preparing the jam in the morning.
  3. When abundant juice is released, put the gooseberries on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Then add the remaining sugar and gently mix the mixture, being careful not to damage the berries. A foam will appear on the surface of the jam - it needs to be skimmed off regularly. Bring to a boil again and cook for exactly 5 minutes.
  4. While the jam is on the stove, you can prepare the jars and lids by sterilizing them in any convenient way. Pour the hot treat into jars, roll it up and wrap it in a warm blanket. When it cools down, take the “five-minute” gooseberry jam to a cool room. A tasty and healthy treat is ready!

Royal gooseberry jam – recipes with photos

Gooseberries are in second place in terms of ascorbic acid content, after black currants. When it comes to iron, berries come first here – even in apples the content of this element is lower. So gooseberry jam will always be on the table, especially during the long winter months. Today we will learn a recipe with a photo of royal jam with gooseberries - amazingly delicate in taste and very aromatic. And what a beautiful emerald color this dessert has! True, you will have to spend time making gooseberry jam, but the result is worth it. A real royal treat - we recommend trying it!

We stock up on ingredients for royal jam with gooseberries:

  • large, slightly unripe gooseberries - 5 cups
  • cherry leaves – 50 – 60 pcs.
  • sugar – 7 glasses

Preparation of royal jam with gooseberries and cherry leaves according to the recipe:

  1. We cut off the “tail” and bottom of each berry, being careful not to damage the shell.
  2. We take a pin and begin to remove seeds from the berries - this stage is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming.
  3. Then pour water (3 cups) into the pan and throw in 40 - 50 cherry leaves. When the water boils, you will get a natural “dye” and flavor for our jam.
  4. Pour a hot decoction of leaves into a bowl with prepared gooseberries so that the liquid completely covers the berries. After cooling, put the gooseberries in the refrigerator to infuse.
  5. Let's start cooking the syrup. To do this, you need to scoop two glasses of juice from a bowl of gooseberries (without leaves and berries), into which you pour the sugar according to the recipe. Place on the fire and wait for it to boil.
  6. When the syrup boils, add the prepared gooseberries and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. At the end of cooking add fresh leaves cherries (10 pcs.) and bring to a boil again.
  7. We put the hot royal gooseberry jam into sterilized jars - according to our recipe, you will get two jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. The pleasant emerald color of the dessert is simply mesmerizing, and the taste is beyond praise!

Homemade gooseberry jam - recipes for the winter with orange and lemon

The beneficial properties of gooseberries can be significantly enhanced by adding citrus fruits - orange and lemon - to the jam. The first time you try this delicacy, you will be amazed unusual combination tastes and exquisitely subtle aroma. How to make gooseberry jam with orange and lemon? We will be happy to share a recipe for homemade gooseberry jam with citrus fruits - and in winter you will have a decent supply of vitamins at hand. Tasty and very healthy!

Ingredients for the recipe for jam with gooseberries, orange and lemon:

  • gooseberries of any variety – 3 kg
  • oranges – 700 gr.
  • lemons – 200 gr.
  • water – ½ cup
  • sugar – 3 kg
  • vanillin - optional

Preparing gooseberry jam with orange and gooseberries for winter according to the recipe:

  1. We sort the gooseberries, wash them and place them in a large bowl. Add sugar, add water and mix everything.
  2. Cut clean citrus fruits along with the zest into small pieces, after removing the seeds.
  3. Place the candied gooseberries over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally - if you forget about this, the sugar may burn.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat and add chopped fruit. Cook everything together for about another hour, during which we continue to stir and skim off the foam.
  5. Then remove the jam from the stove, cover with a paper towel and wait until it cools completely.
  6. We wash and sterilize the canning jars by steaming them, and boil the lids in boiling water.
  7. We fill each jar with fruit and berry treats and roll up the lid. Canned orange-lemon gooseberry jam can be stored in a cool room. This dessert in winter will be an excellent means of preventing colds - just a couple of spoons a day and you will feel cheerful and energized.

Five-minute jam from gooseberries and currants - recipes through a meat grinder

Gooseberries and currants ripen at approximately the same period and combine perfectly to create a surprisingly tasty and healthy jam. To prepare the delicacy, you can take red or black currants, and any variety of gooseberry is also suitable. We offer a simple recipe for five-minute jam, according to which the berries are passed through a meat grinder. Ready jam The result is thick, and the delicious interweaving of flavors and aromas cannot be expressed in words. Roll up at least a couple of cans of this for the winter assorted berries- amazingly delicious!

For five-minute jam with gooseberries and currants you will need the following ingredients:

  • gooseberries and currants - equally
  • sugar - at the rate of 1: 1 to the mass of berries

How to make five-minute jam with gooseberries and currants through a meat grinder, recipe description step by step:

  1. We sort the gooseberries from debris and leaves and wash them in running water. The currant berries also need to be sorted out, and it is better to rinse them in portions in a colander under a weak stream of water.
  2. We weigh clean berries to determine the right amount sugar for jam. Then we pass it through a meat grinder and, after mixing with sugar, wait until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Place the pan with the berry mixture on low heat and warm it up a little. After boiling, cook for no more than 15 minutes, removing the film from the surface.
  4. Place the hot jam into dry, sterilized jars and immediately roll up the lids. As soon as the delicacy has cooled, you can take it to the pantry shelf, and in winter - serve it with tea with a roll or fresh white bread. Bon appetit!

Fragrant black gooseberry jam without cooking for the winter - recipe with photos step by step

Black gooseberries are much sweeter than green or yellow ones, so you will need less sugar for jam. The taste of these gooseberries is reminiscent of black currants - simply delicious! According to our recipe with photos, step by step, without cooking, it’s easy to prepare aromatic, sweet, well, simply “royal” jam for the winter. Write down the recipe and get started!

List of ingredients for making black gooseberry jam for the winter:

  • black gooseberries – 1 kg
  • sugar – 600 gr.

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for black gooseberry jam without cooking:

  1. We sort out the gooseberries, carefully wash them and scatter them on a towel to dry.
  2. Then place the berries in an enamel bowl, cover with sugar and grind using a potato masher (with holes). Mix the mixture thoroughly and after the sugar has completely dissolved, pour our “raw” black gooseberry jam into sterilized jars.
  3. A refrigerator is perfect for permanent storage of healthy and tasty delicacies. Such gooseberry jam - excellent remedy for colds and sinusitis.

Jam with gooseberries and oranges without cooking, video recipe

Gooseberries contain a number of useful microelements and vitamins, a significant part of which heat treatment is destroyed. Therefore, truly healthy gooseberry jam can only be obtained without cooking - the recipe for such a dessert is simple and takes a minimum of time. Add orange to gooseberry jam and you will get extremely healthy and tasty treat, indispensable for winter colds and spring vitamin deficiency. The video shows a recipe for a delicious fresh berry dessert made from gooseberries and oranges.

How to make gooseberry jam? You will find step-by-step recipes with photos and videos of this healthy delicacy on our pages - with oranges, lemon, currants. Following our recipes, everyone can prepare several jars of homemade gooseberry jam for the winter without cooking, royal jam (with walnuts) or a simple “five-minute jam” - just pass the berries through a meat grinder and mix with sugar. We recommend paying attention to the recipe for royal emerald jam with cherry leaves, as well as a dessert made from black gooseberries. Have delicious berry preparations!
