What to take on a picnic with children. Camping gas stove and a decent supply of gas cylinders. What to take to a picnic from food and products - a list of what to prepare for a picnic for the whole family

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 13 minutes


Summer is almost here! A little more, and parents will breathe freely, hiding their children’s school backpacks in closets. A little more, and every family will get ready to go on the road - to relax in nature, walk children tired from the school year and forget about the bustle of the city. The main thing is not to forget anything.

Therefore, having chosen the place and time of the picnic, We study the list of necessary things and products for a picnic in advance

What to take to a picnic from food and products - a list of what to prepare for a picnic for the whole family

  • Fruits and vegetables. They should be washed and packed in advance so as not to waste time outdoors. Yes and clean water for a picnic – limited quantity (take more!). You will need it for fish soup, delicious tea, washing hands and laundering your little ones. Don't get carried away exotic fruits, so as not to spend your picnic behind the bushes closest to the parking lot. For vegetables, they usually take a standard set - tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, zucchini for kebabs, potatoes (small - for baking), bell pepper, onions - for kebabs and fish soup. By the way, you can boil the potatoes in advance at home in their skins.

  • Canned food. We are, of course, not talking about stew (unless your plans include a week-long trip with a tent), but about canned food for a side dish - corn, beans, green pea, olives, lightly salted cucumbers etc.

  • For sandwiches. It is advisable to choose ready-made cuts in packages in the store to save yourself time on a picnic - durum varieties cheese, sausage or boiled pork, lard, etc.

  • Meat, fish, eggs. It’s better to fry the fish at home in pieces, choosing the fillet (it will be just too lazy to fuss with the bones, and it will be completely unnecessary for children) headache). The meat can also be cooked at home or marinated for kebabs (about 0.5 kg for 1 person) and taken with you in a convenient container for cooking on the grill. Chicken kebab (by the way) cooks faster. There is also an option - fried over a fire. chicken wings with spices. And, of course, cold fried chicken It will be a joy for everyone - don’t forget about it, prepare in advance. Boil the eggs the day before, hard-boiled.

  • Sugar, salt, sauces (mayonnaise/ketchup), spices.

  • Food for children. If your little ones don't eat grown-up food, make sure they have a party too. In addition to the basic nutrition of children, you can take their favorite fruits, juices, and sweets. It will be difficult to cook porridge over a fire, so porridge will be the solution instant cooking- fortunately, there is no shortage of them today. Choose sweets without quickly spoiling creams and creams.
  • Bread, bun(By different packages!), biscuits, crackers, cookies.

  • Beverages - tea (in bags), coffee (it is especially tasty in nature), juices, water (with reserve), drinks for adults (in moderation).

A little about the rules for transporting and eating food on a picnic:

  • Do not take perishable foods with you. Pates, raw eggs, cakes, soft cheeses, cottage cheese and all sorts of super-fresh buns we leave at home.

  • Buy a portable refrigerator for your car, or at least a cooler bag. Especially if you are vacationing with children. Transport ready meals only in it. If this is not possible, line the bottom of the bag with newspapers and cover the food with bottles of cold water. In nature, you can make a refrigerator the old fashioned way - by digging a hole in a shady piece of land (sand) and hiding packaged food in it.

  • All products and ready meals should be placed in plastic containers - firstly, it’s convenient (nothing will spill, won’t get wrinkled, or lose its appearance), and secondly, the lids of the containers can be useful for setting the “table”.

It is clear that there is no point in carrying cabbage rolls with you, stuffed peppers and a bowl of cutlets if you are going to barbecue. But by the time this kebab is cooked, you will have time to get hungry 10 times. Therefore, look for a middle ground and take what is truly relevant and tasty.

List of things for a picnic for the whole family - what do you need for a picnic in nature?

Of course, the list of things will be different for everyone. If you are traveling on foot, for a day and alone, this is one option, but if big company(with families), for weekends and with 2-3 cars - completely different.

Therefore, proceed from your needs, and we will tell you what may be useful at a picnic.

  • Tent. Even if you are traveling for the day, it can be useful for those who want to relax, take a nap, sober up, or play pirates and mother daughters. A tent will also be useful, as it will save your heads from the sun and sudden rain.

  • Sleeping bags, bedspreads, blankets, rugs - there’s absolutely no way to have a picnic without them.
  • Oilcloth for the “table” . Or maybe even the table itself (folding), if there is enough space in the car.
  • Folding chairs or sun loungers. Or air mattresses (beds) and pillows – for convenience (don’t forget about the pump). Folding chairs - for older people.

  • Warm clothes in case the picnic is planned to be long - with morning fishing, night songs around the fire under hot mulled wine and late awakenings to the singing of birds.
  • For the fire. Charcoal for the barbecue, a hatchet for firewood (+ firewood if there is none on site), a spatula, lighters/matches, newspapers for ignition, gloves.
  • Barbecue, skewers, grill grate. Foil for baking potatoes, fish or vegetables.

  • Bowler with fish soup and mulled wine, Cast-iron pan, long spoon for stirring.
  • For fishing: fishing rods/spinning rods, baits/attachments, fish tank, boat/pump, bait, fishing line, hooks/sinkers.
  • For the table: disposable tableware - plates different sizes and depths, glasses, plastic cutlery.
  • Paper and wet wipes , toilet paper, liquid soap.
  • Corkscrew, can opener , ordinary knives for cutting food, cutting board.
  • UV Remedies, for tanning, against mosquitoes and ticks (sprays and creams, spirals).
  • Sun umbrellas.
  • Bathing items : swimsuits/swimming trunks, towels, inflatable rings and mattresses.
  • First aid kit(iodine, brilliant green, bandages, plasters, activated charcoal, remedies for abdominal pain and indigestion, antispasmodics and analgesics, allergy medications, for the heart, etc.).
  • For fun : guitar, radio or receiver, games (chess, backgammon, etc.), ball, frisbee, badminton, book or newspaper with crosswords.
  • For children: toys (easy to clean), a set of young sandcastle builders, a pool for little ones, markers/albums (if the kids are drawn to creativity). Be sure to have a change of clothes, comfortable shoes, warm clothes, hats for your heads and a navigator keychain for your neck (so you don’t get lost).
  • Garbage bags so that after the picnic you can take all the garbage with you.
  • Camera, camera, phone, flashlights . With a spare battery.

On fresh air everything becomes much more appetizing. So good table can be covered with the most common products.

Fruits, vegetables and greens

In the warm season - picnic season - fortunately, there are plenty of them. Don't forget your groceries at home.

But it’s better to cut them on the spot so that they don’t lose their freshness. Make fruit and vegetable platters or prepare salads. And if you really want to, you can create something original.

Be sure to take potatoes with you and bake them in ash, just like in childhood. Nothing compares to this dish.

Meat products, eggs and cheeses

Many people strongly associate gatherings in nature with. Just don’t buy already marinated meat, because the spices and vinegar may hide a tough, stale product. Better to do everything yourself.

If you don't want to bother with barbecue, take regular sausages, sausages or small sausages and fry them on skewers or a grill. Tasty, fast and very simple.

Insect repellents

Itchy bites can ruin any holiday. Sprays, creams, special spirals or folk remedies will help get rid of insects.

First aid kit

In case you do get bitten by mosquitoes or get injured in some way. Those who are vacationing with children should especially take care of collecting first aid funds.

Various little things

This includes wet wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, plastic trash bags, and matches. If the picnic will be long or you plan to spend the night outdoors, take warm clothes with you.


If, first of all, you want to enjoy nature, treats and good company, then you don’t have to think too much about the design of the place. It is enough to spread a blanket, arrange folding furniture or pitch a tent.

But if you want to remember this picnic for a long time, you should think a little about the design of the chosen place.

For example, make an impromptu tent by throwing beautiful fabric on tree branches. Can be thrown on a blanket soft pillows and put a vase of flowers. And lanterns, candles, balloons or various garlands will add special coziness.

Unfortunately, many follow the principle “it was already dirty here before us, it’s not our fault.” You should not start or continue this chain. Relax, enjoy food and fresh air and!

A picnic is a wonderful opportunity to have a good time outdoors. It is worth remembering that organizing a picnic requires careful thought through the menu.

It is not suitable to feed children and adults heavy, fatty foods. When deciding what food to take on a picnic, give preference light snacks, vegetables and fruits.

The ideal food for a picnic is either fish, fresh or grilled vegetables. But besides barbecue, you should also take care of other snacks, because outdoor recreation promotes appetite

Here is a sample list of what to take on a picnic:

  • water and drinks,
  • canned food,
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits,
  • salt and seasonings,
  • onion,
  • bread (lavash),
  • cookies, crackers,
  • vegetable oil,
  • raw smoked sausage or dried meat,
  • hard cheese,
  • barbecue sauces, mustard, horseradish,

Should not be taken with you ready-made salads, especially with mayonnaise. If you wish, the salad can be prepared on the spot, but with the expectation that you will eat it quickly.

Baked vegetables go great with barbecue: eggplant, Bell pepper, tomatoes. You can bake them on the grill or in foil over coals. Baked vegetables cut into large chunks should be sprinkled with herbs and half rings onions– and you don’t need any salad!

You shouldn't make sandwiches at home. It is much more convenient to cut sausage, cheese, bread, and place them in different trays. While waiting for the main course (usually), you can build a sandwich in a couple of seconds, but it will be fresh and not bruised.

What else can you take on a picnic from food? Meat and fish pates, olives, various vegetable snacks in banks. Is the same squash caviar in nature it goes with a bang.

For sweets, you can take honey and condensed milk, cookies and gingerbread, but under no circumstances take cakes and pastries with cream. From sweets - lollipops, toffees, if you have a cooler bag, then you can also indulge in chocolate.

When you go on vacation, don’t forget about firewood or coals, lighter fluid and a barbecue. Well, where would we be without the main culprit of a picnic – barbecue?

While the kebab is slowly browning over the smoldering coals, you can cook delicious side dish. It’s good if you bought a gas stove for this and didn’t forget to take it with you. And along with it a saucepan, water and what you will cook.

Food for a picnic must be packed in tight bags, paper or foil, but not plastic - the food in them does not breathe and will quickly disappear. Food packages should be placed in a thermos bag, if available, or cooled well beforehand.

At the bottom of the bag you can first place frozen or very chilled meat or fish products, which are prepared for cooking directly at the picnic, and all the rest are already on top of them.

The most pleasant and affordable pastime that will help you escape from the bustle of the city is going out into nature. Most people associate the smell of barbecue and warm sun with a trip to the forest, to the river or relaxing in a city park and entices them to go on a picnic with family or friends. Such a trip is always accompanied delicious food and pleasant company, and a non-standard menu will leave a pleasant impression of your vacation. Having carefully prepared in advance and determined for yourself what food to take with you on a picnic, you can not only stock up on delicious dishes sufficient quantity, but also to insure against food poisoning caused by perishable products.

Catering in nature

Before deciding what dish will be prepared, you need to determine the format of the picnic and where it will take place. You should take cutlery, dishes and other equipment based on the situation. Unintentionally left behind barbecue coals at home or lack of necessary appliances can turn a comfortable trip into a real disappointment. Knowing what equipment to take with you on a picnic can greatly simplify the process of organizing a picnic.

  1. Equipment for making a fire. There is nothing more romantic than time spent around the fire, talking, singing and telling stories - true or fictitious. To start a fire you will need: matches (lighter), coals, paper or firewood if cutting down trees is prohibited in the picnic area. To stock up on dead wood and chop firewood in wild conditions, you can take both a hatchet and a band saw. Last option will do for those who have limited space in the car and cannot take too much with them.
  2. Cooking equipment. If you decide to cook food outdoors, you should take a grill with skewers or gas burner. From the utensils you should take several knives, cutting board, corkscrew One of the things you should definitely take with you on a picnic are garbage bags.
  3. Dishes. At a picnic you will definitely need plates, glasses, forks and spoons, as well as bowls for salads. Disposable tableware will be very relevant at a picnic, since it does not need to be washed, and therefore waste time and water.

Products you can't live without

Without some products, no vacation would be complete, and when deciding what to take with you on a picnic, you should not forget about them. These, of course, include water large quantities, salt, spices, butter and bread.

Vegetables and fruits are great snack foods, especially with the family. They won’t cause much trouble during cooking: vegetables can be chopped in large pieces or make a salad out of them, and just wash the fruit.

In addition, drinks, juices and, if desired, alcohol will be useful.

Potatoes baked in smoldering coals give a special charm to a picnic, which is one of the most popular products the kind of food you can take with you on a picnic.

A variety of smoked meats and cheeses will be excellent option for a snack and addition to the main meal. Also, don’t forget about barbecue meat.

Picnic food you can prepare at home

It is not always possible to prepare food in field conditions. The reasons can be completely different, ranging from the lack of necessary equipment to the ban on lighting a fire at the picnic site.

If you have decided that you need to take ready-made food with you on a picnic, you can give free rein to your imagination and choose dishes that best suit the preferences of vacationers. For meat dishes, you can prepare baked poultry at home, wrap it in foil and cool it. When deciding what to take with you on a picnic from food, in the summer you should not forget about homemade baking, which makes a great outdoor snack. Delicious cookies or fluffy buns will appeal to everyone and are unlikely to return home. Desserts type homemade pie will also be very popular, and when choosing what to take with you on a picnic, you should not refuse them.

Homemade cheese buns

When planning what to take with you on a picnic, you can’t forget about homemade buns. They will be an excellent snack before the main meal in nature and will not let you die of hunger on the road.

In flour intended for cheese buns, add salt, soda and turmeric and grind the resulting mixture with vegetable oil. Kefir and chopped parmesan are also added here. Now the dough is thoroughly mixed and left in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. At this time you need to turn on the oven. Then the dough is shaped (it should not be thicker than 1.5 cm) and, if desired, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Bake the buns in the oven for up to 40 minutes.

Spicy-sweet wings

There are situations when it is not possible to light a fire in a vacation spot, and there is simply no barbecue. In this case, it is better to prepare a meat dish at home that will be tasty even when cold.

Before cooking, the wings should be washed and dried with a paper towel or left to dry while the sauce is being prepared. Grate the ginger, mix it with honey, salt, a pinch ground pepper chili and teriyaki sauce. The sauce can be replaced with soy sauce with rice vinegar. The mixture is boiled for about 10 minutes over low heat. Next, half the sauce is mixed with the wings and baked in an oven preheated to 200 0 C.

The wings are cooked for 15 minutes, after which the second half of the sauce is added to them and baked for another 15 minutes.

Dishes prepared in nature

Food cooked or baked in nature has special taste, and the process of preparing it brings more joy than standing within four walls at the stove. There are many delicious recipes something that you can take with you on a picnic and easily cook on a grill, campfire or burner outside the city. All treats prepared in nature will be most welcome, since it is very easy to get hungry in the fresh air.

Chicken kebab with honey

The shish kebab has already become traditional dish for trips out of town. It looks like it was made for a picnic. From huge variety cooking methods are already starting to run wild. Today, kebabs are prepared from pork, poultry, lamb and fish.

The marinade for chicken kebab should be made in advance. You can use the most regular recipe, but with the addition of honey, which will be approximately a third of general composition. Before the chicken is marinated, some of the mixture should be poured out to soften the kebab during the cooking process. The marinated chicken should be in the refrigerator for about two hours.

So, marinated chicken, some of the marinade and vegetables are all you can take with you on a picnic. Next, the chicken kebab with honey is made in the same way as regular kebab: Products are skewered one at a time, left on a grill grate or over the coals of a fire, often turned over and fried until the juices become clear.

Prune rolls in bacon

Prunes in bacon would be a great substitute the usual shish kebab. The recipe for making it is very simple and quick, but you can’t do it without a grill.

Things to bring to a picnic in this case include prunes, chopped bacon, sauce and toothpicks. Prunes dipped in sauce are wrapped in bacon and secured with a toothpick. The sauce should taste qualities Suitable for both bacon and prunes. Grill the rolls for 2-4 minutes, then turn them over. Juicy tasty dish made from prunes will go well with potatoes and lettuce.

Grilled mackerel

Fresh mackerel cooked outdoors won't be easy a wonderful dish, but also very useful addition to your daily diet. Fresh fish is cleaned, the insides are removed and left to marinate. Then the marinated mackerel, stuffed with basil leaves and lemon, is placed on the grill and fried for 15 minutes on each side. The grate must be oiled before use. The metamorphosis that occurs with the fish during this half hour is noticeable, so it is always clear when the fish is ready. This is served rosy and aromatic dish with vegetables. Instead of basil and lemon, you can use oranges and ginger, which will make the mackerel more piquant and unusual.

Tomato and avocado salad

A juicy salad will be irreplaceable in hot summer weather. For a tomato and avocado salad you will need tomatoes, olive oil and butter walnut, avocado, mozzarella cheese, chopped greens, lemon juice. Sliced ​​avocado is sprinkled with juice and mixed with washed and chopped tomatoes, mozzarella and herbs. All this is seasoned with oils and served on the table. This salad goes well with croutons. He will great addition for meat dishes.

Grilled eggplant

This is popular Italian dish very easy to prepare, but will go well with grilled meat and various cheeses. Sliced ​​eggplant is fried on both sides. After cooking, the dish is salted and poured olive oil And a small amount vinegar. Chopped garlic and mint are added here. The dish turns out tasty and enjoyable even in very hot weather.

Every family, every company has its own taste preferences and decides for itself what to take with you on a picnic. Recipes and menus can be as varied as your imagination allows.

While the weather still pleases us with warm days, we need to make the most of it. So, long live outings into nature with a bonfire, singing with a guitar, active games and delicious food. Is it possible to imagine a better weekend than in the fresh air, and even with cheerful company? Probably not. To ensure your vacation goes off without a hitch, take care in advance of how to organize and plan your pastime, what activities to come up with, and most importantly, food and other necessary supplies. So, let's go!

Distributing responsibilities

It’s difficult to ruin a picnic, but it’s possible. Especially if you are traveling not with two or three, but with a large group. You need to carefully plan who will take what, what everyone will do, besides joint entertainment, and what they will be responsible for. It is better if 2 people are responsible for one item (for example, food, games, comfort). This way there is less chance of forgetting about something important, and it is more convenient to organize people.

Appetites and snacks

The first and most important question: what food to take on a picnic? There are several options here. If you are planning to make kebabs, then the task is easier, since the remaining products can be selected as additional to this main dish. It would be good if one of the men was responsible for frying the meat. Then the women will have to take care of the snacks. Here's what you can take:

  • fresh vegetables and herbs, fruits (wash in advance and put in a convenient container);
  • mushrooms, sweet peppers, bread (all this can be fried over a fire);
  • small potatoes (to bake in coal);
  • water, juice, tea, alcoholic drinks(if you plan to drink);
  • snacks (nuts, dry cookies).

This will be enough to have a snack and serve with a barbecue. You should not take a lot of unnecessary things, for example, candy, sausage, chips and the like. After all, you are going on vacation in nature, best food here it is fresh and natural. It’s good if you have a cooler bag where you can put drinks and perishable (melting) foods.

What else can you have a tasty snack?

However, not everyone wants to bother with kebab, so it’s worth considering another menu option. Let's think about what food to take for a picnic in this case? We leave all the items listed above (vegetables, fruits, bread, drinks). But we don't have a main course. Perhaps it is not needed? You can replace meat with homemade sandwiches or sandwiches. Prepare them in advance and pack each one in foil - this will make it much more convenient to take and eat them. Ask everyone what fillings they like. It can be chicken, cheese, mushrooms, vegetables. Sandwiches can be made either cold or hot (for example, in a special sandwich maker). Don’t skimp on quantity, because in nature the appetite is good.

What else can you take to a picnic instead of barbecue? Sausages that can be fried over a fire and eggs are perfect. If you wish, you can bake a large one tasty pie, just make sure to deliver it intact. Don't forget about sauces (ketchup, soy sauce), which are useful for meat, potatoes, and vegetables. The rest is at your discretion and desire.

First and second necessity items

Now a few words about leisure. Think about what you need to take on a picnic to have a fun time. This could be a guitar, games for large companies (mafia, monopoly, imaginarium), tennis rackets, a ball. Or maybe you would like to fly a kite? Or read stories and poems aloud while sitting around the fire? Focus on your tastes and the interests of your friends. Don't forget about such little things as matches, a lighter, paper and napkins, blankets and blankets, mosquito repellents and a small first aid kit.

We hope this article helped you at least a little in deciding what to take for a picnic in terms of food and entertainment, and also reminded you what important items will definitely come in handy in nature. Most importantly, don't forget about good mood! Have a great holiday!
