Fresh fruit. Fresh delicious recipes

Probably everyone has heard about what fresh juices are and how useful they are. This name originates from English word fresh (fresh) and means freshly squeezed juice. A glass of this drink is nice to quench your thirst on a hot afternoon, finish breakfast, or just enjoy between meals. Thanks to the concentration of nutrients, fresh juice can improve our well-being, lift our mood and energize us.

How did the fashion for fresh juices appear?

These drinks became widespread in the territory of the former Union back in the 90s of the twentieth century. At this time, a craze came to us from the West for cleansing the body of toxins, which were considered the cause of many diseases. So, eating raw plant products, including in the form of juices, was one of the main postulates of detoxification. True, then few of my compatriots knew what fresh juices were - they were usually called freshly squeezed or natural juices. Since then, many of us have come to appreciate and love the delicious, refreshing drink, endowed with a lot of healing properties.

IN Lately In the scientific world, the need to combat slagging is called into question, and juice is no longer given the laurels of a panacea. However, many gurus proper nutrition, nutritionists, gastroenterologists and other doctors recognize that fresh is a drink that correct use can bring considerable benefits to the body.

Popular health drink

Today, a healthy lifestyle is trending and does not lose its relevance. With the arrival of modern technology in our homes household appliances their use has received a new lease of life. Natural drinks are on the menu of many cafes and restaurants, and in shopping centers There are islands where you can treat yourself to them. A few years ago, even a new type of catering establishment called a “fresh bar” appeared, gaining momentum among supporters of proper nutrition. Here you can taste exquisite cocktails from natural ingredients, as well as others healthy dishes, often vegetarian.

What are they made of?

Getting ready natural juices not only from fruits - berries, vegetables, herbs, roots and medicinal herbs are used. The drink can consist of one component or a mixture of several - the recipe is limited only by the author’s imagination. For more bright taste Such fresh cocktails are often supplemented with seasonings and spices, and sweetened with honey.

The leader among sweet freshly squeezed juices are citrus fruits, since these fruits are the juiciest. Also, pineapples, apples and the most common ingredients in fresh juices are different berries. The most popular vegetable juices are tomato, carrot, cucumber and celery juices. Chopped greens - spinach - add great variety to their taste. leaf salads, cilantro, parsley, dill.

What's the benefit?

The beneficial properties of natural juices directly depend on the composition of the products used to make them. After all, in essence, what are fresh juices? those substances contained in vegetables and fruits. And these are vitamins A, C, K, PP and group B, as well as pectins and fiber that improve digestion (in juice with pulp). Besides, plant food, especially leafy vegetables and greens, are rich in some microelements - potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and others. By drinking a glass of freshly prepared drink, a person immediately receives many of these essential substances. For example, fresh orange juice can provide us daily dose vitamin C, a significant amount of vitamin A, and also partially cover the need for vitamins B, K, E, calcium and some amino acids.

In addition, natural juices are a delicacy that any fan will appreciate. low calorie diet. True, in this case preference should still be given vegetable drinks, since fruits contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates.

Is there any harm?

Despite its ability to have a beneficial effect on the body, it is worth remembering that fresh juice is still a juice, that is, a food product, and not a medicine that can relieve ailments. Recently, the euphoria about the unconditional benefits of this drink has subsided a little. Today it is generally accepted that uncontrolled consumption of natural juices can cause negative consequences. Their harm is associated with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system, from gastritis to pancreatitis, which can develop due to increased stomach acidity. For the same reason - due to exposure to acids - teeth can also be damaged. This is the problem with fresh orange juice - it reduces the hardness of the enamel and can cause caries. In addition, sweet fruit juices contain too much glucose, which is immediately absorbed, causing blood sugar levels to rise and insulin to be released, which increases the risk of diabetes.

However, all this is not a reason to refuse to eat fresh juices. The main thing is to do it wisely!

Cooking rules

If instead of visiting a juice bar and pampering yourself aromatic cocktail If you decide to do it yourself, remember a few rules. Freshly squeezed juice should be prepared from high-quality ripe vegetables and fruits free of rot, stale sides, bruises and other defects. They need to be washed thoroughly and the stalks, seeds and seeds removed. Ideally, it would be good to make sure that the selected raw materials do not contain harmful chemicals that may have been used during cultivation or storage. Otherwise, you risk taking a portion of nitrates and pesticides instead of vitamins.

Fresh juice should be prepared strictly before consumption, since the beneficial substances it contains quickly decompose under the influence of oxygen. On the contrary, pathogenic bacteria multiply! It is also necessary to reduce to a minimum the time the fruit comes into contact with the metal parts of the juicer - this destroys many vitamins.

So, we figured out what fresh juices are, what their advantages and disadvantages are. To avoid harm and get greatest benefit from their use, it must be done correctly.

It is better to start taking natural juices with a couple of tablespoons, and then gradually increase the volume. You should drink fresh juices 30-40 minutes before your next meal, but not on an empty stomach. You should also not do this during a meal, since a full stomach will worsen the absorption of the drink, which may result in bloating. It is quite acceptable to mix juices, including fruit and berry juices with vegetables, and also dilute them with water. To avoid prolonged exposure to acid on tooth enamel, it is better to drink fresh juice through a straw, and after drinking, rinse your mouth with water. If you have chronic digestive diseases, it is better not to start taking natural juices without consulting your doctor. Also, you should not give these drinks to children under one year of age.

Perhaps this is all you need to know about freshly squeezed juices. Now you can safely go to the store to buy ingredients to prepare a delicious, healthy and refreshing natural drink.

Recipes for a nutritious and healthy drink. The word fresh translated from English means fresh. Therefore, fresh juices are prepared from fresh fruits and berries. This drink is rich in vitamins and useful substances. Fruit juice is very refreshing, summer heat it can be prepared with pieces of ice.

1. Fresh pear and banana

You will need (for 2 servings):

  • 1 large pear
  • 1 banana
  • 1 glass freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1/2 cup water or a few ice cubes
  • you can add 2 tbsp fruit or berry syrup(jam), fresh berries

Peel the pear and banana and cut into slices.

Squeeze the juice from the orange. Place fruit and juice in a mixer, add water (ice), syrup and beat. You can add ice already to the glass.

Pour into glasses and garnish with a mandarin slice and lemon balm leaves.

2. Apricot-lemon fresh juice

  • 5-6 ripe apricots (pitted)
  • juice of 1/2 lemon or orange
  • fruit syrup or honey 1 tsp
  • 1 glass water or ice

Place apricot halves in a blender, squeeze out lemon or orange juice, add syrup (honey) and water. Beat.

Apricot-lemon fresh juice

This is very healthy drinks from fruits, cook and enjoy!


Benefit. Bananas contain pectin substances and fiber, which improve digestion. And also potassium salts, which help remove fluid from the body (useful for edema and improve heart function). Bananas promote the absorption of carbohydrates and contain malic acid, sugar and starch. Eating bananas helps cleanse the body and reduce fatigue. In a pear high content mineral, nitrogenous, pectin and tannins, as well as vitamins C, P, B1, phytoncides and flavonoids. Pear is useful for anemia.

Product of the day. Bananas

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Everyone knows that freshly squeezed juices are beneficial for humans. However, not everyone understands what exactly their value is. In this article we will look at this issue in detail.

Freshies - what is it?

Fresh is fresh juices, obtained from fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, medicinal herbs and plants. Fresh drinks are drunk not only to quench thirst, but also for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

At its core, juice is water from fruits, which contains organic and inorganic substances, pectins (with the addition of pulp) and vitamins. Modern models of juicers make it possible to obtain juices from any fruits and vegetables.

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Benefits of freshly squeezed juice

The main advantage of juices over fruits is that they contain concentrated vitamins and minerals. They do not contain fiber like whole fruits. Studies have shown that when drinking juices, a person absorbs more useful elements. It is the fiber contained in fruits that removes some of the vitamins from the body.

Undoubtedly fresh fruits and vegetables are always healthy. They are recommended by doctors and nutritionists as valuable products. But if we compare freshly squeezed juices and whole fruits, the former bring more benefits for good health. In addition, by squeezing juice, we get rid of harmful substances- pesticides, toxins, etc. These elements remain in the cake. Thus, benefits of freshly squeezed juices simply huge.

However, you should not overdo it with the amount of juice. The rule “the more the better” does not apply here. Doctors say that passion for fresh drinks leads to excess weight.

What are the benefits of freshly squeezed juices?

Pineapple- stimulates the breakdown of proteins and fats. It is recommended for those who want to lose weight. There is even a special juice that includes the use of fresh juices. In addition, this juice rejuvenates.

Orange- contains vitamin C in large quantities. It is especially useful in the autumn-winter season, as it is a good prevention of colds. It is considered one of the lowest calorie juices.

Apricot- good for the liver and visual organs. Has a beneficial effect on epidermal cells.

Grape- It is recommended to drink it for anemia, loss of strength and exhaustion of the body. It quickly removes toxins.

Pomegranate- increases immunity and improves hematopoietic function. It is indicated for hypertension, anemia, colds and migraines.

Peach- V large quantities contains potassium. Therefore, it is recommended for heart patients.

Tomato- necessary for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It contains many B vitamins and carotene.

Beetroot- includes great amount vitamins, as well as potassium, manganese and iron. Improves blood composition and cleanses the body well.

Apple- contains a lot of iron, boron and potassium. This juice is very rich in vitamins and has a minimum of calories. It helps cleanse the kidneys and is beneficial for anemia.

1. To cleanse the blood:

8-10 strawberries, 3 apples. This fresh has pleasant taste and beautiful color.

2. For a good complexion:

Mix strawberries and black grapes.

3. Will help restore strength next recipe: half a grapefruit, an orange and a little lemon. The juice also helps with fatigue.

4. For those who want to lose weight:

2 apples and half a pink grapefruit. Fresh juice eliminates the feeling of hunger. It is recommended to drink it between meals.

5. To boost immunity:

pear + persimmon + 1 pineapple slice.

Fresh - this short word replaces our phrase “freshly squeezed juices” and today is familiar even to small children. For their preparation, almost every representative of the plant kingdom is used, which contains substances useful to us. These can be vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and greens, as well as their mixes. And if you want to introduce tasty and healthy fresh juices into your diet, recipes for the best of them are at your service. And remember that they are vitamin drinks are such only the first half hour after preparation. So if you want to actually benefit from them, and not just feel refreshed, then drink them right away.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is a classic in the world of fresh juices. It is extremely rich in vitamins, and not only the well-known vitamin C - it contains no less healthy vitamins A, K, B, E. This juice also contains a lot of amino acids, macro- and microelements (for example, copper, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium), and organic acids. Therefore, fresh orange juice is an effective and tasty remedy for normalizing blood pressure and work digestive tract, stimulation of appetite and immunity, cleansing blood vessels and liver. However, you should not get carried away with this healthy fresh juice if you have stomach problems such as ulcers or high acidity.

We suggest you try the “turbocharged” version of this natural energy drink.

Required ingredients:

  • oranges – 2 pcs.
  • water (cold) – 1 tbsp
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • ginger root – 2.5 cm

Cooking method:

  1. put peeled and sliced ​​citrus fruits, peeled and cut into pieces or rings of ginger into a blender bowl, pour water into it, add sugar and grind thoroughly;
  2. strain the fresh juice obtained from the fruit.

Regular fresh carrots prepared using a juicer are a storehouse of vitamin A and B vitamins, as well as such beneficial minerals, like cobalt, potassium and calcium. And so that all this is better absorbed, cream is usually added to carrot juice. As a result, such fresh vegetable juice can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, vision and immunity. And if you add grapefruit and ginger to the recipe, you can get a super-effective healing and general stimulant of natural origin.

Required ingredients:

  • carrots – 5 pcs.
  • ginger – 20 g
  • grapefruit – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Our recipe for delicious fresh juice from carrots, ginger and grapefruit involves processing the products in a juicer. Therefore, first we will prepare all the components for this: we clean the vegetables, citrus fruits and ginger, and also remove the partitions from the grapefruit;
  2. Now squeeze out the juice from all the ingredients and mix.

A very rich and fresh representative of fresh fruit recipes in a blender - triple fruit fresh from apples, pears and peaches with the taste of ice cream and a light lemon note.

Required ingredients:

  • apples and pears of juicy varieties - 2 large pieces of each
  • peaches – 3 pcs.
  • ice cream (creamy) – 70 g
  • lemon – ¼ piece

Cooking method:

  1. We start preparing our recipe for fresh apples with pears and peaches by washing and peeling the fruit, cutting out the center of apples and pears, and removing the seeds from peach. Cut them into pieces and grind in a blender;
  2. now let's filter fruit puree, and return the resulting juice to the blender, add lemon juice to it and beat again;
  3. Place ice cream on the bottom of the glass or glass chosen for presentation, carefully pour freshly squeezed juice onto it, decorate with a slice of lemon dipped in sugar and insert a straw. This creamy fruit cocktail will taste better if you give it a little time to separate.

This sweet thick refreshing fresh cocktail recipe is... great way mentally visit the sultry Caribbean.

Required ingredients:

  • fresh pineapple - half
  • banana – 1 piece
  • yellow melon – quartered

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare our Caribbean banana fresh, first peel all the fruits and remove the seeds from the melon. We cut everything into pieces;
  2. pass the pineapples and melon through a juicer, pour the resulting juice into a blender, add banana pieces to it, beat until smooth, pour into a glass and garnish with a piece of pineapple.

There are a lot of recipes and methods for preparing fresh juices, but you still have a chance to come up with your own signature one.

It’s nice in the summer heat to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, diluted mineral water. But are such drinks healthy, can they quench thirst and replenish our health?

What are freshies?

Fresh juices (from the English word fresh) are freshly squeezed juices of vegetables, fruits, berries or garden herbs, medicinal plants and herbs used to quench thirst or for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Juice is water from fruits combined with organic and inorganic compounds, vitamins and pectins (if fruit pulp is added). In principle, modern juicers can extract juice from any fruit, even bananas, which are not particularly juicy.

The benefits of natural juices are undeniable - they are a concentrate of vitamins and minerals, and if the juice contains pulp, it is also a storehouse of pectins and fiber that regulate digestion.

But juices must be consumed in moderation and correctly. Freshly squeezed juices do not like air, the vitamins in them are oxidized and quickly destroyed, so you should not store the juice for more than half an hour, it will nutritional value decreases.

Features of juice consumption

Contrary to popular belief, Apple juice- not an aid for anemia: there is little iron in it, and no more than 1% of it is absorbed, but it is perfect as a liquid for storing iron supplements. Ascorbic acid from the juice helps in the complete absorption and absorption of iron.

Apple juice helps with liver diseases as a choleretic agent, it is effective for attacks urolithiasis or indigestion, juice with pulp fights constipation. Fresh apple juice is very useful after physical activity, during recovery from infections or pneumonia.

Apple goes well with vegetables and fruits - it is optimal to make mixes with pumpkin and carrots, pears, peaches and cherries.

Therapeutic effects of juices (continued)

carrot juice

This is a very healthy fresh vegetable with an antioxidant effect, and if you add a spoon to it olive oil and a little greenery - he will truly become healing agent for vision , hearts, skin and hair. Carrots are rich in carotene, and the juice concentrates this substance; in combination with fats, it turns into the active form of vitamin A and is absorbed more fully.

In addition, carrot juice activates the liver and the entire biliary system, including gallbladder, has an antiseptic effect and increases appetite. It is useful to take it during periods of heavy stress - physical and emotional, before competitions or exams and also during menstruation.

Freshies: medicinal properties fresh juices

However, do not overdo it with it - with a large volume of juice, carotene jaundice may develop. It is not dangerous, but will paint the feet, palms and tip of the nose yellow. It is most beneficial to drink half a glass of carrot juice every other day for a couple of weeks.

pumpkin juice

Has a similar effect on digestion and the body. pumpkin juice, but at the expense more fiber, it has a more pronounced laxative effect than carrot. The juice is low in calories, but satisfies well, which is actively used in dietetics. However, it also contains a lot of carotene and you should not rely on it because of the same risk of developing carotene jaundice.

If you are stressed and prone to depression, or often get sick, sweet pear juice is for you. It is also useful for those who sit idle in traffic jams and swallow exhaust fumes: pear juice is able to bind toxins and heavy metals, removing them from the body.

In addition, it is rich in natural sugars and fiber, perfectly satiates and is suitable for smooth weight loss if it replaces dinner. Pear juice used in the treatment of cystitis and colds, it has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

It is better to squeeze the juice from pears with the skin, but if the origin of the pear is questionable, then use only the pulp. Just like pumpkin juice, pear juice helps fight toxicosis during pregnancy.

Certainly, beneficial features Every vegetable and fruit has it, it’s impossible to list everything, so be guided in choosing fresh juice to suit your taste, combine fruits and vegetables, try and discover new tastes.

What's your favorite fresh juice?

