Pumpkin juice with orange for a sunny mood for the winter. Vitamin juices from pumpkin and orange: delicious homemade preparations for the winter

Many people love this one delicious drink, and for good reason, because the benefits of this juice are difficult to overestimate. Especially if this drink prepared with your own hands. Scientists and nutritionists around the world advocate this valuable product because pumpkin contains minerals and vitamins such as iron, copper, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, potassium, A, C, F, D, E PP, B1 -B6, beta-carotene, pectin, sucrose and, of course, important organic substances. All these elements strengthen the protective function of the body, as they eliminate waste, fats, toxins, and also cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol. In addition, pumpkin juice:

  • Improves the functioning of the heart and circulatory system.
  • Removes stones from Bladder and kidneys.
  • Preserves youth, gives tone and activity, since consuming this drink improves tissue regeneration.
  • Another useful property is that the drink helps those who want to lose weight, because pumpkin juice is very light, 100 grams of the drink contains only 38 kilocalories. Doing fasting days With the help of this juice, you can lose extra pounds.
  • This drink is very useful for men suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • This juice is useful for people with high blood pressure, as it is able to reduce it and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Pumpkin - useful product for the liver and pancreas.
  • The drink calms you down nervous system, and thanks to this you will sleep better.

A lot has been said about the benefits of juice, but how can you prepare a miracle drink with oranges at home for the winter?

Pumpkin juice with oranges

Let's start cooking. For this we need pumpkin, oranges and a few other products.

List of ingredients for the drink:

  • 4 kilograms of pure weight pumpkin without peel and seeds
  • 700 grams of orange
  • 600 grams of sugar
  • 4-5 liters of water
  • Citric acid or lemon juice taste

Step-by-step juice preparation

First, let's buy a pumpkin, or grow it in the garden. Then we’ll bring it into the house and wash it, cut it in half, and peel it. It is necessary to cut out the core with seeds. Then cut it into cubes, you should get 4 kilograms. After this, you need to peel the oranges and squeeze the juice out of them.
Grate the orange zest. But before that, it would be good to rinse the oranges twice, the first time just under running water, and the second time pour boiling water over them to remove the waxy coating. The less you like the taste of pumpkin, the more oranges you can add.
Combine pumpkin cubes with grated zest, place all this in a saucepan and pour mineral water– the water should slightly cover the pumpkin cubes, put on the fire and cook for 2-3 minutes until the pieces become soft. Please note that after everything has boiled, you need to reduce the heat so that the mass does not boil, but simmers a little. Then remove from the heat and wait until it cools down.
After complete cooling, beat with a blender. If you don't have a blender, don't worry. You can grind the pumpkin through a fine sieve, or before putting it on the boil, you can grind the future juice in a meat grinder. Since pumpkin is closer to a neutral taste, you can add different ingredients. Some people add carrots, sea buckthorn, and lemon. In our case it is an orange. It is better to choose color matches, everything yellow fits perfectly and goes with the queen of vegetable gardens.

After this, you need to squeeze the juice out of the oranges and add it to the pumpkin mixture. We also add a pinch of citric acid and sugar and mix everything. We taste, if there is not enough acid, add more, everything here is individual - to taste. If you like your juice to be thinner, you can add more water. Regardless of whether you add water or not, the juice must be boiled again and simmered for 6-8 minutes. Remove the foam that has formed on top. If you don’t like juice with pulp, you can then pass it through a sieve or cheesecloth to separate the pulp from the juice. But it will be healthier if you make juice with pulp, since it will still contain the fiber we need.
Approximately 4 kilograms of pumpkin need 5 liters of water. For those who do not like the slightly bitter taste that remains from the orange zest, you can suggest mixing the zest with sugar, putting it in a frying pan and frying it a little until it turns brownish. Let the zest sit for 5 minutes over low heat, as if stewing in sugar syrup, then you need to turn up the heat and bring it to a golden-brown state. Pour into this mixture Orange juice and place on the stove over low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Next, remove from heat and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth. Pour the finished juice into the main container. We remind you that when pumpkin and juice are mixed, it is necessary to boil again and simmer over low heat for 6-8 minutes so that our juice does not ferment in the jars.
We take pre-prepared and sterilized jars, pour the finished juice into the jars, and roll them up. That's it, pumpkin juice with oranges at home is ready for the winter! All you have to do is praise yourself for your hard work!

Throughout the cold period of the year, you can get a boost of vitamins if you prepare pumpkin juice for the winter at home, and even with an orange. It, like the color of the juice, will give a person a sunny mood, a memory of a warm summer. Not everyone likes pure pumpkin juice, because it has a specific taste and smell.

It is because of this skilled housewives learned how to improve the taste by adding citrus fruits and different spices. The juice rolls down general rules blanks, in glass jars, bottles with screw caps, or regular caps that need to be closed with a seaming machine. It's up to someone to adapt.

General manufacturing rules


To make juice, the pumpkin must be ripe, with a sweet taste and orange skin. An unripe melon fruit will make the drink less aromatic, or even refuse to stand at all and tear off the lids.

First, you need to remove the pulp, cut it into pieces and grind in a blender until pureed.

Often the juice is prepared with pulp, and it is the blender that helps create homogeneous mass- the basis of the future drink.


The oranges must be washed thoroughly, dirt visible and invisible from the uneven surface must be removed, and then be sure to be doused with boiling water - it removes the waxy coating. Then you need to peel, squeeze the juice from the zest, mix it with the pumpkin mass.

Other ingredients needed: sugar; boiled water; lemon acid.

The resulting mixture should be boiled for several minutes, taste tested, add sugar or another juice to improve the taste. Pour the resulting boiling juice into sterilized containers, bottles, close tightly - screw on the lids.

Cooled containers can be put away in the pantry or cellar for the winter.

The juice is prepared without additives, using only pumpkin and orange. Prepared in this way, it will be reliably stored for several months. The inclusion of preservatives in the form of sugar and lemon significantly increases shelf life.

Juicer - housewife's assistant

When the household has a juicer, preparing juice is simple and easy from any vegetables and fruits. The mechanism provides especially valuable assistance in processing pumpkin pulp.

The juicer produces a “live”, well-processed mass, with the removal of large inclusions.

The principle of processing the pulp is simple - you should pass the prepared components through the unit. You can immediately preserve it.

Pumpkin juice with orange


  • 2 kg chopped pumpkin;
  • 1 kg of peeled oranges;
  • ½ l boiled water;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the zest in water for 5 minutes, cool and strain.
  2. Together with the pumpkin pieces, pass the boiled zest with the seeds previously removed through a juicer.
  3. Pour the liquid into a saucepan, add the decoction of the zest, and place on the stove.
  4. Add sugar and according to your taste.
  5. Cook for 10 minutes, and pour the boiling water into warm, pre-sterilized jars.

In this way, pumpkin juice is prepared for the winter at home with an orange through a juicer.

Instead of a juicer, conventional or electric meat grinders are used, but after them the pulp remains with a small inclusion of fraction. There are many recipes for making pumpkin juice with orange at home for the winter.

    Do you like pumpkin?

"Economy" juice with orange

The recipe is advantageous in that it immediately produces a lot of juice, up to 18 liters. You need a pan of suitable size. When there is no need to roll up so much juice at once, the housewife can proportionally reduce the number of ingredients.


  • 9 kg of ripe chopped pumpkin;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 1.5 kg of processed orange peel;
  • 5 tsp. citric acid.

Cooking technology:

  • Place the pumpkin cut into small cubes into a large saucepan.

  • Pour boiled water so that the liquid covers the pumpkin, add the processed orange zest. Place on the stove.

  • Cover the pan, when the future juice boils, reduce the heat.
  • Cook until the pumpkin softens. Remove from stove, cool.
  • P put the whole mass through a blender. If it is not there, rub the entire mass through a regular sieve. Add the freshly squeezed juice of a few more oranges, and citric acid.

  • Their quantity is determined by taste, since all pumpkins have different sugar content. Cook for another 5 minutes, pour the boiling mass into sterile jars, roll up, and store.


Juice with orange and lemon “FLAVORABLE” (option 1)

The aroma of lemon makes the juice even more tasty and appetizing. Combined together, these ingredients make pumpkin orange juice unique taste and aroma.


  • 4 kg pumpkin;
  • 4 liters of boiled water;
  • processed zest of 2 oranges;
  • prepared zest of 2 lemons;
  • 4 g citric acid;
  • 700 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the prepared pumpkin in a pan of the required volume, add water, and place on the stove.
  2. Add the prepared zest of lemons and oranges, cook for 20 minutes. Squeeze out from left citrus juice by using .
  3. Remove the cooked pumpkin from the stove and let it cool.
  4. Grind the boiled pumpkin to a puree using a sieve or blender.
  5. Add prepared citrus juice, acid and sugar.
  6. Stir, assessing the consistency of the mixture. If it turns out a little thick, you can add boiled water if necessary.
  7. Place on the stove and cook for a few minutes. Pour boiling juice into prepared sterile containers.
  8. Z roll or screw on the lids and leave for long-term storage.
  9. Juice through electric meat grinder. The ingredients are the same: oranges, pumpkin.


If you don’t have a blender and don’t want to bother with a sieve, perfect option- use an electric meat grinder. You will get excellent pumpkin juice with orange for the winter, but with a different preparation technology.


  • 3 kg of finely chopped pumpkin pulp;
  • 2 liters of boiled water;
  • prepared zest of 4 oranges;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 400 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  • Place the prepared pumpkin in a saucepan of the required volume, add a glass of water, place on the stove over low heat.

  • Add finely grated zest.

  • Simmer covered until the pumpkin softens.
  • Remove from stove, cool.
  • Pass the steamed mass through an electric meat grinder. Add the remaining water, freshly squeezed juice of a few more oranges.

  • Add sugar and citric acid to taste.
  • If the mass turns out thick, add as much water as the hostess wants.
  • Boil the drink for 5 minutes, pour boiling water into pre-prepared sterilized jars, close the lids.

Pumpkin juice can be prepared with the addition of various components: apples, carrots, spices, store-bought juice from other fruits.

Pumpkin juice with oranges and apples

There have been no ready-made products on store shelves for a long time. pumpkin juice. Therefore, housewives have adapted to canning it themselves, according to their own recipes.


  • 2 kg of finely chopped pumpkin pulp;
  • 2 liters of apple juice squeezed out in a juicer;
  • zest of 2 oranges passed through a juicer;
  • 2 liters of boiled water;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • citric acid to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Place the chopped pumpkin in a saucepan of the required volume.

  • Pour in 2 liters of boiled water, put on the stove, simmer under the lid until the pumpkin is completely softened. Remove from stove, cool.
  • Rub the mixture through a sieve.

  • Add zest, Apple juice, sugar, citric acid to taste.
  • Cook for another 10 minutes, periodically removing the foam - it is formed by fresh apples.

  • Pour the boiling drink into prepared containers and seal tightly.

Spiced pumpkin juice with oranges

For spice lovers, there is a recipe for making aromatic and tasty juice. Here it is used real powder cinnamon, which the hostess grinds herself on a coffee grinder.


  • 2 kg pumpkin cut into small cubes;
  • 2.5 liters of boiled water;
  • zest of 2 oranges;
  • 3 g cinnamon powder;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 1 star clove;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 5 g citric acid.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the pumpkin with orange zest into a saucepan of suitable volume, pour in half the water, and cover with a lid.
  2. Simmer until the pumpkin is completely softened. Remove from stove, cool.
  3. Grind the stewed pumpkin in a food processor, or rub through a sieve.
  4. Add freshly squeezed citrus juice and the rest of the water.
  5. If the consistency seems thick, the volume of water can be increased arbitrarily. Add spices and sugar.
  6. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Advice: The cloves must be caught from the boiling drink so that they do not fall into the jar of juice when rolling.

Pour the boiling juice into pre-prepared jars, seal tightly, and leave for storage.

Pumpkin juice (especially with pulp) is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It contains enough ascorbic acid, vitamin B, and carotene, which can be seen even by its bright orange color. This drink is rich in iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. It is also a unique source of rare vitamin T, which stimulates fat metabolism, improves muscle function, and has a beneficial effect on the nerves. This juice is also useful because it:

  • cleanses the liver, removing toxins;
  • thanks to the diuretic effect, it “cleanses” the kidneys;
  • increases immunity;
  • serves as a prophylactic against some male diseases;
  • reduces eye fatigue;
  • increases blood clotting, relieves bleeding gums.

It is especially useful in fresh. To make carotene more palatable, it is better to drink it with butter or cream.

Pumpkin juice with orange for the winter with pulp: step-by-step recipe

To prepare the juice, ripe, sweet orange specimens are used. The fruit is peeled, all inedible parts and seeds are removed. Then they cut into pieces. You can make juice from boiled pulp, which is ground or crushed in a blender.

Oranges are also pre-prepared. First, wash well with running water, then scald with boiling water to remove the top wax layer. The zest is separated with a special vegetable knife.

Here are some pumpkin-orange juice recipes for the winter.

To prepare the drink you need 3 pumpkins, 1.5-2 kilograms of sugar, the same amount of oranges and a few teaspoons of lemon juice. Cooking sequence:

  • Place the chopped pumpkin in a saucepan;
  • fill it completely with water and cook until soft;
  • add orange zest there;
  • cool and grind the mass;
  • add pitted orange juice to the resulting product;
  • add sugar and lemon;
  • Boil for a few minutes and pour into clean jars, which are then sealed.

Recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter (video)

For cooking apple-pumpkin juice with an orange you will need a couple of kilograms of apples and pumpkin, 2 oranges, 2 cups of sugar and citric acid. Step by step recipe:

  • Place the pumpkin cut into pieces into a container and fill it completely with water;
  • add orange zest and cook until soft;
  • Prepare apple juice (preferably with pulp) using a juicer;
  • Squeeze the juice out of the oranges too;
  • soft pumpkin and orange zest grind with a blender;
  • combine all the components of the juice and add sugar and citric acid, mix;
  • let the mixture boil for 10 minutes, skim off any foam that forms;
  • pour into jars, seal.

Spicy drink with oranges is prepared from a couple of kilograms of “tropicana” and 2 oranges, 2 cups of sugar with the addition of cinnamon, vanilla, lemon and cloves. It is done in the following sequence:

  • prepared pumpkin is added to the orange zest, all this is put in a pan and filled with water;
  • the mass is cooked until tender;
  • it is rubbed through a sieve, orange juice is added;
  • all this is poured with one and a half liters of water, sugar and all the spices are poured into it;
  • the drink is brewed for 10 minutes, the cloves are removed;
  • everything is poured into prepared containers and rolled up.

Pumpkin juice with spices and dried fruits

To prepare a drink for the winter you need half a kilogram of dried apricots, 3 medium pumpkins, one and a half kilograms of sugar, 2 oranges, lemon, cinnamon, vanilla, a few sprigs of mint. Cooking technology:

  • cut the pumpkin into slices;
  • Grind the orange in a blender;
  • soak dried apricots for half an hour, then cut;
  • put everything in a saucepan, add water, add spices, and place the mint in a linen bag when cooking;
  • cook for about two hours;
  • drain the broth, grind the remaining mass and dilute with part of the broth;
  • add sugar and boil until it is completely dissolved;
  • pour into prepared jars and seal them.

Pumpkin juice with apple (video)

How to make pumpkin drink with other vegetables for the winter

There are two options for pumpkin juice with vegetables for the winter:

Juice with carrots and dried apricots

For two medium-sized American vegetables you need 4 carrots, half a kilogram of dried apricots, 5 cups of sugar, lemon. The sequence for preparing the drink is as follows:

  • chopped vegetables and dried apricots are placed in a container and filled with water;
  • cook for about 2 hours until the dried apricots are cooked;
  • strain the broth;
  • the remaining mass is crushed to a puree;
  • add a glass of broth, sugar and lemon to it;
  • cook until the sugar dissolves and pour into jars that are tightly closed.

Tomato and pumpkin juice

For it you need 2 kilograms of tomatoes and pumpkins, parsley, several currant and cherry leaves, and salt. This original drink prepared as follows:

  • add chopped pumpkin to a glass of water and cook until tender;
  • grind it with tomatoes through a sieve;
  • salt the resulting mass, add chopped parsley, currant and cherry leaves;
  • Boil everything for a few minutes, pour into jars and roll up.

Terms and rules for storing canned pumpkin juice with oranges

Juice poured into sterile jars or bottles is best sterilized at 80 degrees for 10-20 minutes. The drink is stored in the cellar or basement. If this is not possible, then you can keep canned food in a closet or on a closed balcony or loggia. It is important that the storage location is shaded. It is better to cover the preservation with a cloth.

Negative temperatures for storing juices are not allowed. When it gets colder, the jars need to be additionally wrapped.

Pasteurized or sterilized juice does not lose its quality for six months to a year. Sometimes it separates, but does not become cloudy or change color. The pulp just settles. This juice must be shaken before opening.

The benefits of pumpkin juice (video)

Bright and delicious juice from pumpkin with pulp, prepared at home, is an excellent source of vitamins in winter and early spring. This dietary product useful to everyone. But do not forget that the maximum daily dose of this rich juice is no more than two glasses.

During the cold season, the body needs vitamins and minerals for normal functioning. One of healthy vegetables is pumpkin, but not everyone likes its taste. A good alternative to use all positive properties This plant can be juiced from pumpkin with orange for the winter. Adding citrus fruits increases the amount of vitamins in the drink and gives it a pleasant, unique taste.

Benefits of pumpkin

Pumpkin fruits have a sweetish taste and have many beneficial properties for the body. This plant-based antioxidant is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and contains no a large number of calories. To prevent many diseases, it is recommended to regularly consume this product.

Nutritional properties and composition

Pumpkin pulp contains 90% water by weight, the remaining 10% is occupied by various nutrients. The fruit contains a large amount of plant fiber and a small proportion of simple hydrocarbons. The composition of the product includes the following compounds:

Disease Prevention

Rich in vitamins and mineral composition, as well as the content of a wide variety of plant acids important for the health and functioning of the body, determined the benefits of pumpkin for a number of diseases. The product is mainly recommended to be consumed for the following problems:

orange peel

Orange is the most consumed fruit worldwide and its peel is a source of many health benefits. Although she does not have such pleasant taste qualities, like fruit juice and its pulp, but it is also recommended to include it in the diet, since the chemical compounds it contains can prevent the development of many diseases. For this purpose, dozens of recipes for its use have been developed.

Orange peel has the following properties:

IN general case The high content of vitamin C and other antioxidants in citrus peels helps improve appearance skin, protect it from sunburn and slow down the aging process of the body as a whole.

Tinctures made from it cleanse skin pores, are a good prevention of acne and tone all vital systems. Thus, a product that many throw in the trash has many amazing properties, the health benefits of which are a proven fact.

Juice recipe for the winter

If you mix pumpkin and orange, you get real vitamin cocktail, which, if properly preserved, will retain its beneficial properties throughout the cold season. To understand how to make pumpkin and orange juice, you need to buy everything first necessary ingredients which include the following products:

  • about 8 kg of pumpkin pulp;
  • oranges 1.5 kg;
  • 2 kg table sugar;
  • citric acid and pure water.

The list of all products makes approximately 15 liters of drink. If you need to prepare a different volume of juice, then all ingredients can be increased or decreased in proportional quantities in this recipe for pumpkin juice with orange for the winter. For those who love more sweet taste, the number of oranges can be reduced slightly.

Cooking process

It is recommended to start preparing pumpkin juice at home with orange by preparing the main ingredient - pumpkin. First of all, you should pay attention to the plant variety, since their number is quite large. To prepare the drink, you should choose sweet varieties; they usually have bright orange colors. The following types are suitable for making juice from them:

  • Hard bark. Its fruits ripen early, have large seeds and are tasty and juicy.
  • Muscat. The fruits of this variety are relatively small, but have a sweet taste and ripen late, gradually accumulating nutrients.
  • Large-fruited. Individual specimens of this type of large pumpkin can reach a weight of up to 6 kg, are resistant to various diseases and can be stored all winter.

It should be washed thoroughly, peeled, and then cut and all the seeds inside taken out. Cut all the pulp into small pieces.

Then attention turns to oranges. They also need to be washed and peeled, which should be grated on a fine grater.

It is recommended to drink this viscous drink 1-2 hours before meals. You should not drink juice after or during meals. In order to make the most of all nutrients and healing properties pumpkin-orange drink, it is enough to drink 0.5 glasses every day. If a person wants to solve a problem with overweight, then it is recommended to drink the drink three times a day, half an hour before meals, 0.25 cups. The course lasts 1-2 weeks.

If a woman is pregnant, it is recommended to consult a doctor before drinking this drink.

Thanks to low calorie content(40 kcal per 100 ml) and easy digestibility pumpkin drink it can be drunk by people of any age: children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. However, an important aspect of drinking juice is to gradually introduce it into a person's diet and consume it in moderation, since the high content of beta-carotene and other substances can lead to allergies.

Thus, it is not difficult to prepare a drink from pumpkin with orange; it is recommended to stock up on it for the long cold season and then you can enjoy it pleasant taste And beneficial properties all winter.
