Amazing beneficial properties of Brazil nut kernels for female beauty. Brazil nut beneficial properties and contraindications

Hello, my dear friends, readers and guests!

Not long ago, Brazilian ones appeared in our stores. They may have appeared a long time ago, but I paid attention to them quite recently, so I decided to get acquainted with their composition and beneficial properties in more detail.

It turns out that Brazil nuts are just a super healthy product!!! let's consider beneficial features Brazil nuts and how to eat them correctly.

Brazil nuts are extraordinarily powerful and the richest known natural source of Selenium (Se), one of the most essential micronutrients to prevent free radical oxidative damage to cells, which is responsible for all aging processes in our body.


  • Without selenium, the synthesis of the necessary enzyme that prevents cell oxidation - glutathione peroxidase - does not occur.
  • Glutathione peroxidase is a substance of critical cellular detoxification. It turns toxins harmless by-products, and it also protects our body from many environmental and food hazards.
  • Increasing the production of glutathione peroxidase helps prevent the development of cancer cells and reduces the risk of cancer formation.
  • The deficiency leads to such skin diseases, like acne and psoriasis, and also contributes to joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Selenium is also necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and insufficient levels
  • Selenium may be a factor in sudden weight gain or loss.
  • Selenium deficiency can lead to muscle weakness and pain, changes in skin and hair color.
  • Brazil nuts have high content zinc, amino acids arginine and healthy fatty acids, they can increase testosterone levels and give Brazil nuts aphrodisiac properties.
  • Healing Brazil nut oil, when applied to the skin, nourishes it, forming a protective layer on the surface of the skin, which prevents aging, as well as excessive evaporation of water.
  • In addition, Brazil nuts help reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the body and help normalize sugar levels.
  • Brazil nuts also contain all essential B vitamins, choline, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and copper.

Just one Brazil nut contains this amount of selenium. Many health experts believe that this amount of selenium is too low and recommend getting at least 100 mcg per day. eat two nuts a day. Isn't it great?

Brazil nut photo

Brazil nuts side effects

The National Academy of Sciences has set an upper limit of 400 mcg of selenium per day for adults.

Therefore, you should not consume more than six Brazil nuts per day, as this can cause an overdose of selenium, which manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting.

The high fat content of Brazil nuts means that they are poorly stored and spoil quickly.

Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date.


The taste of Brazil nut kernels, to me personally, did not remind me of anything similar. The taste is nutty, but not bright and not particularly pronounced, but considering all their benefits, this factor can be ignored :)

Calorie content 656 cal per 100.0 product.

It’s very interesting to see how Brazil nuts grow, isn’t it impressive?!

In the article we discuss Brazil nuts. You will learn what the benefits and harms of the nut are for women and men, where and how it grows, what beneficial properties it has and what contraindications it has for use. By following our tips, you will learn how to store it correctly. We will tell you how the nut affects thyroid hormones, and how much fruit you can consume per day.

Brazilian nut- the fruit of the South American plant Bertholletia or Bertholletia (lat. Bertholletia) of the Lecythidaceae family (lat. Lecythidaceae). This tree was named after the French chemist Claude Bertholet. Bertholetia fruit is also known as the American or South American nut.

The fruit of the Brazil nut is a large round capsule, up to 15 cm in diameter and weighing up to 2 kg. Under the hard, hard shell there are from 8 to 24 kernels of the nut. They are similar in shape and location to orange slices. The length of each nut is no more than 5 cm.

How do Brazil nuts grow?

The Brazilian is a large tree that lives up to 500 years. The hazel tree reaches a height of 45 meters. The trunk diameter is 2 m. In the wild, the Brazil nut grows in Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Guyana, Bolivia and Colombia. Brazil nuts produce more than 20,000 tons of fruit every year. Half of them are collected in Bolivia.

Brazil nuts are cultivated on plantations, but in such conditions the tree produces a low yield. In its natural habitat, the tree is pollinated by bumblebees and orchid bees. Only they can overcome the complex curves of a flower with pollen on its legs. These bees do not live where the ecosystem is destroyed. Without them, the tree hardly bears fruit.

Chemical composition of Brazil nut

Brazil nut contains:

  • poly Not saturated fats;
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • amino acids;
  • fiber;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphor;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

Brazil nut calories

Calorie content 100 gr. Brazil nuts - 690 kcal. The fruit is ⅔ fat.

Useful properties of Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts have many beneficial properties. It lowers cholesterol levels, regulates blood clotting, improves intestinal motility and cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

Nuts replenish energy, help with depression, stress and chronic fatigue. They strengthen the immune system and eliminate free radicals, improve metabolism, and reduce blood sugar levels. Brazil nuts are used to prevent vascular diseases, cataracts and atherosclerosis.

Nuts are used for prevention oncological diseases. The fruit contains selenium, which is useful for cancer, it stops the development of pathology.

Brazil nuts contain amino acids that help burn fat and help gain weight. muscle mass. They are included in the diet of athletes and used in dietetics.

Brazil nut benefits and harm

The benefits and harms of Brazil nuts depend on the amount of fruit eaten. The nut contains barium and radium - radio active substances, for this reason you should not eat fruits in unlimited quantities.

The beneficial properties of Brazil nuts are obvious, but they can be harmful. For example, an excess of selenium leads to toxic liver damage. In case of poisoning, nausea, vomiting and general weakness appear.

It is necessary to eat completely peeled fruits. The shell of the Brazil nut contains aflatoxin, a substance that causes cancer.

Uses of Brazil nut

The beneficial composition of Brazil nuts is highly valued in folk medicine. It is used in pure form, and oil is also produced from it - concentrated product, which exhibits the same medicinal properties as the whole nut. It is used to treat diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases and oncology.

Brazil nut oil is popular in cosmetology. It is applied pointwise to problematic skin, for example, for the treatment of acne. The product is added to creams, gels and masks.

The oil improves the condition of not only facial skin, but also hair. The product deeply nourishes the hair and adds shine to the curls. In its pure form, the product is applied to dry ends. More often, oil is added to cosmetical tools for hair: shampoos, conditioners, masks.

Due to its high taste, Brazil nuts are used in cooking. It is used to decorate desserts or as an ingredient in baking. Nut butter is added to salads, main dishes and confectionery.

How much can you eat per day

Brazil nuts are one of the most high-calorie nuts, so they should be consumed with caution. A couple of nuts or 1 teaspoon of oil per day satisfies daily requirement body in vitamins and nutrients Oh.

Brazil nut for women

Brazil nuts have a beneficial effect on hormonal background women. This, in turn, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Antioxidants keep the skin youthful, vitamins nourish and strengthen the epidermis. Vitamin E moisturizes the dermis and accelerates regeneration processes.

Brazil nut for men

Brazil nuts are high in selenium and magnesium. These minerals stimulate sperm production and increase potency. Brazil nuts are used to prevent prostatitis.

The proteins in the nut are indispensable for athletes. They are easily digestible and accelerate muscle gain.

Brazil nuts during pregnancy

Brazil nuts can be consumed during pregnancy. The product improves a woman’s condition and reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies.

Brazil nut normalizes the production of thyroid hormones, thereby protecting against stress, depression, and mood swings.

Brazil nuts for children

You should not introduce your child to Brazil nuts before the age of 3. Fruits can cause an allergic reaction, so they should be introduced into the diet gradually, in small pieces. It is necessary to observe the reaction of the child’s body.

Due to its high fat content, the nut increases the load on the child’s digestive system. Children's body may not cope, which will lead to stomach upset. The daily norm of nuts for children is no more than 2 pieces.

How to store Brazil nuts

Any glass container with a lid is suitable for storing nuts. The main thing is to store it away from other products and direct sun rays. Fruits instantly absorb foreign odors, which impairs their taste. Store Brazil nuts in a cool and dry place.

Peeled fruits can be stored in the refrigerator. They retain their beneficial properties for a month. Unshelled nuts can be stored for about a year if the recommendations are followed correctly.

Brazil nut oil

Brazil nut oil is produced by cold pressing. This method allows you to preserve biologically active substances. The product has a yellow tint, a nutty aroma and a slightly sweet taste. In cooking, oil is added to main dishes, salads and desserts.

Brazil nut oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. The product is added to cosmetics and used in its pure form, including internally. The oil is used for... It softens and nourishes the skin, hair and nails.

Contraindications and restrictions

Contraindications to the use of Brazil nuts:

  • individual intolerance;
  • overweight.

You should not eat more than the daily allowance of Brazil nuts, so as not to harm the body. Before using Brazil nut oil medicinal purposes it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The benefits and harms of Brazil nuts are a debatable issue. Rich chemical composition, high calorie content, beneficial influence on men's and female body, use in cosmetology and cooking contribute to the growth of the product’s popularity. However, a number of beneficial properties will turn out to be harmful if the daily intake is exceeded.

What does a Brazil nut look like and where does it grow?

In the vast majority of cases, the fruit of Bertholetia alba is called a Brazil nut. This is due similar properties: taste qualities, texture and shape. From the name it is not difficult to guess where the tree grows. Bertholletia excelsa grows in the forests of the Amazon, namely Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Guiana. Contrary to the name, the largest importer of the product is Bolivia (50%). By the way, Brazilians use the name “chestnut from Para”.

The tree is a record holder in many respects: its height can easily reach 45 m, trunk diameter up to 2 m, and age up to 1000 years. The trunk of the tree at approximately ¾ of its height does not have side branches, and only its upper quarter has a spherical crown on which the fruits are placed. When ripe, they fall to the ground, which greatly facilitates the work of harvesting. After all, picking fruits from a 45-meter tree is not entirely convenient.

The fruits are similar in appearance to coconuts and are boxes containing nut seeds, the number of which varies from 8 to 24. The largest ones can reach up to 2.5 kg.

You can go on a trip to the homeland of the nut using the video:

Chemical composition and calorie content of Brazil nuts

The exotic plant is unique not only in appearance, but also in the composition of the fruit. The calorie content of a Brazil nut per 100 grams is about 650 kcal, and this also gives grounds to classify the plant as a nut that differs high calorie content and bringing great benefit with dietary nutrition.

About 70% of the composition of Bertholetia fruits is fat, but most of them are unsaturated, and therefore healthy. Analyzing the chemical composition, one can only wonder how a small Brazil nut can contain an endless range of valuable amino acids, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins that have beneficial properties.

What are the benefits of Brazil nuts for the body?

This composition allows us to draw quite logical conclusions: the benefits of Brazil nuts for the human body are invaluable.

  • The most useful thing is that the product contains a record amount of selenium, a trace element that can slow down and even stop the development of cancer. Selenium deficiency negatively affects the condition of the skin, joints and thyroid function.
  • Chestnut from Para is a reliable assistant in the fight against stressful situations and depression.
  • Walnut normalizes hormonal balance and benefits the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  • The benefits of the Brazilian fruit are also expressed in a beneficial effect on reproductive function: it prolongs its period and even helps with infertility.

For women

Brazil nut is a natural storehouse of beauty. Firstly, it has rejuvenating properties, promoting regeneration processes and neutralizing harmful free radicals, and secondly, it will be beneficial for skin, nails and hair due to its content large quantity amino acids.

For men

The stronger sex should definitely add this little nut to their daily diet. Its benefits include reducing the risk of prostatitis and the likelihood of prostate cancer, improving sexual function by increasing sperm activity and normalizing testicular function.

Is Brazil nut suitable for pregnant and lactating women?

In addition to the described properties, selenium is useful for the functioning of the female reproductive system. It ensures a smooth pregnancy and prevents the occurrence of various pathologies in the fetus. A healthy nut helps not only give birth healthy offspring, but also to reduce the risk of diseases during such a crucial period.

Brazil nuts also contain omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are useful for expectant mothers due to their ability to reduce the likelihood of premature birth, placental insufficiency, late toxicosis and postpartum depression.

However, after the birth of the child in the case breastfeeding It’s no longer worth eating nuts, because exotic products may harm the baby.

Brazil nuts for children

Brazil nuts should be introduced into children's diets after 3 years in minimal doses to ensure that there are no allergic reactions. It will be useful for teenagers, especially in school period, because valuable microelements improve memory, thinking development and increase the production of growth hormone.

Are Brazil nuts good for weight loss?

Nuts will also benefit people who decide to say goodbye to extra pounds. A couple of Brazil nuts on the menu will ensure that you won’t feel hungry, even if the food portions are significantly reduced, because fiber affects the feeling of fullness with food.

Healthy unsaturated fats will reduce the level of bad cholesterol, preventing the appearance of deposits on the vascular walls and the formation of fatty deposits. In addition, amino acids tend to increase the effectiveness of training, which means that it will be possible to achieve the planned results faster and easier.

How to use Brazil nuts for medicinal purposes

Maybe, greatest value nuts manifest themselves through their ability to prevent cancer.

It is worth noting their ability to strengthen immune system and resistance to various diseases, which means benefits in recovery from illness.

Brazil nut at diabetes mellitus will also have positive effect, balancing blood sugar levels.

Will help get rid of dermatoses and psoriasis peanut butter: it is applied to selected areas of the skin and then removed with a napkin or added to beneficial medicinal baths.

Attention! How to take Brazil nut to extract maximum benefit and not cause harm, the attending physician will advise.

Benefits and uses of Brazil nut oil

Today, thanks to their beneficial chemical composition, nuts have found application:

  • in medicine (prevention of diseases, recovery from illnesses, increasing immunity and ensuring normal functioning of the body);
  • in dietetics (cleansing gastrointestinal tract and removal of harmful compounds);
  • in trichology (strengthening and nourishing hair and hair follicles);
  • in the cosmetology field(minimization harmful influence free radicals, healthy diet skin and the fight against its imperfections).

Brazil nut in cosmetology

The beauty industry has long appreciated the beneficial nutritional and regenerating properties of the nut and uses it as a base in the production of beauty products.

For face and body

The use of the nut for the production of useful anti-aging products is especially popular: due to its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, it provides nutrition and hydration to both the upper and deep dermal layers of the skin. This slows down the appearance of wrinkles and increases tissue turgor.

Instead of purchasing such cosmetics, you can prefer to purchase the oil in its pure form and add it to existing creams and lotions or cook it useful masks and scrubs.

  • The simplest mask can be prepared by mixing Brazil nut and olive oil in equal quantities. Soak a napkin in this mixture and place it on your face for 20 minutes.
  • 2-3 drops of oil added to cooked coffee scrub, will enhance the beneficial effects on the skin.

For hair

Hair, which is exposed every day, also needs constant nutrition. harmful effects of various kinds.

  • A few drops of oil in your favorite shampoo or conditioner will enrich it and enhance its effectiveness.
  • The maximum benefit can be obtained by applying the oil to your hair for 3-4 hours, followed by rinsing with water and shampoo. The course of such therapy is 10–15 procedures.

Brazil nuts in cooking

Recently, it has become quite possible to purchase exotic nuts in local supermarkets. This opens up new horizons for culinary fantasy. The taste of Brazil nuts is similar to pine nuts; it complements desserts, sauces, salads and soups, adding a touch of piquancy to dishes. How to use the product in the kitchen depends only on individual preferences. Culinary masterpieces are beyond everyone's power, so you can simply fry healthy nuts and sprinkle with salt.

Gourmets can try to cook delicious and healthy dishes with exotic nuts.

Peanut pie:

Nut cake with jam and chocolate:

How many Brazil nuts can you eat per day?

Each nut contains quite a bit high concentration the components mentioned above, which can both benefit the body and cause harm. So the daily norm should not exceed 10 g, which corresponds to 1-2 nucleoli. Otherwise, harm cannot be avoided.

Harm of Brazil nuts and contraindications

A healthy nut will be an excellent “healer”, but if abused negative consequences can't be avoided.

  • The property of selenium to accumulate in the body leads to the development various diseases, and can sometimes be fatal.
  • The presence of radium and barium is another reason moderate consumption nuts
  • There are contraindications for use for people with allergies to nuts, as well as with persistent elevated blood pressure and those suffering from asthma.

Important! The chestnut peel from Para contains aflatoxin in impressive quantities, which can harm internal organs and even lead to liver cancer. Therefore, you need to clean it thoroughly.

How to select and store Brazil nuts

When choosing healthy nuts, you need to know a few secrets that will protect you from a poor-quality purchase.

Advice! A place in the refrigerator is ideal for storing Brazilian kernels, and a tightly closed container will protect against foreign odors and moisture.


Both the benefits and harms of Brazil nuts are mainly due to their high selenium content. Friendship with this fruit will be beneficial and will definitely have a positive effect on your physical condition, well-being and appearance. But to avoid possible harm the number of nucleoli should be strictly controlled.

The Brazil or American nut is not actually a nut, but its fruit is similar in structure to a nut. appearance, taste, growing method and nutritional value(I wonder why after all this it is considered a nut? :)). Only in cooking is it considered a nut, but in botany this fruit is considered a grain: its kernel grows to the shell and is not divided into halves. It is also not rightly called “Brazilian”, since its largest exporter is Bolivia. This is what a Brazil nut is - and not a nut, and not a Brazil...

An interesting fact is that Brazil nuts (or Bertholetia nuts) are not specially grown, since they produce a real harvest only in the wild - in the jungle.

In appearance, a Brazil nut is similar to a coconut: it weighs from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, its size is about 15 cm. Hidden inside it are seeds that are similar in shape, but larger in size - about 5 cm. These seeds are the actual nuts used as food. Most often inside big nut there are from 8 to 24 of them. This product tastes like...

Brazil nut: product composition

Before considering the properties of Brazil nuts, the benefits and harms of this product, it is worth studying its chemical composition.

Brazil nuts contain 18% proteins, 13% carbohydrates, 69% fats, and 41% of fats are unsaturated. Brazil nuts also contain as many as 18 amino acids and necessary for the body.

It also contains almost all the vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. Nuts contain B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, E. Among the minerals they contain are iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, sodium, manganese, selenium. Brazil nuts also contain nuts that have high antioxidant activity.

Separately, it should be said how high-calorie Brazil nuts are. The calorie content of this product is 656 kcal. Therefore, those who want to get rid of extra pounds should not abuse such nuts. Daily norm Eating Brazil nuts is considered to be 2 pieces per day, which will be beneficial for the body.

Brazil nuts: benefits and harms

All product properties are determined chemical composition, which is endowed with the Brazil nut. Its beneficial properties are enormous due to the large amount of nutrients it contains.

Beneficial features

Flavonoids – natural substances, which have antioxidant activity and ensure the normal course of redox reactions in the body. These substances are often found in synthetic preparations, but for better absorption they should be taken as part of natural foods, such as Brazil nuts.

For those trying to lose weight, careful consumption of nuts will be useful, as they contain amino acids that can reduce the mass of a person’s adipose tissue and increase muscle mass. necessary for complete blood clotting: dilates blood vessels and enhances their blood supply.

The presence of unsaturated fats in Brazil nuts can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, protect body cells, and prevent the development of cataracts, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and nervous diseases.

Fiber in the product is the most the best remedy bowel cleansing.

Brazil nuts are beneficial for the human reproductive system: they can help men treat infertility, and women can prolong their reproductive age.

Due to the presence of selenium, which has anticarcinogenic and antitumor effects, the nut is necessary for protection against cancer and premature aging. By the way, the body needs selenium in small doses, but in large quantities may have harmful effects.

Brazil nuts are essential for children and adolescents, as they stimulate the synthesis of growth hormone, thereby activating growth in children.

Brazil nuts act as a natural energy booster: just one nut can restore your strength. The substances contained in this product improve metabolism, normalize blood sugar levels, relieve fatigue and stress, and help the formation and growth of new cells.

Benefits of Brazil nut oil

Walnut oil is currently widely used in cosmetology, as it can have a positive effect on the skin. In particular, it creates a protective layer on the surface of the skin that protects it from negative impacts environment, does not allow the necessary moisture to evaporate, and penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, nourishes it, restores cells and prevents its aging. Because of these qualities, nut oil is used in the manufacture of skin and hair products. It can also be added to shampoo or cream on its own with each use.

In addition to its cosmetic effect, Brazil nut oil has medicinal properties: it heals wounds, ulcers and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The oil contains fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, tocopherols and alcohols, which have a decongestant, antiseptic and antiviral effect.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Talking about harmful properties product, they always warn that everything is good in moderation. It’s the same with Brazil nuts: you shouldn’t exceed the measure of 2-3 nuts, otherwise it will useful action will lead to unpleasant consequences. In addition, the nut contains a very small amount of radium, a harmful radioactive substance. It's worth noting that Brazil nuts are very nutritious, so you probably won't want to eat a lot of nuts at once.

Nut shells contain aflatoxin, which can cause liver cancer. When importing nuts into the European Union, there are certain import rules: the shell of each batch of nuts must first be removed. If nuts are purchased outside of Europe, you need to ensure that the nuts are cleaned.

If you have hypertension, you should eat nuts with caution, as they can worsen the condition.

Contraindications to eating nuts are individual intolerance to the product and allergic reactions that occur when consuming it. Most often, allergies are noticed in people who experience allergic reactions when eating other nuts and some exotic fruits.

Uses of Brazil nut

Eat nuts in in different forms: raw, fried, salted. Nut butter is made from them. There are many culinary masterpieces using Brazil nuts: baked goods, ice cream, sweets, chocolate, salads, snacks, sauces, soups, etc.

Such nuts do not spoil for a long time without the shell, so they are often taken on trips as snacks.

Store shelled nuts in a cool place or in the refrigerator, preferably in a closed bag, so that they do not absorb other edible odors.

The nut and its oil are used not only in cooking and cosmetology. The oil serves to lubricate watches, thanks to which they work for many years, and based on it, artists create paints that do not lose brightness and color for centuries.

Botanical name: Brazilian nut

Homeland of Brazil nut: Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru

Lighting: photophilous

The soil: nutritious, rich in minerals

Watering: moisture-loving

Maximum tree height: 45 m

Average lifespan of a tree: 500 years

Landing: grains contained in the fruit

Where does it grow and what does a Brazil nut look like in the photo?

Brazil nut, scientifically called Bertholletia excelsa, is the only species of a monotypic genus of South American plants of the Lecithisaceae family. The genus of these plants was named in honor of the French chemist Claude Louis Berthollet (1748-1822), and received its generally accepted name because of its distribution area.

In nature, the Brazil nut, as seen in the photo, grows in numerous groups in the wild forests of Brazil, is widespread in Venezuela, eastern Peru, Bolivia and Colombia, and cultivated plantings are found in Sri Lanka, as well as Trinidad and Tobago. Single trees grow on the shallows of the Orinoco, Rio Negro and Amazon. Bertoletia is not cultivated to produce fruits; these plants produce crops only in the wild. Despite the name, the main supplier of Brazil nuts is Bolivia. The annual fruit harvest is about 20,000 tons, with Bolivia harvesting 50% of the total, Brazil 40%, and Peru 10%. The cutting down of these trees is strictly prohibited by the laws of these three countries.

Bertoletia (another name for Brazil nut) is one of the largest long-lived trees in the Amazon rainforest, reaching a height of 30-45 m with a trunk diameter of 1-2 m. Residents of Brazil claim that the Brazil nut grows and bears fruit for up to 1000 years, but The average lifespan of Bertholletia excelsa is officially believed to be 500 years.

Three-quarters of the slender, straight trunk, covered with smooth, grayish bark, is usually bare. The side branches begin to grow only closer to the crown, forming a large, spherical crown of regular shape. Because of this feature, Bertholetia acts as a “dome” for surrounding plants, protecting them from the scorching sun and heavy rains. The wood is dense and durable, pale brown on top, purple-chocolate closer to the core, lends itself well machining and polishing.

The leaves of the plants are serrated or entire, elongated (20-35 cm), reaching 15 cm in width. During dry seasons, the leaves fall off.

The petals of small flowers, collected in a panicle inflorescence, are cream-colored. Each flower has 6 petals and several stamens, tightly adjacent to each other. The nectar of flowers is very sweet, but only insects with a sufficiently strong, long proboscis can collect it, since it is very difficult to get to the stamens through the complex bends of the petals.

The fruits ripen after 14 months, and only on trees that have reached 12 years of age. You can get an idea of ​​what a Brazil nut looks like by looking at the photos in our photo gallery after this article. This is a large box (up to 10-15 cm in diameter, weighing up to 2 kg), very similar in appearance to a coconut fruit.

The fruit shell is tree-like, hard, and reaches 8-12 mm in thickness. Each box contains from 8 to 24 triangular grains, each reaching a length of 4-5 cm. Brazil nuts, as seen in the photo, fill a tree-like container like orange slices.

Despite the fact that ordinary people classify the contents of the fruits of Bertholletia excelsa as a nut, botanists classify them as grains.

There is a small hole on one side of the box. It is through it that large rodents (for example, agouti) get to the insides of the fruit and eat the nuts from the inside. Rodents are thrifty animals, so after eating, they bury some of the nuts in the ground, and some of them sprout. This is how Bertholletia excelsa reproduces in the wild.

Bertoletia is a light-loving plant, so nuts buried by rodents in shaded places can remain dormant for years; young shoots from them sprout only after a few years.

Other animals, such as capuchin monkeys, also feed on Brazil nuts. Moreover, the monkeys do not get to the core of the fruit through a hole, but crack the shell using stones. Unlike rodents, capuchins do not store reserves, so these plants practically do not reproduce in places where there are large concentrations of monkeys.

The benefits and harms of Brazil nuts

Thanks to its rich composition, Brazil nuts have many beneficial properties. Fruit grains contain almost all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body - both minerals and vitamins. The composition of Brazil nuts includes calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, as well as vitamins C, A, E, PP and B vitamins. The fruits are saturated with fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids and flavonoids (substances with antioxidant activity).

The properties of Brazil nuts make it possible to ensure the normal course of all redox reactions in the body. The substances contained in these fruits provide a higher effect than synthetic vitamins, so it is recommended to consume Bertoletia grains daily, at least 1-2 pieces per day. The benefits of Brazil nuts for those involved in active activities have long been noted. physical activity wanting to gain muscle mass. The amino acids that make up the grains reduce the mass of adipose tissue, and on the contrary, increase the mass of muscle tissue. In addition, these fruits contain 18% proteins and 13% carbohydrates. Brazil nuts also contain alpha-linolenic acid, which in the human body is converted into omega-3 acid, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The beneficial properties of Brazil nuts allow it to be used to improve the general condition of the body. These fruits contain a lot of selenium, which protects against premature aging and prevents the development of cancer cells. Of course, Bertoletia is not a panacea for all diseases, but it is necessary to include its fruits in your diet (3 nuts per day are enough to replenish daily norm Selena). A number of studies indicate that selenium reduces the risk of breast cancer, so these fruits are recommended to be consumed as a preventive measure against the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

Along with their benefits, Brazil nuts can also cause harm, especially if consumed in excessive quantities. Bertholetia fruits contain a small amount of radioactive substance radium. Although the level of radium is low (approximately 40-260 Bq/kg), it is 1000 times higher than in other foods. However, it is worth considering the fact that the main part of the radioactive substances is contained not in the core of the nut, but in other parts of the plant, so the risk of side effect very small. Scientists from the Oak Ridge University Association believe that the accumulation of radium in Bertholetia fruits is not due to the fact that the Amazon soil contains elevated concentrations of radium. The reason is an overly branched root system of trees, capable of penetrating into too deep layers and extracting from the soil those elements that are found in it in negligible concentrations.

Speaking about the dangers of Brazil nuts, we can also remember that the shell of the grains contains aflatoxins, which are involved in the development of liver cancer. Of course, their concentration is too small, but despite this, there are strict rules for the import of Bertoletia introduced by the European Union. It is prohibited to import fruits together with the capsule into EU member countries - the shell must first be removed. Each batch of nuts is strictly checked to ensure compliance with import regulations.

Composition of Brazil nuts and how many calories are in them

The benefits of Brazil nuts are also indicated by the high fat content in its fruits (almost 70%), with 25% being saturated fats. Many, especially those who want to lose weight, consider this a disadvantage. The calorie content of Brazil nuts also speaks for itself - 100 grams of the product contains 682 kilocalories (for comparison, the calorie content of peanuts is 551 kcal per 100 g, pine nuts– 629 kcal per 100 g, and cashews – 633 kcal per 100 g).

Of course, for those who follow a strict diet and count calories, Brazil nuts are not best treat, however, it is much healthier to eat 1-2 grains of Bertholletia excelsa than a cake, 100 g of chips or a serving fried potatoes, after all useful substances these fruits contain much more, and all of them are well absorbed by the body.

When comparing how many calories are in Brazil nuts and how many calories are in your favorite but unhealthy dish, you should always make a choice in favor of a natural product.

Uses and contraindications for the use of Brazil nuts

The benefits of Brazil nuts in cosmetology are also widely known. The oil of these fruits is included in many face and body skin care products; Bertholletia excelsa grains are also used in the manufacture of shampoos, balms and hair lotions. Oils are rich in fatty acids, tocopherols, fat-soluble vitamins, and have powerful antioxidant, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic effects.

Bertoletia fruits are tasty both raw and roasted. They can be eaten without any additives, or you can add salt or a little pepper. In cooking, Bertholletia excelsa grains are added to baked goods, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, and used in the preparation of snacks, salads, sauces, soups and main courses. In addition, a few nuts can satisfy your hunger, so they are often included in various nutritious snack mixtures. Fruits do not require special conditions storage, for a long time do not deteriorate and retain their beneficial properties.

Contraindications to the use of Brazil nuts exist for those who are allergic to other nuts or mangoes. If a person has an individual intolerance to substances contained in peanut butter will most likely follow allergic reaction and on the fruits of Bertholetia.
