Composition and recipe for making stomach tea. Monastic stomach tea

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Every person's health, activity and vitality organism depend on the state of the digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract provides mechanical and chemical processing of incoming food, breakdown into simple molecules, and absorption into the blood. If part of the digestive mechanism malfunctions, the nutritional function and overall health of the body are compromised. If you feel symptoms of indigestion, it’s time to help your own body and buy Monastic Stomach Tea.

Causes of housing and communal services diseases

Hundreds of adverse factors threaten health and normal absorption every day nutrients body. First of all, poor nutrition. This includes eating unhealthy (fatty, fried, spicy, containing synthetic additives) foods. Eating “on the go” without thorough chewing, eating fast food, homemade sandwiches, fried pies, as well as malnutrition and excessive gluttony.

The composition of this drink is natural: only herbs collected in Siberian forests untouched by man

Disorders of the body's digestive system are caused by infectious agents and chemical poisons. Congenital pathology is less common. The role of the following factors has been proven:

  • stress;
  • physical stress;
  • depression;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • side effects of certain groups of medications;
  • impaired blood supply to the digestive system.

The cells of the digestive system (stomach, intestines, liver) are distinguished among the cells of the body by their high stability and ability to renew themselves. A person can remain healthy for a long time. When the limit of compensatory capabilities comes, we talk about the disease. The body ceases to cope with constant external attacks on its own, requiring additional help.

Nature's help

Gastric monastic (intestinal) tea will help normalize digestion, remove the symptoms of dyspepsia, and restore the body’s weakened strength. Problems with the stomach and intestines have always existed. Properties medicinal plants has long been used to treat the digestive system. Herbal medicine was widely practiced by monastic doctors. Gradually, accumulating knowledge medicinal properties individual herbs, the monks made healing mixtures that helped defeat diseases. This is how the composition of the monastery collection was selected for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

This collection will help restore health even after an ulcer thanks to the vitamins, amino acids, minerals and special tannins contained in green herbs

The components of the collection have an anti-inflammatory, healing, and choleretic effect. Plants collected in ecologically clean areas contain essential vitamins and microelements, providing a general tonic and strengthening effect on the body.

The ancient monastery recipe was traditionally considered best assistant in the fight against peptic ulcer and gastritis. The effectiveness of the collection has been proven for all known diseases affecting the intestinal tract:

  • ulcers of the stomach, duodenum;
  • hyperacid, atrophic, drug-induced gastritis;
  • enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis;
  • stool disorders (prolonged constipation, diarrhea);
  • enzymatic deficiency (improvement was noted in patients taking tea for pancreatitis);
  • intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis.

After the first use, stomach tea reduces the unpleasant symptoms of digestive problems: pain, heartburn, a feeling of bitterness disappear, and flatulence (bloating) decreases. To get tangible therapeutic effect For health, regular use of the medicinal mixture is necessary for at least 2-3 weeks.

Proven effectiveness

Medicine today is not as conservative as it seems. Medicinal properties plants are officially recognized, doctors prefer the use of natural-based drugs.

In order to understand why monastery tea is so popular, you need to know its composition

Large clinical studies were conducted in 2013. More than a thousand patients with gastrointestinal pathology participated. Participants in the experiment regularly consumed monastery tea for two weeks. Improvement in health status was noted by 100% of participants. After drinking the tea for two or three days, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, unpleasant nagging pain went away, and appetite improved. At the end of the experiment, a repeated comprehensive health examination of the participants was carried out. The product deserves positive reviews gastroenterologists. All patients showed a positive trend in the course of chronic diseases of the digestive system of the body.

Nutritionist, popular TV presenter Elena Malysheva in her program speaks about stomach tea: tea therapy affects the body biologically active substances plant origin, stimulates the receptors responsible for regeneration, starting the healing process of the digestive system, returning the body to the “point of health”.

Having opened the corresponding forum, you come across conflicting reviews about monastery tea: stories about miraculous healing of the body, complete disappointment, lack of effect. Let's clarify the features of using the product:

  • Gastric monastery collection is not a medicine. It does not cure severe forms of diseases of the digestive system and does not replace surgical intervention. In these cases, it can be used as an addition to the main treatment.
  • To obtain a noticeable effect, monastery tea must be taken for at least 2-3 weeks, following the recommendations for preparation, brewing and frequency of taking the collection.
  • You need to buy only original products; most offers in pharmacies and on websites where you can buy the product are fake.

The herbs included in the collection will maximize all their healing properties only when the tea has been brewed correctly in accordance with the dosage

How to purchase an original product?

There is only one official center for the production and supply of Monastic tea - a small monastery on the territory of Belarus. You cannot buy original stomach tea in a pharmacy. To help your health by spending money digestive tract, you need to buy products through the official website. The order costs more than the pharmacy product, but the price is completely justified.

Herbs are collected in environmentally friendly conditions, observing correct timing preparations of each plant. The composition of the gastric collection, which includes nine components, requires mixing dried plants in the recommended ratio. Required proportions were established empirically. Only the official supplier has an international certificate of product quality compliance.

If you are looking for where to buy stomach tea for chronic diseases of the digestive system, we advise you to contact the official supplier of the product. So you can make sure that the sensational church gastric collection in reality - an effective healing product, and not a scam invented by the manufacturer.

Benefits of monastery tea for the stomach:

  • Exclusively natural composition without synthetic components;
  • Absence side effects if there is no individual intolerance to the components;
  • Collection and processing of raw materials takes place according to old recipes manually;
  • The product is fully certified and recommended for use by nutritionists;
  • Pleasant taste and aroma.

Usually, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases requires 2-3 weeks of taking the decoction.


Traditional recipe stomach tea includes nine medicinal herbs, each has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Complementing each other, the components have a powerful healing effect and therapeutic effect on the abdominal organs and the entire body.

  • Calendula. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Carotene and essential oils promote the healing of ulcerative defects. Calendula flowers are known for their calming properties, normalize vascular tone, and relieve spasms.
  • Flax seeds. By stimulating intestinal peristalsis, they help with constipation and cleanse the body of toxins. They have a softening, enveloping effect. A natural sorbent that adsorbs toxins similar to the action of activated carbon.
  • St. John's wort. Contains tannins that have an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane, normalizes acidity, and strengthens blood vessels.
  • Marsh dry grass. Promotes tissue regeneration, relieves spasms, enhances peristalsis.
  • Rose hips are known for their diuretic and choleretic properties. They contain a large number of vitamins, especially vitamin C.
  • Peppermint. Eliminates pain, increases appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, eliminates nausea and vomiting.

The tea is completely natural, consisting of medicinal plants
  • Wormwood. Stimulates work intestinal tract, enhances secretion in the stomach, secretion of bile, pancreatic enzymes, eliminates spasm of the colon.
  • Yarrow. Eliminates intestinal spasms and flatulence. Choleretic effect, eliminates bleeding.
  • Horsetail. A herb with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, choleretic effects. Able to inhibit tumor growth.

Cooking secrets

How to prepare monastery stomach tea? The technique for preparing the drink is not fundamentally different from brewing ordinary black or green tea leaves. There are some options proper brewing tea collection. Before brewing, be sure to read the instructions; take one spoon of the mixture per 200 ml of water (a cut glass up to the rim).

Cooking options:

  • brewing in a cup;
  • thermos;
  • Turk;
  • water bath.

When brewing monastery tea in a cup, pour a teaspoon of the collection with a glass of hot (not boiling) water, leave to steep for 10-15 minutes. The cup should not be covered tightly, leaving air access. This is the most common brewing method. It is convenient to use a cup with a ceramic strainer.

Some people prefer this original way brewing: cook healing drink according to the cooking principle brewed coffee. A spoonful of collection is poured into the Turk and poured cold water. Bring the broth to a boil, set aside, cover loosely and let it brew.

Brewing in a thermos is convenient for drinking monastery tea for digestive problems throughout the day. Especially if it is not possible to brew it constantly. During brewing, do not immediately close the lid of the thermos tightly.

Prepared stomach tea according to the monastery recipe is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Reheat ready drink Not recommended. Just add hot water.

A rather labor-intensive method that reveals the taste and aroma of a herbal bouquet is brewing in a water bath. How to prepare monastery stomach tea in a water bath? The herbs are poured into a bowl, preferably enameled, and filled with cold boiled water, keep in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, after removal leave for another 10-15 minutes.

Time of administration and dosage

From patients who drank monastery stomach tea, reviews of taste qualities, as a rule, positive. The herbal collection is pleasant to the taste and has an original aroma. Using medicinal drink, follow the dosage and frequency of administration for an effective therapeutic effect on the body. The manufacturer recommends drinking one glass of tea (brewed at the rate of one teaspoon per 200 ml) three to four times a day.

The gastrointestinal tract organs that are responsible for the digestion process in the body of every person include: intestines, gallbladder, stomach, liver and pancreas. Unfortunately, the environment, poor-quality food, poor lifestyle and some other factors lead to the occurrence of inflammatory processes. These are enteritis, colitis, gastritis and other unpleasant phenomena that cause pain, nausea, and vomiting. Whatever medications you take, they will not quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and in any case they will have side effects, even if insignificant. How to get rid of diseases without harm to health?

Recent observations support the collection

Naturally, due to the popularity of the product, many began to study in detail such a healing remedy as monastery gastric tea. If you look at the reviews of patients, you can find out that, firstly, for some, the very next day after starting to take the drug, the pain became less intense. Secondly, people with chronic illnesses felt significant relief after just a few days. Tea helps improve metabolism, accelerates regeneration processes, and eliminates painful pain. Monastery tea gastric has unique properties, which no other medical product can boast of. This is a real magical elixir, created based on the gifts of nature.

The uniqueness is explained by the composition of the collection

It is worth noting that the monastery tea proved to be not only excellent and completely safe remedy to relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases. Many patients rejoiced at the surge of strength and vigor, the overall strengthening of the body, and some men even noted that their potency had improved. It turns out that it means giving yourself a full and healthy life.

These are the main, but not all, components that the monastery gastric tea contains. It will help with constipation, flatulence, gastritis, ulcers, colitis, get rid of infections, and speed up the production of enzymes so necessary for our body.

How does it work and what do patients say about the product?

Not only doctors, but also patients note the beneficial effects on the body that this collection has. It is very effective not only for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but will also help, if not completely get rid of many other problems, then at least alleviate their course. People say that brewing the mixture is easy, drinking it is pleasant, and how joyful it is to note that pain is receding and unpleasant symptoms are disappearing. And another examination by a doctor only confirms how effective the tea is. So stop suffering from severe pain and ailments, it’s time to bring back the joy to life and buy gastric monastery tea. Its effectiveness has been proven by time, because this collection appeared quite a long time ago, and reviews from satisfied patients will not make you doubt the quality of the product.

More about the history of monastery tea, varieties, where to buy real product and how to distinguish an original from a fake, you can find out by watching this video.

At the Research Institute of Gastroenterology, leading experts conducted research on the properties of “Monastery Gastric Tea”. As a result of a month-long study of a group of volunteers of 42 people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The following results were obtained:

  1. An acceleration of regeneration processes was noted in 36 volunteers.
  2. A significant improvement in the general well-being and mood of patients was established. Improving metabolic processes in the body
  3. In men after 30 years of age, there was an improvement in potency and an increase in libido.

Buy monastery tea for the stomach

Massive counterfeits of monastery stomach tea have appeared on the Internet. Scammers, taking advantage of the popularity of our collections, send counterfeit products to people.

Original products are supplied only by Zelenaya Dubrava LLC. Only a church shop can sell it. We provide a complete description of the products, nothing more, and links to purchase. Everything else is a fake that has no medicinal properties and harmful to your health. Don't trust your money and health to scammers!

Monastic tea for ulcers and gastritis

Full-scale clinical studies of stomach tea were conducted in 2013. In total, more than 1000 volunteers participated in them various diseases Gastrointestinal tract. All of them took stomach tea for 2-3 weeks. The results of the study surprised even the doctors! The fact that tea really helps to cope with problems of the stomach, intestines and other organs was noted by all participants without exception. Most of them felt significant relief the very next day after starting to use the tea. More than 82% of the subjects completely relieved the pain that tormented them (both acute and “pulling”). Almost all of them recovered from the early stages of the disease, and significant progress has been made in the treatment of advanced diseases. None of the currently known remedies for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can boast of such high efficiency!

Monastic (church) tea (collection) composition

Belarusian monastery tea: how it heals

Monastic tea from Belarus for stomach diseases, helps with:

  1. Chronic gastritis
  2. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
  3. Colitis of any etiology
  4. Bacterial and fungal intestinal infections
  5. Poisoning with poisons, medicines, alcohol
  6. Problems with stool (constipation and diarrhea)
  7. Enzyme deficiency
  8. Flatulence
  9. Intestinal dysbiosis
  10. As well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach tea includes 9 medicinal herbs and is truly universal remedy for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Tea therapy helps to cope with such terrible diseases as ulcers, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, stool problems, etc.

When we have problems, gastrointestinal diseases destroy the body, and when everything is fine, the body comes into tone. That is, the entire system directly affects the state of the body. And this connection helps fight the disease as effectively as possible.

Monastic collection for gastrointestinal diseases: how it works

And how does it work, any sane person will ask? The explanation is not complicated. Tea therapy, with the help of specific substances and antioxidants, affects certain receptors that are responsible for its regeneration and performance. Information about diseased cells is “rewritten” to healthy ones. As a result, the body begins the healing process, namely, it returns, as we say, to the “point of health.”

At the moment, there is only one center that collects and sells this “Monastery Tea” - this is a small monastery in Belarus. They talk about him a lot both on our channel and on others. And for good reason! This is not just any ordinary tea, but a unique mixture of the rarest and most powerful natural healing substances. This tea has proven its effectiveness not only to patients, but also to science, which has recognized it as an effective drug. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract go away in 10-15 days, as studies have shown. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions in the method!

Monastic tea gastric composition and recipe

Monastic stomach tea consists of 10 medicinal herbs, which in themselves, individually, are beneficial for the stomach, esophagus and intestines. In combination, they act synergistically, due to which tea is so highly effective. Stomach tea is made according to an old monastery recipe; people have been treated this way since ancient times and, as is known, were healthier than our contemporaries.

In addition to the immediate health benefits, this tea It also supplies the body with beneficial microelements. Can be used for both treatment and prevention of ulcers. There is only one limitation on use - intolerance to one or another component included in the tea.

First of all, health. I also want to remind you that under no circumstances should you start an ulcer. Over time, without treatment, it will only become larger and the pain will intensify and become more frequent. The ulcer must be treated. And if for some reason you don’t want to go to the doctor, then at least treat it at home. Monastic stomach tea has helped many, which means it will help you too!

Monastery tea: its peculiarity

  1. Completely natural, does not contain chemicals, only parts of medicinal plants
  2. Does not harm health, unlike synthetic tablets
  3. The herbs that make up the tea are collected by hand in ecologically clean areas and dried using special technology.
  4. Recommended by doctors, it allows you to get rid of diseases with health benefits, does not cause side effects
  5. Has an aromatic infusion, can be used instead of regular tea Certified, tested product with clinically proven effectiveness
  6. Stomach tea is made according to a monastery recipe.
  7. This is exactly how remedies were prepared for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, which have been used since ancient times in Rus' and help very well!

Almost every second person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of diseases are many: stressful situations, frequent use medicines, starvation, improper diets, infectious diseases and many others.

To treat diseases, regardless of the cause that caused them, a unique stomach tea was created according to a monastic recipe. The history of the appearance of the healing collection goes back many centuries.

The monastic recipe for stomach tea was invented by monks by selecting various herbs and proportions. The result was a real miracle cure that cured many ailments.

Let's turn to the proven folk remedy and help our stomach get rid of all diseases!

Undeniable benefits

Monastic stomach tea has many healing properties. The proportions of herbs are chosen incredibly effectively. The composition includes only natural ingredients with tannins, a number of vitamins, minerals, amino acids - everything that the body needs in the treatment of diseases of the intestines and stomach.

When applied, the decoction has a quick and effective treatment: metabolism and peristalsis improve, mucous membranes are completely restored.

All herbs included in its composition are collected in ecologically clean areas. The unique formula quickly eliminates the symptoms of diseases, affects the causes that caused them, which leads to rapid recovery even in case of relapses. There are no contraindications only if you are allergic to any of the herbs.

What does this miraculous collection contain?


Buy tea is not difficult, it is important to prepare it correctly so that it brings maximum benefit. It is important to adhere correct proportions and recommendations.

  1. For one serving of the drink, take 1 teaspoon of the healing mixture.
  2. The drink should be brewed in porcelain or ceramic containers.
  3. The herbs are poured with 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. The dishes are not covered, but simply left to infuse for 10 minutes.
  5. Finally, the decoction is filtered and consumed warm.

It is not recommended to heat Monastic tea, as it loses many of its properties. You should drink two to three cups a day aromatic drink. The course of treatment is 21 days; similarly, tea is drunk for preventive purposes. After a week, treatment can be repeated. For advanced diseases, you will need to take several such courses.

Composition and application

Monastic stomach tea is understandable. But, the main thing is its truly fantastic power, which works real miracles! Are you interested , where can I buy such an effective decoction? Just follow the link and place your order.


Yana, 28 years old: “When I was a student, I ate haphazardly, often only eating once at night. The result is gastritis, then erosion and ulcers. Naturally, I didn’t go to the doctors. A year ago, I began to experience unbearable pain, and the attacks practically did not stop. The gastroenterologist recommended Monastic stomach tea to me. On the second day I felt that the pain had almost stopped. I took three courses and was completely cured!”

Anatoly, 44 years old: “I was diagnosed with pancreatitis and gastritis. My frequent business trips led to this. As a result, he ended up in the hospital. After treatment it became easier, but over time the attacks began again. An experienced nurse advised me to drink this decoction. I drank delicious drink and I realized that it was getting easier for me. The disease has subsided, there have been no attacks for more than two years!”

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are becoming more common. Adults and children, men and women suffer from them.

The most common the reason for this is poor nutrition: violation of the eating schedule, consumption of a large number of difficult-to-digest foods, chemical additives, lack of the proper amount of liquid in food - dry food.

Stress is a significant factor. Nerves and fatigue from work lead the body to exhaustion and inability to perform its duties.

All this contributes to the development of gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, constipation, colitis, etc. Medications V in this case often harm, or even not assigned at all. But natural preparations are the best way to help cope with diseases and improve the overall level of health.

Monastic tea: treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

The product consists 100% of herbs growing in the Russian Federation. They are devoid of poisons and toxins, and therefore are allowed for consumption even by children and the elderly. Detailed composition monastery tea with a description of each ingredient is located below. Now look at the diseases that it cures and alleviates this drink:

Colitis- inflammation of the mucous membrane in the colon, accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, loss of strength;

Gastritis - dangerous disease, also associated with disruption of the mucous membrane and blood circulation. Capable of developing into chronic stages;

Stomach ulcers- wounds on the inner walls of the intestine. Can cause excruciating suffering if you do not take the right food and drinks;

Intestinal dyspepsia- the stomach is unable to digest food. Many bacteria develop in it, which leads to constipation, diarrhea, unpleasant odor from mouth.

Monastery tea will also help against everyday ailments such as flatulence, will strengthen gastrointestinal immunity. It is useful for children to drink as a preventive measure. from worms.

Brief history of the recipe

Monastery tea has existed for over 500 years. Little is known about its origin, but over the centuries the recipe for the drink was passed down through the servants of various temples, the first of which is considered to be Solovetsky monastery.

It was there that the oldest manuscript was found, describing the method of preparation and containing a partial list of herbs - elecampane root, St. John's wort, oregano, rosehip. Sometimes added regular tea. Over time, the recipe was improved by servants of other temples.

Tea recipe from Tolga Monastery

Pharmacies often sell monastery teas made from 3-4 plants like rose hips, chamomile, etc. They are also useful, but the effect is much lower, and they may be aimed at the wrong organs. The official store presents a collection of tea from 9 components, which received best reviews from specialists and ordinary consumers.

The composition was developed by the servants of the Tolga Monastery. The properties of each element are described in detail below, but for now you can look at the procedure for collecting herbs performed by the novices of the temple.

The abundance of vitamin C, flavonoids, phytoncides and mineral salts has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. The component is a mild diuretic, therefore it effectively cleanses the insides of toxins.

It contains ascorbic acid, talicins and carotene. The flowers of the plant do an excellent job of destroying bacteria and increasing the secretion of gastric juice.

A drink made from them calms nervous system, reducing the likelihood of developing stomach diseases due to stress.

They have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. The properties are very similar to currant leaves, and therefore complement them well both in taste and chemical characteristics.

A storehouse of vitamins and elements (B3, A, C, PP). In addition to them, the composition contains alkaloids and oils. The latter envelop the stomach, eliminating discomfort during the course of diseases.

Blooming Sally

There's a lot in it useful substances- copper, nickel, titanium, boron, molybdenum. There is calcium, the lack of which leads to pain in the teeth and brittle bones.

Helps eliminate flatulence and diarrhea. Today it is widely used in medicine for the production of teas, decoctions and oils.

Promotes the resorption of gallstones and removal of ulcers. Due to its ability to heal wounds, it is also used as an ingredient in external compresses and ointments.

The element eliminates spasms and pain in the intestinal area. It helps bacteria digest difficult-to-digest foods.

In addition to its ability to remove toxins and cleanse the walls of the stomach, this plant helps strengthen respiratory system body.

An excellent tonic that improves blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and adds flavor light drink and fresh.

The presented recipe is truly balanced and outperforms most options sold on the market. In the official store you can buy tea made in strict adherence to the technology of the Tolga Monastery.

Doctors' opinions

Elena Mikhailovna (56 years old, gastroenterologist, Omsk)

I’ll say for sure that with serious diseases like stomach ulcers, you need to see a doctor, since in some cases you will need to follow a diet, and sometimes the intervention of surgeons.

Sergey Vartanovich (54 years old, gastroenterologist, Novorossiysk)

I can safely recommend monastery tea to patients with flatulence, gastritis, and constipation. People who want to improve their overall health will especially benefit from drinking it on a regular basis.

There are no harmful herbs in it, so even with ulcers you can drink the drink. It will especially help people with spasms and pain.

You should not apply the fee, refusing the services of modern medicine. Be sure to undergo examinations, as in advanced forms of the disease more aggressive methods may be needed. And you can’t delay with them.

Test purchase

Alexey Morozov (37 years old, military man, Moscow)

I started having stomach problems when I was 28 years old. I haven’t gone to the doctors and I don’t have any desire to. I suffered from heartburn, gastritis and a number of other unpleasant conditions. I ordered tea on this site. It arrived quickly. The packaging is well done. It’s dense, which means nothing will get in from the outside. There were large elements inside - no dust.

I opened it and filled it with water at 60-70 degrees so that the beneficial properties do not disappear. After a couple of seconds I felt a pleasant aroma that awakened my appetite. The taste was also pleasing.

I started drinking 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. Sometimes I used it during the day. After 2-3 weeks it was possible to judge the effect - there was no heartburn at all. Spasms still occurred, but extremely weak and insignificant. What do I want to say? The result is obvious. I've been drinking for 2 months now. Extremely pleased with how I feel.

Where is the best place to buy
