The composition of the monastery gastric tea from an ulcer. Monastic stomach tea - recipe, composition and proper use

Diseases gastrointestinal tract(GIT) are becoming more frequent. Adults and children, men and women suffer from them.

The most frequent The reason for this is malnutrition.: violation of the diet, the use of a large number of indigestible dishes, chemical additives, the lack of the proper amount of liquid in food - dry food.

Stress is a significant factor. Nerves, fatigue from work leads the body to exhaustion and inability to perform its duties.

All this contributes to the development of gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, constipation, colitis, etc. Medications in this case often harm, or even not assigned at all. But natural fees are the best way to help cope with diseases and improve overall health.

Monastic tea: treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

The product is 100% composed of herbs growing in the territory of the Russian Federation. They are devoid of poisons and toxins, and therefore are allowed to be used even by children and the elderly. Detailed composition monastery tea with a description of each ingredient is located below. Now look at the diseases that cure and alleviate this drink:

Colitis- inflammation of the mucosa in the colon, accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, loss of strength;

Gastritis - dangerous disease, also associated with disruption of the mucosa and blood circulation. Able to go into chronic stages;

stomach ulcers- wounds on the inner walls of the intestines. They can cause excruciating suffering if you do not take the right food, drinks;

Intestinal dyspepsia- the stomach is not able to digest food. It develops many bacteria, which leads to constipation, diarrhea, bad smell from mouth.

Monastic tea will also help with household ailments like flatulence, strengthen gastrointestinal immunity. It is useful for children to drink as a prophylactic. from worms.

Brief history of the recipe

Monastic tea has existed for over 500 years. Little is known about its origin, but for centuries the recipe for the drink was passed down through the ministers of various temples, the first of which is considered to be Solovetsky monastery.

It was in it that the oldest manuscript was found, describing the method of preparation and containing a partial list of herbs - elecampane root, St. John's wort, oregano, dog rose. Sometimes regular tea was added. Over time, the recipe was improved by ministers of other temples.

Tea recipe from Tolga Monastery

Pharmacies often sell monastery teas made from 3-4 plants like rose hips, chamomile, etc. They are also useful, but the effect is much lower, and may be directed to the wrong organs. The official store presents a collection of tea from 9 components, which received best reviews from professionals and ordinary consumers.

The composition was developed by the servants of the Tolga Monastery. The properties of each element are described in detail below, but for now you can look at the procedure for collecting herbs carried out by the novices of the temple.

The abundance of vitamin C, flavonoids, phytoncides and mineral salts has a beneficial effect on bowel function. The component is a mild diuretic, therefore it effectively cleanses the insides of toxins.

It contains ascorbic acid, talicins and carotene. The flowers of the plant do an excellent job of killing bacteria and increase the secretion of gastric juice.

A drink from them calms the nervous system, reducing the likelihood of developing stomach diseases due to stress.

They have an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. By properties, they are very similar to currant leaves, and therefore complement them well both in taste and in chemical characteristics.

A storehouse of vitamins and elements (B3, A, C, PP). In addition to them, alkaloids and oils are present in the composition. The latter envelop the stomach, eliminating discomfort during the course of diseases.

Blooming Sally

It has a lot useful substances- copper, nickel, titanium, boron, molybdenum. There is calcium, the lack of which leads to pain in the teeth, brittle bones.

Helps eliminate flatulence, diarrhea. Today it is widely used in medicine for the manufacture of teas, decoctions and oils.

Promotes resorption of gallstones, removal of ulcers. Due to its ability to heal wounds, it is also used as an ingredient in external compresses and ointments.

The element eliminates spasms and pains in the intestinal area. It helps bacteria digest hard-to-digest food.

In addition to its ability to remove toxins and cleanse the walls of the stomach, this plant helps to strengthen respiratory system organism.

An excellent tonic that improves blood circulation in the digestive tract. Imposes an anti-inflammatory effect and makes the taste drink light and fresh.

The presented recipe is truly balanced and outperforms most of the options on the market. In the official store you can buy tea made in strict compliance with the technology of the Tolga Monastery.

Doctors' opinions

Elena Mikhailovna (56 years old, gastroenterologist, Omsk)

I’ll say for sure that with serious diseases like stomach ulcers, you need to see a doctor, since in some cases diets will be required, and sometimes the intervention of surgeons.

Sergey Vartanovich (54 years old, gastroenterologist, Novorossiysk)

I can safely recommend monastery tea to patients with flatulence, gastritis, and constipation. People who want to improve their overall health will especially benefit from drinking it on a regular basis.

There are no harmful herbs in it, therefore, even with ulcers, it is allowed to drink a drink. It will especially help people with spasms and pains.

You should not apply the fee, refusing the services of modern medicine. Be sure to undergo examinations, as with advanced forms of the disease, more aggressive methods may be needed. And you can't mess with them.

Test purchase

Alexey Morozov (37 years old, military man, Moscow)

My stomach problems started at the age of 28. I didn’t go to the doctors and I don’t burn with desire. He suffered from heartburn, gastritis and a number of other unpleasant conditions. I ordered tea from this site. It came quickly. The packaging is well done. Dense, so nothing will fall from the side. Inside were large elements - no dust.

I opened it, filled it with water at 60-70 degrees, so that the useful properties would not disappear. After a couple of seconds, I felt the aroma, pleasant and awakening the appetite. The taste was also pleasing.

I started drinking 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. Sometimes used during the day. After 2-3 weeks it was possible to judge the effect - there was no heartburn at all. Spasms still occurred, but extremely weak and insignificant. What do I want to say? Result on the face. I've been drinking for 2 months now. Extremely happy with the feeling.

Where is the best place to buy

“A miracle is only a miracle because it does not actually happen,” wrote the great Anatole France. But it is human nature to believe in miracles, especially when it comes to healing from ailments. Having lost faith in the possibilities of medicine, he is looking for a "magic" panacea. An example of such a miracle remedy is the monastery stomach tea, which has been famous for a dozen years as a brand that cures all diseases of the stomach.

The production and distribution of tea in the CIS has gained impressive proportions. Some attribute this to its high efficiency, generating great demand, while others see it as another trick of marketing companies in pursuit of profit. Which of them is right - let's try to figure it out on the basis of an objective assessment of this sensational miracle drink.

The name "monastic" is directly related to the history of the origin of tea. Reliable sources say that it was first invented by hermit monks who lived in the Solovetsky, now the Transfiguration Monastery in the middle of the 15th century. The conditions of reclusive life had a negative impact on health, and the monks looked for healing herbs from mother nature that would help strengthen it, dried them and prepared them for the winter.

As a result, a collection of plants was born, the recipe of which is still kept on the original manuscript in the monastery as “monastic tea”, it is quite simple and includes the following ingredients:

This is the original of the drink, the other composition of the story is unknown. It was used to treat colds, gastric disorders, tuberculosis, general malaise, to increase strength.

Modern recipe for gastric monastic tea

For the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, gastric tea is used, made according to the monastic recipe, according to the manufacturers. It contains 8 ingredients:

  • peppermint leaf;
  • marsh cudweed herb;
  • hypericum herb;
  • horsetail grass;
  • wormwood grass;
  • calendula flowers;
  • flax seed;
  • dog-rose fruit.

As you can see, tea has retained only one ingredient from its historical ancestor - rose hips. But from the point of view traditional medicine, the selection of ingredients is excellent, and all of them are used in the treatment of stomach diseases.

Indications and rules of preparation

Due to its balanced composition, gastric tea has the following effect: it reduces pain and cramps in the stomach, relieves heartburn, reduces inflammation, helps normalize gastric secretion, improves digestion, and restores the mucous membrane. It is recommended for acute and chronic gastritis, duodenitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammation and bloating, food poisoning, metabolic disorders.

The composition of tea and the method of application are indicated on the packaging, if it is original. It is brewed like ordinary tea, pouring 1 teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and letting it brew for half an hour. How much, at what time and how often to take tea depends on the nature of gastric secretion, this issue should be discussed with the doctor.


Manufacturers of gastrointestinal tea claim that it has no contraindications. However, experts in the field of medicine warn that in some cases it can have an adverse effect on health:

  • in the acute phase of gastritis;
  • with complications peptic ulcer- gastric bleeding, perforation, pyloric stenosis;
  • at high concentration hydrochloric acid in gastric juice;
  • in allergic conditions, intolerance to ingredients;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with heart and kidney failure;
  • children under 12 years old.

People with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, glaucoma should take tea with caution. The question of the possibility of drinking a drink should always be agreed with a gastroenterologist.

Possible side effects

From the advent side effects not a single remedy is insured, whether it belongs to traditional or folk medicine. Monastic tea, used to treat the stomach, is also no exception. And although it is based only on proven natural ingredients, there may be undesirable effects associated with the peculiarity of the action of individual ingredients:

If the collection is prepared without respecting the proportion of its components, intoxication may occur in the form of vomiting, headache. This happens with an excess of St. John's wort and elecampane, which contain toxic substances.

Who is the manufacturer, where to buy and what is the price?

The main suppliers of natural raw materials for tea production are the Russian LLC Megan 200, Soyuztorg, Resurstorg, Afiva, Berezovy Mir and others. And there are a great many tea producers in all CIS countries where raw materials are supplied. finished products The manufacturer sells through herbal stores, online pharmacies and various shopping websites.

Stomach tea prepared according to the monastic recipe is not sold in pharmacies of the state pharmacopoeia. The issue of its certification by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is still open, but the declaration customs union on the conformity of goods suppliers have. Therefore, the question of trust in the manufacturer and the seller also remains open.

It should be borne in mind that not all online sellers offer a product with its true composition, and it is very problematic to determine it in a dry mixture of herbs. There are official sales sites, but their responsibility for quality is doubtful.

The price of 1 package of monastery tea for the stomach, according to its official online sellers, is 990-1000 rubles. But among the many offers of this product, there is a higher cost, reaching 4,000 rubles. This is a clear overstatement, and the likelihood that the composition is questionable.

Useful video

What is important to know about buying monastic tea and other similar products is voiced in this video.

Is it worth buying at all?

Before relying on healing tea, you should think carefully and weigh all the arguments, both in favor and against it. Undoubtedly, its composition is very good, and the role of traditional medicine in the treatment of gastric diseases cannot be belittled. And this is perhaps the only argument in favor of this drug.

There are many more negative points that should be looked at soberly, taking off rose-colored glasses:

There are diseases that every person can suffer, regardless of age and social status. The most common are gastritis, which in most cases is not cured completely, but goes into a chronic stage. The next stage of its development is a stomach or duodenal ulcer. stop this negative development situations may regular use gastric collection developed by Belarusian monks.

The composition of the monastery gastric tea includes a large amount medicinal herbs, the volume ratio of which is strictly maintained when packing each pack of this unique, healing drink. This multi-component herbal tea, subject to its regular and prolonged use, successfully fights most ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to normalize the acid-base environment and minimize the likelihood of an exacerbation of existing diseases.

In addition, monastery stomach tea includes herbs that help relieve stress. After all, it is he who is one of the causes of the occurrence and development of gastritis. A big plus of this medicinal drink is that both adults and children can drink it. Any age limit on the use of the healing Belarusian monastery collection, which helps with stomach ulcers and other diseases of the housing and communal services, does not exist.

Monastic stomach tea is an effective preventive and beneficial remedy

Gastritis and stomach ulcers are diseases that are interconnected. Rather, if you start the first, then the second will develop. The causes of these ailments, medical scientists include the following factors that can affect the state of the body both in a complex and individually:

  • Binge eating. It entails a significant increase in the secretion of gastric juice, which negatively affects the walls of this organ. Minor cracks begin to form on them, which subsequently develop into bleeding sores. If you drink the Belarusian monastery gastric collection, then this problem can be avoided. This becomes possible due to the fact that it contains flax seed, which, when correct brewing secretes specific substances that envelop the walls of the stomach.
  • Consumption of food products Low quality containing in in large numbers emulsifiers and preservatives. This category also includes foodstuffs that have already expired. Expired foods are poison to the human stomach, even if they look and taste completely normal and safe. If you still use them for cooking, then you should take care to reduce the likelihood of developing gastrointestinal diseases. An effective prophylactic is monastic stomach tea developed by Belarusian monks.
  • Frequent use alcoholic beverages adversely affect the walls of the stomach. The systematic drinking of alcohol in abnormal amounts on an empty stomach leads to an increase in the acidity of the environment and the development of an ulcer.
  • Predilection for dishes containing a large amount of spices, as well as canned food, smoked meats. Monastic herbal tea will help cleanse the body of harmful substances and strengthen it.
  • Irregular meals. This refers to the situation when a person skips breakfast and lunch, or is content with just a cup of coffee and a sandwich, and eats a huge portion of food at dinner. Such malnutrition negatively affects the entire gastrointestinal tract. Help reduce stress on organs healing drink- Belarusian monastery tea. It contains a large number of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
  • Taking medications that negatively affect the state of housing and communal services. These drugs include not only antibiotics, but also such “harmless” at first glance medicines as aspirin, iodine-containing substances, etc.
  • Strong stress. In most cases, it is accompanied by either an almost complete lack of appetite, or overeating. This leads to the development of gastritis, the appearance of pain in the stomach. Daily drinking of the monastic gastric collection will help reduce discomfort. This herbal tea contains a large number of components, which provides a multi-profile effect of the drink.
  • The presence of diseases that can pose a threat normal operation Housing and communal services. These diseases include caries and many other diseases. oral cavity, chronic infectious diseases, for example, tuberculosis, papillomavirus, sinusitis and many others.

The composition of the Belarusian monastery gastrointestinal tea (collection)

Healing multi-component gastric tea (collection), which was developed by Belarusian monks, effectively fights many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, due to its unique composition:

  • Flax seeds. They have long been used to relieve stomach pain. A decoction of them very quickly removes all manifestations of gastritis. A positive effect is ensured due to the fact that the substances secreted by flax seeds, which are part of the healing monastery collection, envelop the walls of the stomach. This provides reliable protection against acids and other irritants.
  • Yarrow. The active ingredients are tannins. Their action provides anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. This means that after drinking a cup of monastic gastric herbal tea, irritation disappears from the walls of the organ, and existing cracks and wounds heal in less time.
  • Petals of calendula flowers. Due to the excellent anti-inflammatory properties of this useful plant, it can be found in many healing fees. The gastric Belarusian monastery tea was no exception. In addition, calendula petals are a natural antiseptic that helps to effectively eliminate the physical manifestations of gastritis and prevent it from developing into a stomach ulcer. That's not all positive properties this weed. It stimulates the immune system, which begins to actively fight many ailments, including the formation of tumors of various etiologies. Diaphoretic effect ensures the removal of salts from the body.
  • Pharmaceutical camomile. This plant has long been used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the housing and communal services. It relieves pain, helps cleanse the body of harmful substances, and has a general strengthening effect.
  • Oregano. It not only normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system. Its presence in the monastic collection, which helps with pain in the stomach, allows you to simultaneously deal with several reasons for their appearance.
  • Peppermint. This medicinal plant affects various functions of the body. It calms the nervous system during stress, reduces the manifestation of migraines, has a weak sedative effect, which increases with regular intake of the collection. In addition, this plant improves the condition of the oral cavity and has many other properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. Peppermint is also present in the Belarusian monastery gastric collection, which is now drunk by many people with utilities diseases. Due to its presence, a multiprofile effect on the body is provided.
  • Sushenitsa marsh (marsh). She is effective tool from heartburn, that is, from the manifestations of gastritis. The big advantage of this plant is that even with low acidity, its effect does not inhibit the action of secretory functions. True, this effect from the use of the monastery gastric collection from the Belarusian monks begins to appear only after prolonged use of the drink. It is impossible to see it earlier than in a month, since the effect is carried out at a rather slow speed.
  • Motherwort. It is a recognized sedative and has been used for many decades. traditional medicine. Its positive effect is observed after a few weeks of taking the drink. The big plus of the gastric monastic collection is that this tea has a very affordable price, unlike tableted products.
  • Immortelle. It has a choleretic effect. Thanks to natural ingredients, it happens very gently and does not have negative results. It should be taken into account that the presence of immortelle in the gastric Belarusian monastery collection contributes to a slight increase blood pressure. That is why herbal tea should be treated as a tool that helps to cope with the symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, and not simple drink, which can be drunk without any restrictions.
  • Willow bark. This ingredient helps to neutralize the excessively strong effects of cudweed marshmallow. In addition, it contains active substances have a pronounced antiviral effect. This helps to significantly reduce the influence of mediated factors on the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It can be argued that the monastic collection, developed by Belarusian monks in famous monasteries, is an effective auxiliary in improving well-being and a preventive measure for a large number of various diseases. That is why doctors prescribe it as a maintenance drink when using antibiotics and other medicines having negative impact on the human body generally.

The action of the Belarusian monastery tea for the stomach

The multicomponent composition of the gastric collection provides a beneficial effect on almost every system of the body. This drink removes salts, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, gives a powerful impetus to the immune system in the fight against various diseases. It is very important to strictly follow the instructions for admission and the recipe for preparation. Due to the fact that the drink contains highly effective medicinal herbs, this collection can replace many medical preparations. However, this does not make herbal tea hazardous to health. For getting positive effect you need to follow the recipe and drink the infusion, not exceeding the daily allowance.

The history of the Belarusian monastery gastric collection

Since ancient times, the monks of the monasteries have helped suffering people. They came from all over the area, in search of help in the fight against various ailments. For many centuries, the collection recipes have been improved and complicated. If earlier not only the monks themselves, but also herbalists could be engaged in the preparation of herbs, now, due to the poor state of the environment, they do not trust this to anyone.

And yet, how were the very first collections of gastric monastic herbal tea developed? Their recipe is an experience huge amount healers who healed all people who came for help. These herbalists were very devout and often took monastic vows in the twilight of their lives and became monks. Since ancient times, Belarusian monasteries have been famous for their healers. Even from neighboring states came to them for help. Over time, the knowledge gained was systematized. Recorded recipes and the results of their application were subjected to rigorous analysis. As a result, the most favorable combination was found useful herbs and the ratio of their number to each other.

The recipe for the preparation of monastery gastric tea (collection)

Despite the fact that the Belarusian gastric monastic collection contains a significant amount of medicinal herbs, even a child can cope with its brewing. You need to take 1 teaspoon of the dry composition and pour it into 200 gr. boiling water. After that, the container must be wrapped with a towel and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Everything, the healing drink is ready to drink. It must be taken 3-4 times a day, unlike most other Belarusian monastery healing teas.

With increased acidity, the drink is drunk before meals, and with low acidity, after. Due to the fact that chamomile is included in the gastric phyto collection of the monastery, it is advisable to lie down for 5-10 minutes after drinking the drink. And alternately turning to the left and right side.

Buy (order) monastic tea (collection) from osteochondrosis

Only here you can buy real Belarusian monastery tea for the gastrointestinal tract.

In the Research Institute of Gastroenterology, leading experts conducted research on the properties of "Monastic Gastric Tea". As a result of a month-long study of a group of volunteers of 42 people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The following results were obtained:

  1. An acceleration of regeneration processes was noted in 36 volunteers.
  2. A significant improvement in the general well-being and mood of patients was established. Improving metabolic processes in the body
  3. In men after 30 years, there was an improvement in potency and an increase in libido.

Buy monastery tea for the stomach

On the Internet, mass fakes of monastery stomach tea appeared. Scammers, taking advantage of the popularity of our fees, send people fake products.

Original products are supplied only by Green Dubrava LLC. Only a church shop can sell it. We give a full description of the products, no more, and links to purchase. Everything else is fake and has no medicinal properties and harmful your health. Do not trust your money and health to scammers!

Monastic tea for ulcers and gastritis

Full-scale clinical studies of gastric tea were conducted in 2013. In total, more than 1000 volunteers with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract participated in them. All of them took gastric tea for 2-3 weeks. The results of the study surprised even doctors! The fact that tea really helps to cope with the problems of the stomach, intestines and other organs was noted by all the participants without exception. Most of them felt significant relief the very next day after starting to use the tea. In more than 82% of the subjects, the pains that tormented them completely disappeared (both acute and “pulling”). Nearly all of them have recovered from the disease in the early stages, and there has been significant progress in the treatment of advanced diseases. None of the currently known means for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can boast of such high efficiency!

Monastic (church) tea (collection) composition

Belarusian monastery tea: how it heals

Monastic tea from Belarus from gastric diseases, helps with:

  1. Chronic gastritis
  2. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum
  3. Colitis of any etiology
  4. Bacterial and fungal intestinal infections
  5. poisoning, medicines, alcohol
  6. Problems with the stool (constipation and diarrhea)
  7. Enzymatic deficiency
  8. flatulence
  9. Intestinal dysbacteriosis
  10. As well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach tea includes 9 medicinal herbs and is truly universal remedy for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Tea therapy helps to cope with such terrible diseases as ulcers, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, stool problems, etc.

When we have problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract destroy the body, and when everything is fine, the body comes into tone. That is, the whole system directly affects the state of the body. And this connection helps to fight the disease as effectively as possible.

Monastic collection from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: how it works

And how does it work, any sane person will ask? The explanation is not difficult. Tea therapy, with the help of specific substances and antioxidants, affects certain receptors that are responsible for its regeneration and performance. There is a "rewriting" of information about diseased cells to healthy ones. As a result, the body begins the process of healing, namely, it returns, as we say, to the "point of health".

At the moment, there is the only center that collects and sells this "Monastic Tea" - this is a small monastery in Belarus. There is a lot of talk about him both on our channel and on others. And not in vain! This is not some simple tea, but a unique blend of the rarest and most powerful natural healing substances. This tea proved its effectiveness not only to patients, but also to science, which recognized it as an effective drug. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract go away in 10-15 days, studies have shown. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions in the methodology!

Monastic tea gastric composition and recipe

Monastic stomach tea consists of 10 medicinal herbs, which in themselves, individually, are good for the stomach, esophagus and intestines. In combination, they act synergistically, due to which the tea has such high efficiency. Stomach tea is made according to an old monastic recipe, so people have been treated since ancient times and, as you know, were healthier than our contemporaries.

In addition to the direct healing effect, given tea It also supplies the body with useful trace elements. It can be used both for the treatment and prevention of ulcers. There is only one restriction on the use - intolerance to one or another component that is part of the tea.

First of all, health. I also want to remind you that in no case should you start an ulcer. Over time, without treatment, it will only get bigger and the pain will intensify and become more frequent. The ulcer must be treated. And if for some reason you do not want to go to the doctor, then at least treat her at home. Monastic stomach tea has helped many, and therefore it will help you too!

Monastic tea: its peculiarity

  1. 100% natural, no chemicals, only parts medicinal plants
  2. Does not harm health, unlike synthetic tablets
  3. The herbs that make up the tea are handpicked in ecologically clean areas and dried using a special technology.
  4. Recommended by doctors, allows you to get rid of diseases with health benefits, does not cause side effects
  5. Has a fragrant infusion, can be used instead regular tea Certified, tested, clinically proven product
  6. Stomach tea is made according to the monastic recipe.
  7. This is how preparations for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases were prepared, which have been used in Russia since ancient times and help very well!

Stomach tea, prepared according to a monastery recipe, is a help for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Such a drink can be used both as a therapy (except for the period of exacerbation), and as a prophylactic. To prepare it, you need to follow the instructions and combine herbs correctly. Before using tea, it is necessary to take into account the existing contraindications.

The action of tea

Gastric (green) tea helps to cope with various diseases of the digestive system. The drink is indicated for pancreatitis. It is also recommended to use it for:

Herbal collection improves metabolism, delays the exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system. Stomach tea has the following effects:

  • reduction of pain in the intestines and stomach;
  • increase the effectiveness of the hormone insulin;
  • health promotion, immune system person;
  • saturation of the body nutrients(minerals and vitamins);
  • prevention diabetes and diseases of the urinary system, pancreas;
  • improvement of intestinal motility.

Useful properties of components

The components that make up the tea act in a complex way, improving intestinal motility and digestion. The following properties of the ingredients of the drink are noted:

Ingredients and preparation

You can make your own tea. Raw materials are purchased at a pharmacy, from herbalists and herbalists or grown on your own.The composition of tea includes the following components:

  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • field horsetail;
  • flax seeds;
  • peppermint;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • marsh dryer;
  • sagebrush;
  • yarrow flowers.

Green tea should be brewed immediately before drinking. Each serving is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of dry raw materials must be poured into a glass boiled water(+90°C) and let it brew for about 10-20 minutes.

The course of treatment or prevention is from 2 to 4 weeks 2 times a year. You should drink 2-3 cups per day. Apply 30 minutes before meals. Improvements are noticeable already on the 2nd day after using the tea.

If desired, the following auxiliary components can be added to the drink, which have a positive effect on the digestive organs:

  • fennel;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • plantain leaf.